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July 10, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-10

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Partly Cloudy,
Scattered Showers


Sir igau
Of ficial Publication Of The Summr1 Session


Are Dated .




Ponton, Sandwell,


To Address)

Mussolini Hit By Sforza;
Dr. Hu Discusses Policy
Former Italian Diplomat And Chinese Ambassador
Address New Education Fellowship

Education Parley

Mexico Education, Canada,
Pan-American Relations
Are Featured Subjects
High School Band
Will Give Concert
The eighth international confer-
ence of the New Education Fellow-
ship 'moves into its fifth day today,
with featured talks by Luis Sanchez
Ponton, Mexican minister of Educa-
tion,. B. K. Sandwell, Canadian edi-
tor, and Gustavo Adolfo Otero, Min-
ister of Education in Bolivia.
Mr. Ponton will discuss "Mexican
Education: Objectives and Prac-
tices" in the general session at 11
a.m. in Rackham Auditorium. Red-
vers Opie of the British Embassy will
talk on "Education and Changes in
England." Eugene Elliott, state su-
perintendent of public instructioh,
will be chairman at the session.
The general session at 3 p.m.,
sponsored by the Health Section of
the World Federation of Education
Associations, will be devoted to the
topic "The Application of the Psy-
chology of Progressive Education to
the Field of Health and the Contri-
bution of Health Education to Pro-
gressive Education."
Turner To Be Chairman
Claire E. Turner of the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, will be
chairman. Speakers will be Henry
F. Vaughan of the University, Dr.
Edward Liss of New York City, Cor-
bin A. Brown of the Provincial De-
partment of Education, Toronto, and
Laurentine B. Collins, Detroit Public
At 7:45 p.m. in Rackham Audi-
torium B. K. Sandwell, editor of The
Toronto Saturday Night, will address
the conference on "Canada in a
World of Nations," and Gustavo
Adolfo Otero, Minister of Educa-
tion in Bolivia, will discuss "Educa-
tion for Inter-American Relations."
A band concert will be given at 9
p.m. on the steps of the Rackham
Building by the Detroit Western
High School Band, directed by Homer
LaGassey, and a Mexican Tipica
Selections Listed
The program opens with "All
America," a march by J. S. Taylor;
"Richard III overture," Edward Ger-
man; "Amparita rocca," by Jaime
Texidor; selection from Romberg's
"Student Prince.".
Other selections included on the
program are Fillmore's "Men of
Ohio"; first movement of Borodin's
Second Symphony; "Tropical," a
rhumba by Morton Gould; "Child
Prodigy," by Morton Gould; a med-
ley of American song hits by Gould;
"Sequois," by LaGassey; "Stars and
Stripes Forever," by Sousa"; and
"The Star Spangled Banner."
A luncheon will be held at 12:30
p.m. today in the League for all those
interested in private schools.
An exhibit of the work of Miguel
Oyala, Guatemalan artist, is being
shown in Alumni Memorial Hall in
conjunction with the conference.
The exhibit contains several land-
scapes, and 18 black and white draw-
ings done by the artist for the Span-
ish edition of the religious manu-
scripts of pre-Columbian South
Ford Factory Trip
To Be Wednesday
Reservations for the third Univer-
sity excursion, a trip to the Ford Mo-
tor Company's River Rouge factory,
must be made in Room 1213 Angell
Hall before 5 p.m. Monday; the ex-
cursion is to be Wednesday.
The group will leave from the front
of Angell Hall at 12:45 p.m. and re-
turn late the same afternoon. Ex-
penses for the trip will be $1.25 for
bus fare to the factory and back.
At the 1,000-acre plant, the party
will have an opportunity to inspect

the motor assembly lines, final as-
sembly line, the open hearth furnaces
and the rolling mill.
The specialized activities will be
explained, and the students will have
a chance to see many phases of
automotive processing and metal
Perspectives Scripts
Civ.mm- .ar r fv&nci-

