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August 07, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-07

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Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Will app . . . . . . City Editor
M1e Dann . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Prelskcl
Business Staff
.t~rard Perlberg . . . Business Manager
EFxE M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Morton Hunter . . . Publications Manager
r F ft


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily arepwritten by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers



An Apology To
The Ann Arbor News .
N EDITORIAL OF MINE in yesterday's
Daily erroneously attributed racial dis-
crimination to the editorial columns of the
Ann Arbor News.
To my knowledge the Ann Arbor News has
never suggested or approved racial discrim-
ination in any form in its editorial columns.
The discrimination which was under discus-
sign should have been attributed to its adver-
tiing columns. t
The, mistake occurred through a copy
reader's error. I sincerely regret any trouble
it may have caused and am sorry that it
should even unintentionally have reflected on
the fairness of the News.
- Art Carpenter
What Happened To
'Equality Of Sacrifice'? ...
MEMBERS of the UAW-CIO have re-
volted against their promise to sur-
render premium payments for week-end work,
and unless Congress gets, down to work and
makes "equality of sacrifice" more than a beau-
tiful war slogan, this country may very soon be
faced with a really serious uprising by organ-
iged labor.
Last April the UAW emergency convention, in
response to a plea by President Roosevelt, agreed
to give up the customary double pay for Satur-
day and Sunday work within the five-day work
week. The move was intended as part of labor's
contribution to the war effort, as part of their
contribution to the sacrifices which must be
made by the nation.
SINCE THEN, according to UAW members,
independent unions have managed to win
elections by promising workers double payments
end pointing out that the CIO had promised
niot to take such payments for the duration of
tbe war. They have also claimed that employ-
: s, anxious to fight the CIO, have granted
these premium wages to keep the CIO out of
their plants.
Delegates to the UAW convention at Chicago
stamped and whistled, refused to listen to
,peeches for 20 minutes, and battled for three
hours in an attempt to get union heads to
cbnge their policy, to go along with the rest
of the country and get double pay for week-ends.
Leaders have managed to push through a reso-
lution which would release the UAW-CIO from
Its commitments unless the policy of relinquish-
ing premium pay for week-ends is universally
applied throughout industry within 30 days
BUT even if the President does manage to pull
industry into line, even if he does get non-
CIO workers throughout the country to give up
part of their pay, and. even if he does keep inde-
pendent unions from using the CIO's coopera-
tion for their own advantage, he still will not be
,getting at the source of labor's unrest, he. will
not be striking at the cause of wildcat strikes
nd soldiering.
Labor resents, and rightfully, the country's
failure to put as stiff a limit on wages, bonuses
and executives' salaries as on wages. Workers
are angry because Congress has dilly-dallied
ard shilly-shallied with anti-inflation bils,
until the passage of the sales tax looks like a
4ure thing. They are cynical about the whole
war because of cracked rent ceilings, huge
executive salaries and lack of efficient pro-

WASHINGTON-One sad commentary on the
war effort is that the big brewing companies are
now among beneficiaries of the patriotic cam-
paign to collect tin cans. Together with certain
soft drink bottling companies, they are getting,
for bottle caps, a large percentage of the tin cans
which housewives in 140 different communities
have been so faithfully collecting to be used for
bombs and war weapons.
Furthermore, the two chiefs of the WPB'
Conservation Division, Julius Rosenwald and
Paul Cabot, have given their OK to letting these
companies get a part of the tin cans.
This has aroused the vigorous opposition of
lesser lights in the WPB, particularly the men
charged with collecting tin. They are Burton M.
Parka. chief of WPB's tin can unit: Leslie Mer-
rill, deputy chief, and Edward Place, office ad-
ministrator. They have been seething ad over
the stand of their superiors and feel that the
entire conservation program may be wrecked by
this "business-as-usual" policy.
Seething WPB
Here is the inside story on the situation whicj
has been boiling inside the WPB for days.
When tin and iron first became scarce, the
brewers and bottling companies were ordered by
WPB to reduce their use of bottle caps to 70 per
cent of 1940. They protested. An appeals hear-
ing was held, but the order was kept in effect.
and meanwhile the tin can unit of the WPB
had started its campaign to get housewives to
save tin cans.
This was not an easy campaign, first, because
tin cans are bulky unless cut in two and spread
flat; second, because collection is difficult. How-
ever, the campaign was started in 36 larger
Eastern cities, then extended to 104 additional
cities, all in cooperation with local mayors and
local salvage committees, which did an excellent
Simultaneously, WPB's tin can unit went to
Charles R. Van Etten and Lieut. Harold J. Cohen
of the Salvage Division of the Army's Quarter-
master Cors and arranged to salvage large-
sized tin cans used in great quantity by the
Army. Van Etten and Cohen welcomed the idea.
Army Balks
But their superior, Col. Robert M. Falkenai,
chief of the Quartermaster's Salvage Division,
did not. The Army, he said, was supposed to
train men to fight, not save tin cans. And he
History Can Be
A Poor Teacher .
WE ARE YOUNG in nationhood. It is
not yet time for dynicism or its
attendant evils to pervade and dominate' our
thought. Yet so-called thinking Americans can
look back upon one hundred and fifty years of
history and cull therefrom as sickening a passiv-
ity about immediate issues as has ever bemused
any people
Thus a letter to The Daily placidly asserting
the insolubility of Jim Crowism is all too indica-
tive of an attitude which threatens to eat out
the vitals of progressivism everywhere. So tra-
dition-infested have the workings of our na-
tional mind become that we are told the Negro
problem cannot be solved simply and wholly
because it has always existed. 13,000,000 voices
are raised in unspeakable anguish as the chains
of continued politico-economic enslavement cir-
cle their bodies with ever-tightening rigidity.
And we resort to hoary history books with their
hoarier "lessons." How consoling it is to know
that action is unnecessary when action seems
WHAT IS TRUE of the United States is even
truer of the United Nations, many of whose
would-be spokesmen cannot see the possibility
of world union for much the same reason that
American pundits cannot see the possibility of
racial freedom.
National passivity rots and festers into inter-
national apathy. All the world is atremble with
imminent change and, "authorities" refuse even,
to perceive this world as it is. How long will it
take us to realize that the situation which exists
today is unique? It is paralleled by no other
situation since the beginning of time because
the universe has never before been indissolubly

