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August 14, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-14

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Indian Independence
Must Await Victory ...



2:15 A.M. FAJ


Nazi Columns
Move Nearer
Rich Oil Wells
Of Caucasus
Red Army Still Battling
In Don River Regions
As Axis Troops Push
On In 50-Mile Advance
Fighting Reopens
On Moscow Front
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Friday, Aug. 14.-Ger-
man troops in a swift 50-mile ad-
vance into the Caucasus have
reached Mineralnye Vody, only 140
airline miles from the rich Russian
oil wells of Grozny, the Soviets ac-
knowledged officially early today as
heavy fighting broke out on the long-
dormant front northwest of Moscow.
A Nazi column swinging southeast-
ward along the Rostov-Baku railway
rolled through Russia's positions in
the Cherkessk area to reach Miner-
alnye Vody. By road Grozny lies ap-
proximately 180 miles farther.
The midnight communique other-
s wise indicated little change in Rus-
sia's suation. The Red Army still
was battling the Nazis northeast of
Kotelnikovskitbelow the Don and in
the Kletskaya area inside the Don
River bend. Both areas are .bulwarks
to the approaches to Stalingrad on
the Volga and Astrakhan on the Cas-
pian Sea.
Soviets Hold Off Nazis
In the western Caucasus the So-
viets said their troops still were
fighting in the Mainkop-Krasnodar
sector in an effort to prevent a Ger-
man break-through to the Black Sea.
Fighting on the banks of a river
(perhaps the Kuban) in the Krasno-
dar area the Russians said their
troops illed 3,000Germans, destroy-
ed 70 tanks and 84 trucks, and
knocked out two enemy bridges
across the stream.
The Russans again referred to the
"numerically superior enemy forces"
in both the Don River loop and the
Mineralnye Vody fighting. The lat-
ter appeared still to be the most dan-
gerous German drive of all for the
Nazis were half-way across the Cau-
casus in the drive to the Caspian Sea.
The Soviet Information Bureau
said that the Red Army had occupied
a "populated place" in the north-
western area, but a dispatch to the
Communist party newspaper Pravda
from that front said the Germans
had attempted a violent 120-plane
raid on Leningrad and scattered par-
achutists around the northern city.
30 Planes Downed
Without giving the date of the at-
tack, Pravda said 30 of the planes
were shot down and the parachutists
mopped up.
Suggesting Russian, not German,
initiative in the general area, a com-
munique from Berlin said German
infantry and armored divisions were
tied "in a heavy defensive struggle"
on both sides of Rzhev, 130 miles
northwest of Moscow.
(The scope of this battle was
hinted by the Germans who said 71
Red Army tanks were destroyed
there yesterday, 55 of them on the
front of a single Nazi division.)
The Soviet Information Bureau's
midday communique said "our troops
continue to press back the enemy"
at Voronezh.

Bond Shelter'
Stamp Sale
Starts Today

Future Blackouts
May Be Surprises
"We may have another blackout
tomorrow at supper-time, next
week for breakfast or six months
from now for all I know," Chief of
Police Sherman Mortenson said
yesterday when asked whether Ann
Arbor's next trial alert would be
"Everything depends upon the
orders I get from the government,"
he said. Earlier in the day he turn-
ed over all reports of blackout vio-
lations to the city attorney and
asked that warrants be served to
all violaors.
Meanwhile, Army and civilian
defense officials over a 50,000
square mile midland area were
studying reports handed in by their
staffs for an accurate reckoning of
Wednesday night's half-hour
blackout test.
Authoritative sources from the
industrial areas of Michigan, Il-
linois, Indiana and Wisconsin com-
mented that the huge blackout was
successful. Capt. Jay R. Sheffield,
head of the Army's Chemical War-
fare and Gas Office in Detroit,
however, termed it "an impressive
spectacle" but a "miserable black-
out test."
'three Papers
Under Probe
Of Grand Jury
Accusation Of Publishing
'Confidential' Naval
News Is Investigated
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Aug. 13.-Rear Admir-
al Frederick C. Sherman, former
commander of the Aircraft Carrier
Lexington, and other naval officers
conferred with a special prosecutor
today as a Federal Grand Jury began
investigating publication of allegedly
"confidential" naval information by
three large newspapers.
The newspapers are the Chicago
Tribune, the New York Daily News
and the Washington Times Herald
which published the article June 7.
Intense secrecy guarded the in-
guiry and the Dly statement from
William D. Mitchell, special assistant
to the Attorney General, directing
the investiation, was:
"I will issue no statements at any
time. I never tried any of my cases in
the newspapers and I am too old to
start now. I would like to help you
newsmen out butI am afraid you
cannot count on me for any releas-
The government declared an ar-
ticle written by Stanley Johnston,
Chicago Tribune correspondent,
made public confidential information
by stating American naval circles
knew in advance the strength of
Japanese naval forces in the battle of
* * *
Hoffman Attacks Knox
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-Repre-
sentative Hoffman (R-Mich.) urged
the House today to order an investi-
gation of charges made by the Chi-
cago Tribune that Navy Secretary
Frank Knox "has used his official
position for the advantage of his own
newspaper published in Chicago."
Knox is president of the Chicago
Daily News, Inc.
Hoffman introduced a resolution
asking the speaker to appoint a
"non-partisan", committee of five
Representatives to inquire into the
charges, which he said the Tribune
made after a grand jury investigation
had been ordered of a story pub-

