FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1941
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Daily Calendar of Events
vT-- - r..,l -r,
Friday, July 25-
8:30 p.m. "The Little Foxes," by Lillian Hellman. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without
pM, r
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
.Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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National Advertisinig Service, Inc.
, College Publishers Representative
CHICAGO - Boston . LO ANsGES . SAN FRANcisco
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Washington Merry- Go-Round
Managing Editor
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Associate Editor
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Women's Editor
Editorial Staf
Karl Kessler
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William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
Barbara Jenswold
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Business Manager sDaniel H. Huyett
Local AdvertisingrManager Fred M. Ginsberg
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The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
In Appreciation
To Dr. Ruthven ...
W E READ President Ruthven's latest
address at Traverse City yesterday.
On behalf of the students of this University and
many another university throughout the coun-
try, we wish to express our sincere appreciation.
Once more, President Ruthven has shown
himself a true liberal, the same far-sighted edu-
cator made famous by the "Little Red School-
house" speech of several years ago. Once more
he, has expressed the hopes and fears of the
undergraduate generation far better, far more
eloquently than we have been able to express
those views ourselves.
But far more than that, he has voiced the plea
of education: what will become of education and
true democracy after the war? His answer to
that plea is the answer of a man who holds the.
ultimate welfare of his country in far higher
esteem than does the "all out for defense" pro-
ponent. The University must resist all efforts
to transform it into a war college, he cautioned,
for they must concentrate on preparations to
meet the post-war problems: problems that may
prove more crucial than those of the war we are
now fighting.
THE ISSUE of an extended draft is far from
settled. There are certainly points to con-
sider on both sides of the- issue. We hope that
President Ruthven has brought to the attention
of our representatives in Washington some of
the arguments for the other side of the question:
the arguments that General Marshall and his
backers have not had time to fully consider.
We of the potential "lost generation," as Presi-
dent .Ruthven has called us, are not catagorically
opposed to sacrificing a part of our true heri-
tage: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We do, however, want definite proof that what-
ever sacrifices we make shall not be in vain. If
those sacrifices will insure the future retention
of our democratic freedoms, well and good. But
we will not submit to indecisive theories, pro-
pounded by arm-chair tacticians who know men
only as numbers in a giant lottery.
- Karl Kessler
WASHINGTON-Criticism of Roosevelt by
isolationists is an old story on Capitol Hill; but
the President was never more sharply criticized
than by his staunchest senatorial supporters at
a recent hair-down get-together over foreign
Speaking as first-hand sufferers, they unbur-
dened themselves about "White House leader-
ship" in bitter words.
The pow-wow took place in a private dining
room off the Senate restaurant. Among those
present was Vice-President Wallace, who, how-
ever, left early. The discussion centered on two
grievances, which have galled Cabinet and Ad-
ministration leaders ever since the defense emer-
gency arose.
One is Roosevelt's constant backing and fill-
ing on taking firm measures against the Axis;
the other his frequent habit of letting down
those who carry the ball for him in Congress.
Leading the attack were aggressive, young New
Deal Senators Josh Lee of Oklahoma and Claude
Pepper of Florida. Both sharply censured Roose-
velt for his "ultra-caution" in waiting for public
opinion to jell on foreign policy, instead of
"leading public opinion," which, they declared,
he should do as President.
said, was his vacillating stand on convoys.
Lee and Pepper contended that the President
realizes more clearly than anyone else that con-
voys are necessary if supplies are to be delivered
to Britain. Yet, despite this, he has held back
from openly espousing convoys for fear of
Wheeler-Lindbergh outcries that he is trying to
get the country into war.
Slapped Down
On the other hand, every time one of the
President's supporters speaks out for convoys
or some other vigorous policy, Senator Lee com-
plained, he is promptly slapped down by a
White House spokesman.
"I am sincerely trying to help the President,"
said the Senator from Oklahoma, "but frankly,
I am getting disheartened by his failure to back
up those of us who stick our necks out for him.
