Ecuador And Peru
Cease Firing .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Warns Vichy
'Stiffen' Stand
Against Germany
Sumner Welles Threatens
France Not- To Repeat
Capitulations To Axis
Reviews Far East
With Lord Halifax
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. -( P)-
With Germany reportedly applying
new pressures to the Vichy Govern-
ment of Unoccupied France, the
United States today endeavored to
stiffen the latter's backbone with
blunt, advisory words against any
further concessions to the Axis
If France yields again, as she did
to the Germans in Syria and the
Japanese in Indo-China, this govern-
ment let it be known, relations be-
tween Washington and Vichy, al-
ready badly deteriorated, cannot but
grow worse.
A statement embodying that view
was read to reporters by Sumner
Welles, Acting Secretary of State, a
short time before he met with Lord
Halifax, the Brtiish ambassador and
other diplomats for a discussion of
the"newest disruptive development
in the Far East.
Troops Massed On Border
Reports from London and Shang-
hai said that Japan was massing
troops on the border between French
Indo-China and Thailand (Siam), ac-
companying that move with a de-
mand upon the Thailand govern-
ment for the use of military facilities
within Thailand. This is of particu-
lar importance to the British because
bases in Thailand would directly
menace British Malaya, including the
British Far Eastern stronghold of
From Vichy came during the day
reports that the Government there
had decided to make its own decisions
regarding collaboration with Ger-
many, despite the weight of outside
pressure. The press in German-oc-
cupied Paris has been campaigning
for collaboration -with Germany, a
program which would include a pact
with Germany for defense of Dakar,
in West Africa, and other French pos-
sessions against what the press con-
sidered possible American occupa-
Mounting Pressure
Washington had heard, even before
the Vichy dispatch, reports of mount-
ing pressure by German on Unoccu-
pied France. In addition, these re-
ports said, Berlin is trying to main-
tain a constant political ferment in
" Spain and Portugal, to prevent any
organized resistance to Axis plans
and to offset any loss of Nazi prestige
caused by the slow progress of the
German campaign against Russia.
So far as could be learned, these
factors, together with the recent Jap-
anese invasion of French Indo-China
-with Vichy's consent-and the co-
operation of the Vichy government
with Berlin before the recent Bri-
tish victory in French mandated Syria
were all in the background of Welles'
statement of today.
Famous Stars
To Play Roles
In Next Play
Hiram Sherman and Whitford
Kane will appear together in Harold
Brighouse's "Hobson's Choice," which
will be presented Wednesday through
Saturday by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech.
Kane will play the role of Hobson
in addition to directing the produc-
tion. He took the part of William
Mossop in 1915 when "Hobson's
Choice" had its first intefnational
presentation in New York.
Sherman is cast as Mossop in the
production here. He first played that
role in -032 at the Casino Theatre.
Sherman has been playing in "Once'
In a Lifetime" at the Suffern sum-
mer theatre. $oth he and Kane will
return to Suffern to be in "Man and
The Broadway team is familiar to
Ann Arbor theatre audiences. They
played together with the Players in
"The Pigeon" by John Galsworthy,
and Deker's "Shoemaker's Holiday."
During spring drama seasons they
Will Speak Tomorrow
Group To Hear
Policy Lecture
By Whitelaw
Professor Will
Prospects For
Of Democratic
Japan Claims
Oil Substitute
Embargo Will Not Hinder
Nipponese Air Force,
Report Continues
(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO, Aug. 2.-The authoritative
news agency Domei said tonight that
Japanese aviation could dispense with
the United States supply of lubri-
cants, adding that "vegetable oils
now have successfully been processed
as aviation oils and 0 per cent of
used oils are being reclaimed."
"The American embargo on motor
fuels and aviation oils does not men-
tion Japan," said Domei, "but it is
competently pointed out that it is
directed against Japan."
Japan's Minister of Commerce and
Industry, Vice-Admiral Seizo Sakon-
ji, indicated the government's con-
cern in telling Japanese newspapers
that "the current international situ-
ation is so tense that a single spark
would be sufficient to cause an ex-
"The economic situation confront-
ihg Japan," he said, "demands an in-
crease in industrial production for re-
plenishment of national defense and
to maihtain our standard of living."
