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July 25, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-25

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dited and managed by students of the University of
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Member of the Associated Press
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Editorial Staff
goner Swander . . . Managing Edit r
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The editorials published in the Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Credit Hours
For PEM Urged.

. .

IN AN EDITORIAL appearing in The
Daily yesterday the writer was ex-
teiii ely put out with Athletic Director Fritz
Crisler because he dared to suggest that credit
hours be given for men taking the PEM program.
The editorial went on to point out that such a
proposal would cut down the value of college
men to their country by slashing their education;
that PEM was temporary and non-academic and
therefore not worth credit hours.
But upon examining the proposal more closely
we see that Crisler's proposal is directly in line
with past Unive'rsity policy and with the aims
of the war board.
CRISLER feels that because PEM is so valuable
it should be measured by the same standards
as other University courses. The University's
athletic director fully appreciates the hard work
that the students put into the hardening pro-
gram and feels that they are entitled to some
-If the ediorial writer of yeste day's paper ar-
gues that these gym credit hours would take
away from the scholastic credit hours he is sadly
mistaken. Crisler points out that the number
of- credit hours needed forgraduation should be
increased so as to offset the amount given for
Just because PEM is temporary is no reason
to forget about its credit-hour value. The Uni-
versity is offering courses in every department
that are temporary, yet they a6e given regular
if not additional credit value.
WE don't say that PEM should be substituted
for physics w, math, but PEM is an impor-
ta~nt part of the University's war effort. It is of
definite value to the student.
Just as every other course offered by the Uni-
versity is valued in terms of credit hours so
should the PEM program. There is no slashing
of college education anywhere down the line by
this proposal. It all boils down to a question of
sound bookkeeping. Naturally students will take
PEM whether they get credit hours or not. But
why not give the program every recognitiotn
posble ?- Mike Dann
I111an D eision' Holds
Fate Of Allies . .
A LL SIGNS POINT to the 9th of Au-
gust as a portentious day in the
history of the Allied cause.
Oh August 9th, the All-India Congress will
bring forth a decision which may mean victory
or defeat for the democracies in the East. Pro-.
posed is a plan of non-violent revolution by all
the Indian peoples, unless the British rule is
removed immediately.
It is all too plear to British leaders what such
a policy could mean. Absolute standstill of all
Indian industry would be but a minor conse-
quence of the vast nation--wide strike. Comparedj
to Gandhi's promised "passive resistance" to1
the Japanese in case of invasion, the "non-
violent revolution" would be a much greater
handicap to the British. The defense of India
-already a doubtful proposition-would be in-
cf~ased in difficulty, three-told.
WHAT are the British preparing to do about

