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August 14, 1942 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-14

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Student Senate
RepreseLts All
Men, Women
Campus Vote Determines
Nine Po1icy-Formers
War Staff Is Created
The Student Senate is the only
student governing body on campus
that represents both men and women
and is chosen by unrestricted elec-
Streamlined last spring, the organ-
ization now consists of nine Sena-
tors who form the policies of the or-
ganization and an administrative
staff who carry out the policies. The
former Senate was made up of 30
The main aim of the Senate is to
accelerate the student war effort and
the Senate War Staff acts as coor-
dinator for campus war activity.
Made up of 44 members the board is
willing to aid any organization make
a success of programs for the war
Specialized committees within the
War Staff will be formed so that ser-
vices will be more efficient. Any
freshmen or sophomores interested
in the work this staff is doing are
invited to work. The Daily will an-
nounce meetings for the war staff
Jim Landers, president of the Sen-
ate, said, "Any individual, organiza-
tion or group may feel free to pre-
sent any justified complaint on any
phase of University life to the Sen-
ate and we will consider it."
Elected in April for one year terms
the Senators select administrative di-
rectors who in turn name commit-
tees to work on different projects:.
the selling of defense stamps, labor
conditions on campus and the Sen-
ate's relations with other campus or-
Any freshman, sophomore, junior
or senior, providing he has an eli-
gibility card, may be a candidate for
office. Former activities of the Sen-
ate were the mid-winter parley, the
sale of defense stamps, and the orig-
inating of student loan funds.
Senators are Jim Landers, presi-
dent; Elaine Spangler, secretary;
Lewis Saks, Bill Ager, Dick Orlikoff,
Glen Taylor, Bill Loughborough,
erman Hudson and Sid Brower. Ad-
MIinistrative directors: are Harry
Bayer, Milan Cobble, Betty Willging,
Phyllis Knoell, John MacKinnon
and Richard Rawdon.
LANSING, Aug. 13. -(P)- The
State Department of Agriculture's
foods-and standards inspectors have
been ordered to crack down on vio-
lations of sanitary regulations by
temporary and permanent eating


ew PlanDefers Students Engaged Law Progran
---i Will Continue
In Specialized And Scientific Fields .. .
For Duration


Co-ops Offer
Rooi, Boa rd
At Low Rates
Economic living and -ncrete ex-

Corps Opened
Practical Arny Business
Experience Offered

President Alexander G. Ruthven
has given full support to deferment
for students engaged in specialized
and scientific fields, characterizing
such action as "of great importance
to universities throughout the coun-
His statement was issued following
the release of a bulletin from Brig.-
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of
Selective Service, which recommend-
ed such deferment for students who
have completed two years in these
fields or have begun graduate work.
The bulletin suggested an addi-
tional 60-day deferment beyond
graduation in order that students
"may have an opportunity to engage
in a critical occupation in an activity
necessary to war production or essen-
tial to the support of the war effort."
Grad Students Eligible
Graduate students are recommend-
ed for deferment if, in addition to

pursuing their regular studies, they
are acting as "graduate assistants"
or are engaged in scientific research
valuable to the war effort, provided
such research is supervised by a rec-
ognized Federal agency.
Chiefly engineering positions are
listed as those recommended for de-
ferment. Aeronautical, automotive,
chemical, civil, electrical, heating,
ventilating, refrigerating, air condi-
tioning, marine, mechanical, mining
and metallurgical including mineral
technologists, radio, safety and
transportation engineers are in-
Recommended Deferments
Other positions on the recom-
mended deferment list are: Accoun-
tants, chemists, geophysicists, indus-
trial managers, mathematicians, me-
teorologists, naval architects, person-
nel administrators, physicists includ-


ing astronomers, psychologists and
Not on this new list although still
eligible for deferment, are students
of agriculture, bacteriology, biology,.
agricultural engineering, cartogra-
phy, hydrology, osteopathy, phar-I
macy and physical education majors.I
It is not certain, however, how long
these exemptions will exist because
of their absence from the new list.

