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August 03, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1941-08-03

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Reservations Are Due Tuesday
For Next University Excursion
Ninth and last of the Summer Ses-Qpanied the Niagara Falls excursion,



sion's University excursions will take
place Wednesday, Aug. 6, when stu-
dents will have an opportunity to
visit Put-In-Bay on Lake Erie.
Reservations for this excursion
must be made by 5 p.m. Tuesday in
Room 1213 Angell Hall. Total ex-
penses for the trip, including round-
trip bus fare, steamer tickets and
meals will run approximately $4, al-
,though students are invited to bring
.their own picnic lunches if they pre-
cial busses will leave from the
front of Angell Hall at 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday morning, taking the party
to the "Put-In-Bay" dock in Detroit.
The boat will leave at 9 a.m. and re-
turn at 8 p.m. the same evening.
From the dock, the group will take
busses back to Ann Arbor, arriving
at 9:30 p.m.,
Since Put-In-Bay is noted for its
interesting geological formations,
Prof. I. D. Scott of the University's
geology department, who accom-

will again be on hand to explain the
rock formations and their causes.
The boat trip will take four hours,
and then the party will spend three
hours on the island before returning.
Main points of interest include the
four caves, the shoreline and glacially
straited rocks, and Perry's monu-
Leidy Shoots 144 To Tie
For Second In Golf Meet
(By The Associated Press)
John Leidy,, '42, captain-elect of
the Michigan golf squad, yesterday
turned in a 144 to tie for second with
Frank Jarrard and Joe Burke of Flint
at the halfway mark of the Shore-
acres Open Golf Tournament in Flint.
Gilbert Sellers of Detroit, Michi-
gan Open king, led the pack with a
course?record shattering 143. Woody
Malloy, Ann Arbor, defending champ,
shot 149.



The Remarkable True-Story
Of a One-Man Revolt
"The Cobber of Koepenick"
Tickets On Sale at the League and Rackham Bldg. after 7:30
Rackham School - Single Admission 35c - 8:15

-x .

'1. ~- 1. 2-
Service from 1:00 until 2:30 and from 6:00 until 7:30 o'clock
Florida Fruit Coupe Fresh Shrimp Ravigote
Cream of Fresh-Mushrooms Iced Grape Juice
Jellied Madrilienne Essence of Chicken en Tasse
Branch Celery Mixed Olives Sweet Pickles
Breaded Wisconsin Frog Legs, Saratoga Chips, Tartar Sauce 1.25
Calves Sweet Breads Saute, Rasher Star Bacon........... 1.25
Breast of Chicken, Mushrooms, Virginia Under Bell........ 1.25
Roast Prime Ribs of Choice Beef, au Jus ................. 1.25
Barbecued Leg of Spring Lamb, Demi Glace, Mint Jelly. ... 1.00
Cold Breast of Turkey, Baked Ham, Potato Salad.......... 1.25
Union Special Steak Dinner..........................1.50
Tenderloin or Porterhouse with French Fried Potatoes to order.

