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August 20, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-20

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Civilian Adjustment
To The Draft ...



Army Chiefs
Plan Average
Service Time
: f18 Months
Officials Expect 200,000
Draftees, Guardsmen
Released By Christmas
. Estimates Subject
To War Conditions
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-(IP)-Se-.
lectees and National Guardsmen will
beheld in service an average of less
than 18 months, instead of the 30-
month hitch authorized by law, the
Army announced today.
Military sources said the statement,
which also asserted almost 200,000
selectees, . Guardsmen and others'
would be released before Christmas,
should give a pronounced "lift'- to,
troop morale.
The scheduled releases are subject
to the condition that 'this country
does not become more involved in the
international situation." However,
the hope was expressed it would not
be necessary to hold any individual
now in training for the full term per-
missible under the Service Extension1
Bill signed by President Roosevelt
Civilian Is Named
The Army statement, coupled witht
the unusual announcement that a]
civilian, Frederick H. Osborn of New_
York City, wouild become chief of the
Army morale branch with the rank,of
Brigadier General, was regarded as
evidence of an effort by Army leaders
to end criticism that morale in many
Army camps was at low ebb. r
Mr. Roogevelt sent to the Senate
the nomin tion of Osborn, a corpora-1
tion executive and social scientit, as
successor to Brigadier General James
A. Ulio. General Ulio, it was stated,
will undergo an operation shortly
which will keep him from active duty
for several months.1
.'Out By Christmas'c
Almost 200,000 trainees, Guards-c
men and officers of the reserve andc
Niational Guard who were broughtc
into Federal service before the end
of 1940 will be 'out of the trenchesI
by Christmas.' "Dependency and
hardship cases," trainees who werec
28 or older July 1 and married men
who ask releases will be discharged
in that order of priority.
Other selectees and Guardsmen will
be released "after an average ofI
about 18 months total service, somet
as early as 14 months," the depart-c
ment said.4
Some Army sources expressed the
view the high command was seekingR
to allay apprehension i Army can-
tonments that the 30-month limit_
was an arbitrarily fixed term of ser-
"The men now have ssurance that
they will be kept only ~s long as ab-
solutely necesary for national de-
fense," one officer said.
Applications Necessary
Those to be released before Christ-
mas must make applications to their
commanding officers. It was also
specified men would not be released
while their units were participating
in maneuvers or other special train-t
ing, except in case of dependency,
hardship or other emergency. En-t
listed trainees and Guardsmen who
wish to remain in service longer thanI
12 months may do so either by enlist-
ing :for a three-yer "hitch" in thec
regular army or by voluntarily ex-i
tending their training to the full 30t

months premitted by law. "
However, regular Army soldiers
now are not being permitted to re-
enlist unless they have become non-
commissioned officers or specialists
or have demonstrated ability which
would warrant promotion to non-
commissioned officer status. The
same standard is hereafter to be ap-
plied to menwho are 28 years old or
older; whether they be selectees or
National Guardsmen.
Myers To Deliver
Education Lecture
The last talk in the School of Edu-
cation Summer Series will be given
at 4 p.m. today in the University
High School Auditorium.
Dr. George E. Myers will be the
speaker. His topic "The Nature and
Scope of Pupil Personnel Work" is
a fitting close to the Series.

Senator Byrd Demands Complete


Reorganization Of DefenseEffort

Congressman Hits Production System, Warns Senate
That Everything Must Yield To Rearmament

