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July 17, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-17

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Fresh Air Camp
Deserving Of Support .. .


2:15 A.M. FINAL


Fast Approval.
Of Committee,
House Is Told'
Doughton Says Measure
Will Get Green Light
In Three-Day -Debate;
No Sales Tax Promised
Committee Wants
'Safe' High Taxes
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(IP)-
Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) of
the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, urging speedy approval of the
$6,143,900,000 tax bill, told the House
today that the treasury department
would rather fall short of its $8,700,-
000,000 goal than have a sales tax.
Opening three days of debate on
the record-breaking revenue bill, he
said he had asked Randolph Papl,
tax adviser to Secretary Morgenthau,
whether he would "rather have the
bill remain short or have a sales
"He said he would rather have the
bill stay short," Doughton added.
Want High Rate
He told the members that the com-
mittee had approved as high taxes
on all as it believed could be carried
safely. He recalled that corporate
and individual taxes which were on-
ly about $2,200,000,000 in 1939 would
be raised to $18,000,000,000 if the
pending bill becomes law.
"In reality this is a $24,000,000,000
tax bill," he said, explaining that he
believed it would produce $7,000,000,-
000 while existing taxes are estimated
to yield $17,000,000,000. The $6,143,-
900,000 figure is the treasury's esti-
mate of additional revenue from the
pending bill.)
Doughton said "state and other
taxes total about $9,000,000,000,
which, with the enactment of the
bill, would make the overall tax burr.
den of. the American people some
$33,000,000,000-"about one-third of
the national income."
More-To Come
While Doughton said the bill would
raise taxes about as high as the coun-
try could stand, Rep. Treadway of
Massachusetts, veteran Republican
committee leader, declared that still
more taxes would have to come and
that a sales tax eventually, would
have to be considered. Both he and
Doughton called for a further reduc-
tion in non-war expenditures.
Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) has
called for Senate Finance Committee
hearings to begin on the House bill
next Thursday. He estimated his
committee would require from four
to six weeks for its studies.
House members asserted on the
floor today that the Senate undoubt-
edly would revise the measure, per-
haps in major particulars, raising
the prospect that it would be still
more weeks before the two versions
could be compromised in conference
Panel COuncil
Treats Future
Of Capitalism
The future of capitalism-or the
lack of a future-was given a thor-
ough going over last night at a panel
discussion at the League sponsored
by the Post-War Council.
Agreeing that the promotion of the
economic well-being of the people as

a whole should be the goal of any
system, the panel made up of Prof.
Mentor Williams, Prof. Jesse Thorn-
ton, Floyd Bondand Homer Swander
differed primarily in their ideas as
to the means best adapted to bring-
ing about this increased well-being.
Stating that in his opinion "capi-
talism has been failing with in-
creasing dismalness" Prof. Williams
pointed out that the future may take
.one of three courses. These are
Fascism, Socialism or controlled cap-
italism, or a variation of one of
these types.
Speaking as an exponent of a con-
trolled capitalistic society, Prof.
Thornton declared that "socialism is
a dream--a very lovely dream"-and
yet it remains a dream because the
realities of life are a great deal dif-
Mr. Bond, a member of the eco-
nomics department, served in the
role of moderator and was ready
n..i~lh ,nmm.n +. n n a mft r. a,, ,.,nlvtr