I delivered a speech on foreign policy not long
ago which the President saw and approved be-
forehand. The next day I was called to task by
the White House."
Wallace Departs
OTHERS echoing similar complaints were
Democratic Senators Alben Barkley, Francis
Maloney of Connecticut, and Abe Murdock of
Utah; also Republicans Styles Bridges of New
Hampshire, Chan Gurney of South Dakota and
Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota. Barkley particu-
larly appeared to enjoy the panning session, but
not Vice-President Wallace.
He said little, except to agree that the White
House had been guilty of some inconsistency.
When the group really began to get rough with
the President, Wallace nervously excused him-
self and departed. The only one present who
spoke a word in defense of the President was
Pepper, who speculated that the "pressure of
work" might have something to do with the
failure to back up supporters of the foreign
Republicans Bridges, Gurney and Ball got a
big hand from Democratic colleagues when they
protested that despite his talk about "national
unity," the President's GOP supporters were
seldom invited to White House conferences on
foreign policy.
Franked Racial Propaganda
THE Steuben Society of America, 369 Lexing-
ton Ave., is sending out large quantities of
propaganda in the franked (free mail) envelopes
of Senator Gerald P. Nye, vociferous North Da-
kota foe of Roosevelt's anti-Axis policy.
The propaganda consists of a speech by Theo-
doreH. Hoffman, national chairman of the So-
ciety, which Nye inserted in the Congressional
Record (at public expense) as an "extension of
his remarks." The only way the franked enve-
lopes could be obtained is from Nye himself.
The Society also is offering franked envelopes
of Nye and Senator Burt Wheeler, containing
attacks on the Aid-Britain program, to its mem-
bers for distribution.
Announcement of this interesting U.S.-fi-
nanced propaganda campaign is contained in a
bulletin issued by Unit No. 55 of the Society
calling a meeting to be addressed by Hoffman.
This was the message :
"At this meeting copies of addresses by Sena-
tors Nye and Wheeler will be distributed to mem-
bers so that they may send them to their
friends. Come and get your share of leaflets
for distribution. These excerpts can be used to
publicize our Society to great advantage. They
can be sent to those of our race and others to
demonstrate in the first instance that our So-
ciety is doing something, and in the second in-
stance, that those of our race have been an
"THESE EXCERPTS are in franked envelopes
'andrequire no postage. We must keep up
the fight to stay out of war, and this is one of
the ways in which we can help."
Note-Henry Hoke. editor of the Reporter of
Direct Mail Advertising, also has charged that
Wheeler's frank was used by certain organiza-
tions to distribute racial literature. Wheeler
hotly denied this, but when further challenged
on the matter of Ulric Bell, executive secretary
of the Fight for Freedom Committee, made no
Silent Socialist Treatment
Norman Thomas found the Senate Military
Affairs committee a poor sounding board for his
isolationist views when he testified against ex-
tending the one-year service of selectees. What
he doesn't know is that New Deal Senators Josh
Lee of Oklahoma and Lister Hill of Alabama
planned it that way.
The limelight-loving Socialist leader was pant-
ing for a clash with supporters of the President's
defense policies. After reading a prepared state-
ment, he leaned back ad challengingly de-
manded: "Any questions, gentlemen?"
Lee and Hill looked him over. "How do you
think we ought to handle him?" whispered Lee.
"He's just aching to have someone question him
so he can sound off."
"LETS give him the silent treatment,", advised
Hill. "That's the one thing that will stop
him." Lee nodded enthusiastically, and the word
was flashed down the line, from senator to
senator. Each in turn grinningly replied, "No
"Thank you very much,'Mr. Thomas. We en-
joyed hearing your views," said Chairman Reyn-
olds finally, as the Socialist leader, his face the
color of a stop-light, gathered up his papers and
sheepishly left the stand.
