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August 01, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-01

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session

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Germans Report
Gaining Pressure
About Leningrad

Russians Reassert Claims
Of Heavy Nazi Losses
In Smolensk Direction
Planned By Reds
*(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 1.-The pressure of
German and Finnish armies on Len-
ingrad, seconc city of Russia, in-
creased by the hour tonight, and
speculation arose as to whether the
city soon will be placed under actual
Reticent German military leaders
made no specific claims and indulged
in no predictions as to the fate of
Leningrad. But military dispatches
reported seven additional Soviet divi-
sions had been destroyed by the Ger-
mans in the northern hector, and
news that the Finns were making
steady corollary progress gave the
impression the two pronged advance
on Leningrad was moving toward a
climactic point.
MovingIn From South
The German armies are moving in
from the south, in Estonia, the High
Command said today, they threw back
the Russians in tlie latest operations.
The Finns are descending on Lenin-
grad from the north.'
Reported destruction of the Russian
divisions was described, by German
military'correspondents as "success-
ful culmination of a German encircle-
ment movement." In addition to
thousands of prisoners the Germans
said they captured here 30 cannon,
~"68 trucks, 7 anti-aircraft batteries,
23 anti-tank guns and some tanks.
Units Cut Off
In addition there were increasing
reports that larger and smaller Red
Army units were being cut off from
the central Leningrad defense zone.
Dispatches from the regions where
the Finns alone or Finns and Ger-
mans are operating stressed the diffi-
culties of the terrain and told of
some instances in which the retreat-
ing Russians drenched forests with
naphtha, then ignited them with ar-
tillery shells to form blazing barriers
to the German-Finnish 'advance.
- * * *
Moscow Says Nazis
Still Outside Smolensk
MOSCOW, Friday, Aug. 1.-(A)-
Strong Red Army counter attacks
have hurled the German invaders
back with heavy losses in the bitterly
contested Smolensk approach to Mos-
cow, the Soviet information bureau
reported today.
In an enthusiastic communique, it
said, "specially stubborn fighting de-
veloped in the Smolensk direction,
where our troops by counter attacks
threw back the enemy with heavy
"We captured prisoners and booty.
Our air force, cooperating with land
troops, dealt blows to enemy mechan-
ized units and infantry."
This latest counter-thrust came,
according to private Russian advices,
after the Soviet forces had staved of
42 gigantic German attacks in the
Smolensk sector since July 16, always
retaining control of the key city which
the Germans claimed more than two
weeks ago had fallen.
Elsewhere along the front, the 40th
day of the war found Russian troops
still fighting the Germans in the
same familiar sectors, the Soviet coin-
munique said. These were around
Porkhov and Novorzhev, roughly 150
to 200 miles southwest of Leningrad,
and Zhitomir, the western approach
to the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.
Red Army Reported
Preparing Offensive
LONDON, July 31.-(RP)-The Red
command is preparing a counter of-
fensive of more than 3,000,000 Rus-
sian troops to begin within two weeks

if by then it is deemed the German
invaders have expended their reserves,
Soviet military informants declared
here today.
Russian reservists, it was said, are
being assembled and completely
equipped for this prospective push.
The thrust, if it comes, will be head-
ed by great masses of tanks and
armored cars covered by fighter and
bomber aircraft, it was added, but it
was indicated this would be the only
similarity with the German advance
into Russia.

