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July 18, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-18

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Partly Cloudy


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


A Threat To U.S.? .
Cabinet Shakeup:



Here Are
Your Draft
WASHINGTON, July 17.-(P)-By
use of the following table, the 21-
year-old who registered for Selective
Service July 1 can get an approxi-
mate idea of when he may be called
to service. This is how to use it:
Each registrant has been assigned
a serial number. The left-hand col-
umn lists these serial numbers in
numerical order from 1 through 800.
Glance down this column to the
serial number assigned you.
Opposite,, in the right hand col-
umn, you will find a sequence num-
ber. This number was determined
by the lottery tonight. It represents
the number of draws made from the
gold-fish bowl before your serial
number was reached.
This sequence number will deter-
mine roughly when your serial num-
ber (you) will be called for service.
Serial numbers are listedfirst
here, followed by sequence numbers:
No. 1, 527; 2, 522; 3, 591; 4, 570;
5, 547; 6, 482; 7, 208; 8, 694; 9, 50;
10, 219; 11, 56; 12, 379;: 13, 233;
14, 419; 15, 554; 16, 429; 17, 97; 18,
58; 19, 43; 20, 211; 21, 469; 22, 470;
23, 437; 24, 727; 25, 230.
No. 26, 162; 27, 654; 28, 203; 29, 193;
30, 729; 31, 385; 32, 784; 33, 587;
34, 773; 35, 689; 36, 102; 37, 205;
38, 722; 39, 7; 40, 48; 41, 392; 42, 508;
43, 420; 44, 331; 45, 400; 46, 333;
47, 384; 48, 202; 49, 646; 50, 134.
No. 51, 468; 52, 421; 53, 152; 54,
105; 55, 649; 56, 448; 57, 505; 58, 74;
59, 714; 60, 744; 61, 222; 62, 765; 63,
365; 64, 564; 65, 447; 66, 121; 67, 711;
68, 593; 69, 98; 70, 240; 71, 553; 72,
132; 73, 360; 74, 17; 75, 60.
No. 76, 524; 77, 189; 78, 455; 79,
610; 80, 588; 81, 166; 82, 513; 83,
446; 84, 652; 85, 160; 86, 405; 87, 430;
88, 324; 89, 530; 90, 540; 91, 140; 92,
662; 93, 278; 94, 456; 95, 311; 96, 29;
97, 794; 98, 2; 99, 330; 100, 309.
No. 101, 89; 102, 260; 103, 266; 104,
155; 105, 736; 106, 602; 107, 75; 108,
319; 109, 106; 110, 54; 111, 244; 112,
125; 113, 735; 114, 704; 115, 747; 116,
182; 117, 62; 118, 224; 119, 49; 120,
598; 121, 518; 122, 703; 123, 220; 124,
100; 125, 770.
No. .126, 393; 127, 592 128, 670;
129, 566; 130, 156; 131, 372; 132, 557;
133, 398; 134, 425; 135, 590; 136, 297;
137, 323; 138, 568; 139, 184; 140, 207;
141, 601; 142, 383; 143, 69; 144, 86;
145, 386; 146, 529; 147, 374; 148, 243;
149, 656; 150, 583..
No. 151, 359; 152, 38; 153, 353; 154,
790; 155, 760; 156, 52; 157, 457; 158,
775; 159, 174; 160, 61; 161, 291; 162,
603; 163; 672; 164, 382; 165, 561; 166,
657; 167, 339; 168, 245; 169, 336; 170,
660; 171, 745; 172, 350; 173, 678; 174,
322; 175, 743.
No. 176, 175; 177, 76; 178, 525; 179,
370; 180, 757; 181, 312; 182, 93; 183,
313; 184, 461; 185, 731; 186, 283; 187,
12; 188, 80; 189, 574; 190, 378; 191,
351; 192, 92; 193, 768; 194, 580; 195,
763; 196, 1; 197, 665; 198, 135; 199,
22; 200, 542.
No. 201, 640; 202, 141; 203, 239;
204, 192; 205, 363; 206, 187; 207, 433;
208, 708; 209, 674; 210, 215; 211, 618;
212, 19; 213, 595; 214, 500; 215, 520;
216, 255; 217, 567; 218, 733; 219, 150;
220, 348; 221, 33; 222, 81; 223, 781;
224, 306; 225, 578.
No. 226, 431; 227, 514; 228, 217;
229, 622; 230, 599; 231, 292; 232, 579;
233, 418; 234, 18; 235, 718; 236, 388;
237, 723; 238, 116; 239, 295; 240,5;
241, 767; 242, 40; 243, 375;,244, 783;
245, 417; 246, 642; 247, 4; 248, 302;
249, 730; 250, 145.
No. 251, 113; 252, 390; 253, 41;
254, 257; 255, 636; 256, 523; 257, 681;
258, 415; 259, 698; 260, 687; 261, 290;
262, 581; 263, 367; 264, 64; 265, 416;
266, 536; 267, 321; 268, 146; 269, 14;

