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August 15, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-15

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Y, AU(

Woman's Face, Ah, Er---Figure
Are Own Business, Says Navy

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 14.-What a
woman does with her face and her-
ah, er-figure is her own business,
the Navy maintains, and Lt. Com-
mander Mildred H. McAfee, com-
FDR L duds
Atl antic Pact
As War Goal
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(A)-
President Roosevelt hailed the At-
lantic Charter, on its first annivers-
ary today, as the basis of a just and
happy post-war world.
It was one year ago today that he
and Prime Minister Winston Chur-
chill, meeting on a warship in the
north Atlantic, signed that historic
document. It was a joint expression
of the principles for which Britain
was fighting and on which the
United States, then a non-belliger-
ent, was helping that nation.
Its eight bases for a post-war set-
tlement were:
No territorial gains.
No territorial changes except as
approved by the people affected.
Respect for the rights of all people
to choose their own forms of govern-
Equal access by all nations to
world trade and raw materials.
Full international economic collab-
The establishment of a peace as-
suring the safety of all nations, and
their freedom from want and fear.
Freedom of the seas.
Abandonment of the use of force
by the nations, and the disarmament
of those threatening aggression.
Reaffirming this declaration, Mr.
Roosevelt said today in a message to
"We shall stand shoulder to shoul-
der in seeking to nourish the ideals
for which we fight. It is a worthwhile
battle. It will be so recognized
through all the ages, even amid the
unfortunate peoples who follow false
gods today.
"We reaffirm our principles. They
will bring us to a happier world."
M' SMervice Men
Photos On Display
In AlumniBuilding
A display of photographs of for-
mer Michigan men now in the armed
forces can be seen at any time of
the day in Altmni Memorial Hall,
T. H. Tapping, alumni secretary, has
The pictures are on the bulletin,
board in the basement hall leading
to the editorial room of the Michi-
gan Alumnus.
The men represent nearly every
branch of service, and some have
high positions as officers. Many are
probably known to students now at-
tending the University, said Tap-

mander of the WAVES, Women's Na-
val Reserve unit, confirms it.
The Navy wants no mutiny in its
feminine ranks and through Com-
mander McAfee states there will be
no rules nor regulations about make-
up and unmentionables.
"We have no rules about makeup,
although we don't want the women
to be conspicuous," Commander Mc-
Afee said in an interview today.
"They are being carefully selected,
and we will rely on their good judg-
ment. Except for the visible uni-
form, there is no regulation as to
what may be worn."\
The commander herself was not
in uniform today. The WAVES' uni-
form, she said, was being designed by
Mainbocher, New York couturier.
"It takes a lot of time to get uni-
forms approved and they are just
not ready yet," she said. "However,
it will be a Navy blue tailored suit.
Officers and enlisted women's uni-
forms will be about the same except
for the hat, buttons and insignia.
Getting stockings of a uniform shade
is one of the difficulties that is hold-
ing up the uniforms. We don't even
know yet what material the stockings
will be, but probably they will be
The hat, she said, would have in-
ter'changeable blue and white tops
and a "havelock," a cover to protect
the hat in rainy weather.
Stop Blackouts,
SSays Jef fries
Would Discontinue Tests
Till PlantsCooperate
DETROIT, Aug. 14.-(AP)-Mayor
Edward J. Jeffries recommended to
Army authorities today that Detroit
discontinue blackouts until war
plants are ready to coordinate their
air-raid protective efforts.
Plants would be safer with all of
Detroit's lights blazing than as tar-
gets singled out in a sea of darkness,
the mayor said in a letter to Maj.-
Gen. George Grunert, head of the
sixth service command in Chicago
who ordered last Wednesday night's
War plants, obeying Army orders,
did not participate in the blackout
and later an Army officer criticized,
Detroit's efforts:
"It seems ridiculous for us to con-
tinue blackouts for civilian practice,
with the Army and Navy doing noth-
ing to indicate that industries en-
gaged in war work could black out
in event of an emergency," Jeffries
"We are now convinced that our
residences, stores, street and traffic
lights can and will be extinguished
in such an emergency,
"It is childish for e to black out
my home that nobody could bomb
except by accident and in the black-
out process identify, in a more effec-
tive way than I can describe, the war
factories-the real, rich prize for

