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July 01, 1941 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-01

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V, JULY 1, 1941






Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan, under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Pu1blished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Calendar of First Week
Tuesday, July 1-
12:10 noon Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon. (Michigan Union).
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "National Planning For Education." J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the
School of Education. (University High School Auditorium).
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Interrelation of the Domestic and Foreign Policies of a Nation."
Jesse S. Reeves, William W. Cook Professor of American Institutions, Univer-
sity of Michigan. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
7:30 p.m. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom).
8:00 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League).
8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre).
Wednesday, July 2-
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Fundamental Principles of American Foreign Policy." Dexter
Perkins, Professor of History, University of Rochester. (Lecture Hall, Rackham
4:15 p.m. Assembly of undergraduate and graduate students interested in Educa-
tion. (University High School Auditorium).
7:15 p.m. Men's Education Club organization meeting. (Michigan Union).
5:30 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta. Supper and organization meeting. Russian Tea Room
of the League.
7:15 p.m. Women's Education Club organization meeting. (Michigan League).
7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom).
8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. "Your Allergy and What To Do About It." Dr. John M.
Sheldon. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre).
Thursday, July 3-
2:00 p.m. Excursion No. 1-Tour of Campus. Inspection of General Library, Clem-
ents Library of Early American History, Cook Legal Research Library and
other buildings of the Law Quadrangle, Michigan Union, Burton Memorial
Tower, Aeronautical Laboratory, Naval Tank, and other points of interest. Trip
ends at 4:45 p.m.
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Physical Education and the National Preparedness Program."
Elmer D. Mitchell, Professor of Physical Education. (University High School
4:30 p.m. Men's Education Club organization of baseball teams. (South Ferry Field).
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre).
8:30 p.m. Reception by the General Faculty to Students of the Summer Session.
(Rackham Building). Social Evening. (Michigan League and Michigan Union
Friday, July 4-
8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendelssohn
Saturday, July 5-'
8:00 a.m. Excursion No. 2-A Day In Detroit. Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit.
Detroit Public Library, tour of Belle Isle, Fisher Building, Inspection of Radio
Broadcasting Station WJR, and Detroit Zoological Park. Round trip by bus.
Reservations in Summer Session Office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 p.m.,
Ann Arbor.
8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.)
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom).

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
§ports Editor
Women's Editor1


Our MoralHeritage
President 'Ruthven's Commencement
Address To The Class Of 1941

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
. william Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
.Barbara Jenswold

(Continued from Page 6)

Business Staff

Business Manager .
Local Advertising Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Daniel H. Huyett
Fred M. Ginsberg
Florence Shurgin

"i -- _ ___ -- 1W
On Education's
Proving Ground .. .
N SHARP CONTRAST to the ivory-
towered academic seclusion of the
university of a few decades ago is the cosmopoli-
tan, world-conscious program offered this year
by the University's Summer Session.
The activities of the university of old were
gradually limited by the physical boundaries of
the .campus: It was a haven where scholastic
recluses pored over Homer, Aristotle and Euclid.
Knowledge. was in retrospect, and contemporary
problems were unsuited to the academic dignity
of the university, and therefore relegated to the
uneducated layman.
Contacts with the outside world in the univer-
sity of 'several decades ago were attained only
through the media of textbooks and course lec-
ture. As a result, the student lived in a world of
second-hand reality; his problems became shal-
low, his outlook became shrouded in glib aca-
demic generalities.
The Summer Session has, in contrast, been
{instrumental in bringing :a new stimulus to the
University. Its program has been planned to
level the boundaries of a monastic textbook ex-
istence. Its aim has been to take the University
out into the world and thereby bring the prob-
lems of the world into the full view of the Uni-
Perhaps the most important function of the
Summer Session has been its development of
new techniques in education. In a sense, it has
served as the proving ground of new educational
methods and techniques which are later applied
to the winter sessions of the University.
The Summer Session today is far more than
an abridged version of the winter session. In-
stead, it has expanded its scope of activities far
beyond the further reaches of the regular ses-
sion. The campus today has become but the
nucleus of an ever expanding institution. Its
extension branches are located throughout the
state, its summer camps spread from Killarney,
Ont., to Jackson's Hole, Wyo., and its roster of
visiting facultymen and lecturers is as cosmo-
politan as the International Center.
This summer, appropriately enough, the head-
lined institute of the University will discuss the
problems connected with a world at war. With
the aid of outstanding speakers who will come
here from various sections of the country, this
institute will attempt to attain a well-rounded
perspective of the economic, political and social
problems of a war-torn world.
From these institutes and camps will come
more than the immediate educational gains in
current problems. From them will come the
accepted educational methods of tomorrow. The
Summer Session is, in a sense, an academic pic-
nic where imaginative educators have their
chance to place new policies and methods to the
test. It has become a growing thing, a far cry
indeed from the ivory-towered university of old.
-- Karl Kessler
Our Schedule
For Your Summer
ITH THE OPENING of the Univer-
sity's forty-eighth Summer Session,
The Michigan Daily begins its twenty-eighth
year of summer publication. Distinct from The
Michigan Daily of the academic year, The Sum-
mer Daily is the official newspaper of the Uni-
This summer, as in past years, The Daily will
bring you every morning except Monday a com-
plete guide to the opportunities offered by the
Summer Session. You will be forewarned of
each lecture, eyent and entertainment, and an

