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August 12, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-12

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Fair and Cooler


Official Publication Of The Summer Session



An Open Letter
To Our Representative ..



Hul Warns
U. S. Needs
Long Draft
'Exceedingly. Bad' Effects
On American Foreign
Relations Is Foreseen
Leaders In House
Push Senate Plan
warning that failure of Congress to
extend the service of the Army rank
and file would have an "exceedingly
bad".effect on American foreign re-
lations came from Secretary of State
Hull today as Administration forces
prepared for a bitter fight in the
House tomorrow on an 18-month ex-
Hull, speaking at a press confer-
ence, authorized quotation of the
words "exceedingly bad." A general;
reading of the newspaper headlines,
he said, should emphasize that dan-
gers to the United States exist and he
recalled he repeatedly had warned
of the objectives of some nations in
the direction of unlimited conquest
by force.
Wil Pass House
'While most factions agreed the
House would pass some sort of legis-9
lation to keep selectees, national
guardsmen, reservists and regulars in;
uniform beyond their present terms,F
Democratic sponsors said Hull's,
statement might mean new votes- for1
the 18-month compromise, they;
agreed to sponsor in an attempt to
attract votes.-
The House bill, as it now stands,1
would authorize an indefinite exten-
sion of the service, but party polls,
indicated that proposition would be
Will Seek Compromise ,
Consequently, it was decided at a
conference of Speaker Rayburn,
Democratic Leader McCormack of
Massachusetts" and members of the
Military Committee to seek only an
18-month extension, as was approved
by the Senate..
Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) of the
Military Committee announced he
would ask the House tomorrow to
adpt almost the exact language ap-
proved by the Senate.
He also said he would propose that
the Secretary of War be given au-'
thority to release from the Army,
uponrequest, persons whose reten-
tion would "subject them or theirc
wives or other dependents to undue
To Open Run
Gilbert and Sullivan's noted comic
opera, "The Gondoliers," will be of-..
fered as the last presentation of thef
Michigan Repertory Players of theE
Department of Speech at 8:30 p.m.l
tomorrow in the Lydia MendelssohnP
Theatre. The opera will be continued
through Tuesday, Aug. 19, with the
exception of Sunday.
Under the direction of Prof. Val-E
entine B. Windt and Prof. Claribel
Baird, the production is being giveni
in conjunction with the School ofL
Music, the University Symphony
Orchestra and the Department oft
Physical Education for Women.
The plot deals with the efforts of
the Duke of Plaza-Toro and his wife.

to find the heir to the Kingdom of
Barataria to whom their daughter
was betrothed in infancy. Through
a mistake in identity, there is un-
certainty as to which of two gon-
doliers, Marco and Guiseppe, is the
missing king. At first the gondoliers
decide to rule jointly but 14ter a nurse
appears to solve the mystery.
Cast in the leading roles are Sam#
Durrance, Jr., and Maurice Gerow,1
who play the two gondoliers, while
Vernon B. Kellett and Stepheney
Doranchak portray the Duke and
Duchess of Plaza-Toro. James Wolfe
is in charge of the music, Elizabeth
Whitney is dance director, Alexander1
Wyckoff and Robert Mellencamp are
in charge of the scenery and EvelynI
Cohen and Emma Hirsch are thea
New Eastern Oil Pipeline
Construction Announced
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-((I'))-
Plans for the longest pipeline in the
world, to pump crude oil 1,820 miles

Maurice Evans And Quiz Kids
Featured In Oratorical Series

W. N. Brigance
Opens Annual
Speech Meet

German Drive Advances
On Kiev; Moscow Rushes
Cavalry Into Battle Line




Public Address
rican History;
iks On Debating

THE QUIZ KIDS ........will the faculty be stumped?
* * * *
Sinclair Lewis, Anne McCormick, Lawrence Thaw,
Quentin Reynolds, Hugh Gibson, John Craig Listed
Maurice Evans, world-renowned torial staff, Mrs. McCormick will

