4 71.atttl
Capitol Red Tape
Slows War Effort .
2:15 A.M. FINAL
Kaiser Awaits
Roosevelt Nod
To Build Huge
Cargo 'Airships
Shipbuilder Promises First
Ship Will Be Turned Out
Ten Months After Plans
Have Been'Given To Him
Martin Is Confident
Of Quick Production
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 30.-Henry
J. Kaiser solemnly assured" two Sen-
ate committees today that a signal
from President Roosevelt would
translate his vision of a fleet of giant
cargo planes into a construction pro-
gram such as only American ingenu-
ity could initiate. '
Given ' the green light" and a
steady flow of materials, the Oak-
land, Calif., shipbuilder told a Mili-
tary Affairs subcommittee he could
turn out the first of such ships
"within ten months after receiving
Not only could his shipyards be
converted in part to the production
of planes to speed up war deliveries,
NEW YORK, July 30. -(/P)-
Glenn L. Martin, airplafe manu-
facturei-, declared tonight that
giant air transports, each capable
of carrying 150 fully-equipped sol-
diers anywhere on earth within five
days, could be turned out at any
rate required if materials were
made available.
Speaking On a March of Time
broadcast over NBC network from
his Middleriver, Md., plant, Martin
described his newly-completed 70-
ton flying boat Mars as capable of
carrying 20 tons of war cargo and
flying non-stop to Europe and
back, or from Newfoundland to
"This is a 300-mile-an-hour.
war," Martin declared. "A fleet
of 300 flying vessels could put 45,-
000 men in Europe in three days.
And we can build those 300 flying
vessels - with only one-tenth the
structural materials required for 25
Liberty ships."
Huge RAFAir Offensive
Rips Entire French Coast
13 British Fighting Planes Are Dropped
As Heavy Attacks Blast Wide Area
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, July 30.-British fighter
offensives, timed to keep up an al-
most cfntinual racket of bomb blasts
and guhfire, swept the French coast,
from near the Belgian border on the
east to near the tip of Brittany on
the west early tonight following an-
other RAF heavy bomber blow, this
timeagainst Saarbruecken in the
Thirteen British pla'nes were lost
in the series of dusk offensives in
which Spitfires scored direct hits on
hangars and dispersal huts on an'
airdrome in the St. Omer area, set
fire to a tanker off the coast and
damaged a motor vessel.
Seven of Germany's speedy, high-
climbing new Focke-Wulf 190 fighter
planes were shot down.
A waning "bombers' moon" lighted
the way to strong bomber forces
which swept over the thickly built
coal and steel center of Saarbruecken
Wednesday night when great fires
and blasts visible 75 miles away were
set off.
This continued hammering by
strong forces of bombers against the
centers of German industry of which
the attack against Saarbruecken was
the seventh in 10 nights, it was dis-
closed meanwhile by informed air
sources, is only one of the ways in
I urhit hLLth 04~iVY 0.4 .r, hUin.&16V,~rrL~ to
Kaiser declared, but the conversion
would not interfere with his ship-+
building contracts, and Bethlehem
and United States Steel Corporation
and other shipbuilders would do like-
wise if President Roosevelt asked.
In an appearance before the Sen-
ate Defense Investigating Committee
he agreed with Chairman Truman
(Dem.-Mo.): "The job can be done
if there's a will to do it."
He insisted the two bottlenecks of
engines and steel could be broken.
"If the automotive industry of
America, which supplied 85 per cent
of the world's motor cars, can't pro-
duce enough engines," he said, "it is
indeed sad."
Kaiser wanted to answer particu-
larly the suggestion he said Ricken-
backer made yesterday °"that (1)
perhaps I could not build the cargo
planes and (2) "that perhaps they
could not be built in shipyards."
Rickenbackerhad said that a much
finer precision was required in plane
construction than in shipbuilding.
Kaiser asked if Rickenbacker knew
that several shipyards were manu-
facturing destroyers, which he de-
scribed as "an intricate bit of equip-
ment, in which every piece 'of metal
has to be weighed."
US. Calls Silver I
Shirts To Testify
Against W. Pelle y
INDIANAPOLIS, July 30. -(P)-
The government called a procession
of former members of the Silver
Shirts of America to the * witness
chair today and offered voluminous
documentary evidence in building its
case against William Dudley Pelley,
founder of the organization, who is
on trial on sedition charges.
