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July 24, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-24

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Daily Calendar of Events
Thursday, July 24 -



By .Lichty


2:30 4':00
4:05 p.m.

T 1

4:15 p.m.

p.m. "Religious Education Forum," Rackham Building, East Conference
Lecture. "Trends In Educational Supervision." George C. Kyte, Professor
of Education and Director of the University Elementary School, Uni-
versity Elementary School, University of California. (University High
School Auditorium.)
Lecture. "Christianity In a World at War." Professor Basil Mathews,
Professor of Christian World Relations in Boston University and
Andover-Newton Theological Institution. (Lecture Hall of Rackham
Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.)
"The Little Foxes," by Lillian Hellman. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Puilished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at ,thePostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertisiig Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41



Washington Merry-Go-Round




Managing Editor
City. Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Wome's Editor

Editorial Staff
. Karl Kessler
.arry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
Business Manager . .... Daniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
Y -T
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
And The Absolute...
HEY TOLD US in school that truth
is only relative. They said that there
is no such thing as absolute truth, beauty, or
absolute anything. Our standards of right and
wrong too, are only man made, with man made
faults, and man made comparisons. But since
the majority have accepted these standards, the
whole must accept them and bide by them or
face the consequences.' We were born into a
world where the good had already been distin-
guished from the evil, and we must acquiesce,
for the decision has been made.
BUT, being bred in these standards, we have
accepted them without much question. We
have said, yes, you are correct, that is good, and
that, on the contrary, is bad. Together with
those who have gone before us we have con-
demned those whom they condemned, and
cheered those whom they hailed as heroes. How-
ever, they too accepted truth as relative, and
nothing as absolute. They too were aware that
human frailty entered into ideologies and the
laws that govern us. And we were grateful for
this, for we still believe that there can be noth-
ing which is absolute.
Because they, and we, have accepted the be-
lief that truth is comparative, we have been
taught our standards of truth by the only com-
patible method under this belief. We have been
shown the truth by comparison, and by the same
token, that which we consider evil. They said
to us, this is the good, because that has caused
bad effects, it has ground out what we believe in.
So we learned the good, the truth, by lining it
up with the evil, the false, and appreciated it
BECAUSE OF THIS, we have always had the
bad among us. We have always been cog-
nizant of the fact that we are accompanied by
the untrue, but we have appreciated the true all
the more just because we did have our compara-
ble close at hand. Though we labeled it bad or
evil, we recognized the fact that there were les-
sons to be learned from this association, that it
was not all bad, and that our good was not all
But now they are telling us that our good is
absolute, that our ideology is the one true form
of government. Drive out the evil from our
country, they cry, and from our minds. Instill
the spirit of true "Americanism in our children
that they may appreciate the government under
which they live. Remove the foreign evils that
our children may be pure in mind and action.
Make democracy absolute, for it is the only truth,
and, though it will not falter if placed by the
side of the evil, why take the chance, why sub-
ject our children to the temptations of the bad
forces so prevalent outside our country. In doing
that, we shall make the false also absolute, and
thus assure the perpetuation of our democracy,
and the happiness of future generations in
America. Our insurance.will be democracy, and
we shall pay our premiums by aiding in the
suppression of the absolute false, as our truth is
absolute good.
BUT the truth is still relative, and there is no
such thing as absolute beauty, or absolute
anything. This they told us, and this we be-
lieve. We believe it because by this belief we
have appreciated our good, and we have dis-
dained the evil. Because we could compare our
standards with theirs, we have maintained our
own. We compared and we judged and we
.un a r1 , n ra ir aA +1 ,ha . ri,.,,+ nc i nr

