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August 07, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-07

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Fair 'and Warmer


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Summer Session:
Beyond Half-way . .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Draft Bill
Voted Out
Note Is Handed To Leahy
In Answer To Words
Of Secretary Welles
Michigan Senators
Are For Measure
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(P)-The
Administration scored a victory of
unexpectedly overwhelming propor-
tions in the Senate today with the
rejection of a hotly-argued proposal
that any extension of the service
period of draftees,, national guards-
men, reservists and army enlisted
men be limited to twelve months.
The result was that all factions
were predicting the approval tomor-
row of an eighteen-month limitation
offered as a compromise by the mili-
tary committee, and backed by Sena-
tor Barkley of Kentucky, Democratic
floor leader.
The vote against the 12-month re-
striction, 50 to 21, came as a highly-
pleasing surprise to Administration
leaders. They had foreseen a much
closer outcome and, in fact, at times
were actually uncertain of winning.
Michigan Senators Favor Act
Both Senator Vandenberg, Repub-
lican, and Senator Brown, Democrat,
of Michigan, voted for the proposal.
The reason for the size of the vote
was that Senators Wheeler (Dem.-
Mont.), Clark (Dem.-Mo.), LaFol-
lette (Prog.-Wis.) and many others
who have consistently opposed the
Administration on questions of for-
eign policy and the draft sprang a
surprise by voting against the 12-
month limitation.
Only yesterday Wheeler, Clark,
LaFollete and many of their fol-
lowers supported an amendment by.
Senator Taft (Rep.-Ohio) limiting
the additional service period to six
months. They had been expected to
follow this up by supporting the 12-
month restriction, offered by Taft's
colleague, Senator Burton (Rep.-
A series of behind-the-scenes ma-
neuvers led up to today's vote. As
originally introduced the bill author-
ized the continuation of the guards-
men,draftees and reservists in active
service for an indefinite period.
Demand For Limitation
The demand for a time limitation
became so insistent, however, that
th Military Committee produced a
proposal which would limit the addi-
tional service period to eighteen
months. This still proved unsatis-
factory to a number of senators.
Yesterday a group of the dissidents,
including numerous men who sup-
port the draft and have been gener-
ally favorable to the Administration's
foreign and defense policies, decided
to support the Burton Amendment
in a joint effort at unity, and for
the sake of the effect which a big
vote would make on the House.
War Department Views
But under Barkley the Adminis-
tration leadership refused to go
along, and the Kentucky Senator to-
day asked and obtained thenviews of
the War Department on the issue.
"The Secretary of War has author-
ized me to say," he said, "that it is
the unanimous view of the Depart-
ment and the members of the Gen-
eral Staff that the reduction to a
period of 12 months would place
about them such rigid restrictions

that they could not operate the army
The Secretary, Henry L. Stimson,
had said too, Barkley added, that
while the War Department had not
suggested the 18-month extension
which Administration leaders are
backing, it could nevertheless operate
under it. But 18 months, he said,
was the minimum.
Brighouse Play
Continues Run
"Hobson's Choice," Harold Brig-
house's noted comedy, will continue
its Ann Arbor run at 8:30 p.m. to-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre as the sixth presentation of the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech..
The name "Hobson's Choice" orig-
inates with an old English tradition.


One Hundred Years Ago
Literary College, First Branch Founded,
To Celebrate Centennial On Oct. 15

_ ..._

(Editor's Note: To the MichiganC
Historical Society for its collection on
University history, and to Wilfred B.
Shaw for his book, "A Short History
of the University of Michigan," our
gratitude for giving access to the data
in the following article.)
The University of Michigan will
open its doors to a freshman class
this fall for the 100th time.
One hundred years ago, on the
morning of Sept. 8, 1941, seven stu-
dents went through the then simple
process of registering in the stuccoed
building that was to serve the dual