270, 605; 271, 373; 272, 623; 273, 719;
274, 584; 275, 281.
No. 276, 144; 277, 713; 278, 692;
279, 789; 280, 521; 281, 315; 282, 78;
283, 586; 284, 690; 285, 130; 286, 724;
287, 762; 288, 247; 289, 310; 290, 111;
291, 68; 292, 519; 293, 551; 294, 364;
295, 246; 296, 737; 297, 83; 298, 697;
299, 16; 300, 258.
No. 301, 472; 302, 677; 303, 449;
304, 575; 305, 298; 306, 576; 307, 764;
308, 46; 309, 200; 310, 726; 311, 572;
312, 179; 313, 214; 314, 399; 315, 137;
316, 693; 317, 573; 318, 108; 319, 136;
320, 506; 321, 475; 322, 534; 323, 256;
324, 650; 325, 149.
No. 326, 277; 327, 485; 328, 338;
329, 9; 330, 356; 331, 265; 332, 195;
333, 341; 334, 563; 335, 288; 336, 517;
337, 481; 338, 796; 339, 688; 340, 199;
341, 328; 342, 492; 343, 228; 344, 556;
345, 550; 346, 753; 347, 751; 348, 707;
349, 545; 350, 287.
No. 351, 154; 352, 634; 353, 439;
354, 645; 355, 235; 356, 442; 357, 701;
358, 376; 359, 172; 360, 786; 361, 248;
362, 512; 363, 489; 364, 741; 365, 112;
366, 355; 367, 410; 368, 739; 369, 303;
370, 698; 371, 606; 372, 153; 373, 267;

Kenoye Forms Cabinet
As U. S. Awaits Action
TOKYO, July 17.-(P-Prince Fu-< WASHINGTON, July 17. -(P)-

mimaro Konoye tonight was forming
a new government designed to deal
more capably than the last with the
difficult and dangerous choices con-
fronting Japan in the world crisis,
especially those arising from the Ger-
man-Russian war.
Emperor Hirohito commanded Ko-
noye, head of the cabinet which re-
signed last night because of its
troubles with "the ever-changing
world situation," to retain the pre-
miership and progress made in draft-
ing a new ministerial list led to con-
fidence the prince could present his
cabinet to the sovereign tomorrow.
Experienced observers expressed be-
lief he was trying to form a cabinet
of fewer ministers than usual to wield
concentrated power to place Japan
on a full emergency, wartime basis.
A widely-expressed demand for ex-
clusion of all former members of the
now defunct political parties empha-
sized expectations .the new govern-
ment would be more totalitarian than
its predecessor.
Indications tonight were that sev-
eral key members of the retiring cabi-
net would retain office in the new
one, for among Konoye's first con-
sultants were General Eiki Tojo, Ad-
miral Koshiro Oikawa and Baron
Kiichiro Hiranuma, retiring ministers
of war, navy and home affairs, re-
It was noted, however, that Konoye
had no conference with Foreign Min-
ister Yosuke Matsuoka, who is suffer-
ing from a cold and was absent from
the emergency cabinet session which
preceded the resignation.
The Contrast
Will Continue
Four-Day Run
"The Contrast," Royall S. Tyler's
famous comedy, will continue its run
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre under the direction
of Charles Meredith, director of the
Dock Street Theatre of Charleston,
A graduate of the School of The-
atre at the Carnegie Institute of Tech-
nology, Mr. Meredith is a veteran of
both the Broadway stage and silent
movies and has been an instructor of
drama at several schools and col-
Among the places he has taught
have been Southein Methodist Uni-
versity, Santa Barbara State Normal
School and theajuniorrcollege of Dal-
las, Tex. At the present time he is
also president of the Confederacy of
American Community Theatres.
Presented by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the speech depart-
ment, "The Contrast" is a satire on
typical American customs and those
which are modeled on the British.
Alexander Wyckoff is in charge of
DiMaggio Stopped At 56
CLEVELAND, O., July 17. -(/P)-
Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting
streak was snapped here tonight as
the New York Yankees beat Cleve-
land 4 to 3. The slugger's string be-
gan May 15 against the Chicago
White Sox and bettered Georye Sis-
ler's modern record of 41, established
in 1922, and Willie Keeler's 1897
mark of 44.

