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July 16, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-16

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Daily Calendar of Events
Wednesday, July 16 -
12:45 p.m. Excursion No. 3-The Ford Plant. Inspection of the various Ford indus-
tries at River Rouge. Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Session
office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 p.m. Ann Arbor.
3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with
or without partners.
4:05 p.m. Lecture. THE NURSERY SCHOOL POINTS THE WAY. William E.
Blatz, Professor of Child Psychology and Director of the Institute of Child Study,
University of Toronto. (University High School Auditorium.)
4:15-5:30 p.m. Mr. Owen Uridge, Assistant General Manager, Station WJR, Detroit.
Topic: RADIO AS A VOCATION.- (Rackham Amphitheatre.).
Compton, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Lecture Hall,
Rackham Building.)
7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.)
8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. FOREIGN BODIES IN THE LARYNX (Illustrated.)
Dean A. C. Furstenberg. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)
8:30 p.m. "The Contrast" by Royall Tyler. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

Washington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-Details of that long-rumored provides for the evacuation of civilians over cer-
defense price control bill are still incomplete, but tain designated roads. In some areas canteens
three major provisions have been decided. They have been established and provisioned to facili-
would arm Administrator Leon Henderson with tate the movement of civilians from a particu-
these far-reaching regulatory powers: lar area."
1. Authority ,to fix price ceilings on all In anticipation of bomb damage to strategic
commodities. roads, equipment for quick repairs has been
2. Licensing of all importers and commod- stored at intervals. Pre-fabricated temporary
ity brokers, with power to revoke their li- bridges also are on hand.
censes if they failed to comply with price Obstructions against the landing of enemy
curbs or civilian rationing regulations. aircraft, such as trenches, concrete posts and
3. Creation of government import monop- "trip" cables, have been placed in all open
olies. This would prevent dealers from bid- fields. Stone and concrete road blocks have been
ding against each other, thus skyrocketing built and bridges cambered at strategic loca-
prices. (This system already is in force on tions, so that demolition charges can be placed
rubber. The RFC's Rubber Reserve Corpora- quickly should the Nazis gain a foothold on the
tion is now the sole U.S. importer of crude coast.
rubber and controls both distribution and Labor Pirates
The new plan differs radically from the over- The exploitation of defense labor by private
all price freezing formula long advocated by employment agencies comes in for severe criti-
Bernard Baruch, who was chairman of the old c
War Industries. Board under Woodrow Wilson. cism in a confidential report sent to the House
Under Baruch's method the Government would Labor Committee by Secretary of War Henry
automatically freeze all prices, wages, rents and Stimson. He strongly urges the committee to
commissions as of a given "P-Day." get behind the bill introduced by Representative
This plan was considered too rigid by Hen- John Tolan of California, chairman of a special
derson. He wants more flexible legislation to committee investigating migrant labor, giving
deal with increasing hardships in special cases.
Also, the basic cause of a number of recent price the Government authority to regulate the fees
boosts is of foreign origin-not domestic. and practices of interstate job agencies and to
curb piracy of skilled workers by big industrial
Foreign Cost Factors plants.
a. iStimson charges that much of the shortage in
and agriculture come from abroad. Chrome, skilled labor in key defense industries is caused
essential in the hardening of steel, comes from by "employment brokers." They get a fee for
the Transvaal, burlap from Calcutta; tin from each job placement and therefore encourage
Bolivia and the Far East; sugar from Cuba and frequent labor turnover and migration.
the Pacific islands; drugs from Asia, Africa, and Note-The extent of labor*piracy is revealed
other far-away places. Shipping space to bring in the latest report of the Bureau of Labor Sta-
them to the U.S. is scarce, and where obtainable tistics, which shows that 2.08 of every 100 work-
is much more- expensive than in normal times. ers on industrial payrolls switched jobs last
The freight rate on sugar from Cuba is three month, the highest proportion on record.

