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August 14, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-14

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Daily Calendar of Events
T hursday, August 14
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Progressive Education In Conflict." Raymond Fisher, Assistant
Professor of Educ atio, Okerlin College. (University -High School Audi-
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
8:00 p.m. Lecture. "The St. LawrenceWaterway." (Illustrated) Prof. F. N. Menefee,
Prof. of Engineering ,Mechanics. (Rackham Amphitheatre.)
8:30 p.m. "The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Upiversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-4 1

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Washington Merry-Go-Round




Editorial Staff

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
A sociate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

" " i

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
Business Manager........Daniel H. Huyett
Lal .Advertising Manager Fred M. Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
A Liberal Education
For Eng1ineers ...
i HIS IS AN AGE of specialiation: ours
j.has become a civilization in which
each man does one job; he must do that job to
excellence, but the scope of his work is therefore
strictly limited.
This way of life has made possible many of our
technological advances, but with these advances
have come most of our social problems today.
We may be bucking the tide when we say that
absolute specialization is neither necessary nor
desirable, but at least we do not stand alone.
President Hutchins of Chicago is no mean pro-
Perhaps the most flagrant of our specialists
today are in the engineering school. We have
nothing personal against the engineeers; we have
been going to classes with many of them for the
past four years, and carry a great deal of respect
for the slide rule addicts. But by associating
with the engineers without being one of them
we have recognized some of their more obvious
T° TAKE an illustration: A student comes to
the University to study chemical engineering.
He learns chemical engineering, and he learns it
well-in fact, he is so busy learning chemical
engineering during his four years of college that
he has little time to learn much else. His days are
spent in the classroom or the lab, and at night
he works problems until early morning. His
social life consists of an occasional movie and
perhaps a few dances during the year.
His technical training is good, but let us see
what will be asked of him when he is out of
college and entering industry.
He is primarily an engineer, but is considered
to be more than a skilled workman. His job,
therefore, is to show other workmen what to do;
it is his task to supervise the technical work of
the plant. For this work his technical training is
indespensible, but it is not enough. He must
also know how to deal with men, and in this
line the socially-secluded engineer has too often
proven himself a woeful mis-fit.
A prominent industrial engineer, attending a
conference on education here recently, at-
tributed much of the misunderstanding in labor
disputes to the engineer's meager background.
The engineer is the one who comes in contact
with the worker, whether his function be one of
staff or one of direct production supervision, he
is the one who will deal with the working man,
as well as establish the company's policies which
govern the worker, and today he spends con-
siderable of his time handling the differences
betweeen labor and management.
What the individual needs to fulfill such a po-
sition is a sound technical background, an under-
standing of his fellow men and a good sense of
proportions. Too often his education is sadly
lacking in the latter two qualities; he has been
taught to attack his problems logically, not psy-
A PURELY TECHNICAL engineering training
is excusable and expected from a technical
high school or institute, but a university engi-
neering college should give more than that. It
should offer a well rounded education, and a re-
quired coursee in Ec. 51 does not fulfill that
The administration can help some in helping
the engineer by offering more electives outside
the college, but most of the improvement will be
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WASHINGTON-It is no secret that the most
anxious diplomacy the United States has at-
tempted in Europe for some time has been .the
effort to keep France out of the Axis; for com-
plete surrender of Vichy to Hitler means that
vital African bases would becomee Nazi stepping-
stones to South America.
BUT IT IS a secret that the chief influence the
State Department wielded over Vichy was
through Bob Murphy, counselor of the American
Embassy, who went to mass daily with Marshal
Weygand. Murphy was transferred from Vichy
to North Africa especially to nurse Weygand.
Ardent co-religionists, they became good
friends; and it was upon Murphy's recommenda-
tion that vitally important U. S. oil and aviation
gasoline was sent to North Africa. Unfortun-
ately, this oil and gas-sent despite .British pro-
tests-now arrives just in time for use by the
Nazis when they take over the French bases.
While the State Department and Bob Murphy
were right that Weygand and the French Catho-
lics have been the strongest opponents to Hitler,
they were wrong in one other vital aspect. They
overlooked the strength of the Nazi espionage
system in France and the underground terrorism
established by Hitler to sway French leaders.
'Special Commissioners'
THIS BEGAN some time ago under the direc-
tion of Alfred Rosenberg, famous Nazi phil-
osopher and Jew-baiter. Marshall Petain fought
this organization from the start, but many of
those around him cooperated. Most active were
Jacques Doriot, the former Communist; and
Methonier, a sort of KKK leader who wore a
hood and who became famous after the bombing
of the French Union of Factory Owners.
UNDER THIS French Communist-Nazi super-
vision, secret agents called "comissionaires
speciaux" were appointed, and cells were formed
to eliminate forces opposing French cooperation
with Hitler. Even high officers of the French
Army were arrested when they dared oppose
Nazi collaboration.
And behind the recent murder of Marx Dor-
moy, cabinet member in the Blum Socialist gov-
ernment, was the fact that he had tried to expose
these terrorist groups.
The State Department failed to gauge the
strength of this movement and bet its money-
and gaasoline-on the nice but impotent old men
of Vichy.
Slapping Down Pappy
ENATOR "Pass the biscuits, Pappy," O'Daniel
lost no time in sounding off in the Senate,
and the Senate lost no time in slapping him
The day after he took his seat, the Texas
crooner, breaking the hallowed tradition that
rookies should be seen and not heard, lectured
the Senate at length on numerous matters. The
chamber took it in silence. But next day, when
he offered an irrelevant amendment to the selec-
tees retention bill, the Senate nailed "Pappy"
As soon as he sat down, without a further word
the Senate threw the amendment into the waste
The slap-down happened so fast that for a
minute O'Daniel didn't know what hit him.
When he realized what had occurred, he started
to protest but by that time another senator had
the floor.
Note-In addressing the Senate on his first
appearance, O'Daniel was emulating the late
Huey Long, who pulled the same stunt. Like the
Louisiana Kingfish, O'Daniel harbors secret pres-
idential ambitions.
Lewis On The Move
NEWS COPY was flowing fast over the desks
of telegraph editors last week. But in the
space of a few hours came three stories connected
with John L. Lewis.
On the surface, there was no relation between
them. But when put side by side they revealed
the tell-tale trail of the bush-browed laborite's
maneuvers to rstore himself as a political power
and master of the CIO.
Story No. 1 bore a Joplin, Mo., dateline. It re-
ported a speech by Reid Robinson, head of the