bound up. It is today. One hundred years ago
world unity was a pipe dream; now it is a physi-
cal, measurable, patent geographic reality.
We are one and know it not. The process has
matured willy-nilly. And while men stand at the
threshold of a new epoch, the abyss of inaction
yawns before them. A single misstep and our
leaders can commit universal hari-kiri.
NOW THEN, this is the alternative, sharp and
clear: we shall act on that truth, seek to
organize a working federation of the world and
evolve a just, peaceful international order, or we
shall deny that which stares us in the. face, or-
ganize for disunity, follow the lead "of geo-.
political perversion, accentuate petty regional
animosities, and fan as seldom before the all-
consuming flames of social self-destruction. One
path can spell the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
-the other only hellish degradation unto death.
There are times when history can act as a
negative quantity. This is such a time. Society
must nulearn all the divisive tendencies that
have rent it asunder century after bloody cen-
tury: If these be youthful, idealistic notions, so
is America youthful and idealistic-lest man-

didn't want army cooks cluttering up the kitch-
ens with empty cans.
After much persuasion, however, Col. Falk-
enau was persuaded to try the idea at least in
army camps around Pittsburgh and New Jersey.
Later the plan spread to other camps.
When the Army Quartermaster Salvage Divi-
sion makes its collections, it operates just as a
village or municipality. It has a supply of
junked material available for sale to the "de-
tinning" outfits.
In the case of the Army, just as it was giving
A-1 cooperation, the brewers and some soft drink
bottlers stepped in and offered the Quarter-
master three times as much the price set for
the tin cans by WPB. Simultaneously, hospitals,
colleges, municipal governmen'ts received lush
offers from the bottlers and brewers.
So local salvage committees, which have ac-
complished a tough, patri6tic job, are beginning
to get sore. And the tragedy is that the next
time a call comes to collect and save a vital war
material, it may not be so easy.
Feed Starving Europe
To the Eitor:
M ANY PEOPLE in the United Nations
today-both in and out of public of-
fice-seem to reflect a profound misunderstand-
ing of what the war is being fought about and
how it can most speedily and permanently be
won. This misunderstanding is daily becoming
more serious, because it is tolerating complete
inaction toward a problem which may be of cru-
cial importance in organizing the world for
If I did not believe there is such a misunder-
standing it would be almost trite to begin this
letter by emphasizing that the resurgence off
pagan nationalism in the world today is basically
a counter-revolution against "liberty, equality,
fraternity"-the doctrine enshrined in the hearts
of mankind since the French Revolutio. Al-
though it certainly has definite economic roots,
the National Socialism We are fighting is truly
a revolt against the French Revolution in its
modern form-Democratic Collectivism.
THE LATTER has taken difierent forms ac-
cording to the institutions of the countries
concerned, but it is fundamentally an attempt to
improve the status of working people everywhere
by forcing modern institutions to subserve the
interests of the individuals who live under them.
Thps it has sought to reconcile Christian Democ-
racy's respect for hpman personality with the
economic necessity for collective action to oon-
trol a modern industrial society. Pagan national-
ism abhors this broad humanitarian content, and
itself treats individuals as tools to be used (i. e.,
sacrificed) to its narrow views of national ag-
Therefore, since this is indeed a war of ideas
between two such radically different notions of
the role of individual man in society, it must be
fought as such. Men wo have fallen under the
heel of the National Socialist Frankenstein and
forced to listen to its drivel about a "new order"
must be reached and won over by an awakened
Democracy! This fighting Democracy, as several
American statsmen have recently declared,
must have as Its goal a "peoples' century" in
which its concepts will be extended to usher in
an era of permanent peace and prosperity. The
ideas of the counter-revolution will persist if the
United Nations seek only to defend Democratic
Collectivism-even though they thereby win a
military victory!
MILLIONS TODAY are crying for a "second
front" in Western Europe, but military stra-
tegists apparently do not believe it would be suc-
cessful yet. Meanwhile the United Nations are
passing up an opportunity to speak on a world
front a language which all the world under-
stands,,and which they arie now in a'position to
speak louder than it has ever been spoken be-
fore. This is the language of food.

