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August 02, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-02

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QAY, AUGUST 2, 1942

TT 0 1- 'M 7-,. I

Women In Aerial Mapping Course
GetPractical Training In Surveying
Sore-shouldered. from luggtcingheavy

AV, AUGUST 2~ 1~42


transits, 20 victory-minded women
spent two afternoons a week search-
ing for iron pegs in knee-high poison
ivy, adjusting levels, reading verniers
and consulting log tables in the fields
back of the University Hospital..
The field trips, intended to provide
an understanding of the principles
and practices of surveying, are partj
of the ESWDT program 'to train wo-j

men for federal positions as aerial But according to Prof. E. F. Brater
map-makers, of the civil engineering department
Most of them young and pretty, the girls are "an extremely intelli-
and almost all of the possessors of at gent bunch, and are catching onto
least one degree from a university, the work very quickly."
the students agree that the survey- "Their chief difficulty was their
ing excursions "are more fun than inexperience with technical prob-
anything." lems, but they are getting used to
Despite a precautionary "Don't tell them rapidly. They had no trouble
him how dumb we are" from Helen with the theoretical work."
Cunningham of North Carolina, the But Marjorie Kephart, who grad-
women decided "We would rather ad-uated from this University with a
mit that wehare not so bright than major in geography, looked up fromI
say tuat 'these engineer s courses a transit, and said "the hardest thing
are tough." about the course is working this darn
gadget. Everything is upside down,
for one thing, and there are too
a st's Fuel U many knobs and legs to wrestle with.
But these field trips are the part of
M ight Not Last the course I like best.
"I took the program because I
wanted to do some kind of war work,
FDR Warns Householders and with my background in geog-
raphy and my desire to do mapping
Supply Is Not Certain work anyway, this was a golden op-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-{AP)-The "We don't have too much studying
East's 1,250,000 householders with oil to do at home, but we put in 33 hours
furnaces were warned by President a week in class, and geography was
Roosevelt today that "there can be never like that."
no guarantee" that they will receive This same desire to help the war
sufficient fuel oil next winter for ade- program was expressed by Carolyn
quate warmth. Hawks, who studied painting at Ver-
At the same time, petroleum co- mont for four years. "I wanted to
ordinator Ickes predicted that many do something," she said, "and my
of these homes may experience days painting helped in the drawing-if in
entirely without heat, and that oil nothing else."
deliveries might have to be refused to After completing the 12 -week
any consumer in the shortage area course, the women will be prepared
who did not convert his furnace to to fill badly needed positions vacated
coal when he was -able to do so. by men now working in the armed
Ickes' aides said this embraced the services. They will make maps from
East's apartment houses, hotels, bus- aerial photographs of the coastlines
mess buildings and other commercial of the United States, of Alaska and
establishments, as well as residences. America's island possessions.
Mr. Roosevelt, in a message to the "No other University is giving Aso
petroleum coordinator, endorsed the complete a course as this one," said
current program to bring about con- Prof. Brater. "'The women are getting
version of oil burners in the Atlantic training in surveying, photogram-
seaboard states Lo the use of coal metry and drawing, and should be
or other substitute fuels wherever prepared to take supervisory positions
possible. after they finish the program."

U-S-9 o s '"I" Irish Story To
9Pla panee____an_
In B tt.le Of Chi a Con Cregar's Legacy"'will be
broadcast by the University radio
Chunking, Aug. l-- (AP )-UInited tomorrow at 3:15 p.m. over WJR,
States fighter pilots shot down nine The 15-minute program tells a story
Japanese pianes over Hngyang es- which was adapted from an old Irish
terday, raising the Japaese losses David Owen takes the leading role
over that Hunan Prvince ain base tO in the mysterious tale of how Con
at least 17 in two day. Gen. Josph Cregar was substituted for a man
W. Stilwell announced teday as the whom he resembles after that man
Chinese reported a new Japanese had died. The dead man's son in-
landing on the coast of Chekiang yokes the substitution and is unable
SProvince.to do anything when Cregar, in mak-
In a determined but thwarted at- ing a will for the dead man. leaves
tempt to wipe out the American Air himself part of the property.
Force in China, the Japanese sent 29 The broadcast, which emanates
of their vaunted 7ero fghters against from Morris Hall, will be narrated by
Hengyang yesterday, but were broken Tom Battin. David Rich is to direct
up by the American fighters. the program and Robert Reifsneider

