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August 14, 1941 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1941-08-14

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, A i

ST 14, 1941


Kent University
Grad Betrothed
To Dr. Lagler
Miss Mary Manchester
Will Wed Facultyman
Of Zoology Department
Dean and Mrs. Raymond E. Man-.
Chester of Kent, O., have announced
the betrothal of their daughter, Mary
Jane, to Dr. Karl F. Lagler, son of
Mrs. Rasolie Lagler of Ann Arbor.
Following her graduation with
honors from Kent State University,
Miss Manchester received her mas-
ter's and doctor's degrees in speech
from the University, where she was
for some time a member of the staff
of the speech clinim. Affiliated with
Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma and Al-
pha Psi Omega, honorary dramatic
fraternity, she was formerly national
secretary of Alpha Sigma Tau. At
the present time she is in the posi-
tion of speech correctionist in the
Highland Park Public Schools.
Graduate of the University of
Rochester, Mr. Lagler is a member
of the faculty in the Department of
Zoology in the University. He re-
ceived his master's degree in zoology
at Cornell University and his doctor's
degree at the University.
Organizations of which he is a
member include the American Wild-
life Institute, Theta Delta Chi, Gam-
ma Alpha, Phi Sigma and Sigma Xi.
Besides his work in the University,
he has been doing research work on
No date has been set for the wed-
01' Diz Calms
Himself A Bit
For New Job
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13.-(P)-A raw-
boned, lanky man quivering with ex-
citement was sitting behind a micro-
phone in the broadcast booth high
above the playing field at Sports-
man's Park.
His graying hair dangled over his
forehead and his face was drawn in
emotional intensity.
Down below the St. Louis Cardinals
were battling hell for leather to hold
first place in the National League.
They hadn't come up with, such a
fighting aggregation since 1934, when
the great Dizzy Dean and brother
Paul won the World Series.
The score was tied in the eighth
inning. The Card had runners on
second and third with one out.
There was a sharp crack as the
bat connected with the ball-and a
crash of a chair overturning as the
announcer leaped into the air wav-
ing his arms and yelling "yoweeee-
you can't beat 'em."
It was Dizzy Dean himself, once
the greatest attraction in baseball,
in action as a .radio sports commen-
Although he still is somewhat of
a riot in the press box, old Diz isn't
the fire-eating popoff he used to be.
When he took the radio job-for
a reported $10,000 a year-he vowed
"they ain't gonna change me none,"
but he has settled down until the
umpires he used to heckle as part of
his daily diet would hardly know him.
He is taking' the job seriously.
On a close play at home plate the
other day he even remarked over the
"Well, I wouldn't attempt to call
them from up here where I sit, but
it looked to me like the ump was

He broadcasts an inning or two
each game and chimes in frequently
to give listeners some "inside" dope.
He admits he doesn't think he is
quite as good at hurling words as he
was at throwing fast balls, but states
frankly he is improving.

Gets Military-Powers

SummeryGreenery Background
I P~tiijr2! ~~IT t~' Tcm

Summer greenery in night time
scenery will be the result of the
transformation of the League ball-
room for the Summer Hop, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow.
To produce this illusion, membersj
of the League Council have arranged
a backdrop sparkling with stars to
hang behind the orchestra and sum-
mer flowers and trees to surround
the ballroom floor.
Corresponding in importance in the
Summer Session social calendar to
the great J-Hop of the academic
year, the dance'will be a semi-formal
affair, with all students invited to
attend, whether with or without part
ners. Chairman Mary Habel has se-
lected a group of hostesses whose
duty it will be to provide introduc-
tions among the dancers.
Tickets for the dance may be
bought from any of the members of
Britain's RAF
Bombers Raid
German Cities
(Continued from Page 1)

