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July 26, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-26

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President Ruthven States Case
Of Yoi2tb In YWar/Torn World


By Lichty




JIM~m .r..hL
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited, in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
f: College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staf

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
W omen's Editor


Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff

Business Manager. . .
Local Advertising Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Daniel H. Huyett
Fred M. Ginsberg
Florence Schurgin

i, I

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and representthe views of the
writers only.
Too Much Rope
For Leon Henderson .. .

GIVE A MAN enough rope, and if his
name's Leon Henderson he'll take
some more that doesn't belong to him and hang
Decreeing A cut in cotton manufacture pro-
duction, Henderson alienated the Southern cot-
ton growers. Threatening control of prices of
staple farm products, he alienated the Western
farmers. Limiting steel prices brought the wrath
of the mining and steel interests upon him and
now practically every industrialist in the coun
try has had his toes stepped on by Henderson's
latest move to regulate output and prices in
automobiles, refrigerators and other durable
consumer goods.
These moves may all be justified on the
grounds of necessity, but the fact remains that
this country is still a democracy and run on
the basis of such. Thus before Henderson may
legally impose the controls he advocates he
must be voted the authority by Congress.
HENDERSON has already gone too far for hiq
boss, Franklin D., who hastily announced
that curtailment of production of durable con-
sumer goods would not begin until factories
were ready to change over to defense industries,
thus insuring a minimum of unemployment as
a result of the change.
The President probably realizes that which
Henderson seems not to. that an office with the
powers that Henderson seems to think he now
hold must be established by Congress rather"
than by Presidential decree. He would rather
keep Henderson within bounds without asking
Congressional approval, being an admirer if
Henderson's methods which Congress is not.
Henderson has comein for a good bit of criti-
cism in both houses of Congress lately and
would stand little chance of having extra powers
voted him. Even if Congress found the moves
Henderson advocates to be necessary, it would
reserve the right to pass approval on the Presi-
dent's appointment of the man to hold whatever
authority it might vote. There is little chance
that Congress, at this point, would approve the
appointment of Henderson to hold such author-
THERE IS little hope for Henderson to accom-
plish his objectives legally under the present
set-up. His claim is that he is exercising the
same powers and to that same ext nt as Ber-
nard Baruch during World War I. An essential
difference, however, is that Baruch's hands were
tied until he could secure the approval of an
advisory board before putting any measure into
effect, whereas Henderson is his own adminis-
trator and advisory board combined.

(Editor's Note: The following is a paragraph out-
line of President Ruthven's address at Traverse City
last Wednesday. We regret that we have been un-
able to obtain a full text, but we believe the brief
notes below carry a message well worth printng.)
OF COURSE I will talk to you about your
University. If I had to give a title to this
message, I would say "The Propensity of an
Older Generation to Shortchange the Young.
Do I need to illustrate my meaning?
* * * i
We know and say that education is the only
means we have of building and preserving de-
mocracy, and yet a politician in power will all
too often deprive schools of support so that
he can use the money for other purposes.
Education is the most, not the least, impor-
tant of our activities.
We stir up wars and make our children fight
them. To be fair we ought to fight our own
battles . . . We not only send them out to be
shot but otherwise ruin their careers,
VWE DO NOT often stop to think of the far-
reaching effects of armed conflicts . . . let
me illustrate by describing their effects on the
University of Michigan.
In World War I, a large proportion of our
staff and students left. We had to supply
teachers who were not up to standard ... Many
students never returned; many careers were
Our institution has not yet recovered from
these blows.
Then came the aftermath of depression.
Appropriations were reduced and have never
been entirely restored . .. Who has suffered?
=Evidently the students.
Now we are again at the same business. Staff
members are today being called for all kinds of
service, and students are being conscripted.
These students have been told that they must
give but'one year of service; but now it is pro-
posed to keep them in the army.
I insist our children should not be deprived
of their educational opportunities.
If anyone goes out of here and accuses me
of advocating a privileged class of college stu-
dents, I want him to be man enough to say it
to me.>
All I am saying is, if we have to go to war
or even to prepare for defense, let us do so
intelligently an by all means let us be honest
with our boys and with ourselves.
IT IS as important to cure or make comfort-
able a wounded soldier as it is to help him
kill someone else. Where can we get doctors,
dentists and pharmacists except from colleges?
How stupid i is, from a realistic viewpoint, to
destroy our embryo chemists and engineers!
We know that our war efforts are iA4ore
wasteful than they need be ... Why not use
the business knowledge of young men trained
in this field rather than to put these men in
tank crops and into other services which can
best be performed by others?
I I leave this question with you: Why dis-
criminate against our boys in camp? Since
they are sacrificing both time and careers,
should they not have at least the wages their
brothers demand in industy?
I am under no illusions. I realize that we will
blunder along as we always have.
* * *
I WANT YOU TO KNOW what the Univer-
sity will try to do. That is the reason I am
here today.
We are going to hold your Uhiversity to-
gether. Among other things we will continue
to urge deferment ... We will try to keep our
staff intact . , . We will not turn the University
into a war college.,
We believe this is not a lack of patriotism.
It is, rather, an intelligent patriotism.
We are thinking about efficiency, and of
aftermath and rehabilitation . ,. . We want
Michigan to be ready to do her best now and
hereafter ... Only by refusing'to retreat from
her position among leading institutions can the