Peru Agrees
To.End Fight
With Ecuador
QUITO, Ecuador, 'July 31.--(P)-
Diplomatic representatives of Argen-
tina and the United States announced
by radio today. Peru -had agreed to
halt hostilities with Ecuador at 6 p.m.
This announcement- was followed
by the reading of an executive order
revoking one issued July 24 in which
Ecuador ordered the mobilization of
the 1916-19 military classes.
The Brazilian and United States
ministers, Caib Mello Franco and Boaz
Long, also broadcast expressions of
satisfaction that the truce halting the
century old conflict would aid in
establishing peace on the continent.
Argentina Ends
Radio Trouble
Over German
Envoy Ordered To Get Rid
Of Transmitter; Action
,Follows Putsch Failure
BUENOS AIRES, July; 31.-)-
Close upon a police announcement
that a putsch against the govenment
had been smashed in Entre Rios pro-
vince, foreign office sources tonight
said the German ambassador had
been ordered to get rid of a portable
radio transmitter which caused a
round of diplomatic arguments.
The ambassador, Edmund Von
Thermann, has been under the fire
of Argentine Congressmen in con-
nection with his protests against seiz-
ure of the radio by a Congressional
'ommittee investigating anti-Argen-
tine activities.
e-Export Or Destroy
The foreign office required the com-
mittee to restore the radio July 29.
The orders to Von Thermann to
"either re-xport or destroy" the
radio came after police announced
they had broken up a "subversive plot
intended to overthrow present author-
ities of Argentina" by arresting nine
persons and seizing a large quantity
of propaganda in the Entre Rios pro-
vincial capital of Parana. Doors and
walls of the raided houses were decor-
ated with swastikas, police said.
The province, lying northwest of
Buenos Aires between the Parana and
Uruguay Rivers, is a reputed hotbed
of Nazi activity. -
Geographically it controls the wat-
erways leading to Paraguay, Bolivia
and Brazil and faces Uruguay across
the Uruguay River.-
'Diplomatic Baggage' 7
The affair of the portable radio
came to light last week. A German
attache was said to have taken it
from Buenos Aires to Lima, Peru, by
air ?as "diplomatic baggage." Peru
refused to admit the package because
it was over the weight allowed for
diplomatic baggage, so he returned to
Argentina with it and the Congres-
sional investigators seized it.
They said the same baggage also
contained "elements of propaganda"
and that a full report would be pre-
sented to a Federal court.
Meanwhile, to the north, on the'
Chilean coast, another German diplo-
mat, Ernst Wendler, waited for a ship
to Japan as a result of his ejection
by Bolivia as minister to La Paz.
Tatuta Maru Sued7
By N. Y. Company

A $15,000 libel suit was filed against+
the Japanese Liner Tatuta Maru late
today almost coincidentally with an
announcement by Federal officials
that legal obstacles had been ironed+
out to permit it to sail at noon to-]
The suit was filed under admiraltyj
-law by Arnhold & Co. of New YorkI
City because the firm had failed to
get delivery of its portion of the ship's

Ports Made
Air Targets
British Follow Out Policy
Of Attacking Germans
Wherever Discovered
Raids Follow Lull
Caused By Weather
LONDON, July 31.-()-The Bri-
itsh Navynhas carried l{he war to Arc-
tic Finland with heyy air attacks
on the Finnish port of Petsamo as
well as the Norwegian port of Kirk-
enes, the Admiralty announced to-
day, thus carrying out the Govern-
ment's policy of strikirig at the Ger-
mans wherever they are found and
preparing the way for passage of Bri-
tish supplies to Russia.
The RAF simultaneously renewed
its offensive against Germany and
German occupied territory on the
Continent after a several days' lull
caused by bad weather.
The Arctic raids were made Wed-
Bombers Concentrate
Fleet bombers from an aircraft car-
rier-which must be accompanied by
a protecting flotilla-concentrated
on harbor works at Petsamo and
caused "generally great damage" to
port facilities there despite strong
fighter and anti-aircraft opposition,
the Admiralty said.
At Kirkenes, where especially heavy'
resistance was met, the naval bombers
scored two hits on the 1,460-ton Ger-
man warship Bremse, before the war
a gunnery training vessel, accord-
ing to an Admiralty communique. At
last four supply ships were hit, the
Admiralty said.
British Acknowledge Losses
The British acknowledged 16 of
these naval aircraft were lost in the
two attacks and said four German
planes were shot down. (The Ger-
mans announced 40 British naval
planes launched the attack, and 28
were destroyed.)
RAF raids on the continent were
resumed Wednesday with an attack
on Helgoland Bight, off the German
northwest coast, continued through
the night with attacks on the Aachen
and Cologne regions of western Ger-
many and on Boulogne, in German-
occupied France, and resumed again
this afternoon as bombers and fight-
ers struck out for the French coast.
German shipping between Boulogne
and Calais was reported attacked, in
addition to land targets.
House Debates
New Defense
Tax Measure
Charges Of Prodigality
And Waste Are Leveled
At New Deal Forces
WASHINGTON, July 31.-()-
Charges of "New Deal prodigality
and waste" and demands for reduc-
tions in non-defense expenditures
marked nearly five hours of desul-
tory House debate today on the new
$3,529,200,000 tax bill.
At times only a dozen representa-
tives were on the floor, and when
the discussion touched on appropria-
tions, Rep. Cooper (Dem.-Tenn.) de-
,lared the time to talk about expendi-
tures was when appropriations bills
were up, not when tax bills were be-
fore theHouse.

