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July 06, 1941 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-06

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, SUNDAY, J LY ' 6, '1941

U .



Daily Calendar of Events
Sunday, July 6-
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Monday, July 7-

4:15 p.m.
7:30 A.m.

Lecture. "The Economic War." John B. Condliffe, Professor of Economics,
University of California. (Hill Auditorium.)
Square and Country Dancing-Benjamin B. Lovett, Edison Institute, Dear-
born, Michigan. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Stu~dent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Tuesday, July 8-

4:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Lecture. "The Conflict of Ideologies." His Excellency, Hu Shih, Ambassa-
dor of China to the United States. (Hill Auditorium.)
Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom).
Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League. Anyone wishing to play is invited.
Come with or without partners.

Wednesday, July 9-

4:30 5:30
4:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.

p.m. Dancing.t(Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with
or without partners.
p.m. Lecture. "Writing For Radio." Miss Geraldine Elliott, Continuity
Editor of Station WJR, Detroit. (Auditorium, W. K. Kellogg Institute).
Lecture. "The Diplomatic Debacle: London and Paris Before Munich."
Men's Education Club meeting. (Michigan Union.)
Count Carlo Sforza, Carnegie Visiting Lecturer. (Hill Auditorium.)
Women's Education Club meeting. (Alumnae Room, Michigan League.)
Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.)
"George-Washington Slept' Here," by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart,
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

By Terence
letter in Friday's Daily from
"Social Work Student" complaining
because his name had never appeared
in the Summer Student Directory
during the two years he has been en-
rolled in the University Social Work
School in Detroit. Four inches of
gripe about not seeing his name in
the Directory, and then wouldn't let
his real name be printed with the
letter. Ho hum!
* **
Silly Signs Seen Somewhere: In
the old Health Service: "Surgeons
will be in for emergency operations on
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
only" . . . On thebicycle stand in
front of East Engineering Building:
"No bicycle riding allowed on cam-
pus, by order of the Board of Re-
gents" . . . In the obstetrical ward
of a Chicago hospital: "No Children
Allowed" . . .
Advertisement for a series of meet-
ings sponsored by a local church:
"Questions That Haunt Mankind:
July 29, Supper and Reception" . .
Along the roads on Belle Island in
Detroit: "Drive slowly, don't kill our
Plug in advance for a really worth-
while cause: University Fresh Air
Camp Tag Day to be held Wednesday.
Lend a hand to the famous "Little
Boy on the Diving Board." Everyone
will be happier if you do-you and
the little boy and Terence.
* * *
Our contemporaries publicize a
Mr. and Mrs. P- will live in
Plainwell. The former is assistant
director of nursing in University
Hospitaldand received her bachelor
of arts degree from the University
in 1933, graduating in the school
of nursing. .,
-_Ann Arbor News, June 28
Wonder where her wife got his de-,


By Lichty



Editorial Staff

Thursday, July 10-

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Business Stafj

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
. William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
Barbara Jenswold
Daniel H. Huyett
Fred M. Ginsberg
Florence Shurgin

7:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited.
Come with or without partners.
"George Washington Slept Here," by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

"None of that defeatist talk, Adele!-Britain MUST hold out
'til we get these socks knitted!"

Business Manager
Local Advertising Manager
"Women's Advertising Manager

Friday, July 11-


8:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

"George Washington Slept Here," by
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Social Evening. (Michigan League

George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
Ballroom). Come with or without

(Continued from Page 2)

Saturday, July 12-

8:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.

"George Washington Slept Here," by
(Lydia-Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Social Evening. (Michigan League

George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
Ballroom). Come with or without

