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July 18, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-18

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Congress Blunders
Over Draft Age


2:15 AM. FiNAL

Roosevelt May
Demand New
Wage Price
Control Law
FDR Says Whole Problem
Of Inflation Is Studied;
Wants General Power
To AdjustInequalities
Policy Is To Keep
LvigCost Down
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, July 17 -(M)- A
high Administration official said to-
night President Roosevelt may ask
Congress in a new cost of living mes-
sage for broad, flexible authority to
control wages and for additional
power to clamp down on farm prices.
The President told his press con-
ference the whole problem of infla-
tion and wage controls was under
study, but indiciated, he was not yet
ready to make definite recommenda-
tions. Congressional leaders said lat-
er they were informed any forth-
coming message might be delayed at
least 10 days.
Requests Broad Powers
The official, who would not be
quoted by name, said the President
and his advisors were discussing a
request for a broad delegation of
power to him by Congress to put a
ceiling on wages that would hitch
them definitely to the cost of living
Beyond that, the President was re-
ported to desire a reduction in the
110 per cent parity level Congress
fixed as the lowest point at which
ceilings could be placed on farm
crops. (Parity is the price calculated
to give a commodity the same rela-
tive purchasing power it had in a
past period, usually 1909-14.)
No Specflc Methods .
It was said that Mr. Roosevelt was
not likely to recommend any specific
methods foreontrolling wages but
would want general power that could
be used to adjust inequalities and to
keep pay checks and prices in line
with each other.
The President said at, his press
conference that the basis of all policy
on the problem .was to keep the cost
of living from going up. He gave
some hint of 'the seriousness with
which he regarded increased food
prices indiscussion of the 44-cents
-day wage increase recommended
by the War Labor Board for union
employees of "Little Steel" who had
asked a $-raise.
Inquiry Is Underway
While he said an inquiry was un-
derway to determine if a wage raise
meant that steel prices must be
boosted, the President remarked that
a 5 per cent wage increase there
would not force up the living cost
nearly so much as would a similar
raise in a canning factory. The whole
thing was relative and must be kept
in line as much as possible in all in-
dustries, he declared.
Price Administrator Leon Hender-
son recently was forced to puncture
the ceilings established on. canned
fruits because they did not reflect
110 per cent parity returns for grow-
ers and his apprehension about the
effect of , this action on the whole
price control structure was said to be
shared by the President.
F. D.R, Counts

On Tax Boost
Expects Bill To Be Raised
Nearer Goal By Senate
WASHINGTON, July 17. -(AP)-
Clear-cut indications came today
that the administration is counting
-on the Senate to boost the $6,143,-
900,000 tax bill closer to the Treas-
ury's $8,700,000,000 goal.
As the merits of the various levies
wrapped up in the bill were debated
for the second day on the House
floor, several members speculated on
the possibility that President Roose-
velt would comment on its "short-'
comings" in a message, expected
soon, dealing with inflation.
General House debate on the rev-
enue measure will end tomorrow and
a vote Monday is expected to send
the bill to the Senate unchanged
from its nrnee fnrm'

