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July 01, 1941 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-01

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TUESDAY". JULY.1. 1941:

Summer Session Activities Will Center In Women's I

eAguIe v 111

Three Dances
Are Scheduled
First Weekend
Free Wednesday Affairs
To Commence July 9;
Weekly Events Planned
Spotlight for summer session ac-
tivities along the social line is on the
League once again.
Getting the season's plans under
way is a special July 4th celebration,
which will follow the faculty recep-
tion Thursday in the Rackham build-
ing. At this time holiday-ers receive
tickets either at the end of the re-
ceiving line or at the Women's Lounge
in the building for one of two dances
-in the Union and in the Lague.
Dance Will Be Free
This initial event is free of charge
upon presentation of the ticket, and
Clark McClellan and his rhythm club
will play at the League, with the or-
chestra for the Union dance to be
announced later.
Commencingrnext weekend and
continuing through the season will
be a series of Friday and Saturday
evening dances, all to be held in the
League ballroom, with the price of
40 cents per person admission charge.
Hours for these dances are 9 p.m. to'
1 a.m. on Friday and 9 p.m. to 12
p.m. on Saturday.
For all. League dances the music
and entertainment will be furnished
by McClellan, who stars the Rhythm-
aires, Shirley Sherie and Herb Mil-
ler. An Ypsilanti outfit, McClellan's
orchestra has played at many dances
and at proms in that city, besides
being scheduled for fraternity and
sorority events at the University dur-
ing the past years.
Tea, Dances Scheduled
Informal free tea dances will
occupy Wednesday afternoons, from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m., in the ballroom.
First of these affairs is scheduled for
July 9.
For these and for the evening
dances students may attend either
with or without partners as they de-
sire, for there will be on hand a num-
ber of hostesses to perform the for-
malities of introduction, and to keep
things running smoothly.
Weekend Affairs Popular
Last year the Friday and Satur-
day night dances drew enthusiastic
crowds of more than 400. "Kampus
Kwiz Kapers" featured a hilariouss
contest, while the North and the
South were honored respectively byt
"Yankee Night" and 4the "Water-
melon Cut." Foreign students found1
themselves the center of attention1
at the "Globe Trot," and a "Sadie
Hawkins" dance provided another;
evening of merriment.
Girls who wishto sign up for
hostess positions at bhe tea and ev-
ening dances may do so at the office
of Miss Ethel McCormick, social ad-
visor, in the League.
Text Lending
Library Open
For 5th Year
Now entering its fifth year of serv-
ice to students of all schools in the
University, the Textbook Lending
Library will again offer books for
use during the Summer Session to
needy students recommended by Stu-
dent advisers.

The Library, housed in the Angell
Hall Study Hall, has over 800 books
and seven slide rules at its disposal
to lend students unable to purchase
their own equipment.
Students, before obtaining' help
from the Library, must be recom-
mended by advisers in the different
colleges. Freshmen and sophomores
in the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts should apply to an Aca-
demic Councillor, Room 108 Mason
Hall. Juniors and seniors of that
college should apply to Assistant
Dean E. A. Walter, Room 1220 Angell
Needy education students will be
recommended by R. W. Webster,
4200C University High School, upon
application to his office, and students
in the engineering college should see
Prof. A. D. Moore, 268 West Engi-
neering Building.
Books will be charged to students
for the entire Summer Session.
The project started in May, 1937,
with the raising of $2,050 in gifts
from alumni. Since that time stu-
dent gifts and the income from the
original fund have enlarged the Li-
brary. Unclaimed articles from the
Lost and Found Department have
also been added to the collection.
Students who can contribute to the
Lending Library's collection are re-
quested to leave textbooks at the
General Library. Angell Hall Study

