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July 29, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-29

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Y 29,


Daily Calendar of Events
Tuesday, July 29-


* 4
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Pulilished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Poet Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seond1 class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Seirvice, n c 4
SCollege P,,bliskers.Representative
'ember, :associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

4:05 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Lecture. "The Teaching of Human Relations in Secondary Schools." F.
Dean McClusky, Director o the Scarborough School. (University High
School Auditorium.)
Lecture. "The Repair of Tissue and Tissue Resistance." Dr. William deB.
MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of University of
North Carolina Medical School. (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building.)
Lecture. "The United States as Viewed by Other Nations." Philip E.
Mosely, Social Science Research Council and Associate Professor of His-
tory, Cornell University. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)
Lecture. "The Political Development of the United States," Professor
Verner W. Crane. (Room 1025 A. H.)
Beginners' Class, in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.)
Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited.
Come with or without partners.
Concert, by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) Quar-
tet composed of Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, Prof. Joseph Brinkman, Prof.
Hanns Pick, and Mr. George Poinar. Soloist, Prof. Hardin Van Deursen
accompanied by Mrs. Ava Comin Case.

1 I

Washington Merry-Go-Round



Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Stafff
Karl Kessler
*....Harry M. Kelsey
. William Baker
S . Eugene Mandeberg
. . . . BAlbertP. Blaustein
.~Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
Business Manager ...... .gniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred MN Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

For Defense .. .

VISIONS of "nothing to cook in" and
Y "can't buy any more aluninum pots
and pans" rose up before housewives' eyes when
the Civilian Defense agency and the Office of
Production Management commenced their drive
for nore aluminum than actual production can
scare up.
Today the officials have seen a new danger
And are moving to correct their error. House-
wives, giving up aluminum cooking utensils,
have turned to enar'el ware, the most likely
substitute, and now there is feared a run on
enamel pans. Since these are made of sheet
steel, the secondary metal crisis would seriously
add to the danger of the situation. So now
donors have been warned to give only unwanted
aluminum, to hunt through cellars and attics
for pieces outdated or not needed.
Here is an example of the way in which a
hurried, frenzied campaign for a worthy cause
can work back against itself to produce unde-
sirable results. Although the warning came out
'some time after the beginning of the drive, it is
still early enough to nip the danger in the bud.
In this, officials who ,evinced short foresight
are lucky.
And as a result of this, housewives can feel
freer to donate to the cause. They are being in
no way coerced or intruded upon by the state,
which should engender an attitude of valid gen-
erosity and patriotism; With a capable leader
in this campaign, and with sufficient publicity
we hope to see a great quantity of aluminum
collected to build bombers for ourselves and
our allies.
ALONG' ANOTHER LINE, housewives ought
to feel fairly secure and happy: they aren't
the only ones contributing in this campaign.
One of the larger hotel chains in the country
Friday contributed more than 54,000 pounds of
alumiinum to its country's defense.
Intended for a new 1,000-room hotel in the
over-crowded capital city, the metal had been
purchased before priorities were established by
the Office of Production Management. More
than 80 percent had already been fabricated into
windows and must be remelted and substituted
by another commodity.
ALTHOUGH the private cost will run into the
thousands, the hotel chain has taken this
risk in the interests of the public and their con-
sumers. At a time when every individual citizen
is asked to contribute, whatever his financial
status, it would be highly undesirable for a busi-
ness involving each year a tremendous financial
turnover to hold out in its own interests, even
though it is clearly in the open as far as law is
More power to the aluminum drive and to
the thousands who are giving their share to
make it a success! When everyone takes heed,
from the giant concern down to the smallest
housewife, when a cooperative attitude has been
instilled into the public, then we shall expect a
great collection with a minimum of effort on
everyone's part. - Barbara Jenswold
Wheeler Again.. .
Senator Wheeler is twice at fault in his clash
with Secretary of War Stimson. First, he had
no business soliciting criticisms of our foreign
policy from members of our armed forces. This
,it- Mr +him a afniy ,.rpann thni mili

