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July 18, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-18

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Army Issues Call For Women
To Enlist In Auxiliary Corps

You"" Musicians Make Appeal To Presidtt In Radio Squabble

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 18. - Step
right up, gals. Your Uncle Sam is
calling you-to enlist tomorow as pri-
vates in the Women's Army Auxiliary
Disappointed would - be officers
who didn't make the grade for the
first Officers' Training School which
opens at Fort Des Moines, Ia., on
the same day, should not forget that
therWarDepartment says future of-
ficers are coming up through the
Enlisting is through regular Army
recruiting stations.
The first call is for specialists-
clerks, cooks, bakers, . bookkeepers,
stenographers, switchboard operators
ad., supervisors, chauffeurs, cafe-
teria dietitians and cashiers, host-
esses aides, receptionists, library
.aides, machine record operators and
motion picture projectionists.
The number wanted the first week
is just 128. Gradually enlistments
will be stepped up until by themiddle
of .October it will reach" 800 a week.
Enrollment will hold steady at that
figujre until the Women's Army
reaches its authorized strength of
AII WAAC's, officers and auxiliar-
ies, are to be trained at Fort Des
Bly Nov. 9 it is expected that the
training schools there will be turn-
ing out three companies, complete
Blackout Planned
For Early August
.Somxnetime early in August all of
Washtenaw County will be tested in
a blackout, Harrison H. Caswell,
chairman of the Washtenaw County
Civilian Defense Council announced
$efore the county test can be at-
tempted, however, each community
miust have its own trial blackout,
Caswell pointed out. Ann Arbor,
Ypsilanti and Manchester have al-
ready done so. Saline, Milan, Chel-
sea and Dexter have still to make]
the attempt.

with officers and privates, each week.
The privates will receive $2] . a
month for the first four months,
plus room and board. After that
they'll get $30. In the non-commis-
sioned officer class, junior leaders
will draw $54 a month; leader, $60,
and first leader, $72.
In addition the WAACs will get
medical and dental services, hos-
pitalization and benefits provided by
the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act
of 1940.
House Passes
Canal Measure
Florida Bill May Reopen
St. Lawrence Fight
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 18. - Final
Congressional approval today of the
Florida barge canal and pipelines bill
brought predictions from opponents
that an attempt would follow to ob-
tain legislative action on the pro-
posed St. Lawrence River seaway and
water power development.
The House completed legislative
action on a $93,000,000 authorization
bill for the barge canal, gulf water-
way improvement and construction
of two or more pipelines. Its accept-
ance of minor Senate amendments
sent the measure to President Roose-
velt who had indicated advance ap-
proval of the proposal. b
Asserting that passage of the bill
had established pr'ecedent for spend-
ing money on projects which would
not contribute immediately to the
war effort, Senator Gerry (Dem.-
R.I.) said he expected the St. Law-
rence project, which he also opposes,
to be brought up soon.
Expressing the same viewpoint,
Senator Austin of Vermont, the as-
sistant Republican leader, said he
thought a $44,000,000 outlay for a
high-level lock canal across Florida
would be "wholly contrary to the
policy of putting our money into re-
sources needed for the war effort."

Speech Conference
Will iBe Conducted
By Prof. Bloomer
A symposium on oportunities in
the field of speech will be held at
4 p.m. tomorow in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building,
under the sponsorship of the Depart-
ment of Speech.
Fields of research open in speech
science and speech pathology and
correction, as well as suggestions re-
garding the fields of research that
offer the best opportunities for grad-
uate investigation will be stressed.
Held for graduate students in
speech, the symposium will be led by
Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer and Prof.
Henry M. Moser..
The discussion will be followed by
a question period.

Teacher Shortage
Will Be Discussed
li Guidance Talks
The present problems confronting
public school teachers will be the
theme of the Occupational Guidance
Series conferences to be held at 7:15
p.m., Tuesday, July 21, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Three school superintendants and
three teachers will each present their
own views on the problem of teacher
This conference, under the direc-
tion of the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, per-
mits teachers to find an organiged
solution to their own problems. Be-
cause of the vital problems to be dis-
cussed, the Michigan State Employ-
ment Office will be represented at
the meeting.


