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August 07, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-07

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_____________________________________________________ I m


- rI

Daily Calendar of Events
Thursday, August 7-
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The Guiding Philosophy of the University Elementary School."
Willard C. Olson, Professor of Education and Director of Research in
Child Development. (University High School Auditorium.)
7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
8:00 p.m. Bridge Lessons. (League.)
8:30 p.m. Summer Session Band Concert. Harold Bachman, Guest Conductor. (Hill
8:30 p.m."Hobson's Choice." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

3I '

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
u'e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it' or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Vubscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Washington Merry-Go-Round


Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
sports Editor
Women's Editor


Karl Kessler
S. .Harry M. Kelsey
* . . William Baker
. Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
* . Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff

Business Manager.
Local Advertising Manager.
Women's Advertising Manager

*.Daniel H. Huyett
. Fred M. Ginsberg
. . Florence Schurgin,

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Summer Session:
Beyond Half-way ...
W HEN the end of the week rolls
around, the Summer Session will be
three-fourths over: six weeks gone by, and two
to go.
A lot of water has gone under the bridge in
those six weeks, a lot has gone on at the Uni-
versity that has strengthened Ann Arbor's claim
to the title of "The Harvard of the Midwest," its
claim to being one of the greatest intellectual
centers in the world.
There was the eighth international conference
of the New Education Fellowship, the first such
conference held in the Americas. Educators from
the world over flocked to Ann Arbor for the con-
clave, and thousands of others who had planned
to come were kept away by the thickening of
war clouds ... clouds that darkened the intellec-
tual horizon over . there, while over, here the
beams of knowledge blazed with new glory.
S A RESULT of that conference, by wireless
and newspaper, a plan went overseas to war-
ring nations and to nations at peace: "the first
concrete attempt of qualified men to plan for
the world after war." A plan for peace, for the
rebirth of education and civilization in a world
of chaos.
The Graduate Study Program of the Summer
Session has attracted many noted men as speak-
ers: The Honorable Hu Shih, Chinese ambassa-
dor to the United States; Prof. Edward S. Cor-
win of Princeton University, the nation's fore-
most authority on constitutional law; and Prof.
W. Menzies Whitelaw, Canadian educator, to
mention but a few.
Problems of world import have been discussed
here, discussed rationally by unbiased observers
on the political sidelines. And out of this series
on Public Policy in a World at War will come a
group of men and women with a better knowl-
edge of their own government, a clearer idea of
their own responsibilities in a world at war.
CONFERENCES and institutes have been spon-
sored at the University in many fields: the
Boy Scout executives' institute, the conference
on religion, the volunteer firemen's Fire College.
In the line of education itself, the School of
Education has carried on an extensive program
in teacher education. A new experiment in edu-
cation, the workshop, has been developed at some
length and worked out with great success. Edu-
cators from all over the state and many from
other states have come here to study, to do re-
search on educational problems in their own
homes, supervised by some of the world's great-
est teachers.
They will return home with solutions, to give
their school a better educational system: thanks
to the University of Michigan.
THE EXTENSION SERVICE of the University,
in cooperation with the Department of Engi-
neering, has offered a series of in-service train-
ing courses in defense engineering, and the De-
partment of Engineering Research has gone far
into the problems of creating new machinery to
quicken the wheels of defense.
But in all this atmosphere of, scholarship, en-
tertainment and the arts have not been neg-
lected. Enid Szantho, famed Metropolitan Opera
contralto, has given several concerts, the Art
Cinema League has brought several outstanding
foreign films to Ann Arbor, and the Repertory
players have offered one of the greatest seasons
., .:ln _o _ _ r can ,,r

