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July 10, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-10

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THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1941,

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Daily Calendar of Events
Thursday, July 10-
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is it

r -


. Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
PuAlished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.

8:30 p.m.

Come with or without partners.
"George Washington Slept Here," by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College PUlishers Representative
420 MADIsoN Ave. New YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-4 1


Managing Editor
City Editor'
Associate Editor
Assodiate Editor
Sports Editor.
Women's Editor

Editorial Staff
. Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
. .. William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
. .Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
Business Manager . . Daniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Are Dated...
Henry's day onward turned over in
their graves or held their heads in their studies
the other day, but Ptolemy and his gang smiled
down from the heavens; they never allowed for
a Western Hemisphere anyway.
President Roosevelt, while not denying the
existence of a dividing line between the Eastern
and Western Hemispheres, says he has given up
trying to determine where the line ran, which
is tantamount to saying that, if necessary for
convenience, it can be stretched elastically to
include practically any point in what geogra-
phers used to call the Eastern Hemisphere.
Thus a hemisphere ceases to be one of two
equal parts into which a sphere is divided by a
plane running through its center and becomes
the larger of two unequal parts into which a
sphere is divided by a President running through
its possibilities.
on the street where such imaginary lines as
those between hemispheres are drawn on the
map until he remembers that certain documents
of his government have been drawn up in terms
of these hemispheres. Thus, the Selective Service
Act of 1940 stated that draftees should not be
sent for service outside the Western Hemisphere
except to U.S. possessions.
Thus, if the line dividing the Eastern and
Western Hemispheres ~is such that it can be
stretched by executive decree, the Selective Serv-
ice Act provides no restriction other than execu-
tive order over where our new draftee army can
serve. This point was a major subject in last
summer's Congressional debate.
The President seems to have this fact already
well in mind. When questioned Tuesday by re-
porters concerning General Marshall's recom-
mendation of holding draftees over the one year
limit and removing the Western Hemisphere
restriction, President Roosevelt approved of the
former and considered the latter to be unim-
portant. Or did he mean unnecessary?
EVIDENTLY Congress must learn to be more
specific in its wordings. Hereafter, such
phrases should be written "the Western Hemi-
sphere as of 1940" or "our hemisphere as denoted
on the Rand-McNally world map of 1938." Or
better yet note specifically the boundaries in
terms of latitude and longitude. .
-- Harry M. Kelsey

WASHINGTON-The 1942 political rumba is
still a long way off, but the politicos already
have begun to cast their eyes over possible can-
didates. One of their chief topics of discussion
is the governorship of New York.
Herbert Lehman, thrice governor of the Em-
pire State, is certain not to run again. This cre-
ates a wide open situation for a prize considered
a stepping stone to the 1944 Presidential contest.
Remember that Franklin Roosevelt went from
the Executive Mansion in Albany to the White
House in 1932.
ANUMBER of hopefuls are known to be ready
to try their luck, chief among them Repub-
lican Tom Dewey and Democratic Lieutenant
Governor Charles Poletti. Dewey came near
beating Lehman in 1938 and his yen for the
Presidency is undiminished. As governor of New
York, he would have the inside track of another
shot at this ambition. Poletti is a political pro-
tege of Lehman and was selected as running-
mate on his insistence.
But the most interesting possibility being men-
tioned in inner political circles is Wendell Will-
Particularly significant is that this talk is
coming from Democrats as well as Republicans.
These Democrats are not the party bolters who
supported Willkie against Roosevelt last year.
They are men who fought Willkie bitterly then,
but now feel differently because of his outspoken
stand against isolationism and appeasement.
CONVINCED that this issue will dominate the
1942 elections, these Democrats already are
discussing the possibility of starting a boom for
Willkie as a fusion candidate for governor.
Note-Willkie has not been approached on the
idea, has given no intimation even to close
friends that he is interested. But the idea is in
the air, and, as proved in 1940, anything can
happen in politics.
Germany vs. Russia
One of the key factors in gauging the Russo-
German war is that the Germans are marvels
at transportation; the Russians are not.
As long the the Red Army can force the Nazis
to fight a digging-in, slow type of warfare, Hit-
ler's forces are up against it. But whenever
Nazi mechanized columns are out ahead, dodging
through Russian wheat fields, then even if they
sometimes get cut off from their own forces, the
advantage is very much with Germany.
So far, the Nazis have employed exactly the
same tactics they used so successfully in France,
cutting through enemy lines with one mechan-
ized spearhead, then widening that spearhead
with infantry.
THIS USE of infantry is one tactic of the Ger-
man army which most people have not real-
ized. For although the shock attacks have been
accomplished by tanks and heavily armored
troops, Germany's great military genius has been
the ability to bring up horse-drawn infantry im-
mediately and widen the gap made by the
In the campaign against France, U.S. military
experts estimated that the Germans used about
700,000 horses to bring up infantry, field kitch-
ens, hospitals, food, guns, ammunition and all
the other vast paraphernalia of war.
Nazis Learned From Circus
Inability to organize transportation is one of
the Russian army's greatest defects-especially
so while transport trains, airports, railroad trains
and switch yards are being bombed ceaselessly
from the air. Also the Russians have no genius
whatsoever for repair. Trucks and tanks will
get out of kilter and the Russians simply aban-
don them on the roadside. The Nazis, in con-
trast, will be on hand with traveling garages and
repair the stalled equipment immediately.
So this war, spread over very long distances,
may be won by the army which .has the best
organized transportation.
Note-The Nazis learned the art of quick
transportation by coming to the United States
and studying the American circus-probably the
greatest development of the technique of quick
unloading, hauling and repairing.

