Panhellenic Association Enumerates
RegulationsFor Period Of Rushing
(Continued from Page 1)
and close at 6 p.m. each day. After
this period it will be located in the
office of Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of women, where Vir-
ginia Osgood will answer any ques-
tions concerning sororities.
Each woman who wishes to be
rushed by the sororities must register
at the Panhellenic Booth during Ori-
entatiton Week. The following list
of rules includes rushing, pledging
and initiation regulations for sorori-
The University of Michigan Pan-
hellenic Association Rushing, Pledg-
ing and Initiation Rules for Sorori-
tes, 1941-42:
L General Rules:
A. All rushees are required to pay
a fee of $1.50 at the Panhellenic
Booth in the Michigan League by
Monday noon, Sept. 29. This entitles
them to the Panhellenic Booklet.
B. There shall be a rushing secre-
tary hired by Panhellenic for the pur-
pose of working at the Panhellenic
Registration Booth, and for doing the
clerical work in connection with the
rushing fees.
C. For additional information about
rushing, rushees or affiliated women
may go to the Panhellenic Booth in
the Michigan League or call Miss
Jeannette Perry at the Office of the
Dean of Women.
D. At any time during the rushing
season anyone may ask for a meet-
ing of the Executive Board to inter-
pret rules and decide on violations and
E. No house at any time may have a
membership, including pledges and
actives, exceeding sixty in number.
(Fine following action of the Execu-
tive Board).
II. Rules for the Period of
Intensive Rushing:
A. Rushing shall extend from Sun-
day, September 28, at 3:00 p.m. until
Thursday, October 9, at 9:15 p.m.
B. Schedule of Rushing Parties:
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 28 and 29:
Invitation Open Houses, 3:00-7:00
Tuesday through Friday, Sept. 30-
Oct. 3: Dessert and Coffee, 7:30-9:30
Saturday, Oct. 4: Luncheon, 12:00-
1:30 p.m. or Buffet Supper, 6-8 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 6: Dessert and Cof-
fee, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 7: No rushing.
Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 8
and 9: Formal Dinners, 6:15-9:15
C. Invitations, Acceptances and Re-
1. Printed invitations to the ini-
tial Open Houses must be purchased
from Panhellenic. No other forms
may be used.
2. The list of rushees will be divid-
ed alphabetically so that the first
lhalf of the' sororities will invite the
first half of .the rushees on Sunday
and the last half on Monday, while
the last half of the sororities will in-
vite the last half of the rushees on
Sunday and the first half on Mon-
day. These divisions will be an-
nounced in the fall. (Fine C)
Of Delivering Invitations
3. Invitations may be delivered to
the mail boxes of the dormitories or to
front doors of the, League Houses
starting at 9 a.m. Friday, Sept. 26.
No active may talk to a rushee at this
time. (Fine :).
4. With the printed tea invitations
may be enclosed a sorority card ask-
ing a rushee to a party at the begin-
ning of the week; she may be given
her choice of several parties.
5. Rushees need not reply to the
printed tea invitations, but they are
told in their booklets that they must
accept or refuse any other invitation
enclosed, 'at Open House Saturday
or Sunday or by telephone Monday
evening before 11 p.m. It is made
clear to them that if they cannot
reach a sorority by telephone that
evening, they must let the house know
the next day.
6. Rushees are told in their book-
lets that they must stay no longer
than three-quarters of an hour at
each Open House, and that, they may
go to all of the initial Open Houses
for which they have received invita-
tions. They are also informed that
they may go only on the day for
which they are invited.
Of Attending Open Houses
7. A rushee may attend the initial
Open Houses at each sorority only
on the day for which she is invited.
No dates but these may be split.
8. A sorority may not have more
than four dates with one rushee (in-
cluding the Open House and a formal
dinner). (Fine C).
9. A rushee may be asked for a sec-
ond date by enclosed invitation, as
described above, during the tea, or
by telephoning. She may be asked
for a third date during the first
date. (Fine C).
10 A rushee may not be asked to a
formal until she attends the second
date except in the case of a sorority
which is unable to make an engage-
ment with the rushee until late in the
rushing season or in the case of the
rushee entering school late.
11. A rushee may attend only one
formal by each sorority. (Fine C).
D. Contact between Independent
women and sororities:
1. In order to avoid rushing at
trains, prospective rushees may not
be met by sorority girls with the ex-
cntinn of sisters. (Fine A).
with a rushee during the intensive
5. Only four calls may be made
upon a rushee by each sorority. A
call shall consist of a telephone mes-
sage or a mailed invitation on the
written form. There shall be no
calling in person on any rushee. This
does include the initial Open House
invitation.. (Fine B)..
6. No rushee is to be called for or
taken home by the sorority or any-
one connected with the sorority ex-
cept in the case of formal engage-
ments when the rushees may be tak-
en home but not called for. (Fine B)
7. From 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct.
9, until 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 11,
there shall be absolutely no communi-
cation with any rushee. Silence peri-
od between sororities and those who
have received bids shall end at 9 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 11. Silence period
between sororities and girls who have
not accepted bids shall extend to
Monday, Oct. 13, at 9 a.m. (Fine B)
Unaffiliated Status
8. The status of unaffiliated trans-
fers and pledges will be that of ac-
tives; pledges are allowed to partici-
pate in rushing.