(Japan appeared to be pressing for-
ward with her plans for an East
Asia "co-prosperity sphere" by turn-
ing toward, Thailand. Usually re-
liable sources in Shanghai said that
Tokyo had approached Thailand ten-
tatively with the object of obtaining
greater cooperation in this "sphere."
Similar reports were heard in Lon-
don Friday.
(Official circles in Bangkok hint-
ed that reports of Thailand's recogni-
tion of Manchukuo were correct, and
political observers there believed rec-
ognition of the Nanking regime in
China was imminent. Formal recog-
nition of these two Japanese puppet
states is an integral part of the Jap-
anese "co-prosperity" scheme.)
E. C. Stelborn
Will Give Talk
On Sepinaries
Ann Arbor Churches Plan
Outings And Discussions
As Part Of Program
'4Our Theological Seminaries" will
be the sermon topic of the Rev. 'E.
C. Stellhorn at the 10:30 a.m. serv-
ice today at Zion Lutheran Church.
Assisting Rev. Stellhorn for the
first time will be the new vicar of
the church, Rev. Clement Shoemak-
er, who replaces Rev. Roand Wied-
eranders. A resident of Detroit, Rev.
Shoemaker will serve for a year in
this capacity before returning to
seminary work in Columbus, O. He
will be the third vicar since this sys-
tem was inaugurated at the church.
An outing has been planned by the
Lutheran Student Association at the
Herman Raas home on Plymouth
Road. Stadents will meet at 5 p.m.
o t Zion Lutheran Parish Hal to
leave fcr = the picnic, which will be
followed by a round-table discus-
* * *
Another picnic has been scheduled
by students at St. Andrew's Epico-
pal Church, who will leave 'Harris
Hall at 5 p.m. for Little Whitewood
Speaker at the outing will be the
(Continued on Page 5)
Soviets Are
'Most Stubborn Foe'
Moscow Reports
Beginning the week in the Grad-
uate Study Program in Public Policy
in a World at War, Prof. W. Menzies
Whitelaw of the University of Sas-
katchewan will speak at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School on "The Prospect
for a Union of Democracies."
Educated in Q'uebec and Ontario,
Professor Whitelaw took his bache-
lor's degree at the University of On-
tario in 1910. He did graduate work
at the Universities of Oxford and
Edinburgh,nreceiving his Ph.D. from
Columbia Uhiversity in 1934.
From 1914 to 1919, during the
World War, Professor Whitelaw par-
ticipated in the overseas campaigns
in Egypt, Iraq, Tanganyika and
Alternating teaching and travel
since 1919, Professor Menzies has
taught at Columbia and Rutgers uni-
versities in this country and McGill
University in Canada. His travels
have been particularly in Asia* and
The author of "The Maritimes and
Canada Before Conferederation,"
published in 1934, Professor Menzies
also wrote the section on "American
Influences on British Federal Sys-
tems" for "The Constitution Recon-
sidered," published in 1939.
Percival Price
Will Give Tal.
Carillonneur Will Discuss.
Classic French Music
"French Music of ° the Classical
Period" will be the subject of a lec-
ture by Prof. Percival Price, profes-
sor of composition and University
carillonneur, at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow
in Room 206, Burton Memorial Tower.
Stressing the development of in-
strumental music and opera during
the period following the Middle Ages,
up to 1800, Professor Price will dis-
cuss, among others, the works of
Couperin and Rameau.f
This is the second in a series of
three talks sponsored by the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, on the
general topic of French music. First
lecture, July 20, was developed
around "Early French Music of the
Jongleurs and Troubadours."
Professor Price's concluding lec-
ture will be offered Monday, Aug.
18, on the subject of French music
from 1800.
Given in English, these talks are
open to all students and faculty mem-
Committee Rejects FDR's
Tax Bill Change Request
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. -(AP)-
President Roosevelt's request for three
changes in the $3,529,200,000 tax bill
were turned down today by the House
'Beobachter' Credits
Russian Tenacity,
Sees Long Battle
Ukraine Front
Reports Attack
BERLIN, Aug. 2.-(P)-Adolf Hit-
ler's newspaper, the Voelkischer Beo-
bachter, declared tonight that Ger-
many has found in the Red Army an
enemy "who battles with dogged
tenacity, who surpasses all previous
opponents in fighting temper."