Chinese Envoy
To .Be Honored
At Tea Today
Dr. Hu Shih, ambassador from
China to the United States, will be
honored at a tea reception at 4 p.m.
today in the Garden of the League
under the sponsorship of .the Chi-
nese Students Club.
Guests who have been invited to
the reception are President and Mrs.
Ruthven, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Dr.
Margaret Bell, Dr. and Mrs. Edward
W. Blakeman, Prof. and Mrs. Wil-
liam W. Blume, Dean Joseph E.
Bursley, Prof. and Mrs. George E.
Carrothers, Prof. and Mrs. Walter
Colby, Dean-Emeritus Mortimer E.
Mrs. Henry Douglas, Prof.-Emeri-
tus Edwin C. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Gray, Prof. and Mrs. Robert
Hall, Prof. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hay-
den, Mrs. Waldo Johnston, Prof. and
Mrs. Herbert A. Kenyon.
Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Morgan, Dr. and Mrs. Dean W. My-
ers, Prof. and Mrs. Raleigh Nelson,
Miss Jeannette Perry, Prof. and Mrs.
James M. Plumer, Prof. and Mrs.
Charles F. Remer, Mrs. Mabel Ross
Rhead, Prof. Kenneth Rowe, Miss
Sarah L. Rowe, Prof. and Mrs. W.
Carl Rufus, Prof. and Mrs. John
F. Shepard and Prof. and Mrs. Leroy
Three Months
Recess Begun
Van Wagoner Threatens
To Challenge Legality
In Supreme Court Base
LANSING, July 9.-()-The Leg-
islature brushed aside an eleventh
hour plea by Governor Van Wagoner
today and went into a three months'
recess which binds his hands on
many patronage affairs in the in-
The Governor submitted a special
message in closing minutes of the
session, bluntly telling the legislators
he would have no part of any trades
with them, and assailing the recess
as a "political move, intended to be
used against me personally in an at-
Among the vetoes overridden by
the House was a $500,000 appro-
priation for a general service build-
ing for the University.

Indicting Mussolini as a traitor too
his country and a dupe of the Hitler
regime, Count Carlo Sforza, former
Italian diplomat, yesterday told dele-
gates to the New Education Fellow-
ship Conference that a German con-
quest of Russia would be fatal to
Italy faces two alternatives, as long
as Fascism remains in power, either
a defeat at the hands of England or
the status of a German province.
Count Sforza, who once sat in the
Italian Parliament with Mussolini,
declared that Il Duce had chosen be-
tween betraying his people or suffer-
ing a personal eclipse, and chose the
Calling Italy "one of the invaded
countries," Count Sforza declared
that a spirit of rebellion was rising
in the crushed masses and the mili-
tary forces of the people.
Italians Realized Truth
The Italian people themselves, he
said, realized that Lybia, their oldest
colony, was occupied by the Nazi
forces, that their consular and diplo-
matic forces throughout the world
are mere agents of Hitler, that their
essential industries are controlled by
Reich industrialists, and that their
police are subject entirely to the will
of the German gestapo.
Even Virginio Gayda, editor of
Italy's official mouthpiece, knows that
the Nazis believe they have arrived
in the Mediterranean by right of con-
quest and will never return of their
own free will.
A direct revolt against he Fascist
regime is not to be expected in the
near future, but evidence of a pas-
sive strike is already to be seen. Itali-
an ships are not harassing British
shipping, the Count said, in quoting
an Italian admiral, "because of their
hatred for their German allies."
Ridicules Prognosticators
Ridiculing the American prognosti-
cators of the Anne Morrow Lindbergh
school, who maintain that totalitar-
ianism is the "wave of the future,"
the Italian lecturer declared that the
worst enemy of American democracy
is "American complacency."
"Those who, in their sincere or as-
sumed complacency, believe, in this
country, that a victorious toltalitari-
anism would not undertake to impose
itself on this continent do not real-
ize that for the dictators it is a ques-
tion of life and death to have all
democracies destroyed."
In the eyes of the Pangerman dic-
tator, he added, the worst crime of
democracy is merely the fact of exist-
ing, of existing in an atmosphere of
Mussolini, the Count charged, is
merely a yellow newspaperman, who
knows only the publicity part of his
profession. He is the man who first
discovered the basic maxim of To-
talitarianism, that "a lie is a lie when
it is timidly expressed; a lie remains
sometimes a lie when it is repeated
a hundred times; a lie always be-
comes a truth when it is repeated
.thousands of times."