By Terence
(Editor's Note: Dan Behrman, night
editor on The Daily during the regu-
lar session, takes over the column for
the day. I can't think of anything
funny to say about him.)
SOMEHOW we've always wanted a
column. There's something about
a columnist that makes him less re-
sponsible to his own conscience than
the ordinary editorial writer. For
example, no politician would dare
take offense at the worst libel printed
under this innocuous heading. "Stu-
pid Stuff" would look ridiculous on a
warrant and then too, the process
server would have the dubious honor
of finding Terence.
With this definition of terms, we
feel free to unleash our emotions;
open the drain(,) so to speak. There
are millions of wrongs to be righted,
hundreds of officials to act as tar-
gets for our muck, scores of pompous
hypocrites to be deflated-and Ter-
ence tells us, 'Write twelve inches, to
be cut anywhere.' May the Lord help
the ignorant masses if there's a big
D.O.B. today!
It's Happening Here
LAST SUNDAY we had a too-simple
preview of a black-shirted Amer-
ica (we is now plural as well as edi-
torial, since three other people were
involved). The four of us had gone
out to a picnic spot about twenty
miles from Ann Arbor, where we had
spread out our grilles, frying pans
and all other civilized accessories
which we Yahoos need to go native.
But we didn't mind the charcoal-
coated franks prepared by us (singu-
Iar) in our best Cen'rul Pok cuisine.
Older and more matronly heads were
busying themselves with the steaks
when suddenly our peace was broken
by a young boy on horseback with a
wolf-like dog at his side.
"How'd you get here?" the boy
"Through the fence," we naively
"Well, you're not supposed to go
through the fence. If you go out the
gateway and come back up here, I
might let you stay." (Going out the
gate-way and returning involved a
distance of over a mile, mostly
straight up and down.)
WE PLEADED our ignorance of the
fence's purpose, pointing out that
we had seen half a dozen other cou-
ples going through it and the fact
that it was not posted nor were there
any signs pointing to the consecrated
gateway which would cleanse us of
all impurity once we had passed
through it.
Our embryonic Hitler finally
agreed to give us fifteen minutes,
since our steaks were already half
done. The steaks were disposed of
as though they were commuter's cof-
fee-and, but we still had some
cleaning up to do when young Bou-
langer came back-with his father.
His father defied description, but
it's sufficient to say that Gargantua
would have been a big improvement.
The man began to order us off,
spacing his commands with some of
the vilest language we'd ever heard
outside the Student Publications
AT FIRST, in reviewing the inci-
dent, we excused this misguided
pair on grounds of environment, but
that was a very short-sighted view.
Apologizing for a tyrant because his
father used to beat his mother for

beer money is small comfort when
that tyrant is on horseback with a
billy dangling from his side. If the
two were justified in property rights,
then they had no reason to tell us
we could return. It was a simple
case of someone exercising arbitrary
power and enjoying himself im-
mensely. Adolf, if you want a cou-
ple of Gauleiters, I'll gladly give you
The Bum Arm-e-e-e
PROBABLY the most lucid com-
mentary on the military mind
ever printed were the dispatches on
that golf-course incident in Georgia.
A regiment of draftees happened to
whistle at some girls on a golf course,
a very heinous offense in the eyes of
their general, who was swinging a
mean mashie in civvies. The soldier
boys were severely rebuked and or-
dered to retrace their march under
a Southern sun.
If the offending enlisted men and
their officers had been-reprimanded
or court-martialed, if the general
had not been in the ridiculous posi-
tion of giving orders as a golf-playing
bon vivant, and if he had not made
his command such an obvious act of
whimsy, then we would have no right
to call his action one of the worst
mistakes ever made by a military
commander during peace time in a
ness-"if you're not too self-analyti-
cal"-and a number of scripts for
fortification. She believes any plot


By Lichty

"Radio headquarters and tell them fighting in this sector is very
serious-our troops have dropped their rifles and are engaging the
blue army with their bare fists!"

. .. ..



All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The Summer Session French Club.
The second meeting of the Summer
Session French Club will take place
tomorrow Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Wash-
tenaw. Mrs. Charles B. Vibbert will
speak. The subject of her talk will
be: "Etapes psychologiques en France
entre 1939 et 1941."
Membership in the club is still
open. Those interested please see
Professor Charles E. Koella, Room
200, Romance Language Building.
"The Contrast," by Royall Tyler
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. to-
night through Saturday night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. Single ad-
missions are 75c, 50c, and 35c. The
boxoffice is open from 10 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. (Phone 6300).,
Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls and
vicinity. Two and one-half days.
Prof. I. D. Scott of the Department of
Geology will accompany the group as
lecturer. Round trip by boat and
special bus. Reservations in Sum-
mer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip
starts Friday, July 18 at 3:30 p.m.-
trip ends Monday morning, July 21,
Ann Arbor.
By popular request, the Art Cinema
League presents a series of twO Rus-
sian films: "Chapeyev" Thursday,
July 17, and "The Childhood of Max-
im Gorky" Thursday, July 24 at the
Rackham School, Lecture Hall at 8:15
p.m. The Series price is fifty cents.
No single admissions will be sold.
Tickets available at Wahr's, League
and Union.
Speech Students: Dr. Alan H. Mon-
roe, Chairman of the Department of
Speech, Purdue University, formerly
President of the National Association
of Teachers of Speech, will discuss
the subject, "Teaching Speech Com-
position," at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July
16, in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
All 10 and 11 o'clock classes in the
Department of Speech will be dis-
missed to permit attendance.
Graduate Students in Speech: Dr.
Albert C. Furstenberg, Dean of the i