No Room For Intolerance
WE READ with interest of a booklet
entitled "Calling All Americans." It
is published by the Council Against Intolerance
In America for- the use of Army group, leaders.
It has been issued, the Council declares, to com-
bat "divisive propaganda" which "is being used
by the Nazis to disrupt morale in the camps."
The extent, method and effects of such Nazi
propaganda are obscure, but the attack against
it can not be too strong. As the booklet declares:
"Men of all races, men of all religions call them-
selves Americans; men with names like Richards
and with names like Schultz, Isaacs, Ryan, Al-
varado, Kovacs and Piazza." There must be no
division by prejudice or intolerance in a nation
arming for defense against a system of which
the blackest sort of projudice and intolerance
form the advance guard.
It occurs to us that the Council's booklet could
also be put to very good use among the civilian
population. -- Detroit Free Press

Let us admit to them that they may have to
fight-but not through any fault of theirs.
Let us pledge ourselves to make the loss to
them as light as possible.
Let us keep all of our promises to them,
whatever they may be.
If we do not do these things, we will have
another lost generation-or posibly two.
If we do keep their interests in mind, we will
have their respect and loyalty.
The United States will have greatest respon-
sibility for rebuilding the world. If we as its
citizens cannot reserve an intelligent loyalty to
Democratic Ideals, including an appreciation
of values and honesty with ourselves, we also
may expect to go down in the general wreck of
Duman hopes and aspirations.
Of Mi~kes & Men11
MOST station staffs average some four an-
nouncers, who are, of course, men. Prof.
Waldo Abbot had' found surveys to show that
even women cannot stand their own sex an-
nouncing. Yet somewhat amazingly, most sta-
tions average more women than men on their
staffs. Here, then, is the feminine forte-be-
hind those men behind the mikes.
Along any number of avenues may women
work into radio-through stenography, continu-
ity writing, research advertising, sales, library,
mailing and reception work, as well as drama
and music, and the talent lines. Thus, in all
these capacities, women outnumber the men
employed in broadcasting-somewhat assuming
the seen-and-not-heard role.
By going out to get those who go on the air,
Judith Waller became probably the best known
woman in the radio field. Director of the public
service programs for the cetral division of the
NBC, Miss Waller, with her extensive back-
ground in radio education, is much in demand,
especially by colleges and universities-and more
immediately, the University of Michigan. This
Wednesday in the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building, at 4:15 p.m., Miss Waller will discuss
public service prograis and speak on "The
Woman's Place in Radio." This occasion should
be well worthy of a capacity attendance-and
a memo at the moment if you're apt to forget.
* *
What should we find in the Morris Hall mail
but a request regarding a campus program popu-
lar five years ago-the "Art Pilgrimage to
Famous Museums" that Marie Abbot and Ade-
laide Adams conducted. With 35 of the prints
described, and esteemed consideration given the
whole collection that the air talks concerned,
this fan writes that two English artist visiting
"her wish reproductions.. . and adds "The broad-
casts sponsored by you are always of a very high
order, profitable, and instructive."
* * *
THROUGH WJR, 30 minutes of campus broad-
casting will be offered at 11 a.m. today. At
that time, the students in radio drama under
Don Hargis will present "The Miracle Maker."
Involved in this introduction are Ray Gerson,
Roger Reed; Betty Wooster, Edward Wright,
Lawrence Read, Claire Cook, Marienne Gould,
and Frank Jones. Thelma Davis and Betty GM-
lagher, will furnish the sound effects while Doris
Hess manages music. Edward Webb is to be the
Fifteen minutes thereafter, "Drums Among
the Poets" will be aired, with Frances Griffen,
Thelma Davis, Ted MeOmber, Betty Wooster
and Tom Armstrong taking the down-beat front
Director Hargis.
If "The Two Mummies" dominated your dial-
ing yesterday afternoon, and you desire identity
of those involved-Bud H1illiard, Jane Herrick,
Roger Reed, Claire Cook, Frederick Nelson, and
Edward Wright were the performers, and Alex
Miller, perpetrator of the sounds . . . With the
new screen devised by chief engineer Charlie
Moore, thunder now resounds through the Mor-

ris Hall air at the mere union of plug and pick-up
head from a phonograph play-back army . .
Other innovations around the studio include
a clock in the classroom, and that office as-
sistant Moore has been meriting so long ---
Mr. Stan Boynton, president of the Detroit
Aircasters Agency, dropped by the studio the
other day, as did Dicky Slade, with two raises as
result of audition offers. Dick reports that W45D
Soon goes to 50,000 watts, and is destined to be
the key station of that proposed FM network,
the American Broadcasting System ...
About 90 percent of the feature films shown
in New Zealand are American.