State Fire Marshall Calls
Blackout 'Best He
Has Ever Seen'
Ann Arbor-a city of bright lights
and busy activity at 10:28 p.m. last
night-turned gloomy and silent in
the amazing time of two minutes
after piercing whistles had first
shrieked out the area's first blackout
warning of the war.
Police Chief Sherman Mortenson
said last night that "Ann Arbor's
first blackout test was very success-
fu" and gave most of the credit to
"the 60,000 people in the city and
township who cooperated nealy 100
Undersheriff Fred Sodt, stationed
on the water tower, "couldn't see a
light anywhere except in the war
Ruthven Watches City
Two hundred feet in the air-on
the roof of the Charles Baird Caril-
lon Tower-a group of observers in-
cluding Dr. Alexander Ruthven,
President of the University, -also pro-
nounced the -test blackout "a com-
plete success."
On the water tower, Arnold Ren-
ner, state fire marshal, called it "the
British Battle
Axis On New
Desert Front
Armored Forces Struggle
As Fate Of Egypt Hangs
In Balance At Alamein
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Egypt, July 16.-A major
battle between British and Axis ar-
mored forces on which it appeared
the entire fight for Egypt might turn
erupted today in the central sector
of the Alamein-desert front while
Germans and Australians fought a
ding-dong engagement for "The Hill
of Jesus" on the coast.
The Germans apparently were fol-
lowing up an unsuccessful attempt to
break into the positions won by the
British Wednesday with an attack
backed up by heavier armor. Detailed
information was lacking on the new
battle but it was indicated it was of
decisive proportions.
It was possible that the Germans
were now attempting a final break-
through toward Alexandria and the
Nile. The forces of Field Marshal
Erwin Rommel have been stalled in
the Alamein sector some 65 to 70
miles west of Alexandria since the
British on June 30 halted their long
retreat from Libya and made a
(At that time Rommel's forces
were exhausted and he was depend-
ing on long communication lines
hastily, extended. It was possible he
now felt he had gathered sufficient
strength and rest for an all-out at-
tempt to smash the defenders of the
strategic Nile Valley.
(Reuters said in a Cairo dispatch
to London that the Wednesday drive
on the center pushed the British
seven miles into the Axis lines.)
On the northern sector along the
coast, British and Australian troops
counter-attacked earlier in the day,
retaking the Tel El Eisa (Hill of Je-
sus) ridge.
Tag Day For Underprivile

Fresh Air Camp
For Funds 0U
More than 90 suntanned young-
sters. eager to provide vacations for
fellow underprivileged boys, will pa-
trol Ann Arbor today in the annual
summer Tag Day of the University
Fresh Air Camp.
Since the founding of the camp 21
years ago, drives such as this and in-

'Very Successful'

Labor Board ays Down
Wage Stabilization Plan;
Soviet Roars Back Strong

best blackout I've ever seen" while
Major C. E. Brilhart of the 6th Corps
regional office of civilian defense,
told The Daily the blackout was
"about as effectivehas I've ever seen
in Michigan." He was surprised that
there was less distraction by the war
plants than in other towns.
With a thin slit of a moon show-
ing in the hazy sky, the only cam-
pus lights which escaped detection
throughout most of the blackout
period came from the direction of
the Arcade on State Street.
Campus Goes Dark First
The University of Michigan cam-
pus was the first block of buildings
to be plunged into total darkness.
Then in rapid succession the dorms,
the blazing University Hospital and
the entire business and residential
sections of Ann Arbor winked out.
The lights which flickered during
the entire period of darkness were
those from the roaring local factories
on the west side which are engaged
in vital war production. On the hill
behind the stadium overlooking Hoo-
ver Ball and earing Co., a Daily re-
porter described the city as a "vast
park of dead silence."
Sound Is Intensified
From the vantage point in the
Carillon Tower sound was intensi-
fied and the one observation plane
which flitted across the sky pounded
like a huge explosion in the ears of
the observers.
The fountain located near the
League made little noise to a person
on the ground-but it carried to the
Tower listeners with a roar of fall-
ing water. One of the observers lik-
ened the sound to that of Niagara
During the fifteen-minute black-
out, the airport beacon slowly cut a
wide swath through the sky at regu-
lar intervals as it turned back and
forth on its swivel. Pinpoints of light
could be seen far in the distance as
Chicago-bound automobiles passed
safely beyond the blackout bound-
The muffled flashlights of air raid
wardens made a dim glow on the
ground before they were turned off.
Once, near the fountain by the
League, the red glow of a cigarette
would have made a perfect target
Turn to Page 4, Cl. 5
U.S. Moves
To Break Ties
Finnish Consular Offices
Ordered To Close
WASHINGTON, July 16.-The
United States moved just a step short
of a break in diplomatic relations
with Finland tonight by asking the
one-time close friend to close all its
consular offices in this country be-
fore the end of the month.
A State Department announcement
said the Finnish government had
"undermined the basis upon which
American consular representation
was maintained in Finland" and has
denied American consular officers
their treaty rights.
This government's action was an-
nounced shortly after Hjalmar J.
Procope called at the State Depart-.
ment for a lengthy talk with Acting
Secretary Welles. Procope declined
to discuss the developments with
The State Department's announce-
ment made no mention of Finland's
participation in Germany's war
against Russia,