For A World
After War ... .
world darkened by clouds of war, a
small group of English educators banded togeth-
er in the hope of throwing a beam of light that
might dispel the war clouds, that might act as a
beacon for a world floundering in its own civili-
zation - a beam of light that was to be the New
Today the descendant of that small society,
no longer confined to one country, but spread
throughout the nations, meets in Ann Arbor,
once again in a world darkened by war clouds,
once again with the hope of throwing a ray of
light to a blinded world.
T HEN, AS NOW, the New Education Fellow-
ship vigorously advocated its basic idea-that
there is a necessity for creating a new world
through education, but creating that world not
by revolution but by evolution. Then, as now,
it sought the better way, the way of tolerance,
neighborliness and careful planning.
This year, cognizant of the need for creat-
ing a better world, the Fellowship has adopted
the general theme "Education and a World Soci-
ety" for its eighth international conference. And
out of this theme there comes the hope of plan-
ning in a world at war for a world at peace after
the war through education-"a world in which
war simply will not have a place."
IN THE HOPE of securing this objective, the
Fellowship has brought to the Harvard of
the Midwest a group of outstanding speakers,
both on education and world problems. It has
arranged a series of study groups to take up the
problem of education in the crisis and the New
Education afterwards. It has scheduled a ser-
ies of lecture seminars on Latin America, in
which well-known authorities on the republics to
the south will give talks on various phases of life
south of the Rio. And it has arranged social
functions in which the delegates from the various
countries may get to know each other better and
so come to understand each others' problems
The conference will accent neighborliness
between the two Americas. A delegation of over
50 is coming from the Latin Americas, disting-
uished educators all in their own countries. Ev-
erything possible will be done while they are
here to make them understand better their nor-
thern brother, and to make us understand bet-
ter our southern neighbors.
VARIOUS EXHIBITIONS will be held here in
conjunction with the conference: one on
children's art of the Western Hemisphere, one
on education among the Indians and one on the
book as a tool for promoting hemisphere unity.
There will be folk festivals in which native groups
will present dances of their own countries. Tues-
day will be Parents' Day, and on that same day
the foregoing delegations will tour Greenfield
All this in world at war. Some might call it
futile, and perhaps naive. And yet everyone
gathered here for this conference knows that the
war will end, possibly not soon, but that it will.
After that there will be a world exhausted, bleed-
ing, a world of chaos. And it is for this world that
the Fellowship prepares: for a better world after
-Bill Baker

Sunday, July 13-



Concert by the High School Clinic Band. (Hill Auditorium.)
Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
The Art Cinema League. a(Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)
film-"Peg of Old Drurey."


Headline in The Michigan
July 4:
FDR To Give
Fourth Of July
Speech Today


Washington M erry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Military intelligence reports
from Norway add new significance to the Justice
Department's anti-trust suit against Aluminum
Corporation of America on the charge of hold-
ing down the production of aluminum in the
United States.
THE REPORTS also show how the Nazis are
exploiting the resources of victim nations to
ensure their permanent enslavement.
Because of her cheap hydro-electric power re-
sources, little Norway has always been a leading
aluminum producer. In 1938, Norway produced
29,035 long tons of this vital wartime metal.
rhat year Germany boosted her output to 165,-
000 tons, while U.S. production, under the re-
stricting cartel system, dropped to 130,100 tons.
T HE AMOUNT of Germany's present alumi-
num output is not known, though it is taken
for granted that under war pressure, production
is now well over 200,000 tons. Now the Nazis are
going to increase their supplies still further by
expanding Norwegian production three or four
times by an intensive development of the victim's
water power, particularly on the west coast and
along the Skaggerak.
Nazi Methods
For this purpose the Nazis have organized a
new company, the Nordische Aluminum Aktien-
gesellschaft, with an initial capital of 20,000,000
marks. This firm will swallow up all the pri-
vately owned Norwegian aluminum concerns, in-
cluding Norsk Aluminum, which was owned
jointly by British Aluminum, Ltd., and a Cana-
dian affiliate of Aluminum Corporation of
THIS EXPLAINS why the British have been
concentrating on power plants in their bomb-
ings raids over Norway. The more of them put
out of commission, the less aluminum the Nazis
can obtain.
50 Years' Pay
Donald G. Clark, hefty chief of the OPM's
equipment and supplies division, has learned the
value of a dollar since becoming a $1-a-Year
Gulf Oil Company executive, Clark calls
Providence, R. I., his home town. Recently
he received a letter from a Providence civic group
announcing a fund-raising campaign for a new
community building. The letter asked for a do-
The OPM chief responded with a $50 check.
"You ought to be glad to get this," wrote Clark.
"It represents 50 years' salary to me."
Chilled 'Cooling Period'