Fellow Students:
In this time of war, revolution, and
widespread confusion, Commence-
ment speakers will be tempted to dis-
cuss the harassing problems of im-
mediate concern. Grave and dis-
turbing as is the present situation
however, it is worth our while, as ed-
ucated men and women, to look at
its background. There are aspects
of social existence fundamentally
more important to man than the
movements of armies and the cur-
rent intrigues of politicians, inter-
national bankers, barons of busi-
ness, warmongers, and other overam-
bitious, ignorant, and selfish individ-
uals and groups.
Today few thinkers would identi-
fy the material advance of a mod-
ern civilization with progress in
the absolute sense, for we aresnow
aware that "a civilization may
prosper externally and grow daily
larger and louder and richer and
more self-confident, while at the
same time it is decreasing in so-
cial vitality and losing its hold on
the higher cultural traditions." I
therefore, propose to consider brief-
ly with you today the nature of our
moral heritage. Only through a
study of values can we build a
foundation on which we, as a free
people, may stand in the present
upheaval, or may construct ade-
quate programs of national and
world defense and rehabilitation.
Some two thousand years ago, in
Egypt, the cradle of civilization, there
dwelt a gentle folk who, in a world
torn by war and contaminated by
hate, refused to abandon the belief
that man has a dignity and a destiny
worthy of respect. During long per-
iods of misrule under the dynasty of
the Ptolemies and later under hard
Greek and Roman taskmasters they
endured persecution, injustice, and
tyranny without loss of their convic-
tions. In the midst of severe trials
and tribulations, they were sustained
while carrying on the routine duties
of living by two conclusions in their
system of thought: there is a life be-
yond the grave, and in this world hu-
man brotherhood should extend be-
yond the home to the community.
For upward of ten thousand years
the ancestors of this people had been
gradually formulating, upon the ob-
servations, reflections, and teachings
of their scholars and sages, a set of
values which represented "the emer-
gence of a sense of moral responsi-
bility as it was gradually assuming
an increasing mandatory power over
human conduct, a development which
was moving towards the assertion of
conscience as an influential social
force." Thus, it was possible by the
time of Christ for brave, thoughtful
men to keep alight the torch of a ris-
ing civilization when wicked men
were trying to extinguish it that they
might, under cover of darkness, ac-
complish their evil purposes.
As it was then, so it is now. Not
yet has the age of moral responsi-
bility come to full fruition. Social
gains must still be jealously guard-
ed against the rapacity of the sel-
fish, the blundering of the ignor-
ant, the neutrality of the vision-
ary, and the hopelessness of the
timid. The struggle to apply the
sovereign rules of conduct in our
lives is not only never-ending, but
difficult and sometimes desperate.
Today, as in many yesteryears, one
is often tempted to exclaim with
the ancient scribe: "Righteousness
is cast out, iniquity is in the midst
of the council hall.. The plans of
the gods are violated, their dispo-
sitions disregarded. The land is
in distress, mourning is in every
place, towns and districts are in
ence and better background than
young Annapolis graduates, face a
rigid caste opposition to promotion.
Reserve officers, some of them the
pick of civilian life, are looked down
upon by the Annapolis clique. Ma-
rine Corps warrant officers with far

