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August 09, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-09

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively. entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, inc.
,,College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsom AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . City Editor'
Mike Dann . . . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff
Edward Perlberg . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager
Morton Hunter :* . Publications Manager



The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Six Saboteurs Dead,
Why Not Two More? ...
THE EXECUTION of six Nazi sabo-
T teurs who intended nothing but
final disaster' for the country which they in-
vaded is all to the good. But if my memory-
well supported by today's headlines-is correct,
there were two other enemies of our country on
trial, two enemies who did not get the death
penalty. At the start there were eight to be tried
and executed. There were eight who came to-
gether, eight who were either refugees or spies.
Not some of one variety and some of the other,
but all of one.
The official White House reason for the spar-
ing of these two men was the assistance and in-
formation they gave in tracking down their fel-
lows. In other words the United States has
stooped to the level of petty local law enforcers
who, unable to learn the truth any other way,
let stoolpigeons continue on their none-too-
merry way.
the Federal Government does not even have
the reasons of local law agencies. It can expect
no further information from either of the two.
It has wrung the information from two men who
were ready to do anything to keep from dying.
Undoubtedly when the information was being
secured these men were promised amnesty, but
all is fair in war andthere is no reason why the
United States government should respect such a
We know that humanitarians will shout "That
is not the democratic way." They are wrong.
It is not the peacetime method of a democracy,
but it is the method of a democracy at war, a
democracy that has to be as tough as its enemy.
George Jacob Dasch and Ernest Burger are
no less guilty of an infamous crime against us
than the six who lie in long coffins tonight.
There is nothing sacred in methods of military
intelligence that should save them-and that
goes for promises to stoolpigeons.
Max Stephan will die-and rightly-for a
crime against the United States, but the Ameri-
can nation has far more serious charges against
Dasch and Burger. There is no sympathy in us
for their six comrades and Stephan, no wish
for equal sacrifice, only a wish that our enemies
know that we are not afraid to fight this war
with teeth and nails as well as with guns at
50 paces..-Hale Champion
In Reply To
Mr. Johnson's Letter .. .
day's Daily appears a letter which
is symbolic of much of the thinking which-still
prevalent in this country-is resulting in our
failure to elect a good Congress.
Mr. Johnson's epistle pleads the case of good
Americans who were isolationists before the war
and wish to return to that state after the war.
Which is all very well, if the honest isolationists
only wished.
But in matter of fact they do something else
far more serious than hold a mistaken belief in
isolationism. In their attempt to urge it upon
the United States in the midst of a war, they
haveused methods which serve to split the Al-
lies, to bring about possible defeat through dis-
unity. No matter what their primary objective,
they hurt the national cause and should at least
be criticized for so doing.
-Robert Preiskel
The civilian nilot training nrogram at Iowa