Odessa Under Siege, Fall
Immmient, Nazis Report;
Russians Admit Setbacks

WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-()-
Senator Byrd (Dem.-Va.) today de-
manded a complete reorganizatibh'i of
the defense production system and
told the Senate "social gains" and
"everything else" must yield to the
rearmament effort.
"America has the capacity in labor
and raw materials to outproduce any
nation in the production of mechan-
ized equipment," he said. "In that
job for the past two years we have
failed and miserably failed, and the
sooner we as a nation realize it the
Invitations Sent
For Farewell
Dinner Formal
Latin-American Students
To Be Honored Guests
At Function Tomorrow
Ecuadorians, Chileans and Venez-
uelans of the Latin-American Sum-
mer Session of the International Cen-
ter will be honored guests at a formal
dinner to be given for them by the
University at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the
Invitations to attend the function
have been sent to Regent and MYs.
Franklin W. Cook, Regent Esther
Cram and Mr. Leroy Cram, Regent
and Mrs. David H. Crowley, Regent
and Mrs. Charles F. Hemans, Regent
and Mrs. J. Joseph Herbert, Regent
and Mrs. Harry G. Kipke, Regent and
Mrs. John D. Lynch and Regent and
Mrs. Edmund C. Shields.
President Alexander G. R~uthven
has been sent an invit.tion, and the
committee in charge of the Latin-
American Summer Session will be
present, including Dr. Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Session,
who will speak for the University;
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley
who will present the students with
certificates; Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
director of the International Center,
who will receive a gift to the Uni-
versity from the group; Prof. Philip
Bursley; counselor to new students;
and Mr. Wilfred Shaw, director of
alumni relations.
Also invited are the deans of the
various schools and colleges in which
the Latin-Americans have taken
work during the summer, and the
professors under whom they have
studied or who have addressed them
as lecturers during the Session. The
staff and Latin-American students of
the English Language Center have
also been sent invitations.
Reds To nazis
Tells K. Of C.l Germians
Are Greater Meace
. .
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Aug. 19.-
(/P)-Justice. Frank Murphy of the
Supreme Court of the United States
told the ,Kights of Columbus tonight
that Russia, despite its Communism,
should have the support of democ-
racies in its fight with Germany.
In a speech prepared for 1,500
delegates representing 419,000 mem-
bers of this Catholic fraternity, Jus-
tice Murphy asserted the Nazis con-
stituted a greater threat to the
church than did the Communists.
"For men and women who cherish
freedom of religion and the other
fundamentals of democratic rule,"
said the jurist, "there is little to
choose between the Communism of
Soviet Russia and the Naziism of
Germany. We want neither in this
country. kas
"But we know that Naziism, with

its superior competence and pervert-
ed intelligence, its extraordinary en-
ergy and missionary zeal, its pro-
found belief in racial superiority and
destiny, its fanatical intolerance and,
above all, its tremendous military
power and skill, is by far the greater
menace to free nations and free in-
stitutions. It is at present the real
Hershey Says More Men
Will Have To Be Drafted
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 19.-GP)

better we can remedy 'our mistakes
and go forward."
He called for suspending of the 40-
hour work-week and substituting of
a full week working basis. Moreover,
he charged not a single Army camp
has an adequate supply of military
"Confusion, due to conflicting and
overlapping authority exists to such
ma degree at Washington as virtually
to stymie the whole defense pro-
gram," he said, adding that the Of-
fice of Production Management and
the Office of Price Adpiinistration
and Civilian Supply were:
"Engaged in a bitter battle behind
the scenes, and by Executive order
they have been given conflicting au-
The entire defense program should
be placed under a single head, he
Meanwhile, it developed President
Roosevelt had appointed Judge Sam-
uel I. Rosenman of the New York
Supreme Court to make a study of
differences of opinion that have
arisen between OPM and OPACS.
Rosenman is an old associate of
Defense Work
Coordinator Is
C. S. Schoepfle
Applicable Courses Here
To Be Supervised By
Professor Of Chemistry
Prof. Chester \S. Schoepfle, chair-
man of the Department of Chemistry,
has been named coordinator of all
University courses relating to defense
by the Defense Committee of the
Deans' Conference. .
Professor Schoepfle is at the pres-
ent ,time directing a study of all
courses being offered by the Univer-
sity which are directly applicable 'to
defense. It is believed by University
officials that many courses will be
valuable to the defense effort as they
are offered now, while others may
easily be adapted to such a purpose.
Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak of the
history department, Prof. Arthur W.
Bromage of the political science de-
partment, and Prof. Charles F. Re-
mer of the Department of Economics
have been appointed by the Defense
Committee to plan a course in sev-
eral departments designed to provide
an intelligent background to the
present world situation.
Details of this course, which will
be open to students in several schools
and colleges of the University, will be
announced at a later date.
For the past year defense problems
of the University have been handled
by a special committee of the Deans'
Members of this special defense
committee are Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session,
chairman; Dean James B. Edmonson
of the School of Education; and Vice-
President Clarence S. Yoakum, dean
of the graduate school.
Professor Schoepfle and the new
planning committee will serve as
agencies of this Defense Committee.
War To Continue
To '43 If Needed,
Roosevelt Asserts
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. -(P)-
President Roosevelt asserted today
the war would continue through 1943,
if necessary, and that Britain and
the United States would make a sur-
vey of needs and production through
that year.
That was a subject he had up. Mr.
Roosevelt told a press conference, at