more experience than commissioned
officers, cannot use the golf links at
Quantico, built from the taxpayers'
funds. Wives of commissioned offi-
cers will not speak in public to the
wives of warrant officers.
Press Censorship
Knox also appears not to have
learned anything from the French
lesson of covering up deficiencies. Al-
though a former newspaperman, he
has imposed a more rigid censorship
on news than any other official in
Washington. One excuse for this is
that press criticisms must not under-
mine public morale and confidence;
v.hich, incidentally, causes snickers
among some of his Democratic cabi-
net colleagues. For they remember
all too well the rip-roaring speeches
of Frank Knox, when a vice-presi-
dential candidate on the Republican
ticket in 1936, warning the country
that Roosevelt was leading it toward
communism and ruin.
"The present Administration," he

lamentation. All men alike are
under wrongs; as for respect, an
end is made of it."
History teaches us how we may best
resist social retrogression. In these
trying times we shall do well to heed
, its lessons and to follow the exam-
ple of those of our forebears whose
constructive, thinking has been di-
rected toward the development of a
civilization organized on the princi-
ples of what we have come to call
"Christian democracy." We need to
remind ourselves that the incentive
to study and accumulate knowledge
on man's nature andhis place in the
world cannot be destroyed; to ob-
serve that the results of this age-old
inquiry are a precious heritage which
is increasing in value and forms
a ladder by which human beings may
climb from barbarism into the "age
of character"; to preserve faith in
our ability to develop a social order
characterized by the repudiation of
the law of the jungle and by the cul-
tivation of all of the tolerance and
freedom consistent with community
This course is fully justified. The
rise of social idealism is not an his-
torical accident nor an ineluctable
mystery. It is the product of mil-
lenia of human experience, analyzed
by intelligence and guarded by con-
fidence in the reality of moral evolu-
t i o n. Although technological
achievements have intensified and
extended "man's inhumanity to man"
to an extent never before known, it
remains as clear as ever that the bo-
dies of men can be destroyed but not
their consciences, hopes, and aspira-
tions.. While the material records
of human progress may be obliterat-
ed, "nothing that was worthy in the
past departs;- no truth or goodness
realized by man ever dies, or can die;
but is all still here and, recognized or
not, lives and works through endless
The great leaders of confused hu-
manity are not the so-called "success-
ful men"-the captains and the kings
whose names dot the pages of the
newspapers and, unfortunately, of
the history books-but the students
the thinkers, the idealists, the teach-
able, the lovers of humanity, those
whom Christ called the "meek," those
who will ultimately inherit the earth.
The truly educated men and women
of each generation are of this spir-
itual lineage. Such men and women
maytransform the social orderof th
modern world by effecting within
themselves a renewal of moral and
spiritual life, "by digging down tc
the moral and spiritual foundation of
human existence and reviving the
moral ideas that govern the life of
the social body as such" They re-
fuse to be "living fossils," anachron-
isms, or to live narrowly in the pres-
ent and solely for themselves. They
cherish rectitude as the most valu-
able of the soul's possessions. They
cling to faith in man's ability to lift
himself from the mire of a sordid in-
dividualism. They decline to take
"From palace, priest, or code,
A meaner law than Brotherhood."
Members of the Class of 1941:
You are leaving a center of learn-
ing, an institution designed to im-
prove the common lot of man. Here
you should have not only improved
your skills, but also refined and or-
dered your sense of human values
You are to enter a world in which'
you will be continually urged to join
the forces of unrighteousness. You
will be taken to the tops of hills and
mountains and shown the kingdom
of the earth. You will on more than
one occasion tend to become weary
in well doing. To yield to the temp.
tation to gain the world at the sacri-
fice of your soul will amount to re-
pudiation of the teaching of your
University. To become discouraged
over the slowness and setbacks of so-
cial progress will indicate failure t
remember or realize fully that civili-
zation is built not upon technologi-
cal achievements but upon character
and "the foundations are therefore
so new that we need feel no discour-
agement if the building has not yet