Vice-Premier Admiral Jean Dar-
lan (above) was named minister of
national defense at Vichy in a re-
organization of the French cabi-
net which concentrated all mili-
tary powers in his hands. Darlan
is bitterly anti-British and a fore-
front exponent of loyal coopera-
tion with the Nazis.
Russia Sends
'Short Reports
No Important Movements
Reported By Soviets
(Continued from Page 1)
a Black Sea port, they would find
only "the smoking ruins of demol-
ished factories and empty streets."
They said, too, a German thrust
in force to the Black Sea would be
accomplished only at "an awful cost.
in blood."
While the Soviet command in its
mid-day communique maintained its
reserve, other Soviet reports told of
the smashing of one German division
and the routing of another-both at
unstated points.
The most significant Russian suc-
cess officially reported, however, was
the destruction by Red dive bomber;s
of the great Danube River bridge and
oil pipeline at Cerna-Voda. Thus, it
was declared, rail traffic. was para-
lyzed between the chief points of
German-allied Rumania and the Ru-
manian Black Sea coast, particularly
the military port of Constanta; Ger-
man oil depots on the Black Sea
were simultaneously cut off from re-
plenishment, and the right bank of
the Danube and the Rumanian Black
Sea harbors were cut off from the
main part of Rumania "for a long
time to come."
Everyone Is Happy
At Governor's Day
IONIA, Mich., Aug. 13.-QP)-With
politics in the off-year doldrums,
major figures in Michigan political
life met generally at the annual Gov-
ernor's Day at the Ionia free fair to-
Governor Van Wagoner, address-
ing a noon luncheon given by the
big-wigs of both major parties, com-
plimented Republican members of
the state administrative board on the
"fine records" they were making and
a love feast was had by all.
Sole political interest of the gath-
ering centered around the presence
of Judge Homer Ferguson, nemesis
of Detroit grafters and racketeers.
The luncheon gossip of politicians
said Ferguson would be a condidate
for Governor or United States Sen-
ator on the Republican ticket, prob-
ably the latter.

in the clouds to spot
railway stations.

buildings andI

Although the German defense in
general was termed spotty, Berlin's
resistance was powerful.
The bombers "fought their way
through every defense Berlin could
muster," the news service said.
"Searchlights in the hundreds massed
in groups of 30 or 40 followed the
bombers through the sky and the
barrage continued without remis-
The attack on Berlin was alter-
nated with assaults made by the Rus-
sian air force. In addition to Berlin,
Essen and Stettin, a select list of
Germany's greatest war industrial
centers-Kiel, Bremen, Cologne, Os-
nabruck, Duisburg, Magdeburg, Han-
over-also felt the crash of British
bombs, it was said.
Airdromes in Holland, docks at Le
Havre in France, and harbors and
airfields in Norway also were at-
All this, said the British, was only
a night-trap to the daylight offensive
in which Cologne and a great many
other objectives were hit.
Despite the intensity of these at-
tacks, British air sources declared
equal or greater raids will blast Ger-
many from the Baltic to the Carnic
Alps on the Italian frontier in the
Thirteen bombers and eight fight-
ers were lost in the onslaught, they
Sportsmen Will Organize
For Hunting Regulations
LANSING, Aug. 13.--/P))-The
35,000 members of the Michigan Uni-
ted Conservation Clubs will be organ-
ized in an effort to promote legisla-
tion giving the state conservation de-
partment discretionary power over
hunting and fishing regulations.
MUCC officials turned to plans to
initiate such legislation after aban-
doning proposals that a constitu-
tional amendment be sought to ac-
complish the same purpose at a meet-
ing here last night.