T HE WHITE HOUSE is the oldest federal
building in Washington. Designed by James
Hoban, an Irishman living in Charleston, S. C.,
the mansion was completed in 1800 and the first
President to occupy it was John Adams . . .. It
was originally called the "President's Palace" by
L'Enfant, French engineer who laid out the Cap-
ital. President Theodore Roosevelt was the first
to designate it officially as the White House, in'
an executive order issued October 21, 1901 ....
Assistant Secretary of Commerce Robert Hinck-
ley was responsible for the dispatch of the group
of crack airplane mechanics to Britain to fa-
miliarize the RAF with the repair and main-

U.S. Fatigue Pills
Those mysterious anti-fatigue pills fed Ger-
man soldiers before going into battle are nothing
new to the U.S. Army. In fact, U.S. nutrition
experts have gone the Germans one better.
The Nazi pill is simply a tablet made of a mix-
ture of corn sugar and citric acid. The acid
causes a flow of saliva which in turn promotes
quick digestion of the corn sugar, giving the sol-
dier a "lift" within a few minutes after the pill
is swallowed.
US. ARMY EXPERTS have developed a much
improved version, known as Type D su-
per-emergency ration. It consists of a concen-
trated chocolate bar fortified with vitamin B.
The bar weighs one ounce, can be carried in the
soldier's pocket and will withstand heat up to
120 degrees. It it enclosed in a special wrapper
which will resist eight hours of mustard gas
attack. One bar is the energy equivalent of a
full meal.
The Army also has developed a special ration
for pilots, consisting of a cracker containing
whole wheat, soybean meal, ground beef muscle,
whole milk, hydrogenated fat, vitamins and
minerals. This cracker will withstand tropical
heat without spoiling.
It finally happened.
For the first time in three long years, the
speech department came 'through last night
with a production that ,even my old sourpuss
Uncle Looie would have liked. In brief, the
Michigan Repertory Players' "George Washing-
ton Slept Here" was good-puh-lenty good.
The comedy itself, and Kaufman and Hart
heartily agree, is nothing to write home about
but the combination of the best acting we've
seen in Ann Arbor and really swell directing by
Valentine B. Windt make this one play on the
summer season schedule that one shouldn't miss.
Here's the plot in a nutshell: Newton Fuller
buys an old farmhouse that Washington was
supposed to have slept in, and, despite the ob-
jections of wife Annabelle, moves in. Annabelle
is sore about the whole idea-and with good rea-
sons. The couple have no water in their home,
road trouble, disagreeable neighbors, etc., and to
make things worse a visit from a brat nephew
and an uncle that has to be petted to insure
their inheritance.
Finally things get even worse and they are in
danger of losing their house, losing their inherit-
ance and even losing their daughter. But then
lady luck neatly steps in. The good woman solves
their troubles handily and sets them on the
road to "live happily ever after."
Cast in the leading roles as Newton and Anna-
belle were Norm Oxhandler, a Play Production
veteran, and Claribel Baird, a speech professor
from Oklahoma. Both were superb. Oxhandler
easily lived up to his reputation around here as
being the best student actor on the campus, and
Mrs. Baird made a complete mockery of Shaw's
old witticism that "those who can do and those
who cannot teach."
But despite their excellence there were a couple
of other performers who almost stole the show.
Prof. William P. Halstead as Uncle Stanley
proved himself a lot more impressive on the stage
than we've ever seen him in classroom, really
going to town beautifully in the closing minutes
of the play.
Other top-notch performers were Dorothy
Haydel as Hester, and Mary Ellen Wheeler as
Miss Wilcox. Miss Haydel almost had some of
the audience in the aisles as she stamped up and
down stairs playing the disgruntled maid, and
Miss Wheeler was the only member of the cast
who didn't say anything-she didn't need to.
She just stood around in bathing suit or the
latest in beach pajamas looking beautiful and
drawing more than her quota of laughs by
"slinking" around the place and looking disgust-
ingly bored at all times.
Virginia Batka as Madge, the Fuller daughter,
and William Mills as Steve Eldridge were both
quite weak and so was Neil Smith as Mr. Kimber,
who didn't show any signs of life until he had