lishedI by the Tribune and two other
papers containing allegedly confi-
dential naval information.
Meanwhile, Secretary Ickes told
his press conference today in re-
sponse to questions that "In my view,
the Chicago Tribune was giving aid
and comfott to the enemy."

Allied Warships Bomb Japanese Positiom

As Marines Advance

In Solomon Islands

Strike At Greece,
U01 S S
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Over-all Axis strategy was seen as a German drive into the Mid- East through the Caucasus (2) and from Egypt (3) for a junction
with the Japs pushing (4) into India when the monsoons there stop. American smashes at Japs in Aleutians (6) and Solomon Islands ei
(7) were seen-aside from being the first United. Nations offensive in the Pacific-as a diversion which might cost the Japs forces needed D
for possible drive into Russian Siberia (5). Projected British-Ameri can second front (I) against Germany cotad divert Nazi troops ti
needed in push to east. a'.

Jap Fleet Seen
In Tonkin Gulf

Large T r o op Movement
May Threaten India
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Aug. 13.-A Japa-
nese transport fleet carrying more
than 20,000 troops was seen in the
Gulf of Tonkin last Saturday-the
day before United States bombers
based in China blasted Haiphong'
French Indo-China port on the gulf-
a Chinese army spokesman disclosed
(There was no immediate indica-
tion whether the aerial attack had
any relation with the troopship
movement. The Chinese spokesman
said he had no information where
the convoy was headed. Such a troop
movement might be to reinforce the
invaders' bases for a thrust toward
A communique from Lieut.-Gen.
Joseph W. Stilwell's headquarters
said the American "Sky Dragons"
had carried out a new attack Tues-
day, battering the Japanese-held
town of Yoyang (Yochow) in the
northeastern corner of Ilunan prov-
"The raid was highly successful,"
the communique said, "and all the
American planes returned to their
China's troops kept up their at-
tacks from the northeast and south-
east against the central Kiangsi
stronghold of the invaders at Lineh-
wan (Fuchow) where an army
spokesman said the Japanese had
massed fully 20,000 men-40 per cent
{ of their strength in Kiangsi.