WASHINGTON-Chairman Paul McNutt is
keeping it such a secret that even some of his
colleagues on the War Manpower Commission
are in the dark about the contents of the new
manpower "draft" bill, now being written behind
the scenes
However, here are the inside facts:
The bill will be closely patterned after the
British labor-draft'formula which provides for
compulsory mobilization of labor, just as the
draft act mobilizes men for the armed forces.
Workmen in essential industries will be frozen
in their jobs and employers will be prohibited
from hiring or firing employes in these indus-
tries without permission of the government
agency which administers the manpower law.
It hasn't been decided yet, but so far-reaching
are the plans for drafting labor that all women
between the ages of 20 and 45 may be required
to register with the Selective Service System and
fill out occupational questionnaires.
The manpower bill is being whipped into
shape by a McNutt committee, composed of
Brig.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Selective Service
Director; Goldthwaite Dorr. War Department
representative on the Manpower Commission;
and Undersecretary of Navy Forrestal. Another
with a thumb in pie is Bernard C. Gavit, Mc-
Nutt's general counsel.
Who Will Draft Labor?
Big question being threshed out behind the
scenes is-who will administer the program?
The War Department is strong for placing
compulsory manpower controls in the hands of
local draft boards, and this was so provided in an
original bill, secretly written for the War De-
partment and passed on to McNutt, by Gran-
ville Clark, promising Wall Street lawyer. How-
ever, McNutt was definitely cool to this idea.
Some of the President's labor advisers also
have balked at the Granville Clark plan, but
for a different reason. These advisers feel that,
while labor has little representation in the Man-
power Commission, it has even less on local draft
boards, composed largely of business and pro-
fessional men.
So a second bill has been written by Oscar
Cox, brilliant Assistant Solicitor General, au-
thorizing the President to vest war labor con-
trols in the agency he considers best fitted for
the job. Insiders who know the score are betting
that this provision, rather than the Clark pro-
posal, will be in the final bill which is sent to
Little Brazilian Rubber
With Congress and the WPB still trying to
bring order into the synthetic rubber program,
it has just leaked out that we will get almost no
natural rubber from Brazil this year. '
This makes the synthetic rubber program all
the more important.
Also this is in direct conflict with what the
country has been led to expect. After the Bra-
zilian mission, headed by Finance Minister Souza
Costa, came to Washington in February, it was
announced that we could expect between 60 and
70 thousand tons of rubber from the Amazon
alone this year.
This would be only a tenth of the normal
U.S. requirements, but it would be more rubber
than Brazil has ever produced, even in the lush
days of wild rubber.
But the inside story is different, We will be
doing well to get 12 or 14 thousand tons. A lot
of rubber is coming out of the Amazon Valley,
but not to the United States. Out of 1,428 tons
produced in May only 253 tons were shipped to
Explanation is that South America needs tires
just as we do. And South America is willing to
bid higher,
A Rubber Reserve expert, Douglas Allen, has
now gone to Brazil and made a price agreement,
but meanwhile, Latin American buyers were
bidding rubber to the skies.
The price solution, however, still does not
bring rubber out of South America. For al-
though the United States will now buy all of.

Brazil's exportable surplus, most of it will never
get to the United States.
Instead, it will be resold by U.S. to other Latin
American countries.
We have been forced to recognize the indis-
putable requirements of other countries, and will
supply those requirements by buying Brazil's
raw rubber and Brazil's tires, and reselling them
to the most deserving customers.
What little is left over will come to the Unitj
It is important to take care of South Ameri-
can requirements from South American sources.
But that will not put tires on U.S. cars.
Revamped U.S. Chamber
The other day W. M. Kiplinger, editor of a
Washington business news letter, dropped in at
the office of Eric Johnston, new livewire presi-
dent of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce.
"This is the first time in four years," he said,
"that I have bothered to visit the U. S. Chamber
of Commerce. It wasn't worth the time. But now
I see I'll have to come here regularly."
Note:-Real fact is that under Johnston, the
Chamber of Commerce has come to have real
influence in Washington.
Domfiic Says
How close to a "Shangri-La" can we make the
social ideal and yet appeal to persons condi-
tioned to the real world? Three cases suggest
that we wish less than the ideal, are proud of
our imperfections and must admit that the
"spirit is willing but the flesh is- weak." Just
now, Gandhi suggests absolute peace, and we
think he must be insane. He argues that only
the absolute can conquer the will to war. If he
would step down one story to the socialism of
Nehru, we would be apt to commend the action.
But, we say, the ideal is a dream, absurd, un-
In Willow Run, the sociologists, the architects
and the labor unions induced the Federal Gov-
ernment to plan a low-cost housing project.
All the idealists rejoiced but it could not be
sold to business and political "in-groups." Hence,
that dream has been tabled while the fatigue of
long trips for workers and growing shanty-towns
about Ypsilanti, Belleville, Wayne and Ann Ar-
bor must go on complicating every social, moral,
religious and aesthetic issue. "In-groups" can
not see the ideal. "Where there is no vision,
the people perish," says Scripture. Hence, the
materialist makes his case for progress and waits
upon pressure from the "out-groups."
The question for the religious man is this:
"Shall I cling to the ideal unsullied, keep per- t
fection in all its purity as the goal, refuse to
compromise and sink or swim on that adequate
thesis-or shall I hold the ideal deep in the
heart while I impliment some lesser goal in that
general direction?" Every day, each of us finds
himself confronted by that question. The pure
idealist will choose to take his cross, live above
compromise, and pull man's moral load by sac-
In the meantime, our representatives in edu-
cation, business, statecraft, and the professions
walk among their fellow men and act for us.
Theirs is the second question and it is a phase of
the first one: "Am I not as much obligated to
be one with my fellow men, the bad ones as well
as the good ones, as I am to hold to the ideal?"
By this reasoning, the ethical theist, unlike the
pure idealist, finds himself oriented perpendicu-
larly toward God, the ideal, and horizontally to-
ward man. He can no more live in one of those
planes and ignore the other than he can choose
to live on air and renounce food. Thus, every
idealist turns realist. The supreme statement
would seem to be Jewish in origin as worded by
Jesus: "Thou shalt love the Lord, they God, with
all thy heart, might, mind and strength, and thy
neighbor as thyself."
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