exhibited the stability we may yet
hope to see it achieve."
Since the principles of respectable
communal living are our moral her-
itage, you who are leaving us to be-
come alumni and we who are to re-
main to carry on the work of the
University have the same obligations.
We must recognize our indebted-
ness for the knowledge and training
we have received, and we must en-
deavor to work out our obligations to
society by promoting a social order
characterized in the individual by
victory over self and an appreciation
of the rights of others.
"He who lives only to benefit
himself confers on the world a
benefit when he dies."
Freedom, tolerance, equality of op-
portunity, kindliness, and security
for all men are ideals which we must
help to realize through self-disci-
pline, self-reliance, self-respect, in-
tegrity, zeal for learning, justice, and
due regard for constituted authority.
"There are two freedoms, the
false where one is free to do what
he likes, and the true where he is

University of Michigan Extension
Courses, 1941 Summer Session:
Swimming, Mr. A. A. James and
Mr. H. W. Copp, July 1, 7 p.m.
Tennis: Mr. LeRoy M. Weir, July
1, 5 p.m.
Both classes are open to men and
women and will meet Tuesdays and
Thursdays for eight weeks, in the
Intramural Sports Building, Ann
Arbor. Non credit. Tuition for each
course is $6.00.
University Extension Service
107 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor
Telephone: 4121, Ext 354.
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Medical Lec-
ture. Your Allergy and What To Do
About It. Dr. John M. Sheldon.
Philosophy 351: Preliminary con-
sultations will be held in my office,
South Wing,dRoom 304; on Tuesday'
and Wednesday at 3:30.
R. W. Sellars
Biological Chemistry Lectures: The
first of the series of lectures on the
fat-soluble vitamins will be given by
Professor H. A. Mattill of the Univer-
sity of Iowa at 2:00 p..m. on July 1,
2 and 3 in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. The three lec-
tures wil be concerned witlh vitamin
E as folows: (1) Chemistry, (2) Re-
lation to Reproduction, (3) Other
Physiological Relations. All inter-
ested are invited to attend.
Le Foyer Francais. Men and women
who wish to, practice daily the French
language may do so by taking their
meals at Le Foyer Francais, 1414
Washtenaw. As the number of places
at the tables is limited those inter-
ested should apply at once to Mlle
Jeanne Rosselet, Directrice, 1414
Washtenaw, tel: 2-2547.
Le Foyer Francais is under the
auspices of the Romance Language
Department of the University.
The Summer Session French Club.
The first meeting of the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will take place Wed-
nesday, July 2nd, at 8 p.m. at "Le
Foyer Francais," 1414 Washtenaw.
Prof. Charles E. Koella will speak
informally on the comedies of
Georges Courteline and readaa few
typical scenes. There will also be
election of the officers of thesclub
and singing of French songs.
The Summer Session French Club
is open for membership to any stu-
dent enrolled in the Summer School;
the only requirement asked of the
applicants is that they speak reason-
ably well the French language. All
those who wish to become members
must see Prof. Koella on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week, 9-10 and 11-
12 in room 200 Romance Language
English 168 (Price) will meet Tu-
WThF at 8 instead of 9 a.m. in 3231
Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. Much Ado About
Nothing by William Shakespeare.
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
Doctoral Examination for Norman
Bauer, Chemistry; Thesis: "The Mol
Refraction and Dispersion of Free
and Bonded Ions and of Aqueous Sil-
ver Nitrate Solutions," Tuesday, July
1, at 2:00 p.m., in 309 Chemistry
Building. Chairman, K. Fajans.
By action of the Executive Board
,he chairman may invite members of
'he faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
ind he may grant permission to at-
tend to those who for sufficient reas-
m may wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Seminar in Representation Theory.
Will meet Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in
3201 A.H. Dr. Nesbitt will speak
.n "Modular Representations of Fin-
ite Groups."
Continuations Committee of Grad-
uate Outing Club will meet in club-

room in Rackham Building on Wed-
nesday, July 2, at 7:00 p.m. Plans
for summer session activities will be
discussed. All old members of Club
are invited. If unable to attend this
meeting, please leave name at Rack-
ham check desk.
Geography 181 will hold its first
meeting on Tuesday, July 1, in 9
Angell Hall at 2 p.m.
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves will .lecture
at 4:15 o'clock on Interrelation of
the Domestic and Foreign Policies of
a Nation in the Lecture Hall, Rack-
ham Building.
The Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy. A special exhibit of the Neville
Collection of ceramics and bronzes
from Siam, June 30-July 12.
Student Graduation Recital: Wil-
liam Schottstaedt, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Rackhafn Assembly Hall. This
program, which will be open to the
general public, is to be presented in
partial fulfillment of the require-