Nazis Promise To Halt
Serb GuerrillarWarare
Gerian Threats Fail 'To Stop Disorders In Occupied
Count ries As Talk Of Second Front Continues
By NOLAND NORGAARD day night attacked a troop train
Associated Pres s Correspondent near Rotterdam. They had threat-
LONDON, Au. 13.-The Yugo- ened to execute some of 1.500 promi-
slav government in London an- nent hostages unless the men are
nounced toinght that" the Germans captured.
The Germans ordered all Dutch
have threatenei to wipe out all of Iwmnbeten18 ad 40 yars of
women between 18 and 40 years of
Serbia if continuing disorders in that age to register for a Nazi women's
Balkan land force theim to increase labor battalion, marking the first
the :size of t!,ir occupation army, attempt to draft women for labor in
This of ficiA report was released Holland,
while talk of :m Allied second front Norwegian Patriots At Work
was rife in all Furope, and execu- The British radio reported Nor-
tions, disorders and arrests continued wegian patriots had wrecked the
unabated in virtually all occupied powerful turbine installations in the
countries in spite of orders from the Stavanger district and set fire to
refugee governments to their people two workshops in the aluminum
to hold off until the proper moment-- works there.
the second front, presumably-ar- The arrest of 50 hostages in the
rives. 1 Belgian province of Hainault after
Serb Bo.s Deported destruction of dynamos and other
Several 1mudL ed Ser b boys have electrical installations in several fac-
been sent to concentaton camps or tories was reported by the free Bel-
deported to ;reent hem ifrom join- gian news agency.
ing guerilla bands, the Yugoslavs A neutral press report from PraguE
said, said two men were executed August
Early in August, the exili govern- 7 for high treason against the Reich.
ment added, German General Turn-
ed, military c mander of occupied
Serbia, told several hundred civic Goprano ives
repesetatvesin elgadethat "if
he German Military Command is R e ta T da
than the present occupying force for Re ia o a
compelled to use one more soldier
the suppression of disorders this will
mean the annihilation of Serbia." Lambert, Harrod To Give
Indicative of the lighting in Yugo- Music School Concert
slavia, the Berlin radio broadcast a
report that the Yugoslavians lost
3,000 dead and 9,700 taken prisoners Under the sponsorship of th
between July 23 and August 8. School of Music, Ellen Lambert,
DNB Describes Arrests Mezzo-soprano, and Helen Harrod,
DNB, official German news agen- Accompanist, will present a recital
cy, in a broadcast dispatch, said a
blotto bow p th Geman-on-at 8:30 p,.im., today, in the Assembly
plot to blow up the German-con- chmBidn
trolled Netherlands radio station Hall of the Rackham Building.
'presumably at Hilversum) had been Miss Lambert of Clearwater, Ne-
frustrated by a new series of arrests. braska, took her bachelor's degree
The Nazis already had set tomor- from Nebraska Wesleyan University
row midnight as the deadline for and has done graduate work at Juil-
surrender of saboteurs who last Fri- Biard Summer School, the University
--- ..-- of Nebraska, and the University of
Michigan under Prof. Arthur Hack-
4 s - i sett. Formerly supervisor of vocal mu-
sic at Arcadia High School, Arcadia;
Nebraska, she has recently accepted
the position of instructor of voice at
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-{P-_ William Woods College, Fulton, Mo
The program will include number,
Over War Delpartmentopposition,Debuss '. Willims n


Knox Ordered
To Take Over
Defense Plant
Roosevelt Has Navy Head
Operate Cable Factory
As Strike Is Continued
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-Presi-
dent Roosevelt ordered Navy Secre-
tary Knox tonight to take over and
operate the plant of the General
Cable Corporation at Bayonne, N. J.
This action followed a vote of a
thousand workers at the plant which
has orders for cable vital to war op-1
erations, to continue a strike which
began Monday.
Presidential Secretary Stephen
Early told reporters:
"The President, at 6 o'clock to-
night, signed an executive order di-
recting the Secretary of the Navy to
take over the plant of the General
Cable Corporation, and operate same,
at Bayonne, N. J."
The workmen at the plant stopped
production, although this step was
not ordered by their union, in pro-
test against a decision by the War
Labor Board adverse to their de-
mands for a pay increase.
The President issued his executive
order after receiving a letter from
Vice Chairman George W. Taylor of
the War Labor Board, which recited
a history of the case. It said that the
board, meeting today, had "decided
by unanimous vote to notify you of
the serious situation which exists at
the Bayonne plant of the General
Cable Company, and respectfully
suggest that you proceed with such
action as you deem appropriate."
The chief executive's order fol-
lowed the language of previous ones
and provided for termination of gov-
ernment possession and operation of
the plant as soon as Mr. Roosevelt
determines that it will be "privately
operated in a manner consistent with
the war effort."
A spokesman for the Navy said
the department "will carry out the
Presidents order and take over the
Bayonne plant tomorrow."
Descriptions, Pictures
Of Nazi Spies Found
HALIFAX, N.S., Aug. 13. -(,P)-
City detectives said today they have
photographs and descriptions of
three suspected Nazi saboteurs be-