tained a compulsory 30-day no-strike period, to
be enforced by federal injunction.
Only two Democrats, Vinson and Representa-
tive Mendel Rivers of South Carolina, voted for
the compromise. If not for the solid vote of the
nine Republicans, the measure would have been
junked. It was when Rayburn got 'vind of this
that he decided to speak out.
THE blunt-talking Texan told Vinson plenty.
But this was as nothing to the verbal shell-
fire he got from three Democratic members of
the committee, Warren Magnuson of Washing-
ton, Ed Izac of California and Joseph Shannon
of Missouri.
"You can call this a compromise if you want
to," Magnuson declared, "but it's still too much
for me to stomach. I won't vote for anything
that denies a laboring man the most important
right he has, to strike. A law which repeals
this right, even for a temporary period, sets a
dangerous precedent."
SHANNON told Vinson the bill gave anti-labor
employers "a weapon they never had before"
and predicted a wave of "murder and oppres-
3ion." Izac contended that the President's power
to use the Army in strike-bound defense plants
made restrictive legislation unnecessary.
Nazi Shakedowns
Subversive activity was not the only reason the
NTazi consulates were closed. Also high on the
list of offenses was bald racketeering by Nazi
consular officials.
THE COMMONEST FORM was shakedowns of
persons seeking to get relatives out of Ger-
many. Government authorities have a large mass
of evidence on many cases of this kind. Here is
one example:
Early this year a U.S. citizen in a community
near New York (for obvious reasons, names can-
not be mentioned) went to the German consulate
to arrange for a relative to emigrate to this coun-
try. He was told that $250 would be necessary
for the required papers. The money was paid
over and a receipt given.
TWO MONTHS LATER came another request
for money, this time for $500 to "guarantee
the relative's safe delivery." The U.S. citizen sold
his car to secure the sum and made the payment.
Four months have passed and he has heard no
word from the consulate, the relative-or about
the $750.
Note-Following the closing of Nazi consul-
ates, State and Justice Department officials de-
bated whether to make public these examples of
Nazi perfidy, finally decided not to do so for
the present.
New Farm Bill

When else?
* * *
The authorities behind the New
Education Fellowship conference
opening here today faced quite a
problem in the number of non-Eng-
lish speaking delegates from Latin
America. Science, however, came to
the rescue of the group.
Seventy or so earphones were at-
tached to that many seats over in the
Rackham Auditorium. While the
speakers are talking cn the platform,
a translator will read the speech in
Spanish over the P.A. system attached
to the earphones.
T h e delegates will hear the
speeches in Spanish and see them in
English. Darn clever, if you ask me,
but confusin'.
* * *
Punster About Town: Most of the
news out of the Axis capitals is Im-
propaganda... There is a new name
for beauty salon operators: Pan Han-
dlers . . . I know a Hollywood actor
who works for a (phe) nominal sum .
She's so ugly her face would stop a
sun dial . . . Uncle Sam's foresight
is better than his hindsight as he be-
gins to round up the spies who too
long have had an insight into our
bombsight ... Ouch!
And don't forget Tag Day Wednes-
forced out of the measure in several
revisions. Two major sections deal-
ing with farm labor and parity loans
were torpedoed following blasts by
farm leaders called in for consulta-
tion by Secretary Wickard.
at giving farm laborers and ten-
ants a slice of the benefits resulting
from higher parity loans. It would
have empowered the withholding of
subsidy payments, loans and other
benefits from farm owners who did-
n't observe wage-hour and leasing
standards, which the Secretary of
Agriculture would fix.
This brought such a loud howl
from the Farm Bureau and National
Grange that it was finally dropped.
But the far-reaching proposal is by
no means dead. It may be offered
later in a separate bill.
March On Washington
The other deleted section would
have reduced crop loans from the
present level of 85 per cent to 75
per cent of parity. Therskillfulthand
of Paul Appleby, power-seeking un-
der secretary, who strongly opposed
the 85 per cent parity-loan bill
passed this year, was behind this.
APPLEBY sold Wickard on the
idea that 75 per cent loans, plus
parity pavments and higher farm

