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July 11, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-11

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Daily Calendar of Events
Friday, July 11--
8:30 p.m. "George Washington Slept Here," by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom). Come with or without


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein -also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular' school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Washington Merry-Go-Round



Managing Editor
City Editor ,
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Staf

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
. William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff

Business Manager . .
Local Advertising Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Daniel H. Huyett
. . Fred M. Ginsberg
. . Florence Schurgin

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The Americas
Draw Closer ...
)NE OF THE FEARS most often ex-
pressed when the British blockade
went into effect, cutting off South America from
most of its markets on the continent, was that
the export trade of the southern republics would
be so curtailed that commerce and industry
would be virtually paralyzed in that section.
The achievements of the Americas in the past
few years have startled many economists and
interventionists, and not the least of these
achievements has been the preservation of eco-
nomic stability in the Latin Americas when they
were cut off from European markets.
Figures recently released by the United States
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce indi-
cate that the export and import trade of South
America declined less than 10 per cent in 1940,
as compared to the figure for 1939. The total
amount of trade in the republics in 1940 was,
in round figures, three million dollars, as com-
pared to 3,200 million in 1939.
the chief factor in keeping the Latin American
nations above board has been the startling in-
crease in inter-American trade. The United
States has vastly increased its business with
Latin America, from about a third of their ex-
ports And imports combined in 1938 to nearly
half in 1940.
JWQUALLY SURPRISING to economists is the'
trade which has sprung up between the Latin
American countries themselves. To take care
of the shortage of dollar exchange and to foster
this embryonic commerce, the United States,
through the Export-Import Bank, has kept
money flowing in the countries. Of 69 million
dollars loaned, 22 million dollars have been re-
paid, indicating that the loans are good business
All of this presents an encouraging outlook for
the Western Hemisphere, a striking rebuttal to
those who have said that the Americas could
never survive once European trade was cut off
to any degree.
Inter-American cooperation, which has been
far from perfect, due largely to penny-grabbing
politicians and self-styled professional authori-
ties on Latin America in this country, has shown
results. Much remains to be done in creating
good will, especially along the economic line, for
the sins committed by "Yanquis" in the past
have left their mark on Latin republics.
But much has been done, and the real states-
men of both the Americas realize that the strug-
gle: must be continued, to create a closer-knit,
integrated Hemisphere, to face a war which in-
evitably, it seems, we are bringing on ourselves.
- Bill Baker