These National Music Camp students at Interloc hen, up in arms over the prospect of having their radio
performances cancelled, prepare an. appeal to Presid cut Roosevelt, asking him to step into the controversy
on their side. Musicians' union boss James Caesar P etrillo said a union contract with NBC forbids per-
formances by amateurs. Left to right: Alfred Wiser, V alley Stream, N. Y.; James Krohn, Highland Park, Ill.;
Jean Mcilvain (seated), Valparaiso, Ind.; Elizabeth C hidester, Winter Park, Fla.; James Rezits, Champaign,
Ill.; and Leone Logan, Berkeley, Calif.
War Board Talent Scouts Reveal
Hidden Faculty A bilities In Survey


You can ,get an
For Your Class

Solid Gold Blue Spinel
plus Federal and

The remarkable flexibility and
versatility of University faculty
members is strikingly illustrated in a
special survey of extra-specialization
wartime skills released yesterday by
the War Board.
Disclosing that 617 of the 1700
members of the faculty are skilled in
Not all faculty members indi-
cated such sober skills as these,
however.. Some mentioned experi-
ence in cartooning and illustrating,
while a remarkable number indi-
cated athletic ability. Others told
of activities in such varying fields
as nutrition, dramatics, kindergar-
ten handling, gem polishing, agri-
culture and bacteriology.
A good sized tower of Babel
could be filled by the languages
spoken on this campus. Among
them are included all modern Eur-
opean languages, both Latin and
Greek, and such out of the way
tongues as Filipino, Persian, Ma-
lay, and Turkish.
There are too some very unusual
talents on the faculty. There is a
clergyman, a maker of orthopedic
appliances, a detector of forgery-
no doubt some keen-eyed English
instructor-and three cryptanaly-
sists-decipherers of even peculiar
student bluebook codes.
Lo and behold! Last, but not
least! There is in our midst a
juggler !
subjects not ordinarily included in
the University curriculum, the sur-
vey also shows that 177 of that num-
ber are capable of teaching courses
outside their field of specialization.
Designed to determine talents and

abilities outside the line of regular
teaching duties, the War Board sur-
vey will enable University authorities
to draw upon present faculty mem-
bers to fill personnel gaps without
selecting outside substitutes.
It will also have information as
to who can perform special wartime
University services not ordinarily
performed at all or at least not so
extensively needed. Among such serv-
ices are special language work, phys-
ical conditioning programs, Red
Cross work, first aid and braille.
The survey will also assist faculty
men who wish to make an additional
contribution to the war effort, the
War Board pointed out.
Seventeen fields of special skills
or craftsmanship were represented.

in the replies of the 617 faculty mem-
bers who indicated such ability.
Among these were 73 persons who
had had Army service, but only nine
who had served in the Navy.
Forty faculty men indicated abil-
ity in various kinds of specialized war
work such as map making, marks-
manship, signalling, ordnance in-
spection, and related subjects.
Others described special skills in
counseling, personnel work, lan-
guages, journalism, library work and
Already in operation is the War
Board's plan to take full advantage
of this information by soliciting co-
operation on the part of the faculty
in the physical conditioning and first
aid programs.

Short Victory Courses -- Longer Career Courses
Hamilton Business College
Air-Cocled Rooms William at State
Opening Wednesday Night
The Departmen of Speech Present
The Michigan repertory Players
Noel Coward's Hilarious Farce
Wednesday through Sunday - 8:30 P.M.
Prices: 88c - 66c - 44c (including Fed. tax)



State taxes

Phone 8887

Ruth Ann Oakes, Mgr.