9. No rushing is allowed outside the
house premises. (Fine C)
10. There shall be no informal bid-
ding. (Fines B and C)
E. Expenses:
1. No sorority may spend more than
$25 for flowers and decorations for
the entire intensive rushing season.
An expense account shall be turned in
to the Panhellenic treasurer by Fri-
day, Oct. 17 by each sorority.
2. No paid musicians may be had
except for an orchestra limited to
four pieces during the two formal
dinners. (Fine C)
3. Not more than three courses may
be served at the forma dinners.
Demi-tasse is not a course. (Fine C)
4. No favors whatsoever may be
given. (Fine C)
5. Entertainment at the parties may
consist of dancing, songs, skits,
games, provided by members of the
Bids and Pledging
F. Bids and Pledging:
1. Rushees are told clearly in their
booklets that an invitation to a for-
mal does not necessarily mean a bid.
2. There shall be uniform bids.
3. Lists shall be preferential.
4. Lists shall be typewritten double
spaced on full sized typewriter paper.
Names shall be alphabetically ar-
ranged, correctly spelled, and with
5. All clerical work shall be done
at the Office of the Dean of Women.
6. Each rushee who has been in-
vited to join a sorority will receive a
preference slip on Friday evening,
Oct. 10, which she should fill out
and return to the Office of the Dean
of Women before 12 noon on Satur-
day, Oct. 11. There will be a box in
Barbour Gymnasium for her slip.
7. Pledge day shall be Sunday, Oct.
12. Pledging shall start at 3 p.m.
8. Pledges shall present themselves
at the sorority rather than be called
Work On League1
Committees Noted
(Continued from Page 1)
they will be signed by the chairman
of the Merit System Committee.
Freshmen cannot obtain eligibility
cards until the second semester, when,
to be eligible, they must have at least
one B and no mark below a C. How-
ever, a freshman is eligible the first
semester to sing in the Freshman
Girls' Glee Club, and to participate
in athletics.\
for. Flowers may not be given to
them until they reach the house.
Bound For A Year
9. A rushee is bound for one cal-
endar year to the sorority for which
she has designated her preference.
Preference slips may not be with-
10. A pledge shall consist of a
written statement, witnessed and filed
with the sorority, in addition to the
wearing of some sort of badge.
11. One calendar year must elapse
after breaking a pledge before an-
other invitation for pledging shall be
G. Initiation Requirements:
1. No woman who has taken less
than 11 hours is eligible for initiation.
A woman who has taken less than 15
hours by the advice of the Health
Service or the Administrative Office
but who has earned not less than 26
honor points may be initiated.
2. Any girl who lacks no more than
three honor points of the amount re-
quired to lift her probation and who
has better than a C average in her
work for the preceding semester may
be considered by the Executive Board
for initiation into a fraternity.
Transfer Students
3. All transfers who have been ad- I
mitted to good standing with at least
15 hours advanced credit may be ini-
tiated during their first semester of
residence. If a girl is not initiated
during her first semester, eligibility
for initiation must be determined by
her first semester's record.
III. Rushing during the entire year:
A. There shall be no rushing with
men. (Fine A)
B. No rushee may have a man call
for her at a sorority.
C. No woman who is not registered
for the semester may be rushed, fol-
lowing the initial Open Houses, or
bid. (Fine C)
D. There shall be no summer rush-
ing except under these conditions:
1. No entertainment which includes
meals, -dances or teas for more than
three prospective rushees, shall be
given by a sorority group unless mem-
bers of the Michigan Panhellenic sor-
orities are present. (Fine C).
Summer Entertainment
2. No entertainment may be given
throughout the, spring or summer
vacations by actives, alumnae or pa-
tronesses for women not in the Uni-
versity unless two or more other sor-
orities are represented. Any illegal
summer rushing done by An Arbor
alumnae will precipitate the. penalty
on their active chapter. The defini-
tion of entertainment in (1) also ap-
plies here. (Fine B or C).
E. During informal rushing sorori-
ties may have one function a week,
lasting not more than three hours.
Dinners must terminate at 8 p.m.
Rushees are informed in their book-
lets that they must be out of the
house at 8 p.m.
F. A chairman of rushing in each
sorority shall be responsible in case
of any breaking of rules and shall
authorize all invitations.
IV. Fines for the breaking of rules:
Fine A: For the individual girl com-
mittting the violation, social proba-
tion for the first two weeks follow-
ing the rushing period, 'or, during
informal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
Fine B: For the individual girl com-
mitting the violation, social probation
for the first four weeks following the
rushing period, or during informal
rushing, following the action of the
Executive Committee.
Fine C: For the whole house com-
mitting the violation, social proba-
tion for the first two weeks follow-
ing the rushing period, or during
informal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
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