Oand the


of mankind,

October 15 has been designated
by University officials as Centen-
nial Day for the literary college,
which was the first branch of the
University founded in Ann Arbor
100 years ago. A program of talks
and festivities is being arranged
for the day. The complete program
will be announced in The Daily at
a later date.
purpose of classroom and dormitory,
and still stands as Mason Hall.
That inauspicious beginning was
the 25th attempt of the people of
Michigan to establish a University
in their state.
The residents of the state had been
seriously impressed by the message
of the Northwest Ordinance: "Reli-
gion, morality and knowledge being
necessary to the good government
France Vows
To Aid Empire
In Own Way'
Year Restriction To Service
Voted Down In Senate;
Wheeler Opposes Act,
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug.
6.-France intends to defend its Em-
pire in its own way, the United States
was informed in a note handed
United States Ambassador William
D. Leahy today.'
The note, which was not made pub-
lic here, but which was understood
to have been phrased in rather gen-
eral terms, was an answer to the dec-
laration of Undersecretary of State
Sumner Welles of last Saturday that
henceforth the United States will be
governed in its relations with Vichy
by that regime's effectiveness in de-
fending its Empire from the Axis.
It also was an answer to the de-
mands of Ambassador Leahy last
Friday for information respecting
France's plans of Empire defense.
Authorized circles said that for the
first time the name of General Max-
ime Weygand, French Pro-Consul in
North Africa, was added to those of
Marshal Petain and Vice-Premier
Jean Darlan as having "already out-
line.d the broad principles" of French
Empire policy.
Road Veto Overridden
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(/P)-With
only Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-
Mich.) defending President Roose-
velt's stand, the Senate voted 57 to
19 today to override the Chief Ex-
ecutive's veto of a $320,000,000 road
construction program.

schools and the means of education
shall forever be encouraged"; the
message that is engraved now above
the portals of Angell Hall.
And it was with this idea in mind
that taxes were raised 16 percent
and five publiclotteries authorized
by Lansing, officials for the benefit
of the University of Michigan in
1817. In that year the first univer-
sity, the Catholepistemiad, was es-
tablished in Detroit.
The whole field of knowledge was
at last open to the youth of Michi-
gan through the teachings of the 13
"didactors," or professors, whose pre-
cise fields were obscured in impres-
sive nomenclature. "Anthropogloss-
ica" was a course in literature, "pole-
mitactica" was a military science
curriculum and "astronomia" was as-
tronomy. Less obvious were "dieget-
(Continued on Page 3)
Captain States
FDR's Yacht Is
On Fishing Trip
President Is Not Mentioned
In Wireless; No Report
On Churchill Meeting
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. -(iP)-
Amid widespread but entirely unsub-
stantiated rumors of a meeting be-
tween President Roosevelt and Prime
Minister Churchill came a message
from the Presidential vacation yacht
today which might-or might not-
dispel them, depending upon what was
read between the lines.
The wireless message, sent by the
skipper of the yacht Potomac and
made public by the Navy Department
here, read:
"Cruise ship proceeding slowly
along coast with party fishing.
weather fair, sea smooth. Potomac
River sailors responding to New Eng-
land air after Washington summer."
Apparently the "Potomac River
sailors" were the President and his
companions-Rear Admiral Ross T.
McIntire, his physician; Capt. John
R. Beardall, naval aide, and Major
General Edwin M. Watson, his secre-
tary-who have accompanied Mr.
Roosevelt on many weekend excur-
sions on the River during the summer.
But anyone inclined to credit the
rumors of a Roosevelt-Churchill ren-
devous despite the complete lack of
confirmation could find food for
speculation in the absence of any spe-
cific statement that Mr.' Roosevelt
himself was aboard the yacht.
Tschaikowsky Concerto
Will Be Featured Today
Tschaikowsky's "Piano Concerto"
will be played at 6:45 p.m. today in
the Main Lounge of the West Quad-
rangle, when the final Strauss Li-
brary Music Hour of the week will
be held.
Performing this masterpiece wi2
be Anton Rubinstein with the London
Symphony Orchestra, under the
baton of John Barbirolli.
Open to the public without ad-
mittance charge, these record con-
certs are given in the Main Lounge
Monday through Thursday of each

