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July 15, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-15

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Post-War Council Round Table
To Discuss Future Of Capitalism

The students and faculty of the
Education school will gather at the
Women's Athletic Building from 8 to
11 this evening for an Educational
Escape party-mixer.
The purpose of the party will be
to provide a get-acquainted party
for everybody learning or teaching
education in the University during
the summer in an atmosphere that
will emphasize gay freedom from
the chalk-dust scented grind of the
school day.
Fugitives from the classroom will
have amusement provided for them
in the form of many individual and
group sports, such as potato golf,
feather tennis, bowling, and a bridge
tournament. There will be social
dancing to the accompaniment of
Gordon Hard's Orchestra led by Doc
Sprachlin. A special feature will be
instruction in lively cowboy dances.
This part of the evening's entertain-
ment will be conducted by H. C. Lai-
bee who is a student and part time
teacher in the University. Lest any-
ore find himself wearied by over-
strenuous participation in the many
diversions offered refreshments will
be provided.
The party, an annual summer af-
fair for the School of Education,
is being sponsored by four campus
organizations: The Men's Educa-
tion Club, The Women's Education
Club, and the honorary education
fraternities. Pi Lambda Theta and
Phi Delta Kappa. This is the first
year, however, that these four groups
have banded together to hold the

Student harmonizers who would
like to don costumes and make a per-
sonal appearance on the Mendels-
sohn Theatre stage, are invited to
tryout for singing roles in Gilbert
and Sullivan's famed operetta, "H.
M. S. Pinafore," which is scheduled
for Aug. 12-15 and 17-18.
Tryouts will be held at 7:15 p.m.
today and at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Suite 2, Michigan League. Contest-
ants may sing any selection, but are
asked to bring their own music. Ac-
companists will be supplied by the
casting staff.

Capitalism's future will be dis-
cussed by Prof. J. E. Thornton of the
engineering edpartment, Prof. Men-
tor Williams of the English depart-
ment, Mr. Floyd A. Bond of the eco-
nomics department and Homer Swan-
der, '43, managing editor of The
Daily, in this week's round-table ses-
sion of the Post-War Council to be
held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
Centering on such problems as
government control of private en-
terprise, the possibility of a mana-
gerial class and the limitation of
incomes after the war, the round-
table will be open to questions from
the floor.
In a lecture on the same topic be-
fore an engineering. English class
Professor Thornton pointed out that
there were five divisions of econom-
ic "camps." He based his divisions
(Continued from Page 2)
Varsity Glee Club: Will meet
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Glee
Club Room, Michigan Union, for an
informal session of singing together.
All members are urged to be present
to make plans for serenades and
other functions. Bring eligibility
James A. O. Crowe, Manager
The Cercle Francais will hold its
regular meeting on Thursday, July
16, at 8:00 o'clock in the Michigan
League. The guest speaker will be
Professor Rene Talamon whose sub-
ject, "Souvenirs d'un interprete," is
of special interest to all at this time.
Students of the Summer Term and
the Summer Session and faculty
members who are interested are cor-
dially invited to attend. Please con-
sult the bulletin board at the League
for the meeting place.
A. J. Jobin
Michigan Sailing Club meeting
Thursday, July 16th, Michigan Un-
ion, Room 304. Submission of new
Constitution. Question of getting
another dinghy. Explanation by for-
mer Commodore Donkin of Racing
Right of Way Rules.
The Westminster Guild combines
with the Wesleyan Guild this Friday,
July 17th for a baseball and picnic
party. Both Guilds will meet at the
Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Please
make reservations by calling the
Church Office before 12 noon, Fri-
day, Tel. 2-4466. All students are
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a swim and supper at Delhi this
Sunday. Please sign at the desk at
Rackham by noon Friday if you plan
to go, telling whether you wish to
bicycle (about 8 miles) or would like
auto transportation reserved for you.
A deposit of 25 cents is required. The
group ill meet at the northwest door
of Rackham at 2:30.
Youth Hostel Trip. There will be
a week to Saline Farms leaving the
Women's Athletic Building at 1:30
Saturday. Men and women students
interested in going meet at this time.
There will be a bicycling group and
a hiking group.
Department of Physical
Education for Women.
Today's Events
The first afternoon meeting of the
Michigan Dames bridge group is to
be held at the Michigan League to-
day from 2 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Mrs.
M. B. Rogers is chairman. The group
will be instructed by Mrs. R. E. Whit-