Waiting cautiously for Japan to show
what course it intends to take, the
United States prepared today to meet
any development in the Pacific grow-
ing out of a change in government in
President Roosevelt went over dip-
lomatic reports from the Japanese
capital in a conference with Sumner
Welles, Acting Secretary of State, and
subsequently conferred for an hour
with members of the Navy High Com-
There was speculation this second
conference was concerned, at least in
part, with the Far Eastern situation,
although those attending told report-
ers merely that there was "nothing to
say" when they left the White House.
Those present were Secretary Knox;
Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of
Naval Operations; Rear Admiral
Ernest J. King, commander-in-chief
of the Atlantic fleet; and Rear Ad-
miral Richmond K. Turner, chief of
the war plans division of the office
of naval operations.
Col. Lindbergh
Asks Apology
From Ickes
Denies Having Connection
With Foreign Country
In Letter To President
NEW YORK, Juy 17.-(O)-Differ-
ences between Charles A. Lindbergh
and the Roosevelt Administration
flared again today when the flier, in
a letter to President Roosevelt, de-
clared he had no connection with any
foreign government and that he had
a right to an apology from Secretary
of the Interior Ickes, a constant
Lindbergh critic.
"Mr. President, I will 'willingly
open my files to your investigation,"
Lindbergh said. "I will willingly ap-
pear in person before any committee
you appoint, and there is no question
regarding my activities now, or at
any time in the past, that I will not be
glad to answer."~
In regard to a decoration he re-
ceived from the German Government,
Lindbergh pointed out it was received
in the American Embassy in Berlin,
in the presence of the American Am-
bassador "while I was carrying out
the request of your ambassador to
that government."
"I was there at his (the ambassa-
dor's) request in order to assist in
creating better relations between the
American Embassy and the German
Government, which your ambassa-
dor desired at that time," Lindbergh
White House Secretary Stephen
Early said Lindbergh's letter had not
come to his attention and that he
wouldn't comment if it had.
When newsmen said they had the
text of the letter, Early said:
"Well, he wrote it to you and ad-
dressed it to the President."
Ickes told a press conference he
believed that if Lindbergh "were an
upstanding American" he would have
returned the decoration "long ago,
regardless of how, when or where he
got it."
When asked whether he would
apologize if the decoration was re-
turned, Ickes said: "I would think a
lot more of him."

Soviet Troops Reported Holding
Lines Against All Nazi Advances;
DNB Claims Capture Of Smolensk