Reporter Cruises Through
Blacked-Out Streets
In Police Car
Ann Arbor was a whispering ghost
town for 15 minutes last night as we
rolled through darkened streets in
Police Car No. 2.
Lt. Casper Enkemann was driv-
ing our car which also carried three
CD officials from nearby towns.
Chief Sherman Mortenson was driv-
ing the only other car which moved
on Ann Arbor's streets during the
We were high up on a bluff on the
northwest side of town when the
sirens sounded. Lt. Enkemann cut
off his headlights and turned on his
specially-prepared dimout lights. We
were all handed blackout flashlights.
Hundreds of people had parked their
cars on the bluff to watch the city
black out. It was like watching a
fire works show-ladies "oh'd" and
"ah'd" as the few remaining lights
would flicker out. From our position
we could see only the red light on
the police transmitter, a green rail-
way switch light and the glow of the
war plants.
10 Miles Per Hour
We rolled along Spring Street at
about 10 miles per hour-our dimout
lights wouldn't permit faster travel.
The auxiliary police were remarkably
efficient. At nearly every intersec-
tion we were challenged by the swing-
ing red flashlights of the wardens.
Not until we flashed back and they
saw the large "E" on the door of our
car could we pass.
We could hear no noise, but low
whispers came from groups standing
on the sidewalks. At nearly every
corner we had to ask people to step
back against the buildings; they al-
ways obliged noiselesly
We turned onto Main Street at
Catherine, but had gone nearly a
block before I recognized buildings.
Looking south on Main I saw nothing
but blackness. It was somewhat eerie
because although we couldn't see a
person or a cigarette we knew that
several hundred people were looking
at us.
"Turn Out Your Lights"
Students yelled at us to turn out
our lights which reflected on a few
beer mugs held high as we passed the
Liberty Street beer taverns.
A call from the emergency radio
located in the basement of the police
station sent us to the corner of Lib-
erty and Main to pick up a drunk-
ard. We dropped him at the station
and turned down E. Huron where
we saw the worst violation. Just west
of Main a large blue neon light
blazed in the darkness. It was adver-
tising auto insurance.
We had seen some lights on the
sixth floor of the First National Bank
Building, but when we looked this
time they were out.
Many store owners had forgotten
to turn out their illuminated clocks,
which shot searchlight-like beams of
light into the street.
A loud noise-like a firecracker-
drew us into a side street where we
found a man standing in the street.
He said that he dropped the hood of
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
No Hope Seen
In Inter-dochen
Radio r00kUp
Students at the National Music
Camp here decided at a mass
meeting tonight to send a plea to
President Roosevelt asking his aid
in restoring national radio broad-
casts from Camp Interlochen, now
banned through action of the AFL,
musicians union.
INTERLOCHEN, July 16. -(m)-

Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, director of the
famed Interlochen Music Camp in
the woods of Northern Michigan,
said tonight there was little likeli-
hood that differences with the
American Federation of Musicians
could be adjusted in time to permit
a national radio broadcast from the
camp next Saturday.
But even as he spoke, Reinald
Werrenrath, internationally known
baritone and a member of the mu-
sicians union, was reported enroute
to Interlochen to investigate protests
of Dr. Maddy and the camp students
over the banning of the broadcasts
through action by James Petrillo,
president of the musicians union,

