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August 10, 1941 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-10

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-- - __._.


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Daily Calendar of Events
Sunday, August 10
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
8:15 p.m. Art Cinema League. (Rackham Lecture Hall)-"Crime and Punishment."
Monday, August 11
11:00 a.m. Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
2:00 a.m. Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The University's Standards for Accrediting High Schools."
George E. Carrothers, Director of Cooperation with Educational Institu-
tions. (University High School Auditorium.)
4:15 p.m. Lecture Recital. Professor Joseph Brinkman and Mr. Beller. (Rackham
Assembly Hall.)
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Dilemma of Democracy." H. Duncan Hall, formerly of the
League of Nations Secretariat. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
8:00 p.m. Demonstration Debate on National High School Question. (Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.)
Tuesday, August 12
9:00 a.m. Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
2:30 p.m. Lecture by Mr. Earle McGill, Casting Director and Producer, Columbia
Broad casting System. Open forum. Demonstration broadcast over WJR
at 4:45 p.m. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "What It Takes To Succeed." T. Luther Purdom, Director of
the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information.
(University High School Auditorium.)
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Self-Containment and Hemisphere Defense." Percy W. Bid-
well, Director of Studies, Council of Foreign Relations, New York City.
(Rackham Lecture Hall.)
8:30 p.m. Concert, by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) Mr.
George Poinar and Prof. Joseph Brinkman-Sonata for violin and piano.
Prof. Christman, Organist. The sting section of the Chamber Music
Class under direction of Hanns Pick will play a Concerto.
Wednesday, August 13

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Staff
Karl Kessler
Harry Mv. Kelsey
. William Baker
. . . . Eugene Mandeberg
. . . . Albert P. Blaustein
.Barbara Jenswold
Business Staff



Hisine~s Manager. .... . Daniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The Fight For
Democracy ...
HE draft extension bill passed by the
Senate now goes to the House,
where, according to all reports, a more intelligent
attitude toward indefinite service will be taken.
In other words, the House will probably revise
the legislation passed by the upper chamber.
If the House concurs, draftees will be required
to serve in the army for a period of two and
one-half years. It may be remembered that
when the first draft bill was passed, it was justly
criticized at that time as an undemo ratic meas-
ure-but it met with the approval of the people
because it was generally felt that it was needed
in order to build up an army for defense. And,
people further felt that one year of service could
do little harm. -
BUT we have already built up our army for
defense. The United States now has some
1,600,000 men under arms, approximately 700,-
000 of whom are draftees-a number which is
adequate to defend our shores. There is no
doubt of the fact, and even the President doesn't
bother to deny this, that these provisions are de-
signed. to prepare America for offensive war.
Whether or not the President has broken his
faith with the American people isn't the impor-
tant question and even the question of going to
war seemsrunimportant when this new draft bill
is considered from all angles.
THIS MEASURE, if finally passed, will be like
dynamite exploding beneath the foundations
of American democracy. If this act goes
through, every person in this country can just
take another look at Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't
Happen Here" and asl himself whether or not
this is it.
Nationalism is out of date. No nation in this
entire world is worth fighting for as a nation,
and no flag or banner is anything more than a
piece of colored rag. The things that make the
United States worth fighting for (yes, and even
well-worth giving up our lives for) are the demo-
cratic principles both nation and flag stand for.
Take them away and no true American will have
a country in this entire world he would be proud
to call his own.
NO AMERICAN wants to give up the things
that we have now in this country. We are
strengthening ourselves to keep others from tak-
ing our most cherished possessions away and we
should therefore not voluntarily give them up.
This country is still a democracy. As long as it
is, this writer will be more than happy to fight
to defend it at any' time but once it ceases to
become a democracy, it will not be worth de-
The indefinite draft will not necessarily bring
fascism upon us right away but it would be the
most decided step we have taken in that direc-
tion. The people of the United States have things
they want to fight for, like the right of free
speech, free press and free assembly, the right of
life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happi-
ness, the right to a chance to work, etc.
MORE IMPORTANT than anything else in
this country is making sure that we fight
those in this country, as well as on the outside,
who want to take them away from us.-
-Albert P. Blaustein


Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.)
Lecture. "Trends In Curriculum Building." Clifford Woody, Professor of
of Education and Director of the Bureau of Education and Director of
the Bureau of Educational Reference and Research. (University High
School Auditorium.)
Lecture. "The Changing Conditions of American Security." Edward Mead
Earle, Professor in the School of Economics and Politics, The Institute
for Advanced Study, Princeton. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
"The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