CIO Mining and Smelter Workers, attacking
OPM Associate Director Sidney Hillman by
Robinson is a Lewis henchman and thereby
retains his job. He was one of the few top-rung
CIO leaders who followed Lewis in his bolt to
Willkie, and his direct attack on Hillman is the
first made by any important CIO executive.
INSIDE CIO WORD is that the hand of Lewis
was behind the blast; also that other blasts
will be coming from key-placed Lewis henchmen
as part of his fence-building to recapture the
Oe r wztan - - onf.t5 nil onmpntin tisie

Munitions Boss
THE Gas, Coke and Chemical Division covers
all workers in the munitions industry, which
of course is rapidly expanding, and the union is
keeping step with this growth.
So by installing Gassaway and his daughter
at the head of this union, Lewis quietly made
himself labor boss of one of the most strategic
defense industries. He put himself in a key
position where the Government must deal with
him to obtain gun powder for the Army, Navy
and Air Corps.
Also, he ensured that the union will vote as he
orders at the CIO convention.
Story No. 3, the only one that attracted at-
tention, was the Lowdon-Hoover-Landon attack
on Roosevelt's aid-Russia policy. Lewis was one
of the fifteen signers of this blast, and thus
disclosed the circuitous political game that he is
is parading as an ardent defender of their
interests. "Labor has no real representation in
the defense setup" is his battlecry and his hench-
men's. But simultaneously he is lining up with
Old Guard Republican isolationists who have
opposed the defense program.
This juxtaposition charts Lewis' strategy. As
president of the CIO, the ally of the GOP Old
Guard, and an isolationist leader, he would be at
the top of the political heap. In next year's con-
gressional elections and in 1944, he could write
the ticket, possibly even put himself on it.
This ambition is Lewis' consuming passion-
second perhaps to his hatred of Franklin Roose-
THE MICHIGAN Repertory Players climaxed a
better-than-average season last night with a
better-than-average presentation of the Gilbert
and Sullivan comic opera The Gondoliers.
Not that I want to discourage you from seeing
it: it's really a very enjoyable evening, and well
worth the time. But then The Gondoliers is not
the best opera Gilbert and Sullivan wrote; and
it's not the best thing the Repertory Players
have done this season.
I don't know where the fault lies. Certainly
not in the acting, for with few exceptions, all
characters were excellently portrayed. The di-
rection was capably handled by Valentine Windt
and Claribel Baird, and James Wolfe did a mag-
nificent job as musical director and conductor
of the orchestra. So the fault must be with Gil-
bert and Sullivan; and it's not up to me to crit-
icize them. They've been pretty definitely es-
tablished for some years.
AS I started to say, the cast is well put to-
gether. Vernon B. Kellett as the Duke of
Plaza-Toro and Duane Crossley as Don Alhambra
del Bolero walked away with top honors with
magnificent performances: two of the best I've
seen in Ann Arbor this summer.
Katherine Sarich as Tessa was excellent,
Stephney Doranchak was very good as the Duch-
ess, and Maurice Gerow and Sam Durance, Jr.,
turned in more than satisfactory performances
as the two gondoliers. (In the second act, they
were terrific . . . and I'd challenge any two pro-
fessionals in the D'Oyle-Carte Opera Company
to do better.)
Virginia Moore sang beautifully in her too-few
solo appearances as Fiametta, and Fawn Adkins
did an adequate bit as Inez.
THE OTHER THREE main characters weren't
too well cast. At least it seemed that way to
me. Margaret Martin as Gianetta, Betty Lou
James as Casilda and Ray Steele as Luiz were
unimpressive. Their main trouble could,I think,
be remedied: none of them could be understood
when they sang.
The two choruses were very good, showed a
lot of pep and vim which added to the general
attractiveness of the presentation. One of the
biggest hits of the show was the sextette of

