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July 26, 1942 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-26

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Reds' 8.6 Vitory Over Giants
May HeraldDeveloping Power


The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Dann
Daily Sports Editor

From Associated Press Summaries
'The millenium is just about here,
for lo and behold yesterday at the
Polo Grounds the Cincinnati Reds
'beat the New York Giants, 8-6.
Now there is nothing unusual
about the Reds beating the Giants
at the Polo Grounds, but there is
Something pretty unusual about the
boys from Rhineland scoring eight
runs. They haven't done that more
than once or twice since the season
Blessed with the best pitching staff
in, either league, manager Bill Mc-
'Kechnie has on his hands a team
which is the equivalent of the famed,
hitless wonders, the 1908 Chicago
White Sox. His pitchers throw five,
six, and seven hit ball week in and
week out, while his hitters garner
only ,enough hits for a run- every
other day and enough victories to
keep the club in the first division.
With rookie reinforcements MC-
Kechnie now hopes for a little power
to go with pitchers Bucky Walters,
Johnny Vandermeer, Paul Derringer,
Gene Thompson and Ray Starr. It
Was Thompson who held the Giants
safely yesterday until the Coogan's
Bluff boys were safely behind, and
it was the hitters who were in the
end responsible for the victory. Per-
haps McKechnie now has the combi-
Yanks Beat Detroit, 7-2
New York..........000 400 003-7
Detroit............001 000 010-2
:Borow y and Hemsley; Trucks,
Renshaw, White, Wilson and Teb-
#ashington 10, Indians 6
Wash. .222 000 000 000 4-10 16 2
Cleve. ..001 010 004 000 0-6 8 0
Newsom, Zuber and early; Smith,
Ferrick, Eisenstat, Embree and He-
an, Denning, Desautels.
* * *
iston Nips Browns, 9-8
Boston .....011 003 030 1-9 20 1
St. Louis . .,010 011 041 0-8 11 3
Judd, Brown, Ryba and Conroy;
Auker, Caster, Hanning, Appleton,
,Perens and Sewell, Ferrell.

A's Beat Chicago, 2-I
Philadelphia ......000 100 000 1-2
Chicago ..........000 100 000 0-1
* * *
Pitsburgh 4, Brokly 1

r' '

Pittsburgh .........000 202
Brooklyn ...........100 000
Gornicki and Lopez; Davis,
Rowe and Owen, Sullivan.
* * *


Cincinnati 8, Giants 6
Cincinnati ...001 302 200-8 13 2
New York ....000 000 321-6 13 3
Thompson, Beggs and Lamanno;
Lohrman, McGee, Koslo, Adams and
Cards Beat Boston, 6.3
St. Louis .....000 033 000-6 10 2
Boston.......100 011 000-3 10 0
Krist, Gumbert and W. Cooper;
Tost, Donovan, Hutchings and Lom-
Night Baseball
Chicago............200 000 200-4
Philadelphia........000 100 000-1
Warneke and Scheffing; Podgaj-
ney, Vahem, Johnson and Livings-
Major League Standing's

New York .......65
Cleveland .......54
Boston .........52
St. Louis ........50
Detroit .........47
Philadelphia ....25
* *





St. Louis......
New York.....
Chicago .......
Boston ........
Philadelphia ...

W L Pet.
.65 28 .699
.58 33 .637
.49 44 .527
.48 44 .522
.45 49 .479
.42 48 .467
.38 59 .392
.25 65 .270


S . .

You've Earned It !
Now Own It!

Who Picks All-Star Teams
WE RECEIVED the following letter
in the mail yesterday:
Dear Mike,
As four loyal Michigan football
followers, we wonder why The Daily
sports staff has written nothing con-
cerning the All-Star football poll
being conducted by the Chicago
TribuneW We are not alone in this
wonderment. Many of the Michigan
student body have told us they too
could not understand the situation.
We know it is not because you, as
Sports Editor, are holding back
publication of facts about the poll.
From your writings that have ap-
peared in The Daily we know that
there is no greater follower of
Michigan's ups and downs in the
sports world. Surely University
authorities are not prohibiting you
from writing about this, the great-
est of football spectacles. The fact
that men of Michigan are capable
of playing in this game and are
chosen over men from the rest of
the nation would be great publicity
for the University.
'We feel that Bob Westfall and Bob
Ingalls deserve a place in the start-
ig line-up, for in our opinion they
were tops in the nation. How about
it? Why not devote your Sunday col-
umn to this great spectacle for a
worthy cause? Even though Sunday
midnight is the dead-line for voting,
i story in your column could round
up a large number of votes for our
Michigan men. Knowing you will
do all you can we remain,
Four loyal Michigan men,
Bill Donley
Bob Mann
David Knapp
Chris Bollermann
,Well Fellows, Here's Why .. .
We have long thought that the
All-Star polls were strictly the bogus
and recent happenings tend to bear
this theory out.
Two months ago tie nation's top
football players received notice
from the All-Star football commit-
tee that they were to play in the
annual classic. Naturally Michi-
gan's Bob Ingalls and Bob West-
fall were among those selected.
About two weeks after this, the
Chicago Tribune and other papers
started to boost the poll by every
means they knew how.
Somehow this seems rather phoney
in view of the committee's action in
picking the ones they thought best
qualified to compete.
It is for this reason that we on
The Daily Sports Staff have given
little or no publicity to the poll.
Michigan will have its representa-
tives, Westfall and Ingalls, in the
All-Star classic whether we write
one inch of copy or run a front
page banner.
There was some indication that
the poll would at least determine the
starting lineups but reports out of
Chicago indicate that the coaches
have already decided their starting
We' ask you felows, what the
hell is the use of boosting Michi-
gan's football greats? The thing's
cooked and dried before we even
get a chance to add the salt.
The Michigan - Slater's Sluggers
baseball game tomorrow at Ferry
Pontiac Faced By Strike
PONTIAC, July 25. -UP)- Inde-
pendent food retailers of the Pontiac
area adopted a policy of watchful
waiting today in the face of an AFL-
CIO- organizational dispute that
threatens to disrupt food deliveries
to them tomorrow morning.
FF k j