WASHINGTON- Two U.S. Army offcers
called at the Mexican Embassy the other day
and asked to speak to Mexican Ambassador Cas-
tilla Najera.
The Ambassador, one of the busiest men in
the Diplomatic Corps, sent word suggesting that
they talk to the Mexican Military Attache. But
they insisted on seeing him.
"We have come," said Lt -Col. Theodore Bab-
bitt, senior of the two officers, "to inquire
whether you are going to permit the Russian
r mission to visit Mexico."
"Col. Babbitt referred to the Russian Mission
Which had just arrived in the United States, and
which, following, Mexico's declaration of war,
was planning to cement relations between the
two new allies..
a Col:: Babbitt then went on to say that the
Russian Mission to Mexico must be stopped, that
they would merely stir up trouble, and that the
Ambassador should intervene immediately.
"Have you talked this over with the State De-
partment?" the Ambassador asked. "It seems to
ne this is something for them to consider."
"No, we don't want to go near the State De-
partment,"" was the answer.
The Mexican Ambassador gave them no satis-
faction, however, and the two officers departed.
The Russian Mission did go to Mexico.
When news of this incident leaked out, it was
made clear here that these two officers did not
represent the views of the United States. How-
ever, the incident is most important, because it
illustrates why the Russians still will not let
American army observers visit the Russian front.
Apparently they have good cause not to trust
all of our army..
Major Bob Allen
Lowell Limpus, astute military expert of the
New York Daily News, was in the War Depart-
nient recently conferring with U.S. strategists,
among them Major Robert S. Allen, who for ten
years was famed on Capitol Hill for putting the
bee on more Senators than any other newsman.
"I would give one month's pay," said Mr. Lim-
pus to Major Allen, "to have your name sent up
td the Senate for confirmation as a brigadier
general and then be able to sit in the press gal-
lery and listen to the fireworks."
U.S. Foreign Legion
Most people don't realize it, but there are
many enemy aliens who are officers in the U.S.'
Army. In fact the 'Army, true to the American
tradition of the melting pot, is made up of
American citizens of almost every national and
racial background, including 2,720 German ali-
ens, not to mention 2,700 Germans who are
naturalized citizens.
The Italian total is 2,472 aliens and 3,781
naturalized, In addition, there are 644 Japanese
in the Army, plus 3,000 JapaneseLAmericans,
formerly of the Hawaiian National Guard, most
of whom are assigned to the 100th Battalion, at
Fort McCoy, Wis.
The Army goes on the assumption that any
man who wants to fight can be a good soldier.
Of course, 'the "enemy aliens" are checked and
double-checked before they are admitted for
enlistment. The men who. pass these tests are
found to be even more zealous for the defeat of
the dictators than the average American.
Palsy- Walies
In the days when John L. Lewis and the AFL
were filling the air with sizzling verbal grape-
shot, fieriest of the Lewis denouncers was dour
John Frey, head of the AFL Metal Trades De-.
It was Frey who insisted on Lewis' expulsion
when other AFL moguls counseled moderation
in the hope of coming to terms with the stormy
miner czar. And it was Frey who acted as "pros-
ecuting attorney" in the AFL Executive Council
proceedings which finally resulted in Lewis' ex-
But it's different now between the two labor-
ites. Behind the scenes they are billing and
cooing like two lovebirds.
The secret is being carefully guarded, but they
have had several long pow-wows on the question

3. Nehru, Gandhi and other leaders realize
that they have England over a barrel and are
not hesitating to use their power rgardless
of the consequences.
In some respects, it is well that things are
coming to a head. It seems to be the only way
in which to get something accomplished. This
crisis may prove to be serious enough to illicit
the long -looked-foward-to intervention by the
United States. Hope is still held in many quar-
ters that President Roosevelt possesses sufficient
respect and influence among Indian leaders to
bring about that much sought after, but elusive,
ONE THING is very clear. Nothing will be
gained by allowing matters to remain as
they are. If British and Indian leaders are
still carrying on their antagonistic sparring
when the Japanese seriously turn to the task
of invading India, the outcome will not be hard
to predict. As Nehru says, it will be a repetition
of Burma and Malava.