Declaring that the war being
waged by Japan in China is merely
a part of one big World War II, Dr.
Hu Shih, Chinese ambassador to the
United States, stated yesterday in a
talk before delegates to the New Edu-
cation Fellowship conference, that
World War II really started back in
1931 with the Japanese invasion of
Discussing American reaction to
the world crisis, the Chinese scholar
divided American foreign policy since
1933 into three parts. Before that
America adopted a policy of cooper-
ating with the League of Nations,
although not a member of the
Period Of Isolation
The first phase lasted from 1933
to 1937, a period of isolation and
neutrality, in which America re-
mained aloof from the rest of the
The second phase, a period of re-
orientation, lasted through the early
months of 1940. During this period
America started on its policy of aid-
ing China, with four steps.
The first was the purchase of Chi-
nese silver by the Japanese treasury.
Three loans were extended to China
during this period, two of them for
One Negative Step
One step was a negative one, the
non-invocation of the American neu-
trality act, which upset the plans of
the totalitarian aggressors, according
to the Chinese ambassadors. The
other thing that helped China was
the presence of the American Navy
in the Pacific.
The third phase of American pol-
icy, from 1940 until the present time,
has been brought about by four ac-
tions of the government, he ex-
The first was the loan of over a
million dollars to China. War ma-
terials were placed under embargo
for the aggressor' nations, aid was
sent to Great Britain and the Lend-
Lease Bill was passed.
Seven Nurses
Thought Dead

Dentz Seeks
End Of War
With Britain
Syrian High Commissioner
Asks For Armistice Plan
Through U.S. Diplomat
Virtually All Syria
Is Taken By British
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, July 9.-France asked
Britain today for an end to the mel-
ancholy, month-old Syrian war, in
order to halt "grievous bloodshed in
a combat daily more unequal."
The French High Commissioner of
Syria, Gen. Henri Dentz, submitted
the request for an armistice through
Cornelius Van H. Engert, United
States Consul General at Beirut, a
communique announced. Late dis-
patches from the Syrian front said
fighting still was going on, with Brit-
ish troops attacking the inner de-
fenses of Beirut itself.
Terms Reported Received
It was reported Britain's terms
already had been received and tele-
phoned from Vichy to Vice-Premier
Admiral Jean Darlan, who is in Paris.
"For more than a month troops
of the Levant have engaged in a
fierce struggle to affirm France's
will to assure the defense of terri-
tories entrusted to her protection,"
the communique said.
"Despite all its efforts the govern-
ment has found it impossible to send
these (Levant) troops, in sufficient
numbers, the reinforcements it had
prepared to enable them to continue
the struggle.
Seek To End Bloodshed
"Thus, desirous of not prolonging
a particularly grievous bloodshed in
a combat daily more unequal and of
cutting short sufferings which the
war inflicts upon the peoples ofSyria
and Lebanon, considering the honor
of their arms to be safe the govern-
ment has decided to authorize Gen-
eral Dentz to ask the immediate si-
lencing of arms.
"A step was taken to this effect
yesterday at Beirut through the in-
termediary of the United States Con-
sul General."
In London Prime Minister Church-
ill announced receipt of the request
in the British House of Commons,
but said that pending conclusion of
an armistice "military operations
must, of course, continue without
abatement." He disclosed 1,000 to
1,500 British and Empire troops had
peen killedsor wounded in thescam-
French sources in London pre-
dicted Syria and Lebanon would be
placed under Free French occupa-
tional rule,
Free French, English
Forces Control Syria
CAIRO, July 9.-(MP)-Virtually all
Syria was under the military control
of British and Free French forces to-
night as the French defenders re-
quested an armistice.
The British Middle East Command
announced the strong Australian
force which had been driving north-
ward along the Mediterranean coast
toward Beirut, the capital of Leban-
on, had overrun Beirut's main de-
fenses at Damour, nine miles to the
south, and were operating north of
this position.
Beirut was declared to be undefend-
able with Damour overcome. (Vichy
reported that Damour had been oc-

Invited U.S. Aid

Knox Hints Patrol
Will Shoot; Added
Aid Funds Needed

occupation of Iceland by United
States naval forces was at the in-
vitation of Iceland's Prime Minis-
ter Hermann Jonasson, it was dis-
closed in Washington.
German Tank
Forces B egin
Attacks Again
Russians Hold Off Drives
In Leningrad, Moscow
And Ukraine Defensives
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Thursday, July 10.-Big
German tank and mechanized forces
are smashing anew at, the Russian
lines in three main areas, the Red
Army announced today, and the Rus-
sian defenders are holding off offen-
sive drives directed at Leningrad,
Moscow and the Ukraine.
The fighting was still raging as the
Soviet information bureau issued its
early morning communique. At sev-
eral points the Russians were engaged
in counter-attacks.
Shortly before issuance of the com-
munique, Vice Commissar for Foreign
Affairs N. A. Losovski declared Ger-
many had failed to crush the Soviet
defenses despite a highly secret open-
ing offensive of the war which
employed 10,000 tanks, admittedly
caught the Russians unawares and
destroyed several hundred Russian
'f 4 e

