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July 16, 1941 - Image 1

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Scattered Showers


uictim in
Official Publication Of The Summer Session



The Aluminum
Of His Country,,

VOL. LI. No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, July 16, 1941 Z-323



Time Change
To Conserve
Power Asked
By Roosevelt
Shortage Of Electricity
Is Cited By President
To Warrant Request,
Year-Round Plan
May Be Instituted
WASHINGTON, Juy 15. --(/P)- In
a surprise move that may alter the
living habits of millions of Americans,
President Roosevelt asked Congress
today for authority to order a far-
flung extension of daylight saving
Under the plan, which is designed
to conserve electricity for defense
production, he could order clocks'
throughout the country or in any part
of the country, to be turned as much
as two hours forward for the whole
year or any part of the year. How-
ever, because the power situation
varies in different localities, it was1
indicated that no blanket advance for
the whole country was actually
Changes In Some Areas
Instead, Mr. Roosevelt asked that
he be empowered to issue executive
orders fixing new time standards in
some areas and leaving others un-
changed, according to what measures
"he deems necessary to conserve elec-
trical energy or otherwise promote
national defense."
(In localities where daylight saving
time is now in effect, it is invariably
one hour ahead of standard time.)
"Summer daylight saving time is
already in effect in many of the
highly industrializeddareas of New
England and the Middle Atlantic and
North Central States," Mr. Roosevelt
told Congress.
U.S. Agencies Interested
"The Government agencies pri-
marily interested in the fullest utili-
zation of electricity for national de-
fense-the Federal Power Commis-
sion, the Department of the Interior
and the Office of Production Man-
agement-have advised me that there
is immediate need for the extension
of this daylight saving time to other
parts of the country, including in
particular the southeastern states,
and that there is also a need for the
establishment in various parts, or all,
of the country of year-round day-
light saving time.,
FDR Contends
Draft Change
Was Foreseen
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON, July 15.-(P)--
With simple emphasis, President
Roosevelt said today that the con-
troversy over extending the training
period of draftees involved essen-
tially the question whether the Army
should be permitted to disintegrate
in times such as these.
If the selectees, national guards-
men and reserves who were called up
for one year of service are discharged
at the end of that time, he said,
two-thirds of the Army will be gone.
It would have to be replaced by an
equivalent proportion of untrained
men, he continued, adding that this
was why the situation was so serious.

He challenged directly the argu-
ment of those who have said that
since the men were called for one
year it would be breaking faith not
to release them when the year is up.
As a matter of fact, he said, the
draft law specified that they were
to be kept in training longer than
that if either one or two things hap-
These, he said, were the declara-
tion of a national emergency by Con-
gress or the enactment of amend-
ments to the present law. Not know-
ing what the situation would be at
the end of a year, Congress made
these conditions, and the men were
inducted with these possible changes
in mind.
Pageant Will Portray
'American Defense'
Ann Arbor children from five city
park playgrounds will join forces to-
night to nresent the annual summer

Faculty Women



To Give Luncheon Today

Affair Will

Replace Annual Tea For Organization
By Summer Session Administration

In conjunction with the adminis-
tration of the Summer Session, the
Faculty Women's Club will entertain
visiting women on the faculty andl
wives of visiting and local faculty
members at a luncheon at 12:30 p.m.
today in the League Ballroom.
Receiving guests will be Mrs. A. E.
White, president of the organization,
and Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins, Mrs. Shir-
ley W. Smith, Mrs. Walter B. Pills-
bury, Mrs. Edward L. Adams, Mrs.
Emil Lorch, Mrs. John Sundwall.
Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Mrs. A. S.
Whitney, Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler, Mrs.
Byrl F. Bacher, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, Mrs. Clarence A. Yoakum and
Mrs. E. Blythe Stason.
The luncheon is an innovation this
year, previous Summer Sessions hav-
ing seen annual teas for the faculty
wives. More than 160 women are ex-
pected to be present.
Upon arrival at the League, guests
will draw cards to determine seating
arrangement. These cards, designed
by Virginia Osgood, assistant to the
social adviser at the League, contains
sketch paying honor to the various
schools in the University.
The sketch pictures a graduate
wearing an education school mortar-
board over a laurel wreath represent-
ing the forestry school. Scales of
the Law School and a triangle for the
architects are shown, with a slide rule
forming the mouth. Pharmacy, den-
tistry and other professions are also
represented in the cartoon.
Hostesses at the tables will be Mrs.
Hopkins, Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Mrs.
Wells I. Bennett, Mrs. Bacher, Mrs.
Edward W. Blakeman, Mrs. Samuel
T. Dana, Mrs. James B.%Edmonson,
Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, Mrs. Howard B.
Lewis, Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, Miss
McCormick, Mrs. Peter O. Okkelberg,
Mrs. Yoakum, Mrs. Clifford C.
Mrs. Stason, Mrs. Charles M. Davis,
Russian Films.-
To Be Shown

Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mrs. Alfred
H. White, Mrs. Sundwalln Mrs. G. E.
-Densmore and Miss Jeanne Rosselet.
In charge of table decorations is
Mrs. Robert Briggs, with a commit-
tee consisting of Mrs. Densmore, Mrs.
F. A. Test, Mrs. W. L. Bulbick and
Mrs. H. P. Wagner.

Fire College
Group Meets
In Ann Arbor
Demonstrations, Lectures
Highlight Opening Day's
Activities Of Convention.
Program Continues
At Kellogg Institute
Fire fighting demonstrations and
educational lectures yesterday fea-
tured the opening day of the thir-
tmanth AH.-hian"Pira Orlu p -

Reds Report Destruction
Of Nazis Near Leningrad;
German Advance Denied

'Contrast', Satire On Typical
U.S. Customs, Opens Today
Under the direction of Charles H.+acted by a professional company in

Technology Expert


Movies Answer
To Art Cinema


$ *
Policy Group
To Hear Talk
.y Compton
M.I.T. President To Speak
Today On Technological,
Scientific Resources
Speaking on "Technological and
Scientific Resources" President Karl
T. Compton of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology will deliver
the last lecture of the week of the
Graduate Study Program in Public
Policy in a World at War at 4:15
p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School.
Dr. Compton received his Ph.B. de-
gree from the College of Wooster,
Ohio, in 1908, and his M.S. there in
1909. In 1912 he took a Ph.D. from
Princeton University.
Instructor of chemistry at Wooster
from 1909 to 1910, Dr. Compton
taught physics at Reed College in
Portland, Ore., from 1913 to 1915,
when he went to Princeton as assist-
ant professor of physics. Rising to
the chairmanship of the physics de-
partment in 1929, he left Prinecton
in 1930 to become President of M.I.T.
During the war, Dr. Compton was
aeronautical engineer for the Signal
Corps of the Army, and in 1'918 was
associate scientific attache of the
American Embassy in Paris. From
1924 to 1930 he served as consulting
physicist for the Department of Ag-
riculture and the General Electric Co.
Dr. Compton was a member of the
Massachusetts Commission on Sta-
bilization of Employment from 1931
to 1933, and of the advisory board
of the Bartol Research Foundation
(Continued on Page 3)