Promising Psychology .Majors
Deferred By Selective Service

Psychologists are needed in war
work; therefore the Selective Service
is deferring promising juniors and
seniors who are majoring in psychol-
ogy. Adequately prepared men in this
field are in constant demand by the
For this reason, the University
plans to give the training needed in
present and future courses. Coordin-
ated programs are being arranged
with other University departments in
order that students may obtain the
essential psychological background
for occupations directly connected
with the war effort.
Most branches of the armed ser-
vices and some other government de-
partments use psychologists. Work
done by these men includes examina-
tion of draftees both before and af-
ter induction. They attempt to place
the draftee in work he is tempera-
mentally and practically suited for
and to eliminate those who are unfit
for military service. Special work is
being done by psychologists for the
Army and Navy Air Forces and in the
intelligence sections.
Advanced students working for
their masters degree in clinical psy-
chology have an opportunity to gain
practical experience working in the
Psychological Clinic of the Univers-
ity. This clinic deals with children,
high school seniors, students and
other adults in an attempt to bring
about a better understanding of indi-
vidual problems and difficulties. The
Clinic gives examinations testing a

person's abilities and disabilities and
gives vocational guidance advice.
In addition, psychological work
should be valuable training for the,
rehabilitation period that will follow
the war.
10 Language Clubs
Plan Fall Program
Outings, discussion groups, and
dances are included in the programs
of the Foreign Language clubs again
this fall.
The ten active clubs which meet
regularly at the International Center
were organized for the purpose of en-
abling students whose parents are of
foreign birth to have an opportunity
to associate and participate in var-
ious projects.
The clubs meeting this fall include
a South American club, Chinese,
Japanese, Philippine, Arabic, Turk-
ish, Slavic, Finnish, Polish and Ar-
menian clubs.
The Foreign Language clubs that
meet at the Center are only those
which are not connected with a lang-
uage faculty in the University.
Many projects are planned by each
individual club, and there are as well
joint projects which include the In-
ternational Ball, war relief work, and
alumni relations.
The projects, which are jointly
sponsored, are under the direction of
the Inter-Club board consisting of
representatives from each of the For-
eign Language clubs.

Congress has recently appropriated
a five million dollar loan for the pur-
pose of helping students in physics,
engineering, pharmacy, medicine and
dentistry. Any student who is within
two years of completing his courses
or is enrolled in an accelerated pro-
gram may borrow up to 500 dollars a
year or 1,000 dollars total. Spread
over the junior and senior years, this
will amount to tuition and 35 dollars
per month.
The only condition on the govern-
ment loans is that the student must
sign an agreement to go into war
work at the direction of the War
Manpower Commission when he
completes his college courses. The
loans are to be repaid to the govern-
ment through the University at 2 /
per cent interest.
Michigan HopwoodI
Winners, Students
See Wrrork hIPrint'
Summer and fall months have
proved to be fruitful ones for the
publishing of poetry and novels by
Michigan students and former Hop-
wood winners.
"Nearer the Earth,"' a novel of a
woman 's coming of age, by Beatrice
Borst has been sent to Professor Roy
W. Cowden. A° Hopwood winner of
1941, the novel will be on sale at book
stores August 21. Random House is
the publisher.
Maritta Wolff, already famous au-
thor of the Hopwood winner "Whistle
Stop," will have another book pub-
lished by Random House. Originally
titled "Grave Yard Shift" the novel
was changed to "Night Shift" by the
publishers because movie producers
who are interested in the book said
the public wouldn't like- the original
title in lights.
"Genesis Again," a poem by Vir-
ginia French, 1941 major Hopwood
winner in poetry, has been published
in the August Atlantic Monthly.
"Each Alone," a novel by Harriet
Ball, graduate student at the Uni-
versity of Michigan last year, capi-
talizes on the idiosyncracies, the life,
and problems of the Vigtor family.
Published by Harper & Bros., the
book.is.now on sale at various book

Activities To Be ConductedI
As 'sua' ept a z
Enrollment Of School
Although the enrollment in theT
Law School will be reduced below '
normal by the war service of law
students. all of the regular Law
Schcol programs and activities willI
be conducted as usual for the dura-I
tion of hostilities. The usual courses1
will be offered. although certain ex-
tra sections normally available ini
some of the larger courses are beingi
All of the related activities such as
the Law Review,, the Case Clubs. and1
the Lawyers Club, will operate inI
normal fashion. Rigorous and comn-
plete training in law is as essential
for those who graduate in war time1
as under normal conditions.

