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July 09, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-09

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Cloudy and Somewhat Warmer


Si iau



Help A Boy.:
Tag Day Today.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Education Parley

Summer Tag Day Drive
To Solicit Campus Today

To Feature


On World Affairs

University Fresh
To Help Fina

Air Camp Boys Will Canvass Town
nce Project For Underprivileged

Hemisphere 's Boundary
Is Uncertain, SaysF.D.R.*
Berlin Cries_'Aggression'


Dr. Hu Shih, Count Sforza
To Speak At Morning
Session Of Conference
Radio Program
To Be Presented
With more than 1,800 educators
from 21 American republics and
many foreign countries registered, the
eighth international conference of the
New Education Fellowship enters its
fourth day today featuring talks by
The Honorable Hu Shih, Chinese Am-
bassador to the United States, and
Count Carlo Sforza, Carnegie visiting
'Today's sessions will open at 11
a.m. with an address by Dr. Hu
Shih on "America and the Far East."
Count Sforza will speak on "The
Situation in Italy: Appearances and
Realities." Ernest Melby of North-
western University will be chairman
at the session.:
Demonstration Broadcast
The general session at 3:30 p.m.
in the Rackham Buildingnsponsored
by the Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem, will present a demonstration of
a broadcast and the classroom use
of a typical program. A dramatiza-
tion of the program "Ships on dthe
Spanish 'Main" will be prsented.
Sterling Fisher, director of educa-
tion and radio talks for CBS, will give
a talk on "Pan-American Develop-
ments in Classroom Radio." Luis
Sanchez Ponton, Mexican Minister of
Education, will discuss "The Forth-
coming Latin American Conference
of the School of the Air of the Amer-
Davila Will Speak
At 7:45 p.m. Carlos Davila, former
Chilean ambassador to the United
States, will address. the convention
on "The Future for Democracy in the
Western Hemisphere." Maurice Bonn
of the University of Pennsylvania will
discuss "Prospects for the Future."
Joseph McCulley of Pickering Col-
lege, Ontario, will be chairman at
the session.
At 9 p.m. in Waterman Gymnasi-
um the nightly folk festival will be
held, this time with a little different
slant. Country dances characteris-
tic of this country will be spotlight-
ed, and the audience will participate
in the festival, "learning through do-
Six Exhibits Featured
Six exhibits are being held here in
conjunction with the conclave. An
exhibit on children's art of the Wes-
tern Hemisphere is being shown daily
in the Rackham Galleries. The Ann
Arbor Library is featuring an exhibit
on books of the Far East, and in the
Rackham Study Hall an exhibit on
Western Hemisphere books is being
A Health Demonstration, prepared
by the University, is being shown in
Room 100 Rackham, and in Room
1504 Rackham an exhibit prepared
by the Institute for Human Adjust-
Summer Directory
Continues Campus
Distribution Today

To Address Conference

Count Sforza
Will Address




Count Carlo Sforza, Carnegie visit-
ing lecturer, will give the last of the
week's talks in the series sponsored
by the Graduate Study Program in
Public Policy in a World at War at
4:15 p.rni. today in Hill Auditorium
on "The Diplomatic Debacle: Lon-
don and Paris before Munich."
Entering the Italian diplomatic
service in 1896, Count Sforza served
on the staffs of the legations and em-
bassies at Cairo, Paris, Constantino-
ple, Peking, Bucharest, Madrid and
London. In 1906 he was head secre-
tariat at the Algeciras Conference.
From 1911 to 1915 he was minister to
China, and was minister to Serbia
from 1915 to 1918.
Under-secretary of State for For-
eign Affairs from 1919 to 1920, Count
Sforza was named Minister for For-
eign Affars in 1920. In that capacity
he negotiated and signed the Treaty
of Rapallo with Yugoslavia, signed
anti-Hapburg agreements with Yugo-
slavia, Czechoslovakia and Rumania,
proposed the frontier partition in
Upper Silesia which was adopted by
the League of Nations and opposed
secret pacts for the partition of Tur-
Named ambassador to France in
1922, Count Sforza resigned on the
advent of the Fascists to power, lead-
ing the Democratic Opposition until
1926 when the opposition parties were
Count Sforza is the author of "L'-
enigme chinoise," "Diplomatic Europe
Since the Versailles Treaty," "Makers
of Modern Europe," "European Dic-
tatotrships," "Les freres ennemis,"
"L'ame italienne," "Europe and Euro-
peans," "Synthese de l'Europe" and
"Pachitch et l'Union des Yougo-
slaves." He is also a contributor to
many periodicals.

