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August 02, 1941 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-02

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Dance Contest
To Be Feature
At Event Today

Marshall School System Explained


(Editor's Note: This is the second
of three articles on the School of Edu-
cation's Community Workshop at
Marshall. The last will appear tomor-


Ballroom To Be Dressed
With Clusters Of Fruit
For Grapevine Swing'
In contrast with features of pre-
vious programs, the dance from 9 to
12 p.m. today in the League Ball-
room, the "Grapevine Swing," will
be marked by North American fes-
Besides a dance contest, in which
participants will exhibit prowess in
jitterbug, fox trot and waltz steps
for a promised prize, there will be
game tables placed in the ball-
room lobby, where checkers, Chinese
checkers and other table games will
be in progress for any and all stu-
dents who do not wish to spend the
entire evening dancing.
Decorations will carry out the
chosen theme. Wald panels of huge
bunches of grapes will be gonnected
by great clusters of balloon-grapes
sprouting from artificial vines. Be-
hind the orchestra stand will be a
drop exhibiting the same pattern.
Clark McClellan's orchestra has
promised to stress numbers giving
the musical variety which will corre-
spond to the dances featured.
Chairman Rlith Gram has selected
a group of hosts and hostesses to aid
in the process of introduction of
dancers. The following hosts have
been chosen to serve: Frank Whit-.
ney, Dye Hogan, Harry Drickamer,
Mark Aleier, Dick Marsh and Dick1
Franco. This is an innovation in
thisnseries of summer dances, which
was tried in past years with great
Hostesses will include Josephine
Clancy, Nancy Bonisteel, Catherine
Plum, Betty Johnson, B. Selvin, Peg-
gy Whitker, June Sandenburg, Pen-
ny Shaw, Barbara Shoepfle and Mar-s
jory Killins.
Prof. Hobbs Will Give*
Polar Region Lecture 1

"Perhaps," suggests your hostess,
"you would like to visit the different'
children's groups?" You would, so
first you are taken to the Capital
Hill Schotl.
The Capital Hill School is located
just on the edge of town. While
within the city limits, it presents
many typical rural school character-
You walk in without knocking. The
children are so busy with their work
that they do not pay any attention
to you. A small boy, with an apron
almost as big as himself, is busy at
I a. hot plate stirring a concoction that
is filling the room with an appetiz-
ing odor. This you discover later is
their main dish for a noon lunch.,
Two boy cooks have prepared it. A
children's food committee planned
the menu. * Another group helped to
purchase the food.
* Record Book Shown
A young girl, Joyce, proudly shows
her record book, very neatly done. In
it are each day's menu; the cost of
each item; the cost per person; the
names of each guest present. Among
a long list of guests were such well-
known people as Dr. Beckett and Dr.
Ruth Ann and Joyce show you the
table cloths they made and designed
out of unbleached muslin. There are
five spreads, one for each table. A
host or hostess acts at every table.
Going back to your entry you are
greeted by Miss Amy Person, lab
teacher and critic at the school. She
at once turns you over to some of
the children.
Plan A Pet Show
The children enthusiastically be-
gin to tell you all about their pet
show. Yes, they are going to have
a pet show. Some are making clay
models of, different animals, while
others are making cages, fixing de-
signs, or discussing plans. Among
the plans is a provision for prizes,
judges, a parade, and a band. The
pupils from Central School are to be
invited. . The invitation is to be in
the form of a radio program present-
ed at the Central School.
Miss Person may suggest that the
children tell you the story of the

school. You learn, perhaps for the
first time, that the capitol of Michi-
gan almost was located here. In fact,
the people of Marshall were so sure
that it woudl be that they built a
lovely Executive Mansion on top of
the hill. The children suggest that
you look at it on your way back to
the other school.
School 80 Years Old
They will tell you that where the
school now stands was the spot where
the capitol building was to have been
built. The school is 80 years old, hav-
ing been built in 1865.
Regretfully you will take your leave
next to visit the elementary group at
the Central School. They have chos-
en a theme, "Our Helpers in Mar-
Already they may have made a
study of the milkman, the dentist, the
policeman and now are working on
the doctor. All activity centers around
their theme.
They too are preparing lunch-as-
F p
iena rFoup
Presents Film