WASHINGTON-Most attentive listeners in
the crowded Senate galleries during the debate
on retaining selectees were little groups of sun-
burned, khaki-clad young men from the draft
On leave from nearby camps, they took time
out to visit the august chamber and listen to
the discussion that was deciding their future.
To find out what they, themselves, think about
being kept in the army more than one year, the
Merry-Go-Rounders interviewed one hundred of
them as they left the Senate gallleries.
A A LL of those interviewed were from Eastern
states and represented practically every
branch of the army. They were asked: "What
do you think about the bill you have just heard
debated?" Here are the results:
Almost without exception they said they
wanted to return to civilian life at the end of one
year's service.
About 30 percent were very emphatic that
they should be "let out"; repeating Senator
Wheeler's phrase that the Government was
"breaking faith."
The remaining 70 percent, while desirous of
returning home, were not insistent. About one-
third of this group volunteered that they were
willing to abide by the action of Congress.
Don't Understand Danger
From the brief chats with these boys, two sig-
nificant attitudes stood out:
1. Soldiering has no appeal. The Army defi-
nitely has not sold itself to them as a way of life.
With one possible exception, no selectee indi-
cated that he would re-enlist voluntarily if dis-
THEY had no complaints about their treat-
ment. Food was good, they were not over-
worked, some were in better physical condition
than ever before. But soldiering just wasn't
Not one of these youngsters seemed aware of
what was happening to the world; that their
country might be in danger; that they should
make some sacrifice for their country.
Said a stocky Signal .Corps man: "If we see
that things are urgent, we're willing to stay, but
who knows? The President says they are urgent.
Wheeler and Lindbergh say they aren't. Until
they can decide, they ought to let us out."
'These Guys Outside'
Said an Air Corps corporal: "These guys out-
side who are making good dough and striking
for more while they keep us in the army-that's
the thing that bothers me."
"There are plenty of men who like the army,"
said a cavalryman. "Why not let them volun-
teer? And besides, what are they going to do
with all the new men coming in? They won't
have enough room for them."
Said a pugnacious Brooklynite: "They made
a deal with us, and they ought to keep it. You
can write this-if they'll let you-we're pretty
hot about this business of keeping us in the army
longer than they promised, pretty damned hot
about it."
The Russians Have It
This does not mean that these boys are un-
patriotic. But it does mean that the U.S. Army
so far has neglected the most important con-
clusion to be drawn from the lesson of France
and the lesson of Russia.
In France, battalions, companies, entire regi-
ments surrendered almost en masse. The world
was astounded. The French Army had been
heralded as the best in the world. Its officers
had been trained for years. Its equipment, while
not as good as the Nazis, 'was the next best in
YET the French Army collapsed in eleven short
days. Frenchmen who went through that
catastrophic surrender now tell us that more
important than Hitler's panzer divisions, more
important than stuka dive-bombers, was French
morale. French troops did not want to fight.
The country was torn by dissension. Men in
the trenches had no idea why they were fight-
ing. If they knew anything, it was that they
were fighting for the Comite des Forges (Steel
Trust) or the Deux Cent Families (the 200 fami-
lies who ruled the Bank of France.)

So France fell. One year later an entirely
different story comes from Russia.
There, a huge, unwieldy, green army facing
the pick of Hitler's mechanized veterans, has re-
treated, but not surrendered. At times isolated
and hopelessly cut off, Russian troops have con-
tinued fighting-fighting so desperately that
the Germans have complained that they did not
obey the rules of war.
Obviously Russian troops have been defending
enmfhnarwhrh h , raic rlI ,hv h.