(Editor's Note: This is the last of a C
series of three articles on the School
of Education's Community Workshop
at Marshall.)
At the main workroom you once
again find Miss Drenckhahn.
Miss Drenckhahn says that she re-
grets that most of the members of
the shop are away on one of many
excursions they have planned. This
one may happen to be their visit
on sanitation. You are interested so
Miss. Drenckhahn explains.
At 8:30 this morning a group of 25
had left in cars to first visit the
place where Marshall dumps her sew-
age into the river. From here to the
water system, which has previously
been explained to them by Mr. Herb-
ert Dunsmore, public health engi-
neer of the Calhoun County health
department, who is also conducting
the tour.
Visit Sewage Plant
Included were a visit to the Battle
Creek model disposal plant, slums
and federal housing project. Last
was the Kellogg Camp at Clear Lake,
near Dowling, where they had lunch-
eon. Here they studied and evalu-
ated the camp's summer program in
which the public schools of Decatur,
Otsego and Lakeview are partici-
Some of the specific problems stud-
ied- there were the techniques em-
ployed in food handling, dishwash-
ing, safety and sanitation.
The explanation of the tour com-
pleted Miss Drenckhahn will explain
other activities. On the wall is a
large program chart showing what
has been done from day to day and
what is yet to be done.
You will observe that the entire
group, or small groups, have en-
gaged in many, many activities.
Once a week the parents come in
for a meeting. One day they dis-
cussed "The School and Our Chil-
dren's Health." Included were such
people as a demonstration teacher of
the workshop, the city superintend-
ent, family health counselor of the
County Health Department, and a
high school principle.
Mayor Entertains
Another day the mayor and mem-
bers of the Junio Chamber of Com-
merce of Hillsdale entertained a
small group of teachers by inviting
them to a. dinner at Bawbeese Lake.
Following the dinner there were
games, contests, group singing, golf,
softball and dancing.
Dr. Henry J. Otto, consultant in
schools with the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation gave a talk at another time
to the group.
The group has not lacked recrea-
tion, for there has been a picnic,
teas, arts and crafts under Dean
Chamberlin of the University of Chi-
cago, and folk dancing. Twice a
week the entire group lunbes to-
gether. During this time announce-
ments, talks and group singing form
part of the program.
Many Persons Utilized
You will learn that many resource
persons are utilized such as: county
agricultural agent, health engineer,
a past state president of P.T.A., a
dentist, a doctor, a nurse, a librarian
and others. Not only have these
given talks, but they are available for
individual confernces, and their of-
fices are at the service of the Work-
Since Miss Drenckhahn has other
duties she will refer you to Mr. Mere-
dith W. Darlington, from Teachers
College, University , of Nebraska,
where he is Generalist in Education.
Mr.hDarlington will discuss with you
such phases as value of the work-
shop method.
The teachers work in their own
community and utilize the commu-
nity resources. From time to time

they make return visits to their
schools. Perhaps the Health Engi-
neer goes with them and discusses
with them such problems as safety,
drinking facilities, lighting and color
schemes in relation to their schools
as they are.
Seek Techniques
Through the Workshop each teach-
er seeks to find those techniques that
will permit her to tackle her problem
most efficiently. The method util-
izes every possible resource of the
community and surrounding commu-
nities including persons, places and
Just what areas, you will ask Mr.
Darlington, are covered? Health,
numbers 132 and 131 in the catalog,
which are communicable diseases and
physiological hygiene. Also Sociol-
ogy, A-130, Problems in Educational
Since Mr. Darlington's field is so-
ciology he explains that in his course
he covers such topics as: what makes
a community; what forces work in a
community; community resources;
community problems, and how to
meet problems. Much, he explains,
is done through small group meet-
ings, since the entire membership of
52 would be too cumbersome. Much
of the work is individual instruction.
You will inspect the library of over
1,100 professional books covering ev-
ery field of the Workshop's Program.
52 Teachers Enrolled
You will learn from Prof. Darling-
ton that all but four of the 52 teach-
ers enrolled came from the surround-
ing seven Kellogg Foundation Coun-
ties, and are there on scholarships
provided by the Foundation. The
four other teachers were so, inter-
ested in the workshop that they were
willing to pay tuition and all ex-
penses to participate. Forty of the
52 are from Calhoun County, thus
it is in the true sense of the word a
'Community Workshop.'
Professor Darlington points out
that most of the fields of teaching
are included: rural, elementary, jun-
ior high, senior high, principals and
a school commissioner.
The committee in charge of mak-
ing plans for the workshop is com-
posed of J. B. Edmonson, Dean of
the School of Education; John Sund-
wayy, Director of the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health, and Miss

Play Role In Workshop

Vivian Drenckhahn, consultant in ed-
ucation for the schools of Calhoun
and Van Buren counties.
This committee is no "Absentee
Landlord" as Miss Drenckhahn is
director of the workshop, while the
workshop has been visited by Dean
Edmonson and Dr. John Sundwall.
All members of the committee are in-,
terested in observing how the teach-
ers are learning effective and de-
sirable practices with which they
can undertake their own problems
next year.
Reluctantly you will take yourI
leave of the Workshop, inspired by
a new faith in the educational sys-
tem to provide competent leadership,
and group solution of problems.
Silk Stocking Runs
Hit Nation's Stores
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.--()-The
nation's biggest silk stocking run was
underway today from coast to coast
as women stormed hosiery counters
to lay in a supply before the govern-
ment's orderfreezing silk supplies
led to rationing.
While women literally cried out
for the silk stockings, the govern-
ment moved swiftly to ease the strain
on the silk industry, which shuts up
shop at midnight under the freezing
Federal Security Administrator
Paul V. McNutt said the Bureau' of
Employment Security had instructed
its regional labor supply officers to
arrange for the registration by state
employment services of all those
whose jobs were threatened, and their
absorption into other industry.