However, the well-informed Dienst
Aus Deutschland commentary pre-
dicted that "the way to Moscow will
be open shortly" through the Smo-
lensk area, and German war reports
told of the outbreak of "another
great destructive battle" in the
'Battle Of Attrition'
Stubborn efforts of the Russians to
halt the German advance on the
Soviet capital through the central
front, said the Dienst, a German
news service, have led to a "battle
of attrition" which now has raged
more than two weeks. Ithdeclared
that the outcome would clear the
road to the east./
Hitler's paper in an article writ-
ten by Dr. Fritz Zierke, admitting
the defensive force of the Russian
army, declared "Bolshevism is the
most dangerous enemy which we
have to survive in the fight for final
security and maintenance of the
When the Eastern campaign be-
gan, the article said, "many of us
believed that after the first waving
of the German sword the enemy in
the East would collapse like colossus
on feet of clay.
'Bitter, Bloody War'
"They 'German readers) passed
lightly over sentences in the procla-
mation of the Fuehrer which left no
doubt that we faced a bitter, bloody
war, the most violent battles in
world history."
The article said planes and tanks
have been destroyed by the thou-
sands, "but the Soviet armies still
are defending themselves with dog-
ged resolution, still are throwing new
Imaterial into the battle.
"Now we see why the very marrow
(Continued on Page 6)
Argentina Warns
British, Germians
BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 2.-()-
Both the British and German gov-
ernments were requested by the Ar-
gentine foreign office today to tone
down the activities of their propa-
gan.da bureaus in Argentina so that
Argentina would not have to close
The foreign ministry in notes to
both governments declared that ma-
terial published in Buenos Aires
"more or less" under the auspices of
the British and German embassies
and picked up by police in a cam-
paign against anti-Argentine activi-
ties had been found to contain
'statements injurious and offensive
to one side or the other" in the
European War.
Aug. 2.-(P)-Increasing unrest in
this Nazi occupied country today
brought authorization for Reichs
Commissioner Joseph Terboven to
declare a state of emergency in order
to preserve public order, security and
economic life.
Whether or not the commissioner
would exercise the authority was not
made known. However, it was de-
creed that all radios in the coastal
region of the Skaggerak and North
Sea, from the Swedish border to Ale-
sund, the entire zone directly facing
the British Isles, and in five strategic
cities as far north as Arctic Tromsoe
must be delivered to German occupa-
tion authorities.
The emergency authorization em-
powered the Reichs minister to de-
cree death, imprisonment or confis-
cation of property as punishment.
The conquered nation has reached
a "decisive phase" through develop-
ment of the war and the foreign po-
litical situation, it was officially ex-
plained, and Terboven therefore was
granted the power to meet any ex-
ceptional civil situation promptly and
(Norway was long regarded as a
likely springboard for a Nazisat-
Enid Szantho,
Poinar To Give
Concert "Today
Beller Will Present Piano
Selections In Program
In Pattengill Auditorium
Selections by Schubert, Debussy
nd Mahler will be presented by Enid
Szantho, contralto, George Poinar,
violinist, and William Beller, pianist,
in a concert at '8:30 p.m. today in the
Pattengill Auditorium of Ann, Arbor
High School.
Miss Szantho, a member of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, will
sing Schubert's "An die musik," "Lie-
besbotschaft" and "Erlkonig" and
Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder" while
Poinar and Beller will play Debussy's
"Sonata for Violin and Piano."
Prof. Ava Comin Case of the School
of Music will accompany Miss Szan-
Beller will join with Prof. Joseph
Brinkman to present a piano reci-
tal at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. Professor
Brinkman will play Schumann's
"Variations on the name 'Abogg' "
and Schubert's "Sonata, Op. 120, A
major," while Beller will offer "Fan-
tasia, Op. 17, C major" by Schumann.