clothing and fair equipment. But we have neg-
lected morale-the most important thing of all.
NINE MONTHS AGO, this column published a
series on lack of morale inside the draft
army. Nine months ago, Mrs. Roosevelt ad-
dressed an inquiry to Chief of Staff General
Marshall, got the reply that the situation was
OK. About the same time, Harry Harrison, who
ran the Smileage Book campaign for camp mor-
ale and entertainment during the last war, pro-
posed a new program, but was rebuffed.
In other words, with the country facing an
urgent crisis in both the Atlantic and the Pacific,
the War Department has given the boys no con-
ception of what is happening in the world, has
made no attempt to show them why they are
called upon to serve. It has completely fallen
down on the one big weapon which makes a
modern army fight.
Unique Anniversary
DECEMBER will mark a unique milestone in
the life of stately William Tyler Page, clerk
to the Republican membership of the House. It
will mark his 60th anniversary as a congressional
employe-the second longest continuous service
on record.
Many changes have come over the nation and
the Capitol since Page first went to work at
the age of 13, as a House massenger in 1881. The
population of the country was a sturdy 52 mil-
lion. The automobile was a figment in the brain
of C. E. Duryea, its inventor. Alexander Graham
Bell and his new-fangled telephone were still a
laughing stock.
Congressmen had no secretaries or ofifces, and
the Capitol was lit by gas. But the thing Page
likes most to talk about in comparing the Amer-
ica of today with the era in which he made his
debut on Capitol Hill is the change that has
come over government finances.
I first went to work," he recalls with a grin,
"was what to do with a $250,000,000 surplus in
the Treasury. The government was making more
money than it knew how to spend, but there
was a terrific furore when some Congressmen
suggested that the surplus be used for public
WHEN Harold Brighouse was writing Hobson's
Choice in 1915, he apologized to Whitford
Kane because Hobson was turning out to be as
important a character as Willie Mossop which
was intended for Mr. Kane. Now Mr. Kane
brings his rich experience to this delightful part
in the production which he has directed for the
Michigan Repertory Players. In Mr. Kane's or-
iginal part, Hiram Sherman is charming and in-
genuous in the first two acts. To these qualities
he adds forcefulness in the last act.
Hobson's Choice is at an embarrassing stage in
its career; not old enough to be a classic, it has
been written just long enough to be in danger of
being old fashioned. But it emerges fresh and
timeless in both character and story.
Hobson is a successful tradesman in a small
Lancashire town. A widower with three grown
daughters-one on the ripe side, as he says-he
has taken to dominating them. Maggie, the eld-
est and the mainstay of his shop rebels with quiet
determination. She sees that something can be
made of her father's excellent workman, Willie
Mossop; marries him and sets up a rival business
with him. There isn't much more plot than that
but a wealth of incident, small detail, and comedy
arising straight from the characters keeps the
play continuously interesting through its three
BESIDES the rich parts in the hands of its
featured playeds, Hobson's Choice has a third
equally important character, Maggie Hobson. It
is not a small achievement for Blanche Lemke to
be able to make the character as convincing as
those played by two of Ann Arbor's favorite
Under Mr. Kane's understanding direction the
smaller parts seem hardly less important. Neil

Smith is authentic as Tubby Wadlow, the work-
shop manager. Dorothy Durkee and Betty Gal-
lagher are refreshing in their unforced comic
treatmtent of Maggie's two younger sisters, Alice
and Vickey. E. S. Cortright's Jim Heeler and
George Shapiro's Dr. MacFarlane, Ellie Terret-
ta's Ada Figgins, Frank Jones' Albert Prosser and
Frederick Nelson's Fred Beenstock are each effec-
tive parts of a well-integrated whole. The audi-
ence showed its enjoyment and appreciation of