Tokyo Told
To Keep Out
Of Thailand
United States, Great Britain
Warn Japan To Abandon
'Movements Of Conquest'
Sec'y Hull Expresses
Increasing Concern
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-kP)-In
parallel and emphaticmwarnings to
Japan to abandon "movements of
conquest" in the Pacific before it is
too late, the United States and Great
Britain today declared their vital in-
terests in Thailand, the next appar-
ent objective of Japanese expansion.
Unlike their action in denouncing
Japan's move into French Indo-
China after it was all but an accom-
plished fact, the two western powers
defined their stand on Thailand while
there still appeared a chance of re-
sistance there to Japanese demands.
Defense Deemed Necessary
The policy declarations in Wash-
ington and London gave emphasis
to American and British military re-
inforcements in the Far East and
other indications that a defense of
Thailand was deemed necessary to
protect vital interests and territory
of the United States, Britain and The
Netherlands in the south Pacific.
The increasing concern of the
American Government over Japan's
intentions was expressed by Secre-
tary of State Hull in an informal
statement which emphasized that a
Japanese move into Thailand would
further threaten and endanger
American interests and security.
England Acts Simultaneously
Almost simultaneously in London,
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
told the House of Commons that
"anything which threatened the in-
tegrity or security of Thailand would
be of immediate interest to Britain."
Eden mentioned especially the
threat to Singapore and disclosed the
British had notified Japan formally
of its attitude.
Both Eder and Hull, however, left
unanswered the question whether the
United States and Britain, following
up their application of strong eco-
nomic sanctions against Japan,
planned active military measures to
prevent Thailand from succumbing
to the fate of French Indo-China.

Corbett Advocates Federations
By Regions As Post-War Hope

Creation of regional federations in
Europe is the most likely key to post-
war progress, Prof. Percy E. Corbett
of McGill University said yesterday
in the last lecture of the week of the
Graduate Study Program in Public
Policy in a World at War.
"The creation of regional federa-
tions would remove many of the
causes of conflict in the past," Pro-
fessor Corbett asserted, "and would
at the same time produce a better
balance of defensive forces against
possible authors of aggression."
Professor Corbett spoke of such re-
gional federations as one of western
Europe, composing Great Britain,
France, Belgium, Holland and Ger-
many; one of the Scandinavian coun-
ries; one of the Danubian countries;
one of the Balkan countries, and
one of the Mediterranean countries.
"The program is admittedly not
perfect," he noted, "but is probably
the best that can be carried out in
any near future."
Professor Corbett discussed the
possibilities of a world federation or
another League of Nations as solu-
tions for post-war consideration and
pointed out the similarities in the
plans. "As between the federation-
ists and those who would establish a
stronger League there is not quite so
much difference as is commonly sup-

posed," he asserted.
"If the strengthened League
have a central organization
power to restrain states, it will

is to

Victory On Three Fronts
Is Claimed By Germany;
Finnish Action Reported

Obesity Brings
Early Death,
Dr, Conn Says
Death Rate Of Overweight
32 Per Cent Greater,
Statistics Show
Obesity in people over 40 is a prime
cause of serious illness and prema-
ture death, Dr. Jerome W. Conn de-
clared last night in the last of the
series of medical lectures.
Under the heading "The Nature
and Consequences of Obesity," Dr.
Conn pointed out that insurance sta-
tistics show a 32 per cent greater
death rate among overweight people
than those of normal weight. Under-
weight of from five to 14 per cent on
the other hand, generally increases
the life expectancy of the individual.
Debunking the familiar excuses for
overweight, Dr. Conn said that there
has never been a case of obesity in
the University clinic that has not
responded to a regulated diet. Even
in thecase of glandular conditions,
with proper allowance for it, weight
can be safely reduced to normal, he
pointed out.
Alhough diets foir weight reducing
must be individually planned, Dr.
Conn showed by a geneial food chart
how the caloricintake could easily be
cut in half, and still retain every es-
sential for a complete diet. By the
elimination of foods which contain
only caloric value, without vitamins
or minerals, a balance can be at-
tained between caloric intake and
output, the criteria of normal weight.
It is never too late to begin re-
ducing, Dr. Conn declared, and every
reduction in weight adds to the length
of life and the lesening of the possi-
bilities of disease.
Dr. Olson Will Present
Talk On Education Today
Dr. Willard C. Olson, Professor of