4:15 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 14

4:05 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Lecture. "Progressive Education In Conflict." Raymond Fisher, Assistant
Professor of Education, Oberlin College. (University High School Audi-
Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Lecture. "The St. Lawrence Waterway." (Illustrated) Prof. F. N. Menefee,
Prof. of Engineerirg Mechanics. (Rackham Amphitheatre.)
"The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

Friday, August 15
8:30 p.m. "The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (League Ballroom.)
Saturday, August 16
8:30 p.m. "The Gondoliers," by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (League Ballroom.)
Sunday, August 17
9:00 a.m. Breakfast for those receiving the master's degree. (Union.)
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
8:30 p.m. Cycle of Medieval Mystery Drama. (Hill Auditorium.)


By Terence
'The Reluctant Dragon'
T HIS is one you just can't miss.
The Disney creation being shown
currently at the Majestic cinema pal-
ace isn't his greatest nor the most
beautiful one Mickey Mouse's creator
has put out; but it's his funniest.
And you can take my word for that.
To start with there's Bob Bench-
ley. And even if that's all there was.
it'd be funny. But there's a lot more:
mostly one of the most novel ideas
to come out of Hollywood in ages.
The production reveals the inner
workings of Walt Disney's studio,
shows how your favorite cartoon
characters are created. The scene is
laid right in the studio, with Disney
and his workers supporting Bench-
ley as the central character. The
action switches from real life scenes
with Benchley and his compatriots
to cartoon sequences starring some
of the funniest darn characters I've
ever seen: The Reluctant Dragon,
Casey Jr., Train. And scores of old
favorites, Goofy, Donald Duck and
(Moreover, brother wolves, there's
a cute little cookie in the real-life
scenes called Frances Gifford who's
really got what it takes, if you know
what I mean, and I know you do.)
But as I started to say, this is really
worthwhile seeing, and if you miss it
it's your loss, not mine. I was smart:
I've seen it.
'La Fiesta'
TODAY Ecuadorean students on
the campus will celebrate La Fies-
ta Nacional del 10de Augosto, or to
you dopes that ain't literate, The Na-
tional Holiday of the Tenth of Au-
gust. (I think.) They're putting on a
special program which should be very
But the interesting part of the
whole thing is behind the scenes. It
seems that the folks back home have
declined to celebrate the week, and
have declared a week of national
mourning, due to the loss of a prov-
ince or the war debt or something.
In Ann Arbor, however, the Ecua-
dorean delegation on campus (which
is pretty large, by the way) is carry-
ing on the tration in true Ecuadorean
'Lo, The Poor Tiger'
IT'S a little out of my province, get-
ting over into this sports realm,
but it might be interesting for a
change, especially with the Tigers
sinking like they are. See where
they got trimmed by little Flint Fri-
day afternoon; which ain't good for
the American League champions.
The boys haven't been doing so
good this season, but then they've
had a lot of bad breaks: Newsom
not coming through, McCosky hurt,
and Greenberg going into the army.
Now there's a rumor apparently sub-,
stantiated that Del Baker will get
the old heave-ho come the opening
of the Hot Stove League, in the true
manner of the St Louis Browns.
That's where my gripe comes in.
Del took over a pretty hammy bunch
of ball players a year ago and made
them into American League cham-
pions. He's got the same bunch this
year, but a few bad breaks have come
along, so he gets the gate. I don't
know a whole lot about baseball, but
it seems to me that Del's one of the
better managers in the game. And
what he did last year, he might do
next year, if the breaks turn around
the other way.
However, the breaks aren't going
that way, And Bakernis getting all
the blame. But then. I guess, as

Confucious must have said, "That's
In the meantime, all that remains
is to keep the Tigers from falling
into the Detroit River.
the French, Norwegian, Panamanian
and various other flags to save pay-
ing U.S. seamen's wages. As a result,
enough of their tankers have been
seized by foreign governments prob-
ably to pay U.S.,wages several times
Defense Alphabet Soup
For about eight years, the country
has struggled to master the New
Deal's alphabet soup. And now just
as most people had become accus-
tomed to SEC, FHA, NLRB and AAA
along comes a new and advanced les-
son in the. alphabet-OPM, OEM,
OPACS. And the last is the worst of
Not one person in a thousand in
Washington can tell you what those
five letters stand for. They call it
"O-Packs" and let it go at that. Ac-
tually OPACS stands for Office of
Price Administration and Civilian
So to help the struggling student
of the new Defense Alphabet, here
is a primer in the defense agencies:
The Defense Commission which
was set up in May of last year is now
an empty shell. Reorganization has
left it morel a name. 'T'he maior

t7 141 CfbicagoTime~'. Inc.
Re'g U S Pa~t Off- All iRts Res

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"By golly, IEd like to git in front of one of them German tank
outfits with a wagon-load of hay, and then see how fast they go!"


