Not Much Change
4 fri ' t mt
Second Front
UpR To Roosevelt ..,
VOL. LI No. 36-S
2:15 A.M. FINAL
.. . . . . . . . . . . .
Labor Groups
Will Combine
Force In Huge
'Peace' Parley
Conference To Close Gap
Between CIO, AFL Is
Certain; Labor Leaders
Willing To Talk It Over
Two Committees
To BeAppointed
CHICAGO, Aug. 4-()-The Amer-
ican Federation of Labor and the
Congress of Industrial Organizations
agreed today to consider merging
their forces in one huge unit at a
historic peace parley.
A conference to study steps to close
the seven-year gap between them and
to bring approximately 11,000,000
workers under a single standard be-
came assured when. AFL president
William Green aanounced the Fed-
eration's standing peace committee
was ready to meet a similar group
appointed by CIO president Philip
TheAFL chief reported the date
and site of the meeting would be
fixed by members of the committees,
expressed the hope that the negoti-
ations would be finished this fall aid
stated he was confident "the con-
ferees will be able to reach a jsettle-
ment fair to all Concerned."
Murray Names Committee
Murray, in a letter to Green last
Sunday, advised that he had named
a committee to discuss "possible es-
tablishment of organic unity between
our organizations." Green regarded
the note as the CIO's "official ac-
ceptance"' of the AFL's sugg'estion
Idst May that peace parleys be re-
sumed. Green tqd reporters he be-
lieved President Roosevelt was "deep-
ly interested" in a reunion of the
labor bodies.
If the AFL, claiming 6,000,000
members, and the CIO, claming 5,-
000,000 adherents, reunite, it would
raise the question of what, if any-
thing, John L, Lewis would do. Lewis,
head of the United Mine Workers,
bolted the AFL in 1935 and set up
4 the CIO. There have been reports
that Lewis, at odds with Murray,
would withdraw his union from the
CIO, AFL Unity
Green asserted re-establishnient of
unity between the CIO and AFL
would be the "greatest single con-
tribution" both could make to "the
success of the-war effort." He added:
"It will eliminate division, discord
and jurisdictional strife. It will ex-
pedite war production. It will permit
labor to speak with a single and more
effective voice, both in protecting the
social and' industrial interests of
workers today and when world peace
is finally negotiated."
The AFL and CIO engaged in peace
parleys in 1937 and 1939, but con-
ferences were broken off each time.
The task of attempting to remove
all obstacles on the road to unity will
be in the hands of the negotiating
committees. Representing the C10
will be Murray; R. J. Thomas, presi-
dent of the United Automobile Work-
ers; and Julius Emspak of the United
Electrical Radio and Machine Work-
ers. Three vice presidents will speak
for the AFL. They are Harry C.
Bates of th e Bricklayers Union, Dan-
iel Tobin of the Teamsters Union and
William L. Hutcheson of the Car-
Defense Calls
Col. Lndberg
In Pelley. Trial
By The Associated $ress
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 4.-The se-
dition trial-of William Dudley Pelley
and two associates, accused of seek-
ing to interfere with the nation's
war effort, neared an end today with
the brief and somewhat anti-climac-
tic appearance of Charles A. Lind-
bergh, called as a defense witness.
After the noted aviator and for-
mer America First leader testified
that he had made no effort since
the United States entered the war to
learn the people's attitude, the de-
fense announced it had no other
witnesses immediately available and
Judge Robert C. Baltzell recessed
the trial until tomorrow.
The defense apparently called
Lindbergh in an effort to gain sup-
port of published articles in which
Britain Charges India
Is Appeasing Japanese
All-Indian Congress Approves Of Civil
Disobedience To Obtain Freedom
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, Aug. 4.-The Brit-
ish government charged today that
the great majority of the All-India
Congress working committee are ap-
peasers of Japan and that the na-
tionalist leader Mohandas K. Gan-
dhi favors prompt.-negotiations with
Japan for the independent India he
seeks to establish now.