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-A group of American naval
vessels have just returned from their first experi-
ence at Atlantic "patrol" andlor "convoying."
Whatever it is called, they helped to get about
eighty British merchantmen safely most of the
way to the west coast of Africa. There the
British took over.
Just after the American warships left, Nazi
bombers sank four British tankers. They were
big, modern tankers capable of making 17 knots,
but held down to about nine knots by the slow
speed of the convoy.
The manner in which the new Atlantic patrol
operates is unique in naval history. Here are
the mechanics:
U.S. warships picked up the British merchant-
men in a British Western Hemisphere port-in
this case, Bermuda. (Sometimes the north At-
lantic route is used via Halifax, but the route
is seldom the same). Prior to that British vessels
had been concentrating for several weeks in vari-
ous West Indian ports-wheat and meat ships,
together with oil tankers. The British merchant-
men which awaited the U.S. patrol in Bermuda
chiefly carried munitions. Oil tankers com-
prised the most important part of the convoy,
there being about thirty of them, a number
carrying airplanes on their decks.
Three U.S. airplane carriers, six destroyers and
three cruisers accompanied the convoy across
the Atlantic-but never within sight of the
eighty British merchantmen.
One airplane carrier steamed ahead of the
merchantmen, another to the rear, another to
the north. Each carrier was protected by two
destroyers, zig-zagging constantly. The car-
riers performed the most important part of the
patrol, keeping their airplanes constantly scour-
ing the sky.
German Raider Sunk
Once a plane sighted a German surface raider
and radioed its position to British warships,
which rushed up and sank her. The battle took
place so close to American vessels that they
could hear the firing, though they never saw the
ships. U.S. radio operators picked up a distress
message, sent to Berlin by the Nazi vessel saying
that she was sinking.
On another occasion, an airplane carrier de-
tector picked up the vibrations of a submarine,
and signaled it to come to the surface. When
4..-...ta - ~a~rrTT qAc rn~rrimmeitelV

warned to come to the surface. It did so and
proved to be one of the long-range French sub-
marines-the largest in existence and manned
by a Free French and British crew. It carried
a small airplane aboard.
When the patrol reached its meeting place
with the British, near the Cape Verde Islands
off the African coast, it turned north, and short-
ly after this, the twelve U.S. naval vessels
headed home.
Secretary Knox
When Frank Knox jumped from his news-
paper crusade to clean up the city of Chicago to
Roosevelt's cabinet, the first thing he did was
to try to learn more about the Navy than merely
the ship's clock, the flags and the miniature
naval guns which surrounded his broad mahog-
any desk in the Navy Department.
To this end he began a series of weekend
flights all over the United States, inspecting
navy yards, Marine Corps bases and aviation
schools until he had a pretty good general pic-
ture of the far-flung first line of American de-
fense over which he was the new newspaperman
Since that time, Knox has left the problem
of strategy to the admirals and has concentrated
on the all-important problem of building up the
fleet. In this, unquestionably he has done an ex-
cellent job. He has worked hard, hit harder,
enjoyed himself immensely and been a refreshing
influence on the Navy.
But he has neglected one great thing-the
enlisted men of the Navy.
This was the part of the Navy which Josephus
Daniels, Secretary of the Navy in the last war,
concentrated. Daniels started to give the en-
listed men new chances of education, training
and advancement. Daniels' "bible classes," were
what Annapolis graduates called them, and they
caused Josephus to be one of the most disliked
Secretaries of the Navy-as far as the officers
were concerned. For he tried to break down
caste lines between officers and men.
Backbone Of The Fleet
Daniels knew that no battleship, no matter
how modern, no matter how well armed and
how superbly officered, is worth anything unless
it has the crew to make its delicate machinery
Today, Secretary of the Navy Knox, if he were
the inquisitive, indefatigable newspaper reporter

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