High Command Declares
Russians Are Throwing
Last Reserves Into Fight
Chisinan Also Taken
By Panzer Divisions
BERLIN, July 17.-(P)-The im-
portant railway center of Smolensk
on the road to Moscow was claimed
by the Germans tonight and the
High Command declared Russia was
throwing its last reserves into the
most extensive battle of all time,
with 9,000,000 soldiers fighting bit-
terly all along the eastern front.
"Great successes are in the mak-
ing," the army said.
The official news agency DNB re-
ported the fall of Smolensk, which
is 230 miles west of Moscow, and the
capture of Polotsk, another rail cen-
ter on the Dvina River northwest of
Vitebsk and behind the advance
Nazi panzer units in this area. One
thousand Russins were taken pris-
oner, the report said.
Chisinau Capture Announced
The High Command, although re-
vert"- to longer descriptive phrases
of the big battle, announced only
the capture of Chisinau, the capital
of Russian Bessarabia, on the south-
ern end of the front. This also was
behind the advance lines, the High
Command having reported late Sat-
urday that German forces had
crossed the Dnestr River out of Bess-
arabia and gone into the Ukraine
"on a broad front."
From Finland to the Black Sea
the German war machine was de-II
clared to be striking tremendous
blows, with the most spectacular ac-
tion for the moment unfolding at
the gates of Kiev, industrial capital
of the rich Ukraine, but with power
drives in the direction of Moscow
and Leningrad continuing.
Of these three largest Russian
cities being menaced by the German
offensive, Kiev on the basis of au-
thorized disclosures seemed to be in
the greatest danger.
Kiev Fortifications Taken
It was reported the last of the
underground bunker fortifications in
the Kiev defense system had been
taken by storm in operations carried
on by the Germans under cover of
artificial fog. It was not claimed
that all Kiev defenses had been bat-
tered down, but instead it was indi-
cated surface fortifications and pos-
sibly some trenches still separated
Kiev from the invaders.
Word of the fall of Chisinau to
the west caused elation throughout
Rumania, from which the Soviet
Union had taken Bessarabia in a
dismemberment a year ago. Ruma-
nian troops participated in this ac-
tion and tonight were reported de-
claring Bessarabia had been avenged.
False Rumor Explained
At still another section of this
part of the front the town of Pogore-
loe-Gorodische fell before the Ger-
man war machine. In first dis-
patches this city was confused by
an authorized spokesman with an-
other community of the same name
only 110 miles west of Moscow. The
report consequently spread that Mos-
cow was in immediate danger.
The day passed with only scant
reports from the north sector, where
the Finns were moving around Lake
Ladoga in an effort to help Germans
coming from the south to bottle up
Leningrad. "This action, too," a
spokesman said, "is being pushed
with the greatest energy."
In brief statements on the war in
the west the High Command com-
munique told of destruction of a
3,000-ton freighter by German
bombers in English waters and of a
large merchantman being badly
Excursonists Meet
At 3:30 P.M. Today

For Trip To Falls

Hitler's Hope Of Quick Victory
May Be Justified, Simpson Says

'No Change In Disposition
Of Soldiers At Front,
Moscow (Bureau Says

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Hitler's hopes of a quick and crush-
ing victory in the center of Russia's
main defense line may be justified.
It depends upon the nature and the
scope of the indicated Nazi thrust
to Smolensk, and upon the Red
army's ability either to offset it ef-
fectively by a flanking operation
from the south, or to escape from a
vast and dangerous trap.
As this was written, however, Hit-
ler's headquarters had not specific-
ally claimed capture of Smolensk,
although other German sources said
it had' fallen. Headquarters pre-
dicted "great successes in the mak-
ing" in a stupendous fight involving
9,000,000 men, but to back this fore-
cast it cited only a minor Nazi-
Rumanian success far to the south of
the main war theatre.
Variation Of Blitzkrieg
So far as available accounts re-
veal the situation in the Smolensk
area, it is a varition of German blitz-
krieg envelopment technique. A Ger-
man drive southeastward from Vi-
tebsk to Smolensk or possibly be-
yond that important rail and road
junction is admitted in Moscow.
There is yet no word, however,
that a companion drive across the
Dnepr River near Mogilev, which is
southwest of Smolensk, has kept pace
with the thrust from Vitebsk. It
appears to have been balked at least
temporarily by a Russian counter-
attack across the Dnepr on its right
flank. According to Moscow reports,
this flank has been driven into Bo-
bruisk, 30 miles and more west of
the river.
Neither the German advance from
Hopkins Meets
British Cabinet
Attends Group's Meeting
In Historic Move
LONDON, July 17.-(P)-Harry L.
Hopkins, Presidnt Roosevelt's over-
seer of the Lease-Lend program, at-
tended a meeting of the British war
cabinet today-an extraordinary ap-
pearance which informed quarters
called a history-making event.
The Parliamentary correspondent
of the British Press Association re-
ferred to it as "an interesting prece-
dent," adding:
"The Prime Minister evidently de-
cided that in wartime red tape for-
malities must be flung away and
that if it was a useful thing for the
ministers to have a first-hand talk
with Mr. Hopkins-who is known to
enjoy the absolute confidence of
President Roosevelt-then there was
no reason why he should not be pres-
ent at the cabinet meeting.
"Everything that happens there is
of course secret, but it would seem
an obvious guess that Mr. Hopkins
reported to the cabinet on the Lease-
Lend situation which it is his special
province to study.

