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July 30, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-30

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Edited and managed by students of the University' 9f
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at- the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
,,College PAubishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Daily Calendar of Events
Wednesday, July 30
1:00 p.m. Excursion No. 7-Greenfield Village. Visit to Ford's Village, museums of
early American life, Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn.
Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell
Hall. Trip engs at 5:45 p.m., Ann Arbor.
3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with
or without partners.
4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The Trends in Social Mathematics." Raleigh Schorling, Pro-
fessor of Educatior (University High School Auditorium.)
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Ageing Process and Tissue Resistance." Dr. William deB.
MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of the University
of North Carolina Medical School. (Room 151, Chemistry Building.)
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Some Aspects of the Presidency." Edward S. Corwin, McCormick
Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University. (Lecture Hall, Rack'
ham Building.)
5:00 p.m. Lecture. "The Development of the Constitution of the United States,"
Professor Arthur W. Bromage. (1025 A. H.)
7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.)5
8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. "Diagnosis of -Stomach Disorders." (Illustrated.) Dr.
H. Marvin Pollard. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)
8:30 p.m. "Story Over Patsy," by James Bridie and Bruno Frank. (Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.)

Washington Merry- Go-Round

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate .Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Staff
. . . Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
. . Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
.~Barbara Jenswold


Business Staff,
$usiness Manager . . . . Daniel H.Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
omn's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
witers only.
Preparation Against
Attack Possibility . .
WITH the extension of the draft period
now almost a certainty, America is
learning another lesson in regard to democracy
and the rest of the world. Irrespective of our
like or dislike of the extension step, we are being
;orced to realize that even across the oceans, we
can't live alone and like it. Despite our natural
inclinations, we must modify our way of life to
keep up with the forces of totalitarianism, even
at the expense of our own personal comfort.
When conscription was voted in, the people
of the United States thought they were making
the supreme sacrifice, for compulsory military
service had never been a part of this govern-
ment's policy. There were many protests then
because some of the people believed that we're
different over here, and in a uniqe position of
safety which made compulsory military training
merely an added burden for the youth of Amer.
ica to bear. ~
ND NOW, with ;the period of training to be
lengthened, the sanie protests are being
raised again. The accusation has been made
that this is just a preface to war, that our sol-
diers need more training to prepare them for the
war the United States is going to enter shortly.
Certainly this possibility cannot be snuffed off
lightly. There is always the chance ,that the
brass hats will be over-anxious to test out their
{theories in actual warfare, and thus precipitate
A situation from which war would be inevitable.
But there is another side to' the matter, too.
We must recognize the possibility that we may
be attacked through no direct fault of our own.
The probabilities of such an attack are remote,
but nevertheless, they remain possible. And while
they remain possible, we must be prepared to
meet that attack. At present, if we ever were
Attacked, it would not be by a raw conscript
army, but rather one seasoned with the toughest
sort of experience and well versed in all the
tricks of the trade that are best learned under
actual battle conditions.
ELEASING million men from the army at one
time, just because they have served a year,
will create a tangle that will not aid the mili-
tary situation in any way whatsoever. Men
must be held in service until they are suffi-.
ciently trained to have a fighting chance should
actual war come. Naturally, there is the other
side also, that if some arbitrary period is nt
set, the "training" period could well extend for
years, since every year's activities adds to the
knowledge that a trainee should have to be a
finished soldier. Along this line, Senator Taft's
compromise measure for the gradual release of
selectees after a period of about 18 months
training is as good as any that can be suggested.
Instead of a flood of men entering and leaving
the army each year, we would have a steady
flow, but under control, so that a balance is
TN any draft extension, we are taking a risk.
We are aware that large armies are danger-
ous, for soldiers without action grow stale, and
the militarists are in constant fear of that. We
risk a plunge into war because some people will
feel that with a well trained army, we can beat
anybody. We risk an attitude of over-confidence,
a military dictatorship. But if we aren't willing
to risk that, we have an even greater risk to