WASHINGTON -20 newspapermen leaned
forward around the long blue baize table in the
ante-room of the Secretary of State. At the
extreme end stood tall, austere Acting Secretary,
Sumner Welles. On his face was an expression
of grim-lipped intensity. In his hand was a
type-written statement. He read it loud. It was
a scathing, carefully worded blast against Japan.
At the opposite end of the table stood three
Japanese newsmen, short, affable, eager. For
months and years they had been attending
press conferences, given the same privileges as
any American newsmen. For months also they
had waited for some such bombshell.
Now it came.
One split second after Welles finished reading
his statement, the Japanese were out the door,
pattering down the marble corridor to the press
room telephones. It was a big day for Japanese
newsmen. !
Finally Ickes Wins
It was also a big dy for certain members of
the Roosevelt cabinet. For months and years
they also had been waiting. For months and
years also they had been urging Roosevelt to
embargo oil shipments to Japan.
At the Friday cabinet meeting just before
Japan moved, Secretary Ickes, as new oil ad-
ministrator, raised the embargo question again.
He-proposed to stop oil shipments to Japan. But
the Acting Secretary of State said no. On Mon-
day, he said, Japan was going to make a move
toward Indo-China and it would be wiser to wait
until then.
Once before, Ickes had stopped a shipment of
oil to Japan and aroused the wrath of the State
Department. Last June a Philadelphia manu-
facturer complained to him that a Japanese ship
was loading 240,000 gallons of lubricating oil.
"I can't get oil myself to speed up my own
defense orders," wrote the manufacturer, "and
yet I see in front of my nose this shipment of oil
going to Japan. To hell with defense, if the
government is as screwy as that."
So Ickes called the Coast Guard and asked
them to act before the oil was loaded. They did.
Then things began to boil. It .di'd not leak
out at the time, but the State Department com-
plained to the White House that Ickes' action
had interfered with the policy of appeasing
Japan so she would not go south to the Dutch
East Indies. And the president called in Ickes.
However, Ickes held his ground. He insisted
that he was not meddling in foreign policy, but
that it was nonsense to ration oil aid gas on
the Atlantic seaboard and at the same time let
Japan ship oil away from the Atlantic seaboard.
In the end Ickes won.
FDR Signed Order Against Oil
But eighteen months before the oil adminis-
trator and several of his cabinet colleagues did
not win. The same issue was at stake. It came
up at a dinner given by the late Lord Lothian at
the British Embassy in August at which Secre-
tary of War Stimson, Secretary of the Navy
Knox and Secretary of the Treasury Morgen-
thau decided to ask the President to embargo
all oil and scrap iron to Japan.
The President agreed and actually signed the
executive orders. But they were never published.
When the State Department saw the orders,
its officials almost jumped down the White
House throat. So the orders were changed to
apply only to aviation gasoline and No. 1 scrap
iron, though later modified to include all grades
of scrap.
This debate over appeasing Japan has con-
tinued inside the cabinet ever since. The State
Department has contended that to cut off oil
meant an immediate Japanese attack on the
Dutch East Indies-which has oil.
The Ickes-Knox-Stimson-Morgenthau group
has claimed first that the Dutch East Indies
were pretty well defended, that it would take
Japan four months to seize them, and that
Japan did not have enough oil to operate her
fleet that long.
Also the British fleet then was better able to
defend the Dutch and Singapore. Now it isn't.
Also we had far more ships in the Pacific at
that time. Now some are at Iceland.
So it looks as if we appeased Japan until she
got ready to pick her own sweet time as to the
best moment to head toward the Dutch East