Medical School, will lecture upon
"Foreign Bodies in the Larynx," il-
lustrated with motion pictures, in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing at 8 prn., Wednesday, July 16.
The Biological Chemistry Lectures:
The third of the series of lectures on
the fat-soluble vitamins will be con-
cerned with Vitamin A and the caro-
tenes. Mrs. Priscilla Horton of the
University Hospital and Dr. L. A.
Moore of Michigan State College will
speak on the physiological aspects of
Vitamin A and the carotenes, in Room
151, Chemistry Building on Monday
and Tuesday, July 14 and 15, at 2
p.m. Professor Harry N. Holmes of
Oberlin College will speak on the
chemistry and distribution of these
substances in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building on Thursday and
Friday, July 17 and 18, at 2 p.M. All
interested are invited to attend.
School of Education Students (Un-
dergraduate): Courses dropped after
Saturday, July 19, will be recorded
with the grade of E except under ex-
traordinary circumstances. No course
is considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Room 4, University
Student Graduation Recital. Bur-
ton Page, Pianist, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree at 8:30 p.m., Monday, July 21,
in thegSchool of Music Auditorium.
Mr. Page is a student of Prof. Joseph
Brinkman. This recital is open to the!
general public.
A luncheon will be given by the
Summer Session and the Faculty Wo-
men's Club complimentary to the
women members and the wives of the
faculty of the Summer Session at
tweleve-thirty today in the Ballroom
of the Michigan League.
Seminar in Pure Mathematics will
meet on Wednesday, at 4:15 p.m., in
3201 A.H. Dr. Max Shiffman will
speak on "The Minimax Principle in
the Plateau Problem."
Mail is being held in Room 1, Uni-
versity Hall, for the following per-
sons: Aldiner, Fikret; Burch, Charles;
Deno, Dr. Richard A.; Dwan, Ed-
ward; Engerrand, Mr. J. J.; Glasser,
Louise; Gregory, Mr. H. C.; Hetting-
(Continued on Page 3)


"RADIO AS A VOCATION" will be considered
by potential broadcasters and all concerned
when Mr. Owen Uridge, assistant general mana-
ger of WJR, speaks in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre at 4:15 p.m. today. The third of the summer
series of assemblies for radio students, this pro-
gram promises some interesting insight into the
possibilities of professional radio.
For those doing dialing at 4:45 p.m., "This and
That" may be picked up from campus through
WJR, as the second day's offering of the Michi-
gan University of the Air. Launching the five-
week broadcasting schedule with "Aluminum"
yesterday, Professor Abbot's class in radio car-
ries on again today, airing a new sort of "talk"
program, with Bob Stuart, Bill Schrier, Margaret
Fairchild, Tom Sawyer and Charlotte Palmer
taking part. Sydney Ritter will announce.
Tomorrow "The German Problem" will be dis-
cussed by Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political
science department, in the 4:45 p.m. broadcast
through WJR. It is this sort of "talk" program
that has proved most listener-appealing so far,
evoking numerous requests for printed copies.
When "The Ships of the Spanish Main" sailed
the air waves last week, in the New Education
Fellowship demonstration that CBS put on,
some of the boys from Broadcasting Service were
helping uphold the acting end. Along with the
performers Jane Waring provided from WJR,
Duane Nelson, Bob Standart, Tom Armstrong,
Bud Hilliard, and Tom Battin were well in evi-
dence. Seeing again Bud Mitchell, chief of WJR
staff announcers, recalled those memorable
hours we hopefully spent discing Game of the
Week for sponsorship . . . . as well as big-time
the Vox Popping he announced here last winter.
* * *
"Practice-constantly!" Geraldine Elliott, con-
tinuity editor of WJR, then advised those stu-
dents wondering about radio writing. A student
at the University six years ago, Miss Elliott, with
her husband, Eric Hollett, wields the pen for
many of the larger CBS shows, notably "The
Hermit's Cave," "News Comes To Life," and
"Summertime Melodies." These offerings are




760 BC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC BIUM
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Keen Tracer
6:30 Mr. Meek News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Mr. Meek Sports Parade Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Grand Central Thin Man Happy Joe Quiz Kids
7:15 Station Adventures val Clare Quiz Kids
7:3Q Dr. Christian Plantation Air Temple Manhattan
7:45 Dr. Christian Party Interlude at Midnight
8:00 Millions Quizzer College Series Behind the News
8:15 for Defense Base Ball Interlude Old Traveler
8:30 Millions Mr. District Double or Factfinder
8:45 for Defense Attorney Nothing Steele Orch.
9:00 G. Miller's Orch. Kay Kyser's Quartette Mich. Highways
9:15 Public Affairs Kollege of Danger-Business To Be Announced
9:30 Juan Arviz Musical Henry Weber's Kinney Orch.
9:45 Rev. Smith Knowledge Melody Pageant Kinney Orch.
I.- - - -s

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