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August 13, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-13

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Daily Calendar of Events

_ ,


Wednesday, August 13

9:00 a.m.
4:05 p.m.


Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
Lecture. "Trends In Curriculum Building." Clifford Woody, Professor of
of Education and Director of the Bureau of Education and Director of
the Bureau of Educational Reference and Research. (University High
School Auditorium.)
"The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

8:30 p.m.



Ldited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
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Published every morning except Monday during the
Un4ivereity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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C ico ASom Los aLUes "SAN PeANCISco
Member, Associated Collegiate Press,. 1940-4 1

Washington Merry- Go-Round



Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Staff

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
t wRsiness Manager . .... Daniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Womens Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Policy Reversal ...
HE much talked of idea of a Vichy
alliance with the Reich is a terrible
thing. It is a concession which does not speak
well for the French leaders and people.
Even if the reports of renewed Nazi pressure
upon the French Government in Vichy are true,
a -full offensive and defensive alliance is beyond
the realm of reason. When the Finnish people,
or government, decided to fight with the Nazis
in their attempt to regain what the Soviet had
taken from them, they had a purpose in mind-
they wanted back what they considered rightfully
theirs. And the alliance with Germany would
serve as a convenient means to an end, besides
ruling out any direct possibility of a German in-
vasion into their country, for strategic or other
BUT WITH FRANCE it is another question.
The popuation of this nation is a peace-lov-
ing group. They want nothing more than good,
strong security. They don't care to meddle and
they don't want to be meddled with. They have
built up a considerable strength on land and sea
through past centuries, but they don't want the
occasion to arise when they will have to use
these forces.
Thus, it is only natural that, following World
War I they should prove to be the great dis-
senters in every plan aimed at security with
equality. Germany was still too close, in spite
of the fact that her strength had been merci-
lessly drained. One can hardly blame the French
for being a little too nervous in this respect.
The League of Nations proposal made no binding
promises of security, and the French feared their
embittered neighbors.
WHEN THE FRENCH joined the British in the
present World War, they did it in much this
same spirit, for the protection of their interests
andythe integrity of their boundaries. And when
they threw up their arms it was because neither
the leaders nor their troops knew exactly what
they were fighting for-whether defense or of-
fense was what they wanted. Half the men were
tired of the defensive and the others didn't feel
aggressive enough to follow an offensive pro-
gram. The desire for security countered with
the necessity of getting a jump ahead of their
Outsiders looking in on the French peace con-
cluded at this time could sense that here were
a people tired of fighting and willing to lean
over backwards-but only as far as conscience
and their alliance with Britain would allow.
BUT TODAY, once again, it is feared that the
French fathers and husbands and brothers
will be in arms alongside their one-time mortal
enemies. Ironic, it appears, and unnecessary. As
if it wasn't enough that all production is side-
tracked to Germany, that this production is in
materials which the French neither wish to pro-
duce nor are able to produce without jeopardiz-
ing their chance for a natural life. As if it wasn't
enough that the French people are starving,
while their totalitarian neighbors grow fat on
the produce of French fields.
Today, in exchange for the liberation of "cer-
tain classes" of war prisoners in both the occu-
pied zone and Germany, for the change of the
demarcation line between the occupied and un-
occupied zones and perhaps for the granting of
other demands, the French are willing, seem-
ingly, to fight under the swastika for a cause in
which thv nre neither interested nor in agree-

WASHINGTON-Reports that Harry Hopkins,
Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin
Roosevelt during the past two weeks have been
discussing the idea of a British invasion of the
European Continent, have an important inside
Plans for a British landing force in Holland,
Spain or Norway, actually have been discussed
ever since Germany invaded Russia on June 21.
But all of them, for one reason or another, so far
have been rejected.
Behind these discussions is the obvious fact
that Russia has a far better chance of standing
up against the Nazi war machine if Hitler has
to fight on two fronts. So far, part of Hitler's
success has been his ability to pick off one coun-
try at a time, while the others stood around
Now, everyone is standing around watching
Russia. But the British realize that although
the Red Army is putting up far stiffer resistance
than anticipated, they, the British, are going to
be completely out of luck if the Russians crum-
ble. That is why the Japanese have moved in
such cocksure fashion in the direction of Singa-
pore, apparently confident that Russia will be
defeated and that they can pounce on India from
one side, Hitler from the other.
Invasion Of Holland
First plan for an invasion of the Continent
was a landing in Holland. This, it was figured,
would get sympathetic support from the Dutch;
would create a second front requiring Hitler to
divert part of his troops and airplanes from the
Russian front.
The original British idea was to have the
United States cooperate in a landing force. This,
however, scarcely got beyond the informal sug-
gestion stage. It was immediately and emphat-
ically vetoed, first,. for political reasons; second,
because Roosevelt did not have the power to
send troops abroad; third, because of the scar-
city of shipping to transport and supply an
American army overseas.
Since then, none of the proposals for creating
a second European front has contemplated any
American participation.
The second idea discussed was a British at-
tempt through Spain and Portugal. This also
scarcely got beyond the discussion stage, be-
cause it was figured, first, that the German army
probably could take over Spain by the time
British troops began to land; second, that even
if a foothold could be obtained, a march across
the Pyrenees to France would be too difficult.
The only part which the United States might
have played in such a plan was to send food