WASINGTON-With Germany making its
inroads upon Russia largely through the use of
tanks, Secretary of War Stimson has been giv-
ing a lot of thought to developing an American
weapon which would stop what he calls the
"German mastodon."
Also he has been having a hot row with some
of his own ordnance people over the purchase of
a new and trackless tank which Stimson thinks
may be the answer. The Chief of Ordnance,
General C. M. Wesson, opposed purchase of the
new tank as far too expensive.
HOWEVER, General Benedict Crowell, Assist-
ant Secretary of War during World War I
and now War Department adviser on material,
went over Wesson's head to Secretary Stimson
"An eight-wheel tank has just been developed,"
General Crowell told Stimson, "that is a won-
derful thing. It may be the answer to Germany.
It has been turned down by Ordnance, but I
think you ought to see it."
So Secretary Stimson went over to Ft. Meyer
and saw it demonstrated, later sent it down to
Ft. Knox to General A. R. Chaffee, Chief of the
Armored Force. Then he went to Ft. Knox, per-
sonally, and conferred with General Chaffee,
who was enthusiastic, wanted the Army to order
seventeen tanks immediately. But Ordnance
wanted to order two at the most, considered the
price far too high.
Turned Down Lewis Gun
At this point Stimson harked back to the days
when he was Secretary of War in the aft Ad-
"THERE IS ALWAYS a balance to be attained
between what the fighting forces want and
what the War Department in Washington wants
them to have," he explained to friends, "and the
trouble wtih the Ordnance office is that it is so
deluged with people who want to win the war
with new inventions, that it gets rather callous.
"However, the last time I yielded to the Ord-
nance office in a matter like this was when I was
Secretary of War under President Taft-and
regretted it. The Ordnance people had turned
down the Lewis machine-gun. General Crozier,
a very dear friend of mine, was opposed to it.
I went behind the barracks and shot the gun, but
in the end I bowed to General Crozier and the
Army passed it up.
"Well, the world now knows what became of
the Lewis machine-gun. The next time I saw
it, I was in a British airplane over the English
Channel in the last war, and the pilot was using
a Lewis machine-gun against the enemy. The
British had bought the patent and perfected it."
'To Hell With Ordnance!'
SO LAST WEEK Stimson decided not to make
the same mistake with the trackless tank. At
Ft. Knox pictures were taken from inside the
tank, looking out through a gun-hole, and it
was proved that the eight wheels made the tank
far smoother and thus more deadly in its aim.
Also Stimson figured that it would take four to
five months anyway to .build two tanks, and
seventeen could be built in the same period. So
in the end he said: "To hell with Ordnance,"
and over-ruled General Wesson.
Note-The original $58,000 price of the track-
less tank, considered exorbitant, finally was re-
duced to about $35,000. Assistant Secretary of
War McCloy, who handled the negotiations with
Ordnance, got into a veritable hair-pulling con-
test with them, but he was only reflecting Secre-
tary Stimson's views.
In New Orleans, Don't Ask
Colonel Charles H. March, Chairman of the
Federal Trade Commission, had occasion to visit
New Orleans recently and stopped at the Roose-
velt Hotel. This is the hostelry where Seymour
Weiss once worked as manager of the barber
shop at $25 a week, then rose to be president of
the hotel, not to mention Commissioner of Police,
a boss of the Huey Long political machine, and
Democratic National Committeeman.

COLONEL MARCH knew this, but he had for-
gotten the epilogue-that Seymour Weiss
had been sent to the Federal Penitentiary at
Atlanta, where he is still serving his term.
Meeting Weiss' brother, Bernard, who is now
operating the Roosevelt Hotel, Colonel March
engaged him in polite conversation, finally frost-
ed the cake with this ingenious faux pas: "Tell
me, Mr. Weiss, where is your brother now?"
Secret Vichy Ambassador
Dapper and loquacious, Gaston Henry-Haye
is the great friend of actress Elsie deWolfe and
millionaire Mrs. Harrison Williams, but no friend
of Cordell Hull. In the ornate French Embassy.
on Wyoming Avenue or on the steps of the State
Department he issues ponderous statements on