--I--- I



r. -~v~ W




[ "?- c'ecti~on





At The State .. .
Rex Beach's story 'The Spoilers'
comes to life 'at the State today in a
rough and tumble picture starring
Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott,
John Wayne and Margaret Lindsay.
Filled with brawls and battles, the
picture dramatizes the famed Klon-
dike gold rush. Marlene Dietrich
stars as Cherry Malotte, seductive
and beautiful operator of Nome's lar,
gest and gayest saloon.. Battling for,
the love of Cherry are gold commis-
sioner McNamara-Randolph Scott
-and miner Glennister played by
John Wayne. Great moment of the
film is the fight between the two
To, Grosse Pointe
Sailing in almost a dead calm, the
Michigan Sailing Club lost its first
race of the season to the Grosse
Pointe Yacht Club yesterday on
Whitmore Lake. The visitors from
Grosse Pointe amassed a total of
453/4 points as against Michigan's
W0/2 points.
Michigan's Dick Johnston was the
first to cross the finish line in his
12-foot dinghy in the first race, but
Grosse Pointe, paced by Nate Van
Osdol, succeeded in taking the next
three races.

At The Michigan ...
Co-starring Joan Fontaine and Ty-
rone Power, the picturized version of
Eric Knight's best selling novel of the
war, "This Above All," will open at
the Michigan today.
Directed by Anatole Litvak, the
story is of the dramatic struggle of a
young British couple caught in the
turmoil of the war.
Joan Fontaine, winner of Holly-
wood's famed 'Oscar,' for 1941, stars
as 'Prudence,' a young English girl of
a good family who joins the Women's
Auxiliary Air Force.
Playing opposite Miss Fontaine as
'Clive,' a British soldier who has de-
serted, is Tyrone Power.
Also opening Sunday is a new 'Kal-
tenborn Edits the News' feature star-
ring Charles Hodges. Mr. Hodges,
chief of the North American office
of the League of Nations at Geneva,
will discuss three questions submit-
ted from all over the nation.
THERE ARE several replies to
Box 12.
GRAD wishes car for use-on trip,
Thursday through Sunday. Will
pay $15, possibly more. Call Gerald
Burns at 7447. 27c
PEN-HALF of black Shaeffer pen.
Lost on Madison St. Saturday.
Return to Daily, Box 22. Reward.
ing valuable family records. Miss-
ing Saturday. Liberal reward. Re-
ply Box 101, Michigan Daily. 24
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. \Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
SINGLE ROOM for women avail-
able after August 20. Opposite
School of Education. 703 Haven.
Telephone 7225. 27


e bir
Shows Today 1-3--5a-9 P.M.

-- Additional.
- - - -





a:: .


AUGUST 2, 1942

The War Board ' an-j
nounced Saturday that 206
U. of M. men have signed
with the, newly-opened
Army Enlisted Reserve
Corps and warned that
2,200 more must be en-
listed to fill the quota set
by the government .
summer students have been
urged to enlist now to
avoid an expected rush in
the fall. The reserve corps
enables students who meet
the necessary requirements
to remain in school until
they finish their college
training . . . the present
rate of enlistments here is
seven men per day.
Sore - shouldered from
lugging heavy transits, 20
victory-minded University
coeds spend two afternoons
a week in the new wom-
en's surveying course . .
the course is part of the
ESWDT program to train
women for federal posi-
tions as aerial mapmakers.
Prof. E. F. Brater of the
civil engineering depart-

promptly and
2-2678. Alta

on ladies garments
carefully done. Call
Graves (opposite

to share expenses on motor trip
to Mobile, Alabama. Leaving Ann
Arbor Aug. 6 or 7. If interested

u u

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