,r,. ,. - .., .. i

They figure we are going to get into the war
anyway, and it is good strategy to deal knockout
blows in the very first round. They favor send-
ing waves of U.S. bombers from the Philippines
to raze the paper and bamboo cities of Tokyo,
Yokohama, Kobe and Osaka. They also favor
sending the fleet, plus airplane ca-riers to the
coast of Japan.
They favor doing this immediately. There is
no use, say the navy men, of punching at a
man's legs when you can strike for his heart.
To the Editor:
Attached to our communication of July 8, in
which the YCL stated its program of defending
America by aiding Great Britain and the USSR,
there were two "'embarrassing" questions posed
by the editor of The Daily. The. first asked,
"Where was Russian altruism hidden in the case
of the Finnish, Rumanian and Polish territorial
snatches?" Aside from pointing out that the
word "altruism" was not used by us, we feel that
the present role of these three nations explain
quite fully their own nature and the nature of
Soviet foreign policy. (Even Broadway finds
Robert Sherwoods There Shall Be No Night an
uncomfortable vehicle.)
In regard to the second question which finds
a "flip-flop" in the YCL program, we again
come up against a problem which has become a
plague to American thought-the meaning has
gone out of old, accepted terms, to the extent
that even so simple a term as "flip-flop" cannot
be applied accurately. The YCL determines its
program not at one grand session, and then,
come what may, isists that this program is
valid for all time. No, the YCL bases its program
on the particular situation which calls for analy-
sis and action. As lbng as that situation remains
the same, so long do we feel our program valid.
In our last communication we stated that the
character of the war had been changed by the
Fascist attack on the Soviet Union. Since our
statement, nothing offers greater proof of the
fact of that change than the alliance between
the USSR and Great Britain, by which these
two nations promised each other "aid of all
kinds" and pledged no separate peace with Hit-
ler. Whereas in 1939 the British Government
turned down overtures for a similar pact, now
it has come to realize that the battle against
Hitler fascism is an indivisible battle. In reject-
ing the earlier proposals, the British Govern-
ment did not see that peace was likewise indi-
visible, that it is necessary for all anti-fascists
to unite. Great Britain's rejection of mutual
anti-Hitler cooperation with the USSR was
tantamount to describing the war which they
were about to wage as a war of imperialist rivals,
similar to that of the first World War. That
the Soviet Union has always been the biter en-
emy of Hitlerism is proven beyond doubt today
by the resistance that Hitler can only describe
as "fanatical." The hundreds ofvthousands of
Soviet men who have already died holding the
eastern front were not fanatics, but bitter anti-
fascists. An alliance with such "fanatics" in
1939 would have drawn our full support; war
without such an alliance could only have been,
as it was, one imperialism fighting another (no
matter what staunch, individual RAF fliers may
have felt); that, we do not and did not support.
Today the Churchill government, through the
experience of events, has seen that anti-fascist
war, just as peace, is indivisible. The Anglo-
Soviet Pact is the result. President Roosevelt
and the State Department also realize that Hit-
ler aggression is a threat to the United States.
Should the Soviet :Unions fall, or even should
Hitler gain control of the resources of the
Ukraine, the threat of fascism for the nations
of the world will become immeasurably greater.
It is for this reason that the YCL insists that
the defense of America must be built around
sincere and effective aid to the Soviet Union, to
Great Britain, and also to the anti-fascist fight-
ers of China. Any other program plays into
Hitler's hand, is fascistic; yet there are those in
America who would paralyze such aid, especially

to the~ Sovrie~tUnion.The aro'iimpnts hevu eofferI'