Washtenaw. As the number of places
at the tables is limited those interest-
ed should apply at once to Mlle
Jeanne Rosselet, Directrice, 1414
Washtenaw, tel. 2-2547.
Le Foyer Francais is under the
auspices of the Romance Language
Department of the University.
The Museum of Art and Achaeol-
ogy. A special exhibit of the Neville
Collection of ceramics and bronzes
from Siam, June 30-July 12.
Clarence Strait, Rhodes Scholar,
League of Nations observer, author
of t'nion Now, and Chairman of
Federal Union Inc. will speak at a
luncheon in Room 101 Michigan
Union at 12:15, Monday, July 7. Pro-
fessor Pollock will preside. Call the
WMichigan Union for reservations.
The bell chamber of the Burton
Memorial Tower will be open to visit-
ors interested in observing the play-
inrg of the bells from 12 noon to 12:15
p.m. daily this week, July 7 through
July 11.
Biological Chemistry Lectures. The
second of the series of lectures on
the fat-soluble vitamins will be given
by Professor E. A. Doisy of St. Louis
University at 2:00 p.m. on July 7, 8,
9, and 10 in Room 151, Chemistry
Building. The lecture on July 7
will be concerned with the estrogenic
hormones; those on July 8, 9, and 10
will take up Vitamin K. All inter-
ested are invited to attend.
All Campus Tournaments for
Women. Tournaments will be held in
the following sports: Tennis, both
singles and mixed doubles. Golf,
Medal play on 18 holes. Badminton,
singles. Archery, Columbia Round.
Entrants should fill out an entry
blank (to be found elsewhere in this
paper) and send it to Barbour Gym-
nasium by Monday, July 7th.
Speech Students: All undergradu-
ate students in Speech and wives are
invited to attend a tea given by the
Speech faculty in the Garden of the
Michigan League from 4 to 6 p.m.,
Monday, July 7.
Lecture. "The Economic War."
John B. Condliffe, Professor of Eco-
nomics, University of California.
4:15 p.m., Monday, July 7. Hill Au-

The Departments of , Latin and
Greek will hold an informal recep-
tion for all students in the Depart-
ments on Monday evening, July 7,
from 7:30 to 10 o'clock in the Michi-
gan League Garden.
Graduate Students, and others in-
terested, are invited to listen to the
regular Tuesday program of recorded
music to be given in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8:00
p.m., July 8. The following "all
Beethoven" program will be played:
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Vi-
olin Concerto in D major.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course
may be elected for credit after the
end of the second week. Saturday,
July 12, is therefore the last day on
which new elections may be approved.
The willingness of an instructor to
admit a student later will not affect
the operation of this rule.
Tennis Players. An open hour for
tennis players will be held on Tues-
day and Thursday, July 8 and 10,
from 4:00 to 5:30 at Palmer Field.
This is an opportunity for all stu-
dents interested in playing tennis to
meet and become acquainted with
others with the same interests.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will have
a group meeting at the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium Tuesday, July 8,
at 7 p.m., outlining the details of
registration. This will include all
those expecting to register for teach-
ing positions and for general busi-
ness positions. A series of three meet-
ings will be held to discuss why peo-
ple do not get jobs. At this first
meeting will be discussed the ob-
stacle of wrong courses.
Mathematics Tea. The graduate
students in mathematics and their
wives of husbands are cordially in-
vited to the informal tea to be given
by the staff of the Department of
Mathematics and their wives, in the
garden of the Michigan League, on
Tuesday, July 8, from 4 tp 6 p.m.
Graduate Students. The prelimin-
ary examination for the doctorate
during the Summer Session, in French
and German will be given Monday,
July 7, at 4 o'clock in the Natural
Science Auditorium. This early date
will enable students to know pre-
cisely what preparation must be
made for the individual examinations
(Continued on Page 6)




760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Sunday Evening
6:00 Dear Mom "Fight Reg'lar European
6:15 L. K. Smith Camp" Fellers News
6:30 World Clare; News Fitch Band Pearson and
6:45 News Interlude Wagon Allen
7:00 Pause That Detroit What's My Star Spangled
7:15 Refreshes Bible Name Theatre
7:30 Crime Doctor Class One Man's Inner Sanctum
7:45 Davis: News Week-End Review Family Mysteries
8:00 Ford Old Manhattan Winchell
8:15 Summer Fashioned Merry-Go-Round Parker Family
8:30 Hour Revival American Irene Rich
8:45 Program Meeting Album Bill Stern
9:00 Take It Or We Have Hour of The
9:15 Leave It Been There Charm Good
9:30 City Carry On, Deadline Will
9:45 Desk Canada Dramas Court

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