A satisfictory school enrollment is
expected, although the uncertainties
caused by the demand for soldiers
under the Selective Service Act make
a numerical estimate impossible.
Practically all law students are col-
lege graduates, hence they have
reached the age of eligibility under
the Act. Moreover, large numbers of
them have enlisted in various bran-
ches of the service.
The Judge Advocate General's De-
partment of the United States Army
has recently accepted an invitation
to establish in the Law Quadrangle
its training school for the Army's
legal advisers. The officers in this
school will be quartered in the Law-
yers Club utilizing space not needed,
because of reduced enrollment, by
the regular law students.
These officers will all be members
of the bar who have been engaged
in active practice of the law for a
minimum of four years. They will be
law students in a highly utilitarian
sense since they will receive training
in the special legal problems of the
Army, including court martial pro-
ceedings. Their presence will not in
any way interfere with the regular
activities of the School or the Law-
yers Club.
It is deemed fortunate that in a
period of reduced enrollment of reg-
ular students the facilities of the
University suitable for training law-
yers can be utilized to train the legal
officers of the Army.
LANSING, Aug. 13.-to)-Mindful
that state revenues for the next bi-
ennium will be sharply affected by
wartime economy, state fiscal offi-
cials have begun considerations which
lead to the development of the 1943-
45 budget.



perience in dem ocracy- this is the u d ie I oi iU[t hey cienc aLtm e thU
combination which the eleven cam- dents of military scicnc at the Tni-
pus cooperative houses offer their versity a chance to prepare for serv-
members. ice in the business branch of the
Founded in the midst of America's Army, the ROTC recently founded a
worst depression. the cooperative campus unit of the Quartermaster
movement at the University started
with just one house-the present Corps.
Michigan House. Opened in 1932, this Its functions include nrocurement,
house provided room and board at storage and issue of food, clothing
economic rates for students severely and equipment. The combinedtpro-
hit by the hard times. gramn of military and academic train-
From this meager beginning, the ing leading to a commission and a
movement has grown continuously degree, as offered at the University.
until now there are eleven houses- is designed to provide officer candi-
eight for men and three for women. dates with combat and leadership
The men's houses include Congress, training together with the technical
Robert Owen, Guild. Abe Lincoln, and administrative skills required in
Rcchdale, Gabriel Richard, Michigan this branch of the service.
and Stalker. The girls' houses are For admission to the Quartermas-
Alice Palmer, Muriel Lester and ter Corps, training, completion of the
Katherine Pickerill. basic ROTC training is required. Ca-
Democracy in Action dets of the Quartermaster Corps
Cooperatives are nationally known must be enrolled as regular students
for their exemplification of democra- in the University, normally with at
y i t iorn-andpfithen coops dotheleast a junior standing. Applications
Michigan campus are no exception for the admission to the advance
Following the democratic principles course in the Quartermaster Corps
set by the first cooperative-that of will b considered on the basis of
the weavers of Rochdale, England- scholarship and personal qualifica-
the campus co-ops consider their tions. Accepted applicants will be en-
complete racial. religious and politi- listed in the Army Enlisted Reserve
cal tolerance as one of their principal Corp.
tenets. Membership in all the houses
is open to students of all races, col- formulate general policy for the co-
ors and creeds. operatives and decide on projects to
The thoroughgoing democracy of be undertaken by all the houses cot-
the cooperatives is also marked by lectively. The individual members of
their internal governmental set-up, the houses each have a vote in elect-
each member having one vote in all ing the president of the ICC. The
elections and issues that arise. Week- president for this summer is Harold
ly house meetings, at which house Ehlers, '42E.
problems are thrashed out and de- All students who wish to makin-
cided -upon, characterize all the cam- quiries about living or boarding at
pus cooperatives, any of the co-ops next semester
Members Do Work should contact Gerald Davidson,
Robert Owen House, 922 S. State.
All the work in the houses-as well f_-

as the governing functions-is done
by the members themselves. Approx-
imately five to seven hours of work
per week are required of each mem-
ber. Cooking, dishwashing, house
cleaning and tending the furnace are
among the jobs done by the students.
Specially elected members keep the
house accounts, take care of the fin-
ances and do the secretarial work.
By virtue of the fact that all the
work is done by the members of the
house and also by means of efficient
purchasing methods, the co-zps have
managed to keep the rates for room
and board down to about two to six
dollars a week and for board alone
to approximately one and a half to
three dollars.
Ehlers Reads ICC
The central body representing all
eleven co-ops is the Intercooperative
Council. Each house sends two dele-
gates to the ICC, and these delegates

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An Identification " Case that
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Just the right size for the cards
issued to identify yourself for
all student activities, etc.
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