Various posts on the campus will be
manned by boys from the University
Fresh Air Camp tomorrow in the an-
nual summer Tag Day campaign to
raise funds for the camp.
The drive, under the direction of
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the Depart-
ment of Engineering Mechanics, will
raise money to aid in giving more
than 300 underprivileged boys from
Ann Arbor, Jackson, Flint and De-
troit a vacation at the Fresh Air
Camp on the shores of Patterson Lake
in Livingston County.
Will Receive Cards
Contributors to the fund will be
given a card bearing a picture of the
famous "Little "Boy on the Diving
Board," symbol of the University
The Camp was founded in 1921,
with the dual purpose of giving under-
privileged boys of this area a four
weeks vacation away from the city
streets, and of providing a laboratory
for the study of boy psychology and
problems of boys entering their teens.
Graduate Students Employed
Graduate students in psychology,
sociology and education enroll at the
camp as counsellors, and give aid and
advice to the boys, at the same time
studying their problems. Year-round
counsellors follow the cases up, keep-
ing in contact with the boys for the
entire year.
In its 20 years the Fresh Air Camp'
has grown from a small cluster of
tents to the modern, spacious camp
House Cancels
Move To End
Session Today
Legislature Rebels Against
Governor's 'Economy'
Vetoes; 31 To Review
LANSING, July 8.-UP)-The Re-
publican-dominated Legislature re-
belled against Governor Van Wag-
oner today and threatened to re-
main in technical session until it has
gained at least some of its points.
Such a move would tie the Gov-
ernor's hand in many patronage af-
fairs, and defeat his plans to oust
Republican holdover appointive offi-
cials. While the Legislature is in
session-either active or technical-
it alone holds power to remove.
The House of Representatives can-
celled the vote by which the Legis-
lature had fixed tomorrow for final
adjournment. It buried in commit-
tee the resolution which would have
fixed July 9 for adjournment, and
offered a new resolution calling for
a recess until September 9. Its spon-
sors said they had in mind a series
of recesses which might last until
the life of the 1941 Legislature ex-
pires on January 1, 1943, if they
found this feasible, because a body
in recess technically is in session.
Back in .session, the House voted
to override the Governor's vetoes
of a series of items in appropriation
bills totaling $670,000. Van Wagoner
had vetoed the items, he said, to
bring the state budget into balance.

located on the shores of Lake Pat-
Boys for the camp are recom-
mended byrvarious social agencies in
Ann Arbor, Detroit, Jackson and
Drives in the past have raised from
$200 to $2,000, and it has been esti-
mated that students have contributed
nearly 20 per cent of the funds that
support the camp.
Social agencies that send the boys
to camp pay for his stay at the camp,
but the sum paid by the agencies is
only sufficient to p'artially cover the
expenses of the camp.
ByReds rive
Germans Back
Moscow Claims Disorder
Among Invaders; Front
Line Remains Steady
MOSCOW, Wednesday, July 8.-(/P)
-The Red Army today announced
it had launched a series of counter-
attacks against German forces at
many points along a 1,000-mile front
stretching almost from the Black Sea
to the Baltic, successfully driving the
invaders back in disorder in big tank,
artillery' and airplane battles.
Soviet troops, said a communique
of the Soviet Information Bureau,
"carried out a cour er-attack against
Rumanian and German troops, driv-
ing them back in disorder beyond the
Prut," the river border between Bess-
arabia and Rumania proper which
the Germans crossed several days
In the vicinity of Balti in the cen-
ter of Bessarabia, apparently the
scene of the bitterest fighting here,
the Germans with drew in disorder.
Fighting On The Plains
BERLIN, July 8.-(MP)-The bitter-
est fighting yet encountered in the
Nazi-Soviet war was reported unfold-
ing on the Russian plains tonight as
the German infantry stormed tricky
and deceptive defenses which, Nazis
said, had been prepared for years by
the Soviet army leaders.
The German High Command devot-
ed just one sentence to the Russian
campaign, and that is customary
when the fighting is hard and great
issues are at stake. The daily com-
munique said simply: "Operations. on
the eastern front are proceeding on