Russian Offensive Clicks
On Voronezh Front As
Nazis Are Hurled Back
No Major Changes,
Communique Says
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Friday, July 17.-So-
viet armies have now taken the in-
itiative from the Germans on some1
sectors of the Voronezh front and]
are stoutly resisting in the south in
tei'rific campaigns which have cost
the invaders 900,000 men and the1
Russians 399,000 in two months, the
Soviets announced early today.
The Russians said that the Ger-
mans had been thrown back on the
defensive at Voronezh, an important
railroad city east of the, Don River
which the Germans have besieged
for days with waves of men, tanks
and planes.
Soviet hands
"In some sectors of the Voronezh
front, the initiative has passed into
Soviet hands," the midnight Russian
communique said "The Germans are
on the defensive.
The communique said there were
no essential changes on other fronts,
but acknowledged that the Red
Army had withdrawn to new posi-
tions southeast of Millerovo, where
the Germans are pounding furiously
toward the Caucasus and the Volga.
In bloody continuation of the
fighting which a special Soviet com-
munique said had cost the Germans
900,000 men killed, wounded and cap-
tured between May 15 and July 15,
the midnight communique said 4,000
"Hitlerites" have been killed in three
days of fighting in the Millerovo sec-
German Tanks
The Red Army also destroyed 35
German tanks in that fighting, it
was said.
During the two months, the Rus-
sian special communique announced,
the Germans lost 350,000 men killed.
The figures covered ,the campaigns
of Kerch, Kharkov, Izypm, Barven-
kova, the siege and fall of Sevastopol
and the sweep acros the Don basin to
the gateway of the Caucasus.
Dean Lloyd
In Protest
Regrets Drake University
Publicized Letters
Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, a
member of the advisory council of
the U.S. Bureau of Navigation, last
night expressed her dissatisfaction
that letters written over her signa-
ture and sent to universities seeking
the names of coeds available for a
proposed women's service in the Navy
had been made public.
DrakenUniversity officials said yes-
terday they had received such a let-
ter signed by her and written on the
letterhead of the Office of Naval
Officer Procurement in Chicago.
"I regret that Drake University
took it upon itself to make public
my letter. Dean Lloyd said, for I feel
that the publicity may jeopardize the
passage of a bill now in Congress
signed to create such a corps."'

Bomber Plant
Workers Stage
Brief Sit J~own
, x
_______ I
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 16. -UP)- A sit-
down strike, termed by the company
a protest against the discontinuance
of a telephone service for employes,
halted operations at the Ford Willow
Run bomber plant for more than an
hour tonight.1
The strike started at 6 p.m. witht
the men stopping work but remain-I
ing at their machines. A few left the
plant. Both company and UAW-CIOe
sources said that full production wasc
resumed by 7:30 p.m.c
Harry H. Bennett, Ford personnel1
manager, said the demonstration wasl
in protest against company action in1
stopping a telephone service the men
were getting in the plant. The serv-
ice, he said, had been put into effectl
without "proper arrangements" with
the management.
Bennett said that the strike was
called by "a UAW-CTO steward
named Harris."
"This fellow Harris just walkeda
through the plant from department
to department and told the men to
sit down," Bennett declared.
UAW-CIO officials denied any
knowledge of the strike, declaring
that none had been authorized. They
said they could not identify Harris.;
The strike apparently had no con-a
nection with current hearings before
a War Labor Board panel on the
union's demand for a $1-a-day wage
increase for all Ford workers.
Religion Group
Will Meet Here
For Discussion
The Eighth Summer Conference
on Religion at the University of
Michigan during the Summer Ses-
sion, where students, faculty and
minsters from near-by cities will
discuss some of the current issues of
our spiritual and cultural life, will
be held on July 21, 22, and 23 at the
Rackham Building.
Aims of the Conference are to of-
fer members of the Summer Session
an introduction to certain religious
topics of interest and to acquaint
them with a few recognized leaders
of religious thought.
Prof. Henry Nelson Wieman, pro-
fessor of the philosophy of religion at
the University of Chicago and Prof.
J. Howard Howson, head of the re-
ligion department at Vassar College,
are to be among the speakers and
chief resource persons at the forth-
coming meetings.
Every afternoon a forum will be
conducted. On Tuesday the topic
under consideration will be "The
Religious Factors in Marital Rela-
tions." The following day "The Re-
ligious Phases of Family Security in
the Willow Run Production Area"
will occupy the attention of those
present. On Thursday the subject
will be "School-Church Relations in
the Normal Michigan Community."