WASHINGTON-Secretary Stimson was tell-
ing the absolute truth when hd-denied that the
discovery of a time-bomb was responsible for
keeping ten Japanese ships out of the Panama
Canal. For this was not the reason.
Real reason why the Carnal was barred to the
Japanese was the discovery that two of their
ships were floating bazaars being rushed to the
east coast of South America to grab off the
trade which Axis operators were forced to aban-
don as a result of the U.S. blacklist.
APPARENTLY the Japs had a tip that the
blacklist was going to be issued, because the
two ships hastily left the west coast and were
waiting to go through the Canal, when suddenly
the blacklist was published. Equipped with
elaborate merchandizing displays, and carrying
high-powered, Spanish-speaking salesmen, the
ships were literal arsenals of economic warfare.
With them, the Japanese would have invaded
the most lucrative rarkets in Latin America be-
fore either the U.S. or the Latin Americans
could have moved to block them.
Women's Tax Rights
Representative Frank ("Doc' Crowther 01
New York, high-ranking GOP member of the
House Ways and Means Committee, occupied
the center of the stage when House Republicans
caucused behind closed doors on the $3,500,-
000,000 defense tax bill.
However, it was Mrs. Frances P. Bolton, Ohio's
charming wid6w legislator, who stole the show
with a firebrand lecture on "Women's Rights."
CROWTHER had just begun explaining the
,section of the bill requiring husbands and
wives to file joint income returns, which he
vigorously supported in committee, when Mrs.
Bolton, who is just as vigorously opposed, jumped
to her feet.
"I would like to ask the gentleman," she in-
quired, tartly, "if any women were called before
the Ways and Means Committee, while this bill
was being considered, to testify in defense of
the Ameri an home?"
"The lofty subject to which the lady from Ohio
refers was not discussed to my knowledge,"
grinned Crowther. "No one, man, woman or
child, came before the committee and asked to a
be heard, though we held lengthy hearings and
listened to many witnesses on various phases
of the tax question."
"Well, if you had given American women a
chance to be heard," shot back Mrs. Bolton, "you
wouldn't have approved this outrageous joint-
returns section. It takes us back to the days
of feudalism, when a man was lord and ma ter
of the home and his wifewas considered liftle
more than a chattel."
THEN, waving an admonishing finger at her
colleagues, ; Mrs. Bolton continued: "This
part of the tax bill is an invasion of the home.
It says that a wife must pool whatever earnings
she makes with her husband's income. It does
not recognize her as an individual or a wage-
earner, but as a subservient chattel.
"Mary my words, the women of the country
will rise up if Congress writes this attack on
their independence into law.".
Mrs. Bolton's oratorical effort won a rousing
ovation from her male colleagues, but no votes.
Joint returns are calculated to bring in over
$300,000,000 of additional revenue
Note: Mrs. Bolton is one of the wealthiest
members of Congress.
'You're In The Army Now'
While there will be a lot of noisy breast-
beating in the opposition, you can write this
down as certain:
1. Congress will approve the retention of
the National Guard and selectees in the
2. The House will pass the $3,500,000,000
defense tax bill in the form recommended
by the Ways and Means Committee.
UNDER the restricted debate rules of the
House, action on Army retention will take
only a few days. The Senate melee will last
longer. The isolationist-appeasement bloc will
take advantage of theissue to unleash a wide-