LeenLn mic ± i± ie u onege meet Meredith, present director of the
ing here this week under the spon-
sorship of the University Extension Dock Street Theatre in Charleston,
Service. S.C., the Michigan Repertory Players
Talks on the training of firemen of the speech department will present
and safety precautions featured the Royall S. Tyler's "The Contrast" at
morning sessions of the college yes-
terday. Dr. C. A. Fisher of the Ex- 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
tension Service gave the opening ad- sohn Theatre.
dress, followed by a short talk by Third offering of the current Sum-
Burr. Taylor of the Western Actu- mer Session drama series, "The Con-
arial Bureau, Chicago. trast" will continue through Satur-
Captain Lyon Speaks day.
Other talks in the morning session day.
were given by Capt. Laurence A. Customs Satirized
Lyon of the State Police, J. W. Perry, The play, which is based upon the
of the State Board of Control for English style of drama of the Restor-
Vocational Education and F. Ronald ation and 18th Century, is a satire
McLean of the Socony Vacuum Oil contrasting typical American customs
Co. and those which are modeled on the
Highlighted feature on the pro- British.
gram yesterday was an exhibition en- Although known in some circles as
titled "Fire from the Sky," demon- the first play ever written by an
strating the nature of magnesium American, "The Contrast" is actually
fires and methods of control. the first American play ever to be
Ordinary Methods Useless
Magnesium, a metal commonly
used in industry today, and also the Furstenber g
chief constituent of incendiary
bombs, burns at a very high temper-
ature. R. I. Thrune, safety engineer W ill Present
for the Dow Chemical Co., showed
firemen attending the college that M edical Talk
water and ordinary fire extinguish-
ing solutions only accelerate the
burning metal. Dean Of Medical School'
Intensely hot flames leaped as
high as 15 feet when water was To Lecture In Series
sprayed upon the burning magnesi- planned For Layman
um, but the application of as little
as a few shovels full of specially Using moving pictures for illus-
prepared black powder was suffi- tration, Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg,
cient to extinguish the hot flame.
Talks To Continue dean of the medical school, will lec-
Talks at 9 a.m. today in the Kel- ture on "Foreign Bodies in the Lar-
logg Auditorium will be given by ynx" at 8 p.m. today in the Lecture
Arnold C. Renner, chief of the fire Hall of the Rackham Building.
marshall division of the State Po-
lice, "State Marshall Regulations"; Second in a series of medical lec-
E. C. Knowlton, engineer of the Na- tures planned especially for the lay-
tional Board of Fire Underwriters, man, the speech is open to the gen-
Chicago, "Fire Chief-A Full-time eral public.
Executive Job"; Richard E. Vernor In connection with his topic, Dr.
of the Western Actuarial Bureau,
"It Can't Happen Here"; and "The Furstenberg will present the condi-
Chemistry of Fire" by Donald W. tions under which organic and inor-
McCready, of the chemical engineer- ganic objects are drawn into the
ing department. lungs and lodged there and will elab-



In response to many requests, the
Art Cinema League has scheduled
presentation of two Russian movies,
"Chapayev" and "The Childhood of
Maxim Gorky."
"Chapayev" will be shown at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham School. "The Child-
hood of Maxim Gorky" will be given
the following Thursday. Tickets are
on sale at the Union, the League and
Wahr's Book Store.
The story of a peasant carpenter
who fought in the World War as a
common soldier and led the peasants
and workers against the armies of
the Whites after the Revolution of
1917, "Chapayev" is an authentic
historical- document.
Called by critics the most perfectly
cast picture of the decade, "The
Childhood of Maxim Gorky" por-
trays the early years of the life of
the famous Russian writer. The title
role is played by Alyosha Lyarsky.

this country.
Director Meredith, who is spending
the first three weeks of the Summer
Session here with the Repertory
Players, is a graduate of the School
of Theatre of the Carnegie Institute
and a veteran of both the profession-
al Broadway theatre and the silent
He has also aeen an instructor at
Southern Methodist University, a
junior college in Dallas, Tex., and the
Santa Barbara State Normal School.
At the present time he is also presi-
dent of the Confederacy of American
Community Theatres.
Alexander Wyckoff is in charge of
scenery and Evelyn Cohen and Emma
Hirsch are in charge of costumes.
Moll To Star
Heading the cast is James Moll who
plays the original "stage Yankee"
role of Jonothan, waiter to Col. Man-
ly. Betty Gallagher and Ellie Ter-
retta take the parts of Letitia and
Charlotte, two girls in love with Dim-
ple, while Lillian Canon plays Maria,
Dimple's fiancee.
Colonel Manley will be portrayed
by Robert Rittenour, and William Alt-
man wil play Dimple.
Others in the cast are E. S. Cort-
right, Frank Jones, Genevieve Ed-
wards, Mary C. Palmer, Paul Black-
burn, Roger Reed, Vietch Purdom,
Harriet Cooper, Claire Cook, Naomi
Greifer, Theo Turnbull, Dorothy Han-
sen, Jack Ulanoff, Merle Webb, Ellen
Jones and Jane Elliot.
Prof. Glover
Dies Following
Year's Illness
Former Math. Department
Head Was 73; Known
For Actuarial Courses
Prof.-Emeritus James W. Glover,
former chairman of the mathematics
department and nationally known
educator in the field of actuarial
mathematics, died at his home here
early yesterday morning at the age
of 73, following a year's illness.
Professor Glover was born in Clio
on July 24, 1868, and graduated from
the University in 1892. He trans-
ferred to Harvard and received his
M.A. there in 1893 and a Ph.D.* in
One of the first educators in the
country to offer courses in actuarial
mathematics, he was instrumental in
building up the University's statisti-
cal laboratory, one of the best in the
Professor Glover was made profes-
sor of mathematics here in 1911, and
chairman of the department in 1925.
He relinquished his post here in 1934
to become Edward Olney professor of
mathematics, which post he held un-
til his retirement in 1938.
For the term of 1930-32, he was
president of the Teacher's Insurance
and Annuity Association ofAmerica.
Professor Glover's body has been
taken to the Dolph Funeral Home
and will be taken to Detroit' for cre-
mation services. Other funeral ar-
rangements have not been made.
Blatz Will Give
Lecture Today
At 4:05 p.m. today Dr. William
Blatz will lecture in the University
High School Auditorium on the sub-
ject, "The Nursery School Points the
Dr. Blatz is professor of child psy-
chology and director of the Institute
of Child Study at the University of