Youth anld Beauty
Can Be Yours
the Bra's
Worn by the Stars!
V-ETTE . .- . for the average
figure . . . $2.00 - $2.50
~NU-VU ...
or the large bust
eI IL d #3 nf

* * *
Field should be a colorful contest.+
The Slater aggregation is studded
with ex-Michigan greats who still'
have enough of the old college try
to blast Fisher's summer crew out1
of the park.
Cliff Wise, who will start for the
Slater nine, was one of the best
college speedball pitchers in the
Midwest two years ago. The big
fellow should be able to silence the
Wolverine bats without much
Don Boor, the Michigan first base-
man during the regular season, will
be at first. A serious leg injury put
Don out of the lineup during the
middle of the schedule so this will
be the first ball game for Don in
quite some time. 1
Al Wistert and "Jeep" Mehaffey
should provide plenty of laughs
and a lot of good baseball. Don't
be surprised if Jeep socks a homer,
because the husky catcher played
a lot of baseball and even was of-
fered a major league contract.
The game will act as sort of a
farewell party for Russ O'Brien, the
manager of Slater's Sluggers. Russ
will enter the Army later on in the
week and this is his last contribution
to the Maize and Blue sporting world
for some time. Called the Mike
Jacobs of State Street, Russ had this
to say about the game: "My boys
are out there to win. I don't ask
them to do anything but play the
game fair and square. By doing that,
no one can ever lose."
Nelson Leads Open;
Ward Wins Amateur
At Tam O'Shanter
CHICAGO, July 25.-(IP)-Marvin
(Bud) Ward won Tam O'Shanter's
All-American amateur championship
today with a 7 and 6 victory over
Wilford Wehrle of Racine, Wis., and
Byron Nelson took a commanding
lead in the Tam Open by coming in
with a 34-31-65 for a three-day to-
tal of 203, 13 under par.
Nelson's great round included a
spectacular string of three holes on
which he went five under par with
a birdie, an eagle and a hole in one.
On the 18th green, the Toledo pro
stuck his second shot five feet from
the pin and needed the putt for a 64
and a new course record which would
pay him $500 for making. But, the
putt broke an inch off line and he
took a par.
His par-shattering three holes
were the ninth, which he birdied
with a 4; the 475-yard 10th, where
he placed a three iron second shot
eight feet from the cup and rammed
in the putt for a 3"

Continued from Page 4
A Physical Fitness Review will be
be held on Ferry Field Wednesday
evening, July 29th, beginning at 7:45
o'clock, in which the students en-
rolled in the Physical Conditioning,
Classes will participate. This Review
is to be dedicated to Dr. Elmer R.
Townsley. Price of admission is 50c
for adults and 25c for children. The
proceeds will be given to Mrs. Towns-
ley and her three small children.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Michigan Union, Michigan League,
Haller Furniture Store, Wahr's Book
Store, the Intramural Sports Build-
ing, University Golf Course, and the
Athletic Offices.
H.O. Crisler
A woodwind recital in which fac-
ulty and students will participate has
been planned by the School of Mu-
sic for Thursday evening, July 30,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building, The program will in-
clude compositions by Blumer, De-
Wailly and Thuille, as well as Quin-
tet ,Op. 5, written by Dean Howard,
a graduate student now enrolled in
the University. Scheduled to begin
at 8:30 p.m., the recital is open to
the general public.
Summer Session Students of the
English Department: All upper-class
and graduate students enrolled in
the Summer Session are cordially in-
vited to a tea on Friday, July 31, at
four o'clock in the Assembly Room
of the Rackham Building. Dr. Cle-
anth Brooks, visiting professor from
Louisiana State University, will give
an informal demonstration of cer-
tain teaching methods in poetry.
Weekly Review of the War, Tues-
day, July 28, at 4:15 p.m. in the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Building.
This is the regular weekly presenta-
tion by Professor Howard M. Ehr-
mann of the History Department.
These lectures are open to the publiz.
Lectures at the University High
"Has There Been a Pearl Harbor
in Education?", by Raleigh Schorling,
professor of education. Monday,
July 27th, at 4:05 p.m.
"The Language Arts and the Com-
ing Pax Americana", by Professor
Fred S. Dunham, head of the Latin
department of the University High
School. Tuesday, July 28th, at 4:05
"Growth and Education of Ele-
mentary School Children," by Byron
0. Hughes, instructor in education
and research associate in child de-
velopment. Wednesday, July 29th,
at 4:05 p.m.
All lectures are open to the public.
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Master's degree
in History: Language examinations




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