Chairman Dougton (Dem.-N:C.) of
the Ways and \eans Committee also
arose several times to comment that
he agreed with observations con-
cerning the necessity for reducing
expenditures, but that appropria-
tions already made had to be pro-
vided for in tax bills.
After Rep. Carlson (Rep.-Kan.)
had expressed disappointment be-
cause income tax exemptions were
not lowered, Doughton explained fu-
ture tax bills might contain reduced
exemptions and other taxes which
he would not favor now. He went on
to say that while he was "inherently
opposed to a sales tax," even that
form of taxation might become nec-
Reps. Buck (Dem.-Calif.), Dewey-
(Rep.-Ill.), Magnuson (Dem.-Wash.),
Rolph (Rep.-Calif.), and Jenkins,
(Rep.-Ohio) attacked the provision
for mandatory joint income tax re-
turns by husbands and wives.
Rep. Michener (Rep.-Mich.), say-
ing "the Republicans undoubted y

Names Super Economic Board

U. S. Accepts Japanese Apology
For 'Tutuila' Bombing; F. D.R.

Officials Forget Routine
To Make Hurried, Full
Apology For Bombing
Draw U. S. Protest
Against Censorship
TOKYO, July 3i.-(/P)-The high-
est officials of Japan's foreign min-
istry cast aside diplomatic routine
today to make a -full and hurried
apology to the United States for the
Chungking bombing of the little
American gunboat Tutuila-even be-
fore such an apology had been form-
ally demanded.
U.S. Ambassador Josep C. Grew
had not time this morning to leave
to make the American protest before
Vice Foreign Minister Kumaichi Ya-
mamoto appeared at the embassy
with a request for an interview for
his chief, Foreign Minister Vice Ad-
miral Teijiro 'oyoda.
Subsequently, Grew was asked to
call at the foreign office. There,
in a 20-minute eonversation, he was
assured by Toyoda of Japan's regret
at the Tutuila incident and informed
that the Japanese armed forces every-
where had been instructed to take
the utmost care that American pro-
perty not be damaged.
Meanwhile, the :chief aide of the
Japanese Ministry of Navy called up-
on the American naval attache, Com-
mander Henri Smith Hutton, to ex-
press the reg'ts of that branch of
the service.
The Tutuila was superficially dam-
aged yesterday by a bomb which fell
near it during a Japanese air raid on
the Chinese Capital of Chungking.
None of its people was injured.
During the day, however, Ambassa-
dor Grew delivered three protests
against a telephone and cable cen-
sorship which had prevented news of
the Tutuila incident leaving the coun-
try until this morning's diplomatic
'* * *
Japanese Formally
Occupy Sigon
SAIGON, French Indo-China, July
31.-(A)-A fully equipped Japanese
army of crack troops, obviously ready
for action .and taking nothing for
granted, formally occupied Saigon to-
day and with smart precision took up
strategic positions.
It was obvious to trained observers
that Japan had sent a first-class army
to occupy military bases in southern
French Indo-China in accordance
with the agreement between the Tok-
yo and Vichy governments.
In equipment, discipline and effi-
ciency the military outfits sent here
were recognized has among Japan's
best. The army which arrived is a
fighting army and not for ekhibition.
The Japanese army, navy and air
force are working together and pro-
ceeding in a serious and business-
like manner, apparently not taking it
for granted there would be no opposi-
The Japanese are not depending
upon local food, housing and trans-
portation. They brought their own
motor trucks, gasoline, food stuffs,
tents and a wide variety of other
At all points along the stretch of
Indo-China's southeast coast from
Turaone down to Saigon the Japan-
ese occupation troops seem prepared
to go into action if necessary.