a luncheon meeting today with Lord
Beaverbrook, British supply minister.
Mr. Roosevelt told reporters he
thought his sea conference with Win-
ston Churchill would result in what
a newsman called more punch in
helping the democracies of the world.
"Did the Prime Minister seem con-
fident that Britain could win without
our help?" the Chief Executive was
Mr. Roosevelt said he did not think
that kind of a question was useful.
It was what he termed too headliney,
without having sufficient substance.
}, .

the President and was generally con-
sidered a member of the original New
Deal brain trust. Stephen Early, Mr.
Roosevelt's secretary, said he had
volunteered to help while his court
was in its summer recess.
On some matters of policy there is
known to have been disagreement be-
tween OPM and OPACS. This was
particularly true of the proposed re-
ductior of automobile manufacture
to permit expanded defense produc-'
tion. OPACS thought the transfor-
mation should be made relatively
quickly. The other favored a slower
Reports of an impending reorgani-
zation of the defense production sys-
tem persisted, meanwhile.
Byrd said that since the beginning
of the Europe n war the Nation had
spent nearly $10,000,000,000 for na-
tional defense, yet up until now no
anti-aircraft gun or tank had gone
to England and but few merchant
ships had been sent.
The Virginian gave this picture of
production in various categories of
Tanks-"After two years, our tank
production up-to-date is practically
Anti-aircraft guns-"Today, all of
the anti-aircraft guns of modern de-
sign we have could not protect effec-
tively a single city in the United
States. In this vital weapon our two-
year prodution has been negligible."
The Navy-"We need desperately a
two-ocean Navy of at least 700 major
vessels, this we will not have until
1946, five years hence, unless extra-
ordinary means are adopted to speed
Merchant ships-"Production in
1941 is hardly more than the gross
sinkings by the Germans in one of
the heaviest casualty months. This
number (105) is woefully short of
the need, and immediate steps must
be taken to speed this production
Planes-"The state of production
of combat planes is one of the most
discouraging chapters in our national
defense program."
Japanese- Say
No Americans
Are Hostages
British Subjects Are Also
Having Trouble Trying
To Depart From Japan
TOKYO, Aug. 19. -01)- British
subjects trying to leave Japan are
meeting the same frustrations as are
Americans, it was learned today as
the whole subject became more and
more complicated.
Responding to the official Ameri-
can statement that Japan had given
no satisfactory explanation of the
refusal to permit 100 United States
citizens *.to leave aboard the liner
President Coolidge, a Japanese gov-
ernment spokesman disclaimed any
intention to hold Americans as hos-
The spokesman, Koh Ishii, de-
clared the questiori of American exit
depended upon certain "inconveni-
ences" in Japanese-American rela-
tions, but implied these did not in-
volve trade, political or other inter-
national issues.
Just what was involved was left in
doubt, but in another connection the
Japanese generally continued to ex-
press concern over U.S. aid to Rus-
sia. Ishii himself stated Japan could
not remain indifferent to such help.
For, he added, "the fact cannot be
overlooked that it (aid to Russia) has
at least the effect of reinforcing
Soviet troops in the Far East."