of Lewis' return to the AFL fold, This scheme,
recently revealed by The Washington Merry-
Go-Round, is being quietly engineered' by Wil-
'iam Hutchinson, Roosevelt-hating head of the
AFL carpenters; Mathew Woll, AFL vice presi-
dent, who is sour on the Administration because
he hasn't been given a big war job, and Dan To-
bin, pro-New Deal boss of the AFL teamsters
who believes that Lewis' return to the AFL Will
further the cause of AFL-CIO peace.
Because there is strong AFL opposition to hav-
ing anything to do with Lewis, the Hutchinson-
Woll-Tobin group have had to maneuver warily.
They don't dare risk an open fight. Their strat-
egy is to whisk Lewis in by the backdoor route;
that is, via the Executive Council, on which they
are potent bigshots.
However, they are waging an undercover cam-
paign to win over other bigshots and seem to
have got somewhere with Frey. This is defi-
nitely a big feather in their hat, since Frey not
only is a powerful member of the Council but
was the leader of the anti-Lewis bloc.
Inside AFL word is that the Lewis-return plan
has progressed to the point where its engineers
now feel confident they can successfully raise
the question at the next Executive Council met-
ing. With Frey on their side they can just abut
make it.
Note: Lewis intimates say he wants Frey to
make the motion for the miner chief's return to
the AFL.
As Others See It
But Tme Runs Short
(The great German drive to the east, with its
gathering momentum, threatens to split the cen-
tral and southern Red armies apart, gain the Volga
at the great industrial city of Stalingrad . . . seal
that waterway and other supply lines from the
United Nations to the Russians, and conquer the
oil riches of the Caucasus itself:-Associated Press
dispatch, July 14.)
ISHALL NEVER FORGET the anguish with
which the Honorable Member for. an
asked me, in March, 1939, whether England
could still do anything to save Spain. It was just
ten days after the government had left the
Central Zone and seven days before Franco
entered Madrid. I had flown to London, to see
how many ships we could charter to take out
Loyalists who otherwise would be dragged be-
fore a firirg squad. The question whispered
into, my ear when I had finished addressing a
hundred members of the House of Commons was
so astonishing that I made inquiries about the
personality of my interlocutor. He was a Con-
servative who for three years had understood
nothing of what was going on in Spain, who had
believed Franco could be "handled" through a
British loan, who had applauded Chamberlain
at Munich, and who now suddenly realized with
horror that the victory of Hitler fn Spain meant
war for England and for the world. I was told
that for three days he had walked like a somnam-
bulist through the corridors of Westminster de-
manding that the British fleet b sent to Spain
and asking why the French did not mobilize
at once.
I cannot help recalling, in these days, that
tardy savior who appeared when the zero hour
was past, and I ask myself' whether in the fall
of 1942 we may not see another somnambulist
hull of despair because we allowed Russia to be
smashed without our having fulfilled the pro-
mise of a second front.
And the promise was made. It was not form-
ulated in an emotional moment of a Parli-
mentary debate. It was announced, officially
and solemnly, by the two highest leaders of
the United Nations at their ,last meeting in
Washington. Nobody could doubt the deter-
mination of President Roosevelt and Prime
Minister Churchill to carry out their word.
One is as shrewd a politician as the other,
but both are men of an immense sense of
responsibility and with too much respect for
the peoples of the earth to try to play politics
with one of the few remaining possibilities of
winning the war Everybody took the an-
nouncement as a settled decision.

MOREOVER, the promise to open a new west-
ern front in 1942 was made after an entire
session in Washington devoted to the shipping
problem. Both leaders, having listened to the
experts, apparently agreed that, with more or
fewer ships, an invasion of the Continent was
gong to be attempted because there was no other
alternative to general disaster. And it is inter-
esting to notice that in the very impressive and
well-documented analysis of Ships and New
Fronts in the last issue of The Nation Paul Max-
well Zeis, while emphasizing the paucity of ship-
ping at present, wrote: "If the war is to be won,
it seems certain that a second front must be
established in Western Europe to take the pres-
sure off the Russians in the east."
Russia is fighting at this moment better than
ever. Its retreat is marked by greater heroism,
more admirable resolution, than many a spec-
tacular advance. But if Russia is fighting like
this, it is partly because it takes seriously the
British-American promise of a second front-
because it waits from one day to the next for
a new front to be opened. That is clear in the