By Terence
A LETTER comes correo aereo, v
our mail to the uninitiated, from
Will Sapp, who recently set out from
Ann Arbor in a Plymouth of ancient
vintage bound for South America. He
got as far as Mexico City anyway.
Dear senores y senoritas-
I am writing to you from the home
of Senora Al verez at 10-A Avenue
Obrigon in the heart of Mexico City,
2,450 miles from Ann Arbor. That
we are actually here is only the re-
sult of luck.
Just a few words about that. Driv-
ing ten hours a day for six days
wasn't exactly easy on the car, even
one as good as mine. By the time we
reached Laredo, Texas, there was so
many squeaks and noises that it
sounded like automobiles were honk-
ing to pass. But then came Mexi-
co. We made Monterey the first
night and it was swell. And we made
Valles the second night (in Mexico)
and that was swell too. Valles t4
Mexico City is only 300 miles so we
slept late that day before starting
for La Capital. As soon as we start-
ed we had trouble with the car. When
I would take my foot off the ac-
celerator the motor wouldn't hold the
car back. It was like driving with
the clutch in all the time. Well, we
weren't worried, after all we were
driving on plains. But then, the
mountains came. Up and up we
climbed until we were 6,000 feet above
sea level. Then we had to go down
to 2,000 and back up to 7,000 and
down and up to finally a little over
8,000 feet. All this was on roads
chopped out of the sides of the moun-
tains, having a 3,000 foot sheer drop
in places with no guard rails, and
plenty of hairpin curves. And they
were really hairpin curves . . . about
ten or fifteen of them to each mile.
And around each curve would be
sonme damn cow standing in the
middle of the road. Our horn bleat
didn't phase them. Well, I was ner-
vous as hell, we burned our brakes
down to the floor in the first 150 miles
and almost stopped. Anyway we
went through almost 100 miles of the
most hazardous road in the North
American continent without brakes
and with no motor to hold the car
back. Well, we kept on and made it.
Course we onlykaveraged 10 miles
an hour but that's life.
HIS IS a funny city. I'm a bit
disappointed. Monterrey and Val-
les were so thrilling and this is so
much like Detroit. It is dirtier than
any other Mexican town I have seen
and offers fewer conveniences. Just
a few notes about La Capital. You
can't leave your car out on the street
at night . . . if they don't break into
it they'll strip the tires off . . . I
have never seen such fast drivers ...
one way streets and the fools drive
about 40 or 45 despite the fact that
the streets are peopled more than
anywhere else I know of . . . it is
the noisiest town I have seen .
Mexican cars (American made) have
exceptionally loud horns. Believe me,
if they are just driving down a wide
street with no car in sight they will
honk and honk . . . most cars have
mangled fenders . . . lotta thieves.
The fellow with me lost his $8 foun-
tain pen today to a thief who
"bumped into him." But 10 minutes
later he bought one from un otro
hombre for dos pesos. Fuuniest thing
a bum approached us with the
pen . . . a cop saw him and came
up. I thought he was going to arrest
the bum for attempting to sell obvi-
ously stolen merchandise. Instead he
pulled a pen from several in his pocket
and cut the bum's price in half. If
anything is stolen you can buy it the
next day at the thieves' market.
ONE THING Americanos don't seem
to have the straight dope about.

It is not dangerous to eat and sleep
here in. Mexico . . . you won't get
typhoid or dysentery. You don't have
to stick to American restaurants.
That's a lot of hooey. Before I came
down here I took typhoid pills on a
doctor's order and purchased medi-
cines. Now I feel foolish.
I've been eating Mexican dishes (of
food) and I like them. Prices are
funny. Lunch today cost me $2.50,
dinner $4.00. At Valles we paid $12.00
for a room for the night. It's the
exchange rate of course . . . $4.85
(Mexican money) por dinero Ameri-
cano $1. Otherwise their dollar (pe-
so) is worth about 22 cents. Makes
you feel rich to carry $200 in my
pocket, but when you figure that
shows cost $2 and my raincoat $48 it
doesn't go so far.
This is the rainy season, everyday
it pours in the late afternoon, then
gets plenty cool.
Am still hopeful of securing a pas-
sage to South America and am go-
ing to inquire tomorrow after we get
back from the pyramids. (One of the
pyramids is larger than any of the
famed Egyptian ones.)
Hello to the gang land tell Blau-
stein to stop writing that columnista
Hasta luego, adios,
Senor Sappo
Autograph Hunt' Dance
Will Test Your Ability
Ltr T a"'I etttr-, t ra, unitlrrt . - n




7, . 191, C hicaoPtea nc"[,,
"Now see what you did?-You captured the wrong country!
-You had the map upside down'"