Shakespearean actor, will open the
annual University of Michigan Ora-
torical Association series on October
10 with a dramatic recital on "Shake-
speare in the News."
The series this year will present
a program including distinguished
personalities in the fields of drama,
literature, journalism, diplomacy,
world travel and entertainment.
Mr. Evans, who will visit Ann Arbor
immediately prior to the opening of
"Macbeth" in New York, is making
a limited number of personal appear-
ances throighout the country, and is
contributing the proceeds of his lec-
tures to British relief. His perform-
ance here will be comprised of inter-
pretations of famous Shakespearean
characters that he has portrayed on
the stage.
Anne O'Hare McCormick, the only
woman ever to receive a Pulitzer
Prize' for work as a foreign corre-
spondent, will give the second lecture
of the series, on November 13. A
member of the New York Times edi-
School Group
Will Present,
Mystery Play
Cyril Campion's mystery, "Ladies
In Waiting," will be presented by
the speech department's Secondary
School Theatre under the direction
of Nancy Bowman at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the Pattengill Auditorium of
Ann Arbor High School.
Leading roles in the popular mys-
tery, which was presented here in the
spring drama season, will be played
by Claire Cook, Mildred Burleson
and Jessie Church. Miss Cook will
appear as Una Verity, Miss Burleson
as Lady Spate and Miss Church as
Pamela Dark.
Others in the production include
Virginia Connell as Janet Farner,
Betty Jayne as Maud, Beulah Bur-
gess as Dora Lester, Madeleine Rupp
as Phil Blakeeney, Dorothy Ness as
Pat Blakeney and Betty Bartlett as
Mrs.. Dawson.
Assisting Miss Bowman as techni-
cal director is Jack E. Bender. June
Madison is costumiere. The Second-
ary School Theatre is designed to
give students experience in produc-
ing plays adapted for high school use
under conditions found in the aver-
age high school. Today's production
closes its summer season.

e speak on "After the War, What?"
November 24 will bring a departure
from the usual run of Oratorical
Association programs, when the pop-
ular stars of radio, the Quiz Kids, will
come to Ann Arbor. The Quiz Kids
have issued a challenge to five promi-
nent faculty men to match wits with
them in Hill Auditorium.
A debate on "Can It Happen Here"
will be presented December 2, with
(Continued on Page 3)
Credit Control
-Is Authorized
In FDR Order
Banks, Stores And Finance
Companies Are Affected
By President's Decision
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.--(P)-In
a far-reaching step that brought the
effects of the defense program close
home to the ordinary man, President
Roosevelt today set up a system of
control for the huge installment
credit business carried on through
the nat4on's banks, stores and per-
sonal finance companies.
He issued an executive order di-
recting the Federal Reserve Board to
use a World War statute and its
criminal penalties to curb install-
ment credit used for the purchase of
'consumers' durable goods.'
Although not affecting the man
who can afford to pay cash, the order
covered merchandise and small loan
business involving $10,000,000,000 of
credit. Some types of those credits
may be exempted, however.
The President said the regulation
was intended to discourage consum-
Sers from buying many things. The
aim is to conserve the materials that
go into automobiles and washing ma-
chines, for instance, and also to curb
inflationary tendencies.
Chairman Marriner S. Eccles of
the Federal Reserve Board, said con-
sumers' durable goods meant "auto-
mobiles, washing machines, refriger-
ators, ironers, vacuum cleaners and
many other goods." He declined to
say, until detailed regulations are
prepared, just what other things are
included. He explainede it may be
several days until the regulations are
issued, and in the meantime consum-
ers can still buy on whatever terms
business men are willing to sell.

Strother And McGill
Will Lecture Today
Following registration and the ad-
dress of welcome by Dr. Louis A.
Hopkins yesterday morning, the sec-
ond annual Speech Conference, spon-
sored by the department of speech of
the University, Prof. W. Norwood
Brigance, chairman of the depart-
ment of speech at Wabash College
opened the afternoon's program with
a talk "The Place of Public Address
in American Historr."
As opposed to the usual approach
to American public address, which
has always concerned itself with elo-
quence and oratory, Professor Brig-
ance undertook to show that this
view does not encompass the entire
realm of speech, and that a broader
outlook is necessary to a full picture.
Chief Driving Force
Public address, said Professor Brig-
ance, was the chief driving force of
the shaping of the democratic insti-
tutions of colonial 'America. And this
force can be broken down into two
divisions, the church lecture and the
town meeting.
Tracing the development of public
speaking, Professor Brigance pointed
out that the unknown lecturers, the
circuit riders and the group conver-
sations were more responsible for
shaping public opinion than the great
orators of the day. Since so many
people of the nineteenth century
could neither read nor write (beyond
the Bible and their signature) public
discussion was the only effective me-
dium of expression.
Rose From Bottom
Using the Civil War as an example,
Professor Brigance :declared that the
war arose "from the bottom Up"
with group meetings and public dis-
cussion carrying more weight than
the great speeches -in Congress.
And even in the twentieth century,
he concluded, the population is not
book-minded. New forms of pub-
lic speaking have been developed
(Continued on Page 3)
Policy Talk
To, Be Given
By Bid well
Foreign Studies Director
To Discuss Hemisphere
Defense In Lecture
"Self-Containment and Hemisphere
Defense" will be the topic of Percy
W. Bidwell, director of studies of the
Council of Foreign Relations in New
York City for his lecture at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School for the Graduate
Study Program in Public Policy in a
World at War.
Taking his A.B. degree at Yale
University in 1910 andhis Ph.D.