unnamed dancers. They were really good, and
got quite a hand. Dance director Eliabeth Whit-
ney rang the bell here.
Alexander Wyckoff in his final job for the
Repertory Players (he won't be back next sum-
mer, worse luck for us) did his usual ingenious
job, and Emma Hirsch and Evelyn Cohen put
together some costumes that added a lot of color
to the show.
ON THE WHOLE, it was a good job. The few
weak spots weren't too noticeable, and the
strong spots more than made up for them. What

By Terence
SPOT was just a plain ordinary
little white dog.
Nothing more. He came to us when
he was just a month old. I was five
years old. And I remember he was
just big enough to -lie down in one
of those boxes that spools of thread
come in..
But he soon grew up. Not very big,
but big enough for a six-year old boy.
He used to follow me to school every
day. And when recess time would
come, he'd come back to play with
me at recess. He never missed his
timing either. We lived four blocks
away, but whenever that bell rang-
recess, noon, or dismissal-Spot
would be there...
PRETTY near every place I went,
he went. We drove to Colorado
one summer, and stayed overnight at
a hotel there where they didn't allow
dogs. Mom sneaked him in wrapped
up in her arms in a white sweater
like a baby.. .
Spotwas smart, the smartest dog I
ever saw. Not in tricks, cause we
never bothered to teach him any of
those. But he had life figured out so
he could get just about what he
wanted. Like when he wanted pet-
ting, he'd pick one paw up and limp
around on three. until someone took
pity and paid some attention to him.
We had a cat named Muffy, too.
She and Spot used to sleep in the
basement. Spot in a basket and
Muffy on the floor near the furnace.
O NE bitter cold winter night we
heard an awful yowling down
there. Mom dashed down the stairs,
and there was Muffy curled up in the
warm basket, and poor Spot, driven
from his home, sitting on the cement
floor howling his head off...
Spot and I always were constant
companions. And you know how you
get attached to a dog. . . I was a
pretty lonely kid, and that little white
pup made up for a lot. He was just
about all the playmates I had; and all
I wanted.
TODAY I got a letter from home:
TSpothas been chloroformed. It
had to be that way: he was blind,
and a little stove up with rheuma-
I hadn't seen him since Christmas.
I remembered him then . . . he
couldn't see me at a distance, cause
his eyes were already going bad. But
when he got close to me, he just about
licked my face off. He was sort of
pitiful, not being able to see very
well. We have a door between the
hall and the den that had a mirror
in it. He was used to going through
that to the basement. . . only this
time it was closed. He wasn't hurt,
but his pride was . . . and he had a
lot of pride.
But that' all over. I've lost the best
friend I ever had, and that's not just
sentimentalism. I'd like to have seen
him once more, but with things as
they were, I guess i.t's best...
Thirty for Spot.... .
THIS LETTER is in answer to the
letter printed in "Stupid Stuff"
August 14, and I do mean Stupid
The author admits that a large
standing army is of little use and
that is just what the authorities are

planning to foster upon the nation.
An unlimited army of recruits to
serve from thirty months to the end
of this emergency.
This country needs a highly mech-
anized army. It has not got it yet. I
am not saying who is to blame but
the fact remains that the army is
woefully short of tanks, planes, ma-
chine guns, and the rest of the mu-
nitions that make up the modern
army. If all these items were avail-
able in the numbers that the army
officials have asked for, we need have
no fear of any world power even if
we disregard the two great oceans
that are protecting us.
All this seems to be in accord with
Leonard. The thing that he and I
and army officials disagree on is the
time required to master these ma-
chinesrofudestruction. Six weeks is
all that is required to train the men.
That is from the army's own admis-
sion since that is the length of train-
ing in their schools devoted to train-
ing men for their mechanied units.
Leonard cannot be very mechanically
minded or he would realize this.
the army so much as to devote
a year and a half more than they
expected to is sheer nonsense. Quite
a number of my friends have been
Some like it and then again some
do not. The following is a quote from
my cousin who is fortunate enough
to be in Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
"All in all the army is not so bad.
I'm used to it by now, after four
mnnths sn T Ido not mind it .Bt I'll

Z 01941. chicago Times. Inc.
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"Aw-I just put ink in my piggy bank, mom!"