VOL. LII No. 29-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The Bureau of Appointments an
Occupational Information has re-
ceived word of three positions ope
in the Juneau, Alaska, public school:
for teachers of Commercial subjects
Language, and Band. Salary quote
for all of these positions, $2100.
The following letter has been re-
ceived from the Superintendent o:
Schools, Fairbanks, Alaska:
" In order to complete the teach-
ing staff of our high school for the
coming year, we are in need of two
men to cover the following fields:
elementary shop, physical educa-
tion, natural science (physics and
chemistry), and advanced mathe-
matics. The physical education in-
structor will be required to coac
Further information regarding an
of these positions may be obtainec
at the office of the Bureau.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall
The Storehouse Building will ac
as a receiving center for scrap rub
ber and also metals. Any depart
ment on the Campus having metal
or rubber to dispose of for defens
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 31
and the materials will be picked u
by the trucks which make regula
campus deliveries. Service of th
janitors is available to collect th
material from the various rooms i
the buildings to be delivered to th
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Master's degre
in History: Language examination
for candidates will be held on Friday
July 31, at 4 p.m. in Room B, Have
Hall. Those intending to take exam
inations must sign in the, office o
theHistory Department, 119 Haven
Hall, as soon as possible.
A. E. R. Boak
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer
tificate to be recommended by th
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session o
the Summer Term: The Compre
hensive Examination in Educatio
will be given on Saturday, August 8,
at 9 'clock in 2432 U.E.S. Informa-
tion regarding the examination ma
be secured at the School of Educa-
tion Off ice.
Spanish Table: There will bea
meeting Monday at 12:00 in 10
Romance Languages for all those wh(
are interested in forming a Spanis
The Provisional Rifle Compan
will form at the 'ROTC Headquarter:
on Saturday, July 25, at 2 p.m. Ther
will be a Field Problem in Scouting
Tennis tournament schedule is now
posted in W.A.B. for women's sin
gles and mixed doubles. The firs:
bracket must be played off by July
31st. Top person in each bracket i
responsible for calling opponent to
arrange time to play. Pay entrance
fee to matron at desk in Women'
Athletic Building.
Department of Physical Edu-
cation for Women.
H. M. S. Pinafore: Additional men

are still required in the chorus of this
operetta. Those interested are re-
quested to attend the rehearsal on
Monday at 4:15 in the Michigan
League. Room will be posted on the
bulletin board.
Michigan Repertory Players
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and The Arts:
Courses dropped after today by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be
recorded with the grade of E. Ex-
ceptions to this regulation may be
made only because of extraordinary
E. A. Walter
Senior Engineers: Mr. H. A. Hicks
of the Chrysler Corporation will in-
terview Senior Engineering students
graduating in August or September,
1942, for positions in that organiza-
tion, on Wednesday, July 29, 1942.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board at 221 West Engi-
neering Bldg.
Interviels will be held in Room
214 West Engineering Bldg.
R. S. Hawley,
Dept. of Meeh. Eng.
School of Music Students may se-
cure complimentary tickets to the
series of Beethoven sonatas to be
given in the Rackham Assembly Hall
on the evenings of August 3, 6 and


"What kind of barber you like?-A battle prophet,
strategist or a post-war planier?"

a military


L the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
e ination and he may grant permis-
7 sion to those who for sufficient rea-
p son might wish to be present.
r C. S. Yoakum
e Events Today
e "Hay Fever" -- one of Noel 96w-
ard's most amusing plays, will be
presented by the Micligan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech tonight through Saturday at
8:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the
e Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office
s from 7:00 to 8:30 daily.
n Professor William D. Revelli will
- lead the 1942 High School Clinic
f Band in the final concert of the series
n at 8:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium.
This program will climax three weeks
of activities for the 122 students at-
tending the clinic and will present
- the winner of a solo contest held
e during the past week.
n The public is cordially invited.
r I
- The Ann Arbor Church of Christ
n will meet in the Y.M.C.A. Building
, At 110 North Fourth Ave. on Sunday,
- July 26. Sunday School will be at
Y 10 a.m. and Worship at 11 a.m. and
- 7:45 p.m. Mr. Donald Healey of De-
troit will be the guest speaker.
Ann Arbor Church of Christ
o Coming Events
h Wolverines: there will be a meeting
of the Wolverines Sunday, July 26,
y at 2 p.m. in room 302 of the Union.
s 'David Striffler, Vice President.
. Graduate Outing Club: The club
has planned for the afternoon of
v Sunday, July 26, an outing to Portage
Lake for swimming followed by al
t fresco supper. Total expenses per;
y capita for food, transportation and
s use of beach facilities are expected
not to exceed eighty cents. Those in-
tending to participate are requested
s to leave work prior to Saturday noon
at the Information Desk of the Rack-
ham Building.
Profesor Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, presents a recital on
the Charles Baird Carillon on Sun-
day and Thursday evenings from
7:15 to 8:00. Printed copies of the
entire series of programs are avail-
-able in the office of the School of
Music, and in the lobby of Burton
Graduate Students in Speech: A
symposium in practical theater will
be held At 4 p.m. Monday in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building to discuss thesis pos-
sibilities in this field.
Monday, ,July 27, 1942. Bridge at
the Michigan League from 8 until
10:30 in the evening. Michigan
John Glenn Metcalf, Organist, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Mon-
dy, July 27, in HillfAuditorium, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. Assistant Professor of Organ
and Theory at Hendrix College, Con-
way, Arkansas, Mr. Metcalf has ar-
'ranged a program of compositions by
Bach, Brahms, Vaughan Williams
and Vierne.
American Society of Civil Engi-
neer-s: will meet on Tuesday, July
28th, at 7:30 in the Union. There
will be moving pictures on "Making
of Alloy Steel." All Civil Engineersi
are invited. |

