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July 24, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-24

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Final Session
On Education
Will Be Today
Program To Be Opened
By Special Conference
At YpsiNormal College'
Following a special conference
meeting' at Ypsilanti State Normal
College on "Education of Children
With Brain Injuries," the Thirteenth
Annual Summer Education Confer-
ence of the School of Education will
be concluded today with three lec-
tures in the University High School
Sponsored by the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Education and the
School of Education of Wayne Uni-
versity, the special session will meet
at 9:00 a.m. in the Rackham Build-
ing for Education in Ypsilanti.
Knight To Lecture
Returning to Ann Arbor, the mem-
bers of the conference will hear
Prof. Edgar W. Knight of the Uni-
versity of North Carolina speak on
the subject, "Higher Education and
the Two Wars," at 10 a.m. in the
Uniyersity High School auditorium.
"China in American Schools" will
be the subject of Mr. Bangnee A. Liu
of the China Institute of New York
City in a lecture at 2:00 p.m. at the
high school auditorium.
Concludes Conference
Dr. Fred Stevenson of the Uni-
versity Library Extension Service will
conclude the Education Conference
with an address, "The Extension
Fris of fhU is ~ iracfv19fr"

Thousands Follow Ortiz' Body In Funeral Procession

Word has arrived recently from the
boys of Michigan's Wolverine Squad-
ron of the Naval Air Corps, stationed
at Iowa City for preliminary train-
Robert B. Stirling, '44, former
member of the Daily staff who joined
the squadron in the spring, writes
with enthusiasm about the training.
"Now that I have seen it. I can re-
commend it fully, and with no re-
serve," says Cadet Stirling.
The Wolverine Squadron was
formed early in the year when *En-
sign "Whitey" Frauman, former Var-
sity end, held an organizational din-
ner here. About 17 students joined
then, with others signed up to join
in the near future. Also at Iowa City
is Davy Nelson, fleet-footed Michi-
gan back.
* * *
Among the many student and
former students of the University
who have left to join the armed
forces recently, is Dr. Joseph H. Alli.
A -graduate of the School of Public
Health, Dr. Alli has been called to
military service as a first lieutenant
in the Sanitary Corps. He has worked
as a bacteriologist at the Health
Service for the past two years.
* * *
News from "The Annapolis of the
Air," Pensacola,. Fla., has arrived
concerning Gustav R. Gregory, Stu-
art Japinga, Jr. and Robert A. Straub
formerly students of the University.
The three recently appointed Na-
val Aviation Cadets have been trans-
ferred to Pensacola for flight train-
ing, according to an announcement
from that station.
Upon completion of the intensive
seven-month course at Pensacola,
they will receive the designation as
Naval Aviator with a commission as
Ensign in the Naval reserve or as
Second Lieutenant in the Marine
Corps Rerserve and will go on active
duty .
CDVO Discusses

Lea gue Features
Sprachlin Ton ight
At 'Camera Click'
Flash bulbs will be popping at the
League tonight during- the Camera
Click, an informal, all-campus dance
to be held in the ballroom from 9 to
Robert Gach will be on hand to
take pictures of everybody attending.
For a new "camera angle" couples
may pose in a dummy frame which
will reproduce the effect of those
wedding pictures which were so ly-
ingly mounted on plush during the
dear, dead nineties.
Doc Sprachlin will lead the orch-
estra which features the swinging
of the Dixieland "band within a
band" and the singing of the Har-
mony Quartet. All attending the
summer session or the summer term
are invited, with or without dates.

Union To Continue
'Share The Ride'
Plan For Students
In an attempt to fit University
students' week-end trips into the na-
tional effort to 'share the ride.' the
Michigan Union is Continuing its
travel board throughout the summer.
Available in the lobby of the Union
for any drivers willing to share their
car either for nothing or for a fee is
a bulletin board on which to post
both destination and terms. The
same service is also available for
would-be passengers seeking rides to
a specific destination.
Now on the board are offers to
furnish transportation both to Wil-
low Run and Detroit, while in the
past rides have been secured to Mil-
waukee. Chicago and other Midwest-
ern cities.


Flanked by mounted police guards and followed b y curious thousands, the funeral carriage bearing the
body of ex-President Roberto M. Ortiz nears the Arge ntine Government House in Buenos Aires where Ortiz
rested in state until burial. He died July 15 after a lon g illness.

Nuhmber 3 of a Series Appearin ,1Each Friday
~The Slory of the Allene is Food"
xv - Fresh from the Water to yo'u!
I } r



Coordinated Recruting Planned
To End Competition Of Services


rvices of e i nversity,' at 4 p.m. Plans to coordinate officer recruit-
Included in this lecture will be ans
explanation of the newest addition ing activities of the Army, Navy and
to the service whereby advanced Marine Corps, which will eliminate
courses in college preparation will be present competitive bidding for col-
made Lvailable upon request to high lege students, are now being ; con-
schools throughout the state which cluded, according to Prof. Burton
do not include such courses on their Thuma of the University War Board.
sta~nda~rd curriculum.
.h iA supervisory joint Army, Navy
Aoe than2 blis hingirms par- and Marine Corps College Procure,
more than 25 publishing firms par- ment Committee has been appointed
ticipate, occupies the first floor cor- in Washington, which will send
ridors of the high school, to displ y branch committees to each Army
the advances which have been made corps area to present the enlistment
in tetbook design and content in plans of the three armed services.
recen~t years. At a mass meeting of all male stu-
dents, each representative will out-
line the plan of his service. Then
interested students may discuss the
OSA LE plans individually with the members
of the committee according to their
t iWithin two or three weeks, a re-
a cruiting board, likewise composed of
Army, Navy and Marine Corps offi-
cers, will arrive at the college or unit
SLA T E R' versity to enlist candidates in the
service. From that time on, students
may not leave school except to trans-
/ 336 SO. State fer to another school or go on active
service with their chosen branch of
the armed forces. Enlisted students