M Erickson
Passes Away
Noted Research Worker's
Services To Be Today
Memorial services will be held to-
day for Mrs. Betty Nims Erickson, re-
search worker at the University Hos-
pital, who died last Tuesday follow-
ing an illness of three months; she
was 33 years old.
Before her illness, Mrs. Erickson
was doing research work on peptic
ulcers in the department of internal
medicine. Previous to that, she was
,a research associate of the Children's
Fund of Michigan in Detroit where
she worked for more than 10 years on
infant nutrition, childhood diseases
and motherhood.
Author of more than 50 scientific
papers, Mrs. Erickson received re-
quests for reprints from throughout
the country on some of her contri-
butions. The majority of these papers
were on children's diseases.
Memorial services will be held at
7:30 p.m. today at the Unitarian
Church, Rev. H. P. Marley conduct-
ing the service. Friends are asked to
omit flowers. The ashes will be sent
to Salt Lake City for interment.

oto be given some of the essential ele-
ments of federation. It will need ex-
ecutive and judicial, even legislative,
organs capable of acting without ref-
erence to the consent of the states
affected by the action taken. In fed-
eral governments the people are di-
rectly represented, the federation has
direct power of taxation and the
power of acting directly upon the
citizen. These features may be re-
placed in a League by state repre-
sentation, state contribution, acting
solely upon states; but within its ap-
pointed sphere the League must have
power as effective as that of the
federation to control what is done by
and in the individual states."
"As time goes on," Professor Cor-
bett continued, "the League may
evolve in the scope and methods of
its action toward federation; but it
will only do so as the spirit of world
(Continued on Page 4)
Band To Offer
First Open-Air
Concert Today
H. Bachman Will Conduct;
West Park Music Shell
To Be Scene Of Event
The 100-piece University Summer
Session Band will offer its first open-
air concert at 8 p.m. today in the
West Park Music Shell under the ba-
ton of Harold Bachman, director of
bands at the University of Chicago.
Bachman will be assisted by Rus-
sell Howland, who will direct several
band selections including his own
"Babe, the Blue Ox," from "Paul Bun-
yan Suite." Howland will be a mem-
ber of the School of Music faculty
here next fall.
Other compositions which will be
played by the band are "Fanfare for
Trumpets" by Busch, "Prelude to the
Festival" by Weinberger, "Flandria"
by de Smetsky, Prelude to Act III of
the Opera "Kunihild" by Kistler,
Portrer's "Begin the Beguine," Her-
bert's "Pan-Americana" and Sousa's
"New York Hippodrome" March.
Also scheduled to be heard are
"Perfumes of the Night" by Debussy,
"Rhapsodia" by Dohnanyi, Second
Suite for Military Band in F major
by Holst, "Cimarron" by Harris, three
Negro dances "Rabbit Foot."
There's A Lot Of Money
Flying Around-They Say
Money in circulation reached a new
peak of $9,713,633,041 for an average
of $73.06 per person on July 31.
The Treasury said that, except for
the unusual period of the 1933 bank
holiday, this was a record. The fig-
ure has been rising nearly every
month for the last two years.