President Plans To Ask
Fifteen Billions More
For Defense Program
Churchill Criticizes
Wheeler's Actions
WASHINGTON, July 9.-VP)--Sec-
retary Knox strongly indicated today
that American naval vessels patrol-
ling the Atlantic had been ordered
to shoot if necessary to insure the
safety of communications between
the United States and all strategic
The President meanwhile was
planning a new request to Congress
for defense and lease-lend funds,
probably totaling close to $15,000,-
000,000 in appropriations and author-
izations. Of this $7,000,000,000 was
expected to go for help to the British
and possibly to others battling the
Axis, with the remainder earmarked
for American defenses.
Earlier the White House made
known that a communication had
been received from Winston Church-
ill expressing concern over an an-
nouncement last Thursday by Sena-
tor Wheeler (Dem-Mont), an oppo-
nent of the President's foreign pol-
icy, that Iceland would be occupied.
Churchill complained lives might
have been jeopardized by the dis-
Wheeler Replies
Wheeler tartly replied the United
States was still a democracy. He
told reporters he resented criticism
from Churchill, or "others of the
British ruling class," and ; declared
he had every right to reveal informa-
tion coming to him concerning these
''moves toward war.''
Then he flung out a challenge to
President Roosevelt to come to Con-
gress and ask a declaration of war
if he wants one. "If Congress votes
such a request down," he said; "then
we all should be united for peace. It
Congressshould, intaconstitutional
way, declare war, then we should
stand united to win the war."
Although pressed with questions,
Knox declined to speak directly on
the question of the Atlantic patrol
having been given orders to shoot.
With apparent purpose, however, he
left little doubt in the minds of his
All Necessary Steps

Feared Lost At
To Submarine

Sea Due

en American Red Cross nurses and
one Red Cross worker were feared
lost at sea tonight as the result of
two ship sinkings attributed to sub-
The Red Cross reported six nurses
were missing out of 10 who sailed
June 5 from a Gulf port aboard a
British boat. The vessel, which was
not further identified, was torpedoed
about two weeks ago, officials of the
Red Cross said.
The other four nurses aboard the,
British ship were rescued four days
ago and were reported to be in good
condition. They had been drifting
at sea ten days. The six reported
missing were:
Phyllis L. Evans, 24, Everett, Mass.;
Dorothy C. Morse, 23, Boston;- Nan-
cie M. Pett, 28, Detroit; Helen Jure-
wicz, South Amboy, N. J.; Margaret
I. Somerville, 28, Catskill, N. Y., and
Dorothea L. Koehn, 36, of .Oshkosh,

tempt to influence me to help a cer-
tain Republican bloc to override cer-
tain of my vetoes."
The House restored to appropria-
tion bills more than $2,000,000 ve-
toed by the Governor, but the Sen-
ate did not vote to override any of
his vetoes. Each side must concur
to override.
Van Wagoner told newsmen he
would challenge in the Supreme
Court legality of the legislative ma-
neuvering which changed today's
final adjournment into the first of
what Republicans said might be an
indefinite string of 90-day recesses.
"Our contention," Van Wagoner
said, "is that the Legislature offi-
cially adjourned at 12 o'clock noon.
They had their chance to pass on
vetoes and did not do so. I expect
we will have to take a test case into
the Supreme Court."
Repertory Play
Continues Run
Miss Baird And Oxhandler
Starred In Comedy
Starring Norman Oxhandler and
Claribel Baird, the Kaufman and
Hart comedy, "George Washington
Slept Here," will continue its run at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The play, which is the second pro-


Relations Cited
By Dr. Davila
"Information and affection have
been the two missing pillars in Pan-
American relations for the past fifty
years," Dr. Carlos Davila, former
Chilian Ambassador to the United
States declared last night in an ad-
dress before The New Education Fel-
Dr. Davila went on to say, how-
ever, that following the "black fifty
years," now past and forgotten, it
must be admitted that the United
States has shown a great deal of
fairness and respect, for the countries
of South America.
Pointing out the fundamental dif-
ferences between South American
and North American original coloniz-
ation, the Ambassador said that
Latin America waspeopledsby Span-
ish and Portuguese soldiers of for-
tune, seeking gold for their rulers,
and fame for themselves.
The United States on the other
hand, was colonized by people who
came here for the right of freedom
of religion. South America has been
an epic of hate, North America, an
epic of conscience.