was Senator Burt Wheeler's conduct during the
consideration of the War Department's "draft
property" bill.
The Montanan clawed it from stem to stern,
and then ducked out of the Senate and was
nowhere around when the far-reaching measure
was adopted without even a roll call.
The House will pass the tax bill chiefly be-
cause the rank-and-file know little about it and
Ways and Means tax measures are always ap-
provd. The process will reqtiire about a week.
BUT in the Senate it will be different.
The Senate Finance Committee will sub-
ject the bill to a microscopic scrutiny, requiring
at least a month. Next the committee will start
writing its own bill, which, based on past per-
formances, is certain to differ in important de-
tails from the House measure.
Chances are that the tax issue will not reach
the Senate floor befdre October; so that Nov. 1
is an early guess for the legislation finally to
reach the White House for Roosevelt's signature.
By Terence
, HERE'Sa certain professor on campus who
s noted for his wit. His favorite one goes
something like this:
The eminent educator will brag to anyone
about his musical ability. "Why, my musical
ability once saved my life."
"How was that?" someone will ask.
"Well," the prof will answer, gunning for the
kill, "when I was a small boy there was a great
flood in our town. When the water reached our
house, my father hopped on a bed and floated
down-stream on it until he was rescued."
"And what did you do?" the sucker will ask.
"Well," he'll answer with all the glibness of
1 connoisseur, "I accompanied him on the piano."
,* * * .
A CONTRIBUTOR contributes, on the state of
the world:
There's Pinsk and Minsk and Dvinsk
Lwow, Janow and Rakow,
Podolsk, Bobruisk, Pototsk,
We wish the Heinies would
Route this war
To start at the Bug and
End at the Bar.
- Ivan Skivinsky Skvar
* - * *
HE BUSINESS STAFF requests that I print
the following communication received in
their office:
Dear Editor:--
Will you please send me a copy of The
Michigan! Daily, dated July 18, 1941, as I
wish to read an article in it which is an illus-
tration very fitting to use in my course which
I am taking this summer.
Thanking you,
I am Very truly,
That's all there was: no name, no address,
no nothing. If the author will send us his name
and address the business staff says they might
be able to do business with him.
jF you've been downtown lately you will have
seen the huge bin of aluminum pots and-pans
on the lawn of the courthouse. Got to thinking
the other night as I drove past that it would be
the Arsene Lupin feat of the year for someone
to steal that pile. Make quite a story, too.
Reminds me for no particular reason of a
corny pun I once heard. Q. What's the greatest
feat of strength ever performed? A. Wheeling,
West Virginia. (Loud laughter).
And I wonder if anyone followed the sugges-
tion of the WCTU and gave their aluminum
cocktail shaker to the fund. If you start giving
up things like that it would take all the joy
out of life and the world wouldn't be worth
fighting for . . .
THERE'S a cooling breeze coming in the win-

Of Mikes & Men
THE RADIO REALM is virtually
vibrating with so much momen-
tous we have to summon restraint
to keep these air-lines from verging
toward rave-lengths. (That declara-
tion, incidentally, and purely coinci-
dentally, poses the two titles most
aptly suggested for heading the col-
umn. Remember that contest we
instigated? Lots of fun resulted,
even a few California offers . . . But
since the composing-pom boys set
up so many stock heads of Mikes &
Men, we've decided to carry on
thus . . . )
* * *
It is today that everyone interested
in public service programs and "The
Woman's Place in Radio" can come
to hear the foremost authority on
these subjects speak--in the, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. Then
Miss Judith Cary Waller, educational
director of the central division of
the NBC, will discuss her work with
all students of broadcasting, as well
as the general public. Need more be
said? See you there ..
* * *
For those with the propensity for
humorous poetry, tuning in on WJR
at 4:45 p.m. today will bring a pro-
gram of verse from students taking
radio drama from Don Hargis. These
people include Joan Sack, Marvin
Levey, Thelma Davis, Edward Webb,
Helene Heeney and Claire Cook.
Tomorrow, at the same time, an
adaptation by W. W. Jacobs (nice
initials for radio) will be presented
by the students of Professor Abbot.
While Edward Webb announces,
Grace Roszel, Eileen Wilkin, George
Batka, John Hansen and Edward
Wright will perform.
From Cleveland, Mr. Frank Blum-
er, advertising agent for the "Hour
of Charm,'. brings tidings of untold
opportunity for campus girl singers.
About midway in October, a cross-
country contest will be launched in
which participants from selected col-
leges and universities will compete
for cash prizes, trips to New York,
and eventual placement in Phil Spi-
talny's All-Girl Orchestra. , All this,
aid education too-a $4,000 Univer-
sity scholarship for the fortunate
Of the five mid-western education-
al institutions selected for the con-
test, the University of Michigan was
chosen, along with Indiana, Ohio,
and Wisconsin. Penn State and Ala-
bama are included in the five East-
ern universities, Mr. Blumer revealed.
All contestants will have their
singing voices transcribed on Master
records, from which individual discs
will be made so ghat the 30 members
of the orchestra can listen and then
vote to choose their own cohort.
From each of the 10 campuses two
girls will be picked, a winner and
alternate, to receive $100 and $50
prizes, and expenses paid to New
York. Five girls will then be selected
from recording auditions, three of
whom receive $1,000 each, then one
of these, the four-year $1,000 schol-
arship at her University. Thus the
"Hour of Charm" will assume' the
"Pot O' Gold" aspect-even "Life+
Can Be Beautiful" to those coeds
who come through.
* * *
Mr. Philip Doelker, production
manager of WOSU, is with us for
awhile, with much to relate regard-
ing the radio set-up at Ohio State.
".From running the mimeograph ma-
chine to riding the gain'," Mr. Doel-
ker does about all the production
end of six to eight air-hours daily
Within a few weeks, Phil reveals,
Ohio State will be boosted to full-
day operation on 1,000 watts-as
soon as the government can spare