Nazis Claim Gains

In Southern Sector
Slack M

Berlin reported successes against the Russians near Smolensk and
farther south along a 1,200-mile front. At Roslavl (1), 60 miles south-
east of Smolensk, the Germans said an encircled Red unit was wiped
out. Farther south, Berlin claimed the capture (2) of Korosten and
Bel Tserkov and an advance (arrow) along the Dnieper River toward
Dnepropetrovsk, while at Uman (3), Nazi spokesmen said 25 Red divi-
sions were wiped out. Soviet sources ignored German claims, reported
success of their own at unspecified points and indicated an unchanging
battle line.
Japan On Total Economic War
Footing; Minister Warns Tokyo

(By The Associated Press)


QJapanese diplomat given

such aI

TOKIO, Aug. 11.-Japan put itself
on a full economic war footing today
under the General Mobilizing Act
while its returning minister to Wash-
ington bluntly counseled his people
that "the United States is prepared
and determined to meet the worst
The diplomat, Kaname Wakasugi,
at Los Angeles on his way home to
confer on the "delicate issue" of
Thailand, gave a trans-Pacific tele-
phone interview which pictured the
United States and Japan as each un-
willing to "start anything", but
stressed American preparedness un-
der a "definitely-changed" attitude
toward Japan.
Complete Control In Tokyo
By deciding today to invoke in full
the provisions of the General Mobili-
zation Act the Konoye government
took full regulatory charge to Jap-
anese economic life. Typical of the
controls to be set up were those over
the stock exchange and marine
The Wakasugi interview, promi-
nently published in the Tokyo news-
paper, Chugai, saying Japanese-
American relations were deteriorat-
ing and that only two steps remained
before a possible break: A complete
embargo and severance of consular
relations. The last would be a likely
prelude to a diplomatic break.
Never before had Chugai spoken so
pessimistically; seldom before had a

sharp delineation of Japanese-Ameri-
can relations.
Statement To Tokyo
The Wakashigi statements read as
though he were advising the Konoye
government against any rash action.
Parts of it suggested an appeal for
Japanese-American rapprochement.
(Continued on Page 4)
Australians Meet;
Crisis Is Foreseen
(By The Associated Press)
MELBOURNE, Australia, Aug. 11.
-Australia's cabinet met in emer-
gency session in an atmosphere of
crisis today, after ministerial con-
sultations with the heads of the
armed services, and Prime Minister
Menzies solemnly declared great de-
cisions "will have to be taken."
These decisions, he made clear,
had to do with "the security of the
Empire and the things it stands for
--"and specifically with the security
of Britain's Pacific base of Singapore.
In all this, he added, not only Aus-
tralia had a great interest, "but also
the United States, the Netherlands
East Indies and all other countries
similarly placed."
The problems that had to be met
by his government, the Prime Minis-
ter added, were "such as to call for
the calmest and clearest judgment."

Nazi Columns Move
On Paved Roads
In Ukraine Sector
Moscow Acts r
To Halt Push
BERLIN, Tuesday, Aug. 12.-P)-
German troops now are advancing
on "well-paved broad highways lead-
ing straight to Kiev" Ukraine capi-
tal, while others are striking south-
ward toward the Black Sea port of
Odessa, German news dispatches
said today.
Southern Ukraine highways were
said to be jammed with retreating
Russians-blasted steadily by waves
of German planes.
How far the Germans were from
these objectives was not revealed,
but Berlin announced capture of
Korosten, 80 miles northwest of Kiev,
several days ago, and the troops also
have been attacking south of Kiev
in the neighborhood of Bel Tserkov.
A reported break-through south of
Uman, midway between Kiev and
Odessa, put the Germans in a posi-
tion to swing south toward Odessa,
while the next most logical goal to
the east was Dnepropetrovsk, Red
industrial center still 200 miles from
One German dispatch from the
front said rail connections in the
southern Ukraine area were broken,
with seven trains damaged, derailed
or burned. Several Russian troop-
ships along the lower Bug River were
said to have been heavily damaged.
Germans reported 23 Russian
planes downed in air fights in the
Ukraine and only one German plane
Intensity of the fighting, they said,
was evident in DNB dispatches that
4,000 Russians were buried at one
highway intersection. At one place
54 tanks and 300 trucks were re-
ported demolished by planes, with
'most of the occupants dying in
their vehicles."
Among prisoners brought into Ger-
man camps in the Ukraine were two
corps commanders and two division
commanders, DNB said.
While the German High Command
(Continued on Page 3)
Soviet Cavalry Rushed
Into Southern Battle
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Tuesday, Aug. 12.-So-
viet cavalrymen were reported today
to be racing en masse to block the
Nazi drive on the Ukraine front,
where the Russian communique said
fighting continued unchecked.
The communique mentioned as
centers of fighting the same areas
the Red Army had named in previous
announcements: Solsti, on the Len-
ingrad front; Smolensk, on the cen-
tral front, and Bel Tserkov and
Uman in the Ukraine.
A town of 44,000, more than half
Jews, Uman is situated on the east-
ern slope of the Avratin Hills between
Kiev and Odessa. It is known in
Russian history as the scene of the
"Uman slaughter" of 1768 in which
the town was razed and 18,000 in-
habitants were slain to put down an
A front line dispatch to Pravda
reported, the cavalry movement to
the UkIraine front and said that
when mouted forces reach the fight-
ing area they dismount and engage
the Germans as infantry.
Commanded by moustached Mar-
shal Semeon Budyenny, the father
of the Red cavalry, the horsemen
dash to the hottest sectors and then
counter-attack with rifles, bayonets,
grenades, machine guns and mine
throwers, Pravda said.
The cavalry formations were de-
scribed as "flying infantry." One
force was credited with reaching in

