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August 05, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-05

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
ie for republication .of all news dispatches credited to
it, or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
secod-class snail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
mer Swander E . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . . . City Editor
Mike Dapn . . . . Sports Editor
Jale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irx.ing Jaffe, Robert Preisltei
B isxe Stall

WASHINGTON-The other night U. S. infan-
try troops were swimming a river in North Car
clna in a practice commando"raid. As they
reached the other side, one officer remarked:
"I'll bet this is the first time in history that a
Justice of the United Supreme Court ever swam
a river at night with a pack on his back."
He was referring to Lt. Col. Frank Murphy,
now on temporary vacation from the Supreme
Court, who turned up in Washington for the spy
trial last week looking very bronzed, and singing
the praises of the U. S. Army. Justice Murphy
has been living in the field for seven weeks, go-
ing on long marches, once spending three days
and two nights without sleep, and coming to
know intimately the American soldier.
As a result, he reported to high Washington
officials that in his opinion the American soldier
was the best-looking in the world, the best fed,
and Vith the best hygiene. He also paid tribute
to the type of young officers the army has been
putting in high positions.
"In this war," Murphy said, "our tough young
generals will be giving orders from the field, not
the background. They are out leading their
troops with knives at their sides and Tommy
guns strapped on their shoulders: We are devel-
oping some great young officers."
Murphy also praised Secretary of War Stim-
son and Chief of Staff Marshall for the vastness
of the war program and the way it had been en-
Note:-Justice Murphy goes to Ft. Knox Aug.
10 fdr five weeks of tank training. He is paying
for his own transportation and food.
Queen Wilhemina's Pancakes
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands has
learned the joys of American pancakes.
Coming south through New England on her
special car, she went into the diner for breakfast,
scanned the menu. A State Department official
accompanying her ordered hot cakes and maple
"What is that?" inquired the Queen.
"Your Majesty should try them," suggested the
offici , and he placed two orders.

When the hot cakes were brought, he gave
the Queen careful instructions in the art of
placing a pat of butter between two hot cakes.
Then he suggested she try a few bites first with-
out syrup, then with syrup.
The Queen was delighted, and, like any house-
wife tasting a new dish, she asked if she might
have the recipe.
'Vage Stabilizatioln
Inside reason for holding up the vital question
of stabilizing wages is a hot backstage row over
who will do the stabilizing, although all presi-
dential advisers agree Vlat wages must be stabil-
ized if the cost of living is to be kept down,
The row has almost reached the proportions of
the one which threatened on Capitol Hill if the
President had followed his first plan and asked
Congress to pass wage legislation.
When the President changed his mind regard-
ing legislation and d'cided to act by Executive
Order instead, OPA's General Counsel David
Ginsberg prepared the necessary papers for
establishing a Wage Policy Commission. This
was to have been headed by Gov. Lehman of
New York, with j wer to issue directives on wag-
es to all Government departments.
But immediately half a dozen other agencies
bobbed up with the idea that the wage stabiliza-
tion issue should be turned over to them. And the
legal staffs of the Treasury and War Manpower
Commission got together and wortced oat a sub-
stitute executive order by which the Wage Policy
Commission was to be headed by able Wayne Coy
of the Budget Bureau.
Meanwhile members of the War Labor Board
hinted that they would resign en masse if any
other agency started issuing wage directives to
That's where the matter stands today, with.
N. Y. Judge Sam Rosenman, intimate friend of
the President, and Supreme Court Justice
Byrnes, equally trusted friend, delegated by FDR
to see if they can work out some plan on which
all warring factions will agree.