CIO Accepts
Little Steel'
Pay Decision
Union Committee Agrees
To WPB Ruling; FDR
Asks Labor Cooperation
Murray Requests
Contract Renewal
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, July 17-The 125-
man Policy Committee of the CIO
United Steel Workers of America,
representing approximately 157,000
workers of four "Little Steel" com-
panies, tonight accepted the War
Labor Board's decision increasing
pay of hourly workers 44 cents a day
to a minimum of 78 cents an hour.
The acceptance came after a three-
hour closed session in which CIO
President Philip Murray told of his
hurried visit yesterday to the White
House and read a telegram from the
in the government's fight to control
the threatening rise in the cost of
Demand $1 A Day
The men had demanded $1 a day
and many of their leaders privately
had been predicting the Board's
award would be rejected.
The resolution, adopted unani-
mously, stated the workers embraced
"the\ opportunity of being in the fore-
front in carrying out the' national
policy which will aid our nationin its
war for total survival."
"In the spirit of President Roose-
velt's message, we call upon the cor-
porations involved in this proceed-
ing to accept the award of the Na-
tional War Labor Board in the in-
terests of national unity."
Agreement Binds Officers
Murray, who also is President of
the U5iWA, said the Policy Commit-
tee's action was binding on the
Union's officers and that tonight
they would begin notifying the War
Labor Board of the action and also
request the "Little Steel" group,
Bethlehem, Republic, Youngstown
Sheet and Tube, and Inland, to con-
tinue negotiations for a contract.
Tihe negotiations were broken off
last January when the parties had
reached an impasse on issues now
-decided by the WLB
Murray also moved quickly to re-
open negotiations with all other steel
companies to incorporate into their
contracts the awards granted by the
Labor Board's decision. These in-
cluded a maintenance of union mem-
bership clause, under which all mem-
bers of the union must remain in
good standing during the life of the
contract, and a check-off of union
dues by the companies.
Chute eports
At Hyde Park
Found False
NEW YORK, July 17.-()--The
Army's Eastern Defense Command
said tonight the old Yankee weak-
ness for exaggeration was causing
needless labor for military and ci-
vilian personnel in the northeast who
were kept busy all day searching for
non-existent parachutists.
Lieut.-Col. E. J. Glavin, Public Re-
lations Officer for the Command,
said more than 20 false rumors of

parachute landings were received to-
day while the Army investigated a
report that six parachutes were seen
descending last night a few miles
from President Roosevelt's Hyde
Park estate.
"In all cases much time and effort
on the part of military and defense
personnel have been wasted because
of these false rumors," the state-
ment said.
Mercury Gets Workout
At Students' Expense
Dime thermometers popped like so
many kernels of popcorn yesterday as
Ann Arbor got her biggest 1942 dose
of heat and humidity.
The sun seemed considerably less
than 93,000,000 miles away to frantic
students who fruitlessly sought es-
cape from a 92* heat wave that
threatened to get worse today.
Some fled to tlie old swimming
nhoe only to find that ten minutes

Russians Smash Nazis Back Across Don
But Drive Against Stalingrad Continues;
BritishCrush Rommel Frontal Assaults

Australian Tank, Infantry Troops
Score Heavily On Germans
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, July 17-Two Axis counter-attacks on the desert front some 80
miles west of Alexandria have been beaten off with heavy losses to the
forces of Marshall Erwin Rommel, it was reported tonight.
The first of the two counter-strokes, delivered within the last 24 hours,
came last night against the central sector, where the fighting has been
extremely heavy.
The second was delivered this morning as the Axis infantry attacked
Indian troops holding a ridge to the south of the central fighting ground.
Meanwhile, heavy and medium bombers, supporting the British land
troops with aerial thrusts behind the Axis lines, attacked Tobruk and raided
0 shipping in that Mediterranean har-

Regents Accept
Gifts, Provide
Air Protection

Counterattack In Voronezb Sector
'Annihilates' Enemy Force
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, July 18 (Saturday)-Russian troops counterattacking south
of Voronezh were reported today to have hurled the Germans back across
the Don River, but the Nazis still were making progress toward Stalingrad
at the southern end of the long Don front where the invaders are using
1,000,000 men.
A savage stab into the German salient which had crossed to the east
bank of the Don to menace Voronezh city several miles beyond "annihilated
the 222nd Nazi regiment," an announcement said.
The Russians then crossed the river and fierce fighting now is taking
place on the western bank, frontline dispatches reported in the most heart-
r-ening news heard here in weeks.