Vespers Group
Will Introduce
Summer Session Chorus
Of 100 Voices To Sing
For EveningGathering
Two compositions, never before
played in Ann Arbor, will feature the
Choral Vespers to be held at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
The University Chorus of the Sum-
mer Session, 100 voices under the
direction of Prof. Maynard Klein,
will combine "Rejoice Beloved Chris-
tians" by Dietrich Buxtehude, a con-
tata for mixed voices, with "The
Peaceable Kingdom" by Randall
The composition of "The Peace-
able Kingdom" was suggested by the
painting of the same title by Edward
Hicks, the Preaching Quaker of

Khaki For Coonskin Cap
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 14- ('P)
-Daniel Boone is going to exchange
his hunting garb for army khaki.
The Tennessee hunter and wildlife
authority, a native of Boonesville and
a direct descendant of Daniel Boone,
the famed frontiersman said today
he had volunteered for the regular
U. S. Army.
He will leave August 22 for Fort
Oglethorpe, Ga., for induction, mak-
ing the fourth of his family to enter
the armed service.
O Pshaw, Shaw!
SHAW FIELD, S. C., Aug. 14.-(A)
-"Ah, pshaw," First Lieut. Eugene
Pressler says, and recounts his mo-
notonous story.
When Pressler was sworn into ser-
vice he left his business at Shaw's
Corner, Philadelphia. A fellow named
Shaw was employed to handle his
He was immediately assigned to
active duty at Shaw Field.
In Sumter he looked for a house
to rent-and found one owned by
E. D. Shaw.
.Then he bought a car in Sumter.
The salesman's name-G. B. Shaw.
* * *
Eleven Straight
SCOTT FIELD, Ill., Aug. 14.-()-
Col. Wolcott P. Hayes, commanding
officer of Scott Field, has something
on the ball.
He has pitched 11 straight victor-
ies fpr the Headquarters 'A' softball
** *
Dimout Blues
14.-(Al)-Driving off in a dim-out,
Mrs. Elizabeth Koch discovered she
had lost her purse containing $100.
She parked her nearly new car and
groped ,in the darkened street for
the handbag.
But she forgot to set the brakes.
The car began rolling, knocked her
down and then plunged over a 25-
foot embankment, landing upside
down-with two shredded tires.
There was a happy ending, though.
A stranger found the purse and re-
turned it.
League's Final Fling
To give the eight week session stu-
defits a gay send-off party the
League is putting on a "Final Fling"
as its Saturday night all-campus
dance, to be held in the ballroom
from 9 to midnight.
The Gordon Hardy Orchestra un-
der leader Doc Spracchlin, the vocal-
izing Harmony Quartet, and the
swingy Dixieland Band will all strive
to create a happy memory for those
soon to leave the University for many
less-favored parts of the continent.



STILL SMILES - Jimmy Foxx,
35-year-old veteran} of 18 big
league baseball seasons and now
with the Chicago Cubs, says he
isn't looking for a manager's job
but would consider an offer.


(Continued from Page 3)

E. Washington St. open every day
except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship-Sunday-10:45
a.m. Union Service with the Chris-
tian Church, and their pastor, the
Reverend Fred Cowin, conducting.
Westminster Student Guild-So-
cial luncheon at 6:15 p.m., followed
by a talk on "Christian Opportunity
in China." The speaker, Mr. Tien,
is teaching in the Oriental Language
Division of 'the University.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-
8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Church Office
Bldg.; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon by the Reverend John
G. Dahl; 5:00 p.m. Student Picnic at
the Saline Valley Farms (Joint pic-
nic with Inter-Racial Association).
Meet at Harris Hall for transporta-
Unitarian Church, State and Huron
No morning service.
8 p.m.-Discussion Group-"Role
of the Citizen on the Home Front."
Report by delegates who attended
Civil Rights convention in Detroit.
Social Hour.
Trinity Lutheran Church Serv-
ices, Rev. H. O. Yoder preaching on
"Look Ahead With God," will be held
Sunday, August 16, at 10:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church services
will be held at 10:30 Sunday, Rev.
Stellhorn speaking on "Before the

