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July 18, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1942-07-18

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THE ,:MICHIGAN DAILY ___ ____ ___

Varsity Plays
Ypsilanti Nine
Michigan's baseball nine will at-
tempt to return to its winning ways
at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow when it op-
poses the Ypsi Cubs at Ferry Field.
The Varsity will be seeking their
fourth win of the season against one
defeat. Furthermore Coach Ray
Fisher's boys will be trying to make
amends for the poorly played game
which they lost to Inkster last Tues-
day. The Ypsi Cubs, a colored nine,
should prove tough to beat, as they
are at present the league leaders in
the local circuit.
Both the Wolverines and the Cubs
have beaten King-Seeley and Blue
Coach Fisher is well pleased with
the Varsity pitching staff and admits
that if the corps maintains the form
it has shown so far Michigan will
have a first-class club this summer.
Lack of hitting has been the Wol-
verines' main trouble this season,
and although they have won three
games, the Michigan pitching has
been responsible for the victories.
Michigan will play its first out of
town game this season when they
meet Blissfield there on Friday.
Michigan's game with the Detroit
Naval Recruiting Station which was
to have been played Friday, but was
postponed because the Sailors were
on maneuvers, will be played at a
later date.
Maritime Commission
Closes Shipbuilding Plant
NEW ORLEANS, July 18.-(iP)-
A. J. Higgins, head of Higgins In-
dustries, Inc., announced today that
his huge shipbuilding plant being
constructed under contract to build
200 Liberty ships within two years
was closed down today by order of
the U.S. Maritime Commission.
"This action by the Maritime Com-
mission has hung crepe on the big-
gest thing in Louisiana. It is worse
for the state than if the river broke
and flooded New Orleans," Higgins

6 relI



i i

The Cracker Barrel
ny Mike Dann
Daily Sports Editor

St. Louis Splits
With Brooks;


T ownsley Real L,

Yan kees Win




Dr. Elmer Townsley's death comes
not only as a severe shock to all who
knew him but also as a definite ,3et-
back to the University's physical ed-
ucation program.
According to Dr. Margaret Bell
and Athletic Director Fritz Crisler,
Dr, Townsley was one of the ablest
teachers who has ever entered the
field. He was more than just cap-
able. He was progressive, and con-
stantly studying new ideas to make
gym work more pleasing for both
men and women.
Dr. Townsley was considered a
leader in new types of physical edu-
cation instruction. His aim was to
establish co-recreational work as
much as possible. Some time back,
Townsley told your columnist, "Just
as the boys and girls study, go to
shows, and eat together, so should
they have the privilege of partici-
pating in a diversified health pro-
gram together."
His latest achievement was the
planned recreation program for air
raid shelters. Along with his col-
league Miss Marie Hartwig, Dr.
Townsley worked feverishly to
make this a successful course. And
it was. When he had completed it,
schools the nation over were copy-
ing it. Today his students are car-
rying his ideas throughout the
United Nations in an attempt to
ease the troubled minds of those
who spend weary hours waiting
for the air raids to end.,
Dr. Townsley's main aim in life
was to give people proper entertain-
ment and at the same time work in
a sound physical education program.,
and you may be sure the major part
of Dr. Townsley's plans will not re-
main unnoticed.
This fall he was to succeed Dr.
George May as head of the physical
education department. Since his

freshman year in college Dr. Towns-
ley had hoped for the day when he
would have this honor. His chance
came too late.
Students have lost a real friend in
the passing of Dr. Townsley. It was
for them that he lived and as Dr.
Warren Forsythe points out, "It was
for them that he died."
If Dr. Townsley had anything
special to say to students before
he died the sentences would have
contained the same words he used
in his classes.
"Have a whale of a good time and
be sure that you take care of your-
self so there can be many more."
By following these words Michigan
men and women can best remember
Dr. Townsley.*
I received the following letter from
one of the prominent sophomore
members of the Daily Sports Staff.
Dear Mike:
THE MENTION of football on a
day such as this when the mer-
cury is soaring into the stratosphere
may not seem the most appropriate
subject upon which to write a let-
ter, but the fact of the matter is that
the grid season is almost upon us.
The first realization of this fact
comes with the opening of the voting
to select players for the annual col-
lege All-Stars-Professional game to
be played late next month. Voting
has already begun and it is encour-
aging to see the names of two Wol-
verines heading the selections. We
are refering to All-Americans Bob
Westfall and Bob Ingalls who are
almost certain choices to play in the
It is interesting to draw a compari-
son between the All-Star football
game and the All-Star baseball game
played earlier this month.
Both "dream games" were the
ideas of Arch Ward, prominent
Chicago Tribune sports editor, and
it was through Ward's promotion
that the games were instituted. It
was Ward's idea to give the publicj
an exhibition game where theyI
could see all of their favorites of
both the gridiron and diamond in
action. The fans were to select
those whom they wanted to see
play by voting for them as is the
present system in the football se-
lections. To say the first All-Star
baseball game was a success Is an
extreme understatement.
But since thene things have
changed. The baseball tilt was taken
out of Arch Ward's hands and the
managers of the two leagues picked
the players instead of the fans.
There was a howl from the public
at the time but to no avail. Since
then the selections for the game have
been more and more displeasing to
the fans, and their disagreement
with the game's setup has been
shown at the box-office. Instead of
the contest being played in order to
give the fans an exhibition by their
favorites, the game is now played for
the sake of one league trying to gain
a little prestige by soundly trimming
the other league.
The emphasis on winning has
meant that the game is practically
a preview of the world series since
most players are chosen who per-
form well together, rather than
those who are stars in their own
right. Another reason for the de-
creasing attendance is that the
Nationals have won only three out
of ten contests, and the public is
beginning to take the outcome for