last summer after the fall of France. Living in
a swank Connecticut Avenue apartment at a
rental of $475 a month, Chautemps has operated
behind the scenes as a potent wire-puller for
Twice premier of France, Chautemps also was
vice-premier under Blum the Socialist, under
Daladier the conservative, aso under Reynaud,
who assayed the role of Winston Churchill.
Chautemps also is a good friend of Marshal
Petain, Admiral Darlan, Pierre Laval and Gen-
eral Weygand.
For a long time it was a mystery where Chau-
temps got the American currency with which to
live. That mystery can now be solved. Chau-
temps receives from the Vichy Government once
a month a salary or pension of $2,000.
Capital Chaff
NEWSMEN were asked not to mention the hos-
pital where the President's private secretary,
Marguerite ("Missey") LeHand is under treat-
ment, because she would get more flowers than
the hospital could hold . . . Louisiana's Con-
gressman F. Edward Hebert leaves no doubt how
his name should be pronounced. In the Con-
gressional Directory, he inserts after his name:
"(pronounced A-Bear)" . . . . On hot days, a
war of pennies enlivens Capitol Hill. Clerks toss
pennies into the fountain near the Senate wing,
and little colored boys scramble for them, gross-
ing as much as a dollar a day .... Homey Hattie
Caraway of Arkansas is an admirer of glamorous
Gail Patrick of Hollywood, and vice versa ....
In Senator Vandenberg's office is a lithograph
portrait of himself as big as a barn door ....
Lawrence W. Neff, a Southern poet, has written
the Soviet Embassy suggesting that the Russians
use against the Germans the same technique of
spraying poison from airplanes that cotton
farmers use against the boll weevil.
Disturbing Offer
T WAS 5:30 p.m. of the day the President an-
nounced the landing of a naval force in Ice-
land. The sinking sun cast an orange glow over
gray-haired Senator Walter F. George of Georgia,
chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee,
as he stood facing a newsreel camera on the
steps of the Capitol.
A group of khaki-clad visitors from Camp
Eustis, Virginia, tarried nearby, waiting for the
show to begin. Senator George nervously fin-
gered a straw hat while listening to last-minute
instructions: "Look straight into the camera,
Senator. Keep your voice up." After deftly
straightening George's tie, the newsreel man sig-
naled a colleague to start shobting.
George launched into his statement. "The
occupation of Iceland," he said, "is solely a de-
fensive move to strengthgn us against possible,
invasion and protect our commerce on the high
T HERE WAS a slight pause, and George was
about to proceed. But just then an audible
whisper came from one of the bystanding se-
"Senator," it said, "tell the folks that the boys
from Camp Eustis are ready to go if the Navy
needs any help over there in Iceland."
George didn't catch the remark, but the sound
track of the camera did. "Sorry, Senator, but
we'll have to take that over again," said the
cameraman, with a reproving scowl at the kibitz-
ing soldier.
Big Job
Building a two-ocean Navy means that the
job of running the Navy's shore establishments
is the biggest industrial job in the country-big-
ger even than running General Motors or U.S.
THAT JOB falls to Ralph A. Bard, Assistant
Secretary of the Navy. Bard is the latest of
a succession of New Deal Assistant Secretaries.
Since 1933, the office has been held in turn by
Henry L. Roosevelt, Charles Edison, and Lewis
But Bard is not a New Dealer. Like the Secre-
tary of the Navy, the Secretary of War, the
Under Secretary of War, and the two Assistant
Secretaries of War, he is a Republican.
In 1938, Frank Knox, then publisher of The

Chicago Daily News, made a trip to Europe,
visited one country after another, and wrote
editorials about the unrest he saw. As com-
panions on that trip he had Mrs. Knox, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Bard, and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh
Warner. It was Warner, vice-president of the
Pure Oil Company, who had first introduced
Bard to Knox.
When Knox came to Washington a year ago
as Secretary of the Navy, he was given a free
hand to pick his own Assistant Secretary. He
picked Ralph Bard.
N the golden twenties Bard was a Chicago mil-
lionaire. He made his money by financing
industrial companies. One of the companies
he built un was an automatic pencil comnanv.

By Terence
THERE IS a world of drama going
on every day "under the clock,"
in which you and I play leading
parts. A coke date is arranged and
a boy and girl meet there for the
first time. A mother visits Ann Ar-
bor, and, away from her boy for
months, meets him again under the
clock. Two little bulldogs hold a
rendezvous there, and soon collect a
covey of companions to distress pass-
ersby by running beneath their legs.
Old grads return and there's a lump
in their throats as they remember
familiar scenes . . . familiar faces
they first met "under the clock."
Every university in the country has
its "clock," or something similar to
serve the same purpose. And this
is the true story of a boy who once
walked and talked under the clock
at one of the great educational in-
stitutions in the Midwest. I say
once, because I knew this boy, and
there is something about his story
that makes you meditate a little on
a "great liberal educational system."
HIS NAME isn't important, nor is
the name of the university. Jim
-that's a good name for a tale like
this-was, in the traditional manner
of melodrama, the son of "poor but
honest parents." His father was a
factory worker, in a chemical plant,
where he worked on explosives. Jim
didn't want that kind of a life,
though, sohe came to college. His
father could give him no money-
there was Jim's mother and five
other kids. So the lad set out on
his own.
College life was hard work for
Jim. There was none of the tradi-
tional fun or rose-colored back-
ground. Where you and I hold hands
at football games with some coed,
Jim spent Saturday afternoons wash-
ing dishes in a downtown restaurant.
He worked in the evenings reading
to an old man, so there were no
dances and no walks in the Arbore-
tum like you and I take. He had to
work for his food-the dishwashing
job. He got up at five to fire his,
landlady's furnace, and worked an
hour a day for her. In the evenings
he read to the old man, from seven
to nine every night without fail.
ALL THIS and studies too. Nine-
teen hours, for Jim had to get
through in three years. Came the
end of the semester, and there was
an E on the report card, not because
he hadn't tried, because he had. I
knew him and I know he did try.
But 19 hours and working that much,
well, it's a pretty hard job. Lord
knows I have enough trouble with
14 hours of pipes.
The Dean called Jim in and had
a little talk with him. That was
Jim's last official act as a member
of that University. They said it was