10:00 a.m. - Children's Depart-
ments of the Church School.
10:15 a.m.-Adult Classes of the
Church School. The Student Class
meets in the Guild House, 502 East
11:00 a.m.-Morning Church Wor-
ship. Dr. John Mason Wells of Hills-
dale College and former minister of
this church will preach. An activity
program for children is provided
during this period.
7:00 p.m.-The Roger Williams
Guild meets in the Guild House.
Memorial Christian Church (Di-
10:45 a.m. United Service'at the
Presbyterian Church. Rev. Frederick
Cowin will preach.
7:00 p.m. Disciples Guild Social
Hour at the Guild House. All stu-
dents invited. The Guild will attend
the Choral Vesper Service at Hill
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
Christian Fellowship:
Rev. Howard Sugden, Pastor of
the Ganson Street Baptist Church
of Jackson, Michigan, will speak at
the Michigan Christian Fellowship
meeting this Sunday afternoon at
4:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room of
Lane Hall.
Wesley Foundation: The Sunday
morning student class meets in the
Wesley Foundation lounge at 9:30.
This week the topic is "Religious
Counseling," and Mr. Robert Wald-
rup is the leader.
Wesley Foundation: At the regu-
lar Sunday evening meeting, the
Rev. Ralph Dunlop will talk on the
subject: "Are We the Lights?" This
is the second in the August series
on "Religion On the Campus." Sup-

Pennsylvania. The painting illus-
trates Isaiah XI: 6-9, one of his
favorite subjects in preaching and
The composer, Randall Thompson,
is one of the few Americans to have
held both the Prix de Rome and the
Guggenheim Foundation fellowships.
He has' written many symphonic
compositions in the larger forms as
well as a number of choral works.
The influence of Buxtehude is well-
known. Buxtehude's "Abendumisk
was the model for Bach's Chorale
Cantatas, and the influence of the
Lubeck master on all Bach's early
writings is very marked.
Prof. Arthur Hackett will be one
of the soloists in the performance
of "Rejoice Beloved Christians."
Prof. Palmer Christian will be at
the great organ, while the other solo
parts for the evening will be handled
by Delta Dean Doran, mezzo-sopra-
no, Margaret Martin, soprano, Mary
Craigmiles, soprano, Betty Mason,
soprano, and Blair McClosky, bari-
tone and reader.
Pneumonia Ends
Gallant Struggle
Of Fisherwoman
JACKSONVILLE, N. C., Aug. 14.-
W/)-Mrs. C. F. Thompson hardy 32-
year-old fisherwoman, died in the
Marine Base Hospital at New River
today, losing a gallant 10-day strug-
gle for life which began when she
stoically amputated her own foot
with a saw-edged fishing knife.
Pneumonia was the cause of death.
It developed Tuesday night, just
when Mrs. Thompson appeared to
be showing improvement. She was
placed in an oxygen tent yesterday
but her condition became more criti-
cal hourly.
Mrs. Thompson's ankle was badly
mangled when her slacks were caught
in the drive shaft of a motorboat in
which she had gone fishing with a
16-year-old boy hired to operate the
boat. Unable to free her foot, she
took the six-inch fishing knife and
calmly cut it off.
On Campus...
Masters' Breakfast
All students receiving their mas-
ter's degrees this term are urged to
attend the Master's Breakfast Sun-
day at 9 a. m. in the Union Ballroom.
A custom of five years standing,
the breakfast takes the place of com-
mencement for those getting their
master's degree at the summer ses-
sion. Dean Krause and President
Ruthven will speak.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Summer Session office and all guests
must be paid for.
* * *
Intercollegiate Races
Four doughty sailors will fly the
colors of the Michigan Sailing Club
today and tomorrow at the Coast
Guard Academy in New London,
Conn., where the Inter-collegiate
Yacht Racing Association is holding

SIGNED UP - Virginia Chris-
MARINES LAN-Packedinto' a ine of landing barges, U.S. tine, 22, daughter of a Long
Marines move toward their objective as they occupy an Island Beach, Calif., pastor, has signed
somewhere in the southwest Pacific. The barges started from a a film contract after a talent
Naval transport anchored offshore. A Marine combat photographer scout saw her perform in a Hot-
took the picture. lywood Little Theatre.

* #, *

Low Jeel and ~w
Now low heels go everywhere
on the smartest women-
and so do sox!I And they're
choosing Phoenix Casuals
designed for women. Full-
fashioned, fine mercerized
cotton Casuals for suits and
slacks, defense job clothes
and casual cottons. See
them, too, in delightfully
sporty wool mixture
and angora.
69e to
Don't Forget..-
Today is the Last Day of
our Half-Yearly Clearance.
Wonderful Buys in
all Leftover
at Rock-Bottom
We open Monday.at

pictures show two of the charac-
ters in 'This Is the Enemy,' Rus-
sian War Relief film now being
shown. The woman in the upper
picture typifies Russian nurses;
below is a Nazi officer.

MAYORS RIDE SUBWAY - Mayor John F. Carr of Bedford,
Mass., Mayor Maurice J. Tobin of Boston and Mayor Fiorello La-
Guardia (left to right) ride the subway in New York City after
conferring on gasoline and fuel problems.

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