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August 16, 1941 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-16

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AV, AUGUST 16, 194


Daily Calendar of Events
Saturday, August 16
8:30 p.m. "The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (League Ballroom.)
Washington Merry- Go-Round

3, 1

Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
'ublisheds every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and hummer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
the Associated 'Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Aill
hts of republication !of all other matters herein also
gntered at the post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, Si
and class mail matter.
3ubscriptions during the regular school year by
rier $4.00, by mail, X4.$0.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
* College Publishers Representative
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41


naging Editor
y Editor
ociate Editor
ociate' Editor
rts Editor
men's Editor

Editorial Sta
. . . .r.


. . Karl Kessler
*Harry' M. Kelse ,
. Willam 'Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff,
usiness Manager . . . . Daniel H. Huyett
ocal Advertising. Manager . . . Fred M. Gi isberg
romen's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by emeibers of The
t Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
lo The Class
f '45...
OU who intend to wear '45 after your
j name have chosen an interesting
ime to be freshmen, just as all of us. have chosen
,n interesting generation in which to be born. As
'ou enter a period of higher education to learn
tow to think more clearly, critically, and individ-
tally,. there is a growing national tendency to
hannel thought into a "united effort'for de-
ense." Some leading patriots think 'that' any
pposition to their ideas ist un-American; that
ree speech is a bottle-neck in the advance
gainst dictatorship; that those who refuse to
eap on the all-out bandwagon are intriguing or
unconscious" abetters of Naziism. These people
elieve the only way to defend America is to sus-
>end democracy.
issue the Class of '45 a challenge. We believe
ive student newspaper open to all shades of
pinion. Each year we re-pledge ourselves to
'epresent the student body. And we do, for our
taff is open to everyone eligible to join and our
etters columns are open to all who -are willing
o observe the ethics of journalism. We are glad
o give the campus this kind of paper because
he University has guaranteed us absolute free-
lom of opinion within the limits of good taste,
ccuracy, and clear thinking; and if in the future
his freedom is abridged, it will not be The Daily
hat has let you down.
Alongwith this newspaper we of The Daily,
ssue the Class df '45 a challenge. We believe
hat the students of the University, from fresh-
nen to grauates, are as capable of formulating
and expressing opinions as the average American.
Ve believe that the leaders of tomorrow have as
nuch thinking ability today as the common man.
Ve do note believe that old age and'wisdom are
he opposites of youth and enthusiasm, for recent
listory has shown that too many mature people
lave gained no lesson from experience, and too
nany others have learned to dodge bullets with-
ut having been shot. Our challenge is that you
reshmen start preparing yourselves now for the
>roblems being prepared for you now by your
We trust you will want to read, criticize, and
upport a newspaper that offers you not only the
zews of the campus and the world, but an oppor-
;unity and challenge to study, think and speak
or yourself and the future of your country.
-Emile Gele, Managing Editor, 1941-42

WASHINGTON-One of the most serious
problems of the defense program is a shortage
of electricity. OPM experts estimate that the de-
ficiency imay run as high as 800,000 kilowatts
next year. Already civilian consumption has had
to be curbed in some areas, and pending in Con-
gress is a bill for nationwide daylight saving.
Yet projects that would provide hundreds of
millions of kilowatts of additional power have
been stymied for eight months by a fierce tug-of-
war inside the Administration.
ALL of the participants in this row distrust the
big power companies, have battled against
them for years. Yet now they are battling among
themselves so bitterly that the private power
companies may come out on top.a
Sole&cause of this battle is who should be boss
of the new defense electric power projects.
Nothing else is at issue. But over this issue the
New Dealers have bickered and the President
has teetered from one side to the other for almost
a year. Meanwhile the power shortage becomes
increasingly urgent.
The Contestants
Three groups are embroiled:
1 Secretary Harold, Ickes, who insists that
control be vested in his Department of Interior.
He contepds that only by such centralized au-
thority will it be opssible to +obtain uniformity
and standardization. Otherwise there will be
wide variations among the projects, impairing
theirusefulness and playing into the hands of
the utilities.
2. Vigorously opposing Ickes are Senator
George Norris of Nebraska, father of TVA; Rep-
resentative Clyde Ellis of Arkansas, militant
young New Dealer, who is backing an Arkansas
Valley Authority with potentialities twice as
gre~t at TVA; Senator Homer Bone of Washing-.
ton, sponsor of a Columbia Valley Authority em-
bracing the great Bonneville and Grand Coulee
projects; Senator William Butlw of South Da-
kota, author of a bill for an Upper Missouri Val-
ley Authority; and Governor Culbert Olson of
California, advocate of a CenralValley Author-
ity in his state.
THIS GROUP has nothing against Ickes per-
sonally, readily concedes he is an able and
public-minded executive. But they contend he
will not be Secretary of Interior forever; also
that each section should have a voice in the man-
agement of its project and that this is possible
only through separate Authorities.
3. Third contestant is Leland Olds, chairman
of the Federal Power Commission, who has
aroused the ire of Ickes, Norris and other public-
power champions with a defense power-pool
plan which they think plays directly into the
hands of utility interests. Olds has been a pub-
lic-power supporter, but his critics charge that
he is sacrificing public interests in an ambitious
effort to make himself the big-shot of the power
"' 4
FDR All O er The Map
In this Tangle the President has been on all
sides, sometimes all at the same time.
The fight started a week after the election last
November, when Roosevelt asked young Ellis and
Governor Olson to prepare bills for their pro-
posed Arkansas Valley and Central Valley Au-
thorities. They summoned David Lilienthal, ace
TVA director, to assist them in the drafting.
Two days before the new Congress convened
in January, when Ellis planned to introduce his
Arkansas measure, Ickes went to the president
and protested setting up an independent Author-
ity. Ickes insisted that administrative controlof
the vast project be put in his hands.
NEXT DAY White House word went to Ellis to
hold up his bill while a compromise was
worked out with Ickes. Ellis agreed to make the
effort, but it got nowhere. Norris, who carries
great influence in the Senate on power issues,
insisted on an independent Arkansas Authority.
So, did Senator Bone of Washington and the
Still striving to please both sides, Roosevelt
then suggested a plan. He would name an Ad-
ministrator for all the projects, who would report
to him through Ickes. The formula was rejected
on the ground that in practice it would mean
Ickes would be the real boss.