Field Army Of Russians
Is Victim Of German
Drive, DNB Asserts
'Millions' Of Enemy
Are Dead, Nazis Say
BERLIN, Aug. 6.--W)-Fueh-
rer Adolf Hitler was reported to-
night to be somewhere on the
Kiev Front, where the High Com-
mand reports an "encirclement
battle" is "raging at full fury."
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Aug. 6.-In a series of an-
nouncements introduced with trum-
pet fanfare the German High Com-
mand today reported gigantic vic-
tories over the Russians on each of
the three main sectors of the Eastern
front and, indicating Soviet troops
had fallen by the millions, led the
Official News Agency DNB to assert
the Red Field Army can be regarded
as "having fallen victim" to the Ger-
man drive.
The High Command asserted a
total" of 895,000 prisoners had been
taken and the Russians' "bloody loss-
es" were "many times the number of
prisoners;" DNB estimated Russian
dead at 3,000,000, making the total
reported losses, not including wound-
ed, closeto 4,000,000.
The High Command said the Ger-
mans had broken through the Stalin
Line at three "decisive" points: south
of the Pinsk Marshes in the direction
of Kiev, in the direction of Smolensk
on the Moscow Front, and south of
Lake Peipus toward Leningrad; had
engaged in bloody but victorious.bat-
tles with the Russiaps and now are
"ready to continue with a new phase
of operations."
If the German estimates-"almost
fantastic in magnitude," DNB de-
scribed them-were anywhere close
to accurate, the. Russian dead in this
fiercecampaign only seven weeks old
already exceed Russia's World War
deaths of 1,700,000.
The Russian wounded in the pres-
ent campaign did not even figure in
the German reports or estimates. In-
formed circles said Germany has no
way of checking this figure.
Russians Fight
Stubbornly In Kakisalmi
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Thursday, Aug. 7.-
Mentioning for the first time in days
the German-Finnish attempt to
smash into Leningrad from th'e north
across the Karelian Isthmus, Soviet
Russia reported early today the Red
Army was fighting stubbornly against
the invaders in the Kakisalmi sector,
about 75 miles north of Leningrad.
The same war report, issued by the
Soviet information bureau, told of
continued bitter battles in the famil-
iar Smolensk and Bel Tserkov sectors
of the center and south, where offi-
cial Soviet accounts have told of
counter-attacks holding up the Nazi
Only in those areas and in the Es-
tonian sector, where the Germans are
trying to put the squeeze on Lenin-
grad from the southwest, was there
major fighting, the Russian com-
munique said.
Kakisalmi is a Lake Ladoga port
which the Russians gained in the
1939-40 war with Finland.
With this new development on a
front hitherto comparatively quies-
cent, official accounts portrayed the
Red Army as counter-attacking in
sustained fashion on the central and
southern approaches to Moscow and
Kiev in a depending battle of move-
ment on a 350-mile front.

Debut In Ann Arbor:
Grace Moore Will Open Annual
Choral Union Concert Series

La Fiesta Nacional:
Ecuadorians To Commemorate
Fight For Independence Sunday

Grace Moore, world-renowned Me-
tropolitan Opera and Hollywood so-
prano, will open the sixty-third an-
nual Choral Union Concert Series of
the University Musical Society on
Oct. 22 in Hill Auditorium.
The opening concert of the series
will mark Miss Moore's debut before
Ann Arbor audiences.
The second concert of the series,
on Oct. 30, will be given by Emanuel
Feuermann, violoncellist, who was en-
thusiastically received by May Festi-
val audiences last year.
Artur Rodzinski will conduct the
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra in
their third Ann Arbor appearance,
Nov. 9.

The 10th of August is to the Ecua-
dorian what the 4th of July is to a
citizen of the United States; it is
the day when the first cry of inde-
pendence rang out in Quito in 1809,
Mr. Wilson Cordova, private secre-
tary to the President of Ecuador and
a member of the Latin-American
Summer Session of the International
Center said in an interview yester-
Ecuadorians on campus will cele-
brate their national holiday with a
program at 8 p.m. Sunday in the
Union Ballroom. All interested are
invited to attend.
Precursors of the movement for in-
dependence, Mr. Cordova explained,
were Eugenio Espejo and Jose Mejia,
who lived in the 18th century and
were both from Quito. Espejo was a

Montufar, who was to become the.
first president of Ecuador, with sev-
eral other patriots, wrote in 1809 a
declaration of independence which
was submitted to the deputy of the
throne in Quito.
This declaration marked the begin-
ning of a long flight for full inde-
pendece which was not terminated
until 1882. Meanwhile the patriots
of Aug. 10, with the exception of
Montufar and a few others, were
killed in the Massacre of Aug. 2 of the
following year. Montufar continued
to organize a campaign against the
Simon Bolivar, the George Wash-'
ington of South America, stepped in-
to the picture as the military genius
of the time, Mr. Cordova continued,
and it was Marshall Antonio Sucre

Club To Hold
Quiz Program
"Information Please," conducted
entirely in German, will highlight
;he week's activities of the German
Club at 8 p.m. today at the Deutches
Haus, 1443 Washtenaw.
Questions designed to stump the
"experts" must be written and turned
in to officials of the Deutches Haus

z'' "


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