Wallace Appointed Head
Of Agency To Direct
American Stand
WASHINGTON, July 31. -(A-
Super-board to direct America's eco-
nomic offensive against the Axis was
established today by President Roose-
At its head he placed Vice-President
Wallace, long a student of economic
strategy and of vitally affected affairs
of the Latin American nation, and
to its membership he named the
Secretaries of State, Treasury, Agri-
culture and Commerce and the At-
torney General.
An accompanying Executive order
gave the new agency a long list of
formal duties and responsibilities. In
reliable quarters, it was learned,
meanwhile, that its activities would
include such things as:
Duties Of Board
Handling the frozen assets of the
Axis powers, keeping a close watch
on 1,800 firms in Latin America re-
cently blacklisted as over-friendly to
Germany or Italy, watching export
controls designed to keep essential
war goods from reaching the Axis
nations, and recommending anti-
trust suits to disestablish Axis-influ-
enced monopolies here.
At the same time the day's develop-
ments included several closely related
to the economic defense of the na-
A White House conference dis-
cusse'd "everything on the inflation
front," while legislation was in pre-
paration to empower the Administra-
tion to fix maximum prices and rents.
Oil Conservation
Secretary of the Interior Ickes, de-
fense petroleum coordinator, called
upon the oil industry to close its 100,-
000 eastern service stations from 7
p.m. to 7 a.m. There was a hint that
stations refusing to comply would
lose their sources of supply.
The Commerce Department an-
nounced Japan had suspended trade
with the Republic of Panama since
Japanese ships were stopped from
transiting the Panama Canal. The
Department pointed out it was the
first time Japan had suspended ex-
ports to any Latin American country.
Recital Offered
By Whittington
Chillicothe Music Director
Will Sing Today
Richard Whittington, tenor, di,
rector of music in the Chillicothe,
Ohio, public schools, will offer a re-
cital at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall accompanied by
Charles Shrader.
Included on the program will be
selections by Bach, Sarti, Rosa, Scar-
latti, Handel, Schumann, Franck,
Faure, Hahn, Watts, Bespily, Rach-
maninoff and Campbell-Tipton.
A graduate of Otterbein College in
Westerville, Ohio, Whittington is a
former student of Melius Christian-
sen and during the past few summers
has been studying under Prof. Arthur
Hackett of the School of Music.
Enid Szantho, contralto, George
Poinar, violinist, and William Beller,
pianist, will present a concert at
8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Pettingill
Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High
School. Miss Szantho, who will sing
three compositions by Schubert and
"Kindertotenlieder" by Gustav Mah-
ler, will be accompanied by Prof.
Ava Comin Case.-.

Speech Group
To Give Plays
At High School
A bill of one-act student directed
plays will be presented by the speech
department's Laboratory Theatre un-
der the direction of Hugh Norton at
3:15 p.m. today in the Pattengill
Auditorium in Ann Arbor High
The Laboratory Theatre is designed
to give students experience in acting,
directing and the staging of plays.
This makes it possible for students
who can't work under the pressure
of the weekly performances of the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech to participate
in drama work.
The Secondary Theatre under the
direction of Nancy Bowman will pre-
sent a bill of one-act plays at 10 a.m.
tomorrow in Pattengill Auditorium in
Ann Arbor High School. The Second-
ary Theatre has the specific purpose
of producing plays that can be used
in high school under high school con-
Draft Revision
Aamin Debated
Joint House-Senate Group
Considers. Deferment
Of Men Older Than 28
Members of a joint House-Senate
committee discussed today writing
into a pending Selective Service
amendment a, provision which would
permit selectees who are already in
the service and who are at least 28
years of age to be released upon re-
The joint committee disclosed the
provision in connection with pending
legislation to require deferment of
all 28-year-olds who have -not yet
been inducted into the service.
Final action on the deferiment pro-
posal has been held up because the
House refused to accept a provision
which would give President Roosevelt
power to take over defense plants
when an interruption of production
impeded the defense program.
Debate Continued /
Brigadier General Lewis B. Her-
shey, who was confirmed by the Sen-
ate today as Selective Service Di-
rector, announced Selective Service
boards had been directed not to draft
men over 28 pending a Congressional
decision on the deferment legislation.
While the Senate-House conferees
were meeting the Senate continued
debate' on another measure permit-
ting the President to extend the serv-
ice periods of all army personnel.
Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont) led
the fight against this measure, but
expressed doubt Congress would
"have the course" to defeat it.
Wheeler, taking" the floor for a
desk, thumping speech which lasted
about an hour, told his colleagues
General George C. Marshall, the
Chief of Staff, had revised upward
several times his estimate, of the
number of men needed for defense.
Wheeler Speaks
"What do they want them for if
they don't want to send them out as
an expeditionary force?" the Mon-
tanan shouted.' "If you break faith
with millions of boys, if you break
faith with their mothers and wives
and sweethearts, I fear for the wel-
fare of the United States of America.
And that is far more important than
that General Marshall and some
other military men in the army
should have their way."
Before crowded galleries which in-

cluded a sprinkling of uniformed
Iraftees, Wheeler repeatedly attacked
Wendell L. Willkie and declared the
1940 Republican Presidential nomi-
nee is "the man that's making
Excursionists Must Sign
For Jackson Trip Today