Peace With Totalitarian Europe
.Wishful Thinking, Sforza Says

BERLIN, July 9-With Reichsfueh-;
rer Hitler's headquarters confining
itself to a statement that "the fights
continue successful on the entire
eastern front," other German sources
indicated tonight the German forces
in the north were pressing toward
Leningrad and Murmansk.
German occupation of the strong-
ly-fortified town of Salla near the
Finnish-Russian Arctic frontier was
announced by a military spokesman,
and the news agecy DNB reported
Viljandi and Parnu in Estonia also
had been occupied, along with Ostrov
on the Latvian-Russian border.
Salla was taken in the drive from
Finland against Murmansk, an im-
portant railhead and ice-free Arctic
port. The three Baltic towns fell in
the northeastward push the Germans
are making through this region to-
ward Leningrad, big Russian port at
the head of the Gulf of Finland.
The Germans contended they were
in hot pursuit of Russians after tak-
ing the Baltic towns. At Ostrov the
Russians were said to have attempt-
ed to establish a new defense line.
Noted Contralto
Will Sing Here
Enid Szantho To Present
Concert With Poinar
Noted Hungarian contralto, Enid
Szantho, of the Metropolitan Opera
Company, will join with George
Poinar, chairman of the violin de-
partment at Baldwin Wallace Col-
lege, to present the first of two con-
certs at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the

It started with a reference to a
passage in Mr. Roosevelt's message
to Congress announcing the occupa-
tion of Iceland. In this Mr. Roosevelt
said he had ordered the Navy to take
all necessary steps to keep the ap-
proaches between this country and
strategic outposts "open and free of
all hostile activity."
"If the Navy has to shoot to do
what the President says will it
shoot?" a reporter asked.
Knox referred to the passage con-
taining the words "all necessary
Steps" and said that seemed to cover
the question. He said later the
language "would indicate" the Presi-
dent intended the Atlantic patrol to
go farther than its previous orders
merely to report any hostile craft
Germany Attacks
Iceland Move
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 9.-Germany through
an authorized spokesman charged
caustically today that United States
troops might as well be in a British
port as in Iceland from the military
point of view, but gave no hint as to
whether the American occupation
would provoke actual armed retalia-
"Today it's Iceland," the spokes-
man said. "Tomorrow Roosevelt may
decide that the hemisphere extends to
the English Channel or the Volga.
From a military point of view, these
troops might as well be in a British
"Roosevelt for a long time has been
approaching war and now has moved
much closer to it. Americans have
made the Western Hemisphere a sort
of movable geographic conception."
It was obvious Berlin was count-
ing on the possibility the United
States might occupy other places.
German sources said the Iceland oc-
cupation recalled to them with new
significance President Roosevelt's

To believe that any democracies
could live peacefully with a totali-
tarian controlled Europe is the height
of wishful thinking, Count Carlo
3forza, Carnegie visiting lecturer, told
an audience of the Graduate Study
Program in Public Policy in a World
at War yesterday.
The totalitarian powers, he said,
cannot afford to let a democracy
exist as an example to subjugated
nations of the freedom that they
might enjoy.
Czechoslovakia, Count Sforza ex-
plained, was the most orderly and
most successful democracy on the
continent, and that was why Hitler
found it necessary to destroy her.
Chamberlain, he asserted, was fooled
into letting Hitler have what he
wanted in Czechoslovakia at Munich

"the Spanish Civil War, Count Sfor-
za maintained, and one of the "most
disgusting lies" of the Axis powers
was to spread propaganda that Spain
was in danger of becoming Com-
Spain, he pointed out, is a land
composed largely of peasants who
only ask a small piece of land to
cultivate. At the time of the Civil
WarCount Sforza noted, only 20
per cent of the land was owned by
the peasants. The best way to keep
a peasant from becoming a Bolshe-
vik, he declared, is to give him a piece
of land.
This biased point of view of the
English aristocracy caused by the
red scare accounted for the English
refusal to join the United States
against Japan at the time of the

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