drunk a pint of stage whiskey in Act 3. We sin-
cerely hope that he takes another drink of the
same brew before he goes on next time.
Other bundles of praise to William Altman as
the unpleasant neighbor, Mr. Prescott; Ada Mc-
Farland as Rena Leslie, the actress; and John
Hathaway who played the brat, Raymond. All
were more than competent and we're positive
that tomorrow we'll still feel like hitting Altman,
asking Miss McFarland to be a sister to us and
giving Hathaway the worst cat-o'-nine tails
beating that any precocious fledgling ever had.
As far as the rest of the cast is concerned,
none had an opportunity to show what he could

In Protest.. .
To the Editor of The Daily:
The emasculation of The Daily last
year to make it coincide with rising
reactionary 'elements dismayed the
entire campus, as was shown by the
enormous petitions asking that The
Daily remain unchanged. And when
liberal writing in The Daily ceased,
most of the campus felt a vital loss.
But this loss at first was felt
mainly in a negative sense. Now The
Daily policy has flipped into the
same sort of omniscient sneering and
informed nastiness that character-
izes commercial papers throughout
the country. A letter written with
restraint and strength by the Y.C.L.
in Tuesday's Daily was accompanied
by an inane and obvious personal
comment by Karl Kessler. I would
like to request, since the letter box
is evidently the only space in The
Daily left open to free discussion
and unbiased thinking, that The
Daily editors refrain from attaching
their own uninteresting comments to
what letters may be printed there.
They have plenty of space to ex-
pound in the editorials.
- Nelson Bentley, Grad.
* * *
In Reply .. .
The purpose of the Letters column
of The Daily is to give readers of
The Daily space in which they can
express their views on current issues,
whether those views be consistent
with or contrary to the opinions of
the editors.
We shall, however, as a further
service to our readers, always at-
tempt to present both sides of the
issue, with a particular view toward
pointing out fallacies in reasoning.
These comments hardly deserve
full editorial treatment. They are
usually quite short, and are con-
cerned primarily with a particular
We wish, further, to call Mr. Bent-
ley's attention to the accepted inter-
pretation of the term "liberal." Web-
ster includes the following qualities:
"broad-minded, not bounded by au-
thority or established forms in politi-
cal or religious philosophy."
The true liberal cannot align him-
self body and soul to any one political
organization. He may agree with its'
primary aims and ideals, but he must;
weigh each issue indhis own mind
and come to an independent con-
clusion: only thus can intellectual
honesty °be maintained. To follow
a line of reasoning merely because
it happens to fall for the moment in
accord with the political interests of
a group, to rationalize oneself into,
a dictated course of reasoning is to
forsake the right to be called "lib-
How often have we heard pleas
for freedom of speech and "free dis-
cussion" from self-styled liberals
who, once they have gained that free-'
dom for themselves would not hesi-
tate to deny dissenting opinions that
same right.
We shall always endeavor to keep
our editorial columns open to all
points of view, but we shall not re-
strict that privilege to any particular
- Karl Kesslerf
* * *
Senator Brown Honored
The choice of Senator Prentiss M.t
Brown to fill the place on the Senate

steering committee left vacant by the
death of Senator Pat Harrison is no
small tribute to his ability.
An influential body, ruling the or-
der of business, the steering commit-c
tee nevertheless is unofficial, not
provided for by the rules of the Sen-s
ate. Consequently, unlike the offi-I
cial committees, appointments to it
do not go by seniority. So the Mich-1
igan Senator's selection to replacef
the redoubtable Mississippian in theX
Senate organization is, as stated, ac
- The Detroit News c


"- so it's settled, that at the approach of enemy aircraft, we all
meet here for lunch!"