I ii

Era's Religion
To Be Theme
Of Conference-
Wieman To Open Sessions
Tuesday With Lunche"i
Talk On Social Stability
"Religion in Our Era" will be the
general theme of the Eighth Annual
Summer Conference on Religion that
will be held here Tuesday through
The opening address of the session
will be given by Prof. Henry Nelson
Wieman, Ph.D., The Divinity Fac-
ulty, University of Chicago, at a
luncheon to be held at 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday at the Union. Professor
Wieman, author of "The Issues of
Life,"mand "American Philosophies
of Religion," will speak on "Achiev-
ing Social Stability."
Bell Lectures Wednesday
At the Wednesday luncheon at the
Union The Rev. John Elderkin Bell
and others from the Clinic for Min-
istry to the Sick will discuss "A New
Theological Force in Education."
The Rev. Henry H. Lewis will pre-
side. "Religion in Our Era - The
Present Situation" will be the topic
of Prof. J. Howard Howson, Ph.D.,
of Vassar College, who will speak at
the final luncheon on Thursday. This
will be a joint meeting with mem-
bers of the Educational Conference.
Forums, open to all who are in-
terested, will be held from 2:30 to
4 p.m. each afternoon at the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. On Tuesday the topic will
be "The Religious Factors in Marital
Relations." The following day "The
Religious Phases of Family Security'
in the Willow Run Production Area"
will be discussed. Thursday the sub-
ject will be "School-Church Rela-
tions in the Normal Michigan Com-
Special Talent To Lead
In each case the Forum will be led
by talent especially prepared in a
particular field-clergymen, Protes-
tant, Catholic, and Jewish taking
part on Tuesday; social and religious
leaders of the Willow Run area be-
ing the panel on Wednesday; and re-
ligious educators and public school
men composing the panel on Thurs-
As was true in former summer
conferences, six University classes
will welcome visiting clergymen as

New Zealand tank and infantry
troops scored a number of successes
against enemy tankr in the central
sector of the El Alaneir front 75 to
80 miles west of Alexandria today,
but the outcome of the indecisive
melee which now involves the main
steel might of the British and Ger-
mans remained in doubt tonight.
The whole hot 40-mile Egyptian
aesert front was in violent eruption
with the British, under Gen. Sir
Claude Auchinleck, making advances'
in the south near the virtually im-
penetrable salt marshes of the Quat-
tara Depression.
Reoccupy Positions
In the north, the comparatively
fresh Australians reoccupied their
original positions on the lower ridge
of the Hill of Jesus, ten miles west of
the whistle stop of El Alamein after
a ding dong fight that lasted all day.
On the whole tense desert battle
hinged the fate of all Egypt and the
Middle East.
The great tank battle of the cen-
ter was called the heaviest in tie last
month and possibly a prelude to an
Axis attempt to smash into the Nile
(Axis communiques, however, indi-
cated the British were on the offen-
sive. Both the Germans and Italians
said British attacks were repulsed by
Axis counter-attacks in the El Ala-
mein sector.)
Major Battle Develops
The vital clash for El Ruweisat
ridge, most of which the British were
reported to have taken Wednesday in
a seven mile advance, was said by
military informants to be developing
into a major battle. The ridge, which
parallels roughly the Mediterranean
some 10 miles below the coast, com-
mands the battle area in all direc-
tions. The narrow ridge extends east
and west for about seven miles, and
has two humps.
Auchinleck was said to be holding
the eastern rise with Rommel on the
western hump.
The pale light of a new desert
moon allowed the combatants to
fight throughout the chilly night af-
ter baking 41 the heat of the day.
Both sides had received reinforce-
ments since Rommel's forward mo-
mentum finally was stopped June 30.
The Germans were reported being
flown in from Crete and Greece, and
the British apparently were tapping
reserves in the Middle East.
The improved 28-ton General Lee
tanks, fresh from United States fac-
tories, were reported at the front
giving the British greater staying
and offensive power.________