By Terence
Odds And Enlds .. .
REPORTS HAVE IT that the com-
mander of the Russian air force
is Lieut. Gen. of Aviation Yakov
Vladimirovich Schmushkevich, which,
quite obviously, is the reason the
German blitzkovich is on the fritzko-
vich somewhere in the vicinity of
Pskov, Porkhov or Byelaya Tserkov.
For a Better Defense: If there
were any way of harnessing the
volatile energy in the indignation
of Mr. Ickes and Mr. Westbrook
Pegler, there would be absolutely
no need for those gasless Sundays
Mr. Ickes has been suggesting in
his few calm moments.
* *
MAYOR Fiorello H. LaGuardia,
yielding to popular demand, is
going to run for a third term. It
appears that a new unwritten law
has been developed, that - all it
takes for a man to become indis-
pensable is two terms in office.
*>* *
Non-Sequitur Par Excellence, from
Eleanor's My Day a couple of days
ago: "Today we have all been to
church. I think that this will be a
peaceful day for the President, be-
cause the main things which were on
his mind seem to be in the morning
* * *
Further suspicion of the quixotic
inclination of the Lindbergh charac-
ter is aroused by his naive demand
upon Ickes to apologize for his re-
cent attacks upon the colonel's pa-
triotism. Mr. Ickes never apologizes,
because he is a New Dealer, and a
New Dealer is never wrong.
* *-*
DOROTHY DIX, well-known
economist of the fashion page,
says that kisses depreciate in value
when too widely circulated. This
is in thorough agreement with the
financial page, which often warns
that although the devaluation of
the dollar-and of the kiss, too, of
course-isattractive because it in-
creases its debt-paying power, it
likewise decreases its purchasing
* * *
A man gazed incredulously at a
mounted fish. Finally he murmured
to himself: "The man who caught
that fish is a liar."
* * *
Definition for the Day: "Love is
a gross exaggeration of the differ-
ence between one person and every-
body else."-George Bernard Shaw.
* * *
SEE that even the dictator powers
have humorist-newsmen. A re-
cent editorial in a Japanese pa-
per, discussing the democracies, as
usual, says: "Who would want to
conquer the democracies anyway?
They won't work more than 40
hours a week for anyone."
Thanks to Coronet for some
more Diabolical Definitions: Pet-
ting: a lesson in anatomy by the
Braille system . . . musicology:
everything pertaining to music ex-
cept music itself . . . the height of
obscurity: vice-president of Ger-
many .... rhumnba: a stuck phono-
graph record.
* * *
Things I'd Like To See: The Mount
Rushmore Memorial in South Dako-
ta, with its four gigantic faces of
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and
T. R. carved in the side of a moun-
tain . . . the grass on the campus
kept a little better. Looks pretty

lousy right now . .. the nights con-
tinue like they have been. Really
wonderful sleeping weather ... home,
where I ain't been for ages ....
Superlatively Quotable Quotes:
"'We learn from history that we learn
nothing from history."-George Wil-
helm Frederich Hegel . . . . "The end
of the human race will be that it will
die of too much civilization."-Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
** *


R eg. U. S. Pa ^".All Ms. Res.
"Men !-We stand to lose this cigarette account if we don't think
of five new reasons for smoking a cigarette by morning!"




By Lichty



All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The Summer Session French Club.
The fifth meeting of the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will take place to-
night, at 8:00 at "Le Foyer Francais"
1414 Washtenaw.
Dr. Abraham Herman, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
talk on "Le role et le devoir du pro-
fesseur de francais aux Etates-Unis
en l'an 1941."
Miss Jeannette Haien, student of
piano in the School of Music, will give
a short recital of Chopin's music.
History of Mathematics Lecture:
Professor L. C. Karpinski will give a
lecture on the History of Mathematics
on Thursday at 4:15 p.m., in 3017 A.H.
This lecture supplements Mathemat-
ics 183 and is open to the public. This
lecture will be on the History of Geo-
petry and Trigonometry. It will be
illustrated by slides.
Schedule for Film Evaluation. Room
1022 University High School. Thurs-
day, August 7, 2:30-4 p.m. "Liquid Air"
(Chem.) Sound, 1 Reel. "Nickel
(Chem.) Silent, 2 Reels. "Woodwind
Choir" (Music) Sound, 1 Reel.
The Burton Memorial Tower will
be open for visitors during the noon-
time playing of the carillon between
12 noon and 12:15, from Monday,
August 4 through Friday, August 8.
This will be the last opportunity dur-
ing Summer Session to see the caril-
lon being played.
Student Graduation Recital: Joel
Dolven, tenor, a student of Professor
Hackett, will present a recital at 8:30
p.m., Friday, August 8, in the Rack-
ham Assemly Hall. He will be ac-
companied by Miss Laura Whelan.
This recital is presented in partial
fulfillment of requirements for the
degree of Master of Music and is
complimentary to the general public.
Freshman and Sophomores, Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts. Students who will have fresh-
man and sophomore standing at the
end of the Summer Session and who
plan to return this fall should have
their first semester elections ap-
proved before they leave the cam-
pus. You may make an appointment
to see me either by telephoning Ex-
tension 613 or by calling at the office