Olds Makes His Bid
Finally, after a luncheon conference with Ickes,
the President took another tack and wrote a let-
ter to Senator Bone urging that his Columbia
Valley project be put under Ickes. Bonneville
and Grand Coulee already are under the Interior
Department and the President suggested it would
simplify enactment of legislation if Ickes was
given control in the new set-up.
If the letter was intended as a peace move,
it had an exactly opposite effect. Bone hit the
ceiling. Ickes' management of Bonneville and
Grand Coulee is not popular in the Pacific North-
west. Bone shot back a flat rejection of Roose-
velt's proposal and announced his intention to

shortage, Olds, without consulting Ickes, or the
Rural Electrification Administration, or the Se-
curities and Exchange Commission, or other
members of the National Power Policy Coimit-
tee, submitted a plan making the utilities top-
dog in the set-up.
Dropping their differences for the moment,
Ickes, REA, TVA, Norris, and the others turned
their guns on-Olds. The raking which this am-
bitious New Yorker got is one he will long re-
Roosevelt Changes Attitude
The shooting is still not over. But apprised by
Ickes of Olds' scheme, Roosevelt has ordered
Olds to make important modifications in the
proposed grid system; also hereafter to work in
cooperation with the REA, SEC and Power Policy
Committee. However, Olds still harbors a yen
to make himself defense power czar, and there
may be more eruptions on this score.
Meanwhile, whether because of irritation at
this attempted maneuver or because of the long
delay in the four big projects, the President is
giving indications that he will line up with the
independent Authority group. Just before de..-
parting on his sea cruise he told Congressman
Ellis to go ahead with his Arkansas Valley Au-
thority bill.
THE AUTHORITY GROUP considers this de-
velopment highly significant, because it fol-
lowed on the heels of a talk Ickes had with the
President. Inside word is that at this conference
Roosevelt told his tenacious Secretary of In-
terior it was "no dice", and that he had finallly
decided against the Secretary's demand for con-
trol of the four power projects.
Ambassador's Press Relations
When Lord Halifax became Foreign Secretary
three years ago, he picked a man named Charles
Peake to be head of his new department. And
when Halifax was appointed Ambassador to
Washington, Peake came along as his personal
Peake's office is in the British Embassy on
Massachusetts Ayenu, close to the Ambassador
himself. He handles the Ambassador's mail, pub-
lic engagements and press relations.
When the Hess story broke, Halifax was in
Kansas City. Peake was with him. The Ambassa-
dor's address was already prepared and distri-
buted, but Peake urged that he include some ref-
erence to the Hess incident. Halifax wrote a tail
twister for the end of his speech, and the aud-
ience ate it up.;
TIE BEST WAY to know Peake is to hear him
talk: "The Ambassador has a tremendous cor-
respondence. We answer everything; that is, al-
most everything. When they're clearly balmy,
we don't bother.
"You chaps of the press have been awfully
good. In fact, that goes for the whole country.
This may sound terribly trite, but I've never
seen anything like your American hospitality.
Nothing is too much trouble. It amazes me!
"This makes it difficult to form an opinion
about 'isolation. Is it just the kindness of your
hearts, or does it mean-? But, look here, it
would be highly imprudent of me to try to pon-
tificate about isolationism.
/ "All I can say is, they were so cordial to the
Ambassador during his trip that it was actually
by an Eciadorian]
Campanas sensitivas, campanas inelodiosas
Que a Schubert interpretan y a Beethoven
Campanas que elevando plegarias dolorosas,
Hacen del alma noble, cual punado de rosas,
Deshojar emociones, deshojar sentimientos,
Y hasta al que nunca'supo sentir nada en la
Hieren vuestros lamentos.
El viajero suspende su paso para oiros,
En extasis y atonito su espiritu se eleva.
Es una serenata la que el viento le lleva.
Al monje que en coloquios se encuentra
antes el altar