"Elwyn's a darling, mamma-we had our first quarrel this morning
and he's no good at it!"

By Lichty

bad grades, and they mentioned
something about "ungentlemanly
conduct." But you and I both know
they don't kick kids out of school
for three hours of E, especially in
Jim's circumstances. And I'll swear
that Jim never, did anything that
even the most stodgey of deans could
call "ungentlemanly conduct." I
knew him ... But Jim had one thing
against him, a last name that could
never disguise his race.
Now I won't say that is the reason
Jim was kicked out. It may be, or
may not be. But that University-
a public institution-has repeated
the incident several times lately, the
same dean, the same reasons given.
And all the victims were of Jim's
important. It's the general trend
that matters. Not so long ago I lis-
tened to a man holding a high posi-
tion at the University of Michigan
give a speech which reaked of intol-
erance and racial prejudice. And
though I heard other educators
equally as well known extol the vir-
tues of tolerance, of the necessity of
racial freedom and equal opportunity
for all, I still hear above all the voice
of that one man, and countless others
like him, directed at a large and pa-
triotic part of this country . . . and
I recall too the story of Jim and a
dean of a great educational institu-
tion in a free country.
Like I said, it all makes you medi-
tate a little about a "great liberal
education system." The quotes are
Puff! Puff!
Once during the argument in a
lawsuit, in which Lincoln represented
one party, the lawyer on the other
side was a glib talker, but was not
considered much of a thinker. He
would say anything to a jury which
happened to enter his head.
Lincoln, in his address to the jury,
referring to the habit, said: "My
friend on the other side is all right,
or would be all right, were it not for
one peculiarity, his habit of making
reckless assertion. He can't help it;
the oratory of the man completely

All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Engineering Structures Institute-
Special Lecture. Professor J. N. Good-
ier, Chairman of the Department of
Engineering Mechanics, Cornell Uni-
versity, will give a lecture on Friday,
July 11 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 311
West Engineering Building. The
subject of his talk will be: "Column
and Stiffener Buckling in Aircraft
Structures." All interested are cord-
ially invited to attend.
Round Table Discussions on the
Teaching of the French Language. A
series of weekly Round Table discus-
sions on the teaching of French will
be offered under the direction of
Professor Charles E. Koerla. The first
one will take place Monday, July 14,
at 7:00 p.m. at le Foyer Francais,
1414 Washtenaw, and will deal especi-
ally with the teaching of French
All students teaching French and
students specializing in French are
cordially invited.
Public Health Nursing Certificate
candidates for August 1941 should
make application at the office of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, course
dropped after the third week, Satur-
day, July 19th, will be recorded with
a grade of E.
The students of The Smith League
House, located at 1102 E. Ann Street
invite the Students of the Summer
Session, their friends, and visiting
members of The New Education Fel-
lowship Conference to a reception on
Friday, July the eleventh from 9:00
to 10:30 p.m. followed by dancing
until 1:00 a.m.
Lectures on French Painting: Pro-
fessor Harold E. Wethey, Chairman
of the Department of Fine Arts, will
give a series of three illustrated lec-
tures on French Painting. In the
first lecture Professor Wethey will
talk on "French Tradition in the
XVIIIth Century, in the second on
"Post-Impressionism" and in the
third on "The School of Paris" (XXth
These lectures, which will be given
in English and are open to all stu-