J.S. Bombers Hit Three
Italian Ships In Greek
Port As One Escapes
American Pursuit
Ships Over Frane
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Australia, Aug. 13.-
merican Marines slashing through
he "green hell" jungles of the Solo-
non Islands were reported hurling
he Japanese back from at least
Iree beachheads in the 900-mile-.
ong island chain tonight while
Jnited States and Allied warships
ained death into enemy positions.
Latest reports indicated that the
eathernecks, spear-heading an as-
ault which may develop into a
United Nations grand offensive 1*j
rive the invaders out of the SoulA~
eas, were making steady progress
gainst bitter resistance.
Parachute Troops Used
Unconfirmed advices said AmxerF
an parachute troops, making th,.
Irst historic appearance in battl0.
were used as shock forces in the..
Strong American renforcement.;
were said to be pouring into t*.,
even-day old battle as the Japan se
ought desperately to hold their stra--
egic island bases 900 miles northe-
ast of Australia.
(In London, the Netherlands g!
ernment-in-exile announced tha a
gutch RoyalNavy submarine oper'
ing with the Eastern Fleet attack'ed
a Japanese convoy and scored hits
on two ships.
("When last seen, the ships were
fully ablaze and must be considered
otal losses," a communique said.)
Flying FortressesHit Rabaui
In addition, _.t,. Douglas Mac.
Arthur's headquarters announced
that giant U.S. Army flying for-
tresses smashed at enemy shipping
off Rabaul, New Britain, a major
base for Japanese troop and supply
ships movin' to the Solomons.
The big four-motored fortresses
were officially credited with setting
fire to a 15,000-ton enemy ship and
two medium-sized vessels and leav-
ing a fourth ship foundering.
* 'e *
Three Italian Ships
Hit By U.S. Planes
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Aug. 13. - United States
bombers severely damaged three
Italian cruisers found at Pylos,
Greek harbor on the Ionian Sea at
cautious distance from the convoy
battle which the Axis insisted wa'
raging in the Mediterranean.
(The latest German claim, uncoffi-
firmed, was' that the U.S. aircraft
carrier Wasp had been set afire b
six bombs and was trying to reaich
The results of the high-level at.
tack made by the huge bombers s
the sun set on Pylos were announced
today as:
Two direct hits on one cruiser, ft..
lowed by a terrific explosion;
A second cruiser set afire with col-
umns of black smoke pouring from
A third cruiser damaged by an
A fourth Italian cruiser apparenty
escaped undamaged.
The four-motored bombers flew'a
1,300-mile round trip, returning in
darkness to bases either in Egypt er
Cyprus which are about equal diua
tances from the west coast of GreeWe,
American Pursuit

Ships Over France
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 13.- American
fighter squadrons roaring over the
English Channel on 31 sorties ended
the first 48 hours of great activity by
United States Army Air Forces in the
European theatre today just as 250 tc
400 RAF bombers were returning
from a second consecutive night of
destructive attacks on Mainz in the
The disclosure that all-Americar
fighting squadrons, flying British
Spitfire planes, had challenged the
German Air Force over France anc
the Channel came as huge Americar
four-motored bombers were poised or
takeoff aprons over the country

The newly completed 'bond shel-
ter,' located at the corner of State
Street and North University, will be
utilized for its first war stamp
and bond selling campaign from 9
a. m. to 5 p. m. today, Bob Matthews,
chairman of the Student War Board
announced today.
The first sales drive will be con-
ducted by the League and Student
Senate and these organizations will
continue to sell 10 and 25 cent war
stamps and small denomination
bonds every Friday throughout the
"Other campus organizations are
offered the use of the shelter for
carrying on activities which contrib-
ute to the war effort at any time,"
Matthews stated, "provided they reg-

Plane Executive Up In The Air:

Official Says Ex(
Tax Would F
By The Associated Press
WASTHINGTON, Aug. 13.-An air-
plane manufacturing official testi-
fied today that unless excess profits
tax provisions were lightened the
proposed new revenue bill "probably
would end the existence" of the Boe-
ing Aircraft Corp., which developed
the Army's "Flying Fortress" bomb-

Bess Profits
nd Boeing Corp.
war years to develop new types of
Because its invited ,capital was rel-
atively small and its earnings in the
1936-39 base period were low, he said,
96.6 per cent of its net income would
be subject to the proposed 90 per cent
excess profits levy, with the result
that taxes would eat up 88.75 per
cent of all its profits.
This meant, he declared, that the

the house passed and sent to

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