To Be

Of Koepenick'
Shown Here I

The one man revolt that proved to
be the biggest hoax in history is the
theme of "The Cobbler of Koepenick,"
a German moving picture to be shown
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham School by the
Art Cinema League.
Wilhelm Voigt spent 23 years in
jail for petty offenses and was un-
able to find work when he was re-
leased as he didn't possess a passport.
His adventures in trying to obtain
the passport so necessary to him forn
the basis of the plot, written by the
German author Zuckmayer.
Directed by Oswald, the film stars
Adalbert, German comedian. Dia-
logue# is in German with English sub-
titles included. Tickets may be pur-
chased at thte League, the Union
and at a State Street book store.
President Congratulates
Latin American Nations
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. -(aP)-
President Roosevelt described the ces-
sation of border hostilities between
Peru and Ecuador today as a notable
triumph for the principles of peace
and continental solidarity.
In messages to the presidents of
both countries, Mr. Roosevelt con-
gratulated them upon an agreement
to end the border fighting.

suming tasks on their own level. In
the room you may find a couple of
workshoppers observing. They are
not limited to observing, as Miss
Katherine Leeke will first go over
with them the plans for a certain
period, then they observe, and after
the period Miss Leeke comes back to
evaluate with them what has just
been done.
Luncheon Time
Suddenly you remember your lun-
cheon engagement and hurry off.
The tables are all set. There are oth-
er guests, members of the Workshop,
present- to whom you are introduced.
You find your place card. Grace is
spoken by one of the pupils,
During the lunch the pupils ex-
plain to you what they are doing.
They.are having such a good time, but
you realize that underneath this
"good time is real fundamental learn-
Their theme is "Living Together."
They have studied lighting. The light
in the room was checked. A micro-
scope lense was made by using a drop
of water. They made and used blue-
printing paper. The x-ray was stud-
ied as were many other interesting
things about light.
Foods Are Studied
Next they studied foods. Here was
food preparation; there charts show-
ing food values, and tetsting for
starch content.
Another phase was safety and
health with posters, reading and re-
ports, testing of eyes, weight, and
first aid..
Again you must hurry off. You
bid goodbye to Mr. Witherspoon, lab
teacher of this division. This time
you go to the High School group.
They have invited their parents in
for their luncheon. As you quietly
take a seat you find the students
giving reports.
Money Raising Projects
The class treasurer is giving a re-
port on the success of their money
raising project. They had put on
scme tcas for which they charged.
This was to raise money for this lun-
cheon fcr the parents. The treasurer
concluded by stating that they had
broken exactly even.
Other reports were given: the edi-
tor of their newspaper spoke' during
which time copies of the paper were
distributed; a very fine tatlk on con-
servation; another on etiquette.
Some of the pupils lacked confi-
dence. You may learn later that this
is the very first experience that these
students have had in functional pro-
jects of This type.
You take your leave of Miss Miriam
Kangas, demonstration teacher of3
this young people's group, and return
to the Main workroom.
(To be concluded)
In The Majors

Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, pro-
fessor emeritus of. geology, will de-
liver an illustrated lecture on "Polar
Exploration" at 8 p.m. Monday in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture, one of a series spon-
sored by the offices of the Summer
Session, will be open to the public
without charge.
Professor Hobbs, in his three trips
to Greenland in 1926, 1927 and 1928,
to study air currents, produced the
theory that storms in the north;
Atlaritic Ocean could be foretold 48
hours in advance by a weather sta-
tion in Greenland.

Play Continues Run
The 100th production of the Mich-
igan Repertory Players of the speech
department, James Bridie's "Storm
,Over Patsy," will be seen for the last
time in Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m. to-
day lin the Lydia Mendelssohn The-.