Frank Edward Fisher, violinist, will
give a concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the- Rackham Assembly Hall play-
ing Beethoven's "Sonata, Op. 30, No.
3," Joaquin Nin's "Suite Espagnole"
and "Concerto, Op. 35" by Tschai-
kovsky. John Wolaver will serve as
Prof. Hanns Pick, cellst, the Sum-
(Continued on Page 6)
man troops landed there April 9,
1940. Now she may have become a
source of concern to Berlin as a pos-
sible foothold for a British expedi-
tionary force. It is 320 miles across
the North Sea from Aberdeen, Scot-
land, to Stavanger.
(Several times this year the Brit-
ish have struck at the German ob-
jectives in Norway-twice with spec-
tacular effect. And even while the
bulk of Adolf Hitler's field armies
are engaged on the Russian front,'
Scandinavian reports have told of
feverish activity by the Germans to
reinforce west coast bases, construct
new air fields and withdraw civilians.
The Cobbler'
To Be Shown
By Art Group
Cinema League To Present
German Film Today;
Tickets Still On Sale
The German film, "The Cobbler of
Koepennick," will be shown at 8:15
p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of'
the Rackham School by the Art Cin-
ema League.
Koeppenick is a tank town, had no
passport bureau, therefore Wilhelm
Voight captured the town and appro-
priated the treasury in vain, because
all Wilhelm wanted was a passport.
After twenty-three years in jail
for petty offenses Voight couldn't
get a job without the passport. That's
why he put to use the Prussian mili-
tarism he had been taught in jail
and perpetrated the biggest 'hoax in
But 'the Kaiser enjoyed the 'inci-
dent so much that when Voight
finally gave himself up he pardoned
him and gave him his beloved pass-
True to life, authentic and histor-
ically accurate, "The Cobbler of
Koeppenick" stars the German com-
edian Adalbert as Voight. Dialogue
is in German, but English sub-titles
are appended.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Union, the League or Wahr's book
store. From 7:30 p.m. until curtain
time they may be obtained at the
Rackham School.
Hobbs To Give
.Polar Lecture
Noted Professor-Explorer
To Speak Tomorrow
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, pro-
fessor emeritus of geology, will deliver
an illustrated lecture on "Polar Ex-
ploration" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture, the last of a series
sponsored by the Offices of the Sum-
mer Session,,will be open to the pub-
lie without charge.
Professor Hobbs served as professor
of geology and director of the geolog-
ical laboratories at the University
from 1906 to 1934. From 1926 to 1930
he was director of the University's
Greenland expeditions, and made
three trips to Greenland for research
in 1926, 1927 and 1928.
Author of 12 books, Professor
Hobbs' latest is "Explorers of the
Antarctic." Others written by him
are "Exploring About the North Pole
of the Winds," "Peary," and "Cruises
Along the Byways of the Pacific."
Missionary To Talk
At German House
The Rev. Father Liborius Morgen-
shweis, O.S.B., will present an illus-
trated lecture on "Eintruecke von
China" at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the
Deutches Haus, 1443 Washtenaw.
'Increased Unrest' Is Reported
In German-Occupied Norway
OSLO, German Occupied Norway,tQtempt to invade Britain after Ger-
Broken By Drive; Germans Admit
German Destroyer,
Transport Sunk,
Russians Claim,
Two DiviSions
Are Destroyed
MOSCOW, Sunday, Aug. 3-(P)-
Red Army counter-attacks in the
Smolensk zone were officially de-
clared today to have broken two new
German divisions, and a Soviet
spokesman said that Nazi casualties
now totalled more than 1,500,000 men.
Destructive blows at German tank
columns inside Russian lines, sink-
ing of a. German destroyer and a
transport and damaging of three
other vessels in a Baltic Sea convoy
were reported.
Dispatchesdfrom the eastern front
reported "dog-tired" German troops
annihilated. Other dispatches said
German -tank troops had buried their
gas-dry machines to use them as for-
tresses until reenforcements could
reach them; that parachutists were
being used by the Nazis to aid trapped
troops and that Russian tank spear-
heads, penetrating weak German
points, were now deploying to the
flanks inside the German lines.