German Troops In Vicinity
Of Novgorod, Moscow
Reports; Wings Holding
Reds Strike Back
As Enemy Rests
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Aug. 20.-
(P)-The Red Army command ack-
nowledged today that German troops
had reached the vicinity of Novgorod,
50 miles deeper into Russia on the
Leningrad front than previously re-
ported German penetration.
Novgorod is 100 miles south of Len-
ingrad and 50 miles northeast of
Soltsi, where previous heavy fighting
had been reported.
The communique also reported
stubborn battles at Odessa on the
Black Sea, and in the Gomel and
Kingisepp areas. Gomel is on the
central front 140 miles north of Kiev.
Kingisepp, from which Russian troops
have withdrawn is 75 miles southwest
,of Leningrad.
Claim Orderly Retreat
A high command statement that
fighting continued on the entire front
indicated that wherever Russian
troops were falling back the retreat.
was orderly.
The new German advance toward
Novgorod appeared to be part of a
two-pronged drive on Leningrad. The
column at Kingisepp was nearest the
city but German troops in the Nov-
gorod area apparently were trying to
get into position to cut Leningrad off
from Moscow in a typical German
encirclement move.
Both Wings Holding
Reports late last night had pictured
both the northern and southern
wings of the Russian line as holding.
Red counter-attacks, loosed in the
periods when the ,invaders sought
rest, were declared to be severely
punishing the Germans.
In one such sortie a Russian cav-
alry regiment claimed to have routed
two battalions of Nazi SS troops,
sending them into a 10-mile retreat.
In another, a Red detachment was
said to have advanced several miles,
putting to disorderly flight two Ger-
man infantry battalions. More than
400 Nazis were reported killed in
bayonet charges, and at least a thou-
sand wounded.
The battle for Leningrad, the So-
viet Union's second city and greatest
naval base, involved a German-Finn-
ish column striking down from the
north and a Nazi column beating
eastward from the Estonian theater.
Two More Bodies
Iound On Panuco
(See Picture On Page 3)
NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-(A')-Fire-
men recovered two charred bodies
today from the deck of the fire-
ravaged Cuba Mail Line freighter
Panuco, but at nightfall, 30 hours
after the swift destruction of the
3,570-ton ship, its cargo and pier, the
death toll was still undetermined.
There were. five known dead and
72 injured, of whom 32 remained in
hospitals. Four-possibly five-mem-
bers of the ship's crew of 35, and
about 35 longshoremen were missing.
A special board of inquiry heard
testimony that a spark from a lighter
might have caused the Brooklyn wa-
ter front blaze which did an esti-
mated $1,500,000 damage.

f ?

Churchill Back
At Home Again
A f ter Voyage
Busy Morning Follows
Arrival In London
With Cigar
LONDON, Aug. 19.--(P-Wreathed
in smiles and cigar smoke, Prime;
Minister Churchill returned home
today from his historic Atlantic con-
ference with,President Roosevelt and'
in short order did all these things:
Told the war cabinet about the3
meeting at sea and the agreement
to speed the war of extermination
against Naziism
Arranged to tell the public about it
in a radio address next Sunday night
(3 p.m., EST);
Went to see a movie of the con-
Had luncheon with King George
and gave him a personal letter from
The time and place of Churchill's
arrival had not been announced.
Nevertheless, a crowd was there when
he bounded off the train which
brought him from the port at whichj
the battleship Prince of Wales had
landed him yesterday.
High military officials and cabinet
members, a bit red-eyed from arising
at an unaccustomed hour, were wait-
ing on the platform, and so were
several hundred ordinary citizens.
U.S. Ambassador John G. Winant
tried vainly to get through.
Churchill, puffing his big cigar like
a destroyer under forced draught,
elbowed through to greet the Ambas-
sador. In passing he commended
A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the
Admiralty, for the Navy's handling
of the Atlantic voyage.
Senators See
To War Policy
Johnson, Clark Question
Means, ConstitutionalityI
Of 8-Point Statement
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. -()-
Charges were made and denied in the
Senate today that President Roose-
velt had committed the United States
to a policy of war in his historic con-
ference with Winston Churchill.
Senator Hiram Johnson (Rep. -
Calif.) charged the 8-pOint state-
ment of Anglo-American peace aims
issued by the Prime Minister and the
President could be carried out only
by war.
Senator Clark (Dem.-Mq,), his
voice ringing, said that if the Presi-
dent had promised the United States
would go to war, "then the President
of the United Sfates exceeded his
Constitutional authority."
Democratic leader Barkley of Ken-
tucky, heatedly replied the statement
was not a "military commitment in
any sense of the word." He denied
the President had violated the Con-
Barkley started the discussion
when he took the floor to assail a
published report that the President
and Churchill had discussed sending
an American expeditionary 'force to
aid England in invading Germany.
"No such matter was discussed, or
intimated, or even hinted at," Bark-
ley continued. Answering questions
of Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.),
he added that while he could not
speak for the President, he believed
no commitments involving the United!