*Vitebsk to Smolensa, nor the Red
counter drive westward to Bobruisk
seems widely enough based to be of
deadly menace. Each tends to put
the far-strung communication -lines
of the other in jeopardy.
Front Dangerously Narrow
A Berlin claim that the town of
Polotsk, well to the northwest of Vi-
tebsk, has also been taken, further
indicates the plunge to Smolensk is
on a dangerously narrow front. At
Bobruisk, also a rail and road junc-
tion of consequence, the Russians
would be in a position to strike fur-
ther northwestward against German
communications, even cut the Minsk-
Orsha-Smolensk road behind them if
Red armies have the force available.
Nevertheless, the fall of Smolensk
to the Germans, if confirmed, is the
most serious blow yet dealt Red de-
denfers of the: vital center of the
Dnepr River front of the Stalin Line.
Franco Says
Is 'Madness'
Spanish Leader Declares
U.S. Entry Into Conflict
Would Be Catastrophic
MADRID, July 17.-(,P)-General-
issimo Francisco Franco warned the
United States in a militant speech to-
night that any attempt to intervene
in the European war would be mad-
The Spanish chief of state declared
the Allies already had lost the war.
He said the Greek campaign had
proved a fleet could be put out of
action by airplanes, and so American
entry would only lead to catastrophe.
In his speech to the National Coun-
cil of the Falange (Spanish Fascist)
Party, El Caudillo said continuation
of the conflict might spread it to one
between two continents! American
and Europe.
"This could only lead to ruin of
the American nations, which need
liberty of the seas for their economic
life," he said.
However, he discounted the possi-
bility of a two-continent war, saying
the conflict was being-decided now on
the Soviet front. "
Franco accused the United States,
"when they offered us economic help,"
of "always trying to force us to obey
the will of other nations."
Bye contrast, he praised Argentina
warmly, saying:
"Two years without ships, without
foreign exchange, wihtout credit and
still Spain has imported. 2,000,000
tons of grain, thanks to sister nations
like Argentina which have given us
severy aid."
He pledged anew the friendship of
Spain with the Axis in the fight
against Russia.

Fi ghting At Polotsk
Reported By Soviets
MOSCOW, Friday, July 18.-(A)-
Red troops successfully withstood
fierce Nazi mechanized lunges in the
Smolensk sector, 230 miles west of
Moscow, and in the Pskov-Porkhov
area, 150 miles south of Leningrad,
the Soviet Information Bureau an-
nounced today in a report telling of
heavy battling along the far-flung
"As a result of the fighting there
was no important change in the dis-
position of our troops on the front,"
the communique said.
Soviet soldiers also are engaged in
fierce fighting at Polotsk, near the
Estonian border, and 140 miles to
the rear of the dangerous Nazi sali-
ent which has reached Smolensk,
the Russians said.
(The German news agency DNB
yesterday reported the capture of
Situation Remains Steady
The situation of Novograd-Volyn-
ski, 130 miles west of the Ukraine
capital, Kiev (which the Germans
say they have reached) remained
the same, as did the front extending
southward to the Bessarabian sector,
it was declared.
"Our air force operated against
enemy motor and mechanized troops
and destroyed aircraft on airdromes,"
the communique related. "During
July 15 and 16, 98 German aircraft'
were destroyed. We lost 23 planes."
The latest communique told of
great tank battles on the surging
Farther to the south along the
central front, the Soviet war bulletin
indicated, there had been no change
in positions which at last report had
been strongly favorable to the Red
Russian Counter Offensive
This was in the area of a 20-mile-
long salient formed by a long Russian
counter-offensive across the Dnepr,
where the Germans were declared to
have been thrown back upon Bobrui-
sk, a town long since passed in the
main fighting, to a depth of 30 miles
or more.
During the day a reorganizing of
Soviet agencies of political propa-
ganda and the reintroduction of po-
litical commissars into the Red
armies was announced. The com-
missars were empowered to share
military responsibility with the regu-
lar commanders.
As on every other recent day, there
was scant news as to the progress of
the Finnish-German drive against
Murmansk in the far north.
Reds Hold Hango
A report the Reds still firmly held
the naval base of Hango, in a leased
area of Finland, was published, how-
ever, by the Communist party news-
paper Pravda.
Despite German advances in the
Smolensk area, a qualified military
source in London declared the gen-
eral Soviet situation remained "ex-
ceedingly hopeful."
Even should the Nazis take Mos-
cow and Leningrad, he added, "the
Soviets have the supplies, transport
and manpower to hold on."
Still ahead, he said, was a long
and savage battle "which has almost
removed the danger of a German in-
vasion attempt here (in Britain) this
Workshop, Tigers
And Indians Win
Maurice Richards, star hurler for
the Curriculum Workshop team in
the American League, hammered a
four bagger in yesterday's game with
the Legal Eagles to help his squad
-to a 15 to 10 victory. John Lalley
also hit a homer for the Workshop
The Indians nosed out the Blitz-
kriegers in their game, 7 to 6, behind