"I'll-", j

(Continued from Page 2)
Doctoral Examination for Clyde
Vroman: field: Education; thesis:
"A Basis for Selecting the Content
of the Curriculum for the Training
of Teachers of Music in the Univer-
sity of Michigan,"~ will be held on
Monday, August 10, in West Council,
Rackham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
F. D. Curtis.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Doctoral Examination for George
Henry Hanson; field: Chemical En-
gineering; thesis: "Vapor-Liquid
Equilibria of the Paraffin Hydro-
carbons," will be held on Tuesday,
August 11, in 2028 East Engineering,
at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. G.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
Doctoral Examination for Paul
Herbert Ralph; field: Zoology; the-
sis: "Embryonic Development and
Adult Morphology of Blood and
Blood-Forming Organs in the Frog,
Rana pipiens," will be held on
Wednesday, August 12, in 3089 Na-
tural Science, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, P. O. Okkelberg.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Graduate Students in Speech:
Qualifying examinations in Speech
in the following six fields: (1) Rhet-
oric and Oratory, (2) Argumenta-
tion and Debate, (3) History of the
Theater, (4) Radio, (5) Speech Sci-
ence, (6) Practical Theater-will be
given Friday, August 14, at 2 p.m.
in room 4203 Angell Hall.
Political Science 1-11:00 Meet in
Room 2215 Angell Hall instead of
209 Angell Hall at 11:00, Monday,
August 10.
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music and:
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4 U. H. several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need-
less delay of several days.
Badminton: Open badminton which
has been held on Barbour Gym-
nasium courts has been discontinued
for the remainder of the summer.
Dept. of Physical Education
for Women
The Michigan P.E.M. will be the
subject of Track Coach Kenneth
Doherty's talk on Monday, August
10th, at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High auditorium.
"Weekly Reiew of the News" by
Professor Howard M. Ehrmann,
Dept. of History, Tuesday, August
11th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham

"The Cooperative Study in Action"
by George E. Carrothers, Director of
the Bureau of Cooperation with Edu-
cational Institutions. Tuesday, Au-'
gust 11th, at 4:05 p.m. in the Uni-
versity High auditorium.
Lectures on Statistical Methods.
Professor Craig will give the last
of his series of lectures on "The
Control of Quality of Manufactured=
Products," on Tuesday, August 11,
at 8 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. All