Edward Perlberg
'Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunfer

ess .
. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
..Publications Manager



The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Second Front
Up To Roosevelt . .
T HERE have been enough 'grand-
stand' generals in the past month
handing out free information on how to go
about establishing a second front to form an
army by themselves .. . and we are not excep-
But to these back seat tank drivers, one thing
fhould be made clear: The commander-in-chief
of the United States Army and Navy is still the
President. Thus, the person who ultimately d-
termines whether or not we invade and when, is
also the President.
This man whom we have entrusted to direct
our war effort is not to be considered a dupe of
the brass-hats, but rather a reasonably well-
informed man, who to all purposes appears to
be interested in aiding the Russians and winning
the war.
Certain facts must be collected when we ask
ou.rselves what the goverinment is doing about
establishing a second front.
1.) In maintaing relations with Vichy, Pres-
ident Roosevelt chose Admiral Leahy, a man
hfot groomed for the Homburg hats of the
State Department and apparently of the Pres-
ident's own choice. Thus it must be allowed
that Mt. Roosevelt had some hand in main-
taining relations with Vichy.
2.) This sante Leahy has been chosen by the
President as assistant Comrnder-in-Chief
of the Army and Navy and iis to be pre-
sumed that Admiral Leahy gained some infor-
mation of the terrain during his brief stay in
The point we wish to make is this: There is
much criticism of our withholding from inva-
sion, but there is every evidence of preparations
r invasion, even to the probable choice of bat-
tle ground--France. The people, then, are criti-
cizing the type of invasion we intend, rather
than the actual question of invasion itself.
The question has come u before our states-
men whether we shall have a 'sacrifice invasion'
comparable to a Dunkirk, or whether we shall
roll up momentum letting the Russians take a
beating in the meantime and eventually strike
with top force ourselves. The latter course
appears, to have been chosen. But in all events
the credit or blame for the decision is President
Roosevelt's and all arrows aimed at brass-hats
e-r silk-hats are simply misdirected.
Raymond Clapper, one of the 'inside' colum-
nists in Washington, freely admitted in yester-
day's column his own lack of knowledge.
"And the second front? What point is there
tn civilians trying to give advice? Roosevelt and
Churchill want a second front as soon as it can
hb opened. Only they and the military know the
facts sufficiently to make an intelligent deci-
We don't ask for blind acceptance, but along
military lines a certain amount of faith must be
ha.d in our elected statesmen if not our generals.
The fact remains that most of the people who
are clamoring for a sacrifice' front would be
the first ones to criticize the administration for
its unnecessary loss of American blood, and for
its inefficient prosecution of the war.
- Will Sapp
Women Follow The Crowd
College women smoke "because everyone else
does," a survey at Bowling Green (Ohio) State

9 Roosevelt'g Choice Welcomed In New York Gubernatorial Race

NE of the most important developments of
the summer, war news notwithstanding, was
the President's decision to take an active part
in the New York gubernatorial campaign. His
endorsement of Sen. James M. Mead following a
series of conferences with New York political
leaders was a hopeful sign of renewed interest
in donestic politics. It is an interest the Presi-
dent needs to maintain, short, of course, of
spending time here that should go to the war
effort. Domestic politics are his forte. They
are solid ground under his feet. They are his
pipeline to the moods and thinking of the
American people. Some of the most astute
among the men around the President hadc be-
come concerned about his total preoccupation
with the strategy of worldwide war. They
thought he was losing touch with the country
and that this loss accounted for his unnecessary
hesitancy about imposing the controls necessary
to keep' the domestic economy geared to the
requirements of war. They felt that he. was
underestimating the extent of his victory over
the former isolationists, the solidarity of public
support of the war effort and the eagerness of
the people for strong and exacting leadership.
Political Plunge Good For Mead
A plunge into the hurly-burly of politics, even
if it did not extend beyond the confines of his
home state, would be good for him. The admin-
istration's stake in the New York contest, while
a secondary consideration, was well worth play-
ing for. Primarily it was control over the state's
Democratic organization-the organization that
will in turn control New York's big delegation
at the Democratic national convention of 1944.
Former Postmaster General James A. Farley,
who is still Democratic chairman of New York,
had made his bid for this control by lining up
what he claimed was a substantial majority of
delegates picked by local leaders to attend the
state convention in August and pledging them
to State Attorney General John J. Bennett for
Governor. Bennett had been neither fish nor
fowl in the pre-Pearl Harbor fight over fore; n
policy, More important, he was Farley's man.
Mead, by contrast, had a clear record of New
Deal support both in the House and the Senate
on foreign as well as domestic policy. And he
was Roosevelt's man.
Nineteen forty-four is a long way off at the
rate world events are marching. But it is not
too soon to think about it. If by that time the
war isnot yet won, or if the war has been won
but the peace not yet made, then some people
will begin to demand another term for President
Roosevelt. If such a demand should arise, it
will come from the people and not the politi-
cians. Jim Farley is only one of many politi-
cians who could be relied upon to fight it
Farley Misunderstood
Ignoring this issue and returning to the pres-
ent: Jim Farley is today one of the most mis-
understood men in public life but the misun-