Kauf man-Hart Comedy Opens
At Lydia Mendelssohn Today
"George Washington Slept Here," be seen as Tommy Hughes, Sue Ba
George S. Kaufman's and Moss Hart's rington, Miss Wilcox and Mr. Pre
comedy hit, will open its four-day cott, respectively.
Ann Arbor run at 8:30 p.m. today at The plot of the comedy cente
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as around the troubles of farm-lovin
the second offering of the speech de- Newton Fuller who buys an estate
partment's Michigan Repertory Play- Bucks County, Pa. His wife Ann
ers. belle is opposed to life in the cou
Norman Oxhandler and Claribel try and prefers the excitemento
Baird will play the leading roles of the city. In addition to the confli
Newton Fuller and his wife, Anna- between husband and wife, farm pro
belle. Mr. Oxhandler is a veteran lems and unwelcomed guests bothe
member of Play Production and Mrs. the Fullers.
Baird is professor of speech at the "George Washington Slept Here
Oklahoma College for Women. (Continued on Page 4)
Neil Smith is cast as Mr. Kimber;
William Mills as Steve Eldridge; June T A1 t r
Milnhasm~an e nn:A.L. All-Stars
Madison as Katie; Nancy Bowman a
Mrs. Douglas; Lyman Partridge asNa i n l
Clayton Evans;LAdanMcFarland as Sink Nationals
Rena Leslie; Dorothy Haydel as Hes-
ter, and John Hathaway as Ray- In Ni
mond.jnt ,7 .
Prof. Willian P. Halstead of the
speech department will appear as
Uncle Stanly while James McIntyre Williams Slams Winnin
takes the part of Leggett Frazer. Hit; Vaughan Gets Two
Other members of the cast are George
Batka, Madeleine Rupp, Mary Ellen Sixth Victory For Leagu
Wheeler and William Altman who will
(Special to The Daily)
British Strike DETROIT, July 8.-Frank Merr
well had nothing on Ted Williams:
At Nazi Bases Briggs Stadium today when t
young Boston outfielder stepped u
In Huge Raids to the plate with two out in the nin
and neatly polled a three-run hom
against the top of the right fie
English Invasion Attempt stands giving the American Leau
Rumored While Enemy its sixth victory over the senior ci
Rumoed W ile nemycuit by a 7 to 5 margin.
Engages Soviets In East The second half of the nin
____- opened with the Nationals ahea
(By The Associated Press) 5 to 3. After Frankie Hayes flied o
(ByH d to second, Ken Keltner and Joe Go
LONDON, July 8.-Hundreds of don singled and Travis drew a pas
British bombers struck across the and then with the bases loaded an
English Channel late today, eluding a crowd of 56,674 spectators ten
the Germans' new floating anti- with excitement, Joe DiMaggio hi
aircraft batteries to blast targets in a three and two pitch to score o
run and force Travis at second. W
northern France and in Germany, liams, batting in the cleanup sp
among them the Nazi naval base of followed with his four-bagger.
Wilhelmshaven. Arky Vaughan, stocky Pittsbur
Theb AF's attack on western Ger- shortstop, took the slugging hono
man bases, airfields, factories and hitting for the circuit twice to a
communications, day and night, count for four National League ru
since June 11, gained in intensity, in the seventh and eighth inning
authoritative statements disclosed. The first came with none out aft
Attacks on German naval bases Enos Slaughter of the Cards ha
such as Wilhelmshaven were regard- singled, and the second with John
ed as primarily intended to destroy Mize, also of the Cards, safe on ba
or cripple Germany's output of sub- after belting out a long doublet
marines. center field. Vaughan is the on
There even have been hints that batter who has ever hit two roun
the British may soon try a series of trippers in one All-Star contest.
invasion sorties to test Germany's The , only other National Leag
western defenses while the Nazis are tally came in the sixth when t)
deeply engaged with the Soviets in Reds' Bucky Walters started festi
the east. ties with a two-bagger, was mov
No British planes were lost in the to third on a sacrifice by Stan Ha
late afternoon attack on Wilhelms- of the Cubs, and scored on a saci
haven, it was said authoritatively. fice fly by Terry Moore, Cardin
The Air Ministry said heavy bomb- outfielder.
ers with fighter escorts scored hits First run in the game was scor
across the synthetic oil plant between off big Paul Derringer of the Re
Bethune and Lens, in the Lille area. (Continued on Page 4)