dents and Faculty members interest-
ed, are to take place in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall on Monday,
July 14, Monday, July 28 and on Mon-
day, August 11, respectively, at 4:10
The lectures are sponsored by the
Department of Romance Languages.
Charles E. Koella
A representative of the Arthur Mur-
ray Dance Studios will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information Friday, July 11, at
2 p.m., to interview both men and
women interested in employment as
dancing teachers. This will be a per-
manent salaried position. No pro-
fessional training necessary, since this
organization trains its own teachers.
People who are interested should
come to 201 Mason Hall at the time
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, July 13, at 2:30 p.m. sharp,
in the rear of the Rackham Building.
A trip to Big Portage Lake in Water-
loo Park is planned, including swim-
ming, hiking, and softball, followed
by a weenie roast. Those having cars
are urged to kindly bring them; an
allowance is given for transportation
furnished. All graduate students,
faculty, and alumni are welcome.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing applications is noted
in each case:
Michigan Civil Service
Afflicted Crippled Children: Medi-
cal Coordinator V7, salary $400 mon.,
July 25, 1941.
Prison Guard Officer I, $150, July
18, 1941.
Prison Guard Officer III, $250, July
18, 1941.
Field Tax Representative A, $130,
August 2, 1941.
Liquor Warehouseman Cl, $95
August 2, 1941.
Hospital Physician VI, $525, July
23, 1941.
Hospital Physician V, $400, July
23, 1941.
Standards and Testing Executive
IV, $325, July 13, 1941.
United States Civil Service
Industrial Specialist, $3,800 yr.,
August 7, 1941.
Principal, $5,600, August 7, 1941.
Senior, $4,600, August 7, 1941.
Associate, $3,200, August 7, 1941.
(Continued on Page 4)


Tut, Tut, General!-
Is That Nice? .. .

Near Memphis, a column of troops rolled along
past a golf course, where several girls in shorts
were playing. With the exuberance of youth
seeking some diversion on a long, hot trip, some
of the soldiers whistled and called to the girls.
This was, of course, not exactly decorous, but
the news dispatch doesn't say that the girls were
But Lieut. Gen. Ben Lear, Second Army com-
maAder, happened to be on the course, and he
was offended. So offended, in fact, that he or-
dered the troop column to refuel (What do you
think of that, Mr. Ickes?) on reaching Camp

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC B1l*
Friday Evening
6:00 Tomorrow's News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Jas. Bourbonnais
6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Factfinder
6:30 Quiz of News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Two Cities Sports Parade Evening Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Claudia Service Hour Happy Joe TBA
7:15 Claudia Service Hour Val Clare Be'ind News Drama
7:30 Proudly We Hail Information Please Evening Serenade Death Valley Days
7:45 Proudly We Hail Information Please Dream Awhile Death Valley Days
8:00 Great Moments Waltz Time Sen. Ludington Ben Bernie
8:15 From Gr'at Plays Waltz Time Interlude Ben Bernie
8:30 Hoi'w'd Premi're Uncle Walter's Barrack's Party Happy Birthday
8:45 Hol'w'd Premi're Doghouse Barrack's Party Happy Birthday
9:00 Penthouse Party Wings of To Be Announced To be Announced
9:15 Penthouse Party Destiny Who Knows To Be Announced
9:30 Symphonettes Listen America Quiz Bowl R. Gram Swing
9:45 To be Ann'unced Listen America Quiz Bowl Story Drama


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