.. .Regents grant him leave
to take State Department post
(Story on Page 4, Col. 4 )
* 4' *
Regents of the University accepted
gifts totalling ; $180,572.01 at their
July meeting yesterday and decided;
to spend aproximately $12,000 to pro-
tect campus life and property against
possible enemy air raids.
The $12,000 will be used for pur-
chasing fire-fighting equipment,
blackout preparations, to build refu-
gee areas in campus buildings, and to
make necessary changes and addi-
tions to buildings and property to
enable University offices "to carry
on work in light of the danger that
may come.
Regents Alfred B. Connable and J.
Joseph Herbert were named dele-
gates to the annual meeting of the
Association of Governing Boards of
Colleges and Universities to be held
at Minneapolis next October.
The awarding of two new degrees
in the forestry school-B.S. and M..
in wood technology was approved.
The Regents were informed that he
W. K. Kellogg Foundation, of Battle
Creek, will underwrite the expenses
of 35 Chilean engineering students
who *ill enroll in the University for
the fall term.
The largest gift, $109,459.56, came
from the U.S. Office of Education for
defense training purposes. A grant
of $40,000 was accepted from the
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis and will be used to further
study in the University's virology
(Another story on the Regent's
meeting is on Page 4.)
Japs Move In'
On Aleutians
p T
Install Living Facilities
On Three Islands
WASHINGTON, July 17. -(A)-
Japanese forces have set up tempo-
rary living facilities on three unde-
fended islands at the tip of the Aleu-
tian chain, the Navy reported today,
but since early this month have
failed to enlarge their holding and
have been subjected to intermittent
heavy attacks by American airmen.
The installations are on Attu, Kis-
ka and Agattu. On Kiska, where 20
tents and other structures were ob-
served by aerial reconaissance June.
12, Army aircraft recently dropped
56 bombs in one of a series of attacks
by U.S. planes and submarines which
to date have cost the Japs five ships
sunk, one believed sunk, an- nine
The latest of these attacks was
made July 11 when a cruiser was
bombed at Kiska with undetermined
results. Since that time, the Navy
said, there has been no material
change in the situation in the fog-
shrouded islands although opera-
tions against the enemy are contin-

Ruthven Ok's
Special Type'
Supports Hershey Bulletin
In Case Of Specialized,
Or Scientific Courses
President Alexander G. Ruthven
yesterday gave full support to defer-
ment for students engaged in spec-
ialized and scientific fields, charac-
terizing such action as "of great im-
portance to universities throughout
the country."
His statement \vas issued following
the release of a bulletin from Brig.-
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of
selective service, which recommend-
ed such deferment for students who
have completed two years in these
fields or have begun graduate work.
The bulletin suggested an addi-
tional 60-day deferment beyond
graduation in order that students
"may have an opportunity to engage
in a critical occupation in an activity
necessary to war production or essen-
tial to the'support of the war effort."
Grad Students Eligible
Graduate students are recommend-
ed for deferment if, in addition to
pursuing their regular studies, they
are acting as "graduate assistants"
or are engaged in scientific research
valuable to the war effort, provided
such research is supervised by a rec-
ognized Federal agency.
Chiefly engineering positions are
listed as those recommended for de-
ferment. Aeronautical, automotive,
chemical, civil, electrical, heating,
ventilating, refrigerating, air condi-
tioning, marine, mechanical, mining
and metallurgical including mineral
technologists, radio, safety and
transportation engineers are includ-
ed. /
Recommended Deferments
Other positions on the recommend-
ed deferment list are: Accountants,
chemists, geophysicists, industrial
managers, mathematicians, meterol-
ogists, naval architects, personnel
administrators, physicists including
astronomers, psychologists and stat-
Not on this new list although still
eligible for deferment, are students
of agriculture, bacteriology, biology,
agricultural engineering, cartogra-
phy, hydrology, osteopathy, pharmacy
and physical education majors. It is
not certain, however, how long these
exemptions will exist because of their
absence from the new list. .
Navy Honors Seven
Michigan Residents
As Heroes In War
WASHINGTON, July 17 - (A) -
Seven residents of Michigan have
been honored by the Navy for hero-
ism since the United States entered
the present war.
A compilation by the Navy showed
for the nation as a whole 231 men in
the fighting service of the sea had
been decorated for acts beyond the
call of duty.
Of these 17 were awarded the
Medal of Honor, 10 the Distinguished
Service Medal, 156 the Navy Cross
and 48 the Distinguished Flying