Since then Farley has been as bitter as he pre-
viously was sweet. He used every trick in the
bag in his effort to prevent a third-term nomi-
nation. Since Chicago the sharpness of his mal-
ice against the President and the endlessness of
his supporting complaints have shocked and
annoyed even some of Roosevelt's severest
Farley's Removal Necessary
Depriving Farley of what remains of his po-
litical bower has become a desirable and, per-
haps, a necessary chore. The nomination and
election of Jim Mead would do it. Mead himself
may be no ball df fire, but his record is unim-
peachable and his bent is honestly liberal. As
to sature, he does not suffer by comparison
with neither Bennett or Thomas E. Dewey, the
probable Republican nominee. Barring some
sudden change in the temper of the voters, there
seems to be little question that Mead, bolstered
by the prestige of the New Deal downstate and
his own political standing upstate, can lick
Dewey without any trouble. He is the only
Democrat with the asset of upstate acceptability
who can have the support of the American La-
bor Party. Mead is an excellent candidate by
any measure.
The setup is almost perfect for the President's
purposes. He must be getting some chuckles out
of it by way of dividend. T]pe political pundits,
as if reciting a nursery rhyme in unison, warned
at the first sign of nresidential concern with
the New York situation that people would prop-
erly resent White House interference in local
politics, that the President was wasting time he
should be devoting to the war and that a Roose-
velt-Farley split in the Democratic Party might
elect Dewey. Mark Sullivan, David Lawrence
and Frank Kent all got easy columns out of this
thesis. The New York Daily News, after making
it plain that'it would support Dewey in any case,
started campaigning for Bennett. When its
position was used by the Mead followers as an
argument against Bennett's nomination, The
News came through with a suggestion that the
Democrats draft Governor Lehman for another
term. As a reward to the Democrats if they fol-
lowed his advice, Captain Joseph Patterson
prcmised that his paper would give Lehman a
fair break in its news columns in a Lehman-
Dewey campaign. Obviously The News, like the
rest of the Deweyites. preferred anything to a
campaign against a Roosevelt-endorsed liberal
and pre-Pcarl Harbor interventionist.
FDR Interference Not Resented
The alarums of sullivan, Lawrence and Kent
had about the same, alert substance as yawns
frcm Wynken, Blyken and NOd. New Yorkers
are accustomed to hear from Franklin D. Roose-
velt, fellow New Yorker, at campaign times.
They don't consider his political opinions inter-
ference, as the people of certain Southern states
did in the so-called purge campaign of 1938. As
for the President's time, the New York campaign
has occupied about as much of it as his cigarette
smoking. The solicitude bf Roosevelt's critics

VOL. L1 No.36-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations. Applications will be
accepted until the needs of the serv-
ice have been met.
Junior Metallurgists, $2,000 per
Junior Physicists, $2,000 per year,
Rate Clerks: Freight and Pas-
senger, $2,300 and $2,600 per year.
The United States Civil Service
Commission calls particular atten-
tion to Junior Professional Assistant
positions at $2,000 per year. Closing
date is August 27, 1942. This exam-
ination is being given for the benefit
of Seniors graduatng in September.
There are no options, but students
are particularly desired in the fields
of Public Administration, Business
Administration. Economics, Library
Science, Statistics and Mathematics
through Calculus.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Ary depart-
ment on the Campus'having metals
or rubber to dispose of fdr defense
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
campus deliveries. Service of the
janitors is available to collect the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
If you have urchased improved
property on a land contract and owe
a balance of approximately 60 per-
cent of the value of the property,
the Investment Office, 100, South
Wing of University Hall, would be
glad to discuss the possibilities of
refinancing- your contract through
the medium of a mortgage. Such re-
financing may effect a savings in
Consumer Education Exhibit may
be seen daily at the Michigan League.
Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Academic Notice
Freshmen, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and The Arts:
Freshmen may not drop courses
without E grade after Saturday, Au-
gust 8. In administering this rule,
students with less than 24 hours of
credit are considered freshmen. Ex-
ceptions may be made in extraordi-
nary circumstances, such as severe
or long continued illness.
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4 U. H. several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need-
less delay of several days.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Saturday, August 8.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be re-
turned to the office of the Academic
CounselorsF 108 Mason Hall. White
cards, for reporting sophomores,
juniors, and seniors should be re-