The government citeddocuments
seized in a raid on the All-India
Congress Party's headquarters at
Allahabad, in particular the original
draft of a resolution put forward by
Gandhi advocating that Indians
wage a campaign of civil disobedi-
Hi bee Speaks
To Tau Beta Pi
Honor Students
Engineering Society Hears
Founder Talk At Dinner
For 18 New Members
Prof. Henry H. Higbee, speaking
at the initiation banquet of Tau
Beta Pi, engineering honor frater-
nity, said last night that "it has
been the distinguished men in the
past who have brought the world to
what it is today."
"The world looks to the same kind
of men in this generation to bring
it out of this mess," he said. Prof.
Higbee founded the chapter here in
1905 and has been an active officer
of the national fraternity for more
than 15 years.
"We need more study of man
himself rather than more study of
nature," he said. "They (the past
generation) developed the mechan-
ics of living; we must, develop the
ethics of living. It is important that
the engineer find the proper rela-
tionship to the moral and religious
side of life."
Robert Sundquist, who gave the.
welcome, is the president of the
Michigan Gamma chapter of Tau
Beta Pi. Prof. Louis A. Baier was
toastmaster at the banquet while
William Lehmann led the response.
The new initiates are: Edgar A.
Bongort, Brice M. Bowman, Herman
Dykstra; Charles E. Goodell, Gilbert
Hammond, Robert Hehemann, Guy
A. Hoenke, John K. Koffel, William
H. Lehmann, John W. Luecht, Rich-
ard K. Mosher.
Donald M. O'Neill, Carl C. Red-
inger, Cecil Robert Sessions, William
T. Sparrow, Hideo Yoshihara, Lee C.
Verduin land Peter. A. Weller com-
plete the list.
Coast Dimout
Set By Army
Pacific Order Approaches
Blackout In Scope
Associated Press War Correspondent
nesday)-The army today ordered a
dim-out of the entire Pacific coast,
so vast and drastic in scope as to ap-
proach the proportions of a blackout.
It called a halt to baseball and
other. outdoor sports at night, ord-
ered every electric sign and theatre
marquee extinguished anti prescribed
some form of shielding for virtually
every other type of exterior lighting.
The regulations, defined in a proc-'
lamation by Lieut. Gen. J. L. DeWitt,
commanding the fourth army and
western defense command, will be-
come effective August 20.
Covering a strip of western Wash-
ington, Oregon and California at
some points as much as 150 riles
wide, they have the effect of extend-
ing and tremendously augmenting
the dim-out order requested by the
navy last spring for certain ocean-
front sections.
The proclamation created a zone
of restricted lighting, which General
De Witt said the present situation
requires as a matter of military
necessity. He called attention to at-
tacks on ships traveling in coastal
waters and attacks on land installa-
Allied Planes Level
Japanese-Held Cit
ence to win immediate ireedom from
British rule.
Gandhi admitted the substance of
the charges, but said he had taken
his position for bagaining purposes.
Such a resolution was eventually
adopted by the working committee
and is to be voted upon by the party
in a momentous meeting this Friday,
but the apprtved resolution, sup-
ported by the more moderate Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, omitted refer-
ences advocating direct cooperation
with Japan.
Gandhi's proposed resolution
stated in part:
"Japan's quarrel is not with India.
She is warring against the British
Empire. India's participation in the
war has not been 'with the consent
of representatives of the Indian peo-
ple. It was a purely British act.
"If India were freed, her first step
would probably be to negotiate with
"This committee desires to assure
the Japanese government and peo-
ple that India bears no enmity either
towards Japan or towards any other
nation. India .only desires freedom
from all alien domination.
"But if Japan attacks India ahd
Britain makes no response to its ap-
peal, the committee would expect all
those who look to the Congress for
guidance to offer complete non-
violent non-cooperation to the Japa-
nese forces, and not to render any
assistance to them ..."
Officials ove
To Investigate
~Black Market'
By The Associated Press
NEW OF3 EiANS, Aug. 4.-Charges
than an extensive "black market" in
steel existed will be investigated
thoroughly, a congressional sub-
committee announced today shortly
after President Roosevelt said that
he thought persons who sold steel in
such manner should go to jail.
Almost at the same time, Price
Administrator Leon Henderson in
Washington ordered an immediate
investigation of the report that black
market sales had been made to the
Higgins shipbuilding yards here.