Happy Days
No Defense chief can boast of more staunch
friends in Congress than New York's cyclonic
"Little Flower," Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, boss
of the Civilian Defense program.
A member of the House for 14 years, he is
still a prime favorite of both Democratic, and
Republican Congressmen who knew him as a
colleague. One of his closest cronies is able,
level-headed Representative Jed Johnson of Ok-
lahoma, a House veteran of 15 years.
The other day the Mayor met Mrs. Johnson,
with her 14-year-old daughter, Jean, and stopped
for a chat.
"This is Mayor LaGuardia, Jean," said Mrs.
"Oh, I remember him," spoke up Jean. "He
used to have an office right next to daddy's."
"Yes, Jean," LaGuardia sighed, "those were
the happiest days of my life. And your father
helped to make them that way."
British Plot
AFTER nearly four weeks of hearings, the
House Rivers and Harbors committee has
at last got the inside lowdown on the Great
Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway project.
The whole scheme is a gigantic English plot.
It originated 300 years ago, when English colo-
nists began edging in on the French in the Great
Lakes area, and Britain has pursued it doggedly
ever since.
Revealer of the plot was John H. Northrup,
supervisor of the Niagara County (N. Y.) Board
of Supervisors, who read a lengthy historical
paper on the subject. This was his tale:
England successfully edged out the Dutch
and then the French in 100 years of struggle,
and for 13 years after theTreaty of Paris, Brit-
ish troops continued to hold the old French
forts on the American side of the border, ex-
tending from Chicago to Ogdensburg. They
didn't evacuate until July 4, 1796. In this treaty
they bamboozled the Founding Fathers out of
control of the St. Lawrence.
The War of 1812, Northrup continued, was
purely a struggle between American and Cana-
dian portage interests for control of interior
trade. The British won a diplomatic victory in
the Rush-Baggott treaty provision that neither
Canada nor the United States would fortify the
border or maintain navies on the Great Lakes.
Britain controlled the mouth of the St. Lawrence
and thereby the trade route.
THIS SITUATION irked men like DeWitt
Clinton, and in 1817 New York State started
digging the Erie Canal to make an all-American
waterway. Its completion in 1825, Northrup
orated, made the British lion writhe. In retalia-
tion, England started the Welland Canal in 1824
to by-pass Niagara, finished it in 1833, and
opened the Canadian series of St. Lawrence
canals in 1848, completing an all-British route
to the Atlantic.
By Terence
THE OLD COLONEL was a noted
card shark. For years he had been
making his living that way, aces up
his sleeve, dealing from the bottom,
or throwing fresh decks, "cold" in
the jargon of the table, into the
The boys liked the old colonel, and
they stood for it to an extent. One
night they decided to pull a trick
on him that would discourage his
practices. They sneaked into his
room while he was out, and took
out the stacked deck they knew he
would throw into the game that eve-
ning. With a pot of glue they pasted
the faces and backs of all 52 cards
That night the game started as
usual. The time came 'round for
the colonel to deal, and with the
deftness of a surgeon he switched
the decks, putting the "cold" one
into the game. He started to deal,
but the cards wouldn't budge. There
was an embarrassed silence, as he
tried again, but finally the old man
regained his composure.
"Fellows," he said, "I've been
throwing cold decks into the game
for years-but this is the first time
I ever got ahold of one that was
completely frozen."
* * *
Headline in The Michigan Daily,
July 23:
Bridge To Be Held
By Michigan Dames
And did the Michigan Dames cry
"O Tiber, Father Tiber!" as they
stood before the enemy. Mrs. Hora-
tio, '29, at the bridge!
* * *
TWO GIRLS here at the Publica-
tions Building, Barb DeFries and
Joan Clement, are undertaking the
job of putting out a Perspectives this
summer. It's some job they've got
on their hands, too. A good idea,
though, and they deserve support.