Dr. Samuel Brownell, visiting lec-
turer from Yale University, will dis-
cuss "In-service Training in the Field
of Guidance" at a meeting of the
Men's Education Club at 7:15 p.m.
today in the Union.

on the income distribution charts of
the Brookings Institute.
Professor Thornton classified the
"camps" as: the old-time laissez-
faire Republicans, the Keynes-Han-
son New Dealers, the huge bureau-
cracy advocates, the out-and-out so-
cialists and the Communists.
Hanson, Keynes and Leon Hender-
son would advocate the tearing down
of the upper-income bracket groups
to solve the unequal distribution of
incomes, Professor Thornton told his
State Firemen
Practice Bomb
Fighting Here
Incendiary bombs blazed in the
Health Service parking lot yesterday
afternon, but it was only to show
Michigan firemen the correct meth-
od of extinguishing them.
Nate Davis of the State Fire Mar-
shal's Office, made the demonstra-
tion as part of the program of the
fourteenth annual Michigan Fire
College being held on campus this
week. Approximately 100 firemen
from all over the state are enrolled in
the four day course sponsored by the
University Extension Service.
After explaining the actions of five
commonly used incendiaries, Davis
gave an actual demonstration of ef-
fective methods for putting out the
potent magnesium bomb. He used
fire extinguishers, sand, spray tanks
and a pump and pail combination to
put out the hot fires resulting when
the bomb was ignited.
This morning's talks will deal with
electrical fire hazards, public mobil-
ization and the relationships between
military and civilian protection.
Speaker Hits
Rural Schools
MacConnell Tells Results
Of Educational Survey
"Less than two years ago 4,000,000
youths between the ages of 16 and
25 were out of school and out of
work, while today we are drafting
their services," James D. MacCon-
nell of the American Youth Commis-
sion, declared in yesterday's educa-
tion series lecture in University High
"Youth themselves can contribute
towards planning the post-war peri-
od," he said. "If they are important
for war why are they not important
for peace?" Speaking on the topic
"Michigan's Study of It's Youth
Problem," MacConnell described a
survey of rural education in this
state, the results of which revealed
decidedly poor educational facilities
in the state's rural areas. He proposed
that our primary school system be
abandoned and provisions made for
a community school that will be the
center of community activity for all
types of educational and recreational
On Monday, Calvin O. Davis, pro-
fessor emeritus of education, spoke
on "Highlights in the History of the
University." He told of the founding
of the University in 1817 as the first
state university in the nation, its
removal from Detroit to Ann Arbor,
the vast increase in size, the admis-
sion of women in 1870 and many
other notable landmarks in the Uni-
versity's history.
A. V. Overn, professor of educa-
tion at the University of North Da-
kota, will speak at 4:05 p.m. today
in University High Auditorium on
"A Professionally Competent Teach-
er for Every Classroom: Can We Have
It?" Tomorrow, Fritz Redl, associ-
ate professor of social service ad-

ministration, Wayne University, will
discuss "The Need for Group Psy-
chological Securities for Growing
Read The Daily Classifieds!