All the warehouses in the Western -Hemis-
phere simply are not large enough to hold the
bumper food crops which are being harvested
today. Meanwhile, the men and women whose
support we must have to -win the peace are dying
of starvation and being shoveled out of gutters
into horrible pyres all over devastated Europe. If
Democratic Collectivism sincerely wishes to ex-
tend itself, answering the Axis in the way it will
do the most good, it must try to get food through
to these people!
THE USUAL OBJECTION to "feed Europe"
plans is that "the last war was won by a food
blockade." Even if that is true, the last war was
not a counter-revolution (i. e., a war between
profoundly irreconcilable ideas), and no one
needs to be reminded that we plainly lost the
"last peace." My point is that the United Na-
tions today dare not risk "muddling through" -
fighting this war of ideas with a terrible famine
which is bound to alienate starving millions. If
the goal is a "people's century" of world-wide
peace and prosperity, people-grateful, healthy
people-must be kept alive to support it.
Demratwr ic' colectivism must~1 answer Nation-

VOL. LI No. 38-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes. please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be p'eked up
by the trucks which make regular
janitors is available to collect the
campus, deliveries. Service of %the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
Exhibition of Chinese Painting:
Water-colors by Professor Chang
Shu-Chi: Rackham Building Gal-
leries; Tuesday, August 4, through
Saturday, August 8; 2 to 5 and 7 to
10. Professor Chang will give dem-
onstrations of painting in the gal-
leries on Thursday anid Friday, be-
tween 3 and 5.
Consumer Education Exhibit may
be seen daily at theMichigan League.
Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
A cadem ic Notices
Freshmen, Summer Terni, College
of Literature, Science, and The Arts:
Freshmen may not drop courses
without E grade after Saturday, Au-
gust 8. In administering this rule,
students with less than 24 hours of
credit are considered freshmen. Ex-
ceptions may be made in extraordi-
nary circumstances, such as severe
or long continued illness.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Saturday, August 8.
Report cards are being distributed
to all \departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be re-
turned to the office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. White
cards, for reporting sophomores,
juniors, and seniors should be re-
turned to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
class, whose standing at midsemester
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceived D or E in so-called midsemes-
ter examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in the other schools or col-
leges of the University, should be
From M-3's To M-4's
The Detroit (Chrysler) Tank Arse-
na's ,non-stop changeover from the
M-3's to the improved M-4 models
was an event in itself but in addi-
tion, it seems to us, the event had
even broader snificance asreveal-
ing new and unsuspected possibilities
for . flexibility in mass production
generally. This looks to be rather
important, considering that the war
is so largely fought with machines
and that the ability to improve their
quality as well as quantity is vitally
Mai. Alexander P. de Seversky has
a good deal to say about that in his
books currently published in The
News. He proves it was the super-

lative quality of the British Spitfire
and Hurricane fighters that saved
Britain's bacon both in the 1940
Blitz and at Dunkirk. The Nazis had
standardized their pre-war Messer-
schmitt and Heinkel models for the
sake of quantity. They got it. But
they also got licked, when these
fighters were matched against planes
inferior in numbers but superior in
performance. The British never had
standardized; their up-to-the-minute
fighters were virtually hand-made
jobs. /
When we read -those chapters, we
thought with misgiving of the great
aviation plants hereabouts. The
erstwhile auto industry is applying its
mass-production skill to making war
planes in quantity. Having thus
committed plane output to standard-
ization, would it be possible to pre-
serve the flexibility on which pro-
gressively improving quality must de-
There is a partial answer in the'
sheer potential capacity of American
plane production. The country with
the biggest capacity evidently is best
able to shut down a part of it for
changeover to new models. Howeyer,
that means sacrificing the advan-
tage of quantity-the sacrifice fought
and successfully avoided in the Tank
Arsena transition to the M-4's.
How that miracle was wrought we
are in no position to guess. But if
the same kind of technic and the
same smart planning may be applied
to plane production, Maj. de Sever-
sky can quit worrying over any dan-