States had been made to Churchill.
"I take issue with that," Johnson
interrupted, adding that it was as
"plain as. the nose on a man's face"
that a pledge of peace and liberty for
tht world "after defeat of Naziism"
could involve this country in war.
All DSR Employes Told
To Strike By AFL Union

Red Troops In Area Are
Encircled, Reports Say;
Sink Troop Transports
Eight Naval Ships
Taken In Building
BERLIN, Wednesday, Aug. 20.--(A)
-The vital Black Sea port of Odessa
stood under siege today, latest dis-
paches from the front reporting the
massed big guns of the German
southern army assaulting encircled
Russian troops there while the Luft-
waffe ranged far over the sea ap-
proaches and the Dnieper River to
prevent escapes.
Germans predicted the ,city's fall
within days, if not within hours.
Thirty-two Russian troop trans-
ports were said to have been sunk or
damaged in continuous raids to pre-
vent escape by/sea.
The high command reported as-
saults on "small individual bridge-
heads on the lower Dnieper" still held
by Soviet troops and declared the en-
tire territory west of the wide river
was now in German hands.
Soviet Ldsses Heavy
Soviet losses along the lower Dnie-
per were said to have been particu-
larly heavy. The high command re-
ported 60,000 prisoners, 84 armored
cars and 530 cannon were taken.
German planes struck at airports
across the Dnieper, DNB said, and
destroyed 40 Soviet plans on fields
on the east bank.
A thousand miles to the north,
German divisions which had fought
their way northward on both sides
of Lake Peipus joined forces at Narva
for what they expect to be a final
thrust at Leningrad.
The attacks on Leningrad and
Odessa, Russia's chief Baltic and
Black Sea outlets, overshadowed
fighting on the central front, where
no changes in positions of German
troops driving on Moscow have been
Germany's potential naval power
was reported tremendously increased
by the Black Sea campaign. The high
command said a 35,000-ton battle-
ship, a 10,000-ton cruiser, four de-
stroyers and two submarines, all un-
der construction at the shipbuilding
port of Nikolaev, had fallen into Ger-
man hands with capture of the city
Russian troops at Odessa were said
by the Germans to be fighting des-
perately after losing every possible
way of retreat by land or sea.
Eight Transports Sunk
An authorized spokesman said
eight Russian transports amounting
to 36,000 tons had been sunk and 24
transports totaling 127;000 tons had
been damaged in Black Sea attacks.
Occupation of Odessa, the high
command said, would complete Ger-
man conquest of the western Ukraine,
an area about the size of Kansas.
There was no mention, however, of
the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, on the
west bank of the Dnieper 290 miles
north of Odessa. Kiev was still in
Russian hands, but German troops
have been reported at several points
in its inmediate vicinity.
British Bomb
North France
Two Relays Sent In Night
Raid After Day Attack
LONDON, Wednesday, Aug. 20.-
()-Two relays of British bombers
again attacked Nazi targetsin north-
ern France last night after daylight
operations in which the Air Ministry
said 12 German planes were shot
down and many vessels were hit at

Ostend, Belgium.
One of the Nazi ships was left
sinking, the communique said.
The British acknowledged losing 15
planes, three bombers and twelve
fighters in these operations.
Railway yards at Hazebrouck were
blasted and docks at Dunkerque and
Boulogne attacked.
In raids on Cologne and Duisburg

Former Student Tells Of Life
In U.S. Civiian Seryice Camp

(Elitor's Note: Charles Koethen, a
former University student, is fulfill-
ing the two and a half years demanded
of him by the Government in a Civil-
ian Service Camp for conscientious
objectors near Merom, Indiana. In a
letter to a friend here Koethen tells
about the life in a C. o. Camp.)
Democr'acy is one of the most
difficult of all ideals to put into prac-
tice. Those of us who comfortably
contemplated and discussed democ-
racy in Ann Arbor, Cleveland, Cin-
cinnati and Chicago have never real-

tion is fairly typical of the entire
The day I arrived here I was some-
what apprehensive of our reception
by the community which adjoins
camp property. I,have since learned
through weeks of contact with the
townspeople, that not only are they
tolerant of our view, but that the
community offers a splendid field for
social studies, and may be included
in our application of Democracy
when we get it running smoothly in
our own C.O. group.

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