Senior Circuit Chueckers
Dominate Four Games;
French Loses First
From Associated Press Summaries
The National League has long been
known as a pitcher's league, and to-
day's five game schedule in the se-
nior circuit illustrated why.
Of the five, four were low-scoring,
close affairs with the hurlers far
ahead of the batters in all except
Brooklyn's opening game with the
Strangely enough it was in this
contest that the best pitching might
have been expected. Lefty Larry
French who had chalked up 10
straight for the Flatbushers was the
starter, but the Cardinals got to him
for 14 hits and enough runs to hand
him his first loss.
Otherwise all was peaceful as the
Brooks salvaged the second game
and the pitchers continued to blow
the ball past futile or almost futile
Chicago ..........000 000 105 0-6
New York ........000 020 400 1-7
Wade, Weiland, Haynes and Tur-
ner; Breuer, Lindell and Rosar.
* * *
St. Louis .......... 000 000 000-0
Washington........ 010 100 01x-3
Galehouse, Appleton and Ferrell;
Carrasquel and Early.
* * *
Brooklyn ......002 110 000-4 9 2
St. Louis .... 000 123 10x-7 16 1
French, Casey, Head and Owen;
White and W. Cooper.
* * *
Brooklyn ...........010 101 100-4
St. Louis .......... 000 000 300-3
Macon, Davis and Owen; Lanier,
Pollet, Gumbert and W. Cooper.
* * *
Philadelphia ........000 000 100-1
Chicago...........000 000 02x-2
Melton, Johnson and Warren; Lee,
Fleming and McCullough.

Blazin Ben On Fire:
Hooan-Demaret Team Paces
Ryder Cup Squad To 5-0 Lead
lBen Hogan, America's No. 1 Golfer.
By The Associated Press Havers of Great Britain in 1931 at
DETROIT, July 18.-Craig Wood's Columbus, O.
American Ryder Cup squad with Ben
Hogan and Jimmy Demaret com- The cup squad likewise received
bining for the most decisive victory one-sided triumphs from their next
ever achieved in the series, rolled up two pairs. Byron Nelson and Ed
a 5 to 0 lead today over Walter Dudley, the latter substituting for
Hagen's challengers in 36-hole best Sammy Snead, were 10 under par
ball foursome play that opened the while tripping Henry Picard and
two-day Red Cross match. Sam Byrd 6 and 5. Gene Sarazen
Hogan and Demaret posted a tor- and Lloyd Mangrum defeated Clay-
rid 11 under par over the 6,957-yard ton Heafner and Sergt. Jim Turnesa,
Oakland Hills course for the 26 holes I to 6.



New York
Shoun and
Boston ....

.001 100 010-3 9 1
000 100 000-1 5 0
and Danning; Starr,

it took them to trounce Lawson Little Wood combined with Ghezzi to de-
and Light Horse Harry Cooper, 11 to feat Guldahl and Dick Metz 1 up,
10. The previous high was a 10 to and Horton Smith and Jug McSpad-
9 victory by Hagen and Denny Shute en outlasted Jimmy Thomson and
over George Duncan and Arthur Al Watrous, 3 and 2.
Sunday at the-Wolverine
Cream of Asparagus Soup
Chilled Grapefruit or Tomato Juice
Pickle Slices Olives Radishes
Creamed Potatoes and New Peas or French Fried Potatoes
Corn Saute Mexican Harvard Beets
Head Lettuce & Tomato Salad.. . or . .. Fruit Salad Supreme
Hot Rolls and Butter
Tea, Coffee, Milk, Iced Tea Ice Cream
Guest Price 55c


8 Nickels Arcade


..... 000

000 000-0 3 0
000 00x-3 5 1
and Kluttz;

Heintzelman and Lopez.
Mlajor League Standings_


New York.......59
St. Louis ....... .45
Detroit .........45.
Chicago ........36
Washington .... 34
Philadelphia ... 36




Read The Daily

(7lassi f eds !



Sunday's Games
Detroit at Philadelphia (2)
Cleveland at. oston (2)
Chicago at New York (2)
St. Louis at Washington (2)

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Glamorous make-up
for your legs
heiena rubinstein's
A new kind of make-up-de-
signed by Helena Rubinstein
to bring glamorous beauty
to stockingless legs. Just a
few quick strokes of your
LEG STICK-and your legs are
a glorious golden beige,
sleek and smooth as satin.
LEG STICK conceals little
flaws and blemishes. Water-
proof, of course. 1.00.

Brooklyn ......60
St. Louis ........48
Cincinnati ......46
New York .......45
Chicago ........43
Pittsburgh ......39
Boston......... 37
Philadelphia ... 23




Sunday's Games
Brooklyn at St. Louis (2)
New York at Cincinnati (2)
Boston at Pittsburgh (2)
Philadelphia at Chicago (2)


Meanwhile the All-Star football
contest has maintained the fans' in-
terest every year. Soldiers Field is
filled nearly to capacity each time
the pros and collegians meet. And
the explanation for this is that the
game still belongs to the public. In-
terest is maintained from mid-July
to the night of the game because

the fans are interested in seeing how
their favorites are making out in the
balloting. The fans don't have to
wait for a high tribunal of coaches
to decide which eleven men combi-
nations will have the most chance to
win and bring glory to their team
as in the baseball classic.
Desmond Howarth


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