brought to a close with Scots airs.
A communal supper sponsored by
the Avukah Organization will be
held this Sunday at 6:30. A short
discussion on the Avukah program
will be led by Isadore Singer. David
Crohn will direct the group singing.
Reservations may be made by phon-
ing Nitta Siegel at 2-2868 before
Sunday noon. The cost is 35c.
Inter-Guild will hold its Summer
Worship Service Sunday night at
8:15 on the hill above the Big Fire-
place at the Island. All students and
townspeople are urged to attend, and
eight student guilds will participate
as groups.
Corning Events
Bridge at the Michigan League
from 8 until 10:30 in the evening.
Monday, August 10.
Mathematics Club will meet Mon-
day evening at 8. o'clock in the West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Professor Neyman will speak on
"Cigarette Tasting Tests and Simi-
lar Random Experiments; Probabil-
istic Elements in Their Design."
Blair McClosky, baritone, and
guest Instructor of Voice at the
School of Music during the Summer
Session, has arranged a program of
songs of Mozarf, Schubert and Hugo
Wolf for his recital at 8:30 p.m.
Monday, August 10; in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building. Pre-
viously announced for the Assembly
Hall, the recital will be given in the
Lecture Hall on the first floor and
will be open to, the general public
without tickets.
Speech Students: A demonstra-
tion broadcast of a half-hour radio
play followed by an open forum dis-
cussion will be given at 4 p.m. Mon-
day in Morris Hall. Persons inter-
ested in any phase of radio are in-
vited to attend.. .
The Last Square Dancing Class
will be given on Monday night, Aug.
10, at 7:30, at the Michigan League.
'Polonia Society: There will be a
meeting this Monday, August 10, at
8 p.m. in the recreation room of the,
International Center. Plans for the
canoe trip and picnic will be made.
All Polish students are invited to at-I
tend this meeting.
The regular Tuesday Evening Re-
corded Programs in the Rackham
Building are being discontinued un-
til the Fall Term. There will be a
faculty concert in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall Tuesday, August 11, at
8:30 p.m.
Senior Society will meet at 7:30

Students in Speech: The final
Student-Faculty Luncheon of the
Departmenit of Speech will be held
at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday in the
ballroom of the Michigan Union.
Students in the Department com-
pleting work for degrees at the end
of the present summer session or
summer term will be honored.
Bri:ge at the Michigan League
from 2 until 4:30 in the afternoon.
Coffee hour at 4:30 in the Rackhan
Building. Wednesday, August 12.
Speech Students: "The Insurgent
Theatre" will be the subject of Mr.
Charles H. Meredith's talk at the
Speech Assembly at 3 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. All Speech students should at-
Womhen In Education. The last
regularly scheduled luncheon for
this summer will be held Wednesday,
August 12, from 11:45 to 1:00 in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan
League. Miss Bessie L. Whitaker,
Associate Professor of Speech in
charge of Speech Reading, Insti-
tute of Human Adjustment (Speech
Clinic) will, speak on "Teaching of
Speech Reading at the University."
Come and bring a friend.
Bernice Winchester, Violinist, will
present a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 4:15 Wednes-
day, August 12, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Miss Winchester is as-
sociate professor of violin and history
of music at Knox College, Galesburg,
Illinois, and a student of Professor
Wassily Besekirsky. She will be ac-
companied by Sarah Lacey Nicholas.
Cercle Francais: A picnic will be'
held at Portage Lake Wednesday,
August 12. Members desiring to go
will please give their names to Mrs.
Morris or Mr. Jobin. The group will
assemble at the Foyer Francais, 849
Tappan Avenue, at 4:30 p.m. Memn-
bers will bring their own lunch and
beverage can. be secured at the lake.
Bathing privilege is 35c. Transpor-
tation will be furnished to those who
do not have cars.
The Inter-Racial Association will
have a picnic at the Saline Valley
Farms next Sunday afternoon, Au-
gust 16th. All members and those
interested in the Association are cor-
dially invited to attend. We will
leave from the steps of the Rack-
ham Building at 4:00 p.m. Iced
drinks and ice cream will be sold at
the Farms, and there are facilities
for cooking. A small charge will be
made to cover transportation costs.
Reservations should be made by Fri-
day at the main desk of the Union,
the Social Director's office of the
League, or the Bulletin Boards of
the Main Library, Lane Hall, and
International Center.
C ,urches
Trinity Lutheran Church Services
will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Henry O. Yoder will speak on
"God's Kind of Security."