Troops'"Engage Germans
Soviet troops, a communique said,
engaged the invaders throughout Sat-
urday in the directions of Porkhov,
Smolensk, Korosten and Byelaya
Tserkov and on the Estonian front.
Korosten lies about 60 miles north
of Zhitomir, which long has been a
center of Ukrainian fighting. Bye-
laya Tserkov is south of Kiev.
(Indication of events to come were
contained in Helsinki dispatches
which said Russia's northern forces
had been unusually active during the
last 24 hours, While the 'Helsinki
newspaper Ilta Sanomat said "the
arrival of a large English fleet in the
Arctic proves that plans' more far
reaching than temporary air raids
are in the offing." British naval
planes raided Kirkenes, Norway and
Petsamo, Finland, both Arctic ports,
Wednesday night.
Soviet Foreign Commissar S. A.
Lozovsky, who estimated the huge
German casualties also declared "the
German army is bogged down on the
eastern front."
Forced To Change Tactics
He said the Germans now were
forced to change their tactics to pre-
pare for a long war and said "the six
weeks of this gigantic encounter are
only the beginning."
With four wearied Nazi divisions
already declared to have been cut to
pieces in a succession of trip-ham-
mer counter blows, the army news-
paper Red Star reported the destruc-
tion of two more-the 5th and 253rd
'divisions. .
Red Star said the 253rd was routed
after a fierce four-day struggle near
the city of "V." Red Star said one
column of 300 tanks was liquidated
by a Russian infantry division.
The dispatch said the tanks pene-
trated the Russian lines at breakneck
speed, disregarding their own rear
or Red troops around them, count-
ing on the break-through to disrupt
Michigan Men
Swap Stories
At Army IVort
(Special to The Daily)
Aug. 1.-Out to recapture a bit of
flavor of Ann Arbor life, numerous
University of Michigan men through-.
out the 72nd Field Artillery Brigade
met recently to renew friendships and
swap stories of the "good old college
Master Sergeant Sheldon C. Fuller-
ton, '32, former sports editor of the
Michigan Daily, called, the meeting
at which the following other Daily
staff workers showed up: Lieut. Rich-
ard W. Sierk, 177th Field Artillery,
Staff Sergeant Floyd Allen and Ser-
geant Walter Wendell of Brigade
Headquarters Battery, and Staff Ser-
Outcome Of Russo-German Battle
Termed As Uncertain As At First
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
The six weeks which Nazi propa-
gandists proclaimed would see Rus-
sian resistance utterly smashed by
Hitler's steel-shod legions ends with
the outcome as uncertain as it was
on that Sunday morning when the
offensive was launched.
Within those weeks the greatest
battle in history has raged. Nine
million or more men have been en-
gaged on a 2,000-mile fighting front.
In all probability there has been the
greatest casualty toll in the blood-
spattered war annals of humanity.
Russians, Germans, Rumanians and
Finns by the hundreds of thousands
are dead, maimed or huddled in
prison camps. The sufferings of oth-
battle of the World War. Military
yardsticks of even recent war ex-
perience are all but useless to meas-
ure its ebb and flow.
Yet out of those tragic six weeks
one lesson of grim significance for
Hitler -has come. It is that Russian
morale at the fighting front or be-
hind the lines remains ,unshaken.
The vital resources in Russia at
which Hitler grasped seem even far-
ther from his reach, han they were
six weeks ago. His hopes of seizing
by force from Russia the oil and the
food stocks he desperately *needs to
consolidate his continental victories
are waning, not brightening. The
spectre of winter warfare in Russia
is dogging his generals.
Russian oil wells, probably the ob-
jective above all else sought by Hit-
ler when he turned on his former
Moscow "friend," still are far distant.
Day by day and night by night Rus-
sian bombers have been hovering
above Germany's own prime oil
source in Rumania blasting at wells,
pipelines and refining plants.
Oil Fields Would Be Destroyed
There can be little doubt now even
in German High Command circles
that if Nazi and Rumanian armies
do eventually fight their way to
physical possession of Russia's great
Caspian oil fields, the most produc-
tive high-grade source in the Old
World, they will find them destroyed.
No question of private interests or
capitalistic investmnent would deter