a few tubes from defense. Over much
better channel, O.S.U. will then be
able to broadcast from 8 a.m., until
sundown in Texas ...
Truman Smith sends word that
Nantucket, Masp., is a storybook
town-where he is stage manager of
the theatre, and also does some act-
ing . . . Eddie Jurist, last heard in
"Cavalcade of America," is a radio
free lance actor in New York .

Q 1943. Chscago Times, The.
"The club feels that the tour wouldn't be complete without
seeing the sabotage workers, too!"


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All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 pam. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
One-Act Plays: The Laboratory The-
atre of the Department of Speech
will present a bill of one-act plays
Friday, August 1, at 3 p.m., and the
Secondary School Theatre of the De-
partment of Speech will present a sec-
ond bill of one-act plays Saturday
morning, August 2, at 10:00. Both
programs will be presented in the
Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann
Arbor High School. These plays are
directed, acted, produced, costumed,
and the sets built by the students in
acting, directing, and technical the-
atre courses in the Department of
Speech. All students of the School
of Education, the Department of Eng-
lish, the Department of Speech, and
of the Ann Arbor High School are
cordially invited to attend. Admis-
sion is free. Whatever s9ating room
remains is open to the public.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, August 3, at 2:30 p.m. sharp,
for trip to Big Portage Lake in Water-
loo Recreation Area. To insure
satisfactory transpdirtation arrange-
ments, reservations including twenty-
fiVe cent supper fee, should be made
at Rackham check desk as early this
week as possible. Car owners are
urgently requested to call Alice Byer,
,2-4914. For further information, call
Miss Byer. All .graduate students,
faculty, and alumni are invited.
Women's Tennis Tournament: The
3rd round in the women's singles and
doubles Tennis Tournaments should
be completed by August 3rd.
Schedule 1 for Film Evaluation.
Room 1022, University High School
July 30, 1941, 2:30-4 p.m. "Ship That
Died" (Eng.) Sound, 1 Reel. "Face
Behind the Mask" (Eng.) Sound, 1
Reel. "Froi Tree to Newspaper"
(Journ.) Silent, 1 Reel. All teachers
interested in teaching films are invit-
ed to attend.
"Storm Over Patsy" by James Bri-
die and Bruno Frank will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. toni4t through Satur-
day night at the ydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech.
Single admissions are 75c, 50c, and
35c. The boxoffice is open from
10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300).
There will be a panel discussion on
I the subject of The Roll of Education