of the Academic Counselors, 108 Ma-
son Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
The Comprehensive Examination
in Education for August 1941 Teach-
er's Certificate candidates will be
given on Saturday, Aug. 9, 9 o'clock,
2432 U.E.S. Printed information re-
garding the examination may be se-
cured at the School of Education
Official Ontario Road Maps can be
obtained free at the Highway Labor-
atory, 1224 East Engineering Build-
Graduate Outing Club will meet
in rear of Rackham Building on Sun-
day, August 10 at 2:30 p.m. sharp,
for trip to Saline Valley Farm. To
insure satisfactory transportation ar-
rangements, both drivers and passen-
gers are requested to leave twenty-
five cent supper fee at Rackham
check desk as early this week as pos-
sible. All graduate students, faculty,
and alumni are invited.
Lectures on French Diction and In-
tonation. Professor Charles E. Koella
will give his fourth lecture on French
Diction and Intonation on Monday,
August 11th at 7:15 p.m. at "Le Foyer
Francais," 1414 Washtenasw.
Students teaching French or con-
centrating in French are especially in-
vited to attend.
Phi Lambda Upsilon summer picnic
will be held Saturday, Aug. 9; start-
ing in front of the Chemistry Build-
ing at 1:00 p.m. Those planning to
attend are requested to contact( by
phone, postcard, or in person) either
Art Stevenson, 260 Chem. Build., or
Frank Lockart, 2203 E. Eng., before
that date.
"Hobson's Choice" by Harold Brig-
house will be presented at 8:30 p.m.
tonight through Saturday night at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by
the Michigan Repertory Players of
the Department of Speech. Single
admissions are 75c, 50c and 35c. The
boxoffice is open from 10 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. (Phone 6300).
Band Concert. The University of
Michigan Summer Session Band,
with Harold Bachman as Guest C n-
ductor, will give a concert at 8:0
p.m., Thursday, August 7, in the band
shell of West Park, Ann Arbor. Mr.
Bachman, who is director of bands at
the University of Chicago, will act
as conductor of the band for the
week of Aug. 4.
Lectures on French Painting: Pro-
fessor Harold E. Wethey, Chairman
of the Department of Fine Arts, will
give the third illustrated lecture on
French Painting Monday, August 11,
at 4:10 p.m., in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The subject of his
lecture will be "The School of Paris"
(20th century).
The lecture, which will be given in
English, is open to all students and
Faculty members. This will end the
series of lectures on French Paint-
ing offered by Professor Wethey dur-
ing the Summer Session and spon-
sored by the Department of Romance
Speech Students: The Speech Li-
brairy hours for the remainder of
the summer session will be as follows:
10-12 a.m. and 3:15-5:15 p.m., Mon-.
day through Friday. Books may be
taken out for overnight at 4:45 p.m.


THIRTY for Terence

for today.

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 To be announced World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Marriage Club News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo
6:45 Marriage Club Sports Parade Evening Serenade Harry Heilmann
7:00 Death valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Boys Town
7:15 Death Valley "Housewarming" val Clare Boys Town
7:30 Lewisohn, Sta- NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
7:45 dium Concert NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
8:00 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Caribbean
8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Melodies
8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music World News
8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert Ted Steele Orch.
9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams
9:15 Prof Quiz sRudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven IndustrialFNews
9:30 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Musical Headline Front

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