By Lichty



All Notices for the Daiiy Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m..
Deutscher Verein. Professor Hans
Pick, School of Music will speak on
"Einiges ueber Orchester-und Schall-
platatenmusik," this evening at 8:00
p.m. in the German House, 1443
Washtenaw. Anyonee intereseted is
cordially invited.
Professor F. N. Menefee will give an
illustrated lecture this, evening at 8
o'clock in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building on "The St. Law-
rence Waterway." This lecture is
open to the general public.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a carillon recital from 7:15 to 8 p.m.r
Thursday, August 14, in the Burton
Memorial Tower. The program will
consist of Flemish sixteenth century
folk -songs, compositions by the fac-
ulty of the Beiaardschool, the only
school devoted solely to the study of
the carillon, and Dutch dances.
"The Gondoliers" by Gilbert and
Sullivan will be presented at 8:30
p.m. tonight through Saturday night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
by the Michigan Repertory Players
of the Department of Speech. Single
admissions are 75c, 50c, and $1.00.,
The boxoffice is open from 10 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Phone 6300.
Zoology Summer Session Picnic
this afternoon: For staff students
and friends. Cars to leave from Mall
at East side of Natural Science Build-
ing at 5 p.m. for Dexter Huron Park.
East, songs, baseball swimming.
The Summer Sessions French Club.
The last meeting of the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will take place to-
night. at 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer Fran-
cais," 1414 Washtenaw.
Mr. Joachim Lay, Chinese student
recently arrived from France, will tell
his last impressions of Europe.
A group of Faculty members of the
French Department and of students
will "broadcast" Moliere's "Les Pre-
cieuses Ridicules."
Charles E. Koella
Attention, Hopwood Contestants:
All manuscripts for the summer con-
tests must be in the Hopwood Room
by 4:30 p.m. this Friday.
R. W. Cowden
Graduate Student Recital: Charles
0. Shrader, Pianist, who is a student

tw I

of Professor Joseph Brinkman, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m., Satur-
day, August 16, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. This recital is given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Maaster of
Music andbis complimentary to the
general public.
Harvest, the well known French
film, will be shown Friday night,
Aug. 15 at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham School Main Auditorium. Tick-
ets for the performance are thirty-
five cents and will be available at
Wahr's Book Store, the Michigan
League and the Rackham School on
Friday night after 7:30. Art Cinema.
"The Cobbler Captain of Koepe-
niek will be shown at the Rackham
School Auditorium at 8:15 p m. on
Saturday night, August 16. All pa-
trons of the Art Cinema League are
invited to attend this showing of the
'ilm which was originally scheduled
for August 3. Those who do not have
a series ticket may purchase a single
admission for thirty-five cents at the
Michigan League or at the Rack-
ham School on Saturday night after
7:30. Art Cinema League.
Members of the Faculty who wish
to attend the breakfast which will be
given on Sunday, August 17 at 9 a.m.
for candidates for the master's de-
gree may purchase tickets at sixty
cents each at the office of the Sum-
mer Sessirn, 1213 A.H.
Louis A. Hopkins
Graduate Outing Club will meet
in rear of Rackham Building on
Sunday, August 17 at 2:30 pm.
sharp. A trip to Big Portage Lake
in Waterloo Recreation Area is
planned including a program of swim-
ming, softball, and outdoor supper.
To insure satisfactory transportation
arrangements, both drivers and pas-
sengers are requested to leave twen-
ty-five cent supper fee at Rackham
check desk as early this week as
possible. All graduate students, fac-
ulty, and alumni are invited.
Faculty Recital: Mr. William Bell-
er, Pianist, who is a guest on the
faculty of the School of Music for
the summer sesion, will present a re-
cital at 4:15 p.m. Monday August
18, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The recital will consist of composi-
tions by Debussy and Ravel, and is
complimentary to the general public.
Student Graduation Recital:
(Continued on Page 3)


760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 XC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Racing-Baseball World News 'Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Maudie's News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo
6:45 Diary Sports Parade Inside of Sports Harry Heilmann
7:00 Death Valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Boys Town
7:15 Death Valley "Housewarming' Val Clare Boys Town
7:30 Lewisohn Sta- NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
7:45 dium Concert NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
8:00 Major Bowes Music Hali Canada Answers Grant Park
8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Concert
8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music World News
8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Sinfonietta Ted Steele Orch.
9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Valee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams
9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Industrial News
9:30 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Musical Headline Front
9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Your Job and Mine Drama

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