"This matter of a black market
will be fully investigated, not only
here and in Washington but through-
out the country," said Rep. Peter-
son (Dem.-Fla.), chairman of the
committee which is investigating the
Maritime Commission's cancellation
of a Higgins contract for 200 Liberty
Ships because of an alleged steel
President Roosevelt at a press con-
ference said charges before the com-
mittee of a black market should be
investigated and Peterson said in re-
ply, "they will be, we will not stop
until we get to the bottom of this and
Congress will have a full report."
These developments followed tes-
timony before the ,committee by
Frank 0. Higgins, general manager
of the Higgins Corporation and son
of A. J. Higgins, that there was a
"black steel market with bulging
warehouses scattered over the na
Th ,,,beis Petition
For IaclaI19 o sts
Joe College has moved into the
city council to fight for his right
to get, home on the weekends,
The executive council of the
Michigan Union- petitioned the
councilmen at, their reguar meet-
ing on Monday td designate cer-
tain "strategic" corners on main
arteries leading out of town as
official hitch-hiking stations.
Designed to meet the student's
transportation problem now that.
tires have turned into gold -mines.
the plan proposed that identifica-
tion cards be issued to all would-
be riders. These would e shown
to the obliging' motorist and
would constitute a waiver of the
driver's liability in the event of
any accident.
To make it complete, the stu-
dents even want hitch-hiking
signs to be posted on the corners.
U.S, Fighters
B a;;54 #Planes
In Sea Battles
Navy Pus Losses At Four
After Single Squadron
Fights Japs At Midway
By The Asocated Press
squadron of Navy fighter pilots was
credited officially today with having
shot down 54 Japanese planes and
probably shot down 18 others to help
win the great air-sea battles of Coral
Sea and Midway. The squadron lost
only four planes, two to enemy fight-
ers and two which rap out of gas.
In reporting the squadron's score
the 'Navy said that it was made in
four actions-one in the Coral Sea
and three at Midway-and called
these "the most decisive series of in-
dividual aircraft actions in the war
to date."
Among the enemy planes reported
as certainly shot down were at least
22 Japanese "Zero" planes, long re-
garded by American rpilitary and
naval authorities as the enemy's best
In 'a sense, therefore, the single
squadron's fighting record was re-
garded in naval circles here as one
measure of the relative merits of the
Japanese craft and it% Grumman
"Wildcat" opposition as well as of
the combat skill of Japanese and
Ameriocan pilots.
Law Review
Editor Chlose n
Marshall Peter Appointed
To Succeed Estep
The appointment of M a r s h a 11
Peter '43 L, to the position of editor-
in-chief of the Michigan Law Review
was announced yesterday by the fac-
ulty of the Law School.
Estep, the former editor, has re-
signed to enter the Naval Training
School at Notre Dame.
others members ne~y appointed
to the senior board of editors of the
Law Review are George Rudolph,
George Schilling, and Robert tlrich.
Schilling was made an associate edi-
The remaining group on the senior
board include the last springs ap-
pointees James Dunlap E d w a r d
Dwyer, and James MCrystal
Nazi' SCaucasus Advance
Threatens Russian Flank
Two-Score Circus Animals Die
As Flames Sweep Menagerie
Sparks From Train Believed To Have Started Blaze;
North Estimates Damage At $200,000
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND, Aug. 4.-Fire, ter-
ror of the jungle, sxept the Ringling.
Circus menagerie today, killing two-
score animals, but tonight the big
top and the midway carried on with
all their bright lights and glittering
The flames broke out at noon to-
day in the menagerie tent, just as
the hands were gathering for lunch.
There were 18 cages and rows of
tethered beasts.
Big John Sabo, the menagerie su-
perintendent, shouted and the ani-
mal men came running. In 15 agon-
izing minutes the tent had burned,
cages were charred, the screams of
caged "cats" had heralded their
fierce death; and the rout of ele-
phants, zebras and camels had sub-
sided to a tense quiet.
Henderson Counts Loss
Dr. J. J. Henderson, the circus
veterinarian, turning with ? grimace
from the quivering body of a camel
which had just been destroyed by a
merciful shot, counted the loss. So
did Big John, nervously bossing the
removal of a charred wagon.
