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August 16, 1941 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-16

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Style Show
Committee Work
Open For Eligible
Women Students

Will Open

Women s Activities

Petites Pommes dcle err
The whole trouble with being a freshman is that everyone is ready-
i(Ready did we say? No, let's make it 'desperately anxious') to push a bit
of advice your way. No sooner does an upper classman find that she has a
newcomer in her grasp than she clutches the poor thing firmly in a modified
half-nelson, pushes her into the nearest chair, and after subduing her with
a few soothing words (or a well-placed clip on the chin) proceeds to give her
the straight-from-the-feed-box dope on the shortest route to being a BWOC.
Disregard these amateurs, women of the class of '45, and be grateful
that your Aunt Cobina, that orchid among Michigan's wall-flowers, is here

All Transfers May Apply
For League Positions
During First Semester
Activity Petitioning
Procedure Is Noted

To Head League


to place her gnarled old hand on your shoulders

Among the activities which women
guide and participate in on campus
are the various League committees,
the class projects and other .League
These are open to all women with
the exception of first semester fresh-
men. It is especially stressed that
transfer stuents may apply immedi-
ately upon entrance for positions with
regard to these activities. The ony
stipulation is that they first obtan
an eligibility card at Dean of Students
Joseph A. Bursley's office and have
it signed at the social director's of-
fice in the League.
Petitioning for all events will be
announced in The Daily approximate-
ly a week in advance of the opening
day for acceptance of petitions. Since
these reports are the. only means the
League has .of measuring the inter-
ests and cesires of the applicant, each
woman is urged to express herself
frankly and sincrely. All informa-
tion will be tr'eated confidentially.
There will be a sample petition print-
ed in another part of this issue.
CommIttees Open
Orientation Committee: Women
working on this committee act as
advisers to freshman or transfer stu-
dents in the fall of each year, to help
them plan their programs and to be-
come acquainted with their surround-
Social Committee: This group plans
and executes such campus events as
Ruthven teas, bridge tournaments,
Sunday night suppers, tea dances and
style shows.
Tutorial Committee: This commit-
tee is organized to give assistance to
women who need academic help. Wo-
men on the committee may serve
either as tutors (in which capacity
they receive a slight remuneration),
or as members of the business staff,
where their duties are to contact stu-
dents and tutors and arrange confer-
Dance Class Committee
Dance Class: Women on this com-
mittee help with the executive work
and serve as teaching assistants un-
der the direction of the dancing
teacher. Since experience in teaching
is not necessary, all women interested
should apply.
Theatre-Arts: The Children's The-
atre, sponsored by the ,Michigan
League, is under the auspices of the
Theatre-Arts Committee. Women are
offered experience in make-up, cos-
tumes, properties, dancing and ush-
ering, as well as in Qther aspects of
the theatre.
House Committee: This committee
is in charge of publishing and dis-
tributing the What's Up bulletin of
League acivities, has charge of plan-
ning the outfitting of student rooms
in the League and takes care of
the Undergraduate Bulletin Board.
Among its other duties are the hand-
ling of publicity for various League
activities, supervision of Club 7-11
and miscellaneous assignments.
Merit System Committee
Merit 'System: All League activi-
ties are in charge of the Merit Sys-
tem Committee. Work of this com-
mittee includes signing of eligibility
cards and completion of a system of
personality cards for every woman,
which will be filed in one of two files.
for Panhellenic or Assembly, and
which include a record of all the
activities in whichthe woman has
participated, including League activi-
tiespublications, honor societies,
ahletics and others.h An impi tant
part of the work of this committee is
in seeing that chairmen of every ac-
tivity fill out personnel blanks for
every woman who has worked with
them. (Judiciary Committee refers
to these reports when considering wo-
men for chairmanships of the vari-
ous committees.)
Candy-Booth: The League spon-

and point out to you the many pitfalls which
may confront you in Ann Arbor's welter of new
experiences. (Heavens, we're beginning to sound
like an 1880 edition of "The Young Girl's Guide"
However, to go on, we take it for granted
that before you even arrive here you have learned
the Cardinal Rule for Michigan behavior, which,
just for safety's sake we will repeat: Never, never,
-that's right, never-call a fraternity a 'frat.'
_This warning is a primary one principally for
the sake of your own safety. We have heard of
freshmen being sandbagged for committing this most heinous of crimes.
You arrive at your dorm-or house or your tent, or whatever charm-
ing hovel you will be calling home for the rest of the year; you are shown
to your room. In your mind you have been planning one of
those smooth motif-centered rooms which the women's maga-
zines make sound so simple to achieve. You are shocked at the
bare whiteness of your room and you immediately give up your
decorating plans, deciding that perhaps you're the severe,'
monk-type, after all.A