Wilson Weis, while John Wyberger
hurled for the losers.
Winning their third game without
a defeat, the Tigers took the measure
of Al Smith and the Chemists, 11 to
3. Larry Saltis, the winning pitcher,

FDR Bans Exports Of Materials
To 1,000 Latin American Firms
WASHINGTON, July 17.-(AT)-In"exports. In some cases the United
a drastic move to tighten the econom- States will act as procurement agent,
ic blockade against Germany and obtaining the materials for the ac-
Italy, President Roosevelt today count of the Latin-American coun-
banned the export of vital materials tries.
to more than 1,800 firms and individ- The "blacklisting" was the most
uals in Latin America named on a sweeping economic blow at Germany
"blacklist." and Italy since President Roosevelt
Coincident with issuance of what "froze" their assets and those of
was called "the proclaimed list of other European countries in the
certain blocked nationals" deemed to United States June 14.
be acting for the benefit of Germany The President by proclamation pro-
or Italy, the President set up virtu- hibited the export of any materials
ally an economic warfare committee now subject to export control to any'
to supervise the plugging of trade of the persons or firms named on the
leaks through Latin American coun- list except under special circum-
tries to the Axis. stances. The ban affects virtually all
On this committee are the Secre- materials related in any way to war
taries of State, Commerce and Treas- production, and also to many other
ury, the Attorney General, the ad- articles of strategic nature.
ministrator of export control and co- The proclamation made all those on
ordinator of commercial and cultural the list subject also to the "freezing"
relations between the American re- restrictions as though they were na-
publics. tionals of Germany or Italy.
At the same time Sumner Wells, On the "blacklist" were names of
Acting Secretary of State, announced many well known German and Itali-
to the inter-American financial and an industrial, chemical and manu-
economic advisory committee the es- facturing firms such as these:
tahlishment'of new government pro- Bayer and Merck (chemica1 and

Bendix Air Company Dispute
Goes To U.S. Mediation Board

(By The Associated Press)
The Labor Department certified to
the National Defense Mediation
Board yesterday (Thursday) a stilke
at Air Associates, Inc., Bendix, N. J.,
where the efforts of some employes
to pass through a CIO picket line
resulted in the injury of at least
six persons.
The department advised the Me-
diation Board that the dispute in-
volved CIO demands for a union
contract and the reinstatement of
workers allegedly discharged for
union activity.
The CIO United Automobile Work-
ers Union began picketing the,plant
last Saturday, protesting what it
called the dismissal of nine sheet
metal workers and what the com-
pany said were released necessitated
hb a. hrtae nf haluminnm.

" walkout of CIO steel workers at the
Great Lakes Engineering Works,
River Rouge, Mich., which is build-
ing ships for iron ore transport.
The Michigan State Labor Media-
tion Board had directed a week ago
that a 30-day cooling-off period be
observed before any strike action.
Charles Cowl, field representative of
the CIO steel workers organizing!
committee, said "we are not defying;
the government but we are defying
a firm that is defying the govern-
ment by refusing to deal with the!
union of the employes' choosing."
The SWOC contends 400 of the 600
workers are CIO members, while the
AFL Boilermakers Union also claims
a majority membership. The com-
pany has a contract with the Down-j
river Shipbuilders Association, an in-
dependent union, and said it must

Students registered for the excur-
sion to Niagara Falls. and vicinity are
reminded that they must be in front
of Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. today
in order to leave on the special bus
to Detroit where they will board the
steamer Greatter Detroit at 5:30 p.m.
Fourth of the University excursions,
this trip will be conducted by Prof.
ITrvingD . rntt of the Denartment of

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