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August 10, 1941 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-10

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AY, AUGUST 10, 1941



More Blood And






Eighteen More



EARLY last week, Hitler's journal- can boat
istic mouthpiece, the Voelkisch- reisanceoa
er Beobachter, proclaimed to the resistanc
world what the world already well AT TH]
knew: that Russia was the toughest Ame
military outfit the Germans had yet six mont]
encountered. in were
Said newshawk, war analyst Dr. die a nal
Fritz Zierke: "Bolshevism is the most tion Aug
dangerous enemy which we have to Interes
survive in the fight for final security were the
and maintainance of the Reich." part of t
Planes and tanks have been de- the inter
stroyed by the thousands, wrote of the U
Zierke, "but the Soviet armies still Thus a
are defending themselves with dog- pulling c
ged resolution, still are throwing new bound fo
materials into the battle." . . . "We materials
face a bitter, bloody war, the most munist .
violent battles in world history." her new
NOR DID PASSING events last week ing withI
contradict the Beobachter's frank ter of wa
admissions. That it was a bloody war, democrac
neither side denied. Russia estimated cause."
Nazi casualties as totalling more than
1,500,000 men; three days later Ber- In Ou
lin prepared a blood list of her own,
claimed 895,000 prisoners, 3,000,000 FROM
dead. In a general round-up tally, notic
"neutral" observers in Vichy estimat- matic ph
ed that the seven-week-old Russian ment of
campaign had already cost 3,500,000 run its a
lives; 2,500,000 Soviet troops, 1,500,000 Washing
Germans. No one dared an estimate its own b
of the number of maimed, broken The n
men who will remain in years to come Ambassa
as mute tributes to a world gone mad. that Fra
On the fighting front, Berlin for pire as sh
the third time reported. Smolensk to the d
taken, promptly shifted the battle of State
spotlight to the Kiev sector. Behind United S
Kiev lay the rich Ukraine: the prize relations
granary that had lured the Germans by that r
into the Russian war. But seven long fending i
weeks have passed since the beginning To son
of the Russian campaign; amply time assuranc
for the Soviet to harvest her grain, would re
transport her stores, leave naught but her colon
a scorched earth to the war-worn meant m
Nazi invaders. governm
MOST SURPRISING of the week's hands ony
reports was a statement from
Moscow that the Stalin Line was a
mere Nazi "fairy tale," invented by Thail
the Germans to cover up losses when-
eve they net stiff Soviet resistance. DIPLO
The "Stalin Line" has always been hot a
indefinite and elusive. No war map pan pre
out of Russia or Germany has shown threatst
more than vague shadings of where while B
the line was, but most believed that moved tr
such a line, scattered as it might be, tion of a:
actually existed. In fact, Moscow Firmly
corfimuniques have frequently men- newly w
tioned such a line and photographs Vichy, J
out of the war zone have pictured preparati
German troops storming Russian pill key toS
boxes. Road.
In the last analysis, the whole thing The In
boils down to a question of defini- been set
tions. What the Russians are saying forces be
is that there exists no Maginot-type border.
underground continuous catacomb. but the T
That is probably true. What Berlin their eas
means by "Stalin Line" is a scattered miles on
line of pill boxes and minor fortifica- BRITIS
tions, and by all indications such a Lond
"line" exists. numbers
WHAT NO ONE KNEW last week military a
was what effect the war was hav- ington's s
ing on German morale. Already long What t
past war weary, Hitler's race of indicated
"super-men" were returning from the retary H
front with many a tale of blood and ter a pr
thunder. At home, the populace was Departm
feeling more and more the economic yo, asked
side of war restrictions. ments of
Whatever the actual case, Moscow late.
had its version. It pictured the Ger- As m
man people as plunged into "despond- rushed in
ency and confusion" from reports sealed o
penetrating Germany about -tremen- that Hul
dous losses at the front, from food diplomati
situation and from dislocation of Ger- Tokyo
man industry but was v
ain, the
War Phenomenon the Dutc
FROM BERLIN Friday came ac- Japanese
knowledgement of "minor dam- broken i
age to buildings" and several civiliansb
killed by individual planes bombing