WASHINGTON-Those present are keeping
mum about it, but Administration leaders almost
had to call out the riot squad to get the Senate
military affairs committee to report out the
War Department's "draft property" bill. The
compromise bill was approved only after what
one Senator privately described as the "wildest
committee meeeting I have ever attended." He
wasn't exaggerating.
FOR A TIME, while debate was at its hottest,
the closed-door session seemed like a water-
front brawl. Members threw senatorial dignity
to the winds and all but slugged it out over the
Army's demand for authority to draft property
for defense.
Two Democrats, Sheridan Downey, Califor-
nia's "yes and noes" on foreign affairs, and
"Happy" Chandler, militant anti-isolationist
Kentuckian, almost did throw punches.
It started when Wayne Coy, head of the Office
of Emergency Management, came from the
White House with a draft of the property-seizure
bill, which, it developed, was a virtual facsimile
of the War Department's, drastic original bill.
There was a brief pause after the bill was read-
and then the battle began.
ALL THE REPUBLICAN members and three
Democrats, including Downey, jumped from
from their chairs hotly charging that the War
Department was trying to put over a fast one,
and demanding that Coy take the bill back to
the White House. Ordinarily reserved, Senator
Warren Austin of Vermont, a strong supporter
of the President's foreign policies, wrothily de-
clared that he would not "go along" on this
legislation, "giving the President blanket powers
to seize property."
'Fighting Words'
shire, another GOP anti-isolationist, ex-
"If the President wants national unity and
support from Republicans, he'd better give this
bill back to the War Department."
DOWNEY and several others also joined in the
attack. Meanwhile Chandler, in charge of
the legislation, kept shouting at the top of his
voice :
"Property is no more sacred than human life.
If the President has power to draft men for the
Army, he also should have the right to draft
The big blowoff came when Downey yelled,
"This bill means revolution."
I'M SURPRISED," shot back the truculent
Chandler, "that a responsible member of the
Senate would make such a wholly irresponsible
and absurd statement. It don't think a man of
your position should be loosely predicting revo-
lution. Such remarks stir up unrest, and there's
already too much agitation in the country."
"I'll say what I please," screamed Downey,
blazing with fury, "and I'll have you know that
I have the interests of this country at heart as
much as you."
"You haven't when you make statements like
that," retorted Chandler.
FOR A MOMENT the stocky, square-jawed
Kentuckian and the mop-haired Californian
glared fighting mad at each other. Then Downey
sat down and the committee voted out the com-
promise bill favored by Chandler.
Note-Senator Downey is the Senate's chief
advocate of the Townsend old age pension plan
and was elected with considerable Ham-and-Egg
support, a movement charged with the indirect
conscription of property.
Rooming Lewis
E VIDENCE continues to pile up that John L.
Lewis has his cap set for a comeback as CIO
Latest incident to set CIO insiders buzzing oc-
curred at the state convention of the Indiana
CIO at Muncie. Ora Gasaway, former president
of District 8, (Indiana) United Mine Workers,
and now a Lewis henchman at the UMW head-
quarters in Washington, was making a speech.
Suddenly he startled the gathering with this
"The time has come for us to have a native-
born American for president of the CIO."
Note: CIO President Phil Murray was born in

FOR A MOMENT you could have head a pin
drop. Then almost to a man the 700 delegates
for selection. Good that appreciation of democ-
racy shall be drilled into them as a lesson in

broke into a roar of angry boos. With a hasty
gulp, Gasaway changed the subject.
U.S. Bases In South America
jT HASN'T LEAKED OUT yet, but through
diplomatic negotiations with Latin America,
the way is being paved for our possible entrance
into the war as a belligerent. In an earlier day
we were thinking only of neutrality, and to-
gether with the other American nations we laid
down rules to prevent th belligerents from
using the facilities of our ports more than a
certain time.
But now, if the U.S. becomes a belligerent, we
would be barred, by, our own Inter-American
regulations, from using the ports or landing
fields of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, including
cost, as announced by General Marshall last
the very ones which we are building at' great
week. These fields, of course, remain the integral
territory of the country where they lie, and we
have no claim to them.
Uruguay has already taken the initiative to
solve this odd situation by yielding rights to
the U.S. As a matter of fact, the United States
foresaw the difficulty and discussed the matter
with the Uruguayan Government. In. reality
Uruguay was selected for this first move because
of her traditional liberal position in such matters.

With strong material in their grasp,
and with definitely difficult person-
alities to portray, the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players gave a more than ade-
quate performance yesterday of Lil-
lian Hellman's "The Little Foxes."
Stellar portrayal of the ten was
without a doubt that of Richard
Hadley, whodplayed Horace Giddens
the dying man. Strength of charac-
ter, a great deal of restraint and the
confused emotions of an individual
in the uncertain grasp of death were
plainly noticeable.
Ada McFarland, who always seems
to turn out splendid acting, came
through as well as Regina Giddens
the money-hungry and cruel wife
We have seen Miss McFarland only
in roles of this general type, how-
ever, and we begin to wonder if cast-
ing has something to do 'with it.
Only one thing we noticed-there
was evident in no part of the play
any semblances of a bond between
Regina and her brothers. Since we
don't know the technicalities of act-
ing and can speak only from the
standpoint of the audience, we can't
tell her. anything more specific than
this, but it does seem that when
three have grown up together and
stayed close for so many years, there
must be something there. We did
enjoy Miss McFarland's offering,
Of the two brothers, we select first
Donald Clark's Benjamin. We feel
that even though the two characters
were not so finely drawn in the
script, Clark outshone Norman Ox-
handler to quite an extent in charac-
ter portrayal.
With regard to the character of
Birdie Hubbard, we think that after
a rather poor start, which appeared
too mechanical and deliberate, Doro-
thy Hadley grew into the part beau-
tifully. Especially brilliant were the
scenes with her husband and with
Horace and Alexandra. Clever di-
recting is what carried her through
the first scene.
Margaret Brown's Alexandra was
generally true to character, though
in a few instances she pushed her
part. The character is a difficult one
no matter how one looks at it, and
it was well done.