John Ringling North heard their
reports, and said that upwards of
two-score animals were dead. "Oth-
ers may have to be destroyed. There
is a puma that is suffering," he said.
A few minutes later a shot ended
the puma's life.
$200,000 Damage
North tentatively estimated the
campu s .Vote
To Determine
Prom. dress
An all-campus vote will be taken
from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. tomorrow to
put an end to all quibbling about
whether or not Michigan's Summer
Prom shall be formal or semi-formal,
General Chairman Donald E. West
said yesterday.
The dance was previously an-
nounced as optional-formal or semi-
formal-but the central committee,
deluged under with complaints and
somewhat confused itself,, has decid-
ed to let the campus make up its own
Polls for this all-campus vote will
be placed at Angell- Hall, the front
steps of the Union, the middle of the
diagonal and in the engineering arch.
Tickets, on sale for the first time to-
morrow, will be available at all of
these posts.
Statements from central comfnit-
tee show that Buck Dawson, repre-
senting Alpha Phi Omega, is a
(Continued on Page 3)
loss at $200,000. He said a fire offi-
cer had told him he believed sparks
from a train, passing by on the lake-
front, had started the blaze.
The animals killed by fire or de-
stroyed by the guns of quickly gath-
ering police and coast guardsmen
included two elephants, 10 camels,
eight zebras, five lions, two tigers,
three deer, two Indian donkeys, two
brindle gnus, two giraffes,, and the
The performing animals, the big.
top, the horses and the gorillas Gar-
gantua and Toto Were unharmed.
Fed by straw and sawdust, and'
sreading like a flash across the can-
v and the big painted wagons, the
flames seared the caged beasts, ter-
rified the rows of elephants and
zebras, and defied the flailing shov-
els and buckets of mechanical
crews, a few performers and train-
ers, the circus firemen and the city's
police and firemen.
Kanzler Gets
New Position
In Washington,
Chief Of WPB Automotive
Branch Leaves Detroit;
Will Appraise Industry
DETROIT, Aug. 4 -(P)- Ernest
Kanzler who took over the job of
Chief of the War Production Board's
automotive branch last January 21,
left for Washington tonight to be-
come deputy chairman of the WPB
in charge of program progress.
To the new assignment which will
involve a thorough and constant ap-
praisal of the production effort of in-
dustry in general Kanzler will take
the more than six months experience
gained in coordinating the automotive
industry's war materials output task.
Until a successor is appointed to
Kanzler as chief of the automotive
branch and director of' the Detroit
region of the WPB, these two posts
will be handled by D. J. Hutchins.
who has been head of the materials
section of the Detroit WPB office.
R. L. Vaniman, who as deputy
chief has been in charge of the Wash-
ington office of the automotive
braInch, will be acting chief of that
New Plan To Check
Car Speedometers
Is StudiedBy WPBJ
an alternative to nation-wide gaso-
line rationing to save rubber, the
War Production Board was reported
today to be considering a speedom-
eter-checking plan to "ration mile-
Simultaneously a high official of
the Office of Price Administration
said fuel oil rationing in the East
was a "distinct possibility" unless
other drastic steps were taken. Lim-
itation of gasoline deliveries as far
east as the Mississippi was under
consideration, he said, to free tank
cars for hauling petroleum east.
Officials who would not permit
use of their names said the "mileage
rationing" proposal before WPB
called for the registration of every
automobile and the allocation of a
specified number of miles to each
through "certificates of necessity"
issued to drivers.
FDR To Decide
Fate Of Spies
President Roosevelt said today that
he was making a careful review of
the voluminous evidence presented
German Drive Approaches
Don River Elbow; Cuts
ThroughSouth Of Salsk
Apparent Goal Is
Only 50 Miles Off
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, AUG. 5 (Wedneaday)-
German troops have made another
50-mile advance in the Caucasus to
threaten Tikhoretsk, an important
junction on the Soviet Railway sys-
tem, and also have gained in the Don
River elbow northwest of Stalingrad,
the Russians announced early today.
Driving southwest of Salsk along
railway, the Nazis have reached Be-,
laya Glina, and their apparent goal
is Tikhoretsk, another 50 miles away.