The Editor

IJ In M d-Slinging Campaign?
To the Editor:
PM, the "favorite newspaper" of at least one
member of The Daily's editorial staff, is in the
midst of a great mud-slinging canpagn against
its rival, the New York Daily News, because the
News does not agree with it on foreign policy.
This campaign has warranted the front-page
headline for the last two days, and PM prom-
ises a story "every day" from now on.
This is only part of a larger campaign waged
for the last six months by PM and others who
called for intervention from the start of the Eur-
opean War to completely discredit and dishonor
their political opponents. These opponents be-
lieve. that the United States and the western
hemisphere can be made invulnerable to attack
from the outside world; that this war is not a
war of ideologies but of imnerialisms: and that

PM and its fellow-travelers use this as proof
that non-intervention was wrong. If facts sup-
ported non-intervention as a permanent policy
before Pearl Harbor. they still do.
The America First Committee, Charles Lind-
bergh, and others who supported a militarily
strong America to keep war out of this hemi-
sphere committed themselves from the begin-
ning to the support of war as soon as we became
engaged. The mud-slingers call the disband-
ment of America First and Lindbergh's coopera-
tion in the war effort "reversals of policy," when
actually they are simply a continuation of the
policy of placing the welfare of America first.
Hitting a man when he is down is not an ad-
mirable quality even in these times. This let-
ter does not show how our entrance into the war
was a vindication of non-interventionist argu-
ments, although it might. Non-interventionists

persons interested are cordially in- 'uesday in the League.
---- The Latin Teacher's Responsibility
Protection within-the gates. Prof. in Plamning for the Post-War Peace
O. W. Stephenson of the department will be discussed at the Coffee Hour
of Social Studies in the University for Students of Latin and Greek on
High School. 4:05 p.m. Wednesday, Tuesday, August 11. The meeting
August 12, in the University High will be held at 4:10 in the West Con-
School Auditorium. ference Room of Rackham.
"Some Implications of the Pro- "Glimpses Into Life in South In-
gressive Movenment," by Francis D.' dia" is the title of motion pictures,
Curtis, Prof. of Education and of the partially in color, to be shown by
Teaching of Science, and Head of Dr. Elizabeth Hartman on Tuesday,
the Department of Science in the August 11th, at 8 o'clock in the
University High School. 4:05 p.m., Ragkham Amphitheatre.
Thursday, August 13, in the Univer -
sity High School Auditorium. I Beethoven Sonata Series: On


Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club will
tieet at the northwest door of Rack-
ham Hall Sunday afternoon at 2:30
for a hike and picnic supper to some
spot near Ann Arbor. Approximate
cost will be twenty cents per person.

T1uesdtay evening, August 11, Gilbert I
Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross'
Rhead, pianist, will repeat the first
program of the series of Beethoven
Sonatas series for the benefit of
those who were unable to secure
tickets for the performance given on
August 3 in the Assembly Hall of
the Rackham Building. This second
performance will be given at 8:30
p.m. in the Lecture Hall on the first

Services at Zion Lutheran Church
will be held Sunday at' 10:30 with
the new vicar, Mr. Elmer Christian-
sen, speaking on "The World's Fight
Against Christianity.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at the Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall for dinner and a short meet-
ing, after which they will attend the
Inter-Guild Worship Service.
Unitarian Church, State and Hu-
Sunday, 8:00 p.m.-"The Advis-
ability of a Second Front," by Mr.
David McKelvey White.
The Presbyterian Church:


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