Baits Is Head
Of Judiciary
Group Acts InAll Matters
Of Infraction Of Rules;
Takes League Petitions
Two Juniors, Three
Seniors Sit On Board
Accepting petitions and interview-
ing for League positions, working with
the Office of the Dean of Women to
formulate house rules and acting as
a disciplinary board in cases of in-
fraction of these rules-these are the
duties of the Judiciary Committee.
Made up of three seniors and two.
juniors, this group has complete juris-
diction over matters of violation of
general residence regulations and vio-,
lations of campus regulations referred
to the committee by the Office of the
Dean of Women. Aside from these
powers the group makes all recom-
mendations for League offices, stand-
ing committee chairmen of the Un-
dergraduate Council, central commit-
tees for all class projects and the
Orientation Advisers.
Committee Members
Jane Baits will this year head the
Judiciary Committee, whose members
will include also senior,members Har-
riet Heames and Margaret Hulbert
and juniors Elizabeth Gram and Lor-
raine Judson. The chairman was ap-
pointed by last year's retiring chair-
man from the two junior members
and the other new members were ap-
pointed by an electoral board com-
posed of three faculty and five stu-'
dent members, upon recommendations
of the Undergraduate Council.
Some of the important house rules,
all women should know, follow:
Government Of House
Officers: Each organized house shall
have a house president with other
officers and committees chosen as
deemed necessary.
Elections: The house president shall
be elected or chosen by the women in
the house. The president must be
elected by the close of the second week
of classesof the first semester of
each school year.
President: It shall be the duty of'
the house presid'ent to call a meeting
of the students in her house once
each month, unless otherwise speci-
fied in the house constitution, and
other house meetings as needed. She
shall preside at these meetings and
be responsible for the enforcing of
Signing Out: Any student expect-
ing to be out of the house after 7:30
(Continued on Page 4)

WAA Will Sponsor
Program Sept. 24
At Sports Buing

Of Women Is
Dean's Office

* ., *
League Council
Of All Women
Organizes And Supervises
All Activities, Initiates
Undergraduate Business
Consist'ing of representatives from
every section of the entire women's
student body, the Undergraduate
Council organizes and supervises wo-
men's activitis and initiates all busi-
aess for the undergraduate Michi-
gan League.
Enlarged this year to a member-
ship of 16, the Council personnel was
appointed and installed in office the
latter part of the second semester
last year. The group is under the
leadership of the president of the
League, Margaret Sanford, '41. Oth-
er officers include two vice-presi-
dents, Elizabeth Luckham and Betty
Bailie; secretary, Mary Gage and
treasurer, Louise Keatley.
Chairmen of the League standing
committees are also members of the
Council. These include Phyllis Love-
joy, -candy-booth; Virginia Apple-
ton, theatre-arts; Marjorie Polum-
baum, merit system; Dorothy Merki,
house; Betty Johnson,.dance classes
and Betty Fariss, social. Chairmen
of standing committees are appoint-
ed by the 'retiring Undergraduate
Council from recommendations sub-
mitted by Judiciary Committee.
In addition, the following women
will serve on the Council: Jane Baits,
president of the Judiciary Commit-
tee; Donelda Schaible, president of
Women's Athletic Association; Jean
Hubbard, president of Assembly; Pa-
tricia Hadley, president of Panhel-
lenic Association and Janet Hiatt,
women's editor ofThe Daily.
One of the major duties of the
Undergraduate Council is to approve
all recommendations given to it by
the Judiciary Council for the prin-
cipal positions in all class projects
' (Continued on Page 3)
Housing Units
Are Available
Seven University halls of residence,
18 sororities and a number of private
residences approved by the University
and termed League houses are avail-
able to undergratuate women stu-
dents in the University.
Of the dormitories, the five larger
ones, Helen Newberry Residence,
Martha Cook Building, Betsy Bar-
bour House, Mosher-Jordan Halls
and Madelon Louisa Stockwell Hall,
provide kitchenettes and ample laun-
dry facilities, besides the usual living
and dining rooms on the first floor.
Newest of,, these dormitories is
Stockwell Hall, which was opened for
residence in February, 1940. It has
accommodations for 378 women.