ships with which- to help win over the Spanish
Norway Heavily Fortified
Since then another plan for possible British
invasion of Norway has been discussed. How-
ever, this also is difficult. The Nazis now have
ten divisions in Norway; more important, they
have been working feverishly with characteristic
German thoroughness to fortify Norwegian ports
and possible invasion points.
The chief factor holding back the British,
however, has been their ,lack of armored equip-
ment. Although the British army is about 2,-
000,000 strong, only about 750,000 men are fully
armed with modern equipment. And the most
serious defect in their equipment is the lack of
Vast numbers of tanks were lost by the British
at Dunkerque, a loss which has not yet been
replenished. And no invasion of the Continent
could be successful without a powerful tank
Also, despite the strength of the Nazi army on
the Russian front, a total of 47 well equipped
Germansdivisionsare stationed in western Eur-
ope. This is approximately 700,000 men.
Recent discussion of British aid to Russia has
turned to the Near East and a British move from
the Gulf of Persia, through Iran to the Russian
oil fields of the Caucasus. These oil fields are
one of the chief goals of the Nazi army, and once
Hitler succeeds in taking the Ukraine, it would
be relatively easy for him to cut off the Caucasus
oil wells from the rest of Russia.
Inside reports are that Russia, while anxious
for, in fact urging British cooperation, does not
consider this move in the Caucasus to be enough.
Capital Chaff
It was Republican Herbert Hoover who built
the famous Rapidan Camp in Virginia, but it is
Democratic Jack Dempsey, Under Secretary of
the Interior, who is now enjoying weekends in
it ... Rex Tugwell has drafted ex-Congressman
Tom Henning as his naval aide in Tugwell's new
job as Governor of Puerto Rico. Henning re-
tired from Congress in the midst of a promising
career in order to become city prosecutor of St.
STUPI & #r
x x
By Terence a 1
(Editor's Note: While Terence vacations for the
day in the big city, Eugene Mandeberg takes over
once more. Ho hum.)
Friend of mine's got a girl.
That's a hell of a note!
Wait, you've only heard the beginning. To
have a girl is bad enough. But to have a girl in
Chicago when you're in Ann Arbor, brother,
that's awful.
Brother, that's paradise.
Well, anyway, this fellow is terribly, I might
even say horribly in love. He writes the gal let-
ters every fifteen minutes or so, calls her up
now and then, and worst of all, he lams out of
town every few weeks to see her.
The dope.
Two weeks ago he decided that he was in dire
need of her gracious company . . . so he upped
and left for Chicago. Only he didn't let her
know he was coming until he was almost around
the corner.
Then he sends her a telegram.
Hum, Phi Beta Kappa material I see.
She wasn't glad to see him.
Stop, you're killing me.
So he left.
Chalk one up for her ... agd him too.
When he got back to A2 he told us that she
was going to send him a special within the next
day or so. We waited with him.
The day passed and so did so.
No letter, huh?
Not a word.
Gosh, the poor fella.
I'm telling you, living in that house was awful!
We'd get up in the morning and cut classes to
wait for the mail. We'd sit around on the porch
all afternoon, waiting for the government to

drop in with some news.
How you must have suffered!
Oh, we did, we did.
Finally the fella couldn't stand it any longer.
He didn't ... Oh for heaven's sake, not that!
No, not that. He called her up.
She was having a party.
Why, the dirty thing!
Oh no, it was just a hen party. But the noise
was so bad that he couldn't hear half of what
she told him. And she told him plenty. He also
told her a few things.