I'~ ~s

'' '



By Lichyy .

Washington Merry- Go-Round

(Continued from Page 3)
Summer Session of Church School,
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 10:45
a.m. "God and a Certain Man," sub-
ject of sermon by Dr. Lemon.
Sunday Evening Vespers, 6 p.m.
supper at 6 with discussion at 6:45
on "After Death-What?" led by the
First Methodist Church. Student
Class at 9:45 a.m. in the Wesley Foun-
dation Assembly Room. Prof. Ken-
neth Hance of the Speech Depart-
ment wil lead the discussion.
First Baptist Church, 512 East Hur-
on, C. H. Loucks, Minister., 10:15,
The Church at Study. There are
classes for all ages. Prof. Leroy
Waterman teaches the class for Stu-
dents and Young Adults.
11:00. The Church at Worship.
Prof. Lionell Crocker, of Denison
University will preach.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30. Subject: "Spir-
it." Sunday School at 11:45.
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Washing-
ton at S. Fifth Ave. Church worship
service at 10:30 a.m. with sermon by
Mr. Clem Shoemaker on "Ambassa-
dors for Christ."
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
ham St. at S. Fifth Ave. Church
Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30.
Sermons by the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder
on "A Spiritual Diagnosis."
Lutheran Student Association will
meet for an informal meeting at the
Yoder home, 215 E. William St. at
5:30 Sunday evening.
Wesleyan Guild will meet 6:30 Sun-
day evening for discussion of a time-
ly topic. Mr, and Mrs. Blakeman and
Mr. Lantz will lead the meeting.
Graduate Outing Club will meet to-
day at 2:30 p.m. sharp, in rear of
RackhamBuilding for trip to Saline
Valley Farm. Swimming, volleyball,
softball, and an outdoor supper are
planned. Car owners are urgently re-
quested to bring cars. Although all
graduate students are welcome, pre-
ference in auto transportation will be
given to those who have already made
The Fellowship of Reconciliation
will meet next Tuesday evening in
Lane Hall at 7:30 to continue discus-
sion of the first chapter of the book
"War Without Violence" by Krish-

I 3 ' .


V .


nald Shridharani. Please read the
reference material before coming.
(On file at Lane Hall.) Everyone is
Church of Jesus Christ, Later Day
Saints holds Sunday morning serv-
ices in the League Chapel at 9:30
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
CivilService Examinations. Last date
for filing applications is noted in each
United States Civil Service
Under Mimeograph Operator, sal-
ary $1,260, until further notice.
Senior Cook, $2,000, August 24, 1941.
Junior Engineer (Aero & Naval
Arch & Marine Engr.) $2,000, June
30, 1942.
Michigan Civil Service
Janitress C, $100 per "mon., August
20, 1941.
Janitor C, $100, August 20, 1941.
Janitor B, $115, August 20, 1941.
Janitor B & Janitress B (husband
and wife), $230, August 20, 1941.
Housemother, CI, $105, August 20,
Housemother B, $115, August 20,
Boys Supervisor B and Housemoth-
er Cl (husband and wife), $220, Au-
gust 20, 1941.
Boys Supervisor C, $100, August 20,
1941. ,
Boys Supervisor B, $115, August 20,
Boys Supervisor A, $135, August 20,
Graduate Nurse A2, $125, August 20,
General Graduate Nurse A, $135,
August 20, 1941.
General Graduate Nurse 'Al, $145,
August 20, 1941.
Psychiatric Graduate Nurse A, $135,
August 20, 1941.
Psychiatric Graduate Nurse Al,
$145, August 20, 1941.
Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse A,
$135, August 20, 1941.
Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse Al,
$145, August 20, 1941.,
Superintendent of T.B. Nurses I,
$155, August 20, 1941.
Cashier B, $115, August 20, 1941.
Insurance Exaiiner II, $200, Au-
gust 27, 1941.
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Tickets for the "Mystery Cycle" to
be given in Hill Auditorium on Sun-
(Continued on Page 6)