Summer Hours: 10:00-5:00 Daily, 10:00-1 :00 Saturday




campus life and property
against possible enemy air
raids. Dr. Lawrence Preuss,
associate professor of po-
litical science, was granted
a year's leave to accept an
ppointment as Principal
Divisional Assistant in the
Department of State . .
Prof. Harley Bartlett,,
chairman of th botany de-
partment, received a leave
to conduct special investi-
gations for the Federal De-
partment of Agriculture . .
indefinite leaves were
granted to 13 faculty men
who have been called into
the armed forces . .. they
authorized the retirement
of Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury,
professor-emeritus of psy-
chology, and William G.
smeaton, professor of
U.S.S. Cannon
Secretary of the Navy
Frank Knox has notified
Mrs. B. B. Cannon, of
Oliyia Street, that a United
States warship will be
named after her son, Lt.
George H. Cannon, Uni-
versity graduate and first
Ann Arbor man to be killed
In the war . . . the keel
for the USS Cannnon has
already been laid in a Navy
yard in Delaware . . . A
Marine Corps lieutenant,
Cannon was killed Dec. 7
at Wake and was posthum-
nuslv awarded a Conrs-

More than 100 Ann Arbor
men went to Detroit this
week for induction into
the Army.
* * *
News of a proposed wo-
men's naval corps (similar
to the WAAC) got out this
week before it should have,
and Dean of Women Alice
C. Lloyd is a little embar-
rassed. . . as a member of
the Advisory Council of the
U. S. Bureau of Navigation,
Dean Lloyd sent out letters
over her signature to ac-
credited colleges seeking
names of co-eds suitable
for a proposed women's na-
val officers unit. Drake
University officials re-
leased her letter which was
written on the letterhead
of the Office of Naval Of-
ficer Procurement, Chica-
go. Dean Lloyd's worried
because she feels that pre-
mature publicity may jeo-
pardize the bill to create
such a corps which is now
pending in Congress.
Dr. Townsley Dies
Dr. Elmer R. Townsley,
assistant professor of
physical education, died of
a heart attack Saturday
afternoon just after he
had taken a 150-man
PEM class through a
stiff calisthenics drill on
Ferry Field. He was dead
when Dr. E. D. Fitzgerald
of the Health Service ar-

and 11 other former Uni-
versity men are now study-
ing Japanese at the Navy
Language School at Boul-
der, Colorado . . . Robert
B. Stirling, who left school
as a sophomore this spring,

is platoon correspondent
at the Naval Aviation Pre-
flight School at Iowa City
... he is with the Wolver-
ine Squadron and was on
the staff of The Daily last

Nobody ever sleeps a
wink in "Twin Beds"l No
wonder the play was
the funniest ever seen on
Broadway. No wonder
everyone's saying-be-
tween howls-that the
picture has twice as
many laughs 1



Michigan Sports


Michigan's baseball team
after running up three
straight summer victories
met a tough outfit from-,
the nearby town of Inkster,
and a Detroit Class A
pitcher applied the old
whitewash in a 4-0 dis-
aster . . . The Wolverine
pitching as always was
good, but the poor hitting
which as plagued Coach
Ray Fisher since the sum-
mer term started was as
bad as ever ... Next on the
list is a game with the De-
troit Recruiting Station
team led by Dale Jones, a
former Philadelphia Ath-
letics pitcher.
The hearts of Michigan
grid fans were gladdened
this week by news that
Cliff Wise, sophomore
triple-threat halfback and
ace hurler of two years
back is returning to school
this fall . . . Paul Kromer
dropped into town the
other day . . . He's still re-
eln-,tnm fnmn rnro

. . . Meanwhile the Green
Bay Packers are moving
heaven and earth to get
Michigan co-eds have a
representative in big time
sports events this summer
as Sally Sessions, 19-year-
old freshman continues a
streak of golfing victories
that have carried her far
along the trail of golfing
fame. Sally is the same
girl who only two years
ago was busy winning the
Michigan State Women's
Novice Tennis title.
Tennis Star
PEM hardening course
students got some of their
training last week from
one of the country's best
tennis players . . . Chief
Petty Officer George J.
Jennings of the NROTC
here has won four consec-
utive Nation Public Parks
titles along with several
doubles crowns,



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