Shostakovieh: Symphony No. 5.
Mozart: Quintet in C major.
Freshmen and Sophomores major-
ing in Chemistry and Chemical Engi-
neering: First summer meeting of
Chemistry Club will be.Tuesday, July
28, at 7:30 p.m., room 151 Chemistry
Building. Dr. R, R. White will speak
on petroleum. Election of officers.
Richard E. Field
Mrs. Maud Okkelberg and Joseph
Brinlman, pianists, William Stab-
bins, clarinetist, Wassily Besekirsky,
violinist, andHanns Pick, cellist, will
appear in the next faculty concert
to be given by the Sch gol of Music
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 28, in Hill
Auditorium. The program "will Oe
devoted entirely to works by Brahmns
and is open to the general public.m
Wednesday, July 29, 1942. Bridge
at the Michigan League from 2 until
4:30 in the afternoon. Coffee hour at
4:30 in the Rackham Building.
in the Rackham Building.
Weekly Review of the War-The
regular Tuesday afternoon lecture by
Professor Howard M. Ehrman. 4:;5
p.m., July 28th, in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The public is invited.
American Society of Mechianal
Engineers will hear Prof F. N. Men-
eff on the subject: "The Engineer
and the War," Wednesday, July 29th,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Fall memberships will be open this
summer and will extend for the fol-
lowing eight months.
Women In Education: Luncheon in
the 15ussian Tearoom of the Michi-
gan League, Wednesday, July 2
11:45 to 1:00. Dr. Margaret Bell
Professor of Hygiene and Physicai
Education, and Physician in the Uni-
versity Health Service, will speak on
- "Some Aspects of Physical Fitness."
Come and bring a friend.
A Physical Fitness Review will be
be held on Ferry Field Wednesday
evening, July 29th, beginning at 7:45
o'clock, in which the students en-
rolled in the Physical Conditioning
Classes will participate. This Review
is to be dedicated to Dr. Elmer R.
Townsley. Price of admission is 59c
for adults and 25c for children. The
proceeds will be given to Mrs. Towns-
ley and her th'ee small children.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Michigan Union, Michigan League,
Haller Furniture Store, Wahr's Book
Store, the Intramural Sports Build-
ing, UniversitysGolf Course, and the
Athletic Offices.
H. 0. Crlsler
Campus Worship: Midday Wor-
ship at the Congregational Edifice,
State and William Streets, each
Tuesday and Thursda'y at 12:10 p.m.
Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led
by various Ann Arbor clergymen-
Henry 0. Yoder, chairman.
Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel,
William and Thompson streets, at
7:00 atm. and 8 a.m. Father Frank
J. McPhillips officiating. Open to
E. W. Blakeman,
Counselor of Religious Education
Sunday Services of Zion Lutheran
Church w'1l be held at 10:30 with
Rev. Stellhorn speaking on "Be Sub-
missively Courageous."
Trinity Lutheran Church Servics
will be held this Sunday at 10:30?
the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder speaking
on "Blessed. Trust."


By Lichty

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