By Lichty

(Editor's Note: This is a university,
and at universities there are the fi-
nals,eyou know. So while Terence
brushes up for Oral Penmanship 71,
Eugene Mandeberg, associate editor,
takes over the Stuff for the day. Treat
him kindly, gentle reader, he may nev-
er return. And I deny everything he
may say.)
AS IT MUST to all men, the ques-
tion has presented itself, who,
who is Terence? Is Terence a he, a
she, or what? I am personally spon-
soring a contest to see if anyone on
campus can guess who Terence is by
the helpful hints I shall now proceed
to throw out. In order to keep the
incognito complete, I shall hence-
forth refer to Terence as IT: we
wanna keep sex out of this thing
First of all, you must have realized
by this time that IT is lazy and a
sucker for a line. How else do you
thing I could have gotten this column
for today if IT wasn't both?
SECOND CLUE: Terence has many
' of the appearances of a human
being. IT's eyes are .not too notice-
able crossed, teeth, including molars,
are present in a super-abundance,j
the usual number of fingers and toes'
can be seen upon close inspection,
and generally, Terence looks normal,
in a horrible sort of way.
Third and last clue: Terence
drinks cokes. Look about you the
next time you saunter into your
favorite bar and watch the people
around you. Look, there's something
over there sipping insipidly on a
dark-colored liquid. Maybe it's Ter-
ence. Rush over and ask him. If
absolutely nothing happens, if, you
aren't accused of being crazy, or you
don't receive a flurry of blows or a
withering look, maybe you've struck
oil. Maybe that's IT. Then again,
maybe not.
PREMIUM clue (no extra charge).
Terence saves his money. Cover
all banks, and mattresses in town,
you may find Terence in one, or un-
der the other.
With these hints to help, how can
you go wrong? Watch carefully.
When you have selected IT from
among the five thousand students,
hurry out and tear the top off your
favorite professor. Send me that,
plus, your name and address. If you
are the first to have identified Ter-
ence, you will receive, perhaps, a
complete set of all-purpose crib

notes, assuring at least an A in what-
ever course you may take. Special
attention is given to those omitted
REMEMBER, this contest runs for
a limited time only, so get your
entry in early. Honest, you haven't
a minute to lose.
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
merts and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations.
Detroit Civil Service:
Transportation Equipment Oper-
ator, salary $.75 to $.78, examination
July 12, 1941 and Aug. 2, 1941.
Watchman, salary $1,440, last filing
date, July 7, 1941.
Laborer A, salary prevailing rate,
July 7, 1941. l
Laborer B, prevailing rate, July 7,
Ditch Digging Laborer, prevailing
rate, July 7, 1941.
Garbage Collector, prevailing rate,
July 7, 1941.
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Concert, High School Clinic Band:
The University of Michigan 1941
High School Clinic Band of 145 pieces
will present a concert at 4:15 p.m.,
Sunday, July 13, at Hill Auditorium.
The program will feature solos and
ensembles in addition to the numbers
presented by the entire band. Wil-
liam D. Revelli, Conductor of the
Band, will be assisted by two guest
conductors, Mr. Cleo Fox of Kalama-
zoo, and Mr. Dale C. Harris of Pon-
tiac. Although this performance will
be complimentary to the general pub-
lic, small children will not be admit-
ted for obvious reasons.
Lecture Recital: The first of a series
of six programs to be given this sum-
mer will be presented by Joseph
Brinkman and William Beller, Pian-
ists at 4:15 p.m., Monday, July 15,
in Rackham Assembly Hall. It will
be composed entirely of compositions
by Johann Sebastian Bach, including
his Italian Concerto; Prelude and
Fugue in A minor; B flat Partita; and
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue. This
program will be open to the general
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Schools of Music and Edu-
cation: Students who received marks
of I or X at the close of their last
semester or summer session of attend-
ance will receive a grade of E in the
course unless this work is made up
by July 30th. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up the work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
mitted. The petition must carry the
written approval of the instructor
Carillon Recital: Percival Price.


Mediation Plans
In Ecuador .. .

A N ECUADOREAN communique ac-
cuses the Peruvians of starting bor-
der fighting over the week-end. A Peruvian com-
munique accuses the Ecuadoreans of agresssion.
Just like Europe!
The contested territory, according to a Peru-
vian source, contains important oil fields, to-
bacco plantations and other assets. It has
"belonged" to Peru since 1821. Ecuador sub-
mitted its claims to the King of Spain in the
1890's, but dropped proceedings when it saw the
arbitration was going against it. The United
States, Argentina and Brazil have recently of-
fered their services to settle the dispute. Peru
resents this, we read, because, from its stand-
point, there is nothing to mediate.
Governments-our own included-should not

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 Headline News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of Sports world News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Marriage Club News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo
6:45 Marriage Club Sports Parade Evening Serenade Barry Heilmann
7:00 Death valley Coffee Time Happy Joe World's Best
7:15 Death valley Coffee Time val Clare World's Best
7:30 SPBSQ Aldrich Family B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
7:45 SPBSQ Aldrich Family B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
8:00 Major Bowes Music Hall To be announced T. Dorsey Orch.
8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall News Ace T. Dorsey Orch.
8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert world News
8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert Ted Steele Orch.
9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams
9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Industrial News
9:30 Prof. Quiz wwJ Playhouse Rosicrucian TBA
9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Your Job and Mine Drama

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