18 hours a town which was three
days away for infantry, then rout-
ing a German unit after a two-hour
At another village the flying in-
fantry was said to have wiped out
nearly an entire German motorized
battalion in street fighting.
Camouflaged to escape enemy avia-
tion and using forest trails, the cav-
alrymen were reported striking

'Cycle Of Medieval Mystery Plays':
Story Of Creation And History
Of Stage To Be Presented Here

Hall Addresses Policy Group:
War Is Race Between Waning
Nazi Morale And Armament

"The Cycle of Six Medieval Mys-
tery Plays" to be presented by the
Departnient of Speech and the
School of Music at 8:30 p.m. Sunday
in Hill Auditorium will present not
only the story of the Creation, and
Christianity, but also trace the his-
tory of the Medieval English stage.
In presenting something he be-
lieves never has been done before, Di-
rector Hugh Norton has chosen six
examples of the mystery play as
given in Medieval England, and has
Tickets for the Mystery Cycle
may be obtained free of charge at
the Summer Session Office, the
Department of Speech, the School
of Music, the Michigan League
dacI k_ a+ +hat h v xffice of the

at the tomb of Jesus on Easter Morn-
The second play is "The Creation,"
telling of the creation of Adam and
Eve, their instructions from God,
their fall from Grace and their ex-
pulsion from Paradise. The play ends
with the prophesy by the Holy Spirit
of redemption through Christ.
The remaining four plays portray
moments in this redemption. "The
Betraying, of Christ," written in 1468,
shows Jesus raying on the Mount of
Olives and his betrayal by Judas.
"The Trial of Jesus" shows the trial
before the high priests, the denial of
Jesus by Peter, and the trial before
Pilate and Herod. It ends with the
scene of Mary Magdalene bringing
the news to Mary.
"The Resurrection" shows Jesus
arising from the tomb, the lamenta-

BIDWELL... ..on defense
there in 1915, Mr. Bidwell was in-
structor of economics at Yale from
1915 to 1918 and assistant professor
until 1921. From 1921 to 1922 he was
engaged in research in the history
of American agriculture, and from
1922 to 1925 he was economist for
the U.S. Tariff Commission in Wash-
In 1925 Mr. Bidwell was assigned
to foreign service with headquarters;
at Brussels, Belgium, and in 1927 he

A race between the material re-
armament of the democracies and
the waning spiritual strength or
morale of Nazi Germany was the
phrase applied to the present war in
his lecture yesterday for the Grad-
uate Study Program in Public Policy
in a World at War by H. Duncan
Hall, formerly of the League of Na-
tions Secretariat.
"The excessive use of mass psy-
chology of hypnosis and hatred and
aggression and the inability to use
the natural reservoirs of mind and
conscience which can exist only in
free men is likely to prove the undo-
ing of the aggressive regimes," Mr.
Hall serted. Free intelligence and

sudden panic when their leader fails
them than in a democracy."
The democracies, Mr. Hall stated,
"are strong because their system is
based on mind and conscience. They
have overcome the strategem that
sought to undo their strength by psy-
chological war. They have overcome
the psychological weaknesses that
nearly destroyed them. They have
almost now accomplished a produc-
tion miracle, doing in two years what
totalitarian Germany did in six. Now
broadly speaking time only, no new
political or administrative or eco-
nomic magic but time alone, can
complete their material armament."
"If democracy is now fighting for
ifz life xxr 2h if. anlFn+ n l 1

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