o Mikes & Men
T[HE Michigan University went on
the air under professional super-
visicn yesterday, when Mr. Earle Mc-
Gill, production director of the Col-
umbia Broadcasting System, presen-
ted a special program from Ann Ar-
bor. As visiting speaker for the an-
nual speech conference, Mr. McGill
gave a demonstration in casting, di-
recting, and presenting a radio play
before a studio audience in Morris
Director, casting director, and
producer for the CBS, as well as
instructor at the New York Univer-
sity Radio Workshop, Mr. Earle
McGill is author of the text on
"Radio Directing" used in colleges
and universities throughout the
country. Under his able guidance,
"Problems in Radio Directing"
were well demonstrated and dis-
cussed in open forum as "Ieittle
Johnny Appeseed" was prepared
for produlction. This script, writ-
ten for radio by Bernard G. Scho-
enfield, presented ample opportun-
ity for demonstrating radio tech-
nique. Sound effects were even re-
plete to "a real elegant howl".'With
students selected from radio classes
of Prof. Waldo Abbot, James
Church, and Don Hargis, to enact
the roles, and supply sounds and
music, the American saga was
broadcast through WJR at 4:45
p.m. A capacity audience in Morris
Hall was witness to this campus
broadcast-climax of the best sum-
mer session Michigan mikes and
men have had...
Before radio work ends this week,
"Women's Defense" will be broad-
cast through WJR at 4:45 p.m. to-
day, under direction of Don Hargis.
Veitch Purdom, Helen Brown, Fran-
ces Griffin, Helene Heeney, Doris
Hess, Blanche Lembke, and Lillian
Thorson are the perpetrators of this
program. Betty Gallagher will an-
nounce. Such an opportunity is not
often offered to hear a program en-
tirely broadcast by women.-.
Listening to the radio is the fav-
orite recreation of the average
American citizen, according to a re-
cent nation-wide survey conducted
for NBC, CBS; and the NAB by
Elmo Roper, director of the For-
tune Magazine surveys. In his
study of public opinion, Dr. Roper
found that the average American
spends three hours and eight min-
utes daily at his receiving set, and
prefers radio to newspapers as a
source of information. A total of
5,208 personal interviews, scientifi-
cally distributed according to age,
sex, economic level, geographic di-
visions and size of city facilitated
the comparisons and conclusions...
** *
This week's issue of BROADCAST-
ING features Prof. Waldo Abbot's
challenge for other educational insti-
tutions to produce a list of graduates
professionally employed at broad-
casting stations that is any larger
than Michigan's. Some 56 students
from this University are now situated
in the radio field. Latest recruit is
Tom Harmon, newly appointed sports
director of Detroit station WJR. Af-
ter winding up his starring assign-
ment in "Harmon of Michigan", the
Hoosier Hammer is booked for a
week's personal appearance at the
Chicago Theatre, in that city-scene
of the up-coming All-Star game.-
Charles Harrell writes from
Washington that he has accepted
the position of Director of Public
Service Programs for WEN in
Buffalo. He will leave the Library
of Congress the end of this month.
... Maurey Mazer is now Bill Todd

at WOOD in Grand Rapids... In
Pontiac, Jack Straight is one the
announcing staff of WCAR... Af-
ter getting his diploma in a fort-
night, Johnny Sinclair will join
WCHS in Charleston, West Vir-
James F. Hopkins, owner and op-
erator of WJLB in Detroit has asked
and received permission from the
FCC to dismiss his application for a
new 1,000 watt station on 1600 kc.
here in Ann Arbor...

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j I:1. Chlcag T.1. ,R i
"-and I have conclusive proof that our boys in camp are being
fed spinach every day ... NOW do you doubt that the Admin-
istration is pushing us into war?"

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By Lichty

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All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m..
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; School of Edu-
cation; School of Forestry and Con-
servation. Class lists for use in re-
porting grades of undergraduate
students, enrolled in these units, were'
mailed today. Any one failing to
receive theirs should notify the Reg-
istrar's Office, 'phone 383, and dupli-
cates will be prepared for them.
Robert. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Final meeting of the Commercial
Education Club, Wednesday, August
13. A trip to the Saline Valley Co-
operative Farms. Meet at north en-
trance of the University High School
at 5 o'clock. Bring your own lunch.
The Karl Marx Society of the
University of Michigan presents
Patrick Toohey, State Secretary of
the Communist Party of Michigan in
a lecture, "The World Front Against
Hitler, at the Michigan Union to-
night at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is cor-
dially invited to attend and bring
questions with them for the discus-
sion period.
Medical Round Table: Dr. Henry
Field of the University Hospital will
be the speaker at the Medical Round
Table on Wednesday, August 13, at
7:30 p.m. in the Recreation Room of
the International Center. His sub-
ject will be "Avitaminosis."
Speech Conference: Second annual
Speech Conference sponsored by the
Department of Speech will continue
through Wednesday, August 13. All
sessions are open to the public. Wed-
nesday's events:
9 a.m.: "The Teaching of Literary
Interpretation," Professor R. C. Hun-
ter, Chairman of the Department of
Speech, Ohio Wesleyan University,
Kellogg Auditorium.
10:30 a.m.: Lecture-recital of
"King Lear" by Professor Hunter;
Kellogg Auditorium.
12:15 p.m.: Speech luncheon,
Michigan League Ballroom.
3:00 p.m.: Conference on problems
of dramatic production conducted by
the staff in play produstion of the
Department of Speech, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
4:00 p.m.: "Pioneering in Speech,"