You meet your roommate. You decide after about two min-
utes that she is (a) so sophisticated that she scares you; (b) a
good egg; (c) a creep. If she starts the conversation with some-
thing saccharine like: "I'm sure we'll be such good friends," put
her in G6 category. Type (b) is, of course, ideal, but your deci-
sions will be changed about sixteen times before you're through,
and she's probably thinking you're a crone, too, in any case, so
feeling satisfied and superior.

_ ;
don't start

What Not To Wear.. .
Just-about at this point you're going to start thinking about the clothes
you have packed away, unworn and shining, in your new wardrobe trunk,
and you'll say to yourself hot dawg this is really going to be my chance to
show the poor dowdy goons on this corridor who'll be
best-dressed girl on third floor, wing, or fourth floor,
end, or wherever your cell happens to be. So you whip
- out your flashy new quilted robe and pose against the
doorpost, bracing yourself to dodge the compliments.
And oh, sister, here is where you find out how your
trusty fashion bible done you wrong. Because within
about an hour you realize that you simply can't feel
loungy in anything you've bought especially to lounge
in and everyone is too busy to notice what you've
draped on your frame, and you, too, will soon be com-
fortable and horrible-to-behold in a pair of last year's ripped shorts or a
striped towel or a discarded piano scarf or some related object.
Next on your list of problems-to-be-met-with-and-foiled is a social
calamity more commonly known as the Exchange Dinner. Described briefly,
it is a ghastly little' gathering of skeptical victims, each of whom is intro-

Women students are advised to feel
free to consult at any time with a
member of the Office of the Dean
of Women in Barbour Gymnasium,
updn any subject.
At the head of women's affairs, in
the capacity of dean of women, is
Miss Alice C. Lloyd., She is assisted
by Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher and Miss
Jeannette Perry in the Gymnasium
office and by Miss Ethel A. McCor-
mick, social director of women,
whose office is in the League. '
Among the divisions of which Mrs.}
Bacher is in charge are student em-
ployment and housing other than
dormitories. She also serves in the
position of adviser to foreign women
students and to Beta Kappa Rho,
organization of women students with
regular employment.
Miss Perry is in charge of loans,
sorority affairs and dormitories.
While graduates, as well as under-
graduates, are welcome to seek con-
sultation from the Office of the Dean
of Women, their activities are mainly
under the supervision of Miss Mari-
an H. Bader, house director in the
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies.

Club Members Will Offer
Sports Demonstrations
To Conclude Exhibition
Dr. Bell To Speak
To New Students
To introduce its sports program to
entering freshmen and transfers, the
Women's Athletic Association will
give its ninth annual style show and
sports exhibition at 3:30 p.m. Sept.
24 at the Women's Athletic Building.
Following her introdution by Don-
elda Schaible, president of the organ-
iation, Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the
women's physical education depart-
ment, will give a short greeting to the
new students.
This will prelude the style show of
sports outfits, which will be followed
in turn by a sports exhibition on Pal-
mer Field. The sports to be demon-
strated are not part of the physical
education department program, but
are arranged and directed by the
student managers of the Women's
Athletic Association. The entire pro-
gram is planned and executed by stu-
dents in the WAA.
In the main, these sports groups
represent clubs rather than classes
which are a part of the program of
the physical education department.
Models Already Chosen
Alreadychosen are the models for
the style show, in which the correct
wearing apparel for campus sports-
men in both class and club will be
displayed. Dorris Allen, who Is in
charge, will comment on the cos-
tumes worn and explain to which
sport each is adapted, as the models
parade down the terrace steps and
return to their places on the balcony.
In case of rain, the style show will
be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre in the League.
Starting the program off will be a
demonstration of the appropriate
dress for swimming, with Margot
Thom the model. Hockey costume is
next in line, as worn by Virginia
Morse. Three dance outfits will fol-
low this, on' models Evelyn Spamer,
Shirley Risburg and Doris Ann Black.
Showing the correct wear for out-
door sports will be Carolyn Denfield,
who will be followed by Harriet Pratt
dressed for the tennis courts. Bad-
mington apparel is to be displayed by
Martha Peirsol. What the well-
dressed young women will be wearing
on the baseball diamond will be the
subject of Mary Lou Curran's demon-
To Show Riding Outfits
Two riding outfits, modeled by
Mary Hayden and Betty Johnson,
and fencing dress sported by Doreen
Voiles and Mary Reichle are next in
line. Following this will be Jean
Johnson, wearing an archery cos-
tume. Golf will be represented by
Anna Jean Williams in a skirt, shirt
and sweater combination and Belva
Barnes dressed in an American golfer
Bowling dress, worn by Mary
Neafie and a ping pong outfit on L.
G. George complete the sports ap-
parel demonstration. Besides these
will be costumes for date and campus
wear, shown by Ruth Gram, Millie
Radford, Nancy Chapman and Mar-
got Thom.
After the models have finished
their show there will be a spoits dem-
onstration on Palmer Field. In charge
of this part of the program is Jean
Opening demonstration will be of
archery as performed by Nancy Ber-
caw, Joanne Woodward, Gloria CarlI
Virginia Beechle and Eleanor Gray.
Others include Crop and Saddle-
Betty Johnson, Dorothy Lindquist
and Mary Hayden. Tennis-Eliza-
beth Bunnell, Betty Churchill, Jo
Lloyd and Harriet Pratt. Ping pong-
Joan Peterson and Nancy Upson.
Golf-Virginia Frey, Edith Longyear,
Anna Jean Wiliams and Gertrude