The Pelley defense meanwhile ob-
tained Judge Robert C. Balzell's ap-
Hopkins Weds
Mrs. L. Macy
In Washington
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 30. - Harry
Hopkins, Presidential aide, and Mrs.
Louise Gill Macy, New York fashion
writer, stood before the marble fire-
place in President Roosevelt's oval
study in the White House and took
their marriage vows today.
It was probably the first wedding
in this historic room and it was the
first White House marriage since
It started out. to be a quiet wed-
ding with just members of the bride
and groom's immediate families pres-
ent, together with the President and
Myrs. Roosevelt, but the list grew as
Hopkins remembered friends with
whom he has been associated.
As a result there were 13 members
of the two families and Judge Sam-
uel I. Rosenman of the New York
Supreme Court; Admiral Ernest J.
King, Commander of the U.S. Fleet;
Gen. George C. Marshall, Army Chief
of Staff, Robert Sherwood, play-
wright, and 23 members of the White
House staff.
Second Front
'Is In Offing'
Britain Gives New Hint
Of Coast Invasion
r .-..r~rw~r -1- n ,Idl MkY* l rnv
Sweeps by British four- and two-
motored bombers into the Bay of
Biscay where they look for Nazi
U-boat packs traveling to their North
Atlantic hunting grounds have be-
come so strong, these sources said,
that the Germans have been com-
pelled to convoy their submarines
with Condor flying boats.
Privately Built
Housing Units
Are Approved
Permission Is-Withheld
For Government Project
In Willow Run Sector
WPB committee has approved con-
struction of 4,500 privately con-
structed family units in the Detroit
area but has withheld approval of
Federal housing units at the Willow
Run Bomber Plant, letters made pub-
lic by the Senate National Defense
Investigating Committee disclosed
The privately constructed units
will be on improved Lots at Wayne,
Inkster, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.
The committee recommended con-
struction of a water main from Dear-
born to Wayne, construction of 500
public family dwelling units for Ne-
groes in the southeastern corner of
Inkster and construction of two pub-
lic housing developments of 500- and
900-family dwelling units in Wayne
at sites north of the River Rouge.
Senator Harry S. Truman (Dem.-
Mo.) made public letters from Maury
Maverick, chairman of the WPB's
Willow Run committee, and John B.
Blandford, Jr., National Housing
Administrator, showing that the lat-
ter had submitted plans for public
housing construction consisting of
4,500 family dwelling units and for
4,500 family dwelling units to be
constructed privately.
Women's Navy
Corps Formed
WASHINGTON, July 30. --R)-
The Navy laid plans to enlist saildr-
ettes tonight after President Roose-
velt signed into law a measure creat-
ing a feminine Naval Auxiliary of
about 11,000 members. .
Formation of the corps-a coun-
terpart of the Women's Army Auxil-
iary Corps already in training-is de-
signed ultimately to release for sea
duty thousands of officers andt en-
listed men now holding desk jobs.
The Navy said the corps would be
made up of 1,000 commissioned of-
ficers and about 10,000 enlisted wo-
men. Congress stipulated in the leg-
islation that the sailorettes could not
serve outside the continental United
TAGANROG To Caucasus
ROSTOV And Oil Fields
The heavy German drive for the entire Don-Caucasus area is cen-
tered now on Stalingrad in the direction of the swastika-labeled arrow.
The main point of action is the sharp elbow of the Don River, only 70
miles from Stalingrad. To the south, the industrial city of Rostov-on-
the-Don is in Nazi hands. At Voronezh the Red Army is holding the
enemy on the west side of the Don.
Royall Still Talking:
Supre-me Court -Weighs
Nazi Saboteurs 'Appeal'
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, July 30.-The Supreme Court pondered the appeal
of the alleged Nazi saboteurs for the protection of the civil courts to-
night, with indications that it would announce its decision to issue or
withhold a writ of habeas corpus at noon tomorrow.
Late today, it completed the hearing of oral arguments, with Attor-
ney General Biddle telling the court, in terms of utmost emphasis, that
it was without power to interfere with or review any wartime action
taken by the President in his capacity as Commander-In-Chief of the
armed forces.
The President, he argued, had full authority to order that the Ger-
man prisoners be tried by a military commission. As enemies, he said,
they were without right to the safeguards established for the civil liber-
ties of loyal citizens.
This view was flatly denied by Colonel Kenneth Royall, one of sev-
eral Army lawyers appointed to serve as counsel for the defense. Citi-
zens, aliens and enemies alike, he argued, have the privilege of recourse
to the courts.