the city. Nazi sources insisted the Sou th
bombers were British.
But from London came a denial LITTLE
which substantiated Moscow reports last w
of the first Russian air raid on the with the
Reich capital. The British Air Min- guns siler
istry said no planes had been sent out least.
that night; Moscow said that a Soviet But fro
raid had been undertaken into the that star
heart of Germany. requestst
And so for the first time in World refuse to
War II Russian raiders reached Ber- commerc
lin after a flight of at least 600 miles, allegedly
caused slight damage to the Reich Mexico
city. requestm
But most startling news of the air ceptable.'
war last week caine Saturday when had com
Germany claimed three British planes
bagged in anair raid; and RAF head-
quarters admitted the loss of three Tu rke
planes in the same raid. FROM A
Phenomenon of World War II: com- came
muniques from enemy war lords agree. Thursday
'Common Cause' Germany
off relati
THE STRANGE LINEUP of World the expu
War II was strengthened last from tha
week when the United States officially day came
declared that this nation would send Why th
military weanons and supplies to the rather th

s would be met with "open
E SAME TIME the Russian-
rican trade agreement, which
hs ago, when Hitler and Sta-
bedfellows, was doomed to
tural death upon its expira-
5, was renewed.
ting to historical observers
reasons for the move on the
he U.S.: "aid to Russia is in
est of the national defense
nited States."
t week's end, as ships began
out of Pacific Coast docks
r the Soviet Union with war
, the metamorphosis of Com-
Russia was complete. With
bedfellows, who last year
[ly denounced her for align-
Hitler, she dug in for a win-
r, confident of aid from the
ies to carry on "a common
* * *
r Way
VICHY last week came curt
e, couched in clever diplo-
.raseology, that the govern-
Unoccupied France would;
.ffairs in its own way, that
ton should, in effect, "mind
ate, given to United States
dor William D. Leahy, stated
ace intends to govern its em-
ie sees fit. It came in answer
eclaration of Undersecretary
Sumner Welles that the
tates will be governed in its
with the Vichy government
egime's "effectiveness in de-
ts Empire from the Axis."
ne the curt note meant re-
e, reassurance that Vichy
sist Axis territorial grabs in
ial possessions; to others, it
erely that an Axis-controlled
ent of France had used a
m to warn the U.S. to keep
and's Backers
gain in the Far East as Ja-
pared to push military
to Thailand's front door,
ritain and U.S. watched,
oops and ships in anticipa-
ny sudden outburst.
entrenched in Indo-China,
aned from Axis-dominated
apan made no uncertain
ons to move into Thailand,
singapore and the Burma
do-China affair had hardly
tled when the Nipponese
gan massing on the Thai
Troops occupied Seimreap,
'hais were ready, established
tern forces at Cambodia, 35
the other side of Seimreap.
H and U.S. guns bristled.
on sent large, unspecified
of troops into Singapore,
d that the extent of future
iction would hinge on Wash-
he U.S.'s stand would be was
earlier in the week by Sec-
ill, now back on the job af-
olonged illness. The State
ent sent stern notes to Tok-
* Japan to abandon "move-
conquest" before it is too
ilitary preparations were
Manila, fleets sailed under
rders, it became apparent
's declaration was no mere
c frown.
made no move to withdraw,
isibly worried, accused Brit-
U.S., Nationalist China and
h East Indies of attempting
rlement campaign, which
spokesmen said could be
n the "German fashion."
Of The Rio
news of world import came
week from Latin America,

Ecuadorean-Peruvian war
rced for the time being at
m Berlin came two requests
tied many a good neighbor,
that Paraguay and Mexico
accept the United States
ial blacklist against firms
refused, retorted that the
wvas "imperious and unac-

"Germany has every reason to be
satisfied with Iran's attitude."
cdnquerors has been passive little
Copenhagen. Two weeks ago the
Danish capital buzzed with the four
notes of Beethoven's Fifth, was dec-
orated everywhere with the Victory
symbol 'V.'
Last week Nazi occupation author-
ities were startled to see a sign dis-
played -by a newsdealer advertising
a textbook, English in 50 Hours. The
poster: Learn English before the
Tommies Arrive.
German officials made him tak4
down the book and poster. Next day
in the same window a new book ap-
peared: German in. 50 Hours. Under
it a new sign: Learn German. before
our Friends the Germans Depart.
-Bill Baker and Karl Kessler