turned to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
class, whose standing at midsemester
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceived D or E in so-called midsemes-
ter examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
regihteredl1n the other schools or col-
leges of the University, should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered..
Additional cards may be had at'
108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall.
Seniors: College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts, School of Ed-
ucation, School of Music, School of
Public Health: Tentative lists of
seniors including tentative candi-
dates for the rCertificate in Public
Health Nursing for both the Sum-
mer Session and the Summer Term
have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name does not appear, or, if
included there, it is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Points Of Refuge . . .
World history shows that return
to the "eternal verities" is always an

Exchange Fellowships and Profes-
sorships Leaflets and other informa-
tion pertaining to the Exchange
fellowships and professorships in
Latin-America provided by the gov-
ernment of the United States under
the convention for the promotion of
inter-American cultural relations can
be obtained in the office of the In-
ternational Center by anyone inter-
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of incom-
pletes will be Saturdayo August 8.
Petitions for extension of time
should be filed in the Secretary's Of-
fice at once.
The final day for dropping courses
without record will be Saturday,
August 8. A course may be dropped
only with the permission of the
classifier, after conference with the
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tiflcate for August or September,
1942 are requested to call at the
office of the School of Education be-
fore August 10 to take the Teacher
Oath which is a requirement for
the certificate.
Exhilition of Chinese Painting:
Water-colors by Professor Chang
Shu-Chi; Rackham Building Gal-
leries; Tuesday, August 4, through
Saturday, August 8; 2 to 5 and 7 to
All Teachers in the summer school
who do not have any job for next
year please come to our office at
once. The State Department would
like to have this information. (201
Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4).
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments & Occupational Infor-
Civilian Pilot Training: Learn to
fly! Applications are now being
made for the next program of Ci-
vilian Pilot Training which starts
approximately September 1st. A full
ten weeks course is given in eight
weeks. Detailed information mnay be
secured in Room B47, Engineering
Building. See Mrs. Fischthal.
Senor Ezequiel Martinez Estrada
will offer a public Spanish lecture
on Poesia Popular in the Kellogg
auditorium at 4:15 p.m. Thursday,
August 6th.
"Conflicting Ideologies" is the sub-
ject of Prof. R. W. SeVars' Leture
in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
Today's Lecture-"School Library
Service in Michigan-An Analysis of
the North Central Association's Sur-
vey," Edgar G. Johnston, Associate
Professor of Secondary Education
and Assistant Director of the Bureau
of Cooperation with Educational In-
stitutions. (University High School
Auditorium.) 4:05 p.m.
Lectures in Statistics: Professor
Neyman will give the last of his
series of lectures on "Methods of
Sampling," on Thursday at 8 p.m.,
inl 3011 Angell Hall. All persons
interested are cordially invited ,
Dr. Willard C. Olson of the Uni-
versity Elementary School will dis-
cuss "ElementaryrEducation" at 4:05
p.m. Thursday, August 6, in the Uni-
versity High Auditorium. Public in-
Events Today
Women In Education; Miss Rhoda
Reddig, Professor of Nursing and Di-
rector of the School of Nursing, will
be the speaker at the luncheon to-
day. Miss Reddig's talk on "Op-
portunities in the Nursing Profes-
sion" will be especially interesting
to those who are interested in the
guidance of high school girls. Lunch-

eon will be in the Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League, from 11:45 to 1:00
Bridge this afternoon from 2:00
until 4:30 at the Michigan League.
Coffee hour at 4:30 in the Rackhan
Speech Students: The activities
of the Speech Clinic will be the sub-
ject of the departmental assembly
at 3 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Movies of the
Clinic will be shown, and typical
cases will be reviewed. All Speech
students should atttend.
Final Graduate Coffee Hour at
4:30 in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. All Graduate
Students, Faculty, and friends are
The A.S.M.E. will not meet as
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students .and
their friends this afternoon at Har-
ris Hall, 4:00 to 5:15. Evening Prayer
will be said at 5:15 in Bishop Wil-
liams Chapel.