Today's News
On Campus .. .
Prof.-Emeritus Thomas Clarkson
Trueblood, founder of the Depart-
ment of Speech, will speak at the
third weekly speech assembly to be
held at 3 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
He will speak on the subject "A
Panorama of World Oratory with
Special Reference to Wendell Phil-
Following the assembly, the de-
partment will hold a tea for students,
faculty members, and their wives in
the League ballroom. Among the
guests will be administrative officers
of the University and their wives. The
tea will be under the auspices of Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
the summer session.
* * *
Classical Music .
In response to a growing inter-
est in symphony music, C. D. Gall,
graduate music student, has col-
lected a group of classical record-
ings to be played in the Main
Lounge of the West Quadrangle at
6:45 p.m. daily except Friday, Sat-
urday and Sunday. This week's
program for Wednesday is "Con-
certo Grosso" by Bloch and "Ma-
thias der Mahler" by Hindemith,
and for Thursday, "La Scala de
Seta" by Rosinni and Heart of the
Symphony Album.
University Radio .. .
The second in the summer series of
University originated broadcasts will
be radiocast at 3:15 p.m. today over
station WJR in Detroit.
The program is a continuation of
the "It Happened Before" series and
is an original script by Ellie Terretta.
Action of the story deals with the
period after the French Revolution,
and was taken from research in the
Clements Library.
Today's broadcast will be narrated
by David Rich, Grad., and announced
by Ramon Gerson, '43. The part of
Hutchinson will be played by Marvin
Levey, '43, and Don Mullin, Grad.,
will play citizen Genet. Jeff Solo-
mon, '43, will play the Sergeant.
The broadcasting schedule will
continue Friday with a musical pro-
gram by the University Band, Prof.
William D. Revelli, conducting.
* * *
Ehrmann Lecture.. ..
Labeling the past week "one of
the darkest periods of the war to
date," Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann
of the history department warned
in his weekly news summary yes-
terday that Russia will be cut off
from her oil fields and important
industrial districts unless immedi-
ate aid is sent or the Soviet armies
make a last ditch stand.
Professor Ehrmann indicated
that at the present time all news is
unimportant as compared to that
of the Russian Southeastern front
and prophesied a war of many years
duration if Russia loses to the Nazi
* * *
Michigan Sailing .. .
Plunging with the help of a lively
breeze over the two mile windward
and leeward course at Whitmore
Lake, the Michigan Sailing Club in-
augurated its intraclub racing sea-
son Saturday and Sunday, June 11
and 12.
Led by winning two man crews
composed of Acting Commodore
Jerry Powell and Don Rendinell, Dick
Johnston and Bob Taylor, and Glenn
Poyzer and Mason Rumney, the
white string of catrigged dinghies
plowed over the finish line five times
within the two days.
The races were the-first in a series

of weekly competitions for the club's
coveted Quarterdeck Trophy.

Urging all fraternities to cooper-
ate in the new IFC blood donation
drive, Chairmen Jack Wiese, '44, and
Jack Hooper, '44BAd, yesterday an-
nounced complete details of the plan.
In an effort to create standing
lists of blood doning fraternity men,
forms were mailed to all house presi-
dents last Thursday. Those who
wish to contribute their blood will
be notified the next time the Red
Cross portable unit is in Ann Arbor
and appointments will be made at
that time.
Toe chairmen are particularly
anxious to register men who plan on
being in school next fall, since the
traveling Blood Bank will make sev-
eral trips here during the winter
Men under the age of 21 will have
to secure written permission from
their parents, according t& Wiese,
and are requested to do this as soon
as possible

IFC To Compile Blood Donor List;
Also Survey of Unaffiliated Men


Pedal to your heart's con-
tent. Your Mary Barron
slip will stay put.

Feeling that there are many inde-
pendent men in the University who
still wish to join a fraternity, the
IFC announced Thursday that a dor-
mitory survey will be made in the
near future which will cover unaffil-
iated upper-classmen, as well as first
semester freshmen.
Under the direction of Dick Em-
ery. '44E, double post-cards, contain-
ing a set of questions, will be sent to
all dorm - riesdents. Students are
urged to answer these questions and
to return the cards as soon as pos-
Emery explained that many men,
who were unable to pledge during
their first year, have always main-
tained an interest in fraternities, but
were unable to visit the various
houses since old contacts had been
forgotten. Under the new plan, for-.
mal rushing lists will be prepared and
sent to all houses.


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