President Indicates Points
Beyond Indefinite Line
As PotentiallyVery Vital
Monroe Doctrine
Is CitedBy Nazis
WASHINGTON, July 8. -(1)-
President Roosevelt made it clear
today that the uncertain line sep-
arating the Eastern and Western
Hemispheres would not be considered
the eastern. boundary of American
defense activities.
In a press conference statment
which followed the American occupa-
tion of Iceland, the President said
there were points beyond that line
which might become of terrible im-
portance to this country. He had
stopped, he said, trying to determine
just where the line ran.
The Chief Executive met reporters
toward the celose of a day which had
seen the White House, through his
secretary, Stephen T. Early, reprove
Senator Wheeler (Dem-Mont) for
saying last week he had information
that Iceland would be taken over by
this country.
Early took the position that
Wheeler had disclosed military in-
formation and at his press confer-
ence Mr. Roosevelt said he thought
the case spoke for itself.
Refused To Reply
As for the reasons behind the Ice-
land move, the President said he
could not reply categorically to a
question whether he knew of any
German intention to establish a base
upon the island.
In a war, he said, one puts one's
self in the position of the other fel-
low, and asks what action would be
taken in a given set of circumnstances.
Sometimes action taken was based
upon information, he said, and some-
times not.
"Do you think the other fellow is
likely to make any move toward the
Azores or Cape Verde Islands?" he
was asked.
Cannot Prognosticate
Mr. Roosevelt's reply was that he
could not prognosticate. In a recent
speech, he stressed what he consid-
ered the importance of those Atlantic
islands to the defense of this country.
Questioning swung to the recom-
mendation of General George C.
Marshall, the Army chief of staff,
that selectees and national guards-
men be retained in service beyond
their originally scheduled year and
that present legal limitations re-
stricting their service to the Western
Hemisphere be removed. He heartily
approved of the former, at least in
part, but in view of what he consid-
ered the vagueness of where the
Hemispheric dividing line lay he
plainly thought the second of less
Berlin Protests
Iceland Move
NEW YORK, July 8. -(P)- The
first German reaction to the occupa-
tion of Iceland by the United States
came tonight in a German shortwave
broadcast by Lord Haw Haw, Ber-
lin's star propaganda announcer for
the English-speaking public.
The announcer described the move
as "an act of aggression" which in
effect scraps the Monroe Doctrine,
according, to the broadcast as heard
here by CBS. Lord Haw Haw was
quoted in part as follows :
Strike From Behind
"Now President Roosevelt decides
to strike at Europe from behind
and to violate the sovereignty of a
small and defenseless people who has
preferred to remain neutral. After
occupying Greenland he has now sent
troops to Iceland, thus committing
an act of aggression . .
"Since the war does not go to Mr.
Roosevelt in the Western Hemisphere,

Mr. Roosevelt has decided to run
after the war for thousands of miles
into the European hemisphere. Thus
the Monroe Doctrine has been finally
torn to pieces and Mr. Roosevelt's
own assertion that his measures were
taken to safeguard the Western Hem-
isphere has been refuted . .
Condemns U.S. Action
The Boersen Zeitung, Berlin's lead-
ing financial paper and the only other