Toronto, and director of the Windy
Ridge Day School. He was educa-

Luftwaffe 'Blazing' Path
To Novgorod; Stalin Line
Broken, DNB Asserts
Battlelines Steady,
Moscow Claims
MOSCOW, Wednesday, July 16.-
(P-The Red Army was reported
early today to have wiped out a great
segment of German forces driving
toward Leningrad while successfully
holding the Nazi tide trying to break
through toward Moscow and Kiev.
The Soviet Information Bureau
communique acknowledged that all-
day fighting yesterday in the Pskov-
Porkhov, Vitebsk and Novogad-Vo-
linsky sectors took a heavy toll of
lives on both sides. It gave this pic-
ture of the battle front:
Nazi Troops Encircled
In the Pskov-Porkhov area 175
miles south of Leningrad, German
motorized troops were encircled by
Soviet soldiers who destroyed section
after section. Red troops seized 'a
great quantity of Nazi tanks, arm-
ored cars and other equipment.
In the Vitebsk sector 300 miles
west of Moscow, "fighting continued
all day long against motorized and
mechanized units which endeavored
in vain to penetrate to the east."
"The fighting continues with
heavy losses on both sides," the com-
munique said.
German Thrusts Countered
In the Russian Ukraine far to the
south, the Soviets said their troops
stubbornly countered German at-
tempts to break through in the Novo-
grad-Volinski area toward Kiev, 120
miles to the east.
The Russians indicated German
advance units had swept ahead in
this sector, but that these were tank
crews who now found themselves in
a dangerous spot because of the in-
ability of German infantry to fol-
low them.
In an undisclosed sector the com-
munique said Red troops surprised
and destroyed two German infantry
battalions of perhaps 2,000 men who
were moving along a narrow road
where.Russian artillery troops were
lying in ambush.
The Soviet air force was said to
have destroyed 52 German planes
yesterday, losing only 24 planes. Red
airmen also bombed the Rumanian
oil field of Ploesti north of Bucha-
rest, and the Rumanian ports of
Sulina and Tulcea.
In the Gulf of Finland a German
submarine sank after striking a mine,
the communique said.
Nazis Bombing Roads .
On Way To Moscow
BERLIN, July 15.-(P)-The Ger-
man luftwaffe was reported today
to have blasted a path of blazing
destruction ahead of advancing Ger-
man armies, now declared to be close
to Novgorod, just 100 miles south-
east of Leningrad, and in possession
of the easternmost bunkers of the
Stalin Line on the road to Moscow.
DNB, German official news agency,
said strong Nazi air units effectively
bombed the highway from Smolensk
to Moscow and the railway network
in that area while Adolf Hitler's
land forces were reported to have
captured vital Red Army defense
positions in the Vitebsk area, some
300 miles from the Russian capital.
A number of railway stations and
spur lines and pontoon bridges were
smashed in this sector, the news
agency asserted, adding that in oth-
er sections of the vast battleline
Soviet rear communications and sup-
ply bases were heavily assaulted in
support of attacking Nazi infantry-
In the Smolensk area alone DN
said the Luftwaffe destroyed 33
tanks, 500 trucks and a great num-
ber of guns.
Between Chernigov and Brayansk,

DNB related, rail lines, depots and
rail yards were destructively at-
tacked by German airmen.
Club To Examine
Carillon In Action
Members of the German Club will
visit the Carillon Tower at 7 p.m.
tomorrow to see Prof. Percival Pride