.5.3 AF ..111.. 1 I A V
the League Council or in the Office
of the Social Director in the League.
To make it easier for students to;
purchase admission tickets, there will!
be women on campus all day today
for this purpose. The following stu-
dents will be at the Engineering
Arch:C8 a.m., Doris Allen; 9Ha.m.
Elsie Courtney; 10 a.m., Mary Habel;
11 a.m., Barbara Jenswold; 1 p.m.,
Doris Allen; 2 p.m. Shirley Lay and
3 p.m.. Virginia Capron.
Stationed before the library will
be, 9 a.m., Jean Johnson; 10 a.m.,
Mary Neafie; 11 a.m., Betty New-
man; 1 p.m., Jane Baits; 2 p.m., Bar-
bara Brooks and 3 p.m., Betty John-
Clark McClellan's orchestra have
planned to introduce several new,
original arrangements along the line
of Sweet Swing for dancing.
Last dance of the Summer Session
will be the "Final Fling," to be held
from 9 to 12 p.rh. Saturday in the
League ballroom.
Celebration of th proximity of the!
end of studies for the summer will
be the occasion for informal enter-
tainment of various sorts, of which
chairman Ruth Gram is in charge.
All students are urged to take ad-
vantage of these final dances of the
summer term, which are planned es-
pecially to give each one of them
two entertainment evenings before
final examinations.
Vital1 Decision
Seen Pending
Move Expected As Result
Of Atlantic Conference
(Continued from Page 1)
there was an abundance of problems
for cac~zzion in developments in the
Far East,mFinFrance and in the Rus-
sian-German war.
New measures of collaboration on
the Far Eastern front to check Japan
and in the Atlantic to counter closer
French collaboration with Germany
were mentioned in speculation about
a Roosevelt-Churchill meeting.
Secretary Hull remained silent on
the Vichy government's "collabora-
tion" decisions pending more com-
plete diplomatic reports and an anal-
ysis of the whole French problem. He
likewise declined to comment on the
Far ; East except to announce the
resignation of Hugh S. Grant, Ameri-
can minister in Thailand-possible
next objective in Japan's program of
expansion. It was explained drant's
resignation had been submitted some
time ago and had no connection with
current developments.
Hull conferred with Alfred Duff
Cooper, new British coordinator in
the Far East, and British Empire
diplomats were present to exchange
ratifications of new conciliation trea-
ties between the United States, Aus-
tralia, Canada and New Zealand.
Possibly indicating a long suspen-
sion of trade with Japan was ex-
pected, Hull acted to preserve pres-
ent silk stocks in this country. He
revoked all licenses for silk exports,
except to the Philippines, and except
for small quantities to meet urgent
defense needs "of countries resisting

Light Classics
To Be Offered
AtMfusic Flour
Strauss Library Concert
Will Feature Sibelius,
Gershwin, Brahms
Light classics will be offered in a
varied orchestral program, featuring
six symphony orchestras and seven
composers, on the Strauss Library'
Music Hour record concert at 6:45
p.m. today in the Main Lounge of
the West Quadrangle.
Opening the program of recorded
masterpieces will be the Philadelphia
Symphony Orchestra playing Sibeli-
us' "Finlandia," which will be fol-
lowed by Gershwin's "Rhapsody in
Blue" performed by Paul Whiteman's
Tschaikowsky Scheduled
Continuing, the Victor Concert
Orchestra will offer Tschaikowsky's
"Romance" and Liszt's "Liebesraum.".
Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel.
Overture" is next on the program, in-
terpreted by the British Broadcasting
Company Orchestra.
Three numbers by the Detroit Sym-
phony follow: Tschaikowsky's "Valse
Serenade," Altschuler's "Russian Sol-
dier's Song" and Tschaikowsky's
"Marche Miniature." Brahms' "Hun-
garian Dances No. 5 and 6," played
by the San Francisco Symphony Or-
chestra, will close the program.
Feuermann To Play
To be offered on the record con-
cert tomorrow are Blochs "Schelomo"
(for cello and orchestra), with Feuer-
mann and the Philadelphia Orches-
tra, conducted by Stokowski. This
will be followed by Stravinsky's "Sa-
cre du Printemps," to be played by
the New York Philharmonic Orches-
tra under the baton of the composer.
All members of the Summer Ses-
sion are cordially invited to attend
these concerts, which have been
given throughout the summer. Dur-
ing past weeks large numbers of stu-
dents and faculty members have been
in attendance, many of the students
finding the music hour a pleasant
time to continue their studies. Aver-
age attendance has been estimated
at more than 40, with as many as 65
present on some days.
Gall Is Director
Director of the record concerts is
Cornelius D. Gall. director of the
Hamilton Community Symphony Or-
chestra in Hamilton, N. Y., and a
student during the Summer Session
in the School of Music. Besides his
achievements on the podium, Mr.
Gall is a recognized violinist in his
own right.
Imports of Scotch whisky totaled
2,200,000 gallons in January-April.