may be called to active duty at any
time an emergency demands.
The program is expected to begin
with the fall term, and will not inter-
fere with present Army and Navy re-
serve officer training programs.
Successful student applicants will be
deferred from selective service re-
Recent confusion caused by over-
lapping recruiting programs for Ar-
my ground officers, Navy deck and
engineering officers, Marine Corps
officers and for Army and Navy fly-
ing officers has made this solution
to the problems necessary.
Second Children's
Radio Presentation
Will Be Broadcast
"Prince Ahmed and the Fairy
Princess Periebanou," a tale from
the Arabian Nights, will be broad-
cast at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow as the
second in a series of University-pro-
duced children's radio programs.
One of the four regularly sched-
uled radiocasts which originate each
weepg in Morris Hall, the show will
tell a story of the quest of three
brothers for the hand of Princess
-The brothers will be portrayed by
Strow Roberts, Paul Johnson and
Robert Reifsneider. The Sultan, their
father, will be acted by Dave Rich,
and 'Doris Hess will play the pretty
Princess Periebanou. The program
will be directed by Mr. Donald Hargis.
Registration For First Aid
Course Will Start Today
Final registration for a nine-week
first aid course sponsored jointly by
the Union and local Red Cross will
take place from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
in front of the main library.
Classes will be held beginning next
week every Tuesday and Thursday
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., but students
will meet in only one session a week.
Textbooks and other supplies will
cost approximately one dollar. The
course is for men only.

'U' To Offer
Course RHe
A course in camouflage of civilian
installations of military significance
will probably be offered next fall by
the department of landscape archi-
tecture, Prof. Harlow 0. Whittemore,
chairman of the department, an-
nounced recently.
Prof. Whittemore is now preparing
the course after spending two weeks
at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, where
special instruction in camouflage was
given by U. S. Army Engineers.
Although a laboratory course with
extensive use of model construction,
actual physical construction and
aerial observation would be preferred
by the department, Prof. Whittemore
stated that the many difficulties in-
volved in procurement of such facil-
ities make a straight lecture course
more probable. Such lectures can
be given with specialists in the field
of camouflage as instructors.
It was stressed that the course
would not be one in the study of mil-
itary camouflage techniques, because
of the necessities of military secre-y.
However, factories and civilian air-
ports outside the jurisdiction of the
Army need camouflage work such as
will be presented by the new course.
Branches of special camouflage
study are aerial photography, prac-
tical aspects of color, form and pat-
terns and the practical aspects of
general psychology of camouflage.
Three-Year Mata Hari
Is Foiled By Censor
CINCINNATI, July 23 ()P)- A
little Cincinnati lass of three, whose
daddy is an Army captain in Pan-
ama, sent him what she claimed was
a picture of a cow-roughly sketched,
indeed, but her very own ...
The mailman called at her home
soon afterward-with a very polite
note from an Army censor.
"It is against military regulations,"
it read, "to mail outside continental
limits of the United States, drawings
of public buildings."

.' F
j 5





In its ever expanding effort to pre-
pare Washtenaw County for war ex-
igencies, the County Coordinating
Committee of the CDVO recently met
to discuss the emergency housing
facilities of the county.
Encouraging results of a survey of
emergency housing facilities in the
county show that rooms to house
over 2,000 evacuees have been of-
tered. The names and addresses of
houses where rooms will be available
throughout Washtena* County in an
emergency may be obtained from
the township CDVO chairman.
For the county's protective serv-
icec, the sheriff's department is list-
ing emergency equipment.
Read The Daily Classifieds!

"Out of the water into the frying pan" can
almost be applied to Allenel lake trout. Regular
delivery from Alpena brings the fish to the
Allenel the day after they have been caught in
the clear, cool waters of Lake Huron. Served
with lemon or tartar sauce and French fries,
Allenel lake trout becomes a definite delicacy.


Friday and Saturday

Phone 4241,


./ J r





,:, :
1 4


". _
h ,. i
r ,

More and befter values added to the
$12.95 group for the week-end.
THE COATS: Black, navy, blue. Sizes
9-17, 10-44.
THE SUITS: Summer suits in gabar-
dine, linens, an c rayon combina-
tions. Sizes 9-20.
THE DRESSES: Better dresses of all
kinds and colors. Jacket dresses,
redingotes, sheers, prints and
crepes. Also Dinner and Evening
Dresses. Values to $25 in sizes
9-17, 10-44, 1612 to 261/.



.amf4z5 fah






? a

>~g' aSt AAAto C
Q ~


. .. and many more like hini serve
Associated Press newspapers

Other Groups of
Dresses and Suits
Other COATS at $18 and $28


, Gd1"r

For his coverage of the British fleet in
the Mediterranean, Larry Allen of The
Asociated Press has won journalism's cov-
eted award, the Pulitzer prize for interna.
tional reporting in 1941. He became the
fifteenth AP mant n recive a Pnlitzer rita.

Allen is typical of AP war correspondents
the world over. They are ignoring all man.
ner of personal danger and hardship to
bring the news to you in these pages. They
are writing brilliant new chapters in the
servi ethat ha& lrent AP nwsnanern First


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