Con el Ave Maria le ayudais a rezar.
Y vuestras melodias van brotando a raudales
Mientras se van Ilenando las almas de
Teresa Bueno
Sensitive chimes, melodious chimes
Interpreting Schubert and imitating Bee-"
Chimes that exalt painful prayers,
Make the soul noble like a handful of roses,
And even of one who never was able to
grieve in life

Peculiar Coincidence
To The Editor:
Every once in a while there occurs
a coincidence so remarkable that one
wonders whether the laws of proba-
bility are all that is claimed. On
page two of this morning's Daily, the
first column contains Karl Kessler's
editorial, the theme of which is that
engineers don't know enough outside
of pure technology. And in the fourth
column is a "Letter to the Editor"
which is a perfect specimen of the
so-called thinking of just the kind of
engineer that Kessler had in mind,-
the chap who can't - see beyond the
technical operation of machines to
the psychology (both individual and
mass) of the men who operate them.
I do not wish to lambaste'the en-
gineers or to enter the controversy
over the length of service of draftees.
What I do wish to point out is the
absurdity of the idea that it takes
only six weeks to train a man for
mechanized warfare. This notion
springs solely from our engineer's in-
ability to see that the soldier's train-
ing involves anything more than
training him to "master these ma-
chines of, destruction",-that is, to
become proficient in the handling of
certain weapons.
O TAKE an illustration from my
professional field, I am sure that
I could teach a man of average me-
chanical ability all that I know about
the operation of our large telescope
in about one week of intensive train-
ing, but it would not make an astron-
omer of him, Still better is the fol-
lowing illustration which ought to
drive the point home: suppose nine
men were individually trained to per-
fection in pitching, batting, catching,
and running, and were then turned
loose, without any training in team
play; how long would they stand up
against' the greenest sandlot crowd?
I'm thinking of selling this idea to
a Iollywood producer; it may have
the makings of a good comedy.
But the same idea applied to the
training of soldiers has the makings
of a first-class tragedy. An army
must work as a coordinated whole.
It is not just a mob, equipped with
impliments for killing, and turned
loose with instructions to each man
as an individual to kill as many of
the enemy as possible. Maybe our
engineer is naive enough to think
so. However proficient a man may
be in the handling of this or that
deadly weapon; he is almost useless
as a soldier unless he can employ it
effectively in conjunction with other
members of his unit. And each unit
is relatively ineffective unless it is
handled so asuto supplement the
work of other units.
That, in brief, is why it takes many
months to make a soldier ready for
combat. One of the major obstacles
in the way of our National Defense is
the widespread lack of understanding
of what military training really is.
However much one may complain
about the injustice (if such it be) of
holding draftees longer than a year,
it would be a crime to turn them loose
with incomplete training in the es-
sential element that distinguishes an
army from a mob: TEAMWORK.
The trained soldier has a vastly
greater chance of survival than the
half-trained one. And when (I don't
say "if"), the war comes, it will not
wait until the second half of the
training is completed.
Dean B. McLaughlin,
Professor of Astronomy
J World War I

A statistical analysis of the 902
major wars fought betweeen 500 B. C.
and 1920 A. D. using as factors their
duration, the number of countries
and combatants involved and the cas-
ualties, showed that the World War
of 1914-1918 was eight times larger
than the other 901 combined.
"Jack rabbit" stars and abrupt
stops waste gasoline, according to
the Department of Commerce.