Two populated places were seized
in the area as the qermans retreated
"in disorder,"and th Russians seized
the' initiative at the river, which Is
several miles west of Voronezh city.
(A Berlin radio summary of the
fighting acknowledged severe Rus-
sian counter-attacks on "German
bridgeheads on the Don," but assert
ed the Soviets were repulsed.)
This encouraging news came, after
the regular midnight communique
had told merely of continuing fierce
battles in the Voronezh sector at the
upper end of the imperilled Don river
Russians Withdraw
South of Millergvo at the other end
of the front the Russians' adnittedly
were not doing so ell. Their armies
still were withdrawing slowly whe
rear guards fought desperately to
check a steady German advance
toward railway points leading east
to the rich Volgar port of Stalingrad.
German losses were reported run,
ning into tens of thousands killd,
with hundreds of Nazi tanks, planes,
and guns destroyed in both areas.
Soviet tanks covering . the Red
Army's withdrawal in the Millergvo
area were said to have killed 1,200
Germans in one sector where the
Nazis were striding through the
wheatland approaches of the Cau-
killerovo is about 125 air line miles
north of Rostov, the southern anchor
of the Red Army based on the Sea
of Azov, and Likhaya, an interme-
diate point between the two cities
is a junction on the railway which
branches east to Stalingrad. It is
that junction toward which te Nazis
are slowly progressing.
Stalingrad Danger Grows
Stalingrad, within 175 miles of the
fighting, was in greater danger with
each hour; Rostov and the armies
based on the west Caucasus corner
were in grave peril of envelopment by
the German forces -southeast of Mil-
Only at the Russians' northern an-
chor, Voronezh, at least 175 miles
north of the furthermost point of
Nazi penetration, were the Germans
mired. There the Russian chances
grew brighter with every Red Army
(A special German communique
said German infantrymen had
stormed and captured Voroshilov-
grad, capital of the Donets coal
country, which the German tank for-
mations had bypassed in their plunge
to Millerovo-and beyond.
Navy Measure
Outlaws Fees
WASHINGTON, July 17.--(P)-In
a Navy-labeled step to "stop profit-
eering at government expense, the
House Naval Committee unanimous-
ly approved today a bill outlawing
commission fees on government con-
tracts which have netted agents mil-
lions of dollars in recent months. .
Almost simultaneously, a Federal
DistrictGrand Jury here returned
an indictment in 12 counts against
dapper, dark-haired Alexander
Stone, charging him with unlawfully
receiving commissions on war con-
tracts while a government employe.
Stone, a former $4,200-a-year Fed-
eral Housing Administration em-
ploye and the first of the commission
agents to be questioned by the Naval
committee, was alleged to have re-
ceived $27,074 as a five per cent fee
on $541,491 worth of business ob-

Shepard, Marley Call Charges
Made ByGeraldSmith Lies',

Charges of playing "stooge" to the
Communist party, levied against Rev.
Harold P. Marley, preacher of the.
Unitarian Church, and Prof. John S.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, by Gerald K. Smith were flatly
denied at "absolute lies" yesterday.
The accusations, made in a radio
address by Smith, candidate for the
Republican nomination to the Senate
from Michigan, on June 21, alleged
that Reverend Marley and Professor
Shepard have been working hand in
hand with the Communist party to
free Browder, have spread Commu-
nist propaganda on the campus in

professor, one John S. Shepard, now
being paid out of taxpayer's money
in the University of Michigan who is
a man exposed as encouraging and
cooperating with the most radical
and communistically-inclined ele-
ments in Michigan as well as in
"Professor Shepard's comrade in
this program of character assassina-
tion, working in perfect harmony
with the Communist party, is one
Harold P. Marley of Ann Arbor.
"It 'doesn't sound so good (for
Marley and Shepard) when I tell
you that these two gents for months
and months have been addressing

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