Seizure of Tikhoretsk would out-
flank the Russian Army still fighting
the Nazis at Kushchevka, 50 .miles to.
the north, and enable the German
to control large segments of Russia
railways in the Western Caucasus.
Soviet Positions Pierced
G e r m a n reserves succeeded in
punching a hole in Soiet positions
in the Don River elbow some 80 miles
northwest of Stalingrad.
"In the Kletskaya area and south
of it," the midnight communique
said, "our troops repulsed many en-
emy attacks and inflicted many
blows on the enemy.
"The Germans threw In many re-
serves and only at the cost of heavy
losses pressed back somewhat our
The, push to Belaya Olina repre-
sents a 125-mile thrust into the Cau-
casus by the Nazi salient which
clossed the Don ! near Nikolaevsk,
bridged the Manych river to reach
Salsk, then turned southwestward
toward Tikhoretsk.
"In the Kushchevka area h
bulletin said, "the German it.
troops continuously attack our de-
fense lines. Most of the attacks are
repulsed. In one sector only the en-
emy succeeded in pushing forward."
Cossacks Battle Hard
Cossack cavalrymen equipped with
'modern weapons were in the thick of
the Caucasian fight, but the tone of
the Russian communique ,made it
only too evident that the German
mechanized might was telling in
most sectors except perhaps at Tsim-
All attempts to cross the stream in
the Kletskaya- region were declared
repulsed and on the Lower Don.near
Tsimlyansk German forces which
poured 'across bridgeheads apparent-
ly were contained in a pocket on the
south bank.
Nazis Near Oil Fields
The Caucasus was the mos criti-
cal zone along the 2,000-mile attle-
front, because German troops were
nearing the Maikop oil fields which
produce 7 percent of Russian petrol-
eui and were striking hard for the
derricks of Grozny, which yield an-
other 3 percent or More. The vast
Baku pools near the Caspian were
more than 600 . miles away, These
producers of 75 to 80 percent of
Rusian oil were protected by the
towering Caucasus mountai.
Of the Salsk fighting, 100 miles
southeast of Rostov, the Russian
communique at mid-day said: "Sov-
iet troops were forced to fall back to-
new positions after repulsing fierce
enemy attacks."
Union Defers,
Action On New
Overtime Ban
By The Associated Press
United Automobile, Aircraft, Agricul-
tural Implement Workers Union to-
day considered but deferred action
on a demand that the policy of no
overtime for Saturday and Sundays
be applied to other labor organiza-
The annual convention shelved
temporarily a resolution which would
renounce the union's own wartime
policy of no week-end overtime pay
unless other 1 a b o r organizations
Shaw's 'Misalliance' To Open Run,
'On Michigan Repertory Stage Today
The Michigan Repertory Players
of the Department of Speech open
their fifth week of production at
8:30 p.m. today in the Mendelssohn
Theatre with "Misalliance," a com-
edy by the author of "Man and Su-
perman" and "Pygmalion"-George
Bernard Shaw.
The Shavian answer to the age-
old question of how modern children
should be brought up will be found
in this "debate in one sitting," so
dubbed by the author upon comple-
tion of his play in London, 1910.
Representing domestic conven-
tionality in the Shaw farce is the
character John Tarleton, British un-
derwear tycoon, whose scientific
method of rearing children is con-
stantly* thwarted by his own off-
spring, Patsy and Johnny. A climax
is reached when Patsy, resenting her
father's firm reins, determines to
Surrey home will include Daniel
Mullin as Lord Summerhaps; Jacob
Ulanoff as Julius Baker; and Marg-
aret Muse as Mlle. Szczepanowska.
Frank Pickard plays Joel, the flying
Guest director Charles H. Mere-
dith, 'who guided the Repertory
Players in "Thunder Rock," directs
the Shaw vehicle. Meredith has been
serving on the summer Department
of Speech faculty, and will return in.
the fall to New Orleans' Le Petit
Theatre du Vieux Carre as managing
director. A star of silent screen-
days, his name is now familiar in
community theatre circles, and his
work as director of playhouses in
Dallas, Texas, and Charleston, S. C.,
has won him acclaim.
Howard Bay, designer, William
Kellam, builder, arid Horace Armi-
stead, painter-noted Broadway sce-
nic art trio-have created the sets