and Mary Reichle. Badmington-
Jane Edmonds, Rose Gengradoming,
Helen Smith, Marie Gengradoming
and Martha Peirsol. Bowling-Nancy
Stock, Dorisann Hendricks, Barbara
Alt and Kay Gladding. Dance-Shir-
ley Risburg, Evelyn Spamer and

duced to a person of the opposite sex and each of whom
dinner in this person's company. Inevitably the person
one meets and eats with is slightly sub-human, more
than slightly on the gargoyle side, and definitely a boring
conversationalist. And don't say we didn't warn you.
Finally, beware of the roommate with the sense of
humor who "fixes you up" with a he's-tall-and-dark-and-
a-wonderful-dancer blinI date (and more about these,
later) who turns out to look like the 'straight man' in a
third-rate vaudeville act. The only thing to do in a case
like this is to punish her by having him dig up a friend
for the traitorous wench.
At this time in your life, dear young freshmen, since
you are newly arrived on campus, we feel that we should
run a special department for the two outstanding social
situations with which you will be confronted, describing
with, more or less elaborate detail the procedure in each
of them.
Rushing is, of course the first of these contacts, and
Aunt Cobina, in collaboration with her college board of
six young lady graduates of the finest reform schools in

proceeds to eat a
- r

Panhellenic, Assembly Groups
Will Have Information Booths

the East, has prepared a program of action designed to make Michigan's blase
sorority women notice you. We won't say exactly how they'll notice you, but
we guarantee a good degree' of attention.
W hat'Not To Do..
First, as you are met at the door, give each of your greeters a strong,
spine-wrenching handshake. This will show them you are healthy, and a
sickly sorority sister is the last thing they want. Before you are introduced
to the house mother see if you can find out her first name and call her by it
in a resounding voice, punctuating your acknowledgement of the introduction
with a hearty smack between the shoulder blades. They'll love your infor-
mality. Eat as many of the sandwiches and ca-
napes as you can get your hands on. Don't
hesitate to ask for seconds, and be sure to slurp
up your tea in long sweeping Wagnerian slurps;
sorority girls love a strong, original personality.
You may not be asked to the desserts, but
that will probably be because they'll all feel they
haven't a chance with such a dream of a pledge
prospect; but show them how democratic you
C aw~o_...___fr s~nvccro s)..f -, 1- f I I'l < .

* * * *


To aid students desiring informa-
tion about sororities on campus, there
will be a booth, sponsored by Panhel-
lenic Association, in the League Lobby
during Orientation Week.
Composed of three delegates from
each sorority who meet once a month,
Panhellenic Association was estab-
lished to promote cooperation among
the various sororities and to unify
the interests of affiliated and non-
affiliated women on campus.
Offiers of the Excuiv ermmit-

This fall whenever a woman stu-
dent sees the phrase, "Declaration of
Independents," there will be mirrored
in her mind Assembly, the organiza-
tion for independent women on the
University's campus.
She will be greeted by this theme
when she reads the pamphlet espe-
cially designed for the newcomers,
again when she stops at Assembly's
Information Booth in the League
lobby during Orientation Week. and

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