. . . . Smolensk To Kiev
"Germanyhas ever rao tob

The" End 'Of The
Great Adventure
To adventure-seeking, war loving
Bruno Mussolini, 23-year-old son of
Premier Mussolini last week came
the end of the great adventure.
Flying over Pisa in a bomber as-
signed to the squadron he headed,
Bruno lost control of the unwieldy
ship as it was landing, crashed to his
death with two fellow squadron mem-
And thus a father's war brought
death to a son; to a son that had
distinguished himself as a relentless,
heartless pilot in three of his father's
Bruno Mussolini gained fame in the
Ethiopian war with a bloody account
of tile way he loved to see bombs
"explode on scurrying natives." The
young airforce captain had always
sought adventure, thirsty for excite-
ment and war.
Thus death came to one who will
be written up in the annals of Italian
war heroes: death not on the field
of battle, but over quiet, picturesque

LAST YEAR at this time the origi-
nal peace-time conscription bill
was being considered in Washington.
Senators and Representatives alike
believed it was necessary for the wel-
fare of the country for its men to
put in a year's active service in its
armed forces. The youth of America,
grumbling a bit but willing to do its
part for national defense, registered
in October and soon after began
leaving for camp with one idea in
mind: "I'll be back in a year".
Last week in Washington that year
became one step closer to infinity
when the Senate, 45 members of
which had forgotten their one-year
prcmise of last summer, passed the
service extension resolution which, if
passed in its present for by the house,
will keep enlisted men, draftees, na-
'ional guardsmen and reserve offi-
cers on active military duty for at
least another eighteen months after
completion of the prescribed year.


HOME . . . . A Longer Draft?

THE SENATE offered a consolation
prize of a raise of $10 a month to
be paid each man after the comple-
tion of the first year in service, but
to many this seemed more of a booby
prize for those who thought the
country had adopted a one-year draft
Sent immediately to the House,
the bill was expected to pass that
body by Tuesday. Expectations were,
however, that" stronger opposition
would arise among the Representa-
tives, less under the influence of Gen-
eral Marshall and Administration
* * *
'Greatest Tax Bill'
THE HOUSE last week passed the
defense revenue bill by an over-
whelming majority after a bitter bat-
tle on the clause requiring manda-
tory joint returns for married coup-
les, which was finally defeated.

Probablylwouldffollow these
mt -L" 14oumb routes in an attack on Surma, AKY
MAND ALAY LSI striking hard to cut off the
+ Turma Road to China.nki
CHIENGM .::: -
R and Burma together possess
b \agreatsupplies of il, rubber udstnst
and tin products that Japan
-needs badly. f.d
- 0.
were to occupy Thailand, she j
BRITISH STRONGHOLD: British could launch both air and land
have chain of airfields from Lashio attacks from this naturaly ppro-l
to Ranong, heavy troop concentra- tected inner base toward Burma "::o / prf
tions at mountain passes along or British Malaya. ,
border. A rma ment inc ludes tanks, BANGKOK ..... :........
heavy artillery and secret weapons
designed for jungle warfare. x- ',
.great Wrc lscommercial cnehsCMArc ilbg naval arsenal CMAH
Aand oil depots.ABAY S
of TRACH ,f
occupying this portion of IgA
Malay peninsula, Japan MM AIN WEAKNESS: apan
could sever iBurma-Britishwudhaetmin insp
Malaya ln ik eng PENINSULA pl' l""e*2,40"'"le'*"on"
Singapore out an a limb, ''" well as control Gulf of Siam,
dangerous fleet trap.
_. 0 200
[ : .: . ; : : . : ..:M ILES