SO you're coming to the University
of Michigan: Tsk, tsk. Poor fel-
But I'll tell you my story and
maybe that will help you out a little.
Maybe it will rescue from the same
path of ruin that I followed.
My Odyssey might be called Inno-
oents Abroad or The Adventures of
a Kansan in Ann Arbor. You see, I
come from Kansas. From a small
town inKansas called Cherry Hill
Center. .50 people. But don't hold
that against me.
WELL, I'd never been east until I
came to Ann Arbor. I'd lived a
nice, quiet, innocent existence back
on the farm, and hadn't ever seen
one of these critters called an "East-
erner." I guess I really hadn't seen
life yet. But fella, I was due for a
rude awakening.
My first encounter with one of the
critters was in a popular sandwich
joint on State Street, which the busi-
ness staff won't let me mention by
name. (There's another tip, pal: if
you come out for The Daily, don't
come near anyone on' the business
staff. The editorial bunch is much
nicer and we got prettier girls.) Any-
way, I went into this place and or-
dered a ham sandwich and a glass
of milk, being very anxious to do like
my mother had told me and get my
good old quart of milk every day.
WSELL, pretty soon a fella enters
with a furtive look on his face
and sits down at the counter. He
surveyed the assembled multitude
with a contumelious stare (got
that one from English 160. Skip
it, though. Pretty tough course.)
Then he looked at the guy behind
the counter sort of haughty like,
and nasals: "I say, old chappie,
can you bring me a cheese sand-
wich and a cup of tea."
Now can you imagine that, fella.
A cup of tea. Well, I just set there
drinking my milk like my ma told
me to and wondered ...
The next experience I had with
one of those Easterners was during
Registration. You go into a great
pig building where everyone is yelling
and shouting and scurrying around
trying to get into any section but an

WELL, anyway, I was standing in
that mass of humanity when
a guy comes up to me with that
unhealthy look on his pan which
I now instinctively associated with
Easterners. He asked me if he
could borrow my fountain pen, and
being anxious to please and make
friends, I said Sure, and gave it to
him. And do you know I never
saw the pen or that fellaagain.
.so I did some more wondering
about these here Easterners.
But the worst was yet to come. I
hadn't seen anything yet, pal.
Through the good offices of a house
mother a blind date was arranged
for me. (That's another thing to
watch out for: don't trust blind dates
that house mothers get for you, and
be awful careful of exchange din-
ners . .. you always lose.)
WELL, anyway, the blind, date was
arranged for me. And it turned
out to be with a girl from the East.
From the Bronx, to be exact.
Now back home when I went out
on a date, which wasn't more than
once or twice a year, it was a pretty
simple affair. And that's sort of
what I figured on here . . . movie
downtown- the 20-cent one - a
five-cent bag of popcorn to eat an
the way home, and we'd be in by
o9:30, which is plenty late enough
to be out with any woman.
But as I said before, I didn't know
much about life. It didn't turn out
that way at all. First there was a
dance at the ,Union, and then to a
downtown tavern which the business
staff won't let mnp mention by narhe
again, and her 12 beers and my glass
of milk. And then we went to a place
called the Arboretum.
WELL, -before I tell'youabout what
happened to me there, I'll tell
you the definition of the Arboretum
which I later discovered, but, alas.
too late! "The Arboretum is a tract
of land donated to the University for
biological research, but now used for
more practical and amorous pur-
Now I think you know what that
means. And like I say this here date
of mine wanted to go to the Arbore-
tum, and being nice and chivalrous
like they taught me to be to women
back on the farm, I went.
And I've regretted it ever since.
YOU SEE, fella, I'd never hit a
woman before in my life. But
before I got home that night I had
to slap that fresh young thing
three times . .
AND that's my story. It's sad, I
know, but true. And if you profit
from it, fella, then I will feel that I
didn't lose all in vain.
(And have a nice time at the U. of
M. this fall. It's a pretty swell place,
in spite of everything, fella. But be
For Coeds Only
Next to dress the topic dearest to
the hearts of women is their weight
and how to reduce it. But they talk
mc.-1y nohnnii1n net ,~av-nd nly hes-.

rorn The Class
)f '41.


graduate days to gather dust with
the 1941 yearbooks extend to you, the campus
leaders of 1945, a sincere welcome and hope that
you shall be able to make the most of the curricu-
lar and extra-curricular facilities of the Univer-
By enrolling in the University, you are accept-
ing an opportunity and a challenge. Here you
will find the necessary background for a liberal
education-what you do with that background,
what you carry away from Michigan is entirely
up to you.
When you leave the Campus four years hence,
you will receive a richly engraved piece of sheep-
skin. Will that scrap of paper represent a true

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 K C - NBC Bluej
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson Youth Dramas To Be Announced
6:30 Wayne King's S. L. A. Marshall Sons of the Saddle TorBe Announced
6:451; Orchestra Sports Parade Inside of Sports Harry Heilmann
7:00 Guy Lombardo Latituda Zero Serenade Town Talk.
7:15 Orchestra Latitude Zero Val Clare; News Organ Favorites
7:30 News Comes Truth Or Hawaii Bishop &
7:45 To Life Consequence Calls the Gargoyle
8:00 Your Barn News Ace Green Hornet
8:15 Hit Dance Forces Quiz Green Hornet
8:30 Parade Barn gould Orchestra NBC
$:45 Saturday Night Dance Gould Orchestra Summer
9:00 Serenade Dance Music Chicagoland Symphony
9:15 Public Affairs Dance Music Concert Concert

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