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August 01, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-01

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Daily Calendar of Events

Friday, August 1 -

Lecture. "The United States and Spanish-America," Professor Arthur S.
Aiton. (Rackham Amphitheatre.)
"Stqrm Over Patsy." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without

Washington Merry Go-Round

WASHINGTON-It certainly is risky to oppose
Senator Burt Wheeler on his isolationist-ap-
peasement stand in Montana.
Although he never misses an opportunity to
beat his breast noisily about freedom of speech
and press, Wheeler wields a ruthless axe on
critics in his home state. Several weeks ago
Walter Winchell was barred from three Montana
radio stations owned by Wheeler intimates. Lat-
est to feel the scourge of Wheeler's ire is John
Erickson, three times governor of the state and
for a short term U.S. Senator.
Erickson presided at a Helena meeting ad-
dressed by Senator Claude Pepper, militant
Fforida anti-isolationist. A few days later,
Governor Sam Ford, Republican closely allied
with the Wheeler machine, fired Erickson from
his $250-a-month job as assistant administrator
of the Montana Liquor Board.
Note: "The state convention of the American
Legion and the Butte Miners Union -have adopted
resolutions condemning the barring of Winchell
from the Montana radio stations.

cations Commission is turning down some of the
best qualified foreign newspaper correspondents
in America as monitors to detect foreign radios-
because they lack civil service. Far more im-
portant is the fact that they understand foreign
Good Neighbor Frauds
In a few weeks the Post Office Department
will give a new twist to the blacklist of Axis
agents in Latin America.
Postal authorities will indict a bunch of U.S.
operators who have been using the Good Neigh-
bor policy to defraud Latin Americans out of
large sums of money.
The racket was an ingenious one.
Posing as mail-order houses, the crooks flooded\
Latin American papers with ads offering at cut
prices goods formerly supplied by German and
Italian firms. In each instance the ad required
the buyer to send payment in advance.
Some of the promotions were on a huge scale.
One advertisement which offered sets of "self-
fitting" false teeth for $10 brought hundreds of
responses. Another which offered a well-known
patent medicine netted the racketeers more
than $50,000.
In every case, the buyers lost their money.
The alleged mail-order houses consisted of noth-
ing more than a lock box in a post office,
changed at frequent intervals to avoid detection.
No goods ever were shipped.
Authorities first got wind of the racket when
U.S. consuls reported being bombarded with
complaints from victims. The consuls warned
Washington that the fraud was giving U.S.
business a black eye which no amount of good
willing could overcome.
So the Postal Inspection Service, which has
jurisdiction over rackets of this nature, imme-
diately got busy, with the result that in a few
weeks 'ring leaders of the fraud will be "jail
house bound."
By Terence 4
&%111&%%%\\\\\\\\\ : \\\ \ t\%%1
THE American Review of the Soviet Union, a
propaganda leaflet, states informatively that
ther Soviet's mass voluntary society for civilian
defense is popularly known as the Osoaviakhim,
which, it seems ,is a handily abbreviated form
of the Russian words for "Society for Assistance
in Defense and in Aviation-Chemical Construc-
tion." In short, the Moscow equivalent of an air
raid warden is an osoaviakhimite.
Which seems to be a very effective argument
against war ....
The fellows over in the Jackson State
prison, a contemporary reports, took quite
good naturedly the remark of a, visiting
preacher: "We're all here for a time and
then we are gone."
* * *
Diabolical Definitions: A gentleman is a man
who will not strike a lady with his hat on .. . A
true musician is one who, when he hears a lady
singing in the bathtub, will put his ear to the
keyhole . . . . Bigamy is an offense punishable
by law; the extreme penalty is having two
* * *
SEEMS LIKE the Russians must be follow-
ing the strategy of war the simple Chi-
nese are using. Remember? First day, 100
China'boy die, kill 10 Japanese. Second day,
200 China boys die, kill 20 Japanese. Third
day, 300 China boys die, kill 30 Japanese.
Pretty soon no Japanese.
* * *