Reg U.$ Pa LOff, All Rc. Re.
"Well-he says he loves me, but I've seen enough movies to
know love when I see it!"



IT IS HOPED that the UruguayanE
be followed by other countries.
followed, the United States will be
the southern continent.

example will
If it is not
shut out of

By Terence
(Editor's Note: In the face of "extenuating" cir-
cumstances, I was unable to produce one of my
consistently excellent columns. Hence Moitle, the
girl friend, takes over the stuff for the day. I'm
not responsible for anything she says. She isn't
responsible either.)
TERENCE just went over to get a coke and,
since the women's desk is between here and
there, and the deadline is just around the corner,
guess I'll have to write his column for him.
This is my first shot at anything of this sort.
Usually I get relegated to the lower regions, to
"pie" all the type or put the corrected slugs in
upside down. Only thing I get to do up here is
write slugs:
Mr. Jones
Will Talk
Here Today
Germans Claim Advances;
Reds Say Nazis Trapped
(So they don't count, Kessler?) Or when I'm
not writing heads, it's proof reading trying to
catch some of those. slips in the type that Ter-
ence is always talking about. Then there's that
new college indoor sport that takes up my spare
time: balancing coke bottles on top of each
other. Farthest I can get is four. One upright,
one on top of it lying down, then two upright
on top of the second bottle. Try it sometime, to
keep you awake after curfew. It's a fad that
ought to prove that the average intelligence of
college students has increased in the past few
years. You'll have'to admit it takes more brains
than swallowing gold fish.
Another job around here is tearing off the AP.
It comes in on the teletype machine, from four
in the afternoon to one in the morning, on paper
about as wide as typing paper and as long as
ticker tape. It just goes on and on, and it has
to be torn off and separated into four different
piles of news-state, national, foreign and sports.
It starts off with the stock reports and ends upI
with "30 goodnight." (Add freshman remarks
on first seeing the machine start, with the mar-
ket reports: "What's this thing saying anyhow?
It's all in code.")
AM LOOKING FORWARD to seeing The Little
Foxes. Get a chance to watch Ada McFarland
emote again. Wouldn't be a bit surprised to see
her really go places, treading the boards. Guess
the Drama Season people felt the same way, as
she was right in there with Conrad Nagel and
Ruth Gordon, doing as fine a job as any of
them. Saw her first as Trelawney and then as
Beatrice, and it was hard to believe that the
same person played both roles. She does pretty
well off stage, too, as anyone who attended the
Speech Honors Banquet can testify. Made a real
entrance, half an hour late, wearing a white
wrap-around turban, and a black dress.

A noticeably good bit of support
was offered in Robert Reifsneider's
handling of Cal. Though the charac-
ter is an insignificant one, it re-
ceived just the right amount of ef-
fort. We cannot say as much for
Fawn Adkins' Addie, which was
somewhat stiff throughout.
The part of the son, portrayed by
Robert Standart, was overdone. His
best bits were in the line of emo-
tional outbursts, whereas the Leo
acting only in support was too tense
to be real.
Only remaining player is Duane
Nelson, whose part, since it meant
literally nothing to the play, could
call forth nothing brilliant. Suffice
it to say that his Marshall was what
it should be.
As for mechanics, the very begin-
ning of the play did not come across
the footlights at all, which difficulty
improved very shortly. Lighting was
well placed, but not enough in evi-
dence, even for a 1900 scene. Taking
the play's inherent difficulties into
consideration, we say that the per-
formance as a whole was a strong
one, and just short of the peak set
by previous ones given by the group.