It'll give Summer Session students
an opportunity to see their writing
in print. They need contributions,
though, short stories especially. So
if you have any pet product hidden
away in the trunk, dust it off and
bring it up here to Barb or Joan to
look over in the next few days.
* * *
PUBLIC NOTICE: To all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, espe-
ciallythe mistakes of nature on
the ad staff: In the future when
my bicycle is parked in front of
The Daily, it is perfectly okay for
any of you to borrow it providing:
1) That I have been duly con-
sulted; 2) That I have given my
consent; 3) That said vehicle is
returned in good condition within
the stipulated period of time.
THINGS Not To Miss This Sum-
mer: The Repertory Players'
production of The Little Foxes ....
A. J. Cronin's new book The Keys of
the Kingdom . . .' the circus that's
coming to town Tuesday . . . a new
mystery out called I'll Eat You Last
. the Arboretum about six in the
evening when the sun is just begin-
ning to go behind the hills...
SPEAKING OF The Little Foxes, it's
time to throw another bouquet to
Ada McFarland. I think the girl
really has what it takes to go some
place on the stage. She's attractive,
she has a wonderful voice, and her
ability to metamorphose her person-
ality is remarkable. (To Barb Jens-
wold, Daily reviewer who feared Ada
might be typed: Trelawney was far
different from Beatrice, and Beatrice
was little like the part in The Little
Foxes. And in Ladies In Retirement
Miss McFarland played the part of
a nun.) Anyway, I think she has a
wonderful future, and probably the
time she has spent here has done1
more for her than anything else
could do. Hope she'll stick around
for another year at least, not only
because I want to see her in more
plays,but because I thinkrit will do
her good. The girl's really got a
future . . . if she's careful.
* * *
BY THE WAY, I wonder how many
of our wide-awake American
youthsthave observed the sign adver-
tising the Repertory Players' season
in a State Street store. It's a very
large sign and the central display is,
in large letters, THE MICHIGAN
tory is spelled RERETORY .
The Argument On Tipping
Testimony, at the Labor Depart-
ment hearing on the financial status
of railway station redcaps has been
sharply conflicting. Do the redcaps
make more money now that there is
a fixed charge of 10 cents for every
piece of luggage they-carry, or did
they do better in the old days of
indiscriminate tipping? Witnesses
t *
J f t7
FR'g. U-S- Pat Of( .All Rt.,~ 1
= °
,a ,
"There's an information leak somewhere, Lieutenant-I can
never bring the fleet in without my wife being on hand!"
Letters To The Editor
Students Enter A Plea...
Editor, Michigan Daily
An Open Letter to the
University Administrators:
On July 4, the editor of The Daily
was kind enough to print a letter
inquiring why the names of students
in the University's Institute of Public
and Social Administration (Curricu-
lum in Social Work) located at 40 E.
Ferry St., Detroit, Mich., never ap-
pear in the Student Directory. The
letter also expressed the hope that
the forthcoming Summer Directory
would list the names of all the regu-
larly enrolled students.
'Of Every Student'
When the Directory appeared on
Tuesday, July 8, The Daily carried
a large advertisement which read in
part that the 1941 Student and Fac-
ulty Directory contained the, sic,
"Home Address, Ann Arbor Address,
Phone Number and School of Every
Student in Summer School." Better
Business Bureau would probably la-
bel such advertising 'false' and 'mis-
leading' because, as usual, not a
single student in the social work
school was listed.
Inquiries about this matter' have
brought, at best, only evasive an-
swers from various University offi-
cials and clerks who are supposed to
be in a position to remedy the situa-
tion. We would like the University
administration offices to give us
some definite information on this
matter, either through the Daily
Letter Box or through some other
Poor Administrative Function.
Unquestionably, this repeated over-
sight to list the names of the 150-odd
students who are usually enrolled in
the Social Work Curriculum indi-
cates that somewhere along the line
there is poor administrative func-
tion. In the light of the fact that
this particular schools calls itself
the "Institute of Public and Social
Administration" this is unfortunate.