University help to build
crumbling civilization a
worthy of man.

* * *

"Oh, cook anything you want today, honey-but what are we goingt
to have to eat tonight?"
(Editor's Note: It's too hot today and uratively speaking!) you have a good
there was just one too many last night. chance of ending up as something
So Eugene Mandeberg does a return
engagement today.) besides a private.f
I BROTHER'S in the army. That At this point, some wag is very
doesn't make me a better man liable to interpose with "kid stuff."
than you are, Gunga Din, but it has Okay, I haven't registered yet, but
given me an insight into some of I've got a brother who did, and who
the things that go on in army camps, is now wrapped in khaki. This isn't
and now, a chalice to refute at least brain fever, it's straight stuff. You
some of the rumors that are floating don't have to be an apple polisher to
through the air concerning food, of- get places in the army, a bit of hard
ficers, leisure time, and so forth. work, and use of the noggin is all
In the first place, if you've given that's required.
up a good job to enter the army, you So you with the low number, don't
aren't awfully happy at the pros- be a sucker. There are fellas in the
pect of spending at least a year away army now whom you'll be glad to
from whatever position and goodwill know, and have one hell of a time
you've managed to build up through with. If you think the food is bad,
your own hard work. You may not just be sure that you keep your cake
shine to KP or sentry duty, or get- out of the gravy, and your soup from
ting black and blue from firing a slopping into your meat. If you're
rifle for two days. sarge is a son-of-a-gun, do your
Sure, you aren't at all keen ,about work up right, he'll change. Jut r-
the whole business, but hell, brother, member that if things go wrong,
you're in the army now. What younoth
were doesn't mean a damn thing, nine chances out of ten you're the
you can still scrub the barracks floor guy who's entirely responsible for it.
and be told what time to get up and Nobody's out to '"get" you, you have
when to go to bed. It's what you do to get there yourself.
while you're in service that douits * * *
and I ain't giving a ladies aid society
pep talk. It's the usual stuff, work I WAS THIN and undernourished.
hard, don't be where you're not sup- I was pale and my complection
posed to be, and with a bit of luck was bad. My appetite was gone, and
and intelligence, you have a good I was thin as a rail. People passed
chance of getting somewhere in this me by onfthe street, they ditn't see
man's army. me. I was a mess!
But the point, the thing that can Then one day I read about that,
Butteyoint, he thing sat yc which if taken, mst folks feel like
absolutely make you or squash you, happy/ days are here agam the next
is your own mental attitude. It's the day.
guys that gripe about the food, the - So I bought a box.
heat, the beds, the officers, the But I was not like most folks.
camp, and the army that. really get I am still thin and undernourished.
I am pale and my complection is bad.
it in the neck. Sure, this isn't your I have no appetite and I am as thin
idea of a vacation either, but what as a rail. People pass me by on the
the hell can you do about it? An- street, they don't see me. I am a
swer: Not a damn thing, so make mess.
Oh hell, I'm miserable!
the best of it.
of it require from you? Well, All students interested in cn-
several things. It's up to you to de- tributing essays, poetry and short
cide that you're going to have a good stories to the summer issue
time. Maybe not the sort of good of Perspectives, campus literary
time you're used to in civilian life, magazine, are urged to leave con-
but a good time army style. Then, tributions at/the Student Publica-
get out there and look for something tions Building as soon as possible.
to do besides taking orders. There The magazine will beissued Aug.
are plenty of openings for collegs 10 and no copy will be received
graduates, orK men with several years afer Aug 4.. For further informa-
of college education behind them. If tion call The Daily or 8967.
you work from the openin~ gun (fig -_______________
760 KC - CS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson Youth Dramas To Be Announced
6:15 Inside of Sports Science Program Youth Dramas Sandotters
6:30 wayne King's S. L. A. Marshall Sons Of To Be Announced
6:45 brchestra- Sports Parade The Saddle Harry Heilmann
7:00 Spotlight Latitude Zero Serenade Town Talk
7:15 Spotlight Latitude Zero Val Clare; ijews Organ Favorites /
7:30 News Comes Truth Or Hawaii Bishop &
7:45 To Life Consequence Calls the Gargoyle
8:00 Your Barn News Ace Green Hornet
8:15 Hit Dance Forces Quiz Green Hornet
8:30 Parade Barn Gould Orchestra NBC
Z:45 Saturday Night Dance Gould Orchestra Summer
9:00 Serenade Whoopin' Chicagoland Symphony
9:15 Public Affairs Holler Concert Concert