All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X either
from last senester or (if they have
not been in residence since that time)
from any former session, will receive
grades of E unless the work is com-
pleted by July 30th.
Petitions for extensions of time
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented at Room
4 University Hall, before July 30th.
Dancers for The Gondoliers. Any-
one interested in dancing in The
Gondoliers report at the ballroom of
the Michigan League Thursday after-
noon at 5 o'clock.
The Childhood of Maxim Gorky will
be shown at the Rackham School Lec-
ture Hall July 24 at 8:15 p.m. Tickets
are available at Wahr's, League and
Union. Art Cinema League.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a program composed entirely of Itali-
an songs from 7:15 to 8 p.m., Thurs-
day, July 24 in the Burton Memorial'
One-Act Plays: The ILaboratory
Theater of the Department of Speech
will present two separate bills of one-
act plays Friday, July 25, at 3:00 p.m.
and Saturday, July 26, at 10:00 a.m.
in the auditorium of the Ann Arbor
High School. These plays are direct-
ed, acted, produced, costumed, and
the sets built by students in the act-
ing, directing,band technical theater
courses of the Department of Speech.
All students of the School of Educa-
tion, the Department of English, the
Department of Speech, and of Ann
Arbor High School are cordially in-
vited to come. Admission is free.
Whatever seating room remains is
open to the public.
Thursday, 11 a.m. "Perversions of
Religion by Wishful Thinking," Pro-
fessor Leroy Waterman, East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Lectures on French Painting: Pro-
fessor Harold E. Wethey, Chairman
of tl e Department of Fine Arts, will_
give the second illustrated lecture on
French painting on Monday, July 28,
at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni1
Memorial Hall. The subject of hist
lecture will be "Post-Impressionism."

The lecture, which will be given in
English, is open to all students and
Faculty members. The third lecture
will take place on Monday, August
These lectures are sponsored by
the Department of Romance Lan-
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its final
membership meeting tonight at 7:30
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. All members are
urged to attend.
Graduate Students in Speech: On
Thursday, July 24, at 4 p.m. in room
4203 Angell Hall, Professor G. E.
Densmore will discuss the teaching
methods and techniques used in public
speaking classes for adults.
Graduate Students in Education de-
siring to take the preliminary ex-
aminations for the .doctorate to be
held on August 25, 26 and 27, should
sign up for these examinations in
Room 4002 University High School at
"The Little Foxes" by Lillian Hell-
man will be presented at 8:30 p.m. to-
night through Saturday night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. Single ad-
missions are 75c, 50c, and 35c. The
box office is open from 10 a.m. to
8:30 p.m. (Phone 300).
Clinic Band Radio Broadcast. The
1941 High School Clinic Band, Wil-
liam D. Revelli, Conductor, will pre-
sent a broadcast over radio station
WJR from 4:45 to 5 p.m. on Wednes-
day, July 23 and Thursday, July 24.
The program will originate from
Perry School, Ann Arbor.
Wesley Foundation. A group will
be leaving the First Methodist Church
at 5 p.m. for a swimming party and
picnic. Please make reservation by
calling 6881 before 1:30 p.m. today.
Small charge for food and transpor-
Excursion No. 6-The Cranbrook
Schools. Inspection of the five schools
of the Cranbrook Foundation. Bloom-
field Hills, Christ Church, and the
Carillon. Round trip by special bus
on - Saturday, July 26. Reservations
in Summer Session Office, Angell
Hall. Trip ends at 4:00 p.m., Ann
Arbor, trip starts at 8:30 a.m.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the His-
tory Department will present the sec-
ond of his lectures on the "relation
(Continued on Page 3)


To The Editor:
I see in the papers that the war is
coming nearer the United States. I
think that's the best news I've had
for some time, believing, as I have
from the beginning, that our war-
mongers will squirm around until
they get their own way eventually.
I hope there are not many of you
who are callous enough to want to
send our boys to Africa or Siberia
to fight, if fighting should be nec-
essary, in order that we might enjoy
a minimum of inconvenience at home
- and a maximumaofprosperity.
We might at least afford our de-
fenders the privilege of dying on our
own doorsteps instead of neatly bun-
dling them off. And even merely
from the standpoint of efficiency it
would be better to let the enemy try
to cross while we sank 50 to 75% of
them in mid-ocean than vice versa.
Some people say that our national
economy is geared to wartime pro-
duction and without a foreign war
they predict a civil war. The Tech-
nocrat who announced that there
was only 2/3 hours of work.per work-
ing person per day in peacetime
economy was ousted from Columbia
University several years ago. Reports
circulated, from, people who ought to
know, last fall, while politicians were
making their campaign speeches,
that the country was 98% in the war
then. Yet the people didn't want a
war then - nor do they now for that
matter. Why can't people who are
elected to office keep their campaign
pledges? Do what they are hired to




760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 K C - NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Marriage Club News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo
6:45 Marriage Club Sports Parade Evening Serenade Harry Heilmann
7:00 Death Valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Boys Town
7:15 Death Valley "Housewarming" Val Clare Boys Town
7:30 SPBSQ NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
7:45 SPBSQ; News NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
8:00 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers T. Dorsey Orch.
8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers T. Dorsey Orch.
8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music World News
8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert Ted Steele Orch.
9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams
9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Industrial News
9:30 Prof. Quiz wWJ Playhouse Musical Headline Front
9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Your Job and Mine Drama


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