Little Steel' Receives Pay
Increase Of 44 Cents;
Based On Living Costs
Board Chairman
Associated Press staff Writer
WASHINGTON, July 16.-The
War Labor Board, approving a daily
wage increase of 44 cents in "Little
steel," laid down today a wage sta-
bilization policy designed to main-
tain the purchasing power of hourly
wage rates as of Janury, 1941.
The Board said in effect that work-
ers were entitled to a 15 percent in-
crease, based on increased living
costs, between January, 1941, and
May, 1942, and could not expect more
than that from the Board except
under certain specified extraordinary
circumstances. The policy was based
on the asumptiori that all seven
points of the President's anti-infla-
tion program, announced late in
April, would be made operative and
would stabilize the cost of. living.
Dollar Increase
The CIO United Steel Workers had
asked for $1 a day increase. The
Board, however, largely granted the
union's other demands. It awarded
a maintenance of membership clause,
checkoff of unidn dues and the mini-
mum daily wage guarantee.
The Board voted the wage increase
8 to 4, the labor members dissenting.
They declared the Board majority
substituted "rhetoric for analysis"
and went "all-out for the inflation
thesis, a thesis compounded of con-
jectures and prophecies, fears and
Directly affected were 157,000 em-
ployes of the four so-called "Little
Steel" companies: Bethlehem, Re-
public, Inland and Youngstown Sheet
and Tube.
Indirectly, the decision is expected
to affect amillion or more, including
o00,000 throughout the steel indus-
try generally and 400,000 automobile
plant workers who are asking $1 a
day increase.
Created Yardstick
The Board expressed the opinion
it had created a yardstick for the de-
termination of other disputes before
Dr. George W. Taylor, vice chair-
man of the Board, wrote the wage
opinion and outlined these guiding
principles on which the Board de-
sided the case:
For the period from January
1, 1941, to May 1942, which followed
a long period of relative stability, the
cost of living increased by about 15
percent. If any group of workers
averaged less than a 15 percent in-
crease in hourly wage rates during
or immediately preceding or follow-
ing this period, their established
peacetime standards have been brok-
'Chutes Land
SIn Hyde Park
Six Parachutes Reported
Near Roosevelt Home
RHINEBECK, N.Y., July 16.-()
-Army men and state police con-
verged tonight in an area near Pres-
ident Roosevelt's Hyde Park estate
to investigate an unconfirmed report
that six large parachutes had been
seen descending in the vicinity.
Roads throughout this region were
blocked off and state troopers from
nearby sections rushed to the scene,
while the Eastern Defense Command
announced in New York City that a
military probe was under way.
The state police teletype said that
the parachute landings had been re-

ported by Claude Swenson, superin-
tendent of the estate of the late John
Jacob Astor near here.
An alarm went out over the nine-
state police teletype network.

To Hold Drive
ni Campus Today
sketch of a grinning, dripping boy
in their drive to collect the $1,000
needed to run the camp.
The money will be used to send
youngsters from Ann Arbor, Jackson,
Flint and Detroit away for the sec-
ond four-week period.
At the camp many of the boys re-
ceive their first taste of an adequate
diet, camping, hiking and swimming,
and they come back brown nd fresh,
"rehabilitated for the whole year."
It is this social function which
makes the camp unique. Counsellors
at the camp are University students
and teachers in psychology, sociology
and education who are especially
well equipped to understand the

Stimson Says Men 18 And 19
W1ll Be Conscripted In Future

WASHINGTON, July 16.-(A)-'
The drafting of young married men
and boys 18 and 19 years old was de-
picted as an eventual certainty today
by Henry L. Stirmson, the Secretary
of War.
Men in those groups "should not
feel it necessary to alter their plans
for the immediate future," he said
at a. press conference. But they
should, however, remember that "we
have never had a great war in which
we did not find it necessary to call
up both classes."
Under present law and practice,
the 18-and 19-year-olds must regis-

At that time the Army asked for
congressional authority to conscript
19-year-olds, as compared with the
21-year minimum of the peacetime
draft law. The proposal aroused an
intense controversy in Congress.
After a spirited debate, the House
rejected the Army request and voted
to retain the 21-year minimum. The
Senate, also after a vehement dis-
cussion, approved the 19-year limit.
Subsequently, the two branches split
the difference and reached a com-
promise at 20 years.
Selective Service officials estimate
that there are about 1,200,000 men in


Warship To Be Named
in Honor Of Lt. Cannon

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