land. All electricals are invited. GOet
your tickets from student officers
"Misalliance," provocative comedy
by G. Bernard Shaw, will be pre-
sented tonight through Saturday
evening by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the department of speech.
Tickets are on sale daily at the box
office, Mendelssohn Theatre.
Wesley Foundation: Tea will be
served in the student lounge today
from 4:00 until 5:30 for students and
their friends. Come in for relaxa-
tion and conversation.
All Education Students: A joint
'meeting of the Men's Education Club
and Women in Education will be
held tonight at 7:15 at the Michigan
Union. Mrs. Mendoza will present a
program of music and talk by Latin
American students. Refreshments
wil be served. Come and bring a
Coining Events
Phi Eta Sigma will have its first
summer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:00 in the Michigan Union. ,The
meeting will be short, though impor-
tant, and will start precisely at 7
Professor Percival Price will p)ay
one of his own compositions in the
carillon recital at 7:15 Thursday eve-
ning, August 6, when he presents
Sonata for 43 bells, The program
will open with Iptermezzo from Cav-
atlleria Rusticana and also include
English harpsichord pieces, songs by
Richard Leveridge and American
popular airs.
Beethoven Sonata Series: The
second and third programs of the
series of Beethoven Sonatas by Gil-
bert Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross
Rhead, pianist, will be.givei in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing instead of te Assembly Hall, as
previously announced. The larger
hall will enable the School of Music
to admit the general public withdut
tickets. The second of the series
will be given at 8:30 p.m. Thursday,
August 6, as announced.
Inter-Guild will hold its weekly
luncheon at 12:15 in the Fireplace
Room of Lane 6a, and those who
atend the Univrsity Worship Ser-
vice areurged to come at 12:30. All
members of student 'religious groups
are invited to attend; it is desirable
to phne reservations to Lane Hall,
Pi Lambda Theta: Honors Day Re-
ception at the Woman's Lounge,
Rackham Building, Thursday, Au-
gust 6th at 8 p.m.
Methodist Students: Reservations
for the wienie roast at the Island
fire-place Fridayrnightat 8:00 p.m
should be in by Thursday night. Call
6881 or sign up at the student office.
"Post-War Germany" will be the
topic of a panel discussion led by
Professor J. K. Pollock. The meeting
will be held Thursday in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan League
at 7:55 p.m.
Cercle Francais: The next regular
meeting will be held at the Michigan
League, Thursday at 8 p.m. Mlle.
Jeanne Rosselet will read some let-
ters from France and Professor Ar-
thur L. Dunham will give an illus-
trated talk entitled "Illustration de
l'opinion publique francaise a l'egard
de l'Allemagne pendant la premiere
guerre mondiale." Students and fac-
ulty are cordially invited. Members
of the Cercle who plan to attend the
picinic at Portage Lake on August 12
will please notify Mrs. Morris, Miss
Olthouse or Mr. Jobin.
Math. 347, Seminar in Applied
Mathematics, will meet Thursday at

4 p.m. in 312 East Engineering (in-
stead of Friday). Professor Wojtas-
zak will speak on "Deformation of
Plates and Shells." This topic will be
continued by Professor Wojtaszak
the following Thursday at the same
Maurice Gerow, Tenor, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30 p.m. Friday, August
7, in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building. A student of Professor
Arthur Hackett, Mr. Gerow will be
accompanied at the ,piano by Miss
Joan Stevens. The public is cordially
Star Clusters and double' stars will
be seen from the Angell Hall observ-
atory on Friday night, August 7th,
from 10-11 o'clock.
Blair McClosky, baritone, will pre-
sent a recital of songs at 8:30 p.m.
Monday, August 10, in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building. This
recital was previously announced as
scheduled for the Assembly Hall but
the Lecture Hall is now available, and
the general public will be admitted
without tickets.


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