All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Pharmacology Lectures: Dr. Wil-
liam deB. MacNider, Kenan Research
Professor of Pharmacology of the
University of North Carolina Medical
School, will deliver the following let-
tures on the general subject of "The
Acquired Resistance of Tissue Cells."
Tuesday, July 29. The Repair of
Tissue and Tissue Resistance, 4:15
p.m. Amphitheatre, Rackham Build-
Wednesday, July 30, The Ageing
Process and Tissue Resistance, 4:15
p.m. Room 151, Chemistry Building.
Thursday, July 31, The Adjustabil-
ity of the Life Process to Injurious
Agents, 2:15 p.m. Amphitheatre,
Rackham Building.
All interested are invited to attend.
Women's Education Club picnic
will be held July 30, at 5:00, at the
Island. All women are cordially in-
vited to attend. Sign up in Room
4016 Universiy High School by Tues-
day at 4:00. Price 35c.
Notice to staff members using pri-
vate automobiles on University busi-
ness :
Effective July 1 the Regents have.
provided five cents per mile reim-
bursement for trips made in private
automobiles on University business
within the State of Michigan.
Deutscher Verein. There will be a
picnic Thursday for members, stu-
dents of German, residents of the,
Deutsches Haus, and all those in-
terested in songs, games and other
entertainment. Meet at the Deutsches
Haus, 1443 Washtenaw Avenue at
5:00 p.m. Refreshments and trans-
portation. Make reservations in the
German Office, 204 University Hall,
Ext. 788.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation
will meet next 'Tuesday evening in
Lane Hall at 7:30 to continue discus-
sion of the first chapter of the book
"War Without Violence" by Krish-
nald Shridharahi. Please read the
reference, material before coming.
(On file at Lane Hall). Everyone is
Faculty Concert: Several members
of the School of Music Summer Ses-
sion Faculty will present a concert
at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, in
Hill Auditorium. The program will
consists of a selection by Wassily Be-

sekirsky, Violinist and Joseph Brink-
man, Pianist;,several songs by.Har-
din Van Deursen, Baritone acid Ava
Comm Case, Accompanist and a
selection by a string quartet com-
posed of Wassily Besekirsky, Violin-
ist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist; Hanns
Pick, Cellist; and George Poinar, Vi-
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X either
from last semester or (if they have
not been in residence since that time)
from any former sessions, will receive
grades of E unless the work is com-
pleted by July 30th. Petitions for ex-
tensipns of time, with the written
approval of the instructors concerned,
should be addressed to the Adminis-
trative Board of the College, and
presented at Room 4 University Hall,
before July 30th.
Record Concert for Graduate Stu-
dents and others interested will be
held Tuesday, July 29, at 8:00 in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing. The following program will be
played: Mendelssohn, "Scotch" Sym-.
phony, Brahm, Concerto for Piano
and Orchestra, Wagner, Music from
Tristan and Isolde, and Bloch, Schel-
The Commercial Education Club
will hold its weekly meeting today at
7:30 p.m. in the West Conference
room of the Rackham Building. A
discussion of the proposed'National
Club for Commercial Students.
"Psychology 42 makeup examiha-
tion will be given Thursday, July 30,
at 2 p.m. in Room 2125 Natural Sci-
Episcopal Students-Tea will be
served this afternoon in Harris Hall
from 4 until 5:30 p.m. All Episcopal
students and friends cordially in-
Episcopal Students-Celebration of
the Holy Communion at 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday in the Williams Memorial
Chapel, Harris Hall.
At the Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon
this noon in room 116 Michigan
Union, Professor H. McClusky will
give "Some Inside Glimpses of the
Operation of the American Youth
Commission." Members are reminded
of the initiation to be held this
Thursday at 4 p.m., followed by a
banquet at 6:30.
(Continued on Page 3)


By Lichty

, n..




760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of4 Sports World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Second Husband News By Smits Club Romanza Get Goin'
6:45 Second Husband Sports Parade" Serenade :larry Heilmann
7:00 Court of Johnny Happy Joe Secret Agent
7:15 Missing Heirs Presents Val Clare Ned Jordan
7:30 Gus Haenschen Horace Heidt's Musical To Be
7:45 Orchlestra Treasure Chest Rendezvous Announced
8:00 We, Battle of* Master Works Bringing Up Father
8:15 The People the Sexes of the Piano Bringing Up Father
8:30 Lewisohn Sta- Haphazard Ravina Park Challenge o' Yukon
8:45 dium Concert Haphazard Concert Steele Orch.
9:00 G. Miller Orch. A Date News Ace Wythe Williams
9:15 Public Affairs With Judy Defense Report Grant Park
9:30 Juan Arvizu College Good Concert
9:45 Melody Marvels Humor Neighbors Story Drama


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