Incident Regarded Closed
By Welles Following
Parley With President
Tokyo Promises
To Pay Damages
WASHINGTON, July 31. -(A')-
Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of
Staite, announced tonight the United
States had accepted official apologies
of the Japanese Government on the
bombing of the U.S.S. Tutuila at
Chungking, China, and that the inci-
dent was regarded as closed.
Welles made the announcement
after consultation with President
The official apologies of the Japan-
ese Government, together with an
offer to pay indemnities for the bomb-
ing of the gunboat and to take meas-
ures to prevent such incidents in the
future, were made late today by Ad-
miral Kichisaburo Nomura, Japanese
Entirely Accidental
In answer to queries concerning the
ambassador's visit, Welles said the
envoy had called on official instruc-
tions and had expressed regret of the
Japanese Government.
He added that the Japanese Gov-
ernment viewed the incident as en-
tirely accidental.
The Tokyo government, Welles said,
has informed the United States of
concrete and detailed measures which
it has taken to prevent a recurrence
of such incidents.
In addition, Welles said, Japan
offers to pay indemnities in full for
any damage as soon as the necessary
investigations have been completed.
As the ambassador left the State
Department,'after conferring 10 min-
utes with Welles, hetold newspaper-
men he was making every effort to
improve relations between the United
States and Japan.
Hurried Regrets
Earlier Japanese officials at'Tokyo
had hurried expressed regrets but,
until tonight, the United States Gov-
ernment had taken the position the
incident was not closed.
The importance which had been at-
tached to the bombing was empha-
sized by Welles' disclosure that he'd
summoned the Japanese envoy to the
State Department yesterday and at
the same time instructed the Ameri-
can ambassador in Tokyo to make
Bridie's Play
Continues Run
Storm Over Patsy' Is On
At 8:30 PM. Today
"Storm Over Patsy," James Bri-
die's well known London success, will
be seen at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the direction of Prof. Claribel Baird
of the speech department at the Okla-
homa College for Women.
Among the featured performers in
the comedy are June Madison as Mrs.
Flanagan, James Moll as Francis Bur-
don, Clara Behringer as Victoria
Thomson, Lillian Canon as Mrs. Skir-
ving, William Altman as Provost
Thomson and George Shapiro as Mr.
Others in the cast are Marjorie
Adams, Hollister Smith, Roger Reed,
Paul Blackburn, John Weimer, Her-
bert London, Robert Rittenour, Mar-
vin Levy, John Sinclair, Merle Webb
and Crab, Ann Arbor's favorite ca-
nine actress, who will play the titl
Tickets are on sale for $.75, $.50
and $.35 today at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at
the League.
Summer Quarterly
FReview Is Issued'

The 1941 summer Quarterly Review
of the Michigan Alumnus has been
issued, featuring Edward Weeks' "On
Counting Your Chickens Before They
Hatch," the address delivered this
spring on the occasion of the annual
awarding of the Hopwood Prizes.
The Quarterly contains several
manuscripts whichEvwn awards in the

.: ): 3

Professor Hobbs Writes Book;
On Polar Region Experiences
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, pro- .proved that the land was a continent,

fessor emeritus of geology, is the au-
thor of a recently published book,
"Explorers of the Antarctic.".
Delving ' into his own experience
as an Arctic explorer and his studies
of thq polar regions, Professor Hobbs
Professor Hobbs will deliver an
illustrated lecture on "Polar Ex-
ploration" at 8 p.m. Monday in
the" Rackham Lecture Hall. The

and of the other great men connected
with polar exploration-Amundsen,
Scott, Byrd, Ellsworth.
Professor Hobbs is the author of 11
other books, ranging from "The World
War and Its Consequences" to the
standard, full-length life of Peary.
His work as author, explorer and edu-
cator has been characterized by the
anecdote of a fur-coated explorer
gazing at the glacier-gripped land-
scape of Greenland, flapping his arms

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