All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication exceptton
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Tickets for the "Mystery Cycle" to
be given in Hill Auditorium on Sun-
day night, August 17, by the Depart-
ment of Speech and the School of
Music, are now available at the Sum-
mer Session office (1213 A.H.), the
Speech Department office (3211 A.H.)
the School of Music, the Michigan
Union, the Michigan League, and the
IMendelssohn Theatre boxoffice.
Admission will be by ticket, but
tickets will be distributed free as long
as they last.
Student Graduation Recital: Rich-
ard Whittington, Tenor, who is a
student of Arthur Hackett, will pre-
sent a recital in partial fulfillment
of the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 p.m. on Friday, August 1, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Mr.
Charles Shradtr of Waverly, Ohio,
who is also a graduate student in the
School of Music will accompany Mr.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, August 3,-at 2:30 p.m. sharp,
for trip to Big Portage Lake in, Water-
loo Recreation Area. -To insure
satisfactory transportation arrange-
ments, reservations including twenty-
five cent supper fee, should be made
at Rackham check desk as early this
week as possible. Car owners are
urgently requested to call Alice Byer,
2-4914. For further information, call
Miss Byer. All graduate students,
faculty, and alumni are invited.
Square dance booklets. The square
dance booklets, "Good Morning" have
come in and may be obtained at any
time in the Social Director's Office,
Michigan League.
Women's Tennis Tournament: The
3rd round in the women's singles and


By Lichty


That's the worst part of the Army-they teach them how to
live on $21 a month and then they turn 'em back to us!"

doubles TenNis Tournaments should
be completed by August 3rd.
"Storm Over Patsy" by James Bri-
die and Bruno Frank will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. tonight through Satur-
day night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech.
Single admissions are 75c, 50c, and
35c. The boxoffice is open from
10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300).
One-Act Plays: The Laboratory The-
atre of the Department of Speech

will present a bill of one-act plays
Friday, August 1, at 3 p.m., and the
Secondary School Theatre of the De-
partment of Speech will present a sec-
ond bill of one-act plays Saturday
morning, August 2, at 10:00. Both
programs will be presented in the
Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann
Arbor High School. These plays are
directed, acted, produced, costumed,
and the sets built by the students in
acting, directing, and technical the-
atre courses in the Department of
Speech. . All students of the School
(Continued on Page 4)=




The Editor

To the Editor:
The two recent communications
which the Executive Council of the
Y. C. L. has addressed to readers of
The Daily, and the medial spurts of
Mr. Bentley and Mr. Kessler, must
offer much food for thought to those
few who are allowing themselves in-
telligent thought concerning the
present war-to those, that is, who
are trying to get a few yards off of
the ground and view dispassionately
and with perspective the views of
botp the "appeasers" and the "inter-
ventionists." The first "Y. C. L. Ex-
planation" was, as Mr. Bentley
stated, "wriltep with restraint and
strength," but was, at the same time,
a notable example of confused logic,
illustrated best perhaps by its key
"The attack upon the USSR
whose people own the means of
production and who therefore by
the very nature of a socialist econ-
omy can in no way fight for any-,
thing but their own national in-
dependence, has changed the im-
perialist war into a struggle of a
free people for its own existence
and for the maintenance of the
national independence of all the
peoples of the world."
The second "communication" from
the Y. C. L. has not the advantage
of "restraint and strength," and, on
the other hand, is quite plainly more
confused than the first. To para-
phrase Mr. Kessler: "To follow a
line of reasoning merely because it
happens to fall for the moment in
accord with the political interests of
a group, to rationalize oneself into a
,dictated course of reasoning," is ob-
vious proof of insincerity.
We must have the answer to sev-
eral questions concerning the state-
ments made in the paragraph quoted
above from the "Y. C. L. Explana-
tion" ere we can completely agree
with it. First: why can not a people

who "own the means of production"I
(if such do really exist) fight for
aught but their own independence?
Presumably the "means of produc-
tion" may seem inadequate even
though they be communably owned.
Second: in what way has the unwill-
ing-nay, forced-entry of Russia
into the war changed it from an
"imperialist" struggle to a war for
international freedom? The connec-
tion is somewhat vague. Third: what
reason have we to believe--other
than the statements of the Y. C. L.
which are obviously supplied it by
its national headquarters-that the
people of Russia do own the means
of production? Anyone who takes
the trouble to glance at the eighth
book of Plato's Republic can see there
described the process by which is
evolved that form of government
under which we have every reason
to believe Russia suffers at the pres-
ent time-tyranny or dictatorship.
Why was Russia not interested im
maintaining the "national indel~end-
ence of all the people of the world"
before she was attacked by Hitler?
Previous to the quoted paragraph the
Y. C. L. had made the statement that
the Russian government "accepted
the proposal of the German govern-
ment for a treaty of non-aggression"
and "adopted a policy of consistent
neutrality toward both sides" not
only in the interest "of the people
of the USSR who desired peacefully
to build their socialist society,", but
also because this course "corre-
sponded to the best interests of the
peoples-of all landS." Why is it that
both war and peace are humani-
tarian so long as they are the policy
of the USSR? ,
But let us not ask too many "em-
barrassing" questions before we come
to Communition No. II. Mr. Kessler
had asked the question, "Where was
Russian altriusm hidden in the case
of the Finnish, Rumanian and Polish
territorial snatches?" The answer-