Emeny Says U.S. Will Survive
Conflict With Power Enhanced

a. v - uv,vm- wyrniyC~i'V;

n tPar arhPC and rnncirlarnhlP .rarrifirP 4

By HnRx M. KhbZYea .1a IacosU4'.)I1 a±U aeraatsas
America has the power and re- on the part of civilians."
sources for accomplishing the task . Even today, he declared, America's
industrial potential, wvhile not as yet
to which it is committed in this war, reorganized for all-out war produc-
and unlike the other nations of the tion, is nevertheless greater in rela-
world it will survive the present con- tion to the other powers than was
flict with its power intact and en- the case 10 years ago.
hanced, Prof. Brooks Emeny of West- In the long run, the lecturer assert-
ern Reserve University told an audi- ed, there is no danger of this coun-
ence of the Graduate Study Program try's armament effort breaking down
in Public Policy in a World at War through lack of available sources in
yesterday. raw materials. "There will be delays,
The possibility must be faced, how- resort to substitutes, severe restric-
ever, Professor Emeny pointed out, tions on civilian consumption and
that the time lag in our armament difficult periods of adjustment, but
program may be such as to prevent despite these the United States has
our granting sufficient aid to China the power, the geographic position
and the British empire to preclude and wealth with which to procure all
the possibility of certain disastrous the basic essentials of our gigantic
defeats or a long drawn out war. defense effort," Professor Emeny said.
"Congress," Professor Emeny in- Professor Emeny spent some time
dicated, "and even the Executive did listing the sufficiencies and deficien-
not take sufficiently to heart the cies of the world powers before the
warnings of many well-informed stu- outbreak of the war, saying, "Even
dents of the importance of creating the lack of one essential mineral can
large reserves of certain raw materi- bring defeat upon a nation otherwise
als to insure against the frenzy and nowerfu1lv equipned."

Purdom Talks
On Bad Traits
Of Jobseekers
Speaking on "Undesirable Person-
ality Traits" last night in the second
of a series of three lectures spon-
sored by the Bureau of ASrpointments
and Occupational Information, Dr.
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
Bureau, discussed habits distasteful
to employers and how to avoid them.
Emphasizing the fact that the pur-
pose of the lecture was not to tell
how to get a job, but rather how toI
apply for one, Dr. Purdom poinfe'1
out common faults which prevent
otherwise capable people from se-
curing positions.
Following his discussion, three
demonstrations were given. The first
portrayed the applicant who dresses
like a "sixteen-year-old girl" when
she is past that age; the second,
pointedtout the fallacy of attempting
to tell the employer how to run his
business when applying for .a job;
and the third demonstration showed
that some jobseekers are not suc-
cessful because they are too passive,
and do not assert themselves in any
Next Tuesday, July 22, the final
lecture in the series, "Why People
Do Not Hold Jobs," will be presented
in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 7
p.m. All three of the lectures are
under the general heading "Why
People Do Not Get Jobs,"
M' Summer Band
To Present Concert
Under the direction of Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli of the School of Mu-
sic, the Michigan Summer Session
Rnr will nffer a onceort at $:-30

orate on some of the more dangerous
conditions under which this occurs.
Continuing, he plans to describej
the common signs and symptoms of
the aspiration of foreign bodies. He
will then explain the methods which
physicians use today to dislodge these
objects at the same time causing a
minimum of damage to the patient's
breathing system.
Also included in the lecture will be
description of the precautions which
the layman can take to avoid acci-
dents of this kind.
It is especially stressed that the
talk will be in language keyed for
the layman, and the information in
it has been gathered for the purpose
of giving benefit to everyone.
Knight Speaks
On Education
To Teachers,
"Although public education in the
Southern States was greatly retarded
by the Civil War and Congressional
Reconstruction and for nearly a gen-
eration following these twin calami-
ties, during the past three or four de-
cades remarkable educational and
social progress has been made in
that section of the country," asserted
Dr. Edgar W. Knight before the as-
sembled teachers in the University
High School Auditorium yesterday.
Dr. Knight in his talk, "The Educa-
tional Revival in the Southern States"
continued, "The revival began about
the end of the past century in a
movement unique in the educational
history of this country, through the
Conference for Education in the
South and the Southern Education
Board. These organizations repre-
sented most effective agencies for
stimulating interest in and promoting
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