in a World at War. This will be
sponsored by the Michigan Teacher
Education Workshop members and
will be held in Tappan Junior High
School Auditorium this evening at
8:30. Anyone interested is invited to
come. Chairmnan Dr. Francis B. Wil-
cox, University of Lou ville, Ken-
lucky, Participants: Dr. Edgar
IKnight, University of North Carolina,
Dr. Habib Kurani, University of Bei-
rut, Syria, Dean J. B. Edmonson and
Dr. J. K.' Pollock of the University
of Michigan.
' Mr. William N. Barnard's recital of
July 28 was postponed until Wednes-
;ay, July 30, at 8:30 p.m. At this
time he will present' a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. This
recital will be open to the general
public and will be held in Hill Audi-
Tickets for the "Mystery Cycle" to
be given in Hill Auditorium on Sun-
day night, August 17, by the Depart-
ment of 'Speech anid the School of
Music, are now available at the Sum-
mer Session office (1213 A.H.), the
'peech Department office (3211 A.H.)
the School of Music, the Michigan
Union, the Michigan League, and the
Mendelssohn Theatre boxoffice.
Admission will be by ticket, but
tickets will be distributed free as long
as they last.
Pharmacology Lectures: Dr. Wil-
liam deB. MacNider, Kenan Research
Professor of Pharmacology of the
University of North Carolina Medical
School, will deliver the following lec-
tures on the general subject of ."The
Acquired Resistance of Tissue Cells."
Wednesday,. July 30, ".The Aging
Process and Tissue Resistance," 4:15
p.m. Room 151, Chemistry Building.
Thursday, July 31, "The Adjust-
ability of the Life Process to Injuri-
ous Agents," 2:00 p.m. Anrphitheatre,
Rackham Building.
All interested are invited to attend.
Wednesday, July ,30, 1:00 p:m.-
Excursion No. 7-Greenfield Village.
Visit to Ford's Village, mugeums of
early American life, Edison's Menlo
Park Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn.
Round trip by special bus. Reserva-
tions in Summer Session office, An-
gell .Hall. Trip ends at 5:45 p.m.,
Ann Arbor.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
positions in the Division Engineer's
Office of the New York Central Sys-
tem, at Toledo, Ohio. The work is
as Rodmen at a rate of pay of $13.00
per month, plus expenses when on the
Training in surveying is required,
but they do not have to be Civil En-
gineers. This would be helpful, how-
Applicants should report to the
Toledo office as soon as possible as
the position must be filled early this
week. Information may be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information as to the
person to apply to in the Toledo of-
fice, and place.
Seminar in Pure Mathematics will
meet Wednesday, at 4:15 p.m., in
3201 A.H. Dr. Shiffman will speak
on the "Minimax Principle in the
Plateau Problem."
Delta Kappa Gamma members, lo-
cal and visiting, are invited to eat
together informally in the alcove of
the Michigan League cafeteria Wed-
nesday, July 10, at 12 noon. No reser-


760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6*15 Inside of Sports world News Rollin' Home Keen Tracer
6:30 Mr. Meek News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Mr. Meek Sports Parade Serenade Lone Ranger 1
7:00 Grand Central Thin Man Happy Joe Quiz Kids
7:15 Station Adventures val Clare Quiz Kids
7:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Air Temple Manhattan
7:45 Dr. Christian Party Interlude Behind the News
8:00 Millions Quizzer College Series Old Traveler
8:15 for Defense Base Ball Interlude Factfinder
8:30 Millions Mr. District Double or Steele Orch.
8:45 for Defense Attorney Nothing at Midnight
9:00 G. Miller's Orch. Kay Kyser's Soose- Mich. Highways
9:15 Public Affairs Kollege of Abrams To Be Announced
9:30 Juan Arviz Musical Bpxing Kinney -Orch.
9:45 Rev. Smith Knowledge Bout Kinney Orch.

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