The leastrthat a school or program
which professes to teach the art and
science of social and public adminis-
tration can do, is to set an example
of sound administrative procedure-
yes-even in such a "minor" matter
as the one which prompted this let-
ter. We sincerely hope when the
Fall Directory comes out, that the
social workers will be included just
like the medics, lawyers, and others
are included. It certainly should not
prove a difficult task to list, John
Doe, Soc. Wk., '42, or whatever the
An Apology To
Basil Mathews ...
To the Editor:
I am deeply distressed to find in
The Michigan Daily this morning
that I have been made to say ex-
actly the opposite of what I did say
and wholeheartedly mean. Normally
I would not bother to correct a re-
port; but your report makes me take
a horrible and impossible position-
for me-on the most vital of all
things for the future of America as
well as the rest of the world.
Manuscript In Advance
Your reporter had my manuscript
a day in advance. It is therefore in-
excusable that I should be reported
as saying "there is no ultimate de-
fense against the oppressors." My
manuscript reads as follows: "There
is no real ultimate defense for the
freedom of the mind and for the
sacredness of truth- and justice
against the Nazi, the Bolshevik and
Shinto doctrine of the absolute au-
thority of the state over the mind
and the soul, except in the truth
that man is not just a material be-
ing, but is a living soul into whom
the Creator breathed the breath of
the eternal spirit."
The First Step
I, in the next sentence, said that
the first step to that freedom is "to
break the military might of the to-
talitarian dictators" but that this is
only the first step.
As the repercussions of your re-
port give people the conviction that
my views are so disastrously wrong,
I feel that you owe it to your public
as well as to me to make this cor-
Yours sincerely,
Basil Mathews
(Editor's Note: The Daily's most
sincere apologies to Professor
Mathews. The regrettable error
was purely the result of sloppy
editing. We are very sorry.-K.K.)
case may be.
We wish again to thank The Daily
for enabling us to give questions
dealing with the "forgotten social
workers way off in Detroit" the pub-
licity we think these questions de-
serve. We further hope that in the
future The Daily can continue--at
least through its letter box-to pro-
vide an opportunity for expression
of various students.
Sincerely yours,
Social Work Student
t '.-.
By Lichty
Learn Democracy
At The Parkey,. ..
REE SPEECH and the free expres-
sion of ideas have long been in-
trinsic among the ideals of a full democracy and
a liberal university. The unrestrained intercourse
of unprejudiced ideas should be further en-
couraged as an extra-curricular function of the
University, and it is this function that is again
this week being undertaken by the Summer
The keynote of the Parley is informality. They
provide a medium where faculty and students
can meet on equal footing, not as teacher and
pupil, but each as free thinkers in their own
The success of the parleys is, in turn, deter-
mined entirely by the interest and intellectual
honesty of the students and faculty attending
the parley panels. The role of the keynoter and
the various chairmen is but to set the atmos-
phere, to hold the discussion along a unified
'760 KC - CBS 950 KCG- NBC Red 800 KG - Mutual 1270KG - NBC Blue
Friday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Jas. Bourbonnais
6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Factfinder
6:30 Quiz of News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Two Cities Sports Parade Evening Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Claudia Service Hour Happy Joe Auction Quiz
7:15 Claudia Service Hour val Clare Auction Quiz
7:30 Proudly We Hail Information Please Air Temple Death Valley Days
7:45 Proudly We Hail Information Please Dream Awhile Death valley Days
8:00 Great Moments Waltz Time Sen. Luding-ton Ben Bernie
8:15 From Gr'at Plays Waltz Time Interlude Ben Bernie
8:30 Hol'w'd Premi're Uncle Walter's Barracks Happy Birthday
8:45 Holl'w'd Premi're Doghouse Party Happy Birthday
9:00 Penthouse Party Wings of To Be Announced To be Announced
9:15 Penthouse Party Destiny Who Knows To Be Announced