Charles E. Gilbert, Oboe and English
Horn, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of
the Master of Music degree at 8:30
p.m. Monday, August 18, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. He will be
assisted by a chamber music orches-
tra with Dr. Eric DeLamarter con-
ducting. The recital is compliment-
ary to the general public.
On Monday evening, August 18th,
at 8 o'clock, Mr. Geoffrey Crowther,
Editor of the Economist, will speak
on "The Future of Anglo-American
Relations", in the lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend August graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for Departmental Honors
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before
August 22.
Tickets for the Mystery Cycle to be
given in Hill Auditorium on Sunday
evening, August 17, by the Depart-
ment of Speeech and the School of
Music are available only at the Mich-
igan League.
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, and Music:
Summer session students wishing a
transcript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4 U.H.,
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request before
the end of the session will result in
a needless delay of several days.

(Continued from Page 2)


Lectures on French Musik: Mr.
Percival Price, Professor of Compo-
sition and University Carillonneur
will give the third lecture on French
Music on Monday, August 18, at 4:10
p.m. in Room 206, Burton Memorial
Tower. The subject of his lecture
will be "Modern French Music."
The lecture, which will be given in
English, is open to all students and
Faculty members. This will end the
series of lectures on French music of-
fered by Professor Price during the
Summer Session and sponsored by
the Department of Romance Lan-
Charles E. Koella
Packers Sign Ed Frutig,
Former Varsity Star End
(By The Associated Press)
Ed Fruitig, '41, who last,. year
starred as end on the Michigan foot-
ball squad, has now been signed by
the Green Bay Packers, Coach E. L.
Lameau said today. He and seven
other graduating college players were
drafted by the Packers last Decem-
Others signed are George Paskvan
of Wisconsin, Bill Kuusito of Minne-
sota, Tony Canadeo of Gonzaga, Del
Lyman of U. C. L. A., Ernie Pannell
of Texas A. & M. and Herman Roh-
rig of Nebraska.
Crew cnt or personality hair style.
Liberty of State

er ectiH ny~dr at

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Suniner Clearance

Final 'Clearance
of all
Entire Remainder of this season's merchandise
has been drastically reduced.

HELD OVER! Today thru Saturday!



_ $9.00

Bargain Matinees
25c incl. Tax


Including all finer cottons as well as meshes, prints,
jerseys and sheers.

in which all items are priced exceedingly low for quick
disposal to make room for new fall merchandise.
Summer Suits........................ .Now $9.95
(Small charge for alteration)
Tropical Suits Reduced ......... . . . . . .......... . . .
.......Now $19.75 -$23.75 -$27.75 -$52.00
Gabardine Suits Reduced ........... . .
....Now $34.00 -- $36.00 -- $44.00 -- $60.00
Slacks ................ .......... . 20% Discount
Sport Coats Reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....Now $14.95 and Less - Values to $30.00
Special Lot of Hosiery .............. . Reduced 20%
Shirts -Now 3 for $5.65 ..........Values to $5.00
Straw Hats ............................. 1 /2 Price
Neckwear .,.Group 1: 3 for $2.95... .Values to $2.50
Neckwear . . .Group 2: 3 for $5.50... .Values to $3.50
Shoes and Leisure Slippers. . .... Now $2.95 and $4.85

Jerseys, Piques, Dotted
Swiss. Formerly to $22.95
Now $5 and $7

Special group of unlined
Suitable for daytime or
evening wear. $4.

COATS... $12.00
An outstanding group of
Classic type coats suitable for now and early fall . . . coats that
were originally priced $25, $29.95 and $35.
Every remaining cotton dress in our Sport Shop included.

T H A L L - U R P R I S E 7 d o ~ o r s
I Extra Added I




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