WITH SOME 95% of the American
public busilyengaged in sweating
the sodium chloride out of their
bodies, this seems as good a time as
any to expand our trade with Russia.
All of us could use some of the weath-
er conditions and produce that go
with the Siberian salt mines.
And now we know that it wasn't
the army tha.t encouraged the
President to take over Iceland-it
was the weather bureau.
x* M
BECAUSE of recent U.S.-Japanese
relations, it is very likely that the
Metropolitan Opera Company will de-
cide to cut Puccini's "Madame But-
terfly" out of next year's repertoire.
The Italians seem to be getting it in
the neck from every angle.
Now that the United States has
frozen the yen, mark, franc, lira,
belga, gulder, krone and zloty, Ft.
Knox, Ky., will probably turn into
another large American "melting
* * <*
INTERVIEWED on his 72nd birth-
day, Booth Tarkington told re-
porters that he was very worried
about the future of the world. Inter-
viewed on his 78th birthday, Henry
Ford told reporters that the future
will bring an even better world. Our
guess is that this younger generation
just must be more pessimistic.
* * !
We were very glad to see the De-
troit News headline that Ford was
still clinging to his "Faith." At the
age of 78 there isn't much "Hope"
and old Rank certainly doesn't
need "Charity."
* * *
SPEAKING of birthdays, Mussolini
reached his 58th a few days ago
but allowed no public mention of it.
Benito probably has the usual reasons
for wanting obscurity.
* * *
The Nazis claim to have caught
Britain "cheating at cards" but as
far as we're concerned that's only
the story of a gambler whose hands
aren't quite coming up to expecta-
tions. Hitler was doing all right
against a singleton king but Russia
is proving a little more difficult
than filling an inside straight.
A CCORDING to one (Nazi corres-
pondent the present Russo-Ger-
man conflict is the "driest of
all wars." The WCTU must have
been quite strong in the Reich dur-
ing Hitler's aluminum campaign.
* * *
In, the democracies, however, it's
different. King George Vi recent-
ly donated 12 bottles of brandy to
a Red Cross ale which sold for $2,-
220. And we once though $.15 beer
was expensive.
* * *
THE BRITISH, in fact, have always
been on the alcoholic side. Dur-
ing prohibition days we remember our
drunken Uncle Looie teaching us this
nursery rime :
Four and twenty Yankees,
Feeling mighty dry,
Went up to Canada
To open up some rye.
And when the rye was opened
They all began to sing,
"To hell with Mr. Volstead
And God Save the King."
THIS WAR situation affects every-
thing. ,Only a litttle more than
a year ago, the existence of Hitler
caused Charlie Chaplin to speak on
the screen for the first time, and now
comes the news that Harpo Marx has
also gotten together a few words for
his public. Maybe, Harpo will change
his wig and imitate Uncle Joe.
On Contract To End War
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. -(p)- The
American Society of Composers, Au-
thors and Publishers agreed today to

terms of a new contract with the Na-
tional -Broadcasting Company, fore-
shadowing a quick return of the soci-
ety's voluminous portfolio to NBC's
two networks.
No ASCAP tunes have been carried
by NBC since Jan. 1 when the con-
tract expired and a controversy over
rates developed. The nation's ttwo
other major broadcasting networks,
Mutual Broadcasting System and Col-
umbia Broadcasting System, also ex-
cluded ASCAP.
So Rich!
So Aromatic!
We approve of people who are
fussy about their food- we
feel that way about food our-
selves. That's why we think
you'll like our meals. Next


New York .......68
Cleveland .......55
Boston .........50
Philadelphia ....47
Washington ....38
St. Louis ........38




Friday's Results
New York 9, St. Louis 0
Washington 8, Chicago 2
Only Games Scheduled
Saturday's Games
Detroit at Boston
Chicago at Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia
St. Louis at New York

St. Louis ........62 34
Brooklyn .......61 36
Cincinnati ......53 42
Pittsburgh ......51 42
New York.......45 46
Chicago.........44 53
Boston. .....38 57
Philadelphia . .. .25 69




Friday's Results
Pittsburgh 6, New York 3
Brooklyn 5, Chicago 4
Cincinnati 5, Boston 1
Philadelphia at St. Louis, night
Saturday's Games
Brooklyn at Chicago
New York at Pittsburgh
Boston at Cincinnati
Philadelphia at St. Louis
Giants Lose Again
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 1.-(P)-The
New York Giants went down today
to their ninth defeat in 10 games, and
sixth in a row, as the Pittsburgh Pi-
rates rolled to a 6 to 3 victory. Vince
DiMaggio's single with the bases load-
ed was the keystone in a four-run
third inning for the pirates.
Last Times Today




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