Core Curriculum" will be the topic
of a lecture to be delivered at 4:05
p.m. tomorrow in the University High
School Auditorium by Dr. Harold
Spears, superintendent of the High-
land Park, Ill., High School and Jun-
ior College.
The lecture is one of a series spon-
sored by the School of Education, and
is open to the public. ,
Dr. Spears is former director of
research and secondary education in
the public schools of Evansville, Ind.
He is a graduate of Wabash College,
and received his master's degree from
Columbia University.
The second lecture in the series this
week will be delivered at 4:05 p.m.
Tuesday in the University High
School Auditorium by Mabel E. Ru-


Harold Spears To Give Speech
On Curriculum In High Schools
"Development of a High School gen, associate professor of physical

S'unday at the Wolverine
Celery Hearts, Olives
Chilled Grapefruit or Tomato Juice, Cream of Mushroom Soup
Fried Chicken, Country Style
Grilled Sirloin Steak with Mushroom Sauce or
Assorted Cold Cuts and Potato Salad
French Fried or Mashed Potatoes
Corn on the Cob or Creamed Carrots and Peas
Fruit or Lettuce and Tomato Salad
Parker House Rolls or Home Made Bread
Ice Cream or Watermelon
Coffee, Tea, Milk or Iced Tea
Guest Price 5 7c
Serving Hours 12:15 to 2:00 A La Carte Service on Request

In the Best Picture in Yearsl!

education. Professor Rugen will
speak on "Trends in Health Educa-
On Wednesday Prof. Arthur B.
Moehlman will discuss "Teaching
Democratic Competence." The final
lecture of the week will be delivered
Thursday by Willard C. Olson, pro-
fessor of education and director of
research in child development, on
"The Guilding Philosophy of the Uni-
versity Elementary School."
Also during the week the Men's
and Women's Education Clubs will
hold their regular meetings. The
Men's Club will meet at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday in the Union, and the
Women's Club at the League at the
same time.



Potatoes Whipped in Cream
Candied Yams
Buttered Red Beets Corn on Cob

French Fried Potatoes
- Fresh Green Beans

Tomato-Asparagus Tip Salad
Lettuce Hearts, Roquefort Dressing
Orange Chiffon Pie Pineapple Filled Cake
Red Raspberry Meringue Glace Rum Ice Cream
Chocolate Parfait Chilled Watermelon
American Cheese, Toasted Wafers
Hot Rolls, French, Graham, Rye, White Bread, Blueberry Muffins
Tea Coffee Milk Buttermilk
Grilled Dinner Sirloin Steak, French Fried Onions............75
Calves Liver Saute, Rasher Star Bacon .....................70
Special Tuna Fish Salad Plate, Head Lettuce.............65
American Cheese Omelette, French Fried Potatoes............50
Beverage with above
Members and Guests Dial 2-4431 For Reservations

RADIO: Small, first class, $4-410 E.
Liberty St.
FOR SALE-Bb Soprano, Saxophone,
Conn, good case, strap. Call 6580
or 606 S. Division.
FOR SALE-1941 Packard Six tudor.
Heater, defroster. Only 4,500 miles;
used only as demonstrator. Only
$965. See after 6:00. 926 Dewey.
TYPING-Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
in graduate school work. Mimeo-
graphing and notary public. 706
Oakland, 6327.
EXPERIENCED Commercial Teach-
er. Prompt, accurate service. The-
ses a specialty. Telephone 2-1241.
920 Monroe. L. Loby.



Continuous Today at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M.
25c incl. tax, till 2 P.M.


LOST-Railroad tickets. Please re-
turn to the League desk. Reward.
combe engraved on band. Finder
call 30088 Grand Rapids collect.
somewhere on campus. Initials
J. W. Reward. Call Jane Williams,
EXPERIENCED sandwich and soda
fountain man, part time. The
MALE STUDENT for year-round
room job. Very desirable room
near campus. Call 4800 days, 7380
ust 8. Will take expense-sharing
passengers. Call S. Pasternack,
West Quad.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
F07 Hoover Phone 5534
Free pickups and deliveries




Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shirts ...................... .14

* ' = 11.-~ U FO E3 ' RR3E'5 1EU 0U




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