To the Editor:
My sincerest congratulations go to Terence,
the Stupid, who has so ably stated the unavail-
ing resentment that we stupid, little, and im-
potent people feel toward the draft-extension
The bill is now pending in the House of Repre-
sentatives. This organ of our National Govern-
ment was intended by the framers of the Con-
stitution to represent most directly the interests
of the great mass of our people, but dictatorial
control of its rules and procedure has made it
of much less importance than its purpose and
nominal powers seemed to indicate. Thus, it is
almost too much to hope for that such a rubber-
stamp body would offer the American people
any protection from the deceitful trickery of
their rulers.
If it takes more than one year to train a man
for active, mechanized combat, then our dis-
tinguished Chief of Staff (widely proclaimed as
the ablest in many years) must have known that
fact one year ago, or else he is even more stupid
than Terence. If it does not take more than a
year to train him, then what reason can there be
for not discharging him from continuous camp-
residence, and replacing him with another who
needs training far more than he? One possible
reason that suggests itself is the instinctive fear
of normal, free living which haunts so many
professional disciplinarians. The last thing that
our generals seem to want is a democratic army;
their model is, in all respects, the Reichswehr.
If they have their way, not one of the men in-
ducted into the Army will ever live with his wife
or be with his sweetheart until after he has fully
served his purpose on battlefields yet to be
One need not wonder long why the War De-
partment so quickly agreed to the British Cen-
sor's suggestion that American soldiers be pro-
hibited from writing letters concerning "na-
tional defense." Stupid as the Department also

Dr. Thomas C. Trueblood, professor-
emeritus of public speaking, Lydia.
Mendelssohn Theater.
8:30 p.m.: Performance of "The
Gondoliers" by Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of
Speech, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Student Graduation Recital: Eu-
gene Adams, Violinist, will present a
recital at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Au-
gust 13, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. His accompanist will be Lau-
rine Adams. This recital is presented
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music and is complimentary to the
general public.
"The Gondoliers" by Gilbert and
Sullivan will be presented at 8:30
p.m. tonight through Saturday night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
by the Michigan Repertory Players
of the Department of Speech. Single
admissions are 75c, 50c, and $1.00.
The boxoffice is open from 10 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Phone 6300.
Zoology' Summer Session Picnic:
For staff, students and friends.
Thursday afternoon, August 14, 1941.
Cars to leave from Mall at East side
of Natural Science Building at 5
p.m. for Dexter Huron Park. Eats,
songs, baseball, swimming. Tickets
on sale at Zoology Dispensary and
Zoology Office and these should be
secured, before Wednesday noon so
that Committee will know on how
many to plar.
The Summer Session French Club.
The last meetng of the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will take place to-
morrow Thursday, August 14th, at
3 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414
Mr. Joachim Lay, Chinese student
recently arrived from France, will
tell of his last impressions of Europe.
A group of Faculty members of the
French Department and of students
will "broadcast" Moliere'st "Les Pre-
cieuses Ridicules."
Charles E. Koella
Thursday, August 14 at 8:00 p.m.
Prof. F. N. Menefee will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The St. Law-
rence Waterway." This lecture is
open to the general public. (Amphi-
theater, Rackham Bldg.)
Student Graduation Recital:
Charles O. Shrader, Pianist, who is
a student of Professor Joseph Brink-
man, will present a recital at 8:30
p.m., Saturday, August 16, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. This re-
cital is given in patrial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music and is compliment-
ary to the general public.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a carillon recital from 7:15 to 8 p.m.,
Thursday, August 14, in the Burton
Memorial Tower. The program will
consist of Flemish sixteenth century
folk songs, compositions by the facul-
ty of the Beiaardschool, the only
school devoted solely to the study of
the carillon, and Dutch dances.
Harvest, the well known French
film, will be shown Friday night,
Aug. 15 at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham School Main Auditorium. Tick-
ets for the performance are thirty-
five cents and will be available at
Wahr's Book Store, the Michigan
League and the Rackham School on
ridav night after 7:30. Art Cinema.


760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Racing-Baseball World News Rollin' Home Keen Tracer
6:30 Mr. Meek News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Mr. Meek Sports Parade Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Grand Central Thin Man Happy Joe Quiz Kids
7:15 Station Adventures val Clare Quiz Kids
7:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Air Temple Manhattan
7:45 Dr. Christian Party Interlude at Midnight
8:00 Millions Quizzer College Series Behind the News
8:15 for Defense Base Ball Interlude Old Traveler
8:30 Millions Mr. District Double or Factfinder
8:45 for Defense Attorney Nothing Steele Orch.
9:00 G. Miller's Orch. Kay Kyser's Quartette Mich. Highways
9:15 Public Affairs Kollege of Danger-Business To Be Announced
9:30 Juan Arviz Musical Pageant Kinney Orch.
9:45 Rev. Smith Knowledge of Melody Kinney Orch.
1.. - A...



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