Instruction In Bridge, Dancing
Will Be Available To Students

Do you want to learn to dance or
to play bridge? It makes no differ-
ence if you have never done these
things before, because there will be
instructors at the League in both
dancing and bridge to teach the
fundamentals as well as to smooth off
rough places.
For the fourth consecutive year,
Benjamin B. Lovett of the Edison In-
stitute will bring his six-lpiece square
dance orchestra to campus every
week, to give free lessons through
the courtesy of Henry Ford of Dear-
Classes On Mondays
Though the first lesson was given
yesterday, it will not be too late for
beginners to start in at 7:30 p.m.
next Monday in the League Ball-
Weekly beginning and intermediate
dancing classes will be offered by
Miss Ethel McCormick, social adviser,
and Miss Barbara McIntyre, assist-
ant, also in the League Ballroom.
Price of the complete set of six les-
sons is $1.50.
Times Arranged
The beginners' class will meet at
7:30 p.m. each Tuesday, and the
intermediate group at the same time
on Wednesday. Although stress will
be placed on the simple fox trot and
waltz with their variations, the more
advanced students may learn rhum-
bas and tangos. Classes end at 8:30
p.m., so that students can practice
their steps till 9 p.m.
Union Offers
Many Facilities
Students Urged To Get
Membership Cards
The coolness of a swim or of a hair-
cut, the recreation offered by a game
of billiards or by a few hours in the
library, a handy cafeteria and a din-
ing room-these are only a few of
the opportunities and conveniences
which the Michigan Union offers to
men students.
Men are urged by Acting Manager
Franklin Kuenzel to secure Union
membership immediately after reg-
igstration to be eligible to partake of
Union service. A membership card
is required before the student can
cash checks.
In order to secure this card, the
student need only present his cash-
ier's receipt after registration at the
main desk of the Union.
Among the facilities offered by the
two-million dollar organization is the
Pendleton Library on the second floor,
containing reference books, popular
new novels and copies of the latest
magazines. This library will beopen
from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Another feature in the social cal-
endar of the Summer Session this
year will be the weekly duplicate
bridge hour in the League.
First of these programs, which
will be under the direction of Miss
McIntyre, will take place Thursday
in the League following the faculty
reception. A small charge will be
Beginners or players who wish to
perfect their bridge will find profit-
able a set of six lessons, for the
price of $1.50, which are to start
at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 10, under
the tutelage of Miss McIntyre.
For both the dancing classes and
the bridge hours interested students
have only to sign up at the door. As
in the case of the regular dances,
they may arrive with or without part-
Tourneys Planned
Here For Women
In Various Sports
Under the direction of Miss Doro-
thy Beise, a number of tournaments
will be sponsored this summer by the
women's physical education depart-
In tennis, 16 courts will be used in
the playing off of singles and mixed
doubles competitions. The 18 holes
of the University course will be the
scene of medal tournaments, and
the putting greens will see specigl4
ized tilts.
Columbia round competition will
be a feature of the archery program,
while several tournaments have also
been planned for the badminton
EntrT blanks for these events will
be published in The Daily and will
also be obtainable at the Barbour
Gymnasium office.
Drop in today and
see us about this mar-
velous new method.
te1nt Salon
307 S. State Phone 8384

Sport Centers
Will Be Open
Palmer Field, WAB, Gym
Available To Women
Women students will never lack
facilities for recreation this summer,
what with Palmer Field, the Women's
Athletic Building and Barbour Gym-
nasium waiting on sunny and rainy
days alike with much to offer.
Palmer Field sports 12 clay and
four cement tennis courts, a putting
green, a golf instruction area, arch-
ery range, outdoor badminton courts
and a terrace for sun bathing. Wo-
men may have men guests admitted
to the tennis courts upon presenta-
tion of a guest card secured in the
Xield House.
Inside the Women's Athletic Build-
ing are archery ranges, nine practice
golf cages, showers and bowling alleys
which may be opened for special
Barbour Gymnasium offers bad-
minton courts, a corrective room,
swimming pool for beginners, showers
and dance studios. Women are per-
mitted to use the swimming pool in
the Union on Tuesdays and Thurs-
days from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. An in-
termediate swimming class will be
held in the pool till 8:30 p.m., when
the room will be available for recre-
ation. Admission is 25 cents, al-
though reduced rates may be ob-
tained through the purchase of a
book of tickets,

Program for classes in the women's
physical education department has
been announced by Dr. Margaret Bell,
head of the department.
Instruction in the skills and rules
will be supplemented by sidetrips into
etiquette in the sports, swimming,
archery, golf, riding, tennis and tap
and modern dancing.
Arranged this year in a different
manner, the schedule of courses falls
into three overlapping sections-a
six and a four week section beginning
this week, and the other four week
division commencing July 14. With
this arrangement students will be
able to fit into their programs the
sports in which they wish training
and to switch sports as they desire.
The entire staff of the department
will cooperate this summer in an in-
novation-a sports seminar which will
run through the six week period. This
class, which is open alike to men
and women, will be held from 4 to 6
p.m. each Tuesday in the Women's
Athletic Building. Described as a
laboratory course covering recent
trends in women's athletics, the sec-
tion will be opened today by Dr.
Mabel Rugen and Miss Laurie Camp-
bell with a discussion of the Na-
tional Section of women's athletics.
Also treated in the course will be
such subjects as intercollegiate ath-
letics for women; work and corrective
programs for the handicapped; co-

recreation, leadership and outing
activities and coaching tips in indi-
vidual sports.
The seminar is comparable to a
"refresher" course, in that it deals
with changes in the physical educa-
tional program in the country and
covers a broad territory.
Offered during the other two sec-
tions is a class in body conditioning.
The purposes of this course are to
tone the muscles, increase endurance
and offer individual instruction in
posture and carriage and in reducing.
Staff for the Summer Session will

Physical Education Program Opens

include Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. Mabel
Rugen, Miss Marie Hartwig, Miss
Dorothy Beise, Miss Laurie Campbell,
Miss Elizabeth Whitney and Miss
Augusta Harris. Miss Whitney Is a
Michigan graduate now teaching
dance at Vassar, and Miss Harris is
from Michigan State Normal Col-
Dr. Bell has suggested that those
who are interested in participation in
sports go to the Health Service as
soon as possible for a partial medical
check. This is required for entrance
into the prograrm.

)<"""o<""">c_ <t> - >< o-<--y c<-- ) ^c<-- c)<--aoc -
REQUIRED READING for students who want to dress up
their rooms and get those necessary fixin's and want to know
where to get:
"Always reasonably priced"


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Look cool, young, natural ... your audience and your budget will beam
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we know and have the right clothes at the right price!

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