Benjamin.. Lovett Instructs
Students In Square Dancing Art
Benjamin B. Lovett, instructor in support to the revival of the old-time'
square and country dancing in the dances.
social activities department of Edi- Honorary member of the New York
son Institute in Dearborn, comes to Society of Teachers of Dancing, Mr.
the University campus for the third Lovett goes to various educational
summer as one of the foremost auth--
institutions and normal schools to
offer instruction to teachers. He is
former president of the International
Dancing Teachers Association.
Scope of Mr. Lovett's work is broad.
"I guess I teach every branch of
dancing but adagio," he asserts. Phys-
ical education departments of 32 col-
leges have featured his square danc-
ing classes. At the present time, with
a staff of 14 assistants, the master
gives instruction eight hours daily,
five days a week.
During a portion of the year he
travels south with Mr. Ford teaching
in the schools in that area for a
time. When in that region he gives
two demonstrations daily at the Ways
School in Georgia.
The classes given free to Summer
Session students each year, through
the courtesy of Henry Ford, take
place in the ballroom of the Michi-
gan League. Second meeting of the
present series was held from 7:30 to
9 p.m. yesterday, with over 200 in
Weather Soars School Of Educat
To Extremes Roundtable I
At M t. Pleasant Yesterday afternoon the School of
Education held their first of a series
of educational roundtable discus-
Central Michigan School sions in the University Elementary
OpensSummr Se~iORand High Schools. .
Opens Summer Session The schedule for today is: Round-
For Education Students table 1. "The Teacher's Mental
Health. Raymond Fisher, Assistant
By HENRY SMITH professor of education, Oberlin Col-
(Special to The Daily) lege (1203 UHS). Roundtable 2.
MT. PLEASANT.-With the tem- "Place of Adult Education in National
perature hovering near the 95 degree Defense," Betty Eckhardt May, visit-
ing lecturer in Sociology and Adult
mark, summer students of the Cen- Education, University of Minnesota
tral Micigan College of Education (1430 UES). Roundtable 3, "Issues in
spent Monday, June 30, enrolling for the Financing of Education," Arthur
the six weeks course offered by the B. Moehlman, professor of school ad-
school. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the ministration and supervision (UHS
auditorium. Roundtable 4: "The
halls of Warriner Hall, the admin- School System's Responsibility for
istration building, were filled with Out-of School Youth," George E. My-
students engaged in the activities of ers, professor of vocational education
filling out cards and paying tuition and Guidance (1426 UES).
and fees. On Tuesday morning, July Olson To Head Roundtable
1, classes began in the various build- Roundtable 5: "Growth, Feeling
ings about the campus. and Human Relations," Willard C.
The summer session is divided into Olson, professor of education and
two sections. The graduate division director of research in child develop-
is carried on in cooperation with the ment (1021 UHS). Roundtable 6:
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad- "Types of Group-Psychological At-
uate Studies of the University of mosphere and Problems of Classroom
Michigan while the undergraduate Teaching," Fritz Red, lecturer in edu-
division is the second division., cation (4001 UHS). Roundtable 7:
The graduate school has two visit- "Responsibilities of the Teacher of
ing faculty members. Both of the the Social Studies in the Present
non-resident members are from the
University of Michigan. Prof. Har-
old Dorr is an associate professor in New York Claims
the political science department att
the University and will act as an in- Title As Fashione
structor of political science on Cen- Cen 'Ofld
tral's campus. Professor Dorr has an Centerr
A.B. degree and a Ph.D. degree.
George Meyer, an assistant professor NEW YORK, July 7.-()-New
of psychology at the University, will York City proclaimed itself today to
teach psychology. Professor Meyer be the successor-on merit-to Paris
also has an A.B. degree and a Ph.D.
degree as well as a M.A. degree. as the world's fashion center.
The graduate school of the Cen- The price means nothing. You
tral Michigan College originated in a can get a day frock for $1.95 or an
formal request from the State Board evening gown for $295.
of Education which was passed as a In ceremonies at City Hall mark-
resolution of the Board of Regents ing the sewing of the first "New
of the University of Michigan. The York creation" labels in 20 dresses
request was that the University co-
operate with four Michigan teachers designed for the fall trade, Mayor
college in planning a graduate pro- F. H. LaGuardia declared triumph-
gram of instruction. As a result of antly:
the resolution passed by the Board a "New York has assumed the lead-
graduate division has been set up. ership because the creative talent is
here, the skill and mechanical talent
is here and there are more women
a lI e r a i g i our country wearing pretty clothes
ad In necreating hanroan
thnin any other country of the
r " " "world. New York City i the fashion
Lilpatrick Claims center of the world from now on.