'Whistle While
You Work' Out
In .Army Life
MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 8.-(I)-
Weary and footsore soldiers of the
35th divisions "doghouse" battalion,
paying the penalty for an outburst
of whistling and calling to shorts-
clad girls on a Memphis golf course,
obviously had learned their lesson
tonight as they alternately hiked and
rode through Arkansas.
Strictly silent and with not even a
sidelong glance for girls on the side-
walks the 350 chastened soldiers
passed through Forrest City; Ark., in
mid-afternoon, one-third of the pen-
ance trek completed in punishment*
ordered by Lieut. Gen. Ben Lear for
conduct he said was a "disgrace to
the Army."
Before leaving Memphis under a
hot sun for the 150-mile jaunt back
to Camp Robinson, one trooper said,
"it's the old Army game. We'd just
gotten a pat on the back for our

The 1941 Summer Student and
Faculty Directory, issued yesterday,
will continue on sale today, accord-
ing to Roy Neff, business manager.
The book contains the Ann Arbor
address, school and phone number of
every rstudent in Summer School, as
well as the home address--a new feat-
ure for the Summer Directory.
The -orange-bound "Where's Who"
also contains a complete listing of
the Summer School staff, and the
University exchanges.
Selling for 35 cents, the Directory,
will be on sale today on campus, in
the bookstores, in the Union and
League and magazine stands.
Illini Grid Stars Protest
Move To Oust Zuppke
CHICAGO, July 8.-(P)-Harold E.
(Red) Grange and 23 other former
-r,. .. I --- 14 M nnh l fQr

Dr. Hu Shih In Policy Series :
Current Conflict Of Ideologies
Caused By Totalitarian Assault

From The New Education Conference:
Daniels Calls South Biggest U.S.
Economic, Defense Problem

The conflict of ideologies in the
world today is in reality an aggres-
sive onslaught of the totalitarian
systems against the ideologically de-
fenseless and unprepared democra-
cies, Dr. Hu Shih, China's ambassa-
dor to the United States, declared
Dr. Hu's lecture was sponsored by
the Graduate Study Program in Pub-
lic Policy in a World at War. At the
outset he defined the term "ideolo-
gy" as any set or system of ideas
about life, society and government,
originating as consciously advocated
or dogmatically asserted social, poli-
tical or religious slogans and, through'
1^~.rr vwn cc 4ofvnrnna ra . aandA

convert the whole civilized world to
its system of government."
This conflict has come about, Dr.
Hu noted, because the totalitarian
states have undertaken to "condemn,
combat and destroy what all of them
regard as their common antithesis,
their common enemy, namely, the sys-
tem of democratic ideas, ideals, prac-
tices and institutions."
The present crisis, Dr. Hu main-
tained, has begun to. force upon the
surviving democracies the gravity of
this conflict of ideologies, and a few
great leaders, among them President
Roosevelt, have begun to fight back
against the organized attack of the
totalitarian nations. -

'Aw, Help A Feller


More than 2,500 educators assem-
bled in Rackham Auditorium last
night to hear Jonathan Daniels,
noted author, explain that the South
is now not only America's number
one economic problem, but America's
number one defense problem.
The South, Mr. Daniels said, still
contains 11,000,000 people belonging
to families with an income less than,
$250 per year. "If these people can-
not make a living, they will eat up
the land, not only the South, but the
entire nation."
The South has changed-from a
South preserved by poverty to a pleas-
anter, brighter, more modern South.
But with this has come a new fear.

of the children who are our Ameri-
can future."
The number of tenant farmers in
the South has decreased, according
to Mr. Daniels, although there is still
poverty and misery there.
Defense has become the main inter-
est of the South, part of the land
more willing than any other to fight
to preserve American democracy.,
"National defense," he added, "must
be shaped in terms of national dem-
Other speakers at the general ses-
sion of the New Education Fellow-
ship conference last night were Paul
Engle and Carl Sandburg, poets. Mr.
Engle discussed "The Midwest: Its
Land and Its People," and Mr. Sand-



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