Doctoral Examination for Henry
Michael Foley, Physics; thesis: "An
Investigation in the General Theory
of Pressure Broadening, and an Ex-
perimental Study of Pressure Effects
in the 14 Band of Hydrogen Cya-
nide." Friday, August 7, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building, 3:00
p.m. Chairman, D. M. Dennison.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August or September,
1942 are requested to call at the
office of the School of Education be-
fore August 10 to take the Teacher
Oath which is a requirement for
the certificate.
Civilian Pilot Training: Learn to
fly! Applications are now being
made for the next program of Ci-
vilian Pilot Training which starts
approximately September 1st. A full
ten weeks course is given in eight
weeks. Detailed information may be
secured in Room B47, Engineering
Building. See Mrs. Fischthal.
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, and Architecture; Shols
of Education, Forestry, Music and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4 U. H. several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need,
less delay of several days.
- - o a
Seniors: College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts, School of Ed-
ucation, School of Music, School of
Public Health: Tentative lists of
seniors including tentative candi-
dates for the Certificate in Public
Health Nursing for Both the Sum-
mer Session and the Summer Term
have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name does not appear, or, if
included there, it is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of incom-
plete will be Saturday, August 8.
Petitions for extension of time
should be filed in the Secretary's Of-
fice at once.
The final day for dropping courses
without record will be Saturday,
August 8. A course may be dropped
only with the permission of the
classifier, after conference with the
The Michigan P.E.M. will be the
subject of Track Coach Kenneth
Doherty's talk on Monday. August
10th, at 4:05 p.ln. in the University
High auditorium.
"Weiekly Review of tie News" by
Professor Howard M. Ehrmann,
Dept. of History, Tuesday, August
11th, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
"The Cooperative Study in Action"
by George E. Carrothers, Director of
the Bureau of Cooperation with Edu-
cational Institutions. Tuesday, Au-
gust 11th, at 4:05 p.m. in the Uni-
versity High auditorium.
Lectures on Statistical Methods.

evening by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the department of speech.
Tickets are on sale daily at the box
office, Mendelssohn Theatre.
Wesley Foundation: Wienie Roast
tonight at the Island fireplace. Meet
in the Guild lounge at the church
at 8:0O p.m. Reservations must be
in at the office (6881) by 1:00 this
afternoon. Cost 15c.
Maurice Gerow, Tenor, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment o the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30 p.m. tonight, August
7, in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building. A student of rrofessor
Arthur Hackett, Mr. Gerow will be
accompanied at the piano by Miss
Joan Stevens. The public is cordially
Star Clusters and double stars will
be seen frop the Angell Hall obser-
atory tonight from 10-11 o'clock.
Dancing in the Michigan League
Ballroom. 9-12 p.m. Come with or
without a partner. Fricay and Sat.
urday nights,
Westminster Student Guild,-Open
House at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Lampe is the
sponsor. Drop in and bring your
friends for an inteesting gam%-
Coming Events
Wesley Foundation: There will be
a work holiday at the church Satur-
day afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m.
We will work on the arranging and
classification of the Foundation's li-
brary. Join in work and fun and
Blair MeClosky, baritone, and
guest Instructor of Voice at the
School of Music during the Summer
Session, has arranged a program of
songs of Mozart,,Schubert and Hugo
Wolf for his rlcital at 8:30 p.m.
Monday, August 10, in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building. Pre-
viously announced for the Assembly
Hall, the recital will be given in the
Lecture Hall on the first floor #nd
will be open to the general public
without tickets.
Students and Faculty of the Latin
and Greek departments will meet
for a Coffee Hour and Round-table
discussion of teaching' problems on
Tuesday, August 11, at 4:10 in the
West Conference Room of Rackham.
"Glimpses Into Life in South In-
dia" is the title of motion pictures,
partially in color, to be shown by
Dr. Elizabeth Hartman on Tuesday,
August 11th, at 8 o'clock in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Beethoven Sonata Series: On
Tuesday evening, August 11, Gilbert
Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross
Rhead, pianist, will repeat the first
program of the series of Beethoven
Sonatas series for the benefit of
those who were unable to secure
tickets for the performance given on
August 3 in the Assembly Hall of
the Rackham Building. This second
performance will be given at 8:30
p.m. in the Lecture Hall on the first
floor of the same building, and will
beopen to the general public with-
out tickets.
Women In Education. The last
regularly scheduled luncheon for
this summer will be held Wednesday,
August 12, from 11:45 to 1:Op in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan
League. Miss Bessie L. Whitaker,
Associate. Professor of Speech in
charge of Speech Reading, Insti-
tute of Human Adjustment (Speech
Clinic) will speak on "Teaching of
Speech Reading at the University."

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