. WASHINGTON - OPM Director General
Knudsen put it very mildly when, after return-
ing from his recent inspection tour, he said,
"Production of heavy bombers is not up to sched-
Fact is that the output of these urgently
needed, mightly weapons of offense is months
behind schedule.
A total of only ten were produced in May. This
was the largest number for any month up to
then. June figures are not yet known, but the
inside word is that they will be little better than
Actually the U.S. Air Corps has only 60 of the
four-motored Flying Fortress bombers. In addi-
tion we have sent 20 to Britain, some having
been used with devastating effect in recent raids
on Berlin. The British also are making a four-
motor bomber of their own, the Stirling, but it
is not as good as ours and output has been slow.
There are several reasons why U.S. produc-
tion lags. One is changes in design by the Air
Corps. These great planes are highly complex
and any change, however small, makes it neces-
sary to revamp patterns and machine tools.
One change actually slowed production three
Another reason is shortage of materials and
machine tools. Four large bomber assembly
plants have been under construction in Tulsa.
Omaha, Kansas City and Ft. Worth for months,
but because of lack of equipment it will be an-
other four olrfive months before they start mak-
ing deliveries.
A third reason is the failure of OPM produc-
tion chiefs to eliminate these bottlenecks. That
would require forceful coordination, a hard-
boiled suppression of "business as usual," and
extensive sub-contracting. All have been sorely
Meanwhile, precious time is passing. The
President, the' Army and the Navy thunder and
complain that the dangers facing the country
are more acute than ever-but the big bomber
schedule continues to fall behind.
Bright Spot
The bomber picture, however, is not all black.
There is one really bright spot. This is that the

reached by fall. It won't. They'll be lucky if
they make it by January 1.
Here, too, lack of dynamic coordination and
of maximum use of the resources available is
responsible for the lag. There are hundreds of
small plants, well tooled and manned with skilled
workers, which could be turning out bomber
parts, but the OPM is still dilly-dallying with
the question of sub-contracting.
The Defense Contract Service, which is the
sub-contracting, small-business agency, is the
biggest bust of the OPM. As it has operated un-
der the Production Division, it has been practi-
cally a complete flop-as the bomber prdgram
alone graphically proves.
Capital Chaff
Inside reason why Roosevelt finally appointed
Vice-President Wallace in charge of the Eco-
nomic Warfare Committee was that his cabinet
members were scrapping among themselves for
the job. Cordell Hull wouldn't let it go to
Treasury or Justice, and the rest of the cabinet
wouldn't let it go to him. They felt there had
been ,too much appeasing in the State Depart-
ment. . . . It did not leak out, but three fast
American cargo boats making 19 knots recently
slipped through the entire length of the Medi-
terranean to Suez loaded with lend-lease sup-
plies. They were the first U.S. vessels given Eng-
land under the lend-lease program, were trans-
ferred to the British flag and convoyed by Brit-
ish warships. They are now on their way home
. . . . The President has the habit of inviting
subordinates of a cabinet officer in for confer-
ence without consulting their chief. But the
first time Roosevelt called in the admirals with-
out telling Secretary of the Navy Knox, Knox
told him he had a newspaper in Chicago that
wanted him back as publisher. Roosevelt has in-
vited no admirals without Knox's knowledge
Whose Tankers Are Whose?
Unique angle about the nine French oil tank-
ers at Martinique which Mr. Ickes and the Mari-
time Commission would like to take, but which
the State Department protects, is that most of

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Sunday Evening
6:00 Dear Mom Reg'lar "Fight European
6:15 L. K. Smith Fellers Camp" News
6:30 World Fitch Band Clare; News Pearson & Allen
6:45 News Wagon Interlude Jean Cavell
7:00 Pause That What's My Detroit Star Spangled
7:15 Refreshes Name Bible Theatre
7:30 Crime Doctor - One Man's Class Inner Sanctum
7:45 Davis: News Family Week-End Review Mysteries
8:00 Ford Manhattan Old Winchell
8:15 Summer Merry-Go-Round Fashioned Parker Family
8:30 Hour American Revival Irene Rich
8:45 Program Album Meeting Bill Stern
9:00 Take It Or Hour of We Have m The
9:15 Leave It Charm Been There Good
9:30 City NBC Feature Carry On, Will
9:45 Desk NBC Feature Canada Court

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