ABOVE ALL I hope that we
with our boys, and I urge
to be honest with them.

will be honest
all adults also

on the ashes of a
new social order

v ~( a .± i.:


Drw Pedars
Apbet .ANe.
WASHINGTON-The double-bar-
relled dose of economic warfare-
freezing Axis orders and the black-
list-played real hob with'Axis op-
erations in South America.
CONFIDENTIAL government cables
report that as a result of these
measures, 25,000 Axis nationals have
been uprooted wholesale from their
thriving enterprises and have be-
come refugees, getting 1 dose of the
bitter medicine Germany meted out
to millions' of European victims
forced to flee their homes.
Most of the Axis agents are flock-
ing to Southern Chile, where there is
a large German colony. From Bo-
livia alone two trainloads of Axis
agents left for Arica, in Northern
Chile, where they boarded a Japan-
ese ship chartered to take them to
Valdina, in the south. This concen-
tration m Southern Chile is not dis-
turbing authorities and they are do-
ing nothing to stop it. The region is
remote, easily isolated and it is
broadly hinted that it may be made
a sort of "concentration camp" un-
der military guard.
IT CAN also be revealed that in ad-.
dition to the original blacklist of
1,800 names, there is another con-
taining 4,500 more.
When these names will be. pub-
lished depends on secre$r investiga-
tions now Under way both in the
U.S. and Latin America by Commerce
Department experts. Secretary Jesse
Jones has ordered that particular
attention be 'given to the shipment
of U.S. goods packed and labelled
to resemble German products to Nazi
firms in Latin America. Many of
them have done a thriving business
in this merchandise, turning over
the profits for Axis political ma-
The blksting effect of the two eco-
nomic warfare bombshells is graph-
ically revealed in , the confidential
Going Into Trade
ONE CABLE from Honduras re-
ported that five days after the
publication of the blacklist the Ger-
man Tourist Bureau shut down com-
pletely, and a German commercial
establishment with 40 branches sold
out. Also reported were the efforts
of a wealthy German to cache $64,000
worth of bonds of the Bank of Hon-
duras. Apparelitly fearing they
would be seized under a freezing or-
der, he turned them over to the Ger-
man legation for safe keeping.
From another repfiblic a report
told of a German agent trying $o
deposit $500,000 in American cur-
rency im the government bank, sub-
ject to demand withdrawal. The
money was refused.
Another cable reported that nu-
erois Axis publications are being
forced out of business. The com-
bination of having their funds shut
off, being blacklisted, plus an em-
bargo on American newsprint is cut-
ting the ground from under them.
Note:Only sour note in the confi-
dential reports is that Japanese
agents are popping up in the Central
American capitals and taking over
the German tourist agency business.
Whether this is being done in secret,
collusion or the Japanese are mov-
ing into a field vacated by the Ger-
mans is not yet known.

Anti-Nazi Bull's Eye
NE RESULT of the, anti-Axis
drive which gives Commerce De-
partment chiefs much satisfaction is
that it has started a movement
among old Spanish families to "go
into trade."
In the past these blue-stockings,
hacienda and mine-owners, shunned
commerce. They spent their win-
ters on the Riviera, spring in Paris,
and only a few months of. the year
on their estates. But with Europe
untenable they hav been forced to
remain at home, and with the Ger-
mans and Italians being driven out
of business, scions of the old fami-
lies are showing an interest in this
field. In Bolivia two mine-owning
families already have become active.
This is a development strongly fa-
vored by U.S. authorities, as it makes
for an indigenous trading class and
ensures the permanent elimination
of Axis operators.
Sword Of Solomon
WHEN Supreme Court Justice
James Byrnes took the oath of
office his hand rested on the 82nd
Psalm, which reads in part, "Defend
the poor and the fatherless; do jus-t
tice to the afflicted and the needy .:."
And the President, concluding a
glowing tribute to Byrnes' long and
brilliant career in Congress, said
"Since appointing Jimmy to the



w I




Henderson's future is not a bright one. He has
alienated a good proportion of the population,
the constituents of the Congressmen who must
pass approval on him if he seeks to have the
power he needs delegated to him. He has alien-
ated many Congressmen directly. He has gone
a bit too far for Mr. Roosevelt. He will not be
able to go farther without Congressional ap-
proval, and whether he can regain the ground
he 'has already lost is doubtful.
Whether Henderson's controls, those in effect
already and those proposed, are -necessary, is
another question. There is no doubt that they
would mean sacrifices to consumers. Manufac-

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