that "the present role of these three
nations explains quite fully their own
nature and the nature of Soviet for-
eign policy"-says exactly nothing,
and, what is more, is not even a neat
evasion of the question. The 'fact
that the Finus, in retaliation for the
previous unprovoked Russian inva-
sion of their country have allied
themselves with the Germans against
the Russians, must seem less repre-
hensive than that the U.S. must ally
itself with either Great Britain or
Russia against Hitler-one alliance
being perhaps as great an evil as the
other. Is it not easier to read an in-
dictment than a vindication of Rus-
sia into their "answer?"
In proceeding to the "answer" to
Mr. Kessler's second question we
might point out that he did not use
the term 'flip-flop' which the Y. C. L.
finds it so hard to tag with a definite
meaning. (Nor would consultation
with a dictionary help them any in
the matter.) That however is irrele-
vant. But is it not revealing, does it
not vindicate Mr. Kessler's reference
to "over-night reverses in the Com-
munistic attitude" that they admit
that "the Y. C. L. determines its
program not at one grand session .. .
no, the Y. C. L. bases its program on
the particular situation which calls
for analysis and action?" That the
Soviet Bureau of Information does
indeed follow this policy is only too
apparent--intellectual honesty can
be too "embarrassing." , There is an
example further on'in this article of
such "adaptation." Despite their
previous reference to the Russo-Ger-
man non-aggression pact we find the
Y. C. L. making this statement:
"That the Soviet Union has always
been the bitter enemy of Hitlerism is
proven beyond doubt today by the
resistance that Hitler can only de-
scribe as 'fanatical'." Did you notice
that word "always?" Is this typical
of Y. C. L. logic?
The rest of Communication No. II
is an elaborate confusion of two main
ideas: first, that America's fight
against Hitlerism must be made in
alliance with Soviet Russia, and
therefore, second, that this implies
American acceptance of Soviet ideals
and doctrine. Subsidiary to this is
the proposition that the Anglo-Soviet
Pact is the result of mutual ethical
and -political understanding rather
than a circumstance made unavoid-
able by Germany's invasion of Rus-
sia. These contentions are woven in-
to a fugue'of bad logic and ill chosen
premises which is full of discord and
lacks mete measure.
It is not the preservation of Ameri-
can democracy (whatever that may
be) but the extension of Russian
anarchy (in the root sense of that
word) which activates Russia's rela-
tions with the United States. Whe-
ther the United States must take
part in this war is being decided-
rightly or wrongly-in the affirma-
tive by everything this country has
done or is doing in respect of it. It
is not a sudden decision that can
be made at a single moment and

(LIPS That Pass In the Type:
The Michigan Daily, July 31:



At Germany's
Army Figures
Don't you know it isn't polite to
A contributor contributes, for1

Headline in
point, Sena-
the sake of

Fortieth Birthday
At twenty I knew all the answers
At thirty I had some doubt;
At this stage of my age will some twenty-
year sage
Let me know what the whole thing's about.
There's something remarkable about the
United States. Trust Americans to come
through. The war is being crowded off the
front pages like it is every summer by the
heat wave, the All-Star game, and now, after
missing a year, they're reviving the old
nagf-.! are the Yankea, tr +-usa nmaa u

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Friday Evening'
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Jas. Bourbonnais
6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Factfinder
6:30 Quiz of News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Two Cities Sports Parade Evening Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Claudia Service Hour Happy Joe Auction Quiz
7:15 Claudia Service Hour val Clare Auction Quiz
7:30 Proudly We Hall Information Please Air Temple Death Valley Days'
7:45 Proudly We Hail Information Please Dream Awhile Death Valley Days
8:00 Great Moments Waltz Time Sen. Ludington Ben Bernie
8:15 From Gr'at Plays Waltz Time Interlude Ben Bernie
8:30 Holl'w'd Premi're Uncle Walter's Leamington Happy Birthday
8:45 Holl'w'd Premi're Doghouse Boys' Band Happy Birthday
9:00 Penthouse Party Wings of To Be Anmiounced Behind the News
9:15 Penthouse Party Destiny Who Knows To Be Announced
9:30 Senator Nye Listen America Quiz Bowl R. Gram Swing
9:45 World News Listen America Quiz Bowl Story Drama
T . ._1 - I . Y.44......1 nn ....Maw* Name.Ana

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