The taxes which would be imposed
by the measure would bring the
treasury an estimated $3,206,200,000
each year, divided among levies on
corporation incomes, individual in-
comes and miscellaneous excise and
special taxes.
On Representatives described the
measure as "the greatest tax bill ever
imposed by a civilization upon its
F PASSED by the Senate, the tax
bill will provide about half of the
amount needed to cover current ex-
penditures under the defense pro-
The bill has been sent to the Sen-
ate where it is now under considera-
tion by the Finance Committee and
will probably be brought up on the
floor early next month.
Unsatisfied with the proposal as
passed by the House, Secretary Mor-
genthau advised the Senate Finance
Committee Friday that nearly a bil-
lion dollars additional should be pro-
vided for and, among other things,
the clause concerning mandatory
joint returns by married couples
should be restored, thus adding about
$323,000,000 to expected revenues.
The House also last week adopted
the property requisitioning bill with
three amendments, necessitating a
joint House-Senate conference on the
measure to iron out differences.
* * *
Now You See Him.
Sunday boarded the yacht Poto-
mac which, according to the New
York Times, "headed into Long
Island Sound in the afterglow of
sunset to take the Chief Executive
away from the tension of duties
which the critical international situ-
ations have made unusually wear-
And in the afterglow of sunset
rumor spread in Washington that the
President might not be seeking the
relief from the tension of duties that
the poetic-souled Times reporter im-
agined, but rather was conferring at
sea or in some American port with
none other than Britain's Prime Min-
ister Churchill.
SUPPORTING these rumors were
etherenusuasecrecy surrounding
the President's trip, the fact that
wireless messages from the Potomac's
captain gave no hint of. the Pres-
ident being aboard, and Churchill's
message to the House of Commons
via Lord Privy Seal Atlee that he
"would not find it convenient" to at-
tend an important debate on the
progress of the war.
At this writing no word had been
received to credit or discredit the
rumors. It was pointed out that
should such a meeting be taking
place, no word would be allowed to
leak out before the British Minister's
safe return to England had been
Fill 'Er Up, Bud
SECRETARY ICKES' plan for vol-
untary gasoline consumption eco-
nomies was handed its first setback
last week-end when, although most
filling stations on the Atlantic sea-
board concurred with his request t
close at 7 o'clock, citizens made sure
their tanks were full to overflowing
before the curfew rang.
Whether or not the curfew will
prove successful was uncertain as
officials awaited the week's end
report of the gasoline companies in-
volved. Very little optimism was no-
ticed, however, and talk of govern-
ment limitations on sales and ration
cards for users in the area was cur-
IATE in the week Ickes informed
the Nation of another possible
gasoline shortage, this time aviation
gas, and urged the quick increase
of high octane refining capacity.
On the silk front last week manu-
facturers, labor leaders and govern-
ment officials put their heads to-
gether in an attempt to shift the

silk hosiery industry to rayon and
other fibers. Some recommendations
were made, but no satisfactory pan-
acea for the situation came to the
All About Prices
T HE House Banking and Currency
Committee spent many long hours
last week listening to OPACS' Leon
Henderson on the subject of price
control, inflation and unemployment.
Henderson testified before the
committee on the subject of the Pres-
ident's price-control bill, predicted
temporary unemployment for two
million in the transition of industry
from a peace-time to defense pro-
duction, predicted further ,price in-
creases, predicted the U. S. would
pay dearly for lack of planning, pre-
dicted the cost of living is going to
go sky-high, made an impassioned
anneal for auick governmental action

At week's
e from tiny
y Talk

end no reply

Ankara and Berlin last week
conflicting reports : on
high diplomatic sources in
were reported as saying that
had threatened to break
ons with Iran (Persia) over
lsion of German nationals
t country; from Berlin Fri-
e flat denials.
he story came from Turkey
han Iran, newshawks ven-

- powers has enabled almost help-
less Siam to 'survive 100 years of im-
Siam, or Thailand, as.the nation-
alist regime renamed the country in
1932, is independent because none of
these powers was willing for any oth-
er to dominate her.

for instance, the best all-around sup- are concerned about Japan's aims
ply center and air base on Asia's hot toward Burma, rather than the Dutch
corner. It would provide a spring- East Indies at the moment.
board for attack against strategic thIyis atthe on
Singapore. Burma and India, or the They say an attack on.Burma
Netherlands Indies. would be far more likely to succeed
The Japanese are handicapped in than a drive for the Netherlands
extending their power. even with Indies, where the Japanese army
strategic Bangkok in their hands, for
-p ,..,-could not operate without the great-

would not be menaced, lessening the
danger of American resistance to the
point out that Britain has advan-
tages, too. Japan's supply line for
battle would extend 2,800 miles south

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