"For a long, long time it was be-
lieved that a dress, in order to be
"If only we can agree to support fashionable, had to be designed in
law and order, really agree and really Paris. That is not true."
mean it-that will itself bring law Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who
and order," he concluded. participated in the ceremonies, said
Three other prominent educators it was necessary to have a public
gav spechs o wecom atthewith taste in order to promote a
gave speeches of welcome at the fashion center, and she credited the
opening session of the conference. WPA with elevating the country's
President Alexander G. Ruthven, taste.
John W. Studebaker and Carleton__ _ _ _ _ _
Washburne gave welcome addresses,
and responses were made by John G.
Althouse of the University of Toronto. Ty p write
Gustavo Adolfo Otero, Bolivian Min-
ister of Education, and Luis Sanchez Office and Portable Models
Ponton, Minister of Education in
Mexico. Harold Rugg of Teachers o all leading makes
College, Columbia University, was
chairman at the session. Bought, Sold,
During the opening session a Union Rented, Exchanged,
Jack was presented to the University Cleaned, Repaired 4
by the Canadian delegation. Dean
Clarence Yoakum accepted the flag One of the largest and best
in the name of the University. stocks in the State.
Wakefield Gets Two Hits
Dick Wakefield, the University's Q . D . M orrill
sophomore outfielder for whom the
Deetroit Tigers paid a more than 314 South State St.
$40,000 bonus last month, got two The Typewriter & Stationery Store
hits in four trips to the plate yester- i n (opposite Kresge's)
day as the Tigers defeated Saginaw Since 1908 Phone 6615
Mats. 25c - Nights 40c, incl. tax
ion To Sponsor
Discussion Series
Emergency," 0. W. Stephenson. asso-
ciate professor of the teaching of his-
tory, and head of the department of
social studies in the University High
School (1022 UHS). Roundtable 8,
"Arihtmetic Readiness." Clifford
Woody, professor of Education and
director of bureau of educational re-
ference and research (2015 UHS).
Tomorrow: Roundtable 1: "Tech-
niques of Diagnostic and Remedial
Reading (class period) Irving H. An-
derson, assistant professor of educa-
tion (4009 UHS). Roundtable 2: "Par-
ent Education as a State Responsibil-
ity," William E. Blatz, professor of
child psychology and director of the
institute of child study, University of
Toronto (UHS Aud.). Roundtable
3: "The Language Arts and the Dem-
ocratic Way of Life," Fred S. Dun-
ham, associate professor of Latin in
the University High School (1202
Eggertsen To Lead Discussion
Roundtable 4: "The Effect of World
War I on American Education,"
Claude Eggertsen, instructor in the
history of education (4001 UHS).
Roundtable 5, "The Role of the High
School in an Organized Community,"
Harlan C. Koch, professor of educa-
tion and assistant director of the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions (2015 UHS). Round
table 6: "Mental Health in the Class-
room-The Thirteenth Yearbook of
the Department of Supervisors and
Directors N.E.A.," Rudolph Lind-
Two Floors
Get into the
Teachers Must Le
World Order, K
Stressing the responsibility of the
teacher in recreating an international
order after war, Prof. William H.
Kilpatrick of Teachers College, Col-
umbia, charged 2,000 educators at
the opening session of the confer-
ence Sunday with spreading the les-
son of a common moral responsibil-
It is the duty of the teacher, he
said, to proclaim the three moral con-
cepts necessary for a world of peace
-regard for others, justice or the
ethical equality of treatment and the
acceptance of responsibility for the
common good.
The burden must be borne by the
United States more than any other
nation. We must cultivate intimate
and friendly relationship on an ever
widening scale.
In the past, Prof. Kilpatrick
charged, this country has been neg-
ligent in carrying its share of inter-
national duty. He cited our relations
with the League of Nations, the way
in which we built the Panama Canal,
and certain commercial relations with
nations to the south.
It is proving a moral strain on the
individual nations to move from their
merely self-centered view of regard
only for themselves to the more ade-
quate view of cooperation for the
common good of all. "But the very
existence of a decent civilization de-
mands that we make this moral ad-
If we cannot be sure of interna-
tional law and order, Professor Kil-
patrick added, we shall have to re-
main armed and equipped at great
expense to be ready to repel any at-
tack that may at any time come.
Swim of things!
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Summer's at its height right now! Vacations are in full
swing ... week-end dates roll around like clockwork ...
afternoon, swim dates pop up out of everywhere! And
are you making the most of them by looking the best
for them? Just to check up on yourself . . . come see
what an exciting lot of bathing suits we have in store for
you. Our prices are at a low tide . . . to keep your
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