Most of the court's day was spent in hearing Biddle complete the
case for the government and receiving rebuttal arguments from Royall.
The latter, in easy-going but positive fashion, complained that an insuf-
ficient portion of the evidence taken by the military commission had
been placed before the court.
Actually, he said, the evidence tended to substantiate the conten-
tion of the men that they were not saboteurs, but agreed to come to this
country in that role, purely as a method of escaping from Nazi oppres-
sion. One of them, he added, had received "terrible" mistreatment in
Germany. ,
After adjourning today until noon tomorrow, the members of the
high bench went immediately into conference, and the presumption
about the court building was that they entered at pnce into the process
of reaching their 'decisions.-
They had two questions to decide:
First, whether constitutionally they have jurisdiction over the
President's wartime actions and the activities of a military court.
Second, if they have jurisdiction, are they iustified in issuing the
writ of habeas corpus requested by the prisoners?
Soviets Fight On
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, July 31 (Friday).-Inspired by the call of Joseph Stalin to
obey the examples of some of the great heroes of the most desperate hours
of Russia's history, the Red Army hurled the Germans back in their thrust
at Stalingrad Thursday and waged a battle to annihilate those of the enemy
who crossed the lSon south of Tsimlyansk, the Russians announced today.
At Voronezh, on the German North Don flank, too, the Germans gave
up new positions in the course of bitter fighting, but south of Rostov it
was admitted that the weight of German arms again had been too much
and that a further retirement had been forced to southeast of Bataisk.
Bataisk, 15 miles below Rostov, had been given as the scene of previ-
-- ous fighting in that sector.
Many German tanks and infantry
Hal i Cr ntyre 'regiments, driving with all their
power acrosS the barren steppes of
To Pla Here the Don bend in an effort' to reach
the river and drive upon the Volga
city of Stalingrad, were beaten back
For i Da ce near Kletskaya, 80 miles northwest
of Stalingrad, it was said.
"Southwest of Kltskaya our troops
Summer Prom Is Slated repelled enemy attacks and in some
sectors pressed the enemy back," thie
For Friday, Aug. , communique declared.
In Intramural Building Several hundred Germans were
annihilated, nine tanks destroyed
Summer, Prom, the campus' only and 14 planes shot down, it added.
big dance of the summer session, Radio Description
will bring to Ann Arbor Hal McIn- Frofit-line dispatches broadcast on
tyre and his orchestra for . dancing the Moscow Radio gave a more
in the Sports Building from 9 p.m. graphic description of a seething
to midnight, Friday, August 21. two-day battle.
Voted the nation's top-flight up- "Day and night the shelling never
and-coming band, Hal McIntyre will dies down," it said. In the past two
bring his band here from a week's days the fighting has been the heav-
engagement at Eastwood Symphony iest where the Don makes its great
Gardens in Detroit. bend. In this key sector the enemy
The McIntyre band played five is going all out to smash through to
months at the Glen Island Casino the, river. The enemy is making a
at New Rochelle, N. Y., starting in furious drive for full mastery of the
December of last year and broadcast right bank of the Don at any cost.
frequently over a nation-wide net- "The'battle is raging over an area
work. Under contract to Victor extending everal dozen miles along
Records, McIntyre has recbrded such etefront and in depth and with
hits as "We'll Meet Again," "Story thernt and Inotro dephadw
of a Starry Night" and "I Threw a every the sky the ight g never
Kiss In the Ocean.""
McIntyre is an alumnus of Glenn ceases.
Miller's old band, in which he played Tsimlyansk Area Active
alto sax for several years. He formed In the Tsimlyansk area, mid-way
his own crew about eight months between Rostov and Stalingrad,
ago and, after a bare three weeks of where for days the Germans have
breaking in around New England, been expanding their bridgeheads
landed the engagement at Glen Is- across the Don, the Red Army too
land reacted as if in response to new offi-
McIntyre's band, according to the cial pronouncements that the time
billboard, can play the most right- has come to end the withdrawals be-
Turn to Page 4, Col. 1 fore the overpowering invaders.
The Communist Party newspaper
Pravda in an unusual editorial said
Fordstoday: "One'must understand that
retreat is impossible."
In the Tsimlyansk area, the Soviet
79th Birthday Information Bureau said simply, "our
troops continue to fight with the ob-
ject of annihilating the enemy group
Planes Will Carry Freight which had crossed the river."
But it added that the Germans
After War, He Says were attempting to break through to
the south and were throwing in new
By The Associated Press tank and infantry forces.
UI "r'k (UrM , oIy 03. -rhtuL-.r-
LONDON, July 30.-(A)-ie gov-
ernment gave out a new hint today
that a continental invasion is in the
offing, boosting Allied hopes of es-
tablishing a second front, but stead-
fastly declined to disclose any de-
tails of what is planned beyond stat-
ing that it has certain military "in-
For the second time in a week,
Sir Stafford Cripps, the government
spokesman in the House of Com-
mons, parried pointed questions from
members of Parliament with the sug-
gestion that action would be forth-
coming. He gave no intimation as
to when it might be expected.
"Whatever the military intentions
of the government may be," he said,
"we would be unable to state them
in secret session, but I can tell you
now we have intentions.",#
He affirmed that Prime Minister
Winston Churchill would make no
further war statement before the
House recesses and said that Com-
mons will have no secret session.
'Spirit Of Old Time West' Will Bring
Victory, Declares Prof. E. H. Hale
DTT , ul .-rreight-car-
rying airplanes will go far toward
solying the world's distribution sys-
tem after the war, but the "family
airplane" to replace the family car
still is somewhat remote, Henry Ford
said today.
It was Ford's 79th birthday anni-
versary and, viewing the first car he
built half a centurydago, along with
the somewhat crude equipment he
had at that time, he remarked that
he guessed he "must be getting on
in years."
"Perhaps out of this war we may
learn to think," he went on; "and if,
you cause people to think ultimately
they will think right-after they
have made a lot of mistakes. That's
education and it is only through edu-
cation that we can have happiness
and prosperity."
Ford called women in industry
"just as good as men and in many
instances possessing a little better
brain capacity." He said he had, no
apprehension that the war 'indus-
tries and their high wages for
women would have an upsetting ef-
fect upon normal domestic concepts
in the post-war era..
Hitchcock; Film
To Be Shown
Two classic cinema productions
will be presented by the Art Cinema
"It is the flaming spirit of the old-
time West, yielding hope, confidence
and courage, which will see us
through the next dark years and
which will carry us through to vic-
tory," Prof. E. H. Hale of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma told a Univer-
sity lecture audience yesterday.
"The old-time West is 'gone, and
gone forever, but in its spirit, its
optimism and its energy lies our hope
in the present emergency.
"To me this frontier spirit consti-
tutes at once a danger and a hope.
A danger that we may seek to apply
out-grown principles to modern
Axis Bombers
Shatter Cairo
'In Dawn Raid
channels or it will find channels for
itself that are often far from proper.
"One impdrtant feature of this
spirit of the West is a lack of respect
for law merely because it is the law,
manifesting itself in crime, broken
speed limits and game laws. Children
should be taught a more wholesome
respect for law and for those who
enforce the law.
Prof. Hale pointed out that the
West lacks taste in music, art and
literature. If this is doubted, tune
in the radio, visit the newsstands to
see what magazines are sold, and
observe the lack of interest in art
galleries, he said.
"Certainlyathe school should seek
to create a, more discriminating
taste in the arts among its pupils.
I even venture to raise the question
as to whether our schools may not
have gone too far in stressing the
purely material or utilitarian aspects
of education to the neglect of its
cultural aspects which make for a
fuller and more abundant life.
Prof. Hale said an effort should
be made to show that in an age of
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, July 30,- Axis air raiders
dropped bombs on Cairo proper in.
the pre-dawn moonlight today' in
defiance of a long-standing threat
by Prime Minister Churchill that the
RAF would reply to any such attack
with raids on Rome.
Churchill made his threat to re-
taliate with bombs on the Italian
capital in 1941, before the fall of
reece, declaring Rome would be a
prime target if either Athens or Cairo
was bombed.
Although Athens could have been
attacked easily from the air before
the German ground troops reached
there, the ancient -Greek capital
never felt the thud of a bomb.
The moonlit attacks on Cairo and
widespread Allied airdromes in the
Nile Delta area were made by small
flights of Axis bombers apparently
seeking to cripple the sources of Al-
lied bombings on Marshal Erwin
Rommel's sea and land communica-
Sirens screamed the alarm in Cai-
ro, the Suez Canal Zone and in other
scattered areas far behind the stale-
Ten Burned
